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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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14 posters

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team


    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:07 pm

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    Viridian Forest||Noon

    The falling leaves rustled at the pure white figure raced through the thick undergrowth of the forest. Its white fur almost seamed to glow in the afternoon sunlight. The shining form of a Glaceon soon came to a halt near a small pond. He looked down at the water to make sure it wasn’t tainted with the putrid smells he had been smelling for far to long. If he ever got really thirsty, he could always make some using his ice attacks. He bent down to sniff the pond, and luckily for the fresh snow pokemon, it was untouched. He had been running through this forest for days now, waiting till the infection died down, killing any and all bug infected that he came across. But for some strange reason, they only seemed to be getting worse.

    Zero began to lap at the water, taking a long drink after his midday run. He found this Forest to be home to him, though he belonged much more in the frozen wastelands of the north, he felt comfortable here in the shady forest. He had been here long enough to know his way around, he knew where every possible escape rout was, even where there was fresh water. But just because it was fresh one day, doesn’t mean it will be the next. You have to be careful what you eat, drink, even hear, for anything could mean trouble.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:27 pm

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    Viridian Forest | Noon [1]

    The tiny blue Cotton Pokemon flapped her little wings above the forest of Viridian, her flying so very graceful, yet quick. The trees rustled a bit as Trinity swooped down next to them, her mind focused on looking for survivors. The Swablu would call out, but of course, that would attract some unwanted guests. She scanned the area, quickly and quietly, knowing that she could attract an infected bird because of her bright colors.

    Trinity landed on a tree nearby a little pool of water, the tree was very dull, the Swablu sighed, praying to Arceus to heal this forsaken tree. The Cottonball was on the verge of flying off when she suddenly spotted a Glaceon nearby the pool of water, it seems that it just came recently. It was oddly colored, but it doesn't seem to be infected. It seemed fairly cautious of the water, sniffing it, Trinity grinned, Interesting... Good thing he knows that the infection also contaminated water...

    Trinity came out from her hiding spot, perking onto the lowest branch of the tree, right next to the Glaceon, "Why... Hello there, I mean no harm, I'm Trinity, the Swablu. If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" Although Trinity was a complete stranger, surely this Glaceon is trustworthy enough to team up with her to fight off the infection?

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Abysswalker Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:40 pm

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    Viridian Forest | Noon

    Some of the sunlight from the afternoon sun drifted through the dense trees of the great forest, though it was sad to see much of it had been ruined by everything that had happened. Klaus paid no attention to his surroundings, after everything that had just happened. That Beedrill, attacking him mercilessly, it wasn't natural at all. He had torn apart its body with a Shadow Ball, but who knew if more would return for revenge? The small Eevee barred his negative thoughts, they would only weaken him in the end, and that was not something he really needed at this point. Baring his pointed fangs, Klaus climbed over a large root into a clearing, expecting something to pop out and attack. Fortunately, all was still and peaceful here....leaves falling slowly from the remaining trees, sunlight beaming down on Klaus' fur, illuminating it until it simply shone.

    Everything was peaceful here, but as Klaus traveled on, he became very cautious. Tranquil spots were places of death, he knew, even for the most experienced fighters. They were trapped by the calm, tricked into letting their guard down. Klaus then spotted a pool of fresh water, and was thrilled, having not satisfied his thirst in quite a long time. But then he saw two creatures, a fluffy bird and a Glaceon, he recognized the Eeveelution, but they didn't seem to be the vicious, death-covered ones. Perhaps they were normal...? If they weren't, Klaus was in for another hellish fight, but you didn't meet normal-looking Pokemon every day.

    Stepping out from the shadows and into the light, fully visible, Klaus showed himself to the strangers. "Hello," he greeted with that smooth, beautiful accent he had inherited. "It is quite strange to encounter others like me, not killing each other and eating the dead." Pausing for a moment, Klaus took a breath before continuing on. "My name is Klaus."


