Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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9 posters

    (ACE) The FORTREE Team


    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:21 pm

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    Fortree City|Morning (1)

    Honestly, Hoenn was the most interesting place for Spectre. He could float about the dark forests and thick grasses and observe everything, without a worry that anyone could see him. And now he had stumbled upon a great story for a nice moment of entertainment. He had drifted into Fortree city, following the tortured bleating of some deliciously pain-inflicted infected, but before he could follow it, he spotted a Pokemon that seemed to be in even more despair. An aerodactyl stood, in quite a state, over bits and pieces of a mask. The ghost believed that she was of some interest to him and as he melted into her shadow, without being noticed, he saw two other Pokemon, a Persian of some rich background, and a bright Dragonair who shone like the stars. He clung to the Aerodactyl's dark shadow, and he let out a cackle.
    Kekeke! How fun! What is it you're crying about my friend? Those two over there bothering you? Or is it the infected that scare you? Kekekeke... I could help...

    He revealed himself to the three Pokemon and grinned the most eerie grin he could. Hopefully he would have fun with these new...friends.[center]

    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:40 am

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    Fortree City| Morning (1)

    Drageon woke with a yawn. He lazily opened his eyes. He looked up at the trees above. The branches were shaking wildly. Strangely there were more than the usual Pokemon-And they appeared to be fighting something.
    A small branch fell from above and hit him on the head. Drageon decided to climb up the tree and have a look for himself.

    He climbed up the trees to see that the fighting had stopped. He sat on one of the branches. He looked around. There were some normal looking pokemon, and then there was this infected bleeding deer thing.

    "Great. More infected." he said to himself.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:50 am

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    Fortree City || Morning [12]

    The persian sighed, growing tired of this charade of amiability. He wasn’t a nice creature and the fact he continued to act was beginning to grate on his nerves. He was impatient. He admired the group’s great strength – Lumiere and Acht could provide perfect bodyguards in time, but taming them would be another story. They were smart, and the epidemic moved faster than the domestication of such strong-willed creatures. Flicking his tail, he glanced to the dragonair, his smile fading into nothingness.
    “I-I...” His attention was caught by a sudden, ominous figure appearing at the aerodactyl’s side. He recognised the stranger as a gengar – nasty little buggers. His personal experience with ghosts was something he made an effort to forget about; he’d always had an issue with humiliation. His eyes narrowed a fraction, before he turned back to Lumiere.

    “I’m just going to... check the perimeter,” It was a blatant lie. He ushered a weak smile, almost sad that he was going to abandon such powerful specimens. They would take care of themselves though, and he would eventually find a pair of less intellectual powerhouses to use instead. He rose to his feet, his hind legs still slightly sore from the deer’s attack, but the pain was rapidly fading. Moriarty strolled past Acht and the newcomer, shooting a threatening look at the ghost as he passed.
    “Oh, don’t forget your kayagum, Acht...” Moriarty called back from his over his shoulder, a crooked smile on his lips. They’d be better off without him. But maybe one day they would meet again, hopefully in a safer world. With a run up, the persian effortlessly scaled one of the nearby trees, disappearing into the dark foliage above. As he reached one of the uppermost branches, his eyes rested on another survivor looking down on the group. He raised an eyebrow at the sceptile.
    “I suggest you go introduce yourself. They don’t want any more surprises,” Moriarty warned, smirking slightly before turning away to leap from branch to branch – gradually disappearing into the gloom of the forest canopy.

    (( Moriarty’s off to the orphanage, so this’ll be my last post with him. It’s been fun roleplaying with you all! ))

    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:54 pm

    (OOC: Skip me for right now please. I don't really know what to say but I may edit this in the morning if I get some inspiration lol)

    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:07 pm

    (I assume it is my turn because Spectre dies from a harbinger attack)

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    Fortree City | Morning (2)

    At least the infected deer thing was gone. So everyone else appeared to be quite safe and living. One of the pokemon, the persian, said “I’m just going to... check the perimeter,” he said as he turned around. “Oh, don’t forget your kayagum, Acht...” the persian called back from his over his shoulder. He left them, and climbed up to one of the trees and sat on one of the branches close to Drageon.

    He raised an eyebrow at the sceptile.
    “I suggest you go introduce yourself. They don’t want any more surprises,” He warned Drageon, smirking slightly before turning away to leap from branch to branch – gradually disappearing into the gloom of the forest canopy.

