Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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9 posters

    (ACE) The FORTREE Team


    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Min Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:14 pm

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    Fortree City | Morning

    "...Well... food always helps recovery. Have you looked through this place yet? We could rest a bit, get some food in, some sleep? It'll make a world of difference." Acht thought for a moment before replying, but found the Wartotle speaking instead. "Hmm. It seems we'll need to scout a perimeter and... Continue on to the structures, as Mr. McChu has suggested." The Aerodactyl added on. "Most of the food I could find were spoiled and moldy, but there should be some berries around the borders of the city." she murmured, climbing around the trees until she landed on the ground again.

    "I'm sorry ladies, but...would you care to move to some place more secure? If you've recently been attacked, then the threat remains." Acht blinked. More secure? "Uh, well, I wouldn't mind. The Pokemon Center's still pretty sturdy." she suggested, looking at the white and red building. Her curiosity was diverted to the Glaceon who spoke to her. "Do you have a name?" she asked.

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    Post by Guest Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:08 am

    (Lumiere is in the safehouse. Somewhere before this I was skipped...)

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    Fortree City | Morning (5)

    "So what seems to be the trouble here?" the wartortle asked. Trouble? Drageon thought to himself. How could you not notice the alakazam come and obliterate a pokemon?
    Acht joined in the conversation. "We... Had just been in a rather large battle with some undead. Most of the other living vanished too. We're just trying to recover..." The Aerodactyl replied as she stared up at the dragon. Drageon agreed with her, though he wasn't in the battle, he saw some of them around.
    From all this is what he heard them say, as no one was paying very much attention to him.
    "I'm sorry ladies, but...would you care to move to some place more secure?" He said as gently as he could, motioning towards the treetops. "If you've recently been attacked, then the threat remains." Ladies? That was for sure that he hadn't noticed Drageon. But the wartortle did have a good plan. That sounded like a good idea, as the danger that he said did possibly still remain.
    "Moving to a safer place..." Drageon thought to himself. He started to climb up the tree. "Bye, everyone. Its been short, and not really sweet. Haven't known you folks for long, but its to dangerous for me here. Good bye."
    Drageon waved his calws back at the others, though only a few noticed. He climbed up higher into the treetops, and then he was out of sight.

    (Drage's going to Phenac. Bye!)

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:42 pm

    Post 15

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    Fortree City| Morning

    McChu couldn't help but have a smirk as the wartortle reluctantly gave into his advice. Heck yeah he knew what he was doing. He didn't spend almost all of his life with a Champ for nothing. Even if that dumb brute dragonite did most of the work, the knowledge was still there. The Aerodactyl, Sweet Cheeks, reported that most of the food they found were moldy and bad, which disappointed McChu more than he had thought. A good cheesburger would let him die happy...

    However, there were promises of food on the borders. This posed interesting; he could go out and forage, get his share a little early, and then bring back the rest for Chickie Poo and Sweet Cheeks. The glaceon was trying to cozy up to Sweet Cheeks, but that probably wouldn't last long, with the weird look she had given him. After a moment, he spoke up. "I'll go and forage while you and the others head to the Center," McChu offered to the wartortle. "After all, I'm pretty good at finding berries." He patted his bloated belly for his point. "I won't be long." He gave a perverted grin to the dragonair and kissed the air at the aerodactyl before skittering off to the borders of the town.

    'The big manly man goes to forage food for his women,' McChu sung in his head triumphantly, 'And the girly Brit goes to play Housekeep. Sounds right. He better not mess anything up...' Better for the fluff tail to stick his weird accent somewhere else. If he got inbetween McChu and Chickie Poo or Sweet Cheeks, then the raichu would be dining on roasted turtle.


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    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Fox Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:55 am

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    Jean Luc(12)/Riker(10)
    Fortree City | Morning

    Jean Luc nodded as he listened to Acht and the Glaceon intently, his gray eyes fixed on the prehistoric creature.

    "Well, since you're all going for defending us all, is there something I can do?" the Glaceon asked, its' voice soft. The Wartortle turned to the blue feline and nodded.
    "Mmm, yes. If you could scout the Pokemon Center, and report back with your findings. We'll require somewhere secure." He said coolly, nodding slightly.

    As the Sceptile announced their departure, the Wartortle moved to protest, but decided against it.
    Not everyone is willing to work together.

