Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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5 posters

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:43 am

    OoC)) Skip. Arry is overly excited and he's running circles around Faux.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1933

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:02 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 LJYHuM
    Outside the Battle Castle|Morning

    The Undead Charizard started to move into the wooded area in search of a small morsel to eat such as a Rattata or even a totodile. The sounds of life had caught his attention. "That scent. Warm, living mortals.Thou shall falter in blood and flesh." Dracul said as he stalked through the woods as if he was on the prowl. His prey was around and he would enjoy tormenting them before ending their miserable lives. Even then he would force them to tell him where Mathias is. A crack in the wood was heard. Dracul's attention was drawn to it and that crack had been a rattata trying to get free. "What thou saith of thy final moments?" However before he was to pick it up and take a bite out of it his attention was caught by another sound and it was voices. It seems he'll have to torment them as well. The Charizard was going to have his fun before disposing of them.

    Following the voices, Dracul took a bite out of the ratatta and out came its blood for him to drink. His thirst was quenched for now but his mind was all the same wanting more and his brother. As he came to as close as he could to the voices without being seen, Dracul finished his small meal. With most of the meat missing and only some remaining he spotted not one but two pokemon but one was undead. "How thy brethren hast fallen in league with mortals. This shall bring thy mind to it was." Dracul threw the ratatta corpse right in front of Miyu while remaining hidden. There was only one thing in mind. Create fear and chaos. The living must be purged from this land.

    OoC)) Due to issues with a host site with Dracul's Image on it I will need to wait until it comes back up to reupload it.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2679

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:49 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 BdPs5f8
    Outside the Battle Castle || Morning
    Cinder 146 || Faux 110

    "Leave to where? Back to the castle? Surely we could wait a little longer." Etin's voice was lighthearted but the sarcastic sting was still there. Cinder practically cringed away from it, hurt that he would act so harshly to a simple suggestion. "Of course, I just thought it wouldn't hurt to check how much food was left." She argued back, keeping her own voice calm and smooth. They all only had a rough estimate, and checking would put herself at ease as well as a confirming how long they could last.

    Faux had started to slowly pad around the watering hole, her ears perked but face and stance relaxed. "We will likely have to return anyway to store any leftovers." The fox rebutted, her eyes firmly but lazily looking ahead of her as she spoke. "We could check then while we are already there. No need to make unnecessary trips." The fox spoke clear of thought, but her focus was solely on listening for anything unusual. She heard nothing aside from her companions and the soft sway of wind in the leaves. The mist had quickly burned off, revealing a bright morning of green, brown, and grey. The smell of smoke remained in the air, and the black patch of the Arcade could vaguely be seen even here. Such a quiet morning, she realized, was a treat.

    Cinder could not feel that same ease. Exposure worked its way into her fur, making her skin crawl as the viewing distance increased. The others didn't seem to notice, or if they did they didn't care; after all, this bath was supposed to wash away yesterdays tears. It was a fresh start, a clean slate, but her fear would not stop. Of them all one seemed completely unbothered; Arry. With a deep breath the Quilava tried to calm herself. Walking to the other side of the pond she gathered up any remaining pebbles and stones she could find and brought them over to the Aron's pile. "Your stars look great," she praised, wanting to feel the same calm as the child. "Maybe they'd like a moon to join their little sky?"

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:55 am

    ((Skip. Will try to edit in a post later.))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Sep 16, 2019 3:53 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 D6lDAeI
    Outside the Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 128 | Melanie 130

    "Of course, I just thought it wouldn't hurt to check how much food was left." There was an intimidate backpedal in Cinder's argument, her words covering her ass as she sought excuses. Etincelle hrumf'd to himself, pushing his salty feelings aside as he groomed unkempt portions of fur. Much like his pelt he forced himself to smooth out and remain calm; there was no need to escalate things. "One of us could check just as easily." He pointed out, hoping that would satisfy her if she was truly adamant on checking the food. Whether Faux saw the bullshit in Cinder's side or the humor in his she quickly drew a line in the sand. "We will likely have to return anyway to store any leftovers. We could check then, while we are already there. No need to make unnecessary trips."

