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    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ)


    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) Empty Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ)

    Post by Nightfall Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:59 am

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) Clairsid2_zpskulc8qic

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) Clairsid1_zpsnbh32ilu

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) Clair
    Image by Lady Silverfishes

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) Tumblr_nmzudyKb3G1s5iyovo2_400
    Image by Starbits

    "The Blessed User of Dragon Pokémon"
    Themes Alice Cooper - Poison
    Ludo - Love Me Dead
    Halestorm - Mz Hyde
    King Charles - Polar Bear
    Simon Curtis - Flesh
    Nightwish - Feel For You
    Text Color #14afde
    Weapons A knife tucked into her boot, a handgun with ammo and a taser (strong enough to knock an adult human unconscious).
    Items A Pokegear and its charger, a Dragon Fang, her six Poke Balls (and a small collection of empty ones), a walkie talkie.
    Gender Female
    Age 31
    Species Human
    Height 5'05"
    Weight 128.5lbs
    Occupation Former Gym Leader of Blackthorn City, Descendant of the Dragon Tamer Clan, Dragon-type expert
    Party Charizard and Aerodactyl are the only male Pokemon in her party - the others are female.
    Pkm 1

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 96px-230Kingdra

    Attack List
    -Dragon Pulse (level-up)
    -Hydro Pump (level-up)
    -Smokescreen (level-up)
    -Ice Beam (TM)
    Pkm 2

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 96px-130Gyarados

    Attack List
    -Dragon Dance (level-up)
    -Aqua Tail (level-up)
    -Earthquake (TM)
    -Ice Fang (level-up)
    Pkm 3

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 96px-006Charizard

    Attack List
    -Flamethrower (level-up)
    -Air Slash (start)
    -Dragon Claw (TM)
    -Shadow Claw (TM)
    Pkm 4

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 96px-149Dragonite

    Attack List
    -Dragon Breath (egg move)
    -Hyper Beam (TM)
    -Thunder (TM)
    -Protect (TM)
    Pkm 5

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 96px-445Garchomp

    Attack List
    -Dual Chop (level-up)
    -Crunch (level-up)
    -Earthquake (TM)
    -Fire Fang (start)
    Pkm 6

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 96px-142Aerodactyl

    Attack List
    -Rock Slide (TM)
    -Roar (level-up)
    -Earthquake (TM)
    -Aerial Ace (TM)
    Quote "I just think we both need a break, don’t you? Forget about the state of the world for just a few minutes ... Nobody has to know. I won’t tell if you don’t.”
    History Clair was born and raised in Blackthorn City in the Johto region and lived under the care of her grandfather, who was the leader of the Dragon-Tamer Clan, an ancient order that had lived and trained in Blackthorn for many generations. She and her cousin Lance were the only two descendants of the clan, and so they were trained to become powerful trainers before they had even come of age. Lance in particular had the gift; he was easily commanding and training high-level Dragon-type Pokemon as a child. Clair found herself growing jealous of her cousin's natural talent, and pushed herself to catch up with him.

    Lance left to travel when they were both teenagers, leaving Clair to hone her skills by herself. She found herself able to concentrate better without her cousin being around to take all the praise, and overall had a better attitude towards her duty. By the time she was 16, she was already challenging Kanto's Elite Four with her party of dragons, taking them down one by one. That was until she got to the end where she discovered that her final challenge was none other than Lance.

    Annoyed that he'd still managed to outperform her, Clair immediately challenged him. The battle was long and harsh, but eventually Lance took the victory. Clair left the Indigo Plateau, greatly troubled by her first ever loss. She began to resent her cousin, growing bitter and fearful of him. He had made her look bad, and Clair did not except that.

    A few years later, Clair became the Gym Leader of Blackthorn City, using her team of dragons to send many a Trainer scurrying back to the Pokemon Centre. Growing more confident by all her victories, Clair found her heart softening. Whenever she got the opportunity she forgot all about Lance and the fact that he had recently become Champion; she had her own winning streak to uphold.

    But one day, a young Trainer called Gold challenged her gym and, after a long battle, defeated her. Unable to accept her loss, Clair refused to give the youth his badge and sent him into Dragon's Den to pass a test. Clair smirked as he walked out, quite sure that he would fail. But surely enough, Clair followed Gold into Dragon's Den to watch his failure for herself, only to get there and for the elder to tell her that he had passed. Mortified, Clair refused to believe it, but quickly changed her tone when her grandfather threatened to tell Lance about her behaviour. She tossed Gold his badge and a TM and stomped out.

