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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Oct 05, 2014 2:12 am

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    Realgam Tower (v) Resort Area (v) Early Afternoon (v) [27]

    "Your fault." Yuuku hisses at his sister.
    "Yours." She hisses back.
    Yuuku flickers out the short forks of his tongue. His sister was the tracker, she should have realized the small lion was protected by the spark stick. The smell of experimental pokemon was different to that of the outside pokemon. They still tasted good though.
    Yuuku licks his short-forked tongue across one fang.
    Yuuku fondly remembered a battle against a Rhyhorn. The squat thing had been all tough armor plates that even his fangs hadn't been able to pierce. Yuurei had strangled it then he had dug his fangs under the joints of those tough plates and torn them loose one by one until the oozing skinned thing was exposed. That had been fun. There had been praise and more meat and he had learnt how to strip free armored scales from tough opponents. If it hadn't been for the spark stick they would have done the same to the little blue thing. The spark stick was bad, it meant they had to stop or they would get hurt. If Yuurei had told them it was a precious pokemon then they wouldn't have gotten the spark stick. It was her fault for not realizing.
    Sometimes while they slept off a meal Yuuku found himself thinking about the humans. They had been like ghosts to them; tall phantoms entirely in white. There had always been something between the two-headed snake and them. Clear tough glass or metal bars. They had been there watching and writing notes while they had fought. That was the meat he wanted and even if they stabbed him with the spark stick he would eat them all up. There wouldn't even be bones left.
    Their tail lashes at the ground.

    Yuurei's long forked tongue flickers out. The harsh smell of the spark stick (but slightly different) lingers under the smell of the blue cat. There were some pokemon like that. They smelled like the spark stick but when Yuuku's fangs crushed their head in they bleed like everything else. If he had just been faster they wouldn't be able to get out the spark stick in time and there would be meat. With fondness she remembers the last time they were slithering along the corridors ready to eat. So many different kinds of meat. First she had crushed the cages and tipped the pulped the remains into their jaws. Some of them had tasted bitter, like old and bad food but most of them had been sweet and juicy. There had been a lot of lab pokemon that day. Then there was the humans. They were strange things with white skin they shed and put back on.
    That hunt was the best of all. They were either lean and wonderfully muscled or coated with a delicious layer of fat. The fun was in chasing them down and watching them squeal but the taste was something that lingered in the back of her mind.
    Her tongue flickers out, tasting the air once more. The memory sharpens.
    "Human..." She hisses.
    The human scent was getting stronger.

    Posts : 157

    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Red Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:42 am

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Late morning (21)

    Red was intently focused on cleaning his gun; it had become a stable, calming routine in his daily life and almost the only comfort he could safely relax into. Even sleep was stressful, since it was always then that the nightmares sought him, the stench of burning flesh, the sound of popping, boiling fat... But cleaning his gun? Only the list of commands were heard in his mind's ear, only his hands and the quickly dismantling pieces of machinery in his eyes.

    "Can you..." Red's hands paused for a moment as his mind immediately blanked on the next step. Why was the damned Pikachu was still affecting him? Because of course it was, that was why. It looked nothing like his own, was even a different gender for Christ's sake and still, just two timid little fucking words caused him to flounder. Granted, whenever he found another Pikachu, he usually either scared it off or shot it... He hadn't had to actually stick with one. He placed the pieces of his gun down and stared at the Pikachu, waiting for her to finish her sentence. "Can you maybe.. call off your Dragonite?"

    Red blinked, completely caught off guard by the question. His... what? He glanced to Stark, then back to the Pikachu. Did she think... Oh. His face contorted a bit into one of slight revulsion. "...He's not my pokemon," he remarked softly, ignoring the slight taste of vomit at the back of his throat. Like any of his pokemon would be like... him. He continued to work on cleaning his rifle, hoping to avoid any other assumptions from the Pikachu.
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:30 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon [4]

    There is a small pause. Was he taking it into consideration? Had she upset him with the suggestion? A tiny heart starts to flutter once more. Oh legends she shouldn't of asked why did she ask. Vision wavering every one of her muscles begins to quiver. The Dragonite hadn't done anything but stand there, why ask to remove it. Why couldn't she just keep her mouth shut.. "...He's not my pokemon," She chokes on nothing, the disgust on his face all the answer she needed. "Oh...." The word squeaks out of her teeth on a quiet breathe. That would explain things. "Im.. Im sorry I.. I didnt.. know.." Huddling into herself the Pikachu falls to all fours, ears so low the black tips drag on the floor as she slowly scuttles backward.

