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    (ACE) The FROST Team


    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Wed Aug 02, 2023 7:13 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Green_crop
    | Dendemille Town | Morning |

    Green had hoped to out maneuver the lions, to make it out of their range, but their options were wearing thin and she could feel the fatigue in Flamey's beats from pushing so hard. Shit! What if she returned him, let go and fell to the ground? Another hot Flamethrower whizzed past, nearly singing her legs as her friend narrowly avoided it. Gods willing she had to make a choice, fast.

    The sounds of the Pyroars were growing closer, or at least louder, and the smoke had thinned out almost completely. It no longer offered any form of cover, nor did it obscure their surroundings. In a violent search for options Green saw little that could offer succor aside from small balconies protruding from the taller buildings coming up. Relatively, they weren't that high from the ground, a determined lion might be able to make it.. but it more than they-- A furious hiss unlike the other sounds she had been listening to rattled through the air, and all listening tilted their gaze to see the tiny disheveled undead roaring from a narrow alley. She stomped and called, the sound grating and infuriating to anyone listening. The Charmeleon trailed behind her, offering numbers to their side that Green would have to take.

    In that moment the lions lost focus, roaring back at the insulting Meowth and losing their quick pace. One turned heel and charged the new pair, perhaps finding the presence of an undead too much to ignore. With the distraction dropping her down to one pursuer Green immediately snatched the opportunity; tapping Flamey she had him rise just enough to get air above the balconies. As they passed by she released him, falling and landing roughly on the worn space without his consent. He gave one squawk of alarm before careering back, the lightened weight immediately noticeable in his flight pattern. Wasting no time Green tossed her Pokeball beside her, and prayed this old balcony was build to last. "Hydro Pump!" She orders with a point of her finger before the light could fade from her companions appearing form.

    The loyal turtle did not need a second order, and angling his cannons fired at the charging lioness. Caught off guard the torrent of water met its mark, and the cat started to barrell backwards from the pressure of the blast. With panicked flailing it scrabbled free of the stream before shouting at the other cat, and after coughing up a lungful of water fired another Flamethrower toward Green's position. Ducking, the trainer shrinks her size down without blocking her vision. "Another!" She commands, though her friend was more than capable of fighting without her instructions.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Aug 06, 2023 5:41 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Town || Morning
    Clover 131 || Kolven 111

    With a furious scream Clover stands her ground against the big cats. She was the victor of the chase, she deserved the reward! But the lion was coming, charging them with its massive claws visible, and her hobbled steps would need a moment to dodge. With another deeper inhale the Meowth screams, letting out a reverbing, shrill Screech in front of her. The Pyroar shook her head at the horrible irritant, disoriented and stumbling from the grating noise. With its movements numbed the pair of Pokemon had a chance to creep out into the open.

    Bolting past the cat and into the free space Clover tries to survey the land but her attention is drawn to the call of an attack. "Hydro Pump!" Green yells out, the target of her strike caught in the blast and bumbling past the Meowth in a heap of soggy fur. Leaping and hissing at the sight of so much water Clover clawed at the air to show her disdain before scrabbling away from the water and wet Pyroar alike. Her paws were itching, wanting for blood, and she turned back toward the first Pyroar that was taking much slower and stalking steps. With another hiss Clover wanted to return the charge, her claws itching, but instead of a stream of fire the lioness returned the smaller cats favor. With a deep breath it yelled it her much the same way, roaring so loudly Clover was forced to duck against ground to keep herself together. Despite the open space the Echoed Voice seemed to bounce all around them, and continued to grate her ears well after the attack was finished.

    Panic shot throughout Kolven's body, his limbs feeling limber and almost like air as he whipped about and leaped onto the closed dumpster. This was not his intent, legends help them they were a cat and a mouse against a massive lion! Flames licked at the brute's maw as she skulked toward them, blood dripping profusely from her facial wound. Did the scratch not concern her at all? With a massive leap the Pyroar came at him, the Fire Fang spread wide with hot flames. Jumping as high as he could the Meowth scrabbled up the fire escape, leaping between the levels with practiced ease. Below him, the horrid sound of flames, steam and level roared throughout the alley as the attack sank into the dumpster and started to melt the rusted metal. Legends above.. Kolven had no doubt she could have gotten out if their trap had worked, but to think that was an option? It was enough to make his blood run cold.

    ((Im struggling to look at my screen today so this post is a bit jank/short v__v))

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:37 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 WFExX65

    Dendemille Town|Morning

    Jack returns to overlook and hears Green. They need to help now! It was a sudden change of plans but it was no longer about scaring, it was about repelling the lionesses and saving Green. Damn it, this trap wasn't going to work at all if they're more focused on attacking Green. The pikachu then comes down and nods to Kolven. "I'm taking them on. They're not going to fall for it as long as they're focused on Green." After that, he runs towards where the action is, not taking any time to be distracted. Each second counts as he drew closer to the fighting and when he finally seen one of the pyroar bumbling soaked from hydro pump. Hell with it, he was going to add to the damage to keep the pyroar from returning to resuming the attack. Jack uses thunderbolt and hits the pyroar to knock it out.

    Drake finally had enough and his pride soon got fully pulled. "To hell with this! Clover, lets get them!" Even though he knew Clover was undead, he just didn't care anymore. He didn't care if the pyroar got infected. They will not hurt Green. The Charmeleon readied toxic and with one of the pyroar distracted and Jack taking care of the other, Drake had managed to sneak up upon the other one and spits out the toxic onto the pyroar. "I! SAID! LEAVE!" He yells at the two remaining pyroar. Then what Drake said next shows that his pride is not just himself, it was his friends that he cared about and family. "YOU ALL WON'T HARM MY FRIENDS!!"

    Jack then hears Drake sounding furious. This wasn't something he heard before. Most of the charmander line had pride in themselves to be stronger than any other fire type but Drake was something else. Something that Jack knows all too well. Back then, Jack's greatest pride was his trainer. Drake seemed to value humans and his friends so that would be understandable. "This is your fight Drake, we'll be ready to jump in if you, Clover and Green needs it." Other than that, Jack kept his thunderbolt ready to knock out the next pyroar that is soaked.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Mon Aug 14, 2023 7:59 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Green_crop
    | Dendemille Town | Morning |

    As the big cats faced the torrent of water like Pokemon possessed Green could only think, what the hell? There was nothing here to make them so irrationally persistent other than desperation, but these cats did not look like they were struggling. Thick muscles and strong bodies, they were well feed and faced the type disadvantage with anger in their eyes instead of fear. If not for food, then what gives? Had they just pissed them off somehow? The Pyroar Blasty hit was back on its feet and ready to come at them again, the attack and height difference meaning though it looked like a wet toy. Having watched the cats long enough to deem them safe, Green raises her head to ready her next attack, but pauses as more Pokemon arrive.