    "I'll go and forage while you and the others head to the Center," McChu offered to the wartortle. "After all, I'm pretty good at finding berries." Jean Luc nodded at the fat rat as it pat its' belly.
    "Very good, make it so." He concluded, gesturing quickly with his claw before the Raichu strutted off proudly into the forest.
    At least he's good for something.


    Riker slowly padded back, cleaning his paws of blood as he did so.
    At least this area seems relatively safe. It appears that the more precipitation there is, the less infected there are...that Absol was so rotten, it could barely drag itself forward. The Ursaring quietly returned to the Wartortles' side.

    "Sir. Perimeter secured. There was minimal signs of infection. This town seems to be somewhat secluded. Only native Pokemon from what was observed." The Ursaring stated, his claws going behind his back as he stood tall.
    "Well done, number one. That makes this location ideal for respite and possible course adjustment." Jean Luc said, his voice lowering as he thought out loud. "Perhaps you should go with the Glaceon, make sure that the Center is safe for everyone."


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:57 am

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    Fortree City | Morning(5)

    "Do you have a name?" The one who had been proberly the only one to accurley say something to him had spoken. He lightly smirked before answering "Yes, my name is Glacia" He ligtly bowed his head at her before looking at the turtle who was now answering him too. "Mmm, yes. If you could scout the Pokemon Center, and report back with your findings. We'll require somewhere secure." He smirked lightly once more and nooded. The turtle then said something to the idiot to a Raichu, but he didn't bother lisening.

    "Sir. Perimeter secured. There was minimal signs of infection. This town seems to be somewhat secluded. Only native Pokemon from what was observed." Someone said. He turned his head to see who it was. It was that big, bear-thing again. It had been looking for something close to what was standing in the middle of them? "Well done, number one. That makes this location ideal for respite and possible course adjustment." Then he lowered his voice, thinking out loud apparently. "Perhaps you should go with the Glaceon, make sure that the Center is safe for everyone."

    He then shaked his head at the turtle. "No, that won't be nessesarry. I can handle this small task" He said. Then, he headed over and whent into the Pokémon Center.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:44 pm

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    Fortree City | Morning

    "Bye, everyone. Its been short, and not really sweet. Haven't known you folks for long, but its to dangerous for me here. Good bye." She only briefly glanced at the Sceptile's direction before he went. 'Suit yourself.' she thought, turning away. The Raichu had begun to talk about going to find food, which the flying-type only slightly listened to before numbly nodding.

    McChu kissed the air to Acht before scurrying off to supposedly forage for food. The fossil blinked before raising a brow. "...He's... Interesting?" she murmured. Interesting wasn't exactly the right word for him... The Aerodactyl could only think for a few minutes before her thoughts were interrupted. She turned back to the Glaceon, a small smile forming on her lips. "Glacia is a pretty name." she mumbled.

    "Shall I wait here until the Pokemon Center has been fully scouted?" Acht suggested to the Wartotle, deciding to hang from a low tree branch for a better view of everyone.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:49 am

    Post 16

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    Fortree City| Morning

    McChu hadn't even heard the sceptile bid his rather sweet farewell -or not- as the fat little rat scurried as best as his bloated form could muster toward the line of trees and bushes, his mind set on food. Once within the safe line of trees, he looked around and immediately spotted what looked like a fantastic banquet of Sitris berries.

    "Oh... FUCK YES," he whispered in triumph to himself, immediately gobbling them up as quickly as possible. He'd been starved ever since the bloody desert, and Lord knew he wasn't going to starve if he didn't have to. He paused as he thought over his train of thought. 'Bloody? Did just use the word "bloody"? Crap, now that stupid friffy wartortle's getting to me...' But the grim thought was abated as he stuffed his face full of more berries. Well. At least he was eating and the bloody Brit was not. Ha.

    Once the bush had been obliterated, he went then to look for more for his darlings. He found an arrangement of Oran, Pecha and some others he couldn't remember the names of, grabbed them, and headed back toward town. He had taken about half an hour for the entire venture. "Food," he called as he reentered the territory, heading toward the Center to lay out his feast.


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    Post by Guest Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:14 am

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    Fortree City | Morning(6)

    Hmm, nothing here. He had been searching at the top floor and main floor of the Pokémon Center. Nothing. He had kinda hoped for SOMETHING. But no other infected or undead where here. Danm.

    He when into one of the small rooms he had already looked in. He then used his Ice Beam to freeze the room. He smiled at his work. 'Now I have a place to rest there's COLD' He thought to himself.