    An involuntary shudder rushes through her veins, an old voice too real to not be here. 'Foolish child, you never stop and think things through.' It was almost like the Houndusk was in front of her, the gruff laugh echoing in her ears. Im sorry.. 'Sorry wont save ye in a fight!' Shame flushes to her face as hot as her Hidden Power. Of course the Dragonite isnt his, why would it be! Theyre rare, strong, powerful.. of course the human would want to be with one.. even if he is armed to the teeth. Extra protection is never a problem.. Glistening green eyes slowly turn to the massive orange shape. ...and why would he be a trainers Pokemon? He's strong enough as it is, no need for a humans help in survival.. but.. it might have medicines.. a reason to let it stick around.. Its mutual, kinda. Teeth clenching tightly Cinderchu looks away from the dragon, too ashamed to meet its deep gaze. How much of an idiot can you be?

    The human had already given its opinion of her, now the mouse could only wait for the judgement call of the Dragonite. Her chest tightens in anticipation. "Aw, come on Red! Don't act like that would be such a horrible conclusion for the Pika to come to!" The hearty laugh held no noticeable disappointment. The tiny yellow form presses even harder against the floor, wishing in that instant that it would just swallow her. She.. her thoughts had been valid..? How could that be when she many post obvious clues spoke against it? He didn't seem to be mocking her.. "But there is no need for alarm, little one. I won't harm you. Promise. I was just exploring the tower when this guy ran into me. The name is Stark. Would you mind letting us know what to call you?" Mind and heart racing one another there is a delay before the large Pokemons words registrar within her. Names.. Stark.. Red? She had always been bad with names though, those words would probably fade from memory before she had a say in things. Red. Stark. Short, simple words. 'Don't forget.' Emerald spheres closing in a slow blink they open again looking upward for the Dragonite's face. I wont. The shaking refuses to stop but her ears are able to perk upward once more. "M, I.. My n-name is C-Cinder.. Spark.." What a terrible introduction. "Or just Cinder.. anythings fine.." Indecisive and callous as always.

    Making a fool of herself was common practice. Being pathetic was not as easily tolerated. Sucking in a deep lungful or air the Pikachu forces herself to stand on her hindlegs. Looking between the human and beast, unable to keep her gaze on either for more then a few moments, her awkwardness returns. She should be saying more, not just staring at, or unable to stare at, the males before her. "I.. dont know where I am.." She admits, tiny paws coming together at her chest and brushing against the charm on her neck. The cold touch of the smooth metal helps calm her but can only do so much. Neither of the other presences can comfort her and seem to only further her stress. Cant even look at them.. Her eyes fall to the floor, dejected.
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:24 pm

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    Realgam Tower (v) Resort Area (v) Early Afternoon (v) [28]

    The two snakes slunk low to the ground. Yuurei flicked out her tongue, confirming what her wandering thoughts had been trying to tell her.
    "Human. Fresh human." She hisses.
    The conjoined snake's tail lashes at the ground eagerly. As Yuurei laps up the scent on the air Yuuku feels the muscles in their stomach contract. Human was the sweetest meat to hunt. It wriggled and tickled in your stomach so sweetly. She loved the way they would scream all tight pitched until the air was crushed out of their lungs and the bright red blood would flow. It was delicious, so delicious.
    She wanted that taste again.
    The spread ribs of her hood lowered, pulling the loose scaly skin closer to her sides. With care she drew their twisted body in, making sure not to make a sound as they crept over the concrete.
    With a flick of their tail tip she signalled to her brother.
    Be ready.
    Her tongue flickered out once more as the human came into sight.
    Clothes grey and green like a muddy swamp and, something that set her teeth on edge, a boom stick. That was much worse than a spark stick. But it was killed, torn apart and being put back together.
    Their prey was defenseless but not alone. With a jerk of her head she signals to her brother.

    Human was the most delicious meat but it was also the most dangerous to hunt. If they failed their first strike they would get the spark stick and no food for their efforts. The smell was getting closer and closer. It wouldn't be long before...A flash of color against grey concrete. Yuuku presses himself against the dull concrete as he watched. Inch by inch undetected they slithered closer. His split pupils widened in the dark as he drew back ready to strike.
    The scent of human was strong in his nose now. It was all he could do to stop frost forming along the surface of his fangs in eagerness of the hunt. No, That would not work. The human may not have the hurting stick but he wasn't alone. Dragon. Dragon meat.
    Her sister jerks her head towards it. They could share the human. The fight with the dragon was all his.

    In one lightning fast movement the snakes go from as still as a statue to darting into the light. Their hoods spread and mouths open wide. A clear venom shoots from the pores at the tips of their fangs as they spit at their startled prey. Before either can move to attack the Toxic spray hits. The clear fluid aimed at the eyes impacts wetly, oozing down and blinding painfully. Aware their attack will not poison unless it enters the blood stream both snakes dart towards their chosen prey. The Dragon cannot see and the human's boom stick is still killed. Yuurei's tail curls forwards to block off an escape.
    "Mine!" "Mine!"
    Both Arbok hiss in unison as they strike downwards towards the human.
    Neither of them notice the yellow furred pikachu in their hurry to sink their fangs into human meat.'