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:54 am

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    Viridian Forest|Noon

    Lullaby floated in the breeze.

    Lullaby and goodnight, with roses bedight... The Chimecho sang in her squeaky voice. Her home was a terrible wreck, crawling with infected, undead Pokemon. She hadn't seen and living in awhile, and Lullaby was starting to think she'd always be alone in this world.

    No...no, could it be? She heard voices. Living voices. Friends maybe? She hoped. The Chimecho followed the sound of the voices, and when she caught sight of three Pokemon gathering at a pond, she quickly hid herself. She rang her bell, a terrible creaky sound coming from it, and then slowly floated to the other Pokemon. Without control, she let out a Thunder Wave.

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:39 pm

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    Viridian Forest||Noon

    “Why... Hello there, I mean no harm, I'm Trinity, the Swablu. If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?”
    The shiny Glaceon almost jumped out of his fur at the sound of a new voice. He spun around as fast as he could, his tail bright with light, readying an Iron Tail, but he stopped mid swing when he saw what it was. A Swablu, he knew that small blue form with cotton like wings anywhere. He had seen plenty of them in the daycare where he had grown up when he was still an Eevee. Zero let out a sigh, glade that it wasn’t an infected, but simply another living pokemon. He knew that some infected could still speak, tricking the living by saying stuff they didn’t mean. So he thought this small little pokemon was just one of them, but it wasn’t. His tail lost its glow and he relaxed a bit.

    “You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that, I almost cut you in two.” He said with a somewhat harsh tone. He didn’t like being snuck up on. He almost always kept his guard up so that he would be ready for any kind of sneak attack. And since he thought he was the only living in the forest, it never crossed his mind quite that often that there could be others in the forest. And it wasn’t to soon that another voice came to be heard, this time from a pokemon that he knew all to well.
    “Hello,” the small Eevee had said as it came out into view. It seemed to be rather nerves, which means that they must be the first living pokemon it had seen since this nightmare started. Zero had seen some here and there, but they never made it far. He didn’t bother approaching them ether, cause they all ended up dead the next day, but these pokemon had kindly introduced themselves to him, so he might as well do the same.
    “My name is Zero, the Glaceon.” He was odd coloured, yes, but he was still just a Glaceon.

    Zero was about to ask them what they wanted, when he all of a sudden felt like he couldn’t move. He was sparking like he had just been paralysed, so he to have been hit with an electric attack or some other kind of attack that could paralyse, but the only electric pokemon that lived in this forest where Pikachu, and they all left the forest weeks ago looking for more food. Could one of them have stayed behind? He strained his head to get a look at what had caused it only to see a small windchim pokemon. It was a Chimecho. And from the looks of it, it was indeed infected.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:27 pm

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    Viridian Forest | Noon [2]

    The Glaceon jumped as Trinity spoke, his tail glew, but stopped midway as he saw the Swablu, “You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that, I almost cut you in two.” He said harshly. Trinity blinked, "Think first, shoot later, but nonetheless, I shall follow your warning." She stayed unmoving from her spot on the tree, glancing at the rustling bushes nearby, revealing the intruder as an Eevee; "Hello," he greeted with that smooth, accent "It is quite strange to encounter others like me, not killing each other and eating the dead. My name is Klaus."

    Before Trinity could reply, the Glaceon cuts in, “My name is Zero, the Glaceon.” The Swablu blinked, so that was his name, she cleared her throat before speaking, "Again, I'm Trinity. Bonjour." Zero opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out, Trinity tilts her head, "Zero? What are you doing?" She moved her gaze to Klaus, she had a bad feeling about this...

    [Ooc: I implied that the Thunder Wave missed on Trinity, since I was playing a game earlier and an Electrik tried to paralyze my pokemon but failed XD]

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:24 pm

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    Viridian Forest|Noon

    Her attack had hit the Glaceon, and Lullaby gasped. O-Oh my goodness! The Chimecho gasped and floated to the other Pokemon. I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... She rang her bell for a Heal Bell, trying to help the Glaceon. The ring from the bell was creaky, and even though it ached Lullaby's ears to hear it, she kept trying it, hoping it would someday work properly again. D-Don't hurt me...I-I didn't mean to... She whimpered. Lullaby saw an Eevee.