    Then he walked out and to the front of the pokemon center, sticking his head out and called out for the rest of the pokémons arround outside "No undeads in here! It's safe!" He lightly laughed to himself over this. Because it wasn't relly safe.

    ((OoC; Short post is short. Not relly much for him to do ^^'))
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:12 pm

    (lol, gonna have to skip. Not enough's really happened)


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    Post by Fox Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:35 pm

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    Jean Luc(13)/Riker(11)
    Fortree City | Morning

    The Wartortle nodded at Acht as she hung from the tree, awaiting his response.
    "Yes, it's best if at least some of stick together and wait for the others to return."

    They didn't have to wait long before the Glaceon came out of the building with the all clear just as the annoying Raichu returned with arms full of berries and a triumphant grin.
    "Food!" He called out to them as he waddled past them and towards the Pokemon Center. Rikers' ears perked as the word registered, a large grin spreading on his face as he followed.
    Jean Luc smiled up at the Aerodactyl.
    "Shall we join them, then?" He asked with a gentlemanly gesture of his claw.

    (OoC-OTL short post is short)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:59 am

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    Fortree City | Morning(7)

    He frowned lightly as he looked at the Raichu. It had food with for the others, but he didn't need berries. He knew that. And the worst part right now, was that he was hungry. He was very hungry. And as far as he knew, these where the only survivors around here. Damn Dark Arceus for that. He knew someone was playing a cruel joke on him.

    But he also felt that this place was warm. Too warm for his liking. So he went back to the room he had iced over, creating a small 'nest' of ice and laid down there. Then, he just waited for the others to get into the pokémon center.

    (ACE) The FORTREE Team  - Page 5 Empty Re: (ACE) The FORTREE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:08 pm

    (OOC: Please skip me I'm trying to catch up but I've had a lot of stuff with school going on and I haven't even had time to read through posts that I've missed yet.)

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:16 am

    Post 17

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    Fortree City| Morning

    As the others filed in, McChu was still laying out his feast on the slightly swept floor of the Center, in a place what wasn't covered in stains or dried blood. Man, he loved food. While he had already devoured an entire bush, his never-ending abyss of a stomach grumbled in gluttony, wanting more. However, for once, he restrained himself and gestured to the feast with a nub paw and a triumphant, "Ta da!"

    However, he waddled to Frou-Frou, the wanker wortortle and his big Boy Toy, nub in front of them, blocking their path. "Ladies first, Brits." His tone was flat, and he gave a small frown. No stupid gay wanker was gonna get first dibs on the food he'd picked for Sweet Cheeks and Chicky Poo.


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    Post by Fox Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:11 pm

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    Jean Luc(14)/Riker(12)
    Fortree City | Morning

    As they made their way in, the Raichu revealed a formidable feast of berries of all different kinds. Riker grinned widely, his eyes shining brilliantly as he stepped forward to eat.
    "Yes, it's about time." He muttered hungrily. But the large bear was cut off by McChu, who held out a tiny nub in front of him.
    The Ursaring growled at the rodent as his brows furrowed, a dangerous look coming into his eyes.

    "Ladies first, Brits." he sneered as he glared at the Wartortle.
    Jean Luc laughed softly.
    "I had no idea you were such a gentleman, Mr. Chu," he said with a taunting grin, nodding at the bear before backing up slowly.
    The Ursaring ceased his growling at the turtles' command and sat down in frustration.

    "Jean Luc, I'm hungry." Riker growled, his voice low and threatening.
    "Patience, number one. We all have to take turns." He reassured the large beast as he watched the females take their pick of the food.
    Despite his reserve, the Wartortles' stomach was growling as well.
    Let's just hope there's enough to feed all of us...Riker is not pleasant company when he's gets hungry...