    ((OOC: Permission to temporarily blind Red and Stark has been given. Yuurei and Yuuku are making a direct frontal assault but there is still a little room to maneuver))

    Posts : 157

    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Red Sat Oct 18, 2014 10:44 am

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon (22)

    "I'm.. I'm sorry I.. I didn't.. know.." Red paused again in rebuilding his gun, an angry, frustrated sigh forced out of his lungs. The timid little pikachu's soft words were more of a threat to his concentration than explosions, than the raging snarls and shrieks of undead or even the crazed cries from Blaine in the wee hours of the morning. Setting his jaw, he spared another glance at the little electric mouse -who was currently occupied with being absolutely terrified of everything- and thought perhaps he should do something to ease her terror, if only to gain the ability to focus again, because this was beginning to border on ridiculous. But what? What could he do that wouldn't absolutely kill her anyway out of pure fear?

    However, he wouldn't be able to come to a decision. Stark's bark of a laugh managed to cause Red to flinch, destroying any thought that didn't concern himself with adjusting the volume on his translator. Silently, angrily fiddling with the feedback to the device as the dragonite's voice nearly destroyed the speaker, the dragon unfortunately spoke causing more distress from the translator.

    "Aw, come on Red! Don't act like that would be such a horrible conclusion for the Pika to come to!" Stark's broad, careless grin was met with a firm, foul scowl from Red as he continued to fiddle with the translator, then went back to his gun. Shooting Stark was now a much more appealing option. But as he busied himself once more with his gun, Stark's voice blessedly toned down to speak to the spooked pikachu. "But there is no need for alarm, little one. I won't harm you. Promise. I was just exploring the tower when this guy ran into me. The name is Stark. Would you mind letting us know what to call you?"

    Red reached to his earpiece and switched off the translator in a last-ditch effort to spare his concentration, unwilling to allow such an important part of his day be interrupted yet again by her small, shaking voice. "P, Pi.. Pi p-pi ka Pika.. Pi.." He immediately switched the translator back on, his steely glare honed in on his already shaking hands. Nope. That... that was worse. So much worse. Bad idea. "Or just Cinder.. anythings fine.."

    Quietly taking in another deep breath, pushing the little pikachu's words out of his head, Red managed to keep going, finally finishing the rifle (in a time that would have gotten himself shot by his CO) and began working on handgun number one. It was easier, of course, being maybe a quarter the size of the rifle and about as few delicate parts to work with. But of course, the pikachu -Cinder- was so nervous, the silence was causing her more and more discomfort and sought to dispel it herself. "I.. dont know where I am.."

    "Realgam Tower, Orre," was his immediate instinctive reply, his voice still low. But as he worked, he felt something wrong. Something out of place. He paused with his handgun, already half disassembled, as a chill worked its way up his spine. Something... Something... what the hell was...?


    A flash of purple and orange. Arboks. Red only had a moment to react, with the weapon occupying his hands a dead weight. His eyes widened at the threat, but he was too slow. The poisonous goop that shot from their mouths hit their target: his eyes. He rolled backward, his instincts leading him for a moment before completely abandoning him as the toxins burned and seared his eyes. He couldn't see. He couldn't see. He couldn't FUCKING see! On his hands and knees, he knew he was a sitting comatose duck. He had a pouch of sight-saving water, but with those arbok, he'd only salvage his eyes in time to watch them bite him and then he'd really be fucked. His hand went to his knife, pulling it out in a large sweeping motion, hoping to keep them at bay as he backed away to what he hoped was a wall. Hoping. There was a lot of that at the moment.
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:08 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon [5]

    "Realgam Tower, Orre," That... was not what she was expecting. Her eyes flash back open, chest tightening. How, when did, Orre?? "Yep, what he said. The Tower is crawling with particularly strong undead. We best make our way through working together, to keep safe. I would offer you an escort, Miss Cinder, but I don't think you would fare well in the desert outside." A desert? "What?!" She gasps in disbelief, tiny paws gripping her skull. Wracking her brain for answers the Pikachu is left with nothing. She doesnt have the slightest clue how she got here, let alone the fact that their was a desert outside. Im losing it! That would explain the grit in her claws but the last thing she can recall is trying to cross a mountain. How in the world did that add up to her being in a tower in the middle of a desert?? "It is up to you, but it's probably best if--" She doesnt have the luxuray to complete her distressed thoughts to get to hear the rest of Starks comment as something comes racing into the room lightening fast, spouting, "Mine! Mine!"