    He thought about what the stranger said, and then decided that he might as well listen, not that there was anything else to do with them. he walked to the other pokemon, an aerodactyl and a dragonair, and introduced himself.

    "Hey, I'm Drageon. Nice to meet you, and to see that others are still alive."

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Fox Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:07 am

    (You usually wait for the harbinger attack before posting, and...I don't see you on the team sheet.)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:30 am

    (I know it is not my turn, but...
    Sorry if I don't understand, but the sidebar thing says 'death' on it. I asked on the harbinger warning thread about what to do when the pokemon in in front of you dies, and they said to post like they have already posted.
    I don't know why I'm not on the team sheet. On the character sheets I have a living character of Drageon and I wanted him on the Fortree team. He was approved.
    So I posted here before, and it was fine the first time.
    Are you even on this team?)

    Posts : 21

    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Alakazam Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:02 pm

    Alakazam was growing hungry, and his hunger meant suffering for any creature he came across. This new city was proving less fruitful than he had hoped. But soon, he heard sounds nearby. Watching the small group he was deciding on his next meal. The pretty one looked to be the most appetizing. But, something interrupted them.

    A Gengar.

    Ghost types enraged the Psi Pokemon, taunting him with their lifeless existence. There was no blood to be had there. They were as useless as feeding on those of his own kind. In his fury over the revelation and disruption, Alakazam launched a Psychic at the ghost. The attack caught it off-guard and threw it back with a gaping hole in its gaseous body.


    He used his Psychic to repeatedly beat the creature, over and over again. It never had time to react, its body hardly having time to recover its shape before being destroyed again. When his anger reached its peak he used his power to drag to Gengar in front of him. He held up his spoons high over its head before bringing them down in a Psycho Cut. It was ripped apart and never able to regain form. The ghost was dead once again.


    Alakazam looked over to the rest of the Pokemon he had just snatched the ghost from in front of. He gave them a wicked smile and a wave of one spoon. He was too angry to feed now, so they would be spared. But if they weren't careful, he would be back.

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:34 pm

    Post 11

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    Fortree| Morning

    ((OOC: Sorry, I didn't know it was my turn!))

    No woman was worth this.

    He had left the desert in pursuit of some tail -literally- and had fought through the blistering sun and frozen wastes, battled foe after foe as he tracked the elusive fluffy blue tail. While the tail seemed familiar, he knew that a pokemon with tail like that was worth some trouble, but he didn't imagine THIS much... Still, once he caught up with her -she was a spry little thing- he would woo her and then he would get all the reward he wanted...

    ...and then he would sleep for a year.

    He grunted as he pushed the leaves away from his face. As far as he knew, she had come this way, into the tropical, humid region of HELL, and the only thing that kept him going was the thought that she would be there, and probably food. Man, food sounded good... His bloated stomach growled, demanding sustenance. "Yeah, yeah, shut up..." he grumbled to himself. He trotted along until he came upon a terrible scene.

    An alakazam completely obliterated a gengar, ripping it to shreds with its psychic powers. The ghost had no chance of recovering, as the alakazam was just too powerful and too quick. As the psychic type simply vanished, a sceptile began to strike up idle conversation. Did... did he not just see what happened? McChu stayed in the brush, too horrified to move.

    What... what WAS that alakazam?


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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:51 pm

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    Fortree| Morning (1)

    Glacia was starring at the groupe of pokemon gathered in the city he was currently holding an eye on. He had just seen something he wasnt sure on was real. An Alakazam had just appeared out of nowhere and killed the Gengar with very strong psychic powers. He was woundering to himself what that Alakazam relly was, but he somehow knew he wouldn't get any answers.

    He was lying behind some bushes, looking at the small groupe of survivors. They wheren't to be joked with. But in the same time, they where a bit too quick with decitions, at least if you asked him. That was why he was hiding here, and not out and talking with the groupe. He looked over when he heard some bushes russtle. It was a Raichu, approaching the place. It clearly had seen that Alakazam too, judeing from the look on it's face. He looked back at the groupe. Maybe soon, the groupe wouldt go on to attack infected again. He hoped so. Because then, he might be able to earn the groupe's trust.

