Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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2 posters

    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree]


    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] Empty Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree]

    Post by Min Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:32 pm

    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] Fk98X0

    Means 'Eight' in German



    Earthquake [TM]
    Fire Blast [TM]
    Stone Edge [TM]
    Fly [HM]



    A little quick tempered.

    ::National Dex No./Species::
    #142, Aerodactyl, The Fossil Pokemon.



    ::Pokédex Entry::
    A Pokemon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades.



    "Am I meeting your expectations?"

    Acht was revived by a German scientist on Cinnabar island, he had conducted many attempts to revive fossils and out of all of them, Acht, his eighth attempt, was the only one that had been successfully revived without any known side effects. Afterwards, the scientist had become her 'father'. She was taken to many meetings and labs, presented and often tested vaccines and dangerous drugs on.

    Acht loved the scientist who took care of her. He was overly strict and harsh, but he took care of her, and that meant everything for her. He oversaw her growth, her health, and happiness. The only thing she didn't like about him was how he wanted her to be perfect. He always had the highest expectations of her, and she always struggled to fulfill them. She was tested on day after day, given a task every hour to be completed in five minutes, and when she failed, he would abuse her. But she didn't care, 'father' had revived her and took care of her, fed her, surely he loved her... Right?

    Her thoughts turned out wrong. After a year of vaccine and drug testing, she became very sickly. She coughed and vomited, gagged and cried. Her 'father' decided she was no use anymore, and threw her out in a deserted forest to die. But she didn't. On her third day of starvation an old poet had come by and found her, and lovingly took her home, to care and look after her.

    At first, she hated this man. He played instruments half the day, then recited poets the next. He was the first normal human she had ever seen and she didn't like it. But as months passed by, she slowly grew to love him too, he cared for her, and didn't have impossible expectations like her former caretaker had. She slowly began to learn the human language then, shakily reciting the poems with him, and plucking the strings of the old Kayagum instrument he had together.

    But all good things come to an end. The poet was old and withered. He was nothing more than skin and bones. Acht knew that soon he would die. Every night she begged and pleaded to Arceus to not let the old Poet die, but he did. No one could escape the hands of death. The poet, lying on his bed, said his final wish to Acht, with his last breath."Acht, my dear Pokemon. I want you to take my Kayagum and poems, keep them safe. And I want you to be happy- don't cry, I will always watch over you." And Acht did what she was told. Shaken by her owner's death, she cried and cried, flying to new ares and region, holding the Kayagum with her claws with the poems inside.

    ::User Notes::

    ;- She can speak English, along with a little bit of French and German because the Poet and Scientist were from both countries respectively.

    ;- The skull she wears on her face was found during the time in the forest.

    ;- She is very insecure about others seeing her face, but why is unkown.

    ;- She's scared of new things, which includes Pokemon from regions other than Johto or Kanto, items she's never seen before, and Pokemon who speak weird.

    Last edited by Cedric on Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:24 pm; edited 6 times in total

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] Empty Re: Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree]

    Post by Min Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:23 pm

    This profile is done now. c:

    Posts : 3650

    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] Empty Re: Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree]

    Post by Mewtwo Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:06 pm

    A very interesting concept. However, your Pokemon's appearance is too far altered from a normal Aerodactyl to be considered one, so it would have to use a Shiny ticket.

    You will either have to make your shiny inactive, kill it, or wait for a new shiny ticket before this profile can be approved.


    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] 3Br5nS6

    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAcht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] UugYyDK

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] Empty Re: Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree]

    Post by Min Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:21 pm

    Echocave has donated her Shiny Ticket to me, so I think Acht can be accepted now! ^^

    Posts : 3650

    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] Empty Re: Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree]

    Post by Mewtwo Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:49 am

    Sorry for the delay, yes that is acceptable. Approved. You may create your Team.


    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] 3Br5nS6

    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAcht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] UugYyDK

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    Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree] Empty Re: Acht the Aerodactyl [Hoenn - Fortree]

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