    Zapdos have mercy.. Its moving too fast, a flash of purple against a stark background, but the pair of Arboks was obviously not a friend. There isnt even time to react, for any of them- the pair spit a foul fluid at both males with deadly accuracy. "Fuck-!" Oh legends right in the eyes. "Stark! Are you okay?" She gasps, taking a few steps away from the Dragonite to prevent being stepped on as he staggers. "Cinder, get up high!" A command, an order. Do as your told. It all comes rushing back. Her body reacts before she can even think about it, her lithe form scurrying up the nearest slot machine as quick as she can. High, high, this isnt high enough! The dragon towered over the slots still, he could fall on her. Move dumb dumb! This was so unsafe. Hurdling herself down the line of slots to taller ones at the end the Pikachu gains little height before leaping clear off the row and onto an even taller machine topped with many screens. She had no idea what any of these things were but for now at least they were aiding her ascension.

    Panting from fear not effort the mouse ducks behind the monitor as Stark releases some sort of an attack. A blind Dragonite. Lovely. The snakes are still hissing, the human lashing out.. Oh the messes she always seemed to get herself into. Suddenly a realization smacks her like a brick. They cant see. I have to be the one to attack. But what could she do that an armed human and a powerful Dragonite couldn't? I am small. Something above her catches the Pikachus attention, swaying ever so slightly from the commotion in the room. I am small! She could go places the others couldnt!"If we make it out of this, I am never gambling again." She swallows heavily. Time was of the essence. Climbing to the top of the monitor tower the Pikachu wiggles her hunches before launching herself up to the spherical light fixture. It creaks under her, swaying with unease as her hind paws batter the air. Pulling hard the Mouse Pokemon heaves herself on top of it, paws flailing to grasp the single stalk it was supported by.

    Instantly her eyes lock on the strange purple form below, her face contorting into half confusion, have shock. It.. what.. two heads?! There was no time to be hung up on such details right now. She had to stop it from attacking, or killing, her new acquaintances. Brown cheeks sparking the Pikachu's expression turns angry, "Leave them alone!" She growls as threateningly as someone of her stature can while letting loose her Thunderbolt in its direction.
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:41 am

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    Realgam Tower (v) Resort Area (v) Early Afternoon (v) [29]

    Sharp fang!
    Yuurei hisses and draws back. The flash of metal nicks the scaled skin where their branched heads met. A thin trickle of blood oozes from the wound.
    Yuurei hisses. Sharp fang was cheating! Humans should be weak and squishy and wrapped in cloth. No hard or sharp bits to hurt their throat. They were weak and should die like they're weak without sneaky cheating things like metal teeth. She lashes their strong tail. With its muscled length they could probably crush a car, let alone the bones of a frail human.
    Her long tongue flickers out, tasting the scent of sweat on the air. Panicked human, fighting human, the taste of adrenaline flowing through that blood. She can almost taste the scarlet trickling down her throat.
    Her ribs extend even though the blinded human can't see the intimidating face like pattern. Her tail thrashes in an attempt to knock the human over so the sharp fang leaves his hand.
    "Fuck-! Cinder, get up high!"" The dragon swears.
    "Yuuku...take down the dragon." She hisses to her counterpart.
    Dragonite meat was tough with muscle, rich and meaty. A big body to tear in portions and eat slowly. Yuuku would kill him while he was still blinded. She would crush the human herself. Dead prey was just as tasty as alive. They could have two meals if they killed first, then ate.

    Yuuku darts to the side, the tiny wound stinging as a drop of red trickles down their scales. Their body twists away from the stabbing blade. With hood flared the Arbok draws back to strike. Leaving the flailing human he curls around to face the thrashing dragon. His fangs elongate with the stabbing points of icicles. The wings first, then the shoulders and Yuurei can strangle it while he works on separating the meat. They would sleep for weeks after this.
    After the spark stick cat he'd been starting to think they wouldn't find anything to eat soon. Then Yuurei had lead them to this...
    With a hiss he lunches for the blinded dragon, ready to dig his icy fangs into its scaled hide. He can kill it with his Ice Fang then Yuurei can finish off the human with wrap. Plenty of meat for them both.
    He lunges.
    "Leave them alone!" A tiny voice squeaks and pain flares through his body.
    The Arbok twins instinctively retreat, spreading their hoods wide as they draw back from their respective prey.
    "No!" The male head bellows, his teeth wreathed in ice. "No more spark stick! No more saying what we can eat!" He lunges forwards and smashes hard into the row of machines in an attempt to topple them. He hisses and writhes in a rage.
    "I will fight you! I will kill you!" He bellows at the empty air, hood spread wide. His gaze lingers over the blinded dragonite, the retreating human and the colorful machines before it falls on the speck of yellow fur.