    She met Gold as he returned to the entrance and apologized for her behaviour, urging him to do well at the Pokemon League. More than anything, she hoped that this young trainer could give her cousin a good thrashing for her.

    When the epidemic hit a couple of years later, Clair went with Lance to HQ and met up with the other survivors. Lance was appointed the leader of both Kanto and Johto, and Clair became his second in command. She remains there to this day.
    Appearance Although not the tallest of women, Clair knows how to stand out in a crowd. She is partial to clothes that reveal plenty of her slim figure, of which she is proud. Clair wears blue boots and gloves with black rings at the top, and a long black cape fastened at the neck with a blue orb, not unlike a Dragonair's. Her blue hair is long and thick, and mostly seen tied up into a high ponytail. She has a nasty look in her vivid blue eyes.
    Personality Clair was never the nicest of people to begin with, even before the epidemic started. Bratty and spoiled, she was very childish even as she entered adulthood. Prone to throwing hissy fits if she didn't get her own way, getting Clair angry was not advisable. She took her position as a Gym Leader very seriously, and did not take losses very well at all, such as her defeat by Gold's hands where he had to be practically threatened into giving him his gym badge. She both fears and highly respects Lance, doing whatever necessary to keep from angering him. Her worst nightmare is humiliation, in whatever form, and this staples very much from her defeat by Lance's hand.

    The epidemic didn't do Clair's already sour personality any good. Having no choice but to stay by Lance's side and to work closely alongside him, Clair became very bitter of her cousin, knowing full well that she'd be the one in charge of HQ if only she had defeated him that one time. Nonetheless, he is the only person in HQ that she will obey without question. Clair tends to look down her nose at everyone else, even other Champions, believing that only she and Lance could possibly lead the HQ to greatness due to their heritage and skills as Trainers.

    As time went on and Lance occasionally left HQ to do ... whatever he did, Clair was left in charge of both Kanto and Johto while he was gone. It is only when Lance isn't around where Clair's true colours surface; underneath her docile demeanor, Clair is one nasty piece of work. She has no qualms in abusing her power as much as she possibly can, becoming manipulative, mean and abusive, both mentally and sometimes physically - she'd have no issue with giving someone a good beating to show them who's boss. She is relentlessly selfish, acting only when her own needs and wants can be met, and has practically no respect for anyone else in HQ. To say that she is narcissistic would be putting it lightly.

    What Clair wants, Clair will get. She sometimes disregards Lance completely while he is gone and will just do whatever the hell she feels like. As long as she gets something good out of it, she will do it. Clair is no stranger to manipulation, happily messing with peoples' heads. She takes advantage of the fact that there are many people in HQ who suffer from depression or other similar problems, particularly the men - she's lost count of how many of them she has managed to get into her bed, and will happily take more.

    Clair can switch her demeanor from kind and caring to evil bitch in a matter of seconds, making her very unpredictable. Her strange obsession for Lance shows no bounds, and she will do anything he asks her to do - even if it means getting blood on her hands.
    User Notes
  • Still love this bitch

  • Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 358px-Omega_Ruby_Alpha_Sapphire_Sidney

    Theme Tenacious D - Kickapoo / The Metal
    Text Color #FF6666
    Weapons Standard handgun and ammo, switch knife and truncheon attached to his belt
    Items His Poke Balls plus a few spares, a pair of Blackglasses, assorted medicinal items for Pokemon, a notebook and pen, a walkie talkie, his guitar. Chances are you'll catch him with a bottle of booze in his hand too.
    Gender Male
    Age 27
    Species Human
    Height 5'09
    Weight 146lbs
    Occupation Former member of the Hoenn Elite Four, musician and songwriter, Dark-type expert
    Party His team are all male
    Pkm 1

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 100px-359Absol

    Absol (Zeppelin)
    Level: 70
    Ability: Pressure
    Attack List
    -Swords Dance (level-up)
    -Night Slash (level-up)
    -Psycho Cut (level-up)
    -Aerial Ace (TM)
    Pkm 2

