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8 posters

    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Jan 03, 2015 2:39 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon [8]

    "You can stay with me if you want, since it's not entirely safe right now, or you can just give me the word and I can let you down, alright Cinders?" The tiny Pikachu finds herself speechless. Stark was.. going to protect her. Just some random stupid mouse that ran in with a small horde of undead on her heels and he was going to allow her to physically use his body for protection. The most thank smile spreads across her face along with grateful eyes and a nod but she can not get herself to speak. Thank you.. so much. So often she felt like she couldnt even protect herself.. that she shouldnt be alive during this epidemic. Maybe the Dragonite had noticed. Her Nana had taken that role but she didn't have him right now.. Even so, with someone watching her, she could relax at least a little. You dont even know what this means to me.

    Steadying herself on the Dragonites shoulder Cinder takes in a deep breath. Be cool.. dont let your paranoia flare. It always did and always would. The disapproving gaze of a Staraptor burns in the back of her mind but she shakes it away as best she could. Just be freakin calm, gosh! He's not even here, dont imagine him! Was that really so hard? "Did you not hear what I just said?" The Luxio snaps at her, instantly drawing in her attention. "See what just happened? This thing is a monster. All it will do is keep trying until it eats you, me, and this human over here!" No.. that wasnt true. Look at it now, look at it now it was just lying on the floor sulking in pain! "N-no it wont it was just.. doing what comes naturally.." The Electric Type sinks down low behind Stark's neck, ashamed of her opinion of the creature despite how right she knew she was. "Its not its fault.." She murmurs, sinking her face into her paws.

    "Don't speak to her that way," Cinderspark's ears twitch. He was.. defending her? This.. she hadn't excepted that. Physical defense and opinionated defenses were totally different. Peaking her green gaze up she glances back at the Arbok, unable to even defend her own thoughts as she watches it eat- was that a chunk of the undead that had ran in after her? The meat is charred black but the purple discoloration can still be seen along with that putrid smell. Nausea churns in her stomach as one of the heads swallows it without a second thought. Oh legends I think Im going to be sick. Carnivores were one thing but to eat burned, infected and rotting meat.. The panic returns, the faster pace of her breath is practically more normal then her calm breathing. Was this thing trying to get itself infected or killed? "Isn't that gross? I mean, that isn't...fresh. Is that even safe?" Another Pokemon voices her concerns. She wasnt alone after all, others agreed. She didnt even know who that was but who cares someone was agreeing with her. "Please stop, you dont know what you are doing!" The Pikachu squeals to the Arbok though it might not of seemed that way.

    "Don't. Move," The mouse freezes, her tail absentmindedly sliding down Stark's back as it falls limp. This was it. Red was going to shoot it. The debate was over before it even started. "Luxio. Guard him." Not her, she wasn't a 'him' and was never a significant enough creature to others to need guarding. Why the luxio? Because she agreed with you, cause she wont protest? Cause she's all for killing the innocent? Tiny fingers curl uneasily across the Dragonites scales. "We need to kill this thing now, before it eats us in its sleep." You cant do that! She screams in her mind, fear holding her protest hostage. Oh gods oh gods no she couldnt watch this. There was no way in hell she could stand by knowing that this strange Arbok was just hunting like a normal Pokemon and was going to be executed for it. Fuck.. do something, say something.. be a man and stand up for it. Reason with them, doing something you fuck up! Electricity sparks from her cheeks but all words die in her throat. Legends please dont take them yet. Her breath moves even faster until her lungs start to ache, wide eyes constantly shifting between the Arboks, Red, and the gun.

    "You need to convince the others that killing it is the right idea. They'll listen to you." All the fur along her small body shrinks to her form, breathing stopping for a moment. "No.." She speaks as the tiniest whisper ever, barely audible. "No I wont agree to that." Her voice cracks with each word. A tear bubbles up in one eye. Dont use him.. please not him. Even if she didnt agree with that there was no way she could go against the gentle dragon that was showing her so much kindness.. There was no way she could live with herself if allowed this snake to be shot dead. The Pikachu catches her new friends gaze just for a moment, the unsure glow in those deep spheres.. He didnt want it ether. "Are you sure that, maybe, we couldn't just release it outside? Or something," With a sticky mouth and dry throat speaking was the last thing Cinderchu thought she could do but somehow she managed it with a distinct shake of her head. "You cant kill the snake for hunting! I, it wont go after us again." Wow did she sound like a lunatic. Balancing herslef on her hindpaws she hopes that appearing a little bigger will get her point across. "It knows what it'll get if it does, plus its outnumbered now." Any courage she had felt dies with her words. "It was just hunting.. like any predator would.." She had never been good at explaining her thoughts.
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    Age : 30
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:18 am

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    Realgam Tower (v) Resort Area (v) Early Afternoon (v) [32]

    Yuuku blinks his milky eyes and obliging throws up the last chunk of meat well-slimed from his jaws. Their joint tail waggles across the floor as both heads close their eyes and curl up tighter against the ground.
    "Not going to try and eat you now."Yuuku hisses.
    "That's stupid." Yuurei replies, closing her eyes.
    "Spark stick means no eating." Yuuku returns before both heads turn all four eyes on the human. "Not even little mouse. No eating at all. Only floor food."
    "But not if you don't want me to." Yuurei looks up with wide eyes, trying to gain the favor of the human before her brother. Her tone is gentle enough for it to almost be believable. However humans seem immune to any kind of persuasion from her and the boomstick stops pointing at them. Close enough.
    "Don't even think of pulling a fast one," The blue lion looks her over.
    "I don't know how to." She hisses, eyeing up the blue furred pokemon. So it was special, there was no need to rub it in that they couldn't eat it.

