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2 posters

    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team))


    Age : 37
    Posts : 781

    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) Empty Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team))

    Post by Phoenix Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:58 am

    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) Clair
    Official Image by Lady Silverfishes

    Other Images:

    "The Blessed User of Dragon Pokémon"
    Themes ”Mz Hyde” - Halestorm
    ”Serpentine” - Disturbed
    “Motherfucker Got Fucked Up” - Folk Uke
    Text Color 14afde
    Weapons Multiple small knives, hunting knife tucked into her boot, a handgun with ammo and a taser (strong enough to knock an adult human unconscious).
    Items A Pokegear and its charger, a Dragon Fang, her six Poke Balls (and a small collection of empty ones), a walkie talkie.
    Gender Female
    Age 31
    Species Human
    Height 5'05"
    Weight 128.5lbs
    Occupation Former Gym Leader of Blackthorn City, Descendant of the Dragon Tamer Clan, Dragon-type expert
    Party Charizard and Aerodactyl are the only male Pokemon in her party - the others are female. Her Dragonair carries an Everstone to keep from evolving.
    Pkm 1

    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) 96px-230Kingdra

    Attack List
    -Dragon Pulse (level-up)
    -Hydro Pump (level-up)
    -Smokescreen (level-up)
    -Ice Beam (TM)
    Pkm 2

    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) 96px-130Gyarados

    Attack List
    -Dragon Dance (level-up)
    -Aqua Tail (level-up)
    -Earthquake (TM)
    -Ice Fang (level-up)
    Pkm 3

    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) 96px-006Charizard

    Attack List
    -Flamethrower (level-up)
    -Air Slash (start)
    -Dragon Claw (TM)
    -Shadow Claw (TM)
    Pkm 4

    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) 96px-149Dragonite

    Attack List
    -Dragon Breath (egg move)
    -Hyper Beam (TM)
    -Thunder (TM)
    -Protect (TM)
    Pkm 5

    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) Spr_4h_148

    Attack List
    -Thunder Wave (level-up)
    -Thunderbolt (TM)
    -Dragon Rush (level-up)
    -Flamethrower (TM)
    Pkm 6

    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) 96px-142Aerodactyl

    Attack List
    -Rock Slide (TM)
    -Roar (level-up)
    -Earthquake (TM)
    -Aerial Ace (TM)
    Quote "I just think we both need a break, don’t you? Forget about the state of the world for just a few minutes ... Nobody has to know. I won’t tell if you don’t.”
    History Clair was born and raised in Blackthorn City in the Johto region and lived under the care of her grandfather, who was the leader of the Dragon-Tamer Clan, an ancient order that had lived and trained in Blackthorn for many generations. She and her cousin Lance were the last two descendants of the clan, and so they were trained to become powerful trainers before they had even come of age. Lance in particular had the gift; he was easily commanding and training high-level Dragon-type Pokemon as a child. Clair found herself growing jealous of her cousin's natural talent, and pushed herself to catch up with him despite how he always seemed to stay just a few steps ahead of her at every turn.

    Lance left to travel when they were both teenagers leaving Clair to hone her skills by herself. She found herself able to concentrate better without her cousin being around to take all the praise, and overall had a better attitude towards her duty. By the time she was 16, she was already challenging Kanto's Elite Four with her party of dragons, taking them down one by one. That was until she got to the end where she discovered that her final challenge was none other than Lance.

    Annoyed that he'd still managed to outperform her Clair immediately challenged him. The battle was long and harsh, but eventually Lance took the victory, leaving his cousin a bitter mess. Clair left the Indigo Plateau, greatly troubled by her first loss in years, and began to resent her cousin. As time went on that feeling of resentment grew into a bitter ball of spite and fear any time her cousin was mentioned or heaven forbid whenever he was around. He had made her look bad, and Clair did not except that.

    A few years later Clair became the Gym Leader of Blackthorn City, using her team of dragons to send many a Trainer scurrying back to the Pokemon Centre. Growing more confident by all her victories Clair found her confidence soaring and she was able to forget for a little while all the hate buried in her heart for the Golden Boy. She had her own winning streak to uphold, and the fact that she kept so many from reaching the League which was keeping her cousin stuck up in that mountain was simply a bonus. Many of the townspeople didn’t realize the shadow that lurked beneath Clair’s smiles, or see the emptiness of her eyes as she watched them. They only saw what she wanted them to see and life couldn’t have been better.

    But one day a young Trainer called Gold challenged her gym and after a long battle he defeated her, trounced her was more accurate actually. Furious and unable to accept her loss Clair refused to give the youth his badge and sent him into Dragon's Den to pass a test, the same test she and her brother had been forced to undertake as children. Clair smirked as he walked out, quite sure that he would fail as only descendants of the Dragon Clan were considered able to pass. Clair followed Gold into Dragon's Den to watch his failure for herself, eager to watch the lucky bastard fall, only to get there and for the elder to tell her that he had passed. Mortified Clair refused to believe it, but quickly changed her tone when her grandfather threatened to tell Lance about her behaviour. With no other recourse she tossed Gold his badge and a TM and stomped out.