    A blast of electricity against wet fur couldn't be dampened by even the thickest of pelts, and the big cat went down after the powerful blast wrecked its system. An opening. Whipping her finger forward she directs Blasty, "Hit it with a Power-up Punch!" the massive turtle nods, leaping down from the balcony with a heavy thud. Despite his hulking size and weight the Blastoise charged forward like a cannonball, and nailed the daul-type cat with a glowing fist. For a second the impact was delayed, the momentum changing targets as his fist sank deep into its gut before the cat went flying and tumbling across the pavement. If it wasn't down and out before, it certainly was now.

    With an upper-hand secured the Charmeleon starts screaming, the roaring display powerful and charged though the words were not at all intimidating. Green wondered, had her translator been off, if the message would have felt stronger. The call behind the outburst certainly sounded so, but after a second passed she could spare it no other thought. The second Pyroar still wasn't down, the Toxic burning its fur needing more time to take full effect. Without need for order Blasty angled his cannons for another Hydro Pump, and though his aim was true the big cat was now privy to their tricks and managed to dodge. With a balled fist Green grunts with frustration, her own slowness making her a liability on the battlefield.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:03 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Town || Morning
    Clover 132 || Kolven 112

    With his tail fluffed up like a feather duster Kolven watched the lioness with massive amber eyes. Her furious attack cut through the metal like paper, and to think that rage was directed at him! Jack came down from the rooftop, speaking fervently as he moved. "I'm taking them on. They're not going to fall for it as long as they're focused on Green." Kolven whipped his head back to look at him as he spoke, the Pikachu's worries literally not on the foe in front of them. Was he still fretting over the others at a moment like this? Legends be good, they had bigger problems! But the Pikachu was determined, and with massive leap started sprinting away to rejoin their party.

    Looking like a small yellow beacon the Pyroar released her attack and made a stride forward, but Kolven was not about to let her give chase. With his own large jump from the fire escape he soars above the much bigger cat and lands neatly upon the base of her billowing mane. "Hey!?!" He yowls out to Jack, alarmed that he had been left alone with the creature, but it was too late to stop the Pikachu now. The Pyroar shook her head as Kolven pushed his paws into her eyes, and while he expected a massive paw to come swiping his way pain started to sear from beneath him. Steam rose around him, the heat literally burning his belly as it expelled from her very mane and into his body. With a squealing yelp the Meowth scrabbled away and ducked behind the first object he saw. With steam coming off his singed fur he tapped and pressed against his, the scar along his mid-section practically blistering from the abuse.

    The reprieve lasted only a moment before the cat set fire his way, the scattered boxes and bins now ablaze as he bolted away from them. How long before the next attack, he thought in a panic, did he even have a chance to counter? Spinning on his heels Kolven would take even a couple seconds, and with a furious screech sent a quick Thunderbolt racing her way. The usual move was just unexpected enough that the cat took the hit, her body seizing from the jolt as the Meowth turned tail and ran. I don't have a choice... Separating them was supposed to be advantageous, but he was completely outmatched alone. Charging forward the cat followed his ears and nose alone, listening for the cries of the others while tailing Jack's scent. He could only pray he didn't make things worse.

    Digging his paws into the ground with each stride the Meowth carried himself forward as fast as possible. With smell being his main guide he started to pick up the others once again, and veered to follow the trail as the sounds of battle finally reached his ears. The snarls of the Pyroar behind him could not be ignored, and he pushed to keep himself out of range. With a finally swerve down a narrow path Kolven burst out into the makeshift arena. With panicked eyes he tried to take in what was around him, but only managed to focus on one Pyroar being down and Green switching to offense.

    "Incoming!" Kolven warned the others while scurrying away from the third Pyroar, his voice a quick focus for the undead as her head perked up. It looked just as pissed as the other two, but with a clean wound upon its head. The bloodied scent did not reach her with everything else in the air but Clover could see it. Her mouth parted, the thrill of battle tantilizing her paws as she charged at the new cat. Even with three legs she gained considerable speed, and when the Pyroar noticed an incoming instead of fleeing Meowth its expression all but changed. With a fervent hiss she digs her paws into the ground, smiling wildly. Strafing to the side she watched the lion come to a harsh halt, but there is no chance to dodge. Whipping behind it Clover scores a direct hit with her Feint Attack, the bloodied mark enough to make her mouth water.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Aug 21, 2023 3:21 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 WFExX65
    Dendemille Town|Morning

    Blasty missed his attack against the pyroar. Drake’s tail flame was growing in size as his anger also grew. Jack could see only silhouettes of a blastoise, a human and the pyroar. ”Incoming!” Kolven caught up to him and with the third pyroar not chasing him. Soon, he knew why. Was it afraid of Clover? No matter, all that was left to get the pyroar to leave. The Pikachu then nods to Kolven. A pincer formation would certainly push the Pyroar to having a difficult time focusing on a target. It was however if Drake and Green needs it.

    Drake uses his hidden power to attack the Pyroar just missing by inches. The smoke was making it a bit more difficult to aim. The toxic needed just a bit more to take full effect. If they was to deal with the remaining Pyroar, they’d have to gain each other’s trust. Drake tries again with hidden power and barely made contact with it only hitting the pyroar’s tail. Getting it’s attention, Drake gave Green the chance she needed to strike the Pyroar. ”Last chance Pyroar, leave now or else you’ll be sorry!” His rage was dying off but he was still angered enough to where he won’t let it go until the threat is gone.

    Jack could understand Drake’s desire to protect his friends but this is a battle, kill or be killed. He didn’t kill the pyroar that was downed but he done enough to make sure it doesn’t know where the downed one sees where they fled to. However the other issue was the weather. It’ll be a matter of time before the storm comes in and blinds them from seeing where they’re going. ”Kolven, look.” The pikachu points to where Clover has the third one occupied and sees it fear. As much as he wanted to have Kolven stop her, this was no longer the case. They was attacked so this is retaliation for the pyroars attacking them. ”Go, help Clover. I’ll help Green and Drake.” With that said, Jack slid his goggles over his eyes. It was time to fight.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Fri Aug 25, 2023 7:21 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Green_crop
    | Dendemille Town | Morning |

    "Incoming!" A distant voice hisses over her translator, the distressed meow louder than the vocal output. Tipping her gaze over Green takes in a sharp breath as she watches the third Pyroar return to the fight. Hadn't they taken it out yet?! A wound across its face showed some effort but the lioness moved with fury rather than weakness. Useless lot. How had these Pokemon survived in this place? Would she have to do everything herself?

    Her focus remains on her own cat, its wound not festering fast enough as it dodged another blast of water and came in for a close range attack. Blasty was swift for his bulk but not quick enough to evade. Withdrawing into his shell the seasoned battler protected his softest bits as the cat Crunched down on his solid shell. A nearly metallic cling told of his iron defenses, and as the Pyroar tried to swipe at him with vicious claws she realized the futility of her effort and jumped away on her own.