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 96px-571Zoroark

    Zoroark (Ozzy)
    Level: 68
    Ability: Illusion
    Attack List
    -Dark Pulse (TM)
    -Nasty Plot (level-up)
    -Focus Blast (TM)
    -Shadow Ball (TM)
    Pkm 3

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 100px-275Shiftry

    Shiftry (Lemmy)
    Level: 69
    Ability: Chlorophyll
    Attack List
    -Extrasensory (level-up [pre-evolution])
    -Feint Attack (level-up)
    -Leaf Tornado (level-up)
    -Double Team (TM)
    *RIP Lemmy :c
    Pkm 4

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 96px-262Mightyena

    Mightyena (Bowie)
    Level: 70
    Ability: Imtimidate
    Attack List
    -Taunt (level up)
    -Sucker Punch (level up)
    -Poison Fang (egg move)
    -Sand Attack (level-up)
    *RIP David Bowie :c
    Pkm 5

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 96px-229Houndoom

    Houndoom (Judas)
    Level: 68
    Ability: Flash Fire
    Attack List
    -Thunder Fang (start)
    -Incinerate (TM)
    -Snarl (TM)
    -Sunny Day (TM)
    Pkm 6

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) 96px-634Zweilous

    Zweilous (Dio)
    Level: 62
    Ability: Hustle
    Attack List
    -Dragon Pulse (level-up)
    -Ice Fang (egg move)
    -Earth Power (tutored)
    -Dark Pulse (TM)
    Quote "They said I was a punk, but I’m one of the Elite Four!"
    History Sidney was born into a large family in the Hoenn region. He was the oldest of four children, but wasn't quite the role model his parents wanted him to be for his younger siblings. Sidney was a difficult, rebellious child, well known in his neighbourhood for getting into trouble. Noticing that his son was restless, his father went out one day and brought back an acoustic guitar, figuring that getting his son into music lessons was a good way to calm him down.

    It worked, for a time, but the young Sidney quickly channeled his rambunctious nature into the music he played. His father realised his mistake as Sidney's room continuously boomed with heavy music, and the songs he'd written lyrics for being offensive and rather vulgar at times. Sidney was oblivious to his family's misery though; he knew he'd found his passion in life. He would go out there and be the best rock star the world had ever seen. That would show his parents that his music wasn't just "nonsensical noise."

    When he was old enough, Sidney left home, taking his trusty guitar with him. Having only that and a bag of supplies he'd taken from home, life was difficult at first. He stayed at a friend's house, but had to play on the streets to earn enough money to pay his way until he could get a job. Sadly, he spent a small fortune of that money on alcohol, and spent many a drunken nights either in front of the TV or in some sleazy bar. Waking up quite often in either the gutter or some unknown woman's bed, Sidney finally decided it was time to clean up his act. His job was only in a fast food restaurant, and he still sang on the streets for extra money and because he enjoyed it, but he knew that good things came to those who went out and worked for it. He boded his time until one day he met a stray Poochyena pup foraging for food in an alleyway. He quickly became friends with the small canine and called him Bowie after one of his music heroes.

    Having a Pokemon friend was strange, since his family had not associated with them much, but strangely satisfying; he had more to think about than just himself now. What was the harm in going out and trying to catch some more...? He did, and soon had a small collection of them. Feeling more adventurous than ever, Sidney decided to travel the region. Guitar on his back the whole time, Sidney had covered the majority of Hoenn in just a few years. His music and winnings from battles were more than enough to keep him going. He loved Pokemon training, and couldn't believe he hadn't thought of doing it before now. He often found himself turning to the Dark-type, admiring them for their versatility in battle and offensive movepools.

    Sidney still had not forgotten about his childhood dreams of becoming a rock star, though. He found a new bar that had opened up in Slateport City recently, and asked if they needed any nighttime entertainment. The manager agreed, but said that he'd prefer to have a band rather than a solo act. Sidney had no problems; he had plenty of old buddies from his youth who he knew would join them. One of them was Roxie, from Unova. Although young, Roxie was a terror on the guitar, her aggressive playing style perfect for what Sidney had in mind. Along with Roxie came several others who were eager to collaborate with Sidney on their music. Their first performance was on the club's opening night a few weeks later and was a success; the crowd quickly got used to their wild play style and unorthodox lyrics and happily headbanged and danced along.

