Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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3 posters

    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive)


    Posts : 24

    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) Empty Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive)

    Post by Crepuscular Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:36 am

    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) MarkMeowsticIII_zps94ca50dc

    Mark 'Keys' Lucas

    -- Male

    22 -- Young Adult

    Mild (spAtk +, def -)

    Alert to sounds

    Text Color
    #7a67ee -- Slate Blue 2

    Level 34
    Badges -- NONE

    Keen Eye -- Prevents other Pokemon from lowering Accuracy.

    #678 -- Meowstic -- The Constraint Pokémon (Psychic)

    PokéDex Entry
    ~ Pokemon Y :: ~
    The eyeball patterns on the interior of its ears emit psychic energy. It keeps the patterns tightly covered because that power is too immense.


    2 feet 4 inches (average is 2ft 0in)

    23.83 pounds (average 18.7lbs)

    || [url=bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Psychic_(move)]Psychic[/url] (Learned) | [url=bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Reflect_(move)]Reflect[/url] (TM) ||
    || [url=bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Trick_(move)]Trick[/url](Egg Move) | [url=bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Yawn_(move)]Yawn[/url] (Egg Move) ||

    ---- HISTORY ----


    ---- PERSONALITY ----

    ~ Traits ~
    + --  | Shrewd | Intelligent | Humorous | Determined | Logical | Trustworthy | Honest | Resilient | Resourceful | Alert | Effective under pressure |
    - --  | Pragmatic | Traitorous | Selfish | Opinionated | Judgemental | Stubborn | Cozening | Hypocritical |
    ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

    Mark is the sort of person who prefers to have a reason for doing things. Purpose is very important, since it drives the very reasons he survives. He survives because he wants to live on for his wife and his teammates: When he chooses to do something, he prefers to follow through with it. Even though he is disturbed by the horrors of the Epidemic, he is good at overcoming them through his ambitions. He is emotional in an introverted manner. However, he keeps his emotions to himself and refuses to make them the business of others. He is a survivor devoted to the act of surviving: He is shrewd, but not too picky. His wits are sharp, and he tends to choose opportunities for how useful they are to himself and anyone he is being considerate of. He sees kindness as a voluntary act, rather than an innate one -- but rather than be cruel to others, he tends to manipulate his words with others to see how they react. This is not for the purpose of being manipulative, but rather to see what their virtues and sins are.

    Mark can be rather pragmatic at times. The Epidemic has done some damage to his original, light-hearted personality. It has convinced him that 'dog-eat-dog' is often the only way to go, and so he does have a small betrayal streak. For example, if he is hungry and he finds a pokemon he could easily kill for food, he might consider doing so. He prefers to keep acts of betrayal to a minimum, though. Nobody likes a traitor, after all, and betrayal is a difficult thing to whitewash.

    Mark is poor at direct-contact fighting, having little in the way of physical presence. Thus, he teams up with others that he can bargain with for protection. He is a deep thinker, but only when he feels like it. He believes that good intentions speak for themselves, but he uses his silver tongue as backup when dealing with strangers. Mark is not afraid to admit certain things, and is predisposed to admit the truth to things if confronted. That is not to say, however, that he is above coaxing people. Although he will work in a team, he prefers to consider his team as 'associates' rather than 'friends' and does not mind leaving his company behind (with a polite foreword, in most cases). He just gets a little too emotionally hung sometimes when it comes to making friendships.

    He has a sense of respect for higher figures, and usually will not try to displace superiors. As always, though, displacement is not entirely out of the question for him. In most cases he will try to cement a good relationship with the leader of a group to make sure the team of survivors he intends to band with are stable.
    He has little sympathy for Undead, believing them to be beyond all help. He is quick to avoid them and to advise against having them as company. To him, Undead are just corpses with memories tied together by a soul that should have passed away uncontested. He is not as quick to condemn those who are infected, but he only withholds his opinions when it is inopportune to condemn them. He still holds them with great caution, especially because his shrewd observations of the illness has given him the knowledge that certain types succumb faster than others. He believes succumbing to undeath is not good for anyone, since he has seen quite a few teams dissolve because someone refused to do something about an infected (or, perish the thought, an Undead) member.

    He does not fear death. He wholeheartedly believes that The Epidemic will someday end, even if he does not live to see that end. He believes firmly that some of the wrongs the Epidemic started /can be fixed/. He believes in an afterlife, even if he is not sure what that afterlife entails. And most importantly, he reasons that people should at least try and smile once in a while, especially in a world where misery and unhappiness can be a common undoing. Interestingly, he /does/ fear the death of others close to him.