    The Wartortles' gray eyes analyzed their surroundings as he waited.
    It appears the Glaceon was thorough in his scouting. If there were any undead here, they would have attacked by now.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:31 pm

    ((OoC; Skip please. Glacia is just waiting for them to go to the pokémon center '-'))

    Age : 29
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    Post by Snitch Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:04 am

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    Fortree City || Morning [13]

    Everything hurt. The pain had left the feline unconscious twice since the violent attack, but now, Moriarty was slowly becoming accustomed to the constant aching of his body. He currently lay limp, his body hanging haphazardly on one of the highest tree branches he could scramble his way up to. A steady dripping of warm blood had stained the branches beneath his perch, an ugly trail of crimson littered across the various trees from the Persian’s desperate escape to safety. It had been horrible. If his body wasn’t hideously wounded enough, Moriarty’s mental health had taken a severe blow in the attack as well, the feline utterly terrified to leave the trees in such a state. He’d tried rubbing his blood against any rocks of tree stumps back on ground-level, trying to disorientate the mightyena pack, but he knew damn well that they would be waiting for him. With such substantial blood loss, Moriarty was well aware that he was likely to die were he currently lay.

    Groaning as he lifted his head, shifting on his perch slightly to lie on his bloodstained stomach, the Persian appeared a shell of what he’d once been. His beautiful coat had adopted a foul shade of red, a tired look reflected in his hazel eyes as he inspected the gory gashes on his chest. He had no idea how bad the damage was, but from the agony and bouts of light-headedness, he knew that it wasn’t good. A part of him was tempted to just remain motionless and wait until he passed out to simply fall to his death – but no, Moriarty was a fighter. His pride wouldn’t allow him to die so dishonourably.

    Suddenly, there was a voice.

    He was sure he was hearing things at first, but as he strained to pick up the minutest sounds, Moriarty managed to distinguish another voice, and then another. Eyes scanning the ground determinedly, the Persian’s gaze soon fell onto the pokémon centre, flickers of movement visible through the foliage concealing him. Mouth opening slightly in shock, a surge of relief travelled through the feline’s veins as he realized that this could be a chance of saving himself. He’d made a mistake in leaving Acht and Lumiere, too caught up in the feelings of friendship he’d began harbouring for the pair of dragons – now all he wanted was to see them again. Perhaps that flicker of movement was them... maybe they were still here! Biting his lip, Moriarty forced himself to his feet, wincing as the pain flooded back. He fought it though; he couldn’t lose them, not again.

    Struggling weakly through the trees, making a hasty, pained descent to solid land, Moriarty landed pathetically, his legs giving way beneath him as he momentarily lay ashamed, vulnerable. At this level, he caught sight of an Ursaring and Wartotle at the building’s entrance, gradually making their way inside. His heart sank. Perhaps the dragons had left after all – he deserved it really, he’d abandoned them and they had every right to simply move on. Who was he kidding? He had no chance. A single tear dribbled down the feline’s face in defeat, the Persian staring weakly at the strangers that now occupied the area – was there any point in seeking their help? Feeling worthless, Moriarty’s eyes returned once again to the building, a flash of purple within capturing his attention. Shaking his head in disbelief, Moriarty forced himself to his feet, using the tree trunk as support in his bid to investigate. Squinting in confusion, the Persian found himself limping towards the centre, clinging onto the hope that he hadn’t begun imagining things. His step faltering in his voyage, his pace soon quickened as he caught glimpse of an Aerodactyl he knew.
    “Acht...” Moriarty called quietly, his voice emerging fragile. Clearing his throat, he managed a weak smile as an almost joyous emotion came flooding back to him. “Acht!” Loud enough to have captured the attention of the entire gathering, the battered Persian paid little attention to the strangers that had been drawn to the Aerodactyl, his eyes permanently fixed on the dragon.

    He slowed to a halt just outside, somewhat intimidated by the strangers crowding the building. On closer inspection, he could see a Raichu and a Glaceon too – apparently, a rush of survivors had arrived in his absence. His smile of relief vanished as the pain from such physical exertion kicked in, Moriarty deciding that some sort of explanation was in order.
    “T-The border’s not safe...” He offered his crooked grin, gesturing to the gory decorations of his slim body. The remainder of his tail flicked nervously, wondering whether he would even be permitted to rejoin the group. Surely, they’d have to take pity on his appearance alone – but the feline could only hope that Acht had presumed he would return all along. Frowning, he noticed the Dragonair’s absence and made a mental note to inquire about Lumiere. “Big mightyena pack... I-I thought I should warn you,” His attention drifted to the other pokémon, nodding his head lightly in greeting to each being he hadn’t previously met. They looked almost... normal. The group seemed to be preparing a feast of berries, utterly oblivious to the monstrosities gradually seeping into the city. Moriarty could only envy them – paranoia was gradually beginning to shape his entire existence.