    ”Last chance Pyroar, leave now or else you’ll be sorry!” The Charmeleon threatens the big cats, but they did not back down for a moment. The poisoned female put more distance between her and turtle before giving a furious roar. Blasty stood once again, ready to take the shot when the lion planted its massive paws and roared so powerfully the very air around them seemed to vibrate. It was different than before, the roar continuing until the observing Pokemon took a step back, even Blasty scooted backward in a cautious motion from the Noble Roar.

    Green, however, was not intimidated. Letting go of her previous apprehension the trainer tossed another Pokeball out before her. Ditty appeared on the balcony with its beaming grin, ready for something for lighthearted than this. "Transform into Blasty, and Hydro Pump!" She orders in a hushed tone, nearly apologetic to make the jejune Pokemon participate. It jiggles, gleeful look never fading as its gelatinous form changed to a more familiar one. The trainer points at their target, and sees Blasty still eyeing the poisoned cat. Its movements were slowing, the status taking effect, but it still gave another, stronger Echoed Voice in defiance. With another signal both Blastoise fired streams of water, and though one was easily dodged the second met its mark.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Aug 31, 2023 12:19 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Town || Morning
    Clover 133 || Kolven 113

    With his heart beating so hard he could feel it between his shoulders, Kolven tried to grasp what was happening. As his assailant switched targets he came to a scurrying halt and drew a deep breath. One Pyroar had been knocked out, that was good, but the lead was still up and his pursuer was ready to draw blood. Clover approached it, attacking with a wicked look in her eye, and for once the cat reacted defensively. Was Clover the key to getting them the upperhand? She got an attack in, and the Pyroar tried its damnedest to knock her away but she evaded its swipes. Yet, Kolven could feel a lump in his throat instead of excitement; even those afraid of the disease wanted the undead killed for good..

    But this was not the only enemy before them. Despite its wounds the other Pyroar was very much still on its feet, and it roared so powerfully Kolven could feel his heart rattling in his chest. Lowering himself to the ground the tomcat looks on with worry. Even with the numbers on their side these Pokemon were not backing down. Did they have no fear? Green called for another Pokemon-- a second Blastoise?-- but even with two torrents of water the cat showed no fear.

    ”Kolven, look.” Jack draws his attention away and back toward the cat he had lead here. He could only grit his teeth as he watched Clover and the Pyroar have a screaming match between their Screech and Echoed Voice, his entire body vibrating from all the sound based attacks being thrown about. The non-damaging move was clearly having an effect, but even with only one good ear Clover was wincing from the reverbing noise. ”Go, help Clover. I’ll help Green and Drake.” Jack instructs him, once again leaving the cat to face the lioness without him. Furrowing his brow in a deep grimace the Meowth does not argue; Clover came first regardless, and he raced off to assist his sister without protest.

    As the piercing noise faded and felines paused to take in a new breath Kolven rushed the scene. Drawing in a deep breath and ignoring the dry sting from the air around them, Kolven pursed his lips together and blew a frosted stream of air. Ice crystals formed and grew around one of the cats paw's, the target thankfully not moving as he took his chance. The attack was never very powerful, type disadvantage not withstanding, but the surprise was enough to distract the fire type Pokemon until the foot was frozen in place. She growled, clawing at the ice instead of blasting it with flames, and with its head turned away Clover raced forward. Darkness shrouded one of her front paws, the spectral claws forming long before she was in range, and mimicking her motions Kolven raced forward with his own Night Slash.

    As he approached the cat looked up. With a snarl she sends flames his away, the blast scorching his pelt as he feinted to the side. The heat was enough to melt his meek ice, despite the cold air, but it did nothing to stop Clover's strike from the opposite side. She shrieked, announcing herself as she leaped and regaining the cats attention. Fire licked its fangs, a defensive Fire Fang coming, but Clover was swift, and lashed her claws across the spot Kolven had hit before. An x decorated the Pyroar's face, long pieces of fur falling from her mane as she stumbled back in pain. Splatters of blood dotted the ground, the red color brushed across Clover's paw with a smell all too enticing. With a heavy pan Clover raced in, jaws wide as they sank into the big cat's leg.

    It screamed, a sound unbecoming of such a large animal and in a panicked flurry of paws it bat at the molly and forcibly ripped her from its leg. The Bite attack left a deep puncture, her violent removal only making the wound worse as the Pyroar pushed Clover to the ground. Digging its long claws into the small cat Clover gave a feral growl, her body squirming awkwardly beneath its wait. A Fire Fang blazed within its maw, the very air crackling from the heat, and the bright orange color shimmered in her one ruby eye.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Sep 03, 2023 10:47 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 WFExX65
    Dendemille Town|Morning

    Jack started thinking that maybe he should rethink about what he's doing. Green and Drake's already got this handled. Both Kolven and Clover was now more important. The pikachu stops and shakes his head. Turning around, he sees a glow of fire from where Kolven and Clover is. "The hell you'll get a hit on them!" Jack then quick attacks all the way over to the attacking pyroar and at the last second, he then goes for a brick break, punching the lioness to where it knocks her off her feet and onto the ground. Sparks was beginning to shoot out of Jack's cheeks. "Sorry, I changed my mind, Clover, Kolven. Let's do this." He said as he puts his goggles over his eyes. He was going to go for a kill.

    Drake hears the echoed voice and it was like a siren blaring at close range. Covering the sides of his head with his hands, Drake grits his teeth because of it. Arceus damn, that's as loud as one of those tornado sirens at close range. After that, he put his arms down and before he knew it, there was a second blastoise. Wait, she had two? No, something's different with this one. It was really hard to explain but maybe he could ask Green himself when this is over.

    The Pikachu points at the pyroar and the electricity from Jack's cheeks was sparking more and more. "You forced us on this pyroar. I'm giving you one chance to leave before we show you what we can do together." Jack was serious this time. What else is that he wasn't bluffing as he stared right at the pyroar that was getting back up.

    OoC)) Might extend a bit more after lunch.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Thu Sep 07, 2023 9:09 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Green_crop
    | Dendemille Town | Morning |

    Falling for the same trick twice was a bad look for anyone but it spoke even more poorly of a leader as the roughest Pyroar took another Hydro Pump. It stood regardless, shaking the water off as though the type disadvantage and poison were not wearing it down. Trying to be tough? It snarled her direction, as though it knew what she was thinking as she looked down upon it. Charging forward it used its swiftness to outmaneuver Blasty as he dove to pin it down, pivoting and leaping away from the turtle whom was not her target. He turned to give chance with stomping steps, but the hulking tank could not catch up as the Pyroar made a beeline for the his trainer.

    Ditty squeaked, waving one arm to warn her of the incoming cat instead of attacking. With a frustrated grunt Green orders another Hydro Pump, but her Ditto did not have the experience Blasty did. Its second attack wasn't as clean or well aimed, and the big cat need not dodge as the stream of water completely missed it. With clenched teeth Green did not take her eyes off the rapidly approaching cat, and threw a hand over the hilt of her machete. Blasty could still catch up, he could pull it down before it reached her, but she would be ready regardless. With its claws pressed to its maw Ditty whimpered for orders, but Green yelling for Blasty to, "Stop it!" was all it would get. More whimpers come from it, and in a hasty display of courage the faux Blastoise clambered over the edge of the balcony and dropped to the ground below.