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    Post by Guest Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:30 pm

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    Fortree City | Morning (8)

    So many things happened so quickly in front of Lumiere. One minute she was in a battle with that blasted Beedrill, things going smoothly, and the next, a ghost she didn't even know the name of was being torn to well pieces by an Alakazam. Horror dawned on Lumiere as she saw the scorching red aura laced around the Alakazam and she fell back on the ground like a paralyzed snake. Thoughts raced through her head and she took to the sky flying not too far away to still her emotions before she created a storm once again.

    (OOC: Sorry guys I really didn't know what to say. Someone can try to cheer her up if they want.)

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    Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:45 pm

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    Fortree City | Morning (3)

    "Hey, I'm Drageon. Nice to meet you, and to see that others are still alive." He introduced himself to the others after hiding from them while the fought. No one seemed to hear him. He walked closer to the small group of the survivors. He was more careful this time, not wanting the alakazam to come back and tear them to shreds as well. It looked even more frightening than a normal one of its type. It appeared to be more purple, as if it had been infected for a long, long time, and that it was extremely vicious. Drageon didn't think that was natural.

    He walked up to the dragonair that was closer to him. She appeared to be shocked in fear of what had just happened. She flew into the skies, not too far away, twisting and moving her body gracefully creating a storm. He looked at her for a moment, and then heard some rustling in the brush. He walked over to it, still fearing that it could be something quite dangerous. He peered inside the leaves of the trees.
    There was a glaceon.

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:45 pm

    Post 12

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    Fortree City| Morning

    McChu watched the scene with a wary eye. The Alakazam had gone, but in its wake had left the rest of the group in a stunned awe. Despite the weird sceptile, McChu was rather glad to be amongst other survivors. He paused for a moment as his eyes glanced over one of them, a dragonair. Her sad, angelic face seemed illuminated by an ethereal glow, and instantly McChu was enthralled. The flowing fluffy tail he had chased for how long was forgotten.

    This. Chick. Was. HOT.

    Out of the bushes he sprang, appearing by her side almost immediately. "An angel like you shouldn't be sad, Love," he purred as he hugged her with one stubby arm. "The danger's gone, and I'll be here to protect you." His trademark grin flashed at her, and his tail subtly coiled around her. "What's your name? I'm McChu. Trainer was a witty girl."


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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Fox Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:13 pm

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    Jean Luc(9)/Riker(7)
    Fortree City | Morning

    Riker wheezed heavily as he tromped through the exotic forest, the air thick with humidity.
    "This is no place for us, Picard." He growled in exhaustion and annoyance. My fur is sticking to me, the air is hard to breathe, there's fucking BUGS everywhere...I hate it. He thought bitterly, whining only to himself.

    Picard only chuckled as he watched the bear swat at the thick bushes with his claws as they moved through.
    "I thought you liked traveling, Number One." He muttered with a tone of amusement.
    "Not through a damned swamp." He retorted, his ear flicking at the wartortles' tone. Suddenly, he felt the Wartortles' claw tapping his own in urgency. He turned quickly enough to see Jean Luc duck behind some thick foliage. Without saying a word, he did the same, falling to all fours, quietly moving to a better vantage point.

    Jean Luc shot a glance at the Ursaring and signaled that there was at least three pokemon out there. As he peered through the thick leaves, he analyzed the situation and took a closer look at the Pokemon.
    None show any signs of infection, nor do they seem to be hostile...wait. Is that...? The wartortles' eyes narrowed as he peered at the Dragonair being cuddled by...a sneering Raichu.
    There couldn't possibly be two Raichu with a mug like that...he thought, sighing deeply in frustration. How did he get this far out? Could he have been following us?

    Signaling to Riker, he stood up again and walked out from the bushes to greet the small group. If they haven't butchered that one yet, then that means they aren't hostile. He thought as he raised his claw in greeting, both of them carefully walking forward.

    "Hallo there, we mean no harm." Jean Luc announced quietly, his voice commanding attention, despite his reserved tone. "I am Jean Luc Picard. This is William Riker." He said, waving his claw in the direction of the looming Ursaring. Riker eyed each of them, nodding slightly.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:16 am

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    Fortree City | Morning (2)

    Glacia was looking at the Raichu again, this time he was acting like an idiot. One minuet he was a scaredycat, the next he was all the romancer he couldt be. How pathetic. He was about to look back to the groupe of survivors, but he couldt only see the Sceptile who was now blocking his view of the groupe.

    He feelt relly lucky right now. He had hold his left eye closed for some time, and right now was no exeption. That was good, because right now he was in a starring contest with the green pokémon in front of him. And he didnt like it. He hated when someone was starring at him.