    (( Sorry, long post. But, I’m glad to be back! : D ))

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:47 am

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    Fortree City | Morning

    Acht was grateful when the Glaceon has told them that the Pokemon Center was safe, it was a sturdy building and was definitely the best shelter around. She was even more delighted at the sound of the word 'food', the electric-mouse emerging from the bushes with armfuls of berries. A gentle smile graced her face. "Shall we join them, then?" With a nod the Aerodactyl began to walk to where the Raichu was.

    As soon as she stepped foot in the center her eyes lit up to a buffet or berries, the electric-type gesturing to them. "Ta da!" Ignoring the sharp comments the Wartotle and Raichu threw at each other she grinned and hopped to a Oran berry, holding it. "Thank you for the food!" Acht's mood had gotten significantly better, especially now that she had something edible. Slowly munching on the sleek surface, her eyes glanced around. Where'd the Glaceon go?

    Before she could answer her own question she heard someone call for her. “Acht...” A familiar voice... “Acht!” It clicked. The dragon whirled around and stared outside the center to find a wounded Persian--Moriarty. “T-The border’s not safe... Big mightyena pack... I-I thought I should warn you,” She immediately hopped to him, concerned. Surveying the gore upon the feline's body she quickly spoke. "C-come inside the center, you can have the berries in there," she paused. "I-I can ask the others if they could patrol the borders and see if we can get rid of the undead." glancing at Jean Luc and McChu, she swiped a Sitrus Berry from the pile and shoved it towards the Persian.

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    Post by Silverishness Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:49 am

    Post 18

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    Fortree City| Morning

    McChu's face erupted into a triumphant grin as the dumb Brit obliged to his demand, and even told the giant plush bear to hold off as well. Victory was a sweet mistress, and McChu loved her company. As he watched Chickie Poo begin to feast on his hard work -his plump blue berries, if you would- he immediately noticed the absence of Sweet Cheeks. Where was that beautiful specimen of a creature? He looked around the center, then around the bear and Brit, but found nothing. "...Sweet Cheeks?" he called, his head swiveling to try and catch a glimpse of her lithe form. But she wasn't there.

    "Where..." McChu did not get to finish his query, as a cat stumbled out of the brush, beaten and bloody, calling for Chickie Poo. She called him in, and the rat couldn't be more confused. 'I... guess they know each other?' was all he could come up with. However, the sight of the persian getting close with Chickie Poo and even eating some of the berries he'd collected for her made him more than a little sour. There had been a persian with his trainer, that he'd never gotten along with, even in their unevolved stages. He'd even taken a piece of the ear off, to show that fucking cat McChu was not a rat to be messed with.

    Oh hey. Missing bit of ear. Weird.

    While it was definitely not his old teammate -he'd watched the bastard die, after all- the striking resemblance immediately pit McChu against him. He'd watch that stupid cat go just like Sylus did and all would be well again. Chickie Poo began to speak, however, and called McChu and Dumb Wanker to go and patrol for this "threat". McChu scoffed. Whatever it was -he didn't know, since he was far too busy thinking on more important things- it would be taken care of. With or without Mr. Froofy Tail.

    McChu gave her a winning, charming smile and began to dash off, though taking a berry to much on the way. "Consider it done, Chickie Poo." And he was off into the brush, following the nice blood trail the cat had left.


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    Post by Fox Thu May 03, 2012 12:21 am

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    Jean Luc(15)/Riker(13)
    Fortree City | Morning

    “T-The border’s not safe... Big mightyena pack... I-I thought I should warn you..." A Persian whimpered as he hobbled to them.
    "What the devil!?" Jean Luc gasped as he leaped to his feet to help the feline. He nodded urgently to Riker, who immediately and silently ran into the forest to scout out the danger.

    As he shot a glance at the Raichu, he sneered and announced that he would take care of the problem. Jean Luc lightly shook his head as he dashed up to the Persian, and offered his shoulder to lean on so he wouldn't teeter over.
    "Just relax, everything will be alright." He said, a sense of urgency in his voice as they made their way into the building.

    Once they were inside, the Wartortle dashed through the building, making a quick analysis of its' weak points.
    The windows are still boarded up significantly well. The second-story seems to be the safest bet for a last stand...and a potential escape for those with wings...

    The Wartortle returned to Acht and the hurt feline, speaking quickly.
    "The building is secure enough to hold against attacks, but they can't break through the front entrance. If they do, retreat to the second story." He barked out, just as Riker barreled back inside.