    What the hell?! Ditty was not one to act on his own, while brave his actions reeked of naivety. As the cat came to it, her target behind the transformed Pokemon, Ditty rushed to grab it. The swift cat jumped early, likely expecting another burst of water, and Ditty barely managed to grab it by the tail. A fervid hiss comes from its strong maw as its dragged back to the ground kicking, the injustice quickly repaid in a flurry of claws. It scoured gouges across Ditty's arms and shell, but still it reached forward, an Ice Fang grabbing at the cat's shoulder, but its radiant heat melted the attack instantly. With another growl she lunged forward, cruel fangs sinking into the fake turtles thick neck with all the violence of a desperate predator.

    "Ditty!" Green gasps as the meek Pokemon whimpers, his form already starting to come apart as she fumbled to grab his Pokeball. A mistake-- she made another mistake. How could she let her weakest fight?! Why couldn't she find the damn ball?!? With clenched teeth she grabs the balcony, already swinging a leg over when a quick series of screeches and clicks is followed by a long call. Frozen in her tracks Green watched the shadow descend from the sky, blinding speed making the Pokemon look alight as it came down upon them. The Pyroar did not stop even as Ditty's oozy 'blood' gushed from its wound, and only in the last moment did she look up as the Talonflame's Fly crashed against her. Thrown down and then up from the force Flamey rakes his talons against the cat before ascending up toward his trainer. Her eyes wet with gratitude, Green finally grips her ball and recalls her Ditto as it falls to the ground in a heap.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:45 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Town || Morning
    Clover 134 || Kolven 114

    With her red eye wide with sudden awareness Clover stared with bitter clarity at the brilliant flames. Her skin prickled, dry and singed just from the proximity of the fire. Something shimmered in the Pyroars eyes, the spheres held open so strongly her scleras were visible. Their surfaces were wet, practically oozing with tears though it was not sadness Clover saw reflected at her. Anger, pain, despair, grief... and hatred. Strong, furious, unrelenting hatred, a look of no going back as it's flaming fangs spread wide and lunged toward her. A look she had seen a number of times, when she was alive, when she was tainted, it never changed though the intensity made her body go numb. Disdain, disgust, and hatred were all Pokemon felt for her..

    Like a lightning bolt a flash of yellow blazes past her, the Pyroar's face forced in a different direction moments before meeting her skull. A tooth drags across her skull, narrowly missing her eye socket, and fire singed Clover's fur further, charring the dirty hairs before being snuffed out as the big cat fell. It hits the ground with a heavy thud, the rumble awakening the small cat from her trance. In a scurry of paws she rolls away from the cat and hobbles to her brother's side, the tomcat panting with alarm at being too slow. Relief shined in his eyes, a hitch in his breath, though his face fell between a mix of gratitude and hesitation.

    Weaving around his sister Kolven pushed her away from the larger feline, his gaze not leaving the Pyroar for a moment. If it struck he would block, if it moved at all he would not let it near Clover again. He had been too slow, and legends above he would not fail again. With his strike successful Jack stood between them and the beast, his actions filling Kolven with unbelievable gratitude yet he could not so much as smile. "Sorry, I changed my mind, Clover, Kolven. Let's do this." The Meowth leers in disbelief at the Pikachu, his orange gaze a muddled mess. He didn't have the strength to deal with the emotional whiplash right now, and simply grits his teeth and nods as the Pyroar starts to stir. Nudging Clover further back he ushers space between them and the Pyroar as it returns to its paws physically pained. With struggling steps and a limp it looks dazed, though spite still burns in its furious eyes. "Just stay down." Kolven growls, both beseeching and threatening the larger Pokemon though it refused to listen.

    Steam poured from its billowing mane, another attack surely incoming as its body temperature continued to rise. With another step back Kolven flashes his teeth as a warning. Running was no longer an option, not that it ever was, and he was prepared to stand his ground to the end. Yet as the cat took a commanding step closer the Meowth could feel sweat bead up under his fur. He had exhausted all his tricks, at least the ones that mattered, and the look in its eye showed an animal with nothing left to lose. We have numbers.. he thought, reaching for any sort of uphand, but its going for the kill. One mistake wouldn't remove them from just the battle.. Peaking out from behind him Clover spat and growled, taunting the cat on before Kolven could push his shoulder into her cheek.

    With another snarl the Pyroar charged, its body low and feet nearly sweeping like that of a mole as it ran at them. With a heavy shove Kolven knocked Clover out of the way before trying to run, but his uneven steps did not have the momentum to outpace the bulldoze. The Pyroar barrelled over him, heavy paws and claws coming out on the smaller feline with force. Sparks riddled his pelt and jumped into the air but did nothing to stop the attack. "Hit--- hit it!" He chokes as the lion comes to a stop and scours its claws against him.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:20 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 WFExX65

    Dendemille Town|Morning

    “Hit--- hit it!” Kolven said as Jack quick attacks and without a second thought he hits the pyroar again with a brick break. This time, he hits the pyroar hard enough to completely knock it off its feet and fall onto its side. Sparks of electricity was beginning to start sparking and small electrical bolts licking the ground as he was about to send a huge amount of electricity through the Pyroar. Not enough to be terminal but enough to knock it unconscious. ”We have had enough of your shit!” Jack said as he attacks with thunderbolt. All that stored electricity coming out in a strong burst. The pikachu this time wasn’t going to release as easy from his thunderbolt. He was going to make sure this one doesn’t follow them if it ever regains consciousness.

    Drake seen what happened and it only enraged him further. Damn them! Damn them pyroar! Even though Flamey raked his talons against the pyroar, what it did was enough for Drake to go into a reckless abandon and charge in to attack. As the pyroar just recovered from the attack, Drake then slashes it, striking the pyroar in the eye. Sliding to a stop as his claws scrape the ground. Drake’s face shown anger towards the pyroar.

    Jack kept his thunderbolt going but he was beginning to tire out as the pyroar was resisting as much as possible and he needed help to land the final blow. ”I can’t hold it much longer! If we’re going to finish it, now’s our chance!” The pikachu shouts as he was giving it all to keep it from moving.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:26 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Green_crop
    | Dendemille Town | Morning |

    Squeezing her Pokeball Green aims and tries to recalls her Ditto, the red beam of light missing its mark several times before finally connecting with its target and returning her Pokemon to the safety inside. The blob had fallen flat on the ground, unable to hold its form that was rapidly melting away as it disappeared within her ball. Clutching the sphere to her chest Green grits her teeth in a bitter grimace. You tried your best. Ditty was no fighter, but he taken the initiative to protect his trainer. One that should not have needed protecting..