    Yuuku turns his gaze back to the left over meat. He still wanted to eat but it was more from rage than his lingering hunger. He wanted to crush something small and feel it twitch as it slips down his throat. Floor meats wasn't as good. Floor meat was what they ate when they weren't allowed to fight for anything better. Now even Floor Meat looked better than their future prospects. Even as strong as they were together they couldn't fight they're way through so many pokemon. They were ambush predators, waiting for prey to come to them. Besides they'd get the spark stick again if they tried to eat the special pokemon and they'd get the boom stick if they tried to eat the human.
    Yuuku didn't like that.
    Like his sister he turns his gaze on the blue lion. He sticks out his forked tongue at her; the only act of defiance he thinks won't get him beaten.

    Posts : 157

    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Red Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:25 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon (25)

    Red had hoped that the others would see the situation as dire as he did, but alas, even for pokemon living during the literal Apocalypse, it was too high of a hope. While Stark looked simply dumbfounded, the little Pikachu hitching a ride from the dragon looked like he'd just gutted her family. "No.." The communicator barely caught the tiny whisper, but even if it hadn't, he knew that look. "No I wont agree to that." Red felt another stab in his innards, but left it unattended. Sentimentality wouldn't get in his way. Not again.

    "Wait-- what? You really think they would?" Stark asked doubtfully, but Red didn't allow that doubt to affect him. This arbok needed to die or else it would strangle them all in their sleep. "Are you sure that, maybe, we couldn't just release it outside? Or something." Red scoffed, then shook his head but the Pikachu wasn't done, apparently.

    "You cant kill the snake for hunting! I, it wont go after us again," she cried, catching Red's full attention. His face set, he watched as she balanced herself on her hind paws, as if trying to make herself larger. "It knows what it'll get if it does, plus its outnumbered now." As she spoke, though, her vigor and passion dwindled with each word, soon falling back to a timid volume. "It was just hunting.. like any predator would.." Red kept his eye on her, since she was apparently the one to convince.

    "You don't get it, do you?" Red growled in a low voice. "The arbok had no qualms with eating us, and it still doesn't really grasp the fact that it's bad. It's wild, unused to a group mentality or mindset. As soon as they know they can get away with a murder, even if it is for food, they'll take that chance, and that might be when one of us is really hurt and unable to defend themselves. What if it's you? Will you be so optimistic when they're choking you?" The last sentence was a terse, angry snap of a sentence-- far more aggressive than he intended. But he couldn't take it back now. Turning back to Stark, he continued before the dragon had a chance to oppose.

    "They'll listen to you because you're tall and you're powerful. You're a Dragonite for Christ's sake; what pokemon wouldn't listen to you? You're the smartest, highest level and rarest pokemon in the room-- at least, that's what a Dragonite is supposed to be. Use that to your advantage." He glanced away toward the door, his paranoia spiking, before turning back to Stark. "Just handle this. I'm going to make sure nothing else is stalking us." He grabbed his gear, trotting quickly out of the room and into the hallway once more. While he knew it was probably a bad idea to put Stark in charge of the entire situation, that damned Pikachu... He had to get away from her. That face... that damned face.

    Once alone, he let out a long, heavy breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding. What the hell had he gotten himself into...? Removing his cap and running a gloved hand through his hair in a vain attempt to calm himself. There was little to be done now... It looked like he was just stuck here. But a sound ahead caught his attention, flaring his alertness to the highest levels as he crouched behind some debris. He wasn't able to identify the sound, other than it sounded like something falling? Confused when nothing came into sight, he stood and turned only to see an irate kadabra glaring up at him.

    A surprised yelp escaped him, but the Psychic shot up, clamping his mouth closed with a bronze hand. She pinned his gun down, which forced him to stay still for a moment. But as he stared, he recognized her as Blaine's kadabra... and suddenly, it all made sense.

    The sudden teleportation... Blaine about to do something morally ambiguous... His temper flared uncontrollably as a mental image of the bald bastard laughing danced in his mind's eye. BLAINE WAS BEHIND THIS?! The kadabra flinched at his mental bellow, but the glare soon returned with a harder grip on his face. I dropped you. And within a moment, a thought-- they were gone.

    [[Leaving post. It's ok if anyone saw that.]]

    Age : 32
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by NyraXerz Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:20 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon (1)

    A gigantic ivory spear jutting up into the heavens itself. A beacon to all, the perfect place for a king. This structure would be concerned impressive almost anywhere, but here among the rather bleak landscape it was even more so. It's current state was much less majestic than it's previously legacy...as Nova wanders it's bloodied halls it occurs to the dragon that perhaps this place wasn't as fitting as he thought for one such as himself. But then, given the filthy state of the world at the moment, would any place be truly suitable?

    Yes, very exquisite statues still decorated the building, various human devices and many other luxuries honeycomb the tower, but everything just smells tainted. Clearly, more than a few things had crawled in here and died. Claws clicking against the tiled floors as he walks, the Druggiking makes no attempt to hide or conceal himself as he travels. However, he does take the time and energy to carry his long, spiked tail carefully above the floor--to avoid dirtying it of course. It had already taken the dragon-type quite a bit of his time to clean if after his last encounter with the undead and his dragontail attack...it was smeared with pus and blood! That rotting fool even had the audacity to leave behind fur and skin behind on his spikes! Did they not know how much harder the higher up ones were to clean?

    So wrap up within his own internal pity-party for his appearance, he doesn't notice the sounds of an argument until the voices have become rather close...Coming back to reality, Nova finally takes notices, pausing with one clawed hand in the air to listen in.

    "Are you sure that, maybe, we couldn't just release it outside? Or something."
    "You cant kill the snake for hunting! I, it wont go after us again,"
    "You don't get it, do you?"

