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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    Claus, the young Poochyena | inactive


    Posts : 62

    Claus, the young Poochyena | inactive Empty Claus, the young Poochyena | inactive

    Post by Chroma Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:19 pm

    Item N/A
    Gender Male
    Age 15
    Species #261, Poochyena
    Height 1'02"
    Weight 30lbs
    Pokédex Entry "A Pokémon with a persistent nature, it chases its chosen prey until the prey becomes exhausted."
    Level 15
    Ability Quick Feet
    Nature Bold
    Characteristic Quick Tempered
    Moves - Bite - Level
    - Tackle - Level
    History Claus was born from his mother, a kind Ampharos, and his father, a strong Mightyena. And so was his twin brother, a shiny Poochyena named Lucas. They were a bit of an odd family, but were very close, never seen away from each other. Claus was a lot more playful and excitable than his brother, who was kind of shy and reserved. But despite their differences, their bond was tight, and they relied on each other very often.
    However, unluckily for them, Claus and Lucas were born only a few years before the infection started. At the time the infection started, him and Lucas were only 12.

    They didn't foresee what was going to happen at all. Out of nowhere, some infected attacked, and the twins' mother was killed trying to defend them. Forced to flee, the three dog Pokemon, Claus, Lucas, and their father, knew that this wouldn't be the end. When they finally found refuge, Lucas was bawling, torn up at the loss of his mother. Claus however, still holding true to his completely opposite views from his brother, and swore he'd get stronger and destroy the infected. He had to. When everyone was sleeping, he snuck off into the night, and darted off.

    He never saw his family again, despite the fact that he barely even knew where he was headed, his mind fogged with anger, which fueled him to just keep running, not thinking about the consequences. But he didn't care, he was determined to avenge his mother. He couldn't let these foul creatures get away with what they'd done.

    And he'd make them regret it. He'd get so strong that he'd stop the infection for good. He would. At least, he hoped he would. But it would be pretty difficult for such an immature and weak Poochyena to get very far.
    AppearanceClaus is just a regular-looking Poochyena, with a few scars littering the skin under his gray fur. They aren't noticeable and have long since healed.
    Personality Claus is ambitious, and a little tempered. But he is a child, so this is probably to be expected. He won't stop until he completes whatever goal he's set for himself, whether it's to destroy the infection, or to just simply find refuge for the night, even if it means he'll only get a few hours of sleep.
    User Notes - Based off of Claus from Mother 3
    - Profile art by me

    Last edited by Chroma on Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 1464

    Claus, the young Poochyena | inactive Empty Re: Claus, the young Poochyena | inactive

    Post by Mew Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:28 am

    I will not approve this profile so long as it has a knife. It doesn't make sense for the species, as they don't have the opposable thumbs they would need to use such a weapon. The only way would be for them to grip in in their teeth, which would have a high probability of self-injury, in addition to being impractical.

    Where did he get the TM, and who taught it to him? There's no mention of a trainer or a human in the history, so they would have no way of learning the move on it.

    Please revise these points, and I'll take a closer look at it.


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    Claus, the young Poochyena | inactive Hz72hB2

    Posts : 62

    Claus, the young Poochyena | inactive Empty Re: Claus, the young Poochyena | inactive

    Post by Chroma Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:38 am


    Posts : 1464

    Claus, the young Poochyena | inactive Empty Re: Claus, the young Poochyena | inactive

    Post by Mew Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:40 am



    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    Claus, the young Poochyena | inactive Hz72hB2

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