    "Sir, he's right! A pack of eight Mightyena, headed this way. I'm assuming they're following the Persians' scent here." The Ursaring said flatly, his blue eyes locked on the Wartortle, awaiting commands.

    Picard ran forward, reaching behind his shell to secure his flute before continuing.
    "Take the left flank. Chu took off right down the center." He growled, making his way to the right. Riker nodded, falling back to all fours and barreled back into the forest with Picard.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 10:57 am

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    Fortree City | Morning(8)

    Glacia had just been lying down, lisening to the other's talk outside from where he was. Oh, just great. This might end up with a dead body or two. Witch wouldt be great, because the need for him to kill was getting stronger. And he didn't want to blow his cover just yet...

    He got up and when out to the others. He looked arround at the windows. They where blocked pretty good, but maybe not good enough. Well, that was great. Then there could maybe be an sneak attack. He was highly amused by the situation right now. He looked over at the persian. It was looking like hell, if not worse. Maybe it wouldn't make it?

    He looked arround at all the ones still arround in here. There where not relly much going on, other than them being scared. But him? He wasn't relly. He knew that he might as well blow his cover while they least expect it. In the middle of the fight between them, and the undead.

    In the end, he could always figure out an exuse for hitting the others with a couble of ice beams, right?

    Age : 29
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    Post by Snitch Thu May 03, 2012 12:27 pm

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    Fortree City || Morning [14]

    A weak smile stretched across the feline’s face as Acht hopped towards him, urging him to enter the building with what appeared to be genuine concern. Obviously his scraggly, bloodstained excuse for a body was more than enough to evoke sympathy. Before he could react, the Wartortle he’d previously spotted was at his side, even offering his shoulder as a means of support .Moriarty hadn’t been expecting that. Brown eyes falling onto the water-type, a subtle expression of confusion on his slim but tired features, the Persian struggled to understand the creature’s motives. Was he trying to impress Acht? Or was this guy simply trying to help out a stranger in need? Foreign to the concept of authentic kindness, Moriarty pushed the thought to the back of his mind as he appreciatively took the Wartotle’s offer of assistance.

    Once he’d struggled inside the building, the feline was surprised at the sheer volume of berries that had been gathered, now elegantly displayed on the grubby floor of the room. Acht barked out some orders for the trio of men that had flocked to her, the bear already absent from the scene as a somewhat portly Raichu dashed away, offering the Aerodactyl a less than elegant name – ‘Chickie Poo’. Moriarty frowned, tempted to burst out into laughter at the ludicrous nickname the dragon had received in his absence.
    “Chickie Poo?” He muttered confusedly, a slight grin on his lips as he caught Acht’s eye. The smile quickly vanished however as a surge of pain shot through his fore legs. Apparently all that sudden jumping and running had made a hell of a lot of damage on his already fragile body. Slumping to the ground in agony, the pain in his forelegs becoming almost unbearable, Moriarty was relieved at the sheer volume of attention that had been paid to him. This group of strangers were already prepared to nurse and protect him, even when he’d efficiently put them all in danger.

    "Sir, he's right! A pack of eight Mightyena, headed this way. I'm assuming they're following the Persians' scent here.”

    Moriarty knew damn well that would be the case. Whilst he’d attempted to make some false trails, the combination of his undeniably feline scent and the rich aroma of fresh blood were bound to attract unwanted company. There was no doubt in his mind that the Mightyena pack would find him once more – only, he would have the protection of five potential powerhouses. Feigning guilt, Moriarty’s jaw fell open in shock, his eyes moistening on cue, a well-rehearsed trick.
    “I-I’m so sorry,” He addressed nobody in particular, staring at the ground almost ashamedly in a husky voice, a genuine fear surfacing in his words. Before he could offer any sort of explanation, the Wartortle and Ursaring were off, a battle plan falling into place with ‘Chu’ – he presumed it was the Raichu’s name. “Acht, I-I can go. I don’t know if I’ll last long anyway...” The feline began hesitantly with absolutely no intention of leaving the building at all. He huffed, his body shaking slightly as if he truly was sick at the reality of the situation. “It’s all my fault.”