    As the dragon's interest begins to wane, his focus once again begins to return to his scales. Now, if he were more red than blue, blood would not show so easily...Who cared about some snake? Kill it, don't kill it. If the creature was as simple minded as they stated, did it warrant this much noise?

    "The arbok had no qualms with eating us, and it still doesn't really grasp the fact that it's bad." His claws becoming increasing more interesting, Nova leans the one he had been previously holding up further from the ground to examine. "What if it's you? Will you be so optimistic when they're choking you?" Blech! A hair stuck on his claws catches his attention as he thinks to himself distractedly.

    "They'll listen to you because you're tall and you're powerful. You're a Dragonite for Christ's sake; what pokemon wouldn't listen to you? You're the smartest, highest level and rarest pokemon in the room-- at least, that's what a Dragonite is supposed to be. Use that to your advantage." And suddenly, the king dragon pokemon stops. Tall? Powerful? Smartest, highest level and rarest pokemon--how could they be describing him when he was not even within the same room? Witchcraft. Wait... Replaying the speech in his mind again, he catches something he did not the first--Dragonite.

    With a huff and sudden determination, the Druggiking marches forward, his feet hitting the floor below heavily. No, no--that praise should be his--surely this, this dragonite could be no more those words than he! He had to see for himself just who this other dragon thought he was. Rounding the corner to the room, mouth wide to speak, he pauses the second he sees the rag-tag group. This...this was it? Relief flooded his scales. Several mice, a hairless rodent, of course the dim-witted snakes. That was all there was to compare to for that last statement.

    Coming closer to examine the hostage of the situation, he looks on over the heads of the other pokemon with a grimace. It was not snakes...but a snake--a mutant conjoined at the base of their--its? neck. Continuing to stare he finds their previous meal...hacked up, undead, slimy, dropped on the floor like rotted trash. The smell alone makes Nova's claws curl, but that visual! Overcome with disgust he gags, "Disgusting creature!"


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:33 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon [9]

    It almost seemed like they had gotten through to him. It almost seemed like things would be okay. Almost.. "You don't get it, do you?" Red's words sent a chill down her spine. The Pikachu was shook deep down in her soul. That was at her, he was calling her out. The sound was low, like a restrained anger, or panic, or disappointment. She had already disappointed him. Trying to swallow her mouth is too dry and sticky to form words, tongue feeling fat and clinging to her gums. Please, please no. She knows its too late, that start to a rant is all to familiar with her. "The arbok had no qualms with eating us, and it still doesn't really grasp the fact that it's bad. It's wild, unused to a group mentality or mindset. As soon as they know they can get away with a murder, even if it is for food, they'll take that chance, and that might be when one of us is really hurt and unable to defend themselves.
    Despite her ears being pressed against her skull he might as well of been screaming at her point blank. Each word rested so heavily against her spine it was amazing she had not been crushed by them. If its wild how am I any different..? She had never been 'captured' or 'owned' by a trainer. She hunted, albeit very rarely, though her species didnt usually do so. Did that make her a murderer? Wanting to eat someone.. doesnt make you bad? Maybe it was a human thing.. since they didnt consider Pokemon their equals. Eating one another is bad because we are equal? Nausea ripples through her already ill-feeling stomach. No. He just doesnt understand. He doesnt understand Pokemon at all. Its solitary, it hungry, and its... scared.

    "What if it's you? Will you be so optimistic when they're choking you?" The Pikachu chokes loudly. She.. had been hunted before. To say that her relationship with the Pokemon involved was, strained, after would be an understatement. "I.." The memory flashes through her intensely. The primal fear, the panic and terror, blood and tears rolling down her face and her electricity seeming to do nothing. Her entire body states to shake and shiver, throat tightening, breath fast. "I wah.. it.." No she.. two heads? The terrified feelings come back in raw. "-I'm going to make sure nothing else is stalking us." And he walked away. In his voice Cinder knew the disappointment, the anger, the frustration, the the contempt, all of it. Im sorry.. The words echo in her head but she cant get herself to mean it. "Any ideas?" Red seemed set in his opinion and the Pikachu knew when people got this way they wouldnt let it go. She frowns, tail twitching uncomfortably. "Doubt he would be willing to capture it.. if he doesnt even want it to live." She sighs heavily, sad eyes looking toward the snake as it remained still on the floor. "He has got to listen," But would he? A mountain of doubt tells her otherwise.

    Dropping back to all fours the Pikachu crouches low on the Dragonites shoulders as he starts to move. What could she say? Everything she said seemed to make things worse.. Maybe I should just keep my big mouth shut.. The charm on her collar clattered softly. He would tell me what to do.. Clink. Another noise clangs through her ears. "What.. was that?" She whispers timidly. It sounded like something got knocked over.. Are we being watched? "Red!" Stark shouts, and the moment she hears the crackle of electricity the Pikachu's eyes slam shut. "Whats happening?" She whines out of fear. Why now, why now? Her ears were fucking huge why didnt she listen for approaching danger instead of yammering on?! "Red!?" "Oh gods I chased Red away and now hes gone. I might of just gotten him killed." Panic grips at her heart. Now she really was a murde- "Disgusting creature!"