    Oh my gosh! An Eevee!

    The infected Chimecho pulled the Eevee close with her tail, and hugged it tight(in other words, she used wrap.) You're so cute, cute, cute!

    ((OOC: OTL Sorry if this is fail...))

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:11 pm

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    Viridian Forest, Noon(1)

    The forest was beautiful, but empty. Esmee sighed. "Where is everyone? I haven't seen a single soul once." She continued to walk through the forest, admiring the nice day.

    It would be even more nice if I were with someone... the cat complained to herself. Why was it so empty? Now that she thought about, it was empty everywhere. The towns, the cities, everywhere! She did meet a few pokemon on her travels, but they didn't really respond to her advances. They just got really upset and attacked her. Not that I minded. Why would I want to be with someone who smelled that much anyway? She couldn't figure that part out. Why did everyone she meet smell rotten?
    "Haha! Must have been a Muk outbreak. That's why everyone left."
    As Esmee continued to muse to herself, she neared a clearing. To her surprise, there appeared to be a gathering there. Most importantly, she saw...
    "Boys!" Esmee squealed quietly to herself. She picked up the pace, hoping to catch up with them before they left. As she got closer, she slowed her running to a mid-paced strut. "Hey, what's going on? Am I missing a party?" Esmee said in her most charming voice. Immediatly after she spoke, Esmee noticed a horrible noise. It sounded like a rusty bell, or nails on a chalkboard.
    "Eek! What is that terrible noise?!"

    Last edited by Argentum on Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by RhysandNight Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:43 pm

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    (sorry people, Lugia said posting after a Skitty, I guess they ment the Glameow)


    Glitch walked throug the lush forest of Viridian.Sadly it's beauty was cut short by the constaint smell of roat and decay that seemed to hang in the air now and days.

    He had been wandering awhile since escaping the lab after horrid smelling pokemon had attacked; and much to his horror found humans trying to shoot him. "The humans finally went over the edge and have gone insane..." He muttered, shaking his head.

    After a moment he stopped, perking his ears up, his piercings gleaming for a moment when the light struck them. 'Voices?' He thought to himself before setting off in the direction of the noise. As he drew closer he hide in a thick pile of bushes to see what was going on. He spotted a Glaceon, Swablu, Eevee, and two he didn't reconize. Glitch sniffed the air, before tilting his head slightly. One of the strange ones didn't smell right. It was the one that was wrapped around the poor Eevee.

    "What.....the heck...?"

    Last edited by Iceshadow27 on Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:23 pm; edited 4 times in total

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:31 pm

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    Viridian Forest||Noon

    The sound of the Chimecho’s bell was horrible, worse then nails on a chalkboard, but the Heal Bell did its job and he was cured of the paralysis, for now. Who knew how many more times this thing was going to lose control of its attacks? He didn’t bother to say ‘thank you’ to it, since it was its fault in the first place. He just merely grunted.
    “Eek! What is that terrible noise?!” The new voice set Zero on alert once again as the new pokemon emerged from the thicket of trees. Another living? How many more are there here, He though to himself as he kept and eye on the new pokemon so it didn’t do anything it would regret.

    “Oh my gosh! An Eevee!” The Chimecho squealed when it saw Klaus, it even hugged him, but something wasn’t right about it. The small Eevee seemed to be in pain from the hug, like it was being constricted by an attack.
    Zero’s eyes showed frustration as the Chime pokemon once again lost control of an attack. “Stop it!” He growled as he swotted the Chimecho away from the Eevee who was now gasping for breath with a mix of coughs. Zero went into a defensive position agonised the pokemon, its rotten smell filling the Glaceons nose with a putrid scent. “You smell like one of them,” he growled at it, “so I should just kill you now before you completely lose yourself!”