    With screeches and clicks Flamey swooped and spiraled around the Pyroar. It paced, growling and spitting at the bird who flew just out of reach. Its fur steamed, body temperature soaring and dangerous to approach for non-fire Pokemon. Blasty took a step back, wincing at the intensity of the heat despite his resistance. Pointing his cannons at the cat he had a clear shot were it not for the Talonflame, and though he trusted him to dodge the over usage of his attack had long since taken its toll. Reaching up and swiping at Flamey as he dipped lower the bird flapped hard to move out of reach in a cocky tease, and Blasty let his teammate take control of the battle.

    The big cat snarled, pissed to see the bird return let alone land a strike on her. With its focus set upon the falcon Drake was free to charge in and rake his claws down its face. Blood sprayed from another vicious slash against it, the Charmeleon only stopping as he reached the ground. Between her festering poison wound oozing at full force and the collection of damage she had taken the strongest Pyroar was forced to take a knee. She wheezed, breathing a laboring pain as her stamina depleted. Though Flamey continued to spiral and scratch at her the cat could barely get herself to follow his motions, her vision swimming as blood poured into her wounded eyes. With another rake of his talons Flamey provoked her to continue the fight, but the cat simply shuffled in an effort to avoid his claws.

    Flying up high and landing upon the balcony beside his trainer the bird took the chance to Roost, the action leaving him vulnerable but allowing for much needed regeneration at the cost of overall stamina. Even open to attack the cat did not strike, leap, or retaliate, its breaths physically shuddering its body. "Its over." Flamey squawks down to it, his voice coldly rational rather than demeaning. The cat had lost its will to fight from that final hit, and didn't even snarl back at the bird. "Scram, cat!" He jeers with a whip of his wing, a small spurt of fire racing toward the feline, though its damage was negligible at best. "You asked for trouble and ya got it, so sleep in the bed you made and get lost!"

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Sep 23, 2023 7:25 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Town || Morning
    Clover 135 || Kolven 115

    With the Pyroar mowing him down Kolven was tossed and rolled across the rough gravelly ground. Claws, heavy paws, and skids alike were racking up damage until he was finally flung aside and out of the path of the Bulldoze as the big cat was knocked from its feet. It let out a mix between a grunt and a gasp, its large body tumbling from its own momentum, but Kolven could barely hear it. Blood and pain pump throughout his battered body as he finally came to halt, pressure from within his head muting all outside noise as he lay in a crumpled heap. Jack's voice is muffled, like its from another room or some great distance, and the feline barely comprehends what was said. ”We have had enough of your shit!” Though his eyes wanted nothing more than to be squeezed shut he forces them open into thin slits, just enough to see the blurry world, and Jack's bright and sparking form is quick to catch his attention. With successful crowd control they had regained the upper paw in battle, but the small feline could not get himself to stand and rejoin. Pain covered every inch of his pain, his paws feeling both heavy and numb as he struggle simply to stay aware of himself and the current state of the battle.

    Clover hisses and spits, bouncing and pacing as she is forced to keep a distance from the electrical hazard. Her claws itch, teeth dripping foul saliva as she stands alert from the thrill of battle and taste of blood in the air. Inching forward despite the brilliant light she wants, no, needs another chance to sink her fangs into the larger Pokemon and rasps heavy breaths in an effort to drink in its scent. Ash is all she can taste, the well known dull flavor enough to spark frustration as she snarls a bit louder and swipes a paw in the air. The Pikachu twinges, his attack growing unstable from excessive use but it does not cease. ”I can’t hold it much longer! If we’re going to finish it, now’s our chance!” Jack shouts with labored effort, the attack clearly taking its toll.

    Planting her paws firmly on the ground Clover can do nothing; everything her body willed was physical, attack or otherwise, and that electrical blast prevented her from getting close. It was frustrating, infuriating even, and dragging her claws against the rough ground the Meowth clenches her teeth from the building agitation. Pivoting on her back foot Clover bounds off to where Kolven had skid to. He wasn't moving, a thick layer of dust and grit dirtying his deeper brown pelt. Blood mixed with dirt and clung to his fur in various spots, marks akin to roadrash scouring his flanks. Pushing a paw into his side the molly growls, pressing and shaking to stir the tomcat from his stupor. With a slow, rough blink he looks at her, but makes no effort to stand. Tipping her head the female does not understand, and hopping over him gives a rough shove with her head.

    Displaced, instinct splays Kolven's limbs in front of him as he's forcibly rolled over. Pain shoots through his body, each breath coming as a gasp as he tries to get a handle on himself. Again Clover headbutts him, the force nearly enough to roll him over completely, and he can only growl back in warning. With a paw placed on his side she digs the claws in, a new sharp wave of pain to add to the rest. She does not let up, poking and prodding until the tomcat swipes back at her and struggles to his paws. His head was still swimming, the effort alone enough to knock the wind out of him, but the cat could ignore the bright flashes of electricity no more. Sounds were starting to return to normal, his thoughts slow but churning just enough to see the Pyroar using all its strength in an attempt to shake the electrical attack. If it broke free he would be all but useless in finishing this fight.

    But... could he even help? Stumbling forward with uneven steps the tomcat struggles to pull himself together, an agonized wheeze squeezing out from between his teeth. His will to fight had been lost, the very idea of another powerful attack made him dizzy, but Clover shoved him closer to the fight again and he needed no help with translation. Raising his head a bit more the cat fought through the pain to rejoin the fight. The Pyroar had manged to stand with stiff movements, heat pulsing from its billowing mane. It was still hard for Kolven to see but he swore there was smoke coming from its maw. It was still trying to attack?!
    Though his energy had been spent Kolven drew in a deep breath and planted his paws squarely in front of him. Sparks arched across his fur, and mustering what little strength he had left sent his last Thunderbolt forward. Fires ignited within its maw, another Fire Fang perhaps, but the doubled attack was enough to knock it back down and push the air from its very lungs. Falling prone with a could of smoke flaring upward any possible flames were snuffed out. It twitched still from electrical stimulation but showed no other signs of rising again.

    A small smile spreads across Kolven's face as his giving out beneath him. Swaying for a moment he slumps to his side, dizzy and pained, but remains conscious as he stares at the fallen lioness. "Is that it?" He asks on a labored breath as Clover moves in to investigate.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:43 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 WFExX65

    Dendemille Town|Morning

    With the Pyroar downed and knocked out with Kolven's help, Jack fell backwards and felt a little tired out. "Is that it?" Jack looked over to the unconscious Pyroar, and seeing Clover moving to investigate. He prayed that they didn't overdo it and stopped its heart. He never held onto a thunderbolt that long in years and usually the pikachu uses it in a very small spirt as a warning shock. Looking everywhere, the smoke was beginning to slowly dissipate, however the air was getting a bit more colder. Damn it, it couldn't pick a worse time. Hopefully Drake and Green is fairing better.