    Her entire body whips around on Stark's shoulder. Legends why.. A dragon, another dragon and by the sound of things this one was not friendly. Oh gods we're gonna die. We're gonna die. There is going to be chaos I got red killed he's dead he's dead fuck. Thoughts race through her head faster then she can process them. A dragon, Red's gone, dead? or worse, the Luxio, the snakes are alive still, fucking everything. Her emerald gaze locks onto the dragon vainly hoping that it would just leave. It.. "What is that.." She gasps in confusion. "What the hell is that thing?!" Tiny fingers cling for a better grip around Stark's neck. She could only pray that her dragon could keep things under control. Just like Red had wanted..
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    Age : 30
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:11 pm

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    Realgam Tower (v) Resort Area (v) Early Afternoon (v) [33]

    A clattering on the floor alerted the conjoint twins to the presence of something else nearby. Yuurei's tongue darts out and she tastes dragons scales in the air, though it is difficult to tell if they come from the dragonite or something...else.
    Yuuuk rises up as well, ignoring the chunk of rotting flesh he has previously been trying to eat. The discussion between living largely flies over the twin's serpent's heads. All that matters for the present is they are not going to get more punishment. They flicker their tongues over their fangs.
    "Something is coming" Yuurei hisses and spreads her hood. Her brother follows suit, also rearing up as they watch the place where the human just left.
    With a thud of heavy footfalls a dragon strides from the darkness, raising a red scaled head with thick scales like it had been skinned and left the contours of bone behind. It's long tail whipped around, massive spikes as long as their fans running up its spine.
    "Disgusting creature!" It spat towards them.
    Yuurei hisses back, spreading the intimidating face-like pattern on her hood.

    "Can we eat thissss one?" Yuuku hisses, his long tongue flickering out to lick at his fangs. It tasted something like Druddigon but it sure didn't look like it. Whereas a Druddigon's wings were leaf shaped solid panels for absorbing the sunlight this thing looked like it could fly. Its spread red fins lead to sharpened spines along a tail like a barbed whip. It stood tall and its scutes formed a thick scaly armor over its organs. This was a high class opponent and some high class meat.
    Her spreads his hood widely, rearing up to his full height to hiss a warning at the large draconian. Tiny beads of venom drip from the tips of his fangs as he strikes at the air in front of him in a clear threat. The dragon's insult passes him by; he doesn't care if the creature finds him disgusting.

    Age : 25
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Min Tue Feb 03, 2015 12:32 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) || Early Afternoon

    Tristana awkwardly stands on the sidelines as she watches the others discuss the serpent's fate. It isn't really her place to speak--she only just got here--and she barely knows any of these Pokemon. "You don't get it, do you?" She winces at the sudden, deep growl from the human, the man seemingly frustrated from his harsh words. The Nidorina anxiously shuffles in place, what to do...?

    She's really not sure. Tristana is an individual of action--of raw brute force and physical quarrels...and as the conversation drags on, it becomes painfully apparent that the Nidorina is absolutely, pathetically awkward. She's no diplomat, words don't flow off her tongue so easily as the rest of them, she'd rather settle disagreements with a full-on battle.

    "Red!" The Dragonite's shout and a sounding thud brings Tristana back to the present. Immediately her back straightens and her knees bend in preparation to move into battle and--although she wouldn't admit it--her eyes light with some sort of vivid excitement. Action! Something is happening! Finally! No more boring words and long lectures, it's time to move!

    Of course, as fast as Tristana readies herself she is as quickly distracted. "Disgusting creature!" The unfamiliar voice prompts her to snap her head to the source only to...what is that? A massive dragon...? First the mutant snake and now...whatever this is. Well, she has to admit...the beast looks impressive.

    "What are you?" Tristana finds herself blurting out, with little eloquence whatsoever. She can't help it--this dragon looks powerful, even stronger than mr. Dragonite who wandered off somewhere. Or maybe that intimidating look is compensating for something?

    Absolutely, completely distracted and dazed with awe, Tristana is dying to find out.

    Age : 32
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by NyraXerz Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:04 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon (2)

    Nova watches the combined snakes' display. Clearly, they were not the reasonable sort. In defiance of his approach it hisses and lunged at the air between them. Both heads now had their hoods extended in a feeble attempt to scare the drake with their mock faces ."Can we eat thissss one?" One head hisses to its twin. "The audacity! You say that as -if- you actually could! I'll have you know that I, Nova, am not fooled by your display." The dragon huffs with a haughty rise and turn of his head. "You try snakes and I'll make sure you can eat nothing ever again."

    He can feel the serpent scanning him, as if looking for weaknesses. Confident none will be found, Nova only stares back with mild interest even as the other rises to his full height, with vemon glistening dangerous off of two, slender fangs. So what if you're taller? I'm--What is this thing anyway?! How dare it not be smaller...Clearly, he was not the only one wondering what someone else was.

    "What the hell is that thing?!" A smaller voice calls from behind him. Arching his neck around towards the Cinderchu. Unable to find the small form at first, the Druggiking has to squint his eyes as he looks before he finds the pikachu on the dragonite's shoulder. "Thing? I am no thing tiny mouse." Nova states, taking a step closer to the electric pokemon to get a better look at it as he speaks. It was clinging to the other dragon-type's neck so tightly, as if for protection...did it think he would attack it? Surely it wouldn't think he'd want to dirty his scales! "What are you?" A new voice.

    Craning his neck the opposing way, not finding the suddenness of the question odd in the least, he fixes his gaze on the smaller, pale blue pokemon. "A very logical question to ask." The drake is literally unable to stop himself from puffing out his scaled chest and standing tall. "I am a Druddiking." The dragon king pokemon pauses to flex his long, spiked wings. "Once, long ago, I was a druddigon. However, through my deeds I proved myself a true dragon and evolved to the kingly frame you see before you."


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Posts : 58

    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Grimsley Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:37 pm

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    Realgam Tower(Lab Entrance)<>Early Afternoon<>Post One
    The figure spun on his heel slowly as he turned to go around another corridor, icy gaze wearily scanning the passageway as a hand gripped onto the hilt of his dagger cautiously. Back close to the wall, Grimsley frowned. It was quiet. Too quiet for the Elite Four trainer's liking. He fished a hand into the messenger bag that hung from his shoulder, bringing out two dark red and grey pokeballs that sat neatly between his index, middle and ring fingers. Flicking his wrist to the side, one pokeball opened to let out a blue bipedal frog that had it's tongue wrapped around their own neck in an odd sticky scarf. The other pokeball let out a dark purple cat with pink dashes on their face and yellow rosettes. Grim' felt a pang of sadness when he looked at the Greninja, thinking of his previous companion that shared the frog's typing. He shook his head to chase the thought away. Now was not the time for regret over the past.