    Etin cocked his head to the side, wanting to catch the look in the fox's eyes, but she wasn't even looking in their direction. She seemed distracted, focused on some unseen thing as she made their bickering stop. It was enough to make his skin crawl. Peeling himself away from Melanie he took a few steps in Faux's direction. The Electrike did not want to lose his peaceful high, but he couldn't help but have his ears perk up. There was nothing unusual, nothing to put him on edge or make him feel like prey. Perhaps there was something on the wind, but the small Pokemon couldn't discern anything over the plant life around them. He looked back at Cinder who was occupying herself with Arry. Somehow, their peaceful, fresh start had taken a turn without anything really happening.

    Digging his pads into the ground Etin spoke calmly to make sure not to panic their youngest. "What's going on?" He asked, looking at each of his leaders. "Am I missing something here?" It was as if an unspoken pact had been made, and both Pokemon were struggling to remain as ease. Bird song could be heard in the distance; it was a perfect morning. What had changed?

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1933

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Sep 20, 2019 6:03 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 250px-304Aron
    Outside the Battle Castle|Morning

    More rocks was brought to Arry with him to make a night sky. With the rocks, he began making a moon.  He always liked making things to make others along with himself happy. Arry hums to himself as he places each rock to make the outer part of the moon. Though the adults was talking away, Arry was having fun making his moon. The birds chirping though was soothing but even then that began stopping.  The Aron looked around not hearing anything else. Maybe they're flying somewhere to begin singing again. "Moon moon moon moon. Making a moon with rocks." His innocence was unmatched but even then he still wants to learn how to fight to save Miyu if bad things begins to happen again.

    OoC)) I'll be expanding more tomorrow and possibly sunday if I don't fall ill again.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1933

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Sep 24, 2019 10:44 am

    OoC)) Skip Waiting for a response from Dazey's characters.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Sep 28, 2019 4:57 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 BdPs5f8
    Outside the Battle Castle || Morning
    Cinder 146 || Faux 110

    "What's going on?" Etincelle's words were sharp enough to make Cinder flinch. "Am I missing something here?" Could he not sense it, feel it, see it? Was he simply noticing her lack of energy, or was Melanie's comfort blinding him? Cinder was ringing her paws, and while the anxiety was plain it was unclear if it came from embarrassment or worry. What was she supposed to say, it felt odd to be outside? Unable to make eye contact the awkward fire type peeked over at the other and hoped she would offer him a reply.

    Rounding out her patrol Faux sat with her back turned at the water's edge and took in a deep breath. Her muscles went taut, tightening for a moment before she exhaled with a hard release of tension. "I'm surprised you haven't noticed it." The fox answered him, the dark glint in her eyes hidden by the angle. "Even through your solace you should have noticed how unnerving this is." Faux's ear twitched at the sound of Cinder's shuffling; she was dragging a paw through the water, stirring the mud just beneath the surface. "Something could be watching us," She sighed, the words holding a deep sorrow. There was a hard splash as she slapped the water and continued with hurried words. "What if it was waiting for someone to wander off? We just let that happen!"

    Cinder's muzzle pointed quickly to the hound and then the direction their friends had wandered off to. "This place pretends to be peaceful but its full of nothing but heartache." With light steps Faux stood and padded closer to her fellow flame. "They are not alone. An undead would be foolish to challenge a pair that close."

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:06 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 KJI7aYF
    Outside The Battle Castle | Morning | (148)(80)

    The fruit-bearing bushes were full of berries, with herbivores being a minority these days in the epidemic. It made for a plentiful selection for what was left of the berry-eating population, and with most of the fruit rotting away from lack of consumption, they could snack with less concern about conservation.

    Miyu plucked off berries beginning with the ripest and then closest to being ripe while leaving intact the newer berries. Her leaf bag held a large selection of spoils and she was enjoying the peaceful day foraging. It was therapeutic to just… pick berries without concern, daydreaming about tomorrow and the days following.