    Drake snarls at the Pyroar as it was clearly beaten. "Its over." Flamey shouts at the leading pyroar. "Scram, cat!" He squawks at the female. "You asked for trouble and ya got it, so sleep in the bed you made and get lost!" The charmeleon raised his claws again ready to strike if the female tried anything funny. The tail flame was quite large and burning hot. "Beat it pyroar and never come back!" At that point, he was beginning to see fear in the Pyroar's other eye. It was clearly beatened and it began to back away from them after Flamey send a small spirt of fire towards it. After that, it fled all alone and not collecting its fellow pyroar. Drake calmed down and looked at Green and her pokemon. "Is your ditto going to be okay Green?"

    Jack looks over to Kolven, a smile came upon him. "Thanks Kolven, you did good. Hopefully when those two get back up, they'll flee and not come chasing after Green again." The pikachu said before slowly getting back up. He felt sore but was able to move still. Looks like any other activity when they get back will have to wait until they're rested up. "I think it's out cold, if not, it'll be too weak to fight anymore." He said as he walked over to the meowth.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:32 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Green_crop
    | Dendemille Town | Morning |

    Flamey ruffled his feathers, fluffing them up until he was twice his normal size. The cat looked on, defeat in its gaze though its eyes still burned with a deep hatred. Waving his wings to increase his threat factor Flamey knew better than to let his guard down, and continued to squawk and hop until the cat turned tail. Though it had fought valiantly against it the poison coursing through its system had sapped all its remaining strength. Each staggering step it took was accompanied by a sway on its paws, and it was unlikely to stay conscious much longer.

    With the battle decided it gave no further attacks, and slowly made its way to its fellow that Blasty had knocked out. Sniffing for breath and checking for wounds she assured it still lived, and with a tender nudge of its muzzle she turned and continued on with slow, hesitant steps. "Beat it Pyroar and never come back!" The Charmeleon scoffed, the insult particularly unwarranted as this was the Pyroar's territory after all. Green squinted, watching as the stumbling lioness turned at the first opportunity to get out of sight. "Enough of that. She will be back for them as soon as we're gone." She says sternly. Despite the risky move in leaving her fallen Green knew there was no chance the lead cat would abandon her pride; she simply could not carry or drag both fallen felines on her own, especially in her state, but still signified their victory by moving away from them. "This is their home too. Don't make threats you'll regret."

    Blasty approached the balcony with heavy steps, rotating so he was facing it shell first. Stepping up onto the railing Green made a quick leap and landed square on her Pokemon's thick back. With a quick descent of his own Flamey landed beside her, and though the bird would have made for an easier drop she was grateful to rely on her own strength. Sliding off to the ground the trainer rubbed a hand against her Blastoise's cheek. Her old partner looked tired, and it wasn't just the years catching up to him. No matter what she asked of the starter he always pulled though, but once again she had asked so much of him.. "Thank you for the hard work." She praises, her voice hiding an apology. The massive turtle dipped his head slightly into her hand and letting his eyes close as she recalled him safely into his Pokeball.

    Holding it close to her chest the trainer mentally set finding clean water to the top of her priorities. Anything to aid his recovery, to show appreciation she brutally took for granted. As she clipped the ball beside the others a finger brushed over Ditty's, and with a sharp breath in Green made a second note to find it some kind of treat for her other companion. "Is your Ditto going to be okay Green?" The Charmeleon asked, perhaps sensing her shame over it's treatment or simply seeing how poorly it had fared. Splats of blood and ooze alike stained the ground, their spread halted by the bracing air. "Ditty will be fine after a long rest. Takes more than a bite to bring down something like it." Though she spoke coolly her voice was flat and she did not face the Pokemon as she answered. It still went down in one hit..

    With her eyes downcast Green walks away from the balcony and moves to where the rest of this squad was milling about. They had clawed out a victory somehow, and by some miracle escaped dire straits. Each of their members awake and aware, minimal blood and no grievous injuries. The undead was still standing, sniffing and licking at blood on the ground though it was not frenzied. What were these Pokemon? The smoke was finally dissipating from the air, but the burning chill hardly allowed them to breathe any more freely. Cold, delicate flakes were beginning to fall, and soon the white frosting would blanket everything in sight. "We need to move. We wasted too much time here and the storm is upon us."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:01 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Town || Morning
    Clover 136 || Kolven 116

    Watching with baited breath Kolven prayed that, for its own good, the cat stayed down. The seconds ticked, and through its flanks raised and fell it did not move to get back to its paws. With a heavy sigh the Meowth let out a breath he did not know he was holding and let his muzzle rest on the ground. "Thank goodness." Shifting his eyes over he can see the first Pyroar was still down, and the last was motioning in defeat. By some miracle they had won, and a meek purr rumbles through his throat. "Thanks Kolven, you did good. Hopefully when those two get back up, they'll flee and not come chasing after Green again." "Hopefully that's not for a while, and they learned not to mess with us." He laughs with a whimpish whine, smiling through the mere idea of continuing to fight made his wounds ache.

    Clover continued to sniff about the Pyroar, red eye wide and intrigued by it though it no longer moved. A bright splat of blood on the ground stood out among the greyish stones, and through the big cat's scent was warm on her tongue the taste of blood in the air instantly drew her toward it. Sniffing and lapping at the drips the flavor was sullied by ash and stone that diluted it. With a growl she licks the smear clean before turning her snarling maw toward the cat, her skulking steps bringing her eerily close. The wounds they had caused on its face had crusted over after facing the chilly mountain air and the sizzling electricity. Though the heavy smell of blood still lingered on its pelt the potent scent of ash, smoke, and burned fur smothered it. Flexing her claws the Meowth wanted a fresh batch, a new taste, a good meal!! but the voice of another forced her to focus on his words. "I think it's out cold, if not, it'll be too weak to fight anymore." No fight, no fun. No chase, no hunt..

    Having had a moment to catch his breath Kolven staggered his way to his paws. Everything ached, scuffs and scrapes littering his body with tiny stones of dry blood and grit. His scar was screaming, and taking a few steps sent bolts of pain through his hips and spine. Feeling weak in the knees Kolven staggers, practically falling but catching himself before he hit the ground. "Clover, leave it alone. No more fighting." He scolds the molly, through any fight had been drained from his voice. Bring his hind paws forward the tomcat moves to a sitting position, and ever so gently starts to wash and brush the gravel free from his pelt. "Last thing we need is a round two.." Spreading her jaws wide Clover gives an ominous hiss, fangs glinting in the cold air, but eventually the smell deters her enough to step away.

    Another sigh makes it out of Kolven's muzzle, exhaustion pulsing through his body. It hurt to move, his head was still fuzzy, and he didn't have the energy to watch Clover. I just need to lie down for a little.. Letting his eyes slid shut the Meowth tips his head toward the sky. In a mix of persuasion and caution, a cold wind blew and ruffled his fur, making the cat want to curl up even more. It didn't matter how cold it was... but as the cold flakes of snow started to fall, a soft grey from the smokey air, the cat regretfully knew the dangers of falling asleep now.