    She met Gold as he returned to the entrance and apologized for her behaviour, urging him to do well at the Pokemon League. This wasn’t for him, however. With her defeated the only thing left was for the youth to challenge the Elite Four and her cousin so wishing him luck was to her more like wishing Lance failure. A much better sentiment in her mind that actually congratulating the little whelp who had humiliated her. It would be worth it only if Lance came crawling back after being defeated by a mere child.

    But Lance didn’t come back. Neither did the child. That ball of bitterness began to spread as now Clair had been humiliated not only by her own flesh and blood but now by some snot-nosed brat who could barely even remember his own name without getting distracted. Two men had earned her scorn and she felt a few threads of her delicate sanity snap that day.
    When the epidemic hit a couple of years later, Clair went with Lance to HQ and met up with the other survivors. Lance was appointed the leader of both Kanto and Johto, and Clair became his second in command. She remains there to this day, watching and waiting for her opportunity to finally take her cousin out and seize the power that should have been rightfully hers to begin with.
    Appearance Although not the tallest of women, Clair knows how to stand out in a crowd. She is partial to clothes that reveal plenty of her slim figure, of which she is proud, and relishes in the looks she is given both foul and fair. Clair wears blue boots and gloves with black rings at the top, and a long black cape fastened at the neck with a blue orb, not unlike a Dragonair's. Her blue hair is long and thick, and mostly seen tied up into a high ponytail. Her vivid blue eyes carry an emptiness not seen in most people, as though devoid of conscience and caring, and only truly light up when witnessing the suffering of others.
    Personality Clair was never the nicest of people to begin with, even before the epidemic started. Bratty and spoiled she was very childish even as she entered adulthood and was prone to throwing hissy fits if she didn't get her own way. It was learned early on that getting Clair angry was not advisable. As an adult she took her position as a Gym Leader very seriously though did not take losses very well at all, such as her defeat by Gold's hands where he had to be practically threatened into giving him his gym badge. She both fears and resents Lance, doing whatever necessary to keep from angering him until she is finally able to come out on top. Her worst nightmare is humiliation, in whatever form, and this staples very much from her defeat by Lance's hand.

    The epidemic didn't do much for Clair's already sour personality, though it did give her plenty of opportunities to work on her manipulations. Having no choice but to stay by Lance's side and to work closely alongside him Clair’s hatred of her cousin only grew deeper and more dangerous, knowing full well that she'd be the one in charge of HQ if only she had defeated him. Nonetheless, he is the only person in HQ that she will obey without question in order to keep her status in the hierarchy undisputed. Clair tends to look down her nose at everyone else, even other Champions, believing that only she and Lance could possibly lead the HQ to greatness due to their heritage and skills as Trainers.

    Lance left her in charge of prisoners for her primary task, one to which she gleefully accepted, and as the years went by in the Epidemic Clair developed herself a little hobby. She had always been fascinated with knives and began “practicing” on her prisoners. As much as they tried to complain there was really no one but her they could go to and anyone else didn’t believe their wild machinations as Clair was always decent when outside the cells. A bit rough around the edges but by no means such a terrible monster.

    As time went on and Lance occasionally left HQ to do ... whatever he did, Clair was left in charge of both Kanto and Johto while he was gone. It is then, when Lance was no longer around, that Clair's true colours surfaced; little by little Clair began to show the higher tier of HQ just how broken she really was beneath her docile demeanor. She has no qualms in abusing her power as much as she possibly can, becoming manipulative, mean and abusive, both mentally and sometimes physically - she has no issue with giving someone a good beating to show them who's boss. She is relentlessly selfish, acting only when her own needs and wants can be met, and has practically no respect for anyone else in HQ.

    What Clair wants, Clair will get. She sometimes disregards Lance completely while he is gone and will just do whatever the hell she feels like. As long as she gets something good out of it, she will do it. Clair is no stranger to manipulation, happily messing with peoples' heads. She takes advantage of the fact that there are many people in HQ who suffer from depression or other similar problems, particularly the men - she's lost count of how many of them she has managed to get into her bed, and will happily take more. Sex to her is a weapon, a tool to be used and abused in order to get a desired outcome.

    Clair can switch her demeanor from kind and caring to evil bitch in a matter of seconds, making her very unpredictable. Her strange obsession for Lance shows no bounds, and she will stop at nothing to prove that she is better than him - even if it means getting blood on her hands.
    User Notes
  • -Adopted for plot continuation.
    -Edited only slightly to enhance certain character traits that were not fully shown. Also changed one Pokemon that was never revealed in RP to give her one of her most canon Pokemon.
    -Please keep her in the same position in the team to not throw off the order.
  • Mewtwo

    Posts : 3650

    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) Empty Re: Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team))

    Post by Mewtwo Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:13 pm



    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) 3Br5nS6

    Gym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotGym Leader Clair ((HQ Team)) UugYyDK

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