    A furry head brushed his hand, and soon he had a Liepard rearing up to headbutt his chin as Grimsley's Liepard companion tried to cheer him up. With a quiet laugh, Grimsley took the dark cat's yellow paws in one hand and used his free hand to give the feline a playful tap on the nose. Nisha blinked, surprised by Grim's actions, before she smiled at him. "Glad to see you're still being playful, Grimsley." The cat remarked, dropping back down onto four paws as Grimsley looked around. "Never hurts to have a little fun Nisha." He remarked quickly, stretching his arms. A stray hand caught a can that was on a steel table, which clattered to the floor with a too-loud clang. A string of curses followed as Grimsley's eyes darted back and forth, looking for anything that might jump out and attack. He could practically feel Greninja and Nisha glaring at him.

    "So much for subtlety." Greninja remarked, and Grimsley gave the frog a glare. "Oh come on Greninja, give me a break. It's dark and I can't see much." Grimsley said with a grin, before looking up at the ceiling. "I just hope there isn't anyone around to hear that. It was pretty loud." He said, though somehow he doubted it. Nisha seemed to share his doubts, as the feline circled around him and growled lowly at the elevator. Grimsley knelt down and scratched the Liepard's fur on their back, eyes narrowing. "Let us hope Lady Luck is looking down on us, hey Nisha?" He said, standing up to walk over to the elevator. On his way though, a young rattatta scurried in front of the trainer, making him freeze. The wild rat looked up at him with glowing red eyes. Grimsley muttered a few choice words and carefully unsheathed a dagger. It may only be a young and weak thing, but any undead was bad news for him if he got the virus.

    They stood at a standstill for a moment before he twitched his fingers, signalling to Nisha who curled her lips and used a Snarl on the rat. Dazed by the attack, the rattatta panicked and lunged at Grimsley, who jumped out of the way, only to hit another table with a loud noise. A fast moving blur of water shot past Grimsley, hitting the rattatta dead-on. It fell to the ground, twitching. Taking the opportunity, Grim' walked up to the dying rat and ended it with a decapitating cut from his knife. He then straightened up and dusted off his clothes, wiping the blood off on a dirty rag he found close by. "I don't like this place anymore." He stated, face deadpan as he sheathed the dagger.

    It didn't help that now he was sure there was going to be company. It was practically impossible to ignore the loud noises he had made - and they certainly didn't sound like a simple undead was there. Grimsley muttered a few curses, checking his scarf and jacket. At least he didn't tear anything, so that was a bonus. The same couldn't be said for his companions, who were currently snickering at Grim's amusing reaction. With a slightly embarrassed scowl, Grimsley crossed his arms and waited for the two to finish laughing - which didn't look to be anytime soon. "Once you're done picking yourselves off the floor, We have actual business here you two." He said, voice sharp as his wounded pride shone through his words. Well, that was one way to introduce yourself - make a lot of noise and hope whoever heard it was friendly.
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:09 am

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon [10]

    Staring the new dragon up and down the Pikachu realized she truly had zero idea what species it was. It looks like a dragon, that's for sure, but what kind? What region, is it a dual type? It had wings, Flying perhaps? Red and gold scales littered it strong body, Fire, Electric? Spikes.. Poison?? The possibilities seemed endless. "Can we eat thissss one?" They wanted to eat the spiky, spiny scaly, scary looking dragon thing?! The very thought makes her throat prickle and itch. "You are not allowed to eat anyone. Ever. Otherwise me, sparky over there, and Cinder here will all fry you with out sparksticks." Releasing small sparks from her cheeks the Pikachu tries to put on a fierce face but fails miserably. Hadn't the Arbok been hurt enough in the past minutes? They don't need anymore pain.
    It seemed the other dragon didn't didn't take the question so lightly either, "The audacity! You say that as -if- you actually could! I'll have you know that I, Nova, am not fooled by your display. You try snakes and I'll make sure you can eat nothing ever again." Why did everyone here find it so okay to make death threats?! "Dont you dare lay a single claw on them," She growls, fangs showing, though it comes out more like a squeak. Stark's keeping his cool. Just.. he's better with words. Just keep your damn mouth shut.

    Bringing her paws closer to her body the Pikachu forces her fur to lie flat. It hadn't attacked yet.. In fact it seemed more interested in spouting its own thoughts and talking about attacking then actually doing so. "What are you?" Another Pokemon asks, interrupting the exchange of words. "I am a Druddiking. Once, long ago, I was a druddigon. However, through my deeds I proved myself a true dragon and evolved to the kingly frame you see before you." Cinder's green eyes go wide while she struggles to breath, too awestruck to let her lungs expand. What an amazing way to evolve! Was he implying he was a king or just using it as a fancy description? "King" wasn't exactly her first thought about the blue-red pattern to its scales but he was pretty dangerous looking. Others would certainly fear him if they didn't respect him.

    With a Dragonite only a few inches away it would be pretty hard to miss him speaking but the Pikachu still missed the very start of his sentence, "-Stark, and this here is my boss Cinderspark." Instantly the little rodents head whips around to face him. What!? She screams in her mind before catching his wink. Oh dear legends what on earth was he thinking, planning, implying?? "She makes the rules around here, got that? She's in charge and you are to respect her. This chickie could have you thrown out the window, hog tied, before you have a chance to blink." Her, have someone hogtied? The Pikachu can hardly hold in her laughter, both anxious and joy-filled. Stark please! Standing up tall on his shoulder and wagging her finger Cinder speaks with no fear in her voice for the first time since finding these other Pokemon, "Don't you dare think that I wont, I do have my ways."