    Green approached, having finished the fight without so much as a victory cheer. "We need to move. We wasted too much time here and the storm is upon us." She announces bluntly and denies any chance of a post-battle rest. "I don't want to be around when these two get back up" The tomcat sighs while standing once more, and with uncomfortable steps walks off to collect the fallen seed pouch. It had opened, but scooping the smaller pouches back inside he was thankful it looked no worse for wear. Looking back at the grey sky the cat grimaces, their detour and his aches quickly catching up to them. "It won't be safe to travel much longer. Are we going to make it back?"

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:30 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 WFExX65
    Dendemille Town|Morning

    "We need to move. We wasted too much time here and the storm is upon us." Jack couldn’t agree more. The first signs of snow intensification won’t be long and they can’t let Finn be sitting all alone for too long before his compulsive thoughts causes any more trouble. "I don't want to be around when these two get back up" Kolven said and neither did Jack want to go a round two with them. Two was enough but where was the third one? It didn’t matter though since they wasn’t going to come back for quite a while. Now that was left was getting back to the mansion. "It won't be safe to travel much longer. Are we going to make it back?" By Arceus he hoped so. If the wind gets stronger and the snow gets heavy, then it would be bad luck. Yet it was better to think positive.

    Drake followed behind Green to the others. He felt the cold air and it felt moist as well. The storm was well on track to making an impact. “We’ll make it back as long as we don’t stop.” The Charmeleon said as he looked back towards the mansion and beyond with the fog slowly getting denser. They didn’t have that long of a walk but with the road in a bad shape, it would take them a bit longer but should be fast enough to beat the storm in time.

    Jack nods and waits for the others to start moving. “Finn might be going nuts with us not being back sooner than expected. Not to mention his compulsive mind being unsure of even himself.” Regardless, they dawdled here for too long and wasted valuable time. “Hopefully this greenhouse of Drake’s is in good shape still.” The Pikachu said in high hopes.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Sun Oct 22, 2023 7:17 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Green_crop
    | Dendemille Town | Morning |

    "It won't be safe to travel much longer. Are we going to make it back?" Watching the sky with a narrowed gaze Green tries to pinpoint how much time they realistically had. How fast the clouds were moving, how much light they had gained sense departing, the direction they were headed, and the amount of snow already starting to fall. “We’ll make it back as long as we don’t stop.” Drake says optimistically, but the trainer was much more hesitant. Though they had a chance each factor was not in their favor, and it would take more then a quick pace to keep them from freezing.

    Despite all that, that was the least of their troubles. Even with the intensity of the grey sky the black cloud of smoke rising from the barn could still be seen in the distance. The fire still roared without its tenders, the field ablaze with nothing to stop its assault. "We can't go back through the field again," she grunts as a reminder while stepping in front of the Pokemon. "So the city it is." The condition of the roads they had walked on the way down and raced across during the pursuit did not bode well for a quick jaunt. Hopefully that scrap sent anything hiding here packing. Another hold up would sap any time they had left.

    Walking the first few feet on autopilot Green points ahead and sends Flamey out to scout further afield. The small portion of the town they had seen coming down was in rough shape, and this lower elevation would have been battered with all the refuse. "It would be wise to make a plan B if we can't make it in time."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Oct 26, 2023 6:43 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Town || Morning
    Clover 137 || Kolven 117

    Clover sniffed and circled around Kolven, the thrill of the hunt fading as all parties slowed their movements and milled about. Despite her injuries her body still ached for a fight, for the rush of bloodlust, but nothing remained to sate her need. Even the metallic scent of blood in the area was growing faint as it dried in the cold and was covered with dust, ash, and smoke. With a small meow the feline expresses her dissatisfaction but it brings no change. Not even her brother acknowledges the sound as he walks painfully forward to take the lead. “We’ll make it back as long as we don’t stop.” Drake responds to him, and though the molly calls again it is not her the other Meowth responds to.

    "Heres to hoping." The tomcat purrs, his voice tired but wearily hopeful as he walks with slow steps. The Bulldoze had really done a number to him, his every movement hurting and shooting pain throughout his body. The chill in the air and light dusting of snowflakes only made it worse, the cold making any bump against his body bring unrelenting aches. “Finn might be going nuts with us not being back sooner than expected. Not to mention his compulsive mind being unsure of even himself.” Finn, legends he had almost forgotten the Braxian had stayed behind. The chatter had been so pleasant.. "I'm sure he found a way to occupy himself, but you're right, it'd be best not to leave him alone any longer than necessary." The loose cannon would surely give them all an earful or the cold shoulder when they returned, or find a way to do both. A strained smile spreads across the Meowth's serene face. Finn always found a way to push boundaries, and constantly harassed his sister for nothing, but Kolven couldn't help but want their group to come together once more.

    “Hopefully this greenhouse of Drake’s is in good shape still.” While they had explored a small amount of the grounds both inside and out the cat could not recall seeing the Greenhouses. "His place looks pretty good all things considered. I'm sure he's maintained the greenhouse out of habit even if he hasn't used it." Trapped in the past, the Charmeleon would want everything to remain pristine to the best of his ability. The passage of time would wear down and decay things, and he couldn't prevent that, but the Meowth was positive the overall area would still be in good shape.

    "We can't go back through the field again. So the city it is." Green's voice is eerily rational, her focus solely on the task at hand as she sends her Pokemon out to scout ahead. Again, for a moment, Kolven had forgotten what happened to the way they came. The smoke may no longer be haunting them, but the fire still roared nonetheless. "It's not like we have much choice in the matter." He muses lightly, though internally his mind screamed for succor. Keeping any concerns over their new route kept to himself the cat sweats at the thought of clambering over stones and dirt, his wounds making even the small pace he was moving at too much. Is one good hit really all it takes? To be brought low by so little..

    His steps remained slow, and even Clover's hobbling gait outpaced him with little effort. the molly tosses her head over her shoulder and calls out to the male, once again seeking his attention, but the tom is distant and unresponsive. Bounding up to him Clover butts her head into his shoulder, a friendly gesture, but its nearly enough to throw him from his paws. With a sharp hiss on an inhale he steadies himself and looks to her, eyes asking 'what?' though he did not speak up. Cocking her head to one side the undead did not understand. Kolven always responded, always moved first, always the same.