    Lastly, he has a big problem with the racism towards Humans that is occurring among the Pokemon population. It aggravates him how so many Pokemon are so willing to just put the blame on Humans for all of their misfortune, and how everyone cannot just shut up and work together. Sure, competition had to happen. But that did not excuse everyone's obligation to fix this mess that he believes both Humans and Pokemon started. He might be a bit too passionate on the subject. Even though he tries to conceal his preferences, he finds himself more comfortable around Humans than Pokemon.

    ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

    ---- APPEARANCE ----

    His family is adapted for warmer climes, and so he has fairly shorter hair compared to the average Meowstic.
    He is noticeably taller than other Meowstics, mostly due to his genetics.
    He has white accents over his eyelids.

    Otherwise, he looks just like an ordinary Meowstic.

    ---- USER NOTES ----

    >> The Epidemic has passed for a while, and so he has grown (presumably) three years since the beginning of it.

    >> A Smeargle mixed into his father's side of the family a few generations back. The Yawn and Trick moves ended up being passed down from that Smeargle.

    >> While he is poor in direct combat, he has great athleticism and a solid grasp of his psychic powers to somewhat compensate. His IV speed is 31, and his EV speed is 255 (he fought a lot of speed-EV pokemon back when he fought to evolve).

    >> He knows quite a few of my other characters. For plot reasons, however, I will not be directly revealing who they are.

    >> As a Psychic, he has great intelligence. He might not be very powerful, but he is very creative and clever with his moveset. This, along with a few other reasons, is why he is so useful to a team.

    >> He 'speaks' fluent English telepathically. He can also write in English, but has not done so in a very long time. He learned how to understand English through language immersion with his trainer and through constant reading.

    >> He is particularly good at math, and sometimes amuses himself with it when bored.

    Last edited by Uxie on Fri Dec 19, 2014 2:52 am; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Edited User Notes, Appearance, Items, Moves, etc)

    Age : 31
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    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) Empty Re: Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive)

    Post by Nightfall Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:50 am


    Posts : 24

    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) Empty Re: Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive)

    Post by Crepuscular Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:32 am

    Mark is now ready for approval, Mew.

    Posts : 1464

    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) Empty Re: Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive)

    Post by Mew Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:14 am

    The items for this character are the first point in hindering approval. In the art, he's wearing a trenchcoat (described as a cloak in the description). I will not allow this, due to how movement restricting articles of clothing such as this are; it would be a hindrance to survival. Second are the knives. In no way would a pokemon be allowed human weapons. In regards to the canteen, you mentioned 16 fl oz, which is the standard size for military canteens. Having had one assigned to me for near a year during my training for the military, I am... intimately familiar with the size of this. It's about 5 inches wide, and 8 inches tall; almost a third the size of the character. I won't allow any of these items.

    Moving on to the moves list, Psychic is not a move that can be passed down through breeding, and Trick is not a TM in any generation, though it can be chain bred through a Spinda (with a Kadabra, Alakazam, or Mr. Mime Father.)

    Onto the History.
    using it to help him learn basic English alongside the normal 'Pokemon' language.
    I will not allow this character to speak human language. There has never been a character on EJ who is able to speak human language (verbally, at least). This is why the poke-translator was invented in the first place to facilitate communications between pokemon and humans.


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) Hz72hB2

    Posts : 24

    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) Empty Re: Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive)

    Post by Crepuscular Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:59 am

    Alright then; I have removed the cloak and the equipment. I have corrected the information for Trick and Psychic. I have also added some information into the User Notes and changed the Appearance section. I believe that should be all of the changes.

    I was thinking that since Mark is a Psychic, and Psychic-types are well-known for being exceptionally intelligent, he would be capable of learning the English language. I have had many characters approved in the past (when I was here as WinterVeil/Nival) who learned and understood the English (and other) languages. They are currently adopted by Vince, but my major examples are Apolonia the Zoroark, Tsukiko the Pikachu, and Dominic the Beheeyem.

    Apologies if I sound pushy. I am just concerned if some new rule about Pokemon speaking Human languages came into effect while I was gone.

    Posts : 1464

    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) Empty Re: Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive)

    Post by Mew Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:43 am

    The points you made are being discussed amongst the admins.


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) Hz72hB2

    Posts : 1464

    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) Empty Re: Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive)

    Post by Mew Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:14 pm



    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) Hz72hB2

    Posts : 24

    Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive) Empty Re: Mark the Plotting Meowstic (Inactive)

    Post by Crepuscular Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:18 am

    Thanks, Mew! :D

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