Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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2 posters

    Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead)


    Age : 32
    Posts : 749

    Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead) Empty Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead)

    Post by NyraXerz Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:39 pm

    Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead) Aadenupdated_zpsfvj8qsve

    Aaden "Ronin"
    AGEYoung Adult (27)
    SPECIES #257, Blaziken Blaze Pokemon
    WEIGHT115 lbs
    NATURELonely (+Attack,-Defense)
    CHARACTERISTICProud of its power
    DEX ENTRYIn battle, Blaziken blows out intense flames from its wrists and attacks the foe courageously. The stronger the foes, the more intensely this Pokémon's wrists burn.
    ITEM(S)A necklace pendent with charcoal in it, vest and a black ribbon
    MOVES-Fire Punch (Learned)
    -High Jump kick (Learned)
    -Focus Energy (Learned)
    -Overheat (TM)


    Once easy going laid back pokemon, Aaden has turned bitter from the events of the epidemic. He doesn't say much, and would rather be left alone. When he does speak, its usually of his opinion of the situation, good or bad he still remains honest. Aaden does like a good fight and has retained his proud fighter attitude. The blaziken is still bond by honer be it infected or not.


    Aaden is slightly taller than the average blaziken, but normal in appearance and markings otherwise. He wears a small necklace with a glass pendent containing a lump of charcoal. His 'hair' down to his knees and he is missing a the right side of the 'V' on his face crest. Aaden continues to wear his fallen love's black ribbon around his left arm along with a sleeveless dark leather vest that was a gift from his trainer.

    Due to a recent battle with a undead, Aaden has a large wound on his left arm that is already showing signs of infection. It sports a slight color change and puss. Aaden has moved the black ribbon over the wound to cover it and help stop it from advancing onto anyone else.


    As a 'starter' torchic he grew up with a teenage boy named Ethen. They started their travels in Hoenn where they began training together. It was fairly normal, Aaden grew with the human and Ethen's team quickly expanded. One in particular, a female vulpix, he grew fairly close to.

    As Aaden aged, learned new moves and finally evolution, both him and his trainer took up a form of martial art. Aaden, at that time, was easy going and liked to show off for the team and particularly for the vulpix. The rest of the team got stronger as well and started to evolve--all but the vulpix. When Aaden finally brought himself to ask why the vulpix didn't want to evolve, she answered because she feared he wouldn't love her anymore.

    Aaden laughed and said that he will always love her not matter her form. She nodded her head and accepted the fire stone from their trainer and evolved. The pair only got closer and continued to still when Aaden evolved a final time. Training with Ethen got slower and less often as Ethen was suddenly sick with some sort of virus. He no longer had the energy to train with his pokemon and once it reached a critical point his mother had to release his pokemon.

    Ethen, with the last little bit of energy he had left, gave each of his pokemon a gift. His ninetales he gave a black ribbon, Aaden a dark grey vest that his trainer had always worn. Just before Aaden and the ninetales left, Ethen's mother gave them one more item. As a wordless gift for all that the pokemon had done for her son, she gave each a small pendent of their respective element. With their good-byes said, the team set out into the wild. Aaden had grown prideful from his years of training alongside his human. The Blaziken tried to keep the team together with his leadership, but some inevitably broke away from the group.

    Four of six stayed together as a team through many battles, getting stronger till one fateful night. One dark clouded night as the air grew heavy to breath, a sudden swarm of black wings flooded the clearing that the team had been staying in. Claws and beaks ripped into flesh, the cries of the ninetales echoed into the night before going silent. The grass quickly become coated with a thick red layer as the fire fox was torn apart. The blaziken was barely alive himself from the ambush, but managed to push himself up to looked over at his love who stared with cold eyes back at him. The rest of their group were too disfigured and scattered to discern who was who. This killed him on the inside...they were his friends, his team, and he their leader and all too quickly they were one.

    Unable to move from shock of the attack, he slumped forward and fell into a deep, nightmare-filled sleep. Once he woke up in the morning, the real nightmare began. What had happened last night was indeed real, her blood clung to his feather and filled his nostrils. He got up on shaky legs and looked at his fallen love. Through the carnage he saw that her pendent had been shattered with her charcoal gone, but her ribbon remained. Taking hold of a piece of the ribbon that was mostly free of blood, he tied it to his arm and clutched his own pendent, saying his last farewells to his one love.

    - Has a infection festering in his left arm which has become painful when he uses his fire related attacks.
    - Aaden is starting to hear a tiny voice in the back of his head and struggles to hold thoughts occasionally
    - Was adopt by me from Requiem. Original profile here: https://www.epidemicjohto.com/t4567-aaden-ronin-the-infected-blaziken-inactive
    - Only changes made since adoption were to the grammar and wording.
    -Coding provided by identitist. Thank you for the free use format. [:


    Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead) Yx8XtF9

    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
    Larka's Art Shop

    Age : 32
    Posts : 749

    Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead) Empty Re: Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead)

    Post by NyraXerz Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:19 pm

    Please move to the main computer to await approval!

    Since adoption, I have added profile coding and only touched the actual text to correct grammar/wording.


    Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead) Yx8XtF9

    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
    Larka's Art Shop

    Posts : 1265

    Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead) Empty Re: Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead)

    Post by Victini Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:34 pm

    Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead) RGgji6G


    Aaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead) VictiniAaden "Ronin" The Infected Blaziken (Burned, Lead) TGJeE
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