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:35 pm

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    Viridian Forest | Noon [3]

    Trinity blinked as the events went on; An infected Chimeco appears hugging the Eevee, used heal bell in the process, some Glameow who seems quite petite appeared, she reminded Trinity much of the damsels of distress from those human movies, and Zero was very intimidated by the infected. The Swablu flew over beside Zero, whispering in his ear, so quietly, that no one else BUT him could hear; "M'dear, it would be quite terrible if you kill this Chimeco now and find a cure soon later for the infection, perhaps it is best to just observe and take notes of her actions? She may hold a useful asset that none of us may carry." She immediately backed off, in case the Glaceon were to lash out on her.

    Trinity then, flew over to the Glameow, "Do not worry m'dear, the noise will die down, but I must compliment you, you are so beautiful! How petite, how delicate, how graceful! Are you by any chance a royal?" The Swablu was very giddy, she had always wanted to meet someone from a royal family/trainers, but if not, she would be quite glad if the Glameow were to give advice on her on how she walked so gracefully.

    In a flash, the Swablu raced off to the Chimeco and Klaus, breaking both of them away, "Please don't do that to him, he could get hurt." She then smiled, "Also... You're very pretty, could you give me a name?" She bowed her head as she flapped her wings, "I'm Trinity." Trinity was aware that the Chimeco was infected, and was cautious, but of course, a lady would at least show some decent respect!


    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:42 pm

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    Virdian Forest|Noon

    You smell like one of them, so I should just kill you now before you completely lose yourself! The Glaceon threatened her. Lullaby whimpered. S-S-Sorry...w-what do you mean 'one of them'? The Chimecho asked. The Swablu whispered something in the Glaceon's ear, and flew over to the Glameow that Lullaby hadn't noticed. Do not worry m'dear, the noise will die down, but I must compliment you, you are so beautiful! How petite, how delicate, how graceful! Are you by any chance a royal?

    The Swablu flew to Lullaby and broke her and the Eevee apart. Please don't do that to him, he could get hurt. Also... You're very pretty, could you give me a name? I'm Trinity. Lullaby giggled. I'm Lullaby! Lullaby tried to be nice and control her attacks.

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:16 pm

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    Viridian Forest | Noon(2)

    The fluffy blue bird flew over to Esmee. "Do not worry m'dear, the noise will die down, but I must compliment you, you are so beautiful! How petite, how delicate, how graceful! Are you by any chance a royal?" Esmee was plesently suprised by this compliment. She waved her tail back and forth and replied," Thanks for the nice words! But, I'm, like, far from a royal." She giggled to herself, no respectable royal would be caught dead doing the things she does! At least, they wouldn't admit it..." You're really cute yourself! I'm lovin' that tatoo of yours."

    When the compliment fest was over, the Swablu(if Esmee's memory was correct) flew over to the Pokemon who was hugging an Eevee. They were quickly broken apart, for some reason. The really cute Glaceon seemed miffed at the bell pokemon, especially when he said “You smell like one of them, so I should just kill you now before you completely lose yourself!” What in the world did he mean by "them"? The bell was as confused as Esmee. Maybe he meant hippies? She did kinda smell like a hippy.

    Esmee walked up to the Glaceon, being as charming and flirty as possible. "What's the matter, chilly buns? You sound really upset..." Esmee purred, rubbing her tail against his leg.

    Last edited by Argentum on Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
    Posts : 257

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by RhysandNight Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:56 pm

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    Glitch listen to them talk, slowly becoming bored with the whole thing. He flinched slightly when the cat-like pokemon started flirting with Glaceon. 'Esmee was her name, right?' He thought to himself, tilting his head slightly in thought. A shutter went through him. 'Have to avoid her...at all costs' With that in mind he shifted back out of his hiding spot, cursing under his breath when he stepped on a small twig. Glancing up he made sure none of them had noticed the noise before circling around to hide in a different spot.