    Age : 25
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Min Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:04 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) || Early Afternoon

        "Ughhhhh! I wanna shoot something!" Tristana groans, lethargically dragging her wooden cannon across the dirty tile floor. Everything was boring. Trying to climb this Arceus-forsaken just to get to the damn top and there might not be anything there for her! Grumbling under her breath, she could feel her hands itching to slice something--anything--up. "Why did I even come up here? I probably would've had a better chance just wandering through the desert or some shit it's not like I'm actually gonna see anything here and--" she suddenly stops when she hears a sharp crackle of electricity echoing from down the hall, coupled with the murmur of voices.
        Without even the slightest delay the Nidorina is sprinting down the halls, every footstep hard and heavy on the ground beneath her as she speeds forward. Around the corner she can see a grand mixture of colours: purple, yellow, green, blues...and without thinking Tristana leaps as high as she can into the air and lands only a metre behind the writhing purple mass.
        "Leave them alone!" The bright flash of electricity causes excitement to rapidly surge inside the Megling Gunner, a happy grin showcasing her teeth and accenting her wild eyes. A fight, a fight! Oh how Tristana longs for a battle, and her longing paid off! A fight between Pokemon was happening here, right here in this boring old tower!
        She laughs, uncontrollable and wild. "Ready. Aim. Fire!" She squeals as she recklessly swings her tail towards where she can see flashes of vibrant purple. Tristana had little care about who was fighting for what, but damn straight she was gonna get into this fight.

    [ooc: good to be on the team!! kaze you can choose whether or not her attack hits.]
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:37 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon [6]

    The light fixture sways beneath her paws, creaking slightly at this new development in its life. Tiny fingers reaffirm their grip to its sleek surface, slightly hiding the shaking that was coursing through her. "No! No more spark stick! No more saying what we can eat!" The snake, snakes?, was thrashing about like a caged animal. Im not strong.. Im not strong enough for that. A massive metal crash rings through her sensitive ears and she flinches. That thing could crush her like a bug, it could crush her with its voice even! But it wasnt the size that was frightening her now, it was what the Pokemon just said. It spoke.. its living?! And it wants to eat us, eat me! Cinderchu swallows dryly, one hindpaw slipping off the light fixture so she must catch herself with her arms. Panic courses through her veins, she almost just fell into the jaws of a predator, literally!

    That wasn't how she was gonna die. That was not how she would die! Flailing until she could stand firm once more it seems all the courage she had gathered seeped away with her attack. "I will fight you! I will kill you." Oh legends no.. this wasnt some random undead attack, this was an ambush. Just a predator looking for food.. Im food.. Her cheeks crackle with electricity. Fuck, what was she supposed to do? Her attack only seemed to anger the snakes further, not disarm them. The others needed her and she was letting them down.... Looking to Stark for guidance but failing to gather any a cold wash of dread seeps into her bones as she looks back to the serpent. It was staring right at her. Oh god it had seen her, it was to go after her! The small weak one. Her fur crackles with electricity but fear has replaced any bravery. She.. cant.. do anything.. That evil stare as frozen her...
    "Ready. Aim. Fire!" A new voice sings out, just enough to break her lock on the snakes eyes. There was, another Pokemon here? She spies a flash of pale blue before darting back to the serpent. Lamb for slaughter. Green spheres falling shut the Pikachu suddenly wishes she was out in the desert. Raikou guide me.. Gritting her teeth she blindly lets free another Thunderbolt with eyes closed. Anything was better then nothing, she hoped.
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    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:24 am

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    Realgam Tower (v) Resort Area (v) Early Afternoon (v) [30]

    Yuurei spreads her hood wider. The bright yellow, red and black of the markings shine out as a warning against their poisonous bite.
    "Like little bugs!" She hisses.
    With a snap like a striking flint she activates her own elemental fang. Bright flames begin to pour around the edges of her jaw, filling her mouth with burning fire. She turns away from the still prone human. Their twisted tail, strong enough to flatten steel, lashes at the ground as in perfect unison the snakes charge forwards.
    "Just die already!" She snarls, opening her mouth wide to swallow up the speck of yellow fur.
    Their stomach was empty and their tempers were flaring. Yuuku's anger courses through her as well. Their interconnected bodies move as one as she charges forwards.
    "Ready. Aim. Fire!"
    Something hits her hard in the center of the hood as easily as if the bright facial marks had been the bullseye of a target. She is knocked back by the blow and the movement forcibly drags Yuuku back as well.
    "No! She hisses angrily.
    Her slit pupil eyes focus on the illusive flash of blue among the flickering lights and bells of the machines. She lashes her tail towards the thing, intent on grabbing it and crushing the life out of it before anything else can go wrong.
    This was like old times. This was like back in the arena when they'd shove two hungry Pokemon into a small room together and the one that survived got to leave. The loser...got eaten.
    Yuurei hisses as she snaps her flaring jaws at the blue rabbit, the exhaling making an eerie howling noise similar to the wind around an empty street. Her purple-scaled body twists, the spread hood around her neck drawing attention away from the subtle way her long tail reaches around behind their prey. No more targets, no more plans. They would kill everything in this room even if they couldn't finish all the meat. Yuurei's jaws crack as she prepares to strike.