    Rebel’s pelt pricking into sharp spikes went completely unnoticed by the kit. She continued her task until a wet plop drew her attention to her paws in front of her.

    She stared down, a mess of remains at her paws from a tiny creature around her size lay slaughtered. She didn’t make a single response for several moments, the scene before her failing to register in her mind as it contrasted so terribly against the cheery and bright sun dappled environment she was basking in.

    Rebel leapt above her in a single swift motion, guarding the kit with his own body. His eyes fell to the dead Rattata, his face a mix of alarm and interest. The fresh blood piqued his hunger but the clear danger kept his senses sharp.
    “Something threw this.” His voice was a hushed whisper in her ear, and the smell of iron on his cold breath made the kit shudder. “When it shows itself, you are to high-tail it to the others. I’ll distract it.” She nodded, scrambling back away from the Rattata corpse before it made her puke.

    Rebel gently shushed the kit’s heavy breathing and adjusted his ears to pick up any sound nearby which might indicate their new friend’s location. It could see them, but they couldn’t see it. His mind raced. Should they hide? What if they bump straight into it? Dammit, if only he had been paying attention and saw where it was thrown from…

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Oct 06, 2019 3:17 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 D6lDAeI
    Outside the Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 129 | Melanie 130

    "I'm surprised you haven't noticed it. Even through your solace you should have noticed how unnerving this is." Etincelle winced at the fox's words. They were cold, almost belittling of the good thing to enter his life. Sure, his priorities had shifted in the last couple of days, but that didn't make him numb to the world around him. 'Notice what' hung limply on his tongue, but he knew better then to show his lack of understanding so plainly. Sinking his pads deeper into the mud the Electrike felt himself tense as Cinder continued, "Something could be watching us. What if it was waiting for someone to wander off? We just let that happen!"

    For a few seconds Etincelle didn't know what to think. They were both acting anxious, albiet in somewhat different ways, over something attacking them? Remaining calm he slowly looked side to side, breathing deeply for any strange scents. The pond smothered most traveling scents, but outside water and weeds all he could pick up was smoke. His immediate response was that there was nothing around but the others actions told him otherwise; they could never be too careful. Again he was reminded of his job as a scout, and how he had failed such a vital task. A wash of shame quickly overtook any bubbly joy he had regained, and while his head fell low his ears stiffened with a renewed sense of duty. The wind whispered, practically a voice he could not understand, and a chill suddenly passed through his spine.

    "They didn't wander," he tried to reassure her. The fire types were worming their way under his skin and seeding doubt in his own belly, but Etin tried his best not to let this morning be any rougher. "She has a destination in mind and a personal bodyguard." But she was not convinced, fear sparkling in her eyes as she mumbled to herself. "This place pretends to be peaceful but its full of nothing but heartache." Again, silence hung on his lips. What comfort could he add? Had tragedy befallen Mel he would still be the despondent heap he was earlier, unable to function after such a loss. Was that what Cinder felt for the Eevee, a kinship beyond words? From the moment they entered this renowned battleground it had been fairly void of undead presence outside the buildings. They may have false security here, but Miyu was going beyond its safety to the woods. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to go to her rather than have her lugging all that food back to us."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1933

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:57 am

    OoC)) Skip, Nothing really changed with what Arry's doing and he is unaware of whats going on.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:32 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 QgR7wWq
    Outside the Battle Castle | Morning

    What delight, what colors. An Eevee and a Jolteon. How tempting to put fear and malice into the hearts of the living would make his mark on the world all the more easy. The undead will bow to their new master. Dracul appears before the two. "Thou hast found me, but pity thou shall fall. Why does thou defend the living? Parasites thy living are. Hatred, lies, betrayal. Thou shall tell me where my brother hides lest thou beseeches a loss of life. I am Eu sunt Dracul and I shall devour thy life!" The Charizard shouts at both Miyu and Rebel. His foul odor tells of how many he's killed in his dark crusade. He had very little patience as his own selfish heart still and lifeless voids light and embraces darkness. Only those who shares his views are spared. Death being only one of them. "If death is what thou beseeched then I shall deliver such wishes. I shall beseech once more. Where is my brother? Tell me and I shall spare thee of a fate of death." Dracul wasn't messing around. He would kill them where they stood if they didn't answer him.