    "It would be wise to make a plan B if we can't make it in time." Green continued, though spoken as a fail safe Kolven couldn't help but feel the suggestion was ominous. He would slow them down, drag out their venture and get them trapped in the coming storm.. A snowflake fell and danced about before landing right on his nose. After a few moments it melted, but the tomcat knew they were in for a cold, wet walk. "Like what, hunkering down in the nearest building until the storm passes?" If that was the case they may as well push through the snow while there was still daylight.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:38 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 WFExX65
    Dendemille town|Moring

    "I'm sure he found a way to occupy himself, but you're right, it'd be best not to leave him alone any longer than necessary." Hopefully that was the case but knowing how Finn’s been lately, he couldn’t help but be concerned. "His place looks pretty good all things considered. I'm sure he's maintained the greenhouse out of habit even if he hasn't used it." That’s true, Drake’s place is pretty good but what isn’t? Its a mansion and something Jack would ever wish on living in. Alas though it isn’t as simple. Humans are always born with or without that kind of money. If anything that Jack envies is that Drake has all the money but yet he’s so hospitable towards them. A quality that Jack admires. "We can't go back through the field again. So the city it is." The field is pretty much ablaze and impossible to get through without dying to either the smoke or getting burnt alive.

    Drake thinks of an what if in his mind and if they can’t beat the storm before impact. “It would be wise to make a plan B if we can't make it in time." There it was, the question that would get his attention. The charmeleon didn’t know of any good shelters in Dendemille itself because of how long they’ve been under the elements and was never maintained. In that, pickings was very slim to none. “I don’t see any good choices in places here. Any shelter has either been damaged by the weather itself or is just rotting away from old wood itself. I can only think right now would be the pokemon center but we’ll have to burn things to keep warm.” Admittedly even that wasn’t the safest shelter.

    Jack knew that the decision would ultimately be placed on time itself. “I know, but I’m getting a feeling something isn’t right. I just hope it isn’t the case.” The pikachu then looked to see where the fog line is where the heavy snow could be. It was decreasing slightly but for how long? Living on Mount Silver had always made that notion of when a storm will begin or how strong the winds will be and how heavy the snow will fall at. It was those unknowns that made predicting difficult.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:15 pm

    (I will pass this round.)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:37 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 RGvjGOO
    Dendemille Town || Morning
    Clover 138 || Kolven 118

    With a disconcerted grumble Kolven tossed his head to and fro. He hurt, everything hurt, but complaining would get them back to the Mansion no faster. While they had not ventured past many suitable shelters or sound homes on their way down he could only hope Drake knew of a building in good shape in case things went south. Surely some part of this ruined city still stood somewhere higher up, right? “I don’t see any good choices in places here. Any shelter has either been damaged by the weather itself or is just rotting away from old wood itself. Only place I can think of right now would be the Pokemon Center but we’ll have to burn things to keep warm.” With a pair of fire Pokemon in tow Kolven assumed heat could be managed, the wind and snow would be their primary concern. Yet Drake seemed hestitant to stop at all, and for good reason if the Center was their only choice. "Center's are usually hot spots these days, for better or worse. We should probably avoid it unless absolutely necessary." A deep sigh weighed heavy on his mew, his own shortcomings like stones in his aching paws as he accepted a straight shot was their safest bet.

    Arguing was futile, even if it was just a circular conversation rather than bitter heat. A waste of precious energy the tomcat did not have, and with a sullen nod he grows quiet and accepts what they must do. The silence seemed to blanket the entire group, even Clover stopped her chittering as she walked in line with him. Every so often her head tipped, allowing her to catch a glimpse of him out of her one eye. If he stumbled or slowed she was quick to circle him, standing surprisingly firm and ready to nudge the tomcat forward. Keeping the space between them even Clover watched every motion he made with absolutely scrutiny. Leaping on the ground him front of him she ensured it was stable even for his quivering steps.  Did she except him to fall, or want to prevent it? Unable to decipher the look in her eye Kolven pushed forward with a labored sigh.

    The fall of snow was light right now, but it was enough to return the chill to his pads. How had they trudged through the frozen hillside and manage to take out an entire pack of hounds without so much as a heavy wound? Was it simply the angle, descending instead of ascending? Was it the time of day, or lingering fear? Another firm prod from Clover keeps his paws moving, and despite the pain smothering him Kolven had to admit that moving was better than the stiffness from holding still.
    Thankfully, this section of roadway was fairly clear, allowing them ample walking room and no massive leaps or jumps for the time being. Meowth had to admit the quiet was a bit too overwhelming and searched for conversation to make the walk less painful. "Was this city beautiful in its prime Drake?" He asks, the quiet town a bit too dreary for him without colorful, warm-weathered plants. "Doesn't seem like it would get too many visitors."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:45 pm

    OoC)) Skipping Jack this round
    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 WFExX65

    Dendemille Town|Morning

    Drake tried to think where there was any other shelter but no luck other than the pokemon center. "Center's are usually hot spots these days, for better or worse. We should probably avoid it unless absolutely necessary." That's true since there could be some survivors that could  be well armed and won't hesitate to kill anybody that's not their own. They'd have to take this travel as a straight shot from where they are. Lesser then interference from any undead the better. "Was this city beautiful in its prime Drake?" Kolven asked and Drake had remembered the windmill being pretty nice to look at but now, its a shadow of its former self. Holes in its walls, the damage on the windmill blades, this place wasn't spared either from the undead. "Doesn't seem like it would get too many visitors."

    The Charmeleon didn't think much of the amount of visitors, especially with the ones from other regions. There was a few though that he knew that some visitors would come to look at but they was all farmers. Especially the moomoo milk seller. "Well, some visitors are mainly farmers to sell moomoo milk, but other than that, mostly it was trainers passing through or skiers wanting to go up the mountain range. Though, back in its glory days, that windmill was the biggest pride in this town. I could tell you more but first we should move before the snow starts falling here." For once, Drake felt happy to have a friend from another region. He even considered Green to be one as well. Maybe there's something back home that she can use to help her out more.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 103

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Green Wed Nov 22, 2023 6:51 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 32 Green_crop
    | Dendemille Town | Morning |

    As Green walked her gaze tipped up toward the sky and watched as Flamey soared above them. He was not as high as he could be, staying far below the clouds and falling snow as he observed the path ahead of them. Walking over the terrain the trainer hoped it would not get worse like the start of their journey, but knowing what goes up must come down her hopes were not high. It was incredible things were not horrid here in the first place, but she would not curse such a blessing.

    With a wave of her hand Green signals for her partner to search in a different direction as he swoops back toward them. With a wide arc the Talonflame turned again and flew off in the new direction. If they would find an easier path, better supplies, or a true shelter it would only be for their benefit. With a gentle beat of his wings the trainer is relieved to see her Pokemon fly with ease, the strain and exhaustion finally seeming to leave him. Though his rest had not been long, and his strength needed elsewhere, her cheeky Pokemon was acting a bit like his old self once again.

    The others chat idly, and even with that light conversation buzzing around her Green finds herself listening to the space around them. The quiet hum of a gentle wind, seemed to coat the lonely streets, but nothing else stirred. No Pokemon, no roamers, no cries of suffering. A truly void space where only the desperate would remain. "The atmosphere of these quiet towns was always the most peaceful. You could forget life for a moment, as though your problems were a million miles away." She laments idly. Those problems persisted everywhere now, impossible to avoid or forget. The precious few moments one could escape them were always tainted when reality returned, and even this faded memory of a town could not hide the hell that was the world now.

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