    Then he turned his head to a groupe of two new survivors coming over to the groupe. A Wartortle, and a high bear like thing. He think it was an Ursaring, but he wasn't sure. The wartortle introduced itself to the groupe, the other just nooded at them. What a strange pokémon. He guessed it just wasn't in the mood for talking.

    He thel looked back at the Sceptile. Well, since this pokémon had been so kind of spotting him, waht wouldt in the end turn out to be the whole groupe spotting him, he thought it was best to just show himself. He slowly rose up, walked out of the bush and sat down in front of it. His eye still closed. Looking arround at the pokémons arround him. He somehow knew that hiding what he was wasn't going to work when he looked at the Dragonair. So intead he just sat still, waiting to see if they wouldt attack him. Cause there was no reason for attacking him, right?

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Min Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:10 pm

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    Fortree City | Morning

    Everything had gone by fast. Too fast. Much too quick for her to comprehend and already there were new faces showing up. Who were these newcomers? What did they want? What does she have to do? Moriarty had left, but not without saying something. “Oh, don’t forget your kayagum, Acht...” Right, right. Her Kayagum. She can't forget that, it was her most treasured item. Where was it? Where had she put it? With everything that had happened, a Sceptile, a Alakazam, more faces... The Aerodactyl couldn't remember where her one most prized possession was. Stupid.

    There were too many new things. Too many things she didn't know of. Acht breathed deeply, calming her mind down. First, she would hide. Second, she would get her instrument back. Oh, but what about Lumiere? She was the closest Pokemon to a friend she had right now, and seeing the expression on her face it was evident the dragon wasn't all too happy. From where she stood she absorbed most of the new information. A Sceptile called Drageon. A flirtatious Raichu named McChu. Wartotle and Ursaring, Jean Luc Picard and William Riker respectively. A Glaceon whom had a bad eye of some sorts.

    "I...I'm Acht. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." she choked out. Where did that stupid fire dragon thing go? Fuego, was it? He suddenly went away. Her eyes drifted over to where Lumiere was flying in the sky. "Uh, I'm going to check on Lumiere..." she squeaked. And how was she going to do that? Acht couldn't fly with such battered wings. With a sigh she began to climb one of the tallest trees in the city, close to where Lumiere was. She waved a wing, trying to catch the Dragonair's attention. "A-are you alright?"

    [OOC: I swear it's been forever since I last posted on this team. Sob.]

    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:49 am

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    Fortree City | Morning (9)

    Before she had a chance to lift off and fly a Raichu came over to her and smiled. "An angel like you shouldn't be sad, Love," he purred as he hugged her with one stubby arm. "The danger's gone, and I'll be here to protect you." His trademark grin flashed at her, and his tail subtly coiled around her. "What's your name? I'm McChu. Trainer was a witty girl." Lumiere was almost taken aback by his words but the aura radiating from him told her he was kind and caring and she sighed before looking him in the eyes and answering his question. "My name is Lumiere. It's nice to meet you, all of you." She looked to the others before taking to the sky to clear her head. It wasn't very long before a battered voice called to her and she turned in the air to land beside her friend Acht. "A-are you alright?" A sad smile played across her muzzle as she addressed her battered friend. "I will be but I'm more worried about you dear. Are you alright?" She looked at her with a worried expression. The aura Acht was giving off was dull and sad which very much worried Lumiere.

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    Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:02 am

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    Fortree City | Morning(4)

    Drageon noticed more pokemon were coming here, though he could not see them, he heard their voices.
    "Hallo there, we mean no harm." Jean Luc announced quietly, his voice commanding attention, despite his reserved tone. "I am Jean Luc Picard. This is William Riker." He said, waving his claw in the direction of the looming Ursaring. Riker eyed each of them, nodding slightly.
    So that's who they were. It was nice of them to introduce themselves, thinking that I didn't at first. Lumiere introduced herself to everyone else as well. She said "My name is Lumiere. It's nice to meet you, all of you."
    She looked to the others before taking to the sky to clear her head. Everyone seemed to noticed that she wasn't feeling happy,mostly the raichu-whom was likely more loving than caring. The Aerodactyl tried to cheered her up as well, she called to her, ""A-are you alright?" while waving to her with one beaten-looking wing. Maybe, Drageon thought to himself, that he should cheer up Lumiere too. She seemed really sad about something.
    She appeared to be a bit less depressed now, thanks to that. She replied to the Acht, I will be but I'm more worried about you dear. Are you alright?" She looked at her with a worried expression.
    Drageon joined in with the raichu and Lumiere, to help her feel better.
    "Are you alright, Lumiere? What's making you feel so sad?"