    His undead eyes then took a glance at Miyu. "What lovely child thou has? If thou doesn't answer, then she will. Don't think that I shan't strike her. A pox would befall should thou interfere." The Charizard threatens if he was attacked. He was all to familiar with taking the life of anyone who got in his way. Johto may have been a home at one point but now its the place where the night will last for an eternity. A wicked cruel smile was on the charizard's face as he moved closer towards Miyu. Harming her wasn't his intention but putting fear into her heart is. "Thou cares for thee brother? All thou hast to do is tell me what I beseech and I shall leave. Otherwise thou shall know fear." Dracul said as he revealed the meat of the dead bird pokemon in his maw.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2679

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Oct 18, 2019 4:16 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 BdPs5f8
    Outside the Battle Castle || Morning
    Cinder 147 || Faux 111

    Cinder couldn't help but be overwhelmed with guilt as she looked and Melanie and Etincelle. A few minutes ago they had what she was striving for; a true moment of peace in the calm morning. So then why had she set out to ruin that moment? Both of them were looking at her now, body language clear in that they were disquieted. The agitation she was showing was enough to shatter the calm they had desperately been clinging to. Even the soft breeze and ripple of the pond couldn't stop her muscles from tensing at every little rustle of leaves. She had wanted this time to be perfect...

    Etincelle had pondered her words as a silence fell between them. It was as if he was fighting to hold on to that delicate false peace for a moment longer before accepting the fear that had settled on top of them. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to go to her rather than have her lugging all that food back to us." A sigh puffed out of the Quilava's maw, a breath she had been holding finally being released as a faint smile creased her lips. "Her leg isn't one hundred percent, so I bet she'd appreciate that." Though truthful the words almost sounded feigned, but it didn't matter. With the closest thing to agreement she had gotten so far the fire types paws were itching to go. She turned, her hunch deepening as her forepaws inched their way toward the ground.

    "Wait." Faux's voice was like a stab to the heart. Her light steps were indicative of movement, not that Cinder turned to look, but she was not moving in the right direction. There was a pause as the small fox looked over Mel, her snout coming very close to her broken leg. "Mel isn't fit for excess travel." Then the weasel turned, teeth clenched. "We don't have to go fast!" She fretted, but Faux's very remained ever calm. "I know you're concerned but lets not cause further injury. We know the Castle is safe, so let's walk her back before tailing our friends." A weight sunk deep in Cinder's belly worse than the dread she had. She knew Faux was right. The logical fox only wanted what was best for them, and if that meant delaying things, then so be it.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:51 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 KJI7aYF
    Outside The Battle Castle | Morning | (149)(81)

    Their hidden enemy appeared before them, bringing with it all the putrid rot and horror of the epidemic. It was a Charizard, tainted with the telltale purple of zombification and eyes like burning beacons of hate.
    "Thou hast found me, but pity thou shall fall. Why does thou defend the living? Parasites thy living are. Hatred, lies, betrayal. Thou shall tell me where my brother hides lest thou beseeches a loss of life. I am Eu sunt Dracul and I shall devour thy life!" The creature roared.
    Rebel was rigid in alarm he’d never admit, and for the moment his calm facade was keeping Miyu composed as well. “Son of a motherfuck…” He murmured under his breath.

    "If death is what thou beseeched then I shall deliver such wishes. I shall beseech once more. Where is my brother? Tell me and I shall spare thee of a fate of death." The undead continued. It’s hissing voice was difficult to decipher but Rebel had the gist and spat a wad of blood at the ground in anger.
    “You’re asking the wrong guy,” Rebel growled. “We don’t know you or your brother.” Yeah, he knew in the back of his mind it wouldn’t be as simple as that, but hey, it was something.