    Sidney juggled his life with the band and his Pokemon training successfully, even going so far as to take time off to visit the Battle Frontier. It took a few tries, but soon battled his way to the top, joining the ranks alongside some of the most powerful Trainers in the region. An invitation to join the Hoenn Elite Four as a permanent member was just the pinnacle of his training career needed. He happily accepted the role, living and working alongside the region's top Trainers being a tremendous honour. He grew to love them as best friends, and was loyal to Steven, his Champion, to no end. He had glory, friendship and was writing some of the best music in a long time - life couldn't have been better.

    But all good things eventually come to an end, except this time it was in the form of the epidemic. Sidney went with Steven and the others to the Indigo Plateau, and had no choice but to adapt to a new life there. It mostly wasn't as bad as he'd initially though, apart from the fact he'd had to leave his bass guitar and drum kit behind, a thought that pained his heart. He got by with what he had though, and within a few months he was promoted to Head of Security alongside Karen, whose company he really enjoys. He remains at HQ to this day, never letting up an opportunity for some good ol' fashioned rockin'.
    Appearance Sidney mostly wears the same attire he does in the ORAS games. He still wears his watch-like accessory on his wrist containing the Key Stone gifted to him by Steven, but no longer uses his Absolite. More often than not, he carries his acoustic guitar around with him on his back.
    Personality Sidney is difficult to miss once he enters a room. He is incessantly chatty; the guy just does not stop talking once he's started. He's very loud, able to turn every head in the room just by saying 'hi', and constantly carries an aura of genuine, jovial fun about him. It is rare to see him angry or upset; he tends to just laugh in the face of adversary. He carries the philosophy that it is pointless to be gloomy; it's hardly going to fix the state of the world, is it? So Sidney just tries to make the best of the situation, avoiding negativity as much as he can.

    He's prideful and quite frankly thinks he's the shit, but not in a dickish way. He'll flaunt himself at most opportunities, but it's always just for jest. He's very laid-back, annoyingly so for some of HQ's members; he just doesn't give a shit about anything. He knows what he's doing in regards to his job in security though, and works hard to ensure he's doing it correctly. Everything else, though, can be forgotten until the next day or gulped down with a bottle of beer.

    Sidney is a very passionate person when it comes to his music or his Pokemon; he can talk for hours about both. He still practices his music daily, and continues to write new material when he can. When not writing and/or composing, he is often seen in the Stadium battling other Trainers. Even if he loses it doesn't usually matter to Sidney; as long as he's had fun, he's satisfied. Sidney will do pretty much anything as long as he gets a kick out of it; he's known to drink heavily and has been grounded to his quarters with a booming hangover on more than one occasion. He sleeps like a sloth.

    He always has his eye on the ladies (and the occasional guy too), but is in no way sexist; he treats women with respect and never sees them as objects or as useless like some men would. He makes sure his lady friends get what they want, whether it be letting through the door first, giving them a treat in bed or a slap on the ass. His eyes have been for Karen for some time, although he is afraid of her not taking him seriously; it's certainly not impossible given how often they hang out and dick around together.
    User Notes
  • Can play the electric and acoustic guitar, bass and drums, but could only manage to bring his guitars with him when he left Hoenn. He misses his other instruments dearly.
    Bisexual, but tends to lean more towards women.

  • Last edited by Nightfall on Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:45 pm; edited 11 times in total

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) Empty Re: Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ)

    Post by Nightfall Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:02 am

    This ... utterly amazing bitch is ready to go ... but she can't yet. D:

    Please put her inactive for now.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2481

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) Empty Re: Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ)

    Post by Nightfall Fri Apr 10, 2015 2:49 am

    Aaaaah shit son here we gooooo!

    To the PC please. :DDD

    Posts : 1265

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) Empty Re: Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ)

    Post by Victini Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:06 am

    It's OK hon - I know your pain. DX

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) RGgji6G


    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) VictiniGym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

    Age : 30
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    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) Empty Re: Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ)

    Post by Nightfall Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:46 pm

    Please move back to the PC so Sidney can be looked over. c:

    Posts : 1265

    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) Empty Re: Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ)

    Post by Victini Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:03 pm



    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) VictiniGym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

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    Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ) Empty Re: Gym Leader Clair and Elite Four Sidney (HQ)

    Post by Sponsored content

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