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:41 pm

    Post 13

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    Fortree City| Morning

    My name is Lumiere. It's nice to meet you, all of you," the dragonair replied, her smooth, elegant voice washing over McChu like a gentle wave. Man. MAN. This chick... unbelievable. Unf.

    Then, two figures appeared from the brush, a wartortle and a bear. McChu's calm facade faltered as teh wartortle spoke, the thick, sophistcated accent unmistakable. No... His eyes went to the turtle's tail, the fluffy beautiful thing he had been chasing since the fucking desert. NO...

    He had been...

    ....chasing the tail....


    His eye twitched and he had to suppress the electricity that wanted to take out the stupid bloke. If he lashed out now, Chickie-Poo would certainly hate him, marking off his chances for good. She seemed the type against fighting, especially amongst "friends". He took in a steadying breath and regained his composure.

    "You guys made it after all?" McChu said as he waddled forward, extending a stubby fat paw to the turtle. "Good to see you got out of that horrible desert, the both of you. Didn't get a chance to introduce myself to you last time, did I? Name's McChu," he said coyly. Surely, he'd get on the dragonair's good side with this... and if the two retaliated, that meant that the others would be less prone to trust them. Leading Hot Stuff to trusting him more...

    Yes, this was an awesome plan.


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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Fox Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:00 pm

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    Jean Luc(10)/Riker(8)
    Fortree City | Morning

    Jean Luc watched with growing impatience as the Raichu glared at his face, then his tail, then back again, his beady eyes wide with incredulity and rage.
    What the devil is he looking at?! the Wartortle thought as he shot a glance at Riker uncomfortably.

    "You guys made it after all?" The Raichu said finally, with a feigned friendliness. "Good to see you got out of that horrible desert, the both of you. Didn't get a chance to introduce myself to you last time, did I? Name's McChu," He finished, offering his nub of a paw.

    Jean Luc wasn't fooled. The slyness in the Raichus' eyes betrayed him. Ah, I see. Truly a ladies' man. He thought, as he glanced back at the Dragonair. Jean Luc accepted the handshake formally, remarking as he did so.

    "Yes, we did manage to escape, soon after you all disappeared. I see you found your way out as well, safe and sound." He said emphatically, looking down on the creature, not even trying to hide his disapproval in the mouse. Jean Lucs' tail flicked in annoyance behind him as he walked passed the Raichu.
    Like hell if he's going to be using us to look good in front of his lady friend.

    "So what seems to be the trouble here?" He asked the others as he gazed up at the flying Dragonair.

    Riker followed closely, lowering himself down to Jean Lucs' level and whispered in his ear.
    "Who was that? He acted as if he knew us."
    "Yes, number one, he was in the lab. He almost barbecued all of us with his foolishness. It was right before you arrived." He sneered as he drew closer to Riker.
    "We should keep an eye on that one. He is not to be trusted."

    Riker nodded, pulling himself back to his hind legs, shooting a glance at the Raichu.
    One wrong move, little one...he threatened silently in his mind. His fierce eyes staring down the small creature.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:12 am

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    Fortree City | Morning (3)

    Glacia looked at all the other pokémons arround him. They all seemed to be caring for the Dragonair who clearly had a hard time right now. And he was just sitting there. How caring. But if he got too close on them, they might attack him. All the others seemed to have introduced themself to each other. But he wasn't sure if this was the time to tell who he was, so he just keept quiet.

    But he didn't want to feel left out. He slowly rose up, walking over to the other pokémon there was standing arround the dragonair. He sat down again when close enough.

    Then he opened his left eye, looking at the dragonair with his normal eye, and the ice eye he had made.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:45 pm

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    Fortree City | Morning

    "I will be but I'm more worried about you dear. Are you alright?" Acht blinked. Worry about her? No one ever worried about her. She was usually fine on her own, nobody really cared. "I-I'm alright. Thanks." the Aerodactyl smiled shyly. She looked down to the other from her tree, a cold breeze washing over the city.