    Rebel’s gaze shifted to follow the undead’s sight, with his eyes falling on the small kit cowering underneath him. She squeaked as she made eye contact with the dragon and Rebel gave a loud warning growl.
    "What lovely child thou has? If thou doesn't answer, then she will. Don't think that I shan't strike her. A pox would befall should thou interfere."

    She shrunk back further underneath Rebel, seeking solace from the uncomfortable gaze on her.
    “Touching her is a death sentence,” the Jolteon hissed. “Leave this place. We do not know who your brother is. Try Olivine to the East.”

    The Charizard face twisted into a grin, as though he either was batshit insane and heard none of that, or found immense pleasure in the terror of the Eevee. He slunk in closer, until she was overwhelmed with the smell of blood and rot. Her eyes were squeezed shut, not wanting to see the thing up close.
    "Thou cares for thee brother? All thou hast to do is tell me what I beseech and I shall leave. Otherwise thou shall know fear."

    “O-Olivine… Olivine…” She prayed silently the false answer would be enough to deceive the Charizard and get it to leave.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Oct 26, 2019 4:34 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 D6lDAeI
    Outside the Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 130 | Melanie 130

    With a small sigh of resignation Etincelle realized their relaxation was over. He longed to shake out the remaining water from his fur but suppressed the desire in favor of politeness. Pacing around Mel he looked for the best spot to help her to her paws. Favoring one flank he offered himself as a support as she awkwardly stood and balanced herself on three legs. There was a small wobble before the pair started to walk in unison away from the pool. "Wait." Mel interrupted their effort, forcing the pair to come to a janky stop as they looked at her. "Mel isn't fit for excess travel."

    Looking at the fox and the way she gingerly held her leg out a worm knotted in Etin's belly. Concern welled up inside him. Did she really dig and walk with that..? "I t-think I'll be fine," Mel argued but her words held no strength; it was clear she was just putting on a brave face. "We don't have to go fast!" Cinder added quickly as though the injury would prevent them from ever moving. Etin's face tightened in a flat expression- she really didn't need to be that dramatic. Luckily, Faux realized that and already had a better plan ready to go. "I know you're concerned but lets not cause further injury. We know the Castle is safe, so let's walk her back before tailing our friends."

    With an approving nod he pressed a little more firmly into Mel's side. "Sounds like a plan." Again the pair began walking as one, moving slowly but smoothly as they made their way down the human pathways. Now that he could see her moving the Electrike noticed how rough a shape the limb was in. It was swollen, and Mel bore no weight on it at all as she hobbled toward the Battle Castle. Whenever they had to pass a rough section or excessively gravely areas the Ninetales would whine as her steps grew more uneven. Their pace was indeed slow but Etincelle desperately wanted to go even slower for the fox's sake.
    Yet as he glanced over he could see anxiety pouring from Cinder. It was in her face and the way she moved. She wanted to go faster no doubt, but said nothing more as she knew Mel's condition. As the group came to a T in the path, one that continued toward the woods and forked toward the Castle, Etin dared to say, "We can make it back from here if you don't want to be held up."

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Oct 30, 2019 11:58 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 250px-304Aron
    Outside the Battle castle|Morning

    Arry stopped as he could tell something was amiss. Something was not right. The others was talking and he came over to talk to them. "I know you're concerned but lets not cause further injury. We know the Castle is safe, so let's walk her back before tailing our friends." The Aron then wondered if they're wanting him to stay with Mel. Guess asking them would work, but then again, its common knowledge that they could be facing danger. "We can make it back from here if you don't want to be held up." Looks like Etin was concerned as well. Not that he doesn't mind staying with Mel, but he wants to learn how to fight still. Mel wasn't in a condition to teach him and the others are busy keeping everyone alive. However seeing the birds flying away from the woods was a sign that there's an undead other than Rebel around.