    "Who's your spark stick now, mother fucker!"
    Pain. Mind-numbing amounts of pain.
    From two sources electricity crackles over their purple scaled skin. It heats the scale and burns at the flesh underneath. The flares of fire and ice shatter and fade in shock. Without being able to control it their massive body writhes in agony as if their skeleton is trying to break free of its skin. Head first the pair smash hard into the slot machines, then the wall, then the floor as their body jerks out of control. The twin snakes mouths open wide with the shock of it all. Their eyes roll back, viscous saliva starting to froth at the corners of their jaws. Even after the attack is over their body violently twitches on the hard ground. For a second their heart stops entirely.
    As soon as sensation returns to their body the snakes lay perfectly still against the hard floor. Yuuku rests his head against the comforting cool of the ground.
    "Hungry..." He hisses pathetically. "Just eat a little?"
    Yuurei also presses her head hard against the ground.
    Both of their impressively splayed hoods fold in as close to their sides as they can manage in the clearest submissive pose they can manage.
    It hurts...It hurts bad. With their massive body curled up as close in the ruined corner as they can manage the twin snakes await what judgement the spark stick has bought to them.

    Age : 25
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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Min Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:16 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) || Early Afternoon

    "No!" Ah, the sounds of a successful hit. She can feel rough scales colliding with her thick tail as she leaps back behind the serpent. The Nidorina clenches her fist and releases a battle cry. Tristana is pumped! Oh how she missed the thrill of the battle! Too engrossed in her own adrenaline the doesn't notice the swinging purple tail, smashing into her mid-side and the length coiling around her waist.
    "Shit, shit!" The Poison Pin Pokemon struggles frantically against the tightening limb, wheezing for breath as the air constricts out from her lungs. A snake's head draws near her own, snapping it's jaws with howling hisses and long fangs. "Let me go! Let me the fuck go!" Flinging her legs wildly beneath her she screams, thrashing her body violently.
    Oh Arceus, oh Arceus she can't feel her feet anymore. Oh Arceus she is going to die if she can't get out of this death grip of a Arbok. "Who's your spark stick now, mother fucker!" But with the sharp call sounding in the hallway and a flash of blinding, bright yellow, Tristana feels her breath returning to her lungs. She struggles out of the hold, stumbling and falling backwards and only getting up in time to catch sight of the cobra writhing on the ground. As it settles it presses itself together, a submissive pose that almost--almost--makes the Nidorina feel bad for the snake.
    She takes this moment of temporary peace to quickly look around her, first catching the sight of a Luxio--an electric-type. Assuming this is the electric-type that released the previous flash of electricity, Tristana beams a smile of thanks. Otherwise she stays silent, waiting for either the wounded reptile or herself to be addressed by one of the others.

    [ooc; sorry this is kinda late--had a lot of work yesterday ;v;]

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    (ELITE) The REALGAM Team - Page 2 Empty Re: (ELITE) The REALGAM Team

    Post by Red Thu Nov 27, 2014 3:33 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon (23)

    A cacophony of chaos ripped at his ears as Red desperately tried to defend himself. His eyes were squinted shut, the venom searing and burning with every minimal movement they made. It was agony, pure agony, but nothing compared to the constant gut instinct that one of those horrible arbok was about to latch onto him and squeeze the life out of his frail body. Though he had his knife, he knew he had a slim chance of actually using it to save his life.

    Soon, as he suspected, something large and powerful smashed into his side, knocking him further into the wall. The back of his head connected, smashing through the dry wall of the casino. For a moment, all he could feel was heat. Heat radiating off of his back and shoulders, tingling at his eyes. The horrible shouts of war and pain were muted and muffled-- he couldn't make anything out, even with his translator barking words at him. It seemed like hours before the strange fog lifted, the first coherent thought in his mind not that he likely had a concussion, but to clean his goddamn eyes.

    Forsaking the idea of rations, he reached for his water pouch, squeezing it into his red, suffering eyes. Blinking away tears and water, he was finally able to look at the battlefield just in time to see one of the arbok about to hit him with a thrashing tail. He ducked quickly, nearly slamming his face into the ruined tile to avoid the thoughtless attack. But soon, the snakes, wait, snake? was settled, he soon found that the smallish group he'd been a part of had... grown. Wiping away more tears resulting from the venom, he took a steadying step forward, to assess the damage. The Pikachu, Cinder, seemed ok, as well as Stark. That was good, he guessed. The other two, one a nidorina really into leather and the other a luxray with far more piercings he'd ever seen on a person, let alone a pokemon, seemed more or less responsible for the win. Red stared a moment at the adversary, a two-headed arbok, which writhed pathetically on the ground before the luxio.

    Well... obviously, he'd missed something.

