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    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any]

    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] Empty The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any]

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:58 pm

    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] 72Ui71r

    (Known formerly as Magnus.)
    Item N/A
    Gender Male
    Age Adult
    Species #160 Feraligatr, the Big Jaw Pokemon
    Height 8'04"
    Weight 212.3lbs.
    Pokédex Entry Feraligatr intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth. In battle, it will kick the ground hard with its thick and powerful hind legs to charge at the foe at an incredible speed.
    Level 54
    Ability Torrent
    Nature Gentle
    Characteristic Quick Tempered
    Moves - Aqua Jet [Bred]
    - Crunch [lvl]
    - Screech [lvl]
    - Slash [lvl]
    History He couldn't remember much, could never remember much, even while he still drew breath, But what he did care to remember was this. He lived together with his friends, his child, and his Darling. Beloved Darling. He loved them all, spending his days playing and caring for them, protecting them from any and all threats to their little village. His methods of doing so upset his Darling though, she tried to keep quiet about it but, he knew and was saddened by it, but persisted because he of course had to protect all of them. She, tried to leave one day though, they all did, taking his child with them as they tried to sneak away in the night. The world outside was dead and sick, dark and twisted and frightening. He stopped them from going but, they pleaded and pleaded for him to let them go, they missed the sun, the fresh air and the flowers. But that was gone, tainted by the impurities of the world. Even still, he hated to see them unhappy, so he left to make the world better for his loved ones, trying to rid it of one flaw at a time. When he came back though, they were gone.

    The reality had somewhat of a darker twist to it. He had no Darling, nor a child, not at that time. The three of them had lived together in a strained relationship, both being trainer pokemon that had run off and become feral due to being under ownership of a cruel person. He was paranoid and frightened of the infection so had them all sealed off in a cave, keeping his family trapped inside while he left occasionally to gather food and patrol their alcove. The mother, not willing to tolerate living under constant threat from her unstable mate tried to leave with their child in the night, and he found them. Overcome with rage, in his wrath he struck the wall, loosening a pile of rocks causing a cave-in, crushing the both of them. The mother was killed instantly, but the child that she shielded with her body had not. When he had lifted away the rocks, desperate to try and save his spawn he found that half of his child's body had been crushed by rocks, still alive, but he was bleeding out. Staring at the corpse of his beloved mate, and the soon dead child he was desperate to try and help them, to save them, outraged that he could not. Crying and screaming midst his child's pleas for help, he broke down going silent, clinging to his child while they writhed in agony.

    H-Help. It...Hurts. Please!

    Clutching their broken body to his chest, he wracked his grief stricken mind while trying to think of something, anything he could do to save his child, but he could think of nothing. Nothing to save their life, but he could relieve their suffering. Sobbing hysterically he hugged his child for a final time, tightly, so tight as to crush their fragile spine, letting out a scream as he heard the sickening crack as his child's gurgling cries go silent. Letting out a mournful wail, it drew the infected to their home, drawn by the scent of blood and the noise. Snarling,  he tried to defend their bodies just as ferociously as he did when they were alive, but there simply were too many opponents to hold them off. He escaped just barely, a few cuts and scratches but fine on the whole, but only physically. Dragging his broken body into the water, he let himself bleed out slowly, agitating the wounds whenever they stopped bleeding, staring silent at the sky for death to take him, and eventually it did.

    When he awoke, he realized his situation, and simply broke him, it was the final nail in the coffin of his grasp on reality. It hurt, it all hurt too much, so, he forgot, The infection aiding in this considerably. His Darling is still alive, and so are his friends and child. The world is dangerous yes, but it has always been so, so he has to find them. He'd do anything to protect his precious friends, and he's sure that they're going to live out their days together and happy, just like before. He just has to find them.
    Appearance Most certainly undead, it would be difficult for anyone to judge this reptile as anything other than an infected, covered in blood and gore, his scales are in varying states of decay and mottled with purple blotches, bruises and symptoms of the infection. His gums most notably are degraded and rotting, black and violet with several yellowed teeth exposed and broken. Though they are still sharp enough to be useful in piercing flesh and bone alike. The crest on his head has also sustained some damage, and the flesh has been torn from the middle section of it entirely exposing the bone underneath. His eyes are blackened from blood, though still function enough to be used to full effect in hunting down prey, and glow an ominous red. The cut on the left side of his back is still deep, and still bleeds as it did when he was alive.
    Personality Due to mental degradation from the infection 'Friendly's' mental capacities have been reduced to the point akin to that of a child's, rash and dead set in judgement of others. You are either good or bad, which in his mind relates to friends and family verses strangers, those he does not recognize as having ties with. Since he does not remember the specifics of who his friends and family are, he applies these status on individuals seemingly at random, forming close familial bonds extremely quickly. He is fiercely protective of those he cares for, never hesitating on killing another to protect and serve his family with everything he has to offer. Even with this large amount of bravery and or paternal instinct, he can be very easily frightened at the thought of loosing someone he cares about, and of the unknown, loosing sight of one of his friends instantly terrifying him. Very affectionate, when not in an agitated state he lays around on his back and attempts to play with those he's attached to, and insists on sleeping cuddled up with them. Even with his vast capacity for emotion, there are times that he goes numb and behaves much like a common infected, these during his numerous hunting trips and territorial patrols.

    Even when not suffering from these instances of mindlessness, The Feraligatr retains a peculiarly unsettling blood lust for those that offend him from when he was alive, this only being amplified with his loss of inhibitions since his death. If he loves you that's all well and good, but the instant that you become his enemy, then he casts away any disguises of decency and will hunger for your demise. That is unless he forgets about your existence entirely, which is an equally possible outcome.
    User Notes
  • based off of the nerdlord on this blog http://askafriendlybatter.tumblr.com/
    -Has been infected/undead for roughly one month
    -Father was an Empoleon, which he gained Aqua Jet from.

  • Last edited by Moon Moon on Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:02 pm; edited 5 times in total
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] Empty Re: The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any]

    Post by Moon Moon Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:47 pm

    Ready for approval!

    Posts : 1265

    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] Empty Re: The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any]

    Post by Victini Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:10 am

    For a Pokemon that has apparently been wild his whole life, I'd say his level is a little too high. I'd cap him at 40 at most.

    If you could state in the user notes the species of his father so I can confirm how he knows Aqua Jet, that'd be helpful.

    Those are my only notes.


    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] VictiniThe Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] Empty Re: The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any]

    Post by Moon Moon Tue Oct 27, 2015 10:03 pm


    Posts : 1265

    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] Empty Re: The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any]

    Post by Victini Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:08 am

    You still need to change the level, dear.


    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] VictiniThe Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] Empty Re: The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any]

    Post by Moon Moon Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:48 pm

    I thought that since I made him an ex trainer pokemon in his history I thought that was okay?

    Posts : 1265

    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] Empty Re: The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any]

    Post by Victini Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:46 am

    Oh, my apologies. I must've missed that.

    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] RGgji6G

    Friendly has been placed on the Faraway Team and is sixth in the post cycle, after the Eevee.


    The Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] VictiniThe Friendly Undead Feraligatr [Any] TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

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