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Fri May 04, 2012 11:50 pm

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    Fortree City | Morning

    "Consider it done, Chickie Poo." A faint red lit up on the Aerodactyl's face as the Raichu rushed off, swiping a berry in the process. “Chickie Poo?” Acht looked back to Moriarty, a faint grin on his face that swiftly mutated to a look of pain. "The building is secure enough to hold against attacks, but they can't break through the front entrance. If they do, retreat to the second story." Good, the Pokemon Center was safe. "M-Moriarty, w-would you like some more b-berries?" she questioned. "Sir, he's right! A pack of eight Mightyena, headed this way. I'm assuming they're following the Persians' scent here." The news had only made the dragon more frantic, worried that the attack would kill or severely injure them all.

    Acht's eyes were darting from place to place, so very paranoid that a dog would break through at any moment and begin to ripped them apart limb-by-limb. However, a feline's voice broke her from her thoughts. “I-I’m so sorry," In surprise, the flying-type glanced back at the Persian to see him staring at the ground with... Shame? His words were laced with fear, and the dragon felt her heart breaking. “Acht, I-I can go. I don’t know if I’ll last long anyway...” Shaking her head, she began her protest.

    "N-no, no! Stay here, it's not your fault at all- it couldn't be helped!" she squeaked. “It’s all my fault.” Gritting her teeth, Acht was frightened that the feline would leave again. And it's only been moments since he got back... "No, it.. It isn't. Don't worry, we'll b-be safe here." She only hoped that statement was true, and wondered how everyone else was holding up.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sat May 05, 2012 5:31 am

    Post 19

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    Fortree City| Morning

    The fat excuse for a raichu panted as he ran; he ususally didn't have to run this much... but it was going to a good cause; if this went well, Chickie Poo would be pudding in his little nub paws.

    Delicious Aerodactyl pudding.

    He slowed as the stench of death and blood drew nearer, and he settled for pausing in the brush. He attempted to calm his breathing, but his exursions proved a little too much for his plump frame. It didn't matter, though; the mightyena were too preoccupied with thier search of the blood trail to notice his heavy mouth breathing.

    However, even as the odds tilted in his favor, a slight shift in wind made McChu freeze. The clean, fresh water scent was immistakeable now; the damn froufy-tailed Brit! McChu snarled at the thought that the blue bald wortortle was, again, trying to move in on his territory. He said he was going to take care of it, so there was no need for him and his stupid Teddy Bear from Hell. His cheeks sparked slightly from the irritation.

    There was no way some bleeding heart, froufy wartortle, his pet bear, or some little cat was going to outshine McChu. Not again.

    NEVER again.

    With the pack's back to the rat, he sprang out in his jiggling glory, sparks flying. Clouds formed as his Rain Dance commenced, tail high to the sky, writhing like an angry serpent. With the rain coming, his Thunder wouldn't have the chance of missing. These bitches were his.

    "COME AND GET ME, CHOMPERS!" he cackled victoriously as he called down the lightning from the sky, and his entire body lit with the electric energy stored within him. Infection or no, he was a Champion's pokemon, and these assholes would soon find out what exactly that meant. A huge bolt flung three of the members away, frying them immediately, and the torrential rain hit the area hard. The other pack members turned to attack him, and McChu could only laugh.

    Let's see the little turtle outshine him now.


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    Post by Fox Mon May 07, 2012 4:46 pm

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    Jean Luc(16)/Riker(14)
    Fortree City | Morning

    Jean Luc skidded to a halt as he caught sight of the Raichu, who was now...dancing?
    Rain dance. He'll be vulnerable...he thought, as torrents of rain pelted the forest. The cold, fresh rain felt good on his reptilian skin, but he knew he didn't have time to stop. His gaze shot to the foliage across from him, where a brown blur suddenly appeared.

    Rikers' in place!
    We had better help him, before he gets in over his head!
    The Wartortle signaled to the Ursaring, closing his claw and quickly waving a single finger around in a circle over his head as he moved in.
    Dashing around the Mightyena, he spun around, his tail shooting a powerful wave of water towards all the canines, soaking them all to the bone.
    As a Mightyena snapped at him, he leaped out of the way.
    "Now Chu!"

    Riker growled as he barreled in, roaring as loud as he could to attract their attention while the other two went to work. Of course, the Mightyena weren't intimidated, but the plan did work. Picard soaked them with a water attack and then disappeared once more.

    My turn.
    The Ursaring used his stone edge, summoning jagged rocks from the very ground to entrap them in the ring.

    "Now Chu!" Picard shouted.
    The bear stepped back as he looked back at the rat.
    Time for fireworks.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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