    Arry then speaks what he wanted to ask. "Am I going to stay with Mel? Also what's wrong with the birds? They're flying away from the trees like they seen something bad." It was the biggest fear he was feeling. The bad guys they faced wasn't as scary as what might be out there. The bird pokemon was frightened so much that none of them came down. Arry could here nothing more than panicked screams. "Why are they scared?" He asked as he himself was feeling a bit afraid.

    OoC)) short post

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:59 am

    OoC)) Skip. Dracul continues to threaten doom upon Rebel and Miyu as he doesn't believe them.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Nov 07, 2019 5:50 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 BdPs5f8
    Outside the Battle Castle || Morning
    Cinder 148 || Faux 112

    Cinder walked with hurried steps. Though they were small and covered little ground each the rapid movement made her feel like they weren't walking so abysmally slow. Each time Mel let out a little pip or whine the Quilava felt herself flinch with reminder that the speed was set for a reason. Over her shoulder she could see Faux's head was low with thought, but ears hear with awareness- weary as ever. With a deep inhale she tried to steady herself. If it wasn't for her own fears this would just be a nice, calm walk. The past couple days must have scarred her worse than she realized, and with a hard shake of her pelt Cinder forced a small and her muscles to relax. Everything was fine.

    Faux padded beside her without a word, her own thoughts quieted as she let her mind relax. While her ears twitched and flicked naturally at response to noise she was not letting this calm slip through her paws. When the others paused she did not turn her head back until after Etincelle spoke. "We can make it back from here if you don't want to be held up." She blinded her taupe eyes slowly, thoughtfully. "Do not think yourself a burden," she spoke evenly, daring to say such a thought aloud. "It's no trouble!" Cinder quickly pipped over her, but then immediately doubled back with, "But, thank you. I'll make sure to save you guys the nicest piece of fruit." The starter Pokemon left no room for argument, no room for discussion or walking them all the way to their destination. She smile was awkward, clearly fake as she turned and took a couple steps forward before another voice asked an inquiry. "Am I going to stay with Mel?"

    Arry. Digging her pads into the pathway Cinder turned back around with a renewed faux smile. What could she say? Glancing at the couple, unsure how to respond, she quickly went over their options. Recent events had finally brought the two back together, and their cuddly behavior might become awkward for the child. Of the group Etin was probably the best with the child, and would be able to comfort him the most. On the other paw, he seemed attached to Miyu and would probably want to help her, but if something was wrong.... A chill ran up her spine and she almost didn't catch his next words. "Also what's wrong with the birds? They're flying away from the trees like they seen something bad." 

    Cinder turned, letting her gaze lift until she could see the birds, many more than one should normally see at once, flying away. Her blood ran cold as her dread came to life. The fox was locked on their shapes, pinpointing the spot in the trees they had flew from, the spot they had to go to. "I think its best you go with them," Faux said tensely, though she followed it up with a light, "They'll need someone to look after them." Both fire types were then silent, a telling side-glance the only exchange between them; Something was deeply wrong and they had to move fast. With a last look at the others the pair charged off, barrelling down the pathway until they could plunge into the woods, praying they were not too late.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 803

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Sat Nov 09, 2019 6:04 pm

    ((Skip. I don’t have much for a post, sick and I have work tomorrow. ;w;))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Nov 13, 2019 4:22 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 D6lDAeI
    Outside the Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 131 | Melanie 131

    Though it wanted to fade Mel struggled to keep the faint smile on her face. This was a sweet moment; the group was back together, they would have fresh food again soon, and they were going to surprise a youngling with help and company. While her leg protested the journey Mel was looking forward to settling back down in the Battle Castle for the first time since.. Damn Rayquaza, since Rosko's murder. The fizzy bubbles of calm the fox had surrounded herself in started to pop as the horror came back to her. The past couple days couldn't be forgotten that easy, or even ignored that long as a shudder traveled down her spine. She hadn't really been listening to the others, something about fruit, and Etin replied with a bubbly, "I bet Mel would really appreciate it." Without context the large fox could only nod with agreement and hope it was the right gesture to make.