    "Now, official business." The Pikachu kept her serious stance, crossing her arms. Serious business indeed! "I'm here to investigate the labs around here, I know how to work the labs downstairs and want to see if I can bust out any information on the virus from the computers." Hot damn.. Compared to that her objective was so petty. He can work in the labs and is looking for human info on the virus! Oh my gosh who have I befriended, the CIA?! Excitement crackled through her pelt. If she could help him in any way she sure as hell would! Ill make him proud, everyone, I will be useful. I'll find some way to be useful I swear! "You're free to join me, but I won't deal with anyone slowing me and my mission down, I'm--"

    Two long ears twitch and her head flips around but finds nothing interesting. A crash? Undead, Red, another living Pokemon? The second seems to be the most likely. "You all heard that. There's a human down there, might even be a scientist. I'm going down, join me or bail out on your own," The Dragonite started to move toward a door or wall, most likely a door, and she made sure her footing was solid. Well if he's going then I am too! She hoped it really was Red and he wasn't in trouble. "Sorry for putting you on the spot there, Cinder, needed to put fancypants in his place," The anxious smile comes back to her face while she carefully scuttles to and flops on top of Stark's head. "That was so fun!" Her voice was hushed, "Really fooled them!" Blinking her green eyes the Pikachu looks the weird chunk of wall.. door.. window? up and down. "What is this thing Stark?" She asks, genuinely curious, "Is it a locked door or something?" Under his paw were buttons of some sort. "..With a secret code thing!"

    Age : 30
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:52 pm

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    Realgam Tower (v) Resort Area (v) Early Afternoon (v) [34]

    Whatever the strange dragon was it looked plenty edible to Yuuku. He extends his neck fully and hisses with mouth open wide. A layer of frost forms on his long fangs then with a snap solidifies into two sword-like stabbing points of solid ice, the dragon's anathema.
    His sister curls beside him, her preparation for battle less obvious. With the clear presence of an ice type move being readied it was easy enough to miss the translucent venom starting to leak from the pores at the tips of her fangs. She curled back, getting ready to blind the strange dragon.
    "You are not allowed to eat anyone "Ever. Otherwise me, sparky over there, and Cinder here will all fry you with out sparksticks."
    Both snakes curl back, collapsing their hoods. The ice shatters from Yuuku's fangs. He hisses at the strange dragon. It would be all spines and scale anyway and eating it wouldn't be worth the effort, he tries to justify it to himself. It's not like he was scared of the spark stick.
    "The audacity! You say that as -if- you actually could! I'll have you know that I, Nova, am not fooled by your display. You try snakes and I'll make sure you can eat nothing ever again."
    Yuuku hisses at it open mouthed to show he isn't scared of the spiky dragon.
    "Dont you dare lay a single claw on them," The little yellow mouse pokemon squeaks.
    Yuurei turns to nudge her brother, remembering where she had seen such a pokemon before.
    "Sirachu." She hisses.
    "Sirachu." Her twin agrees.
    The ears looked different but that was an important pokemon they had got spark stick'd for as well.
    "Go right on ahead, Nova. Take 'em as a pair of pet snakes to do your bidding, or maybe make your highness a cup of hot tea."  The Dragonite adds.
    "I don't want to." Yuuku hisses at him.
    Yuurei draws their tail forwards defensively. The spiky dragon didn't have a spark stick so they weren't going to listen to it.
    "I am a Druddiking. Once, long ago, I was a druddigon. However, through my deeds I proved myself a true dragon and evolved to the kingly frame you see before you."
    "Drudd...igon." Yuurei repeats slowly.
    "Druddigon is tasty!" Her brother chips in and turns to look dismissively at the similarly colored dragon. "But it's better than Drugiking. Has more meat." He looks dismissively down at the strange pokemon who's species he has already half forgotten.

    "Alright there, your kingliness, you done now? Good. Because we have bigger problems and I in particular have an actual reason for being here than just spouting out words to hear your own voice." The dragonite continues.
    The conjoint snakes obediently wait for him to finish speaking.
    "Well, ladies, what are your names? I am Stark, and this here is my boss Cinderspark."
    Each team says at nearly the same time.
    "She makes the rules around here, got that? She's in charge and you are to respect her. This chickie could have you thrown out the window, hog tied, before you have a chance to blink."
    "Or we eat you." Yuurei points out.
    From what she can remember it was the yellow one, Cinder, that had the spark stick.
    "Now, official business. I'm here to investigate the labs around here, I know how to work the labs downstairs and want to see if I can bust out any information on the virus from the computers. You're free to join me, but I won't deal with anyone slowing me and my mission down, I'm--"
    There is a crash. Yuurei draws back and hisses.
    "Bad things down there."
    "You all heard that. There's a human down there, might even be a scientist. I'm going down, join me or bail out on your own,"
    Yuurei turns towards her brother, her yellow eyes questioning. Yuuku manages the snake equivalent of a shrug.
    Both turn towards Cinderspark with their tail curling demurely behind them, wondering what the spark-stick mouse wanted them to do.

    Age : 25
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Min Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:41 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) || Early Afternoon

    "A very logical question to ask." The deep, rumbling voice enthralls Tristana, causing the Nidorina to gaze at the reptile in awe. "I am a Druddiking. Once, long ago, I was a druddigon. However, through my deeds I proved myself a true dragon and evolved to the kingly frame you see before you." Her eyes widen and her lower jaw hangs slightly agape as she watches him flex his massive wings. Amazing, absolutely stunning--for the poison-type to have a chance to meet such a royal being! A king! Then it hits her: is it not impolite to simply be standing dumbfounded in front of one who holds such high status? Oh--shoot--should she kneel? Should she bow--

    Tristana barely notices the Dragonite step forward, only managing to catch the last few words they mutter before asking for introductions. "Well, ladies, what are your names? I am Stark, and this here is my boss Cinderspark." Quickly after, the mutant Arbok utters their names, both starting with a yoo- sound.