    The odd smelling pokemon caught his interest; it acted weird, and the scent coming off of it reminded him of when the Lab was attacked. Glitch felt his stomach tighten as he fought off the horrible memories, swaying with the effort.

    The scent of decaying flesh and the metallic tang of blood hung in the air. The horrid screams of the humans echoed off of the walls as their flesh, bodies, were torn appart by claws and fangs. The fear that squeezed at his heart as they closed in...

    "Stupid memories," He said slightly breathless, pushing the images to the back of his head. It took a few moments for the dizziness to ebb away before his mind was clear again. The whole ordeal felt like it lasted for hours, when in truth it had been only a few second.

    Last edited by Iceshadow27 on Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:29 pm

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    Viridian Forest||Noon

    “What's the matter, chilly buns? You sound really upset...” the Glameow said as it rubbed its tail agonised Zero’s leg. He couldn’t help but give her a stair that read ‘wtf?’ He didn’t even know the cats name and it had already given him a retarded nickname. He moved his leg away from her tail before he replied.
    “I’m not upset, I’m frustrated.” He looked back at the Chimecho as he said it. Trinity made a good point on not killing in case they found a cure, but what where they to do till them. This, ‘thing’ couldn’t even control its attacks. As soon as you turned around it would probably hit you with another attack. The Fox like pokemon couldn’t help but stifle a low growl, he was stuck on what to do, because of these other pokemon, he was truly stuck. He would have killed the thing without any hesitation, but the Swablu was made a good point.

    “I won’t kill it, but I will if it attacks us again.” Zero said as he turned around and went back to the edge of the pond. Let them trust it, it wouldn’t gain his trust even if it saved him, which was rather unlickly.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:47 pm

    [Ooc: Skip me please, extreme block OTL. Trinity is just giddy and such]

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:15 pm

    ((OOC:Yeah, I'm gonna skip as well. OTL))

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:32 pm

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    Viridian Forest | Noon(3)

    The Glaceon wasn't responding very well to Esmee's advances. That sucks. She would have to try again later. Before Esmee could formulate a plan B, a twig snapped. It sounded close, too. "Hm? more to the party?" Esmee walked over to where the twig snapped. There, she spotted a charming looking Jolteon. Esmee approached him, trying to charm him with Captivate in the process.

    Who're you? And why're you hiding? Shy~?" Esmee walked closer. "There's no need to hide, everyone's totally cool here, some more than other!" She giggled at her own joke. When she stopped she noticed the Jolteon didn't look so well. " You sick? There's water over there, if you need it. Wouldn't want such a hottie to be ill~" Esmee purred, saying the second part to herself quietly.

    Last edited by Argentum on Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by RhysandNight Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:02 pm

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    Glitch looked up, his eyes slightly unfocused from the pain. "Eh, no....I'm okay." He said his eyes finally focusing after a few moments. He blinked a few times, before his mind finally registered that the cat-like pokemon, who he made a note to avoid, was right in front of him. Glitch's eyes widened slightly before regaining his composure, putting on a guarded face. He remembered her earlier questions, which slightly irritated him. "I wasn't hiding, just watching what was going on without giving away my position, secondly I'm not shy!" The last [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]part came out a little loud, and he cursed himself inwardly for that mistake. But he brushed it off. "...so, what are you? I've never seen your kind before." Glitch gave her a careful once over, trying to think if he ever had an encounter with a similar pokemon. After a few more moments he gave up.

    Last edited by Iceshadow27 on Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:14 pm

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    The forest was quiet. Maybe alittle too quiet. The leaves made a soft "crunch" as the Heracross walked though the forest she called home. She came to the tree she met her present trainer. The honey from the tree, slipped down the bark slowly.