    She needn't worry about that though, as Arry pipped a question just after and moved the chat the along. "Am I going to stay with Mel?" "You're more than welcome to if you want," she breathed lightly, her head turning toward the sound of his voice. The Ninetales thought herself kind in her offer, and beamed a little brighter until the small boy continued with something.. unexpected. "Also what's wrong with the birds? They're flying away from the trees like they seen something bad." Her ears flicked, searching for the sounds of wing beats that were too far away to hear. Birdcalls did come in, rapid and numerous compared to the normal chirps of flocking birds. "Birds?" She mumbled under her breath, concern rapidly rising as she went over the possibles of their meaning.

    Etincelle pressed slowly into her side, offering both comfort and protection as his stubby claws dug into the ground. Everyone including their youngest could assume what the sign meant; something very bad was in the forest. His blood felt cold but Etin kept himself calm enough to speak, but it was Mel that went first. With a flick of two of her tails she spoke with as much whimsy as she could muster. "Oh, it's Rebel probably.. just messing around. You know how he is, trying to show off for Miyu or something." All-in-all it wasn't a bad theory; he was an undead after all, and after yesterdays disaster with the Arcade any possibility of a fire starter could be frightening. The scenario stopped short as Faux cut in, "I think its best you go with them. They'll need someone to look after them." Etin eyed both fire types, the urgency clear and the danger real. His pink eyes were round with worry, and in a hoarse whisper he wished, "Good luck.." to his scampering friends as they dashed away without further chatter.

    Though his paws itched to follow, to chase after his familiars and insure their safety, he knew that his duty now was to protect what he loved. Rubbing his cheek gently against Mel's shoulder he nudged her forward as he took his place at her side once more. "Why are they scared?" "Come Arry," he coaxed the boy, wanting to get both Pokemon to the shelter as soon as possible. "Bird Pokemon are pretty flighty by nature, no pun intended." Mel laughed dryly as they walked. "Just seeing a couple strange Pokemon stealing their food could be enough to spook them, especially with one being an electric type." The Electrike could only nod thoughtfully. His prayers went out to them. That's all he could do..

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Nov 18, 2019 2:05 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Arry comes along with Mel and Etin somewhat scared of what is happening.

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:57 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 QgR7wWq
    Outside the Battle Castle|Morning

    He didn't believe the words for a minute as he was there earlier. In fact he left his mark by lighting it on fire. The undead charizard licked his claws of blood clean from them. "Thou taketh me for a fool? Olivine burns in hellfire and the screams of the living amuses me all the more. I once more beseech one last time. Where is he?" Dracul wasn't to be taken for a fool and neither was his destructive mind. The dead will walk and they shall purge this land of the living to ascend beyond the realm of mortality. They higher beings will be proud of his work. Their hesitation though gives him the idea to have some fun with them until they stop breathing. Once he finds Mathias though, he shall unleash his gift upon his brother.

    OoC)) Short post, my mind isn't cooperating with me today.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Fri Dec 06, 2019 5:24 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 BdPs5f8
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] || Morning
    Cinder 148 || Faux 112

    Faster. Was all the Quilava could think of. Faster. Her paws were barely touching the ground as she bound through the grass to the stretch of woods. The fox at her side matched her pace step for step, their movements synced with a similar panic. She hadn't dared to look back, to see how much ground they had covered or if the others decided to follow. Is this really happening? Cinder had thought, had hoped even, that her imagination had been overactive and fearful after yesterdays events. That nothing was really wrong, that she was acting like an overprotective parent. But with Rebel there why would she feel so unsure? With the bird Pokemon flying off in such a panic, how could it be anything but bad?  