    The Nidorina breaks out into a joyous grin, a single hand rising with a thumbs-up as an ever-so-peppy voice rings from her throat. "Megling Gunner Tristana at your service! Nice t'meet ya!"

    She tunes her ears to attention when the words 'official business' utters from the yellow dragon--a vibrant curiosity overtaking the poison-type as she leans forward with interest. A lab? Human labs? This dragon knows how to work them? She whistles, impressed by the Dragonite's knowledge and skill.

    A sudden crash and already the Dragonite speeds away. "You all heard that. There's a human down there, might even be a scientist. I'm going down, join me or bail out on your own."

    "Wait for me--I'm coming too!" She responds with her own yell, already starting to follow the dragon towards the elevator. Tristana was never one to turn down a mission, or an adventure, and this sounded like both.

    Age : 32
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by NyraXerz Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:54 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon (3)

    "You are not allowed to eat anyone. Ever. Otherwise me, sparky over there, and Cinder here will all fry you with out sparksticks." His reptilian eyes flicker to the pokemon mentioned as they are named. Was this some form of beginning training for the snake? Surely it could not be afraid of the tinier pokemon. Honestly. One of the head was already trying to threaten him with ice very clearly forming over its slender fangs. So focused on the head readying the ice attack, the dragon completely misses the other preparing a more subtle move. He just stares, scrutinizing the snakes, considering all the reasons they would make an unsuitable pet. His eyes narrowing the deeper he goes into his own thoughts. Their preparation not fazing him in the least, however, the dragonite's words do capture his attention.

    "Go right on ahead, Nova. Take 'em as a pair of pet snakes to do your bidding, or maybe make your highness a cup of hot tea." With the sarcasm of the other dragon flying right over his head, Nova turns to glare at the conjoined snakes once again. What an unfitting pet--what type of king did he believe he was? A squeak of some sort brings his focus to the small pokemon clinging to the dragonite's neck. He had missed Cinder's sentence in its entirety, but watches her, curious to see if she will speak again. Instead, Stark once again speaks up. "She has a name, buddy boy," His gaze remains mildly curious, yes he could already assume the tiny mouse had a name. The more relevant question was who was buddy boy. After all, his name was Nova and were not the others female?

    "I will use this name, but I expect to be referred to by my name. Cinder?" He questions, leaning in just a bit closer to the electric-type. "Alright there, your kingliness, you done now?" "I believe I've said all--" The druddiking is barely able to get that out before Stark cuts him off curtly which elicits a snort from Nova. At least he admitted that he was of a kingly aura. "Good. Because we have bigger problems and I in particular have an actual reason for being here than just spouting out words to hear your own voice." His focus wanes as the other dragon continues. Well, a few open mouths. Clearly someone is impressed--perhaps I flexed too much?

    As the others recite their names, he decides that he had not. After all, everyone appeared to be on their tasks once again. He recites to himself mentally the names as they are spoken. Still busy going through the a second time in his thoughts, he's caught off guard as the conversation changes to proclaim the pikachu their leader. "-Stark, and this here is my boss Cinderspark." The druddiking can't even try to hide his look of genuine confusion and surprise. "A pikachu?" Cinder--Cinderspark--they were the same correct? Had he missed something? There was no way...

    As if to answer his question, said pikachu stands tall. One small finger wagging with what Nova considers an odd show of confidence. "Don't you dare think that I wont, I do have my ways." Once again focusing on something else, he only half listens to what the dragonite says about his mission. The pikachu can't be the leader...is that why she is riding this dragon? She bested it? How...what was her ways? His spiked brows scrunch together. This was a real mystery, one he could not get his mind to pull away from until a crash outside stops everyone and everything within the room.

    Suddenly, the orange dragon takes off towards some of the human doohickeys. He may have missed much of what was said before, but something within Nova told him the summary of it was "go this way, or go back the other way." "Bad things down there." He hears one of the snakes hiss beside him. Was he not one who gained his evolution through protecting others? Clearly this group would need someone like him for assistance. "Wait for me--I'm coming too!" The odd one with the wooden object shouts before taking off after the others. Stiffening up his form, he follows not far behind her. "Agreed, I will assist. What type of king dragon pokemon would I be if I did not?"


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:43 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon [11]

    The Pikachu watched with wide eyes as the Dragonite fiddled with the key pad thing. "Bad things down there." Bad things? But Stark said it was a computer place. That cant be that bad, can it? Were they thinking of something else? Nothing comes to mind that can be that awful.. least not in a place like this.
    "Wait for me--I'm coming too!"
    "Agreed, I will assist. What type of king dragon pokemon would I be if I did not?"
    "More the merrier. Name's Easter,"
    Was that all of them? Everyone was coming to the computer place! Maybe they can see how awesome Stark is too! Squishing herself a little bit flatter against the Dragonite's head the Pikachu smiles warmly. "This is an elevator," She blinks curiously, soaking in his words like a sponge. "It will open the door to a small room that will transport us down to the lower floor. It... will be cramped," "A moving room?" She whispers quietly. How would that even work, with wings? What a crazy thing that would be! "But it won't last more than a minute," A cramped moving room though.. I, they could crush someone as small and soft as me without a second thought. Swallowing hard her fur tingles as a small wave electricity passes through her. An odd noise hums in the air then suddenly the weird panel area on the wall opens wide. "Woah!!" Cinderchu exclaims, pushing herself up with her forepaws. The room may of been tiny and strange but that did not matter that was so cool!