    Taking little time to retrieve his discarded guns, he shouldered the rifle easily, unwilling to let a thing like crippled vision stop him from shooting the asshole that decided to kill them all. He strode to the arbok's faces, leveling the rifle at the left head first. He'd never seen a two-headed pokemon like this survive, much less be efficient at attacking. A passing thought of Blaine echoed in his mind, suggesting images of the mad scientist butchering and dissecting the bastard serpent. For once, a thought of Blaine was a tad comforting. After making sure that yes, his translator was still working, he growled, "Give me one good reason why I should empty this entire magazine at you." He realized that the other pokemon were little threat; if they had been, there would have been a much different fight happening. So his gaze and attention were settled on the snake before him, ready to drop the bastard that nearly blinded him on a moment's thought.
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    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:15 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon [7]

    What was wrong with her, attacking like that? She could hit someone, Stark, Red! Humans weren't as sturdy as Pokemon.. that could do serious damage to him! "Im sorry!" The Pikachu squeaks in a panic, eyes searching for her new friends to assure they were alright. They land not on the the man but the writhing purple mass on the floor. The snake was... in agony? "Who's your spark stick now, mother fucker!" The new voice passes through her ears unnoticed. The rodent stops breathing, eyes wide as moons as she watches the predator suffer on the ground before her. No.. The look in its eyes, the pain in is moans.. she cant take that. This.. isnt right. It was one thing to be in a battle, to fight for your life, to not become a meal.. but this made the little Pikachu's body as cold as ice, her fur shrink to her form and stomach drop. Tiny paws start to shake, their grip on the lights support slipping. No no stop stop you'll be okay! Its okay stop I didnt mean to do this!
    It stops moving completely.

    Panic surges through the tiny Pokemons body. Oh gods.. oh gods did she just kill a living creature. A clean, uninfected living creature?! "NO!" Jumping back on to the monitor stand Cinderchus body is too shaking and weak feeling to control. Vainly gripping at the smooth metal she slips and falls, bouncing down on each level of the machine before hitting the ground. What have I done, what have I done! Fresh bruises will certainly form after that but she doesn't even notice. Kicking herself as she scrabbles back to her paws the Pikachu races toward the snake, halting heavily and near falling. Forgetting all else her emerald spheres look over the odd creatures form. So still.. Oh please legends dont do it. The tiniest scuffle of scales on human flooring screams in her delicate ears, heightened to a near roar as she hones in on it. The Arbok shifted. It was alive. A massive breath expels from her lungs, a wave of relieve blurring her vision and thoughts. Thank you. They were watching out after all.

    "Hungry..." Words.. if it could speak maybe she hadn't done that much and it would be okay. "Just eat a little?" The words dont registrar and she takes a step closer to the Pokemon that wished to feed. It wasn't evil, it wasnt an undead either, just a- "Give me one good reason why I should empty this entire magazine at you." Gaze shooting upward the Pikachu is taken by complete surprise as red stands with the Arbok at gunpoint. Unsure if he was talking about her or the serpent pair, or even both of them, she can not shake the new and sudden sensation that takes over her. Fight or flight.
    Scurrying away from the Arbok Cinder races back up slot machines, haphazardly scaling the monitor stand and leaping back to her ceiling perch. All concern for the Poison Type was lost. Red had his gun out again and that thing was a threat. She could be seen as a threat. I didnt. I didnt. I didnt attack him. Im not a threat. Im not dangerous. I didnt do anything. Im innocent. Im sorry. Red! Pokemon dont attack humans. Pokemon who did that were hunted and killed. Oh dear Raikou he was going to shoot her. He was going to shoot her she had to get out. This is not a safe place.

    "You okay, Cinder? Thank God they didn't hurt you." The Dragonite's voice breaks the stream of panicked thoughts. He was.. completely calm, and seemed to of recovered from that earlier acid spray. Cinder's racing pulse roars in her ears. How could he be so calm when Red--! Green gaze shifting to the human she can see now that the gun was pointed only at the Arboks..
    Her breathing slows.
    Ears falling low to her head Cinderspark takes in one deep but shaky breath. He had never meant to shoot her, that was just her paranoia at work again. Idiot. Still feeling shaky and weak the Pikachu carefully walks onto the Dragonite's extended arm. Her trembling fingers curl roughly around his thick scales, suddenly aware of how easily she could fall if he simply shifted too fast. "T-thank you," She breathes as no more then a whisper. Wait.. Thoughts playing on rewind the slow-minded chu realizes just then that the human had intent to kill the Arbok for doing only what came naturally- hunt. "N-no!" Cinder barks at red, "Dont shoot it!"
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    Age : 29
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    Post by Kaze Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:11 pm

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    Realgam Tower (v) Resort Area (v) Early Afternoon (v) [31]