    The pair broke into the treeline, their flustered steps narrowly avoiding incoming trees and shrubs as they darted through the woods. As a thick bramble scoured Faux's side she stumbled, her steps only stopping as Cinder skidded back to check on her. 'You alright?' hung limply on the Quilava's panting lips, but before she could voice the words Faux silenced her with a, "Wait." Paws itching to move Cinder struggled not to scream as the fox first checked her scratch and then rotated her ears. "We shouldn't rush in." She warned, her words fast on her quickened breath. "If there's trouble surprise would be better."

    Clenching her teeth Cinder knew time was not in their favor. Though she lamented the idea of taking any longer to get there the starter Pokemon knew Faux was right. Not only did they not know the location, if they went crashing through the brush until they found them they'd easily become exhausted, injured, lost, or just an all around liability. "Yeah, sounds good." She acquiesced while perking her own ears. The rhythmic roaring sound of her own pounding heartbeat seemed to drown everything else out as the blood pumped through her ears. Behind it her fears screamed so loudly there was no chance she could pinpoint the others.

    Thankfully, the collected fox was with her. Placing her nose to the ground Faux padded around their location in search of a scent. Stopping, her head shot up and ears turned the same direction. "This way," she huffed, setting a steady trot in what Cinder could assume was the right direction.

    Age : 28
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    Post by Dazey Sun Dec 08, 2019 8:56 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 KJI7aYF
    Battle Frontier [Backwoods] | Morning | (150)(82)

    Disbelief was obvious on the Charizard’s face, even before his rumbling voice the duo knew their lies had resulted in failure.
    "Thou taketh me for a fool? Olivine burns in hellfire and the screams of the living amuses me all the more. His demeanor, his words… this was one fucked up puppy. "I once more beseech one last time. Where is he?"
    Rebel scanned the area. He wasn’t proud of it, but right now if just one unlucky stranger had the misfortune of stumbling by, he would paralyze them and run without hesitation.

    “Listen, friend,” Rebel hissed with bitter emphasis on ‘friend,’ “neither of us know what in the name of Arceus-fuck you’re blathering about…” Buy time. Get help. “But if you told us more, you might help us help you.”

    Keep monologuing, you rot-brained bastard…

    Rebel’s tone dripped betrayal. Miyu knew him well enough to know he didn’t just offer to help strangers, especially ones that demanded it with threats. She could only pray under the soft chattering of her teeth that this stranger didn’t see through the facade, just long enough for a gang-attack on the hulking brute.

    The birds are panicking, Rebel noted. Hopefully he wasn’t the only one that saw that red flag.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Thu Dec 12, 2019 5:23 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 2 D6lDAeI
    The Battle Castle | Morning
    Etincelle 132 | Melanie 132

    The pain seemed to be getting worse. Though Mel had a vague idea of where she was the Battle Castle felt like an impossible distance away, and with each step the agitation of her leg grew more unbearable. Every couple steps turned into a fight of not whining- the last thing she wanted to do was scare Arry, or get pitied on by Etincelle. It's got to be close. "We're almost there." Etin soothed as though he could read her mind. The fox brought her head up a little higher, a way of saying she was fine, but the smile she had been holding grew more and more strained. It must have been noticeable, as Etin took the initiative to yelp over hers, or make noises as though he was about to start a conversation, but the words just wouldn't come.

    Irked, the fox kept her voice smooth as she said, "It's okay, Etin, really." He was doing it for her, she knew that now, but that didn't make it necessary. There was a sharp gasp as Etin took an inhale, as though wishing to argue, but instead he released it and calmed himself. "Alright," was all he said, a hurt feeling radiating but not overtaking him. It was better he didn't try to cover for her, but without his distracting sounds the fox felt her pain more than before. Her steps slowed, the gap between them growing as the pain built. Etin pressed against her side, his favorite comfort, but the cold stone at his neck surprised the fox as it brushed her ribs and caused her next step to stumble harshly.

    "Mel! Are you alright?" The hound yelped as he jumped in front of her. "Yeah- yeah," she assured him, waiting until she found her footing to finish with, "Your Thunderstone surprised me, that's all."

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