    "So what seems to be the trouble here?" Acht thought before she spoke. "We... Had just been in a rather large battle with some undead. Most of the other living vanished too. We're just trying to recover..." she murmured. Really, where had they gone off to? Why did they have to abandon her? The only one she knew anymore was Lumiere, and now she felt even more vulnerable.

    Acht's eyes slowly drifted towards the Glaceon, who had an ice eye now. "H-hi." she mumbled, curious about this Pokemon. She had never seen any like it before, but it looked so similar to ah... What's it called? Umbreons? Vaporeons? It looked kinda like a mixture of both, with flatter tail and stuff. How curious.

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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:45 pm

    Post 14

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    Fortree City| Morning

    McChu's eye twitched as the turtle's cold, clammy hand grasped his own paw in a "friendly" handshake. Gross. Nothing should produce its own moisture like that. Blech. "Yes, we did manage to escape, soon after you all disappeared. I see you found your way out as well, safe and sound."

    Another twitch. McChu hated his tell; his trainer had had the same problem, and well... birds of a feather and all that bullshit. Then again, there wasn't any use hiding his intentions from the turtle since he already looked to have figured them out. McChu had never boasted to be a very complicated kind of guy... "I'm not sure what that crazy bitch was thinking back there," McChu replied honestly, giving the bloke a shrug. "She's the one that broke the elevator. Maybe she had rabies." But the bloke moved past him and allowed the conversation to end, allowing McChu to take up his spot beside Chicky Poo.

    "So what seems to be the trouble here?" the wartortle asked. McChu frowned. Didn't they see the alakazam come and obliterate a pokemon, or was that just him? Really. Maybe that rumor about Wanker's Cramp and blindness was true.

    We... Had just been in a rather large battle with some undead. Most of the other living vanished too. We're just trying to recover..." the weird aerodactyl replied, revealing her gender. McChu's brow quirked. Another girl? Sweet. Shy ones always were more fun; the more dominant chicks freaked him out. Though, as appealing as the opposite genders were, another carnal instinct came to mind.

    "...Well... food always helps recovery. Have you looked through this place yet?" McChu began, eyeing the weird tree houses. "We could rest a bit, get some food in, some sleep? It'll make a world of difference." And eating would let him have more energy to go after Chickie Poo.

    ((XD sorry McChu's such a sleazeball))


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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Fox Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:48 pm

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    Jean Luc(11)/Riker(9)
    Fortree City | Morning

    "We... Had just been in a rather large battle with some undead. Most of the other living vanished too. We're just trying to recover..." The Aerodactyl replied as she stared up at the dragon.

    "Hmm," Picard responded, nodding as a determined look came across his face and his ears falling back. "It seems we'll need to scout a perimeter and..." The Wartortle sighed, looking back at the Raichu over his shoulder reluctantly. "Continue on to the structures, as Mr. McChu has suggested."

    The Wartortle turned back to the Aerodactyl and Dragonair, with a hint of concern coloring his voice. "I'm sorry ladies, but...would you care to move to some place more secure?" He said as gently as he could, motioning towards the treetops. "If you've recently been attacked, then the threat remains."

    Jean Luc glanced back at the looming bear behind him, giving him a quick and subtle nod. Riker said nothing, but quickly fell to all fours and disappeared into the forest to scout out any danger.

    Last edited by Anathema on Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:39 am

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    Fortree City | Morning (4)

    Hmmm. It looked like he wasn't getting much attention right now. Only that pokémon with it's wings broken, wat was her name again... Acht! That was it! She was the only one who had noticed him so far. Mumbling an unsure hi to him. He looked arround at the others and frowned. They where anout to start some sort of defense up, to not let anymore undead get close to them. How ironic. HE was afterall sitting in the middle of them.

    HE rose once more and quickly jumped up close to that Acht girl. Lightly noding his head at her. He then spoke to her with a voice sounding more feminin right now because his throat was lighty iced over from inside. "Hello to you too." it might have been wiered to jump up to her to talk, but he was sure that the idiot to a Raichu might go to the conclution that there was yet another girl he couldt get to play a fool to, and he didn't want that to happen. Then yet again, he maybe couldt fool him and get him away from the groupe.

    He looked down at the other pokémons at the ground, noticing that one of them was now missing. Guess they where setting up defenses now. He swiftly jumped down again. "Well, since you're all going for defending us all, is there something I can do?" He asked, his voice still sounding feminin.

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