    The twin snakes blink milky membranes over their slit eyes.
    ""What is 'malgazine?' and why is it empty?" Yuuku asks in confusion, wondering if they are being threatened. "Can you eat it?"
    Yuurei hisses at him, turning her head up to face the human. She doesn't get it either but she can tell they are being threatened.
    "They will punish you if we die. Can only eat the purple ones otherwise spark stick but hungry. Want fresh meat. Not eat you though. They use the spark stick." Yuurei hisses. "They are watching us. They are always watching." Her tongue flickers out.
    "They have eyes in the walls made of glass and they see everything. The humans will be upset. They say to us 'be here and fight what we tell you to and you get to eat.' If we try and eat the wrong thing they hit us with the spark stick."
    Her tail curls side to side. Still lying flat against the ground she twists her head, trying to move away from the empty end of the boomstick. It looks like it would hurt if the human did whatever he was threatening to do.
    "Dont shoot it!" The yellow mouse calls out.
    Now that she got a good look at it she could see it resembled the other yellow mouse they got the spark stick for trying to eat. Yellow mice were obviously something special.
    "Did you not hear what I just said? See what just happened? This thing is a monster. All it will do is keep trying until it eats you, me, and this human over here!"
    "Cannot eat you. Bad pain if eat you. Sparkstick goes zap which means no eating. We went to find different food, then more sparkstick so have to find more different food. Still hungry." Yuurei twitches her tail, slowly moving her head up. "We have to get new food now."

    Yuuku's stubby tongue flickers out. He doesn't know exactly what's going on but they haven't been shocked again. Maybe it was just a warning. The human looked mad. It was a pity they didn't get to eat him. Their ambush was PERFECT and still the human meat eluded them. Yuuku flicks out his tongue angrily.
    He was hungry!
    While Yuurei said something to the human his gaze slides across the floor to a chunk of rotting and now charred meat. Purple vein patterns trace their way across its charred surface. Whatever, he was hungry. Turning away from his sister and yanking her head to follow he licked his tongue over the portion of infected meat then pulled it into his jaw. With a faint, wet crack his jaws separated to allow the meat to slip down. The strong muscles of his throat compressed his grisly meal further as he gulped it down. Bones crackled and splintered in the meat as with a big gulp the visible lump of flesh pushes out his scales as it slid down his throat. Hungrily he gulps up another chunk of charred undead, wanting to get a full stomach before they get punished.

    ((OOC: Feel free to pistol whip/warning shot to get the point across))

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:25 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) || Early Afternoon

    "Good shootin' out there." With the Luxio's compliment the gunner flashes a bright grin. At least they are sociable, Tristana thinks, easier to get along with.

    Crossing her arms the Nidorina makes a small frown on her face as she turns back to the serpent. It takes her a moment to realize something is off--two heads? Her gaze travels slowly to the thick base of the snake's neck, furrowing her brow when she sees how the scales part into two. As far as Tristana knows, Arbok's aren't normally born with two heads. Most Pokemon aren't. Doduos, yeah, Deinos get another in evolution, true, but Arboks? Her curious stare only breaks when she sees the human walk towards the poison-type, pointing some metal object at one of the skulls.

    "Give me one good reason why I should empty this entire magazine at you." The human speaks his wor--wait. Humans speak?

    Tristana further furrows her brow. Did she...really just hear that human talk, and understands what it says? The Nidorina mumbles under her breath, a single hand rising to to rub her temple. It's only early afternoon, and things are already beginning to get very, very confusing.

    The Pikachu a few ways away is quick to speak. "N-no! Dont shoot it!" Shoot? Tristana looks back at the metal thing in the human's hand, and quietly puts two and two together. Ah, she thinks, so that must be a human 'gun'. The Luxio from earlier argues back and one of the snake heads refutes with something else, all words that don't reach Tristana's ears while she watches the other head move.

    The head moves towards some chunk of something--probably undead meat, judging from the looks and smell--and just...just swallows it. Swallows it right down with barely any thought. She can almost hear the crackle of bone and squish of flesh, and Tristana almost feels nauseous. She takes a tentative step towards the feasting Arbok, looking down at the head.

    "Isn't that gross?" she mumbles, raising a brow. "I mean, that isn't...fresh. Is that even safe?"

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    Post by Red Sat Dec 20, 2014 3:47 pm

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    Realgam Tower (Resort Area) | Early Afternoon (24)

    As the other pokemon drew around, calming from the heat and chaos of the battle, Red stood firm against the twin-headed snake that cowered before him. But the snake seemed more confused by his threat than frightened or aggravated, which only caused Red to be more irate. His eyes stung like hell, his side throbbed and his communicator was nearly electrocuting him with all of the dialogue flowing out of it.

    ""What is 'malgazine?' and why is it empty?" one of the snakes asked, to which Red did not answer. It was unlikely this was a ruse, but he knew better than to take his eye off of either of them. "Can you eat it?" The other head hissed at the first, then turned to Red.
    "They will punish you if we die. Can only eat the purple ones otherwise spark stick but hungry. Want fresh meat. Not eat you