    Dusk walked over to the tree and started to sip the honey. She loved the taste of the honey. She was disturbed from her daydream, when she heard voices. She walked in the direction of the voices. She pokes her head into some bushes and see's a Jolteon talking to, if she remembered correctly, a Glameow. She also saw a Glaceon, a Swablu and a Chimecho. Dusk, rattled her wings together to make a loud rattle sound.

    She made a small hiss as one of the pokemon looked in her direction.

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:19 pm

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    Zero’s ears twitched to the strange sound he was hearing coming from a little ways away. we are being watched, he thought to himself as he stood up and ran into one of the bushes, out of sight from the others. He knew this forest like he knew the back of his paw, so silently and steadily he snuck up on the strange thing. It was a dark blue colour and from its looks it was most definitely a bug type, though none he had ever seen before.

    Once he was in range he swayed his shoulders back and forth, before he pounce. He went into a roll with the bug type but eventually managed to pin it down. “Who are you!?” He demanded. His claws almost digging into the bugs shell as he waited for it to answer.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:42 pm

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    Viridian Forest | Noon [4]

    The Swablu noticed in the corner of her eye, Zero moving out of the way, trying to get away from the group. She followed in, making sure no one followed her as well, it seemed that the Eeveelution knew his way around the forest. Trinity looked back of course making sure no one came, she didn't like it.

    She heard a grunt noise, sounds of rustle in the bushes, she immediately swooped in, noticing Zero on top of a Heracross, they were common in the Safari Zone in the Hoenn region, but often hid, "Hold it!" She said loudly, making sure her voice wouldn't attract infected, she tried to break the Glaceon off the poor Pokemon, "Zero, she isn't infected! Get off of her will you?!" Considering Zero's actions that she has seen in the past 30 minutes, she obviously knew that he was the one that started it.

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:57 am

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    Viridian Forest|Noon

    A Jolteon came out, and Lullaby tried to be friendly and to control herself, so she simply smiled at the electric type Pokemon. A strange sound, a hiss maybe, was heard, and the Glaeceon instantly took action and pounced onto something. The Chimecho floated over to see what it was, and it was a bug. Trinity was trying to get Zero off of the bug.

    B-But it made that sound, Trinity...what if it's a bad Pokemon? Lullaby stuttered quietly, taking Zero's side in this.

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:13 am

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    Viridian Forest|Noon(4)

    "...So, what are you? I've never seen your kind before." Esmee smiled at the Jolteon's naitivity. He was just to cute! "I'm a Glameow. I'm from Sinnoh, so if you've never left Kanto, it's no suprise you don't know what I am," Esmee said. "I have a question as well. Where did you get those lovely tattos? They're, like, so awesome!"

    A scuffle interrupted the conversation. The cranky Glaceon seemed to have attacked something. Esmee couldn't really see much of what was going on. Trinity was trying to calm him, and the bell pokemon was worried.

    "B-But it made that sound, Trinity...what if it's a bad Pokemon?" That reminded Esmee. She had been wondering for the longest time why there were so many hostile pokemon lately.
    "Why are there so many bad pokemon lately? Plus they're all really stinky!"

    Last edited by Argentum on Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
    Posts : 257

    (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team Empty Re: (ACE) The VIRIDIAN Team

    Post by RhysandNight Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:26 pm

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    Viridian/Noon (4)

    Glitch raised a paw, slightly touching one of the tatoos under his eyes. ".....It's uh....a reminder...." He said, placing his paw down and turning his attention to the sudden commotion going on. He felt the courner of his mouth twitch slightly, holding back a smirk of amusement. ' That blue boy's a bit head strong.' He thought to himself watching the other pokemon trying to calm the Glaceon down.

    "Why are there so many bad pokemon lately? Plus they're all really stinky!"

    He blinked and gave her a sidelong look. "You haven't heard what's been going on recently? Apparently an epidemic's going around, or at least that's what I heard at the Lab. Pokemon are becoming sickly, and wild." He paused, lost in his own thoughts. ".....It's like they're losing parts of themselves piece by piece...."

    Last edited by Iceshadow27 on Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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