    "This thing takes quite a bit of power, so I'd rather we hurry and not have to deal with being stuck halfway down," "That does not sound fun." The Pikachu agrees, lowering herself back down. The faster they got this done with, the better. Wrapping her tail over Stark's shoulder she's careful that the sensitive appendage wont be crushed against the walls as he moves into the tiny room. "Everyone in, now." Letting her green eyes make a quick check of all the Pokemon the Electric Type realizes there are a few large beings and that she is the smallest of them all. I wonder if they actually believe what Stark said.. She wouldnt be surprised if they didn't- she was hardly intimidating. As the other Pokemon started moving closer, started to block off the only escape the little mouse could feel her heart thumping against her chest nervously. "A-are you sure we can all fit in here?" She asks anxiously. Close spaces could cause all sorts of problems even if it wasn't for long. If a fight broke out she didn't stand a chance.
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    Age : 30
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:05 pm

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    Realgam Tower (v) Resort Area (v) Early Afternoon (v) [35]

    Yuurei sticks out her tongue. She didn't want to go down there. There were bad things, things that tasted bad, and things they didn't want to fight.
    "Wait for me--I'm coming too!"
    "Agreed, I will assist. What type of king dragon pokemon would I be if I did not?"
    "More the merrier. Name's Easter,"
    "Moving room?" She hisses a question as they reach the door.
    "This is an elevator, It will open the door to a small room that will transport us down to the lower floor. It... will be cramped,"
    "A moving room?" The Pikachu asks.
    "Moving room." Yuuku nods and ducks his head. "Held up with big wire. Goes ding." He tries to explain.
    The draggiking's spikes look sharp. Yuurei hisses at it and tries to find a curled position where they won't get poked.
    "This thing takes quite a bit of power, so I'd rather we hurry and not have to deal with being stuck halfway down," "That does not sound fun."
    Yuurei hisses.

    When the doors open they slither in and stake claim to a corner.
    They curl themselves into the tight space. Yuuku keeps his head raised, blinking milky membranes over his yellow eyes as he keeps herself curled up as far away from the others as he can.
    "A-are you sure we can all fit in here?"
    The arbok's male head grins and lowers his head.
    "You can sit here. See better. Promise I won't bite. Spark stick hurts after all." He curls backwards, with his fangs hidden from sight to try and appear less than threatening.
    Turning to the Dragonite he asks a small question.
    "If there are bad things...can we fight them? Eat them?" He asks. "Bad things only. The ones that smell like bad things. Can we eat those?"
    His yellow eyes gleam.
    "If it's just the bad things...I am hungry. I want to eat things. Fight things."

    Age : 25
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Min Wed Mar 25, 2015 12:14 am

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) || Early Afternoon

    "Good to have ya." Tristana responds to the dragon's remark with a glowing smile and a quick makeshift thumbs-up. She is glad that she's well-accepted--it felt good to belong again--and the company of others, individuals who can fight, made her all the merrier. All the exciting, blood-rushing adventures they could get into! Crawling through the corridors, winning some sick battles against undead, and discovering cool knick-knacks or whatever! Everything she sees adventure like, and definitely possible with a unique group like this! Hell they had a two-headed Arbok and a king!

    The Nidorina, at the very least, manages to pay attention to Stark's explanation of the weird metal wall in front of them. She watches in vivid fascination as the Dragonite makes the metal part in half with a click of a button-thing, revealing a room within. At his command, Tristana cautiously takes a step forward to get in, sniffing the air for any perceivable threat. A moving room... "Man, humans come up with everything, don't they?" she muses before shuffling into one of the elevator corners, bunching herself up and balancing her cannon carefully on the top of her head in order to free more space. One of the snake heads hisses about a pulley system. "Wires, huh? How much can this elevator thing hold?"

    Her gaze wanders back to the two massive dragons, more notably the Druddiking if only to admire his physique further. Making a face, she furrows her brow and looks back to Stark. There is a slight unease rising in her--will they all fit, and if they do, can this 'elevator' hold them all? She may be no mechanic, but she knows well how any pulley system works, and if they're over load capacity...Tristana shakes the idea from her head, there's no use worrying about that. She has to trust Stark, has to trust the others, that's what a group is supposed to be like.

    Age : 32
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    Post by NyraXerz Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:14 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon (4)

    "This is an elevator," Nova looked to the door gestured to. Currently closed, but as he listened for once the dragonite claimed this magical human device would carter them about the tower? When the doors did finally slide open to reveal a small room, just as foretold, looked genuinely surprised. The dragon watched as the other pokemon willingly, though nervously, entered the cramped space. Quite a few eyes slide to his frame during this process. Naturally. However...this whole process made him, not nervous--with unanswered questions? Such as, was this even remotely safe? Eventually, every one else is inside, save him.

    "This thing takes quite a bit of power, so I'd rather we hurry and not have to deal with being stuck halfway down," Holding his head high, the spiked dragon does his best to compress himself by pulling in his wings as closely to himself as possible. The feat required a little maneuvering to accommodate the spikes on his shoulders. Keeping his tail close as well, the druddiking steps carefully into the tiny room. Or so it felt to him. Why would humans make such an uncomfortable space for traveling? Did they have difficulty walking?

    With large, slow steps, he attempts to find a space for himself in the center of the elevator--without stepping on anyone in the process that is. "I don't think I should have to tell anyone not to bump into during this ride." He says, having to quickly readjust to just miss colliding his tail with the Nidorina's wooden device. Another side-step in the other direction almost brings his clawed foot down on the purple coils of another. "Wires, huh? How much can this elevator thing hold?" Thankfully avoiding hitting his new found companions in both instances, the dragon settles on a position. "I doubt if this 'elevator' could hold one more 'mon of reasonable size. Why did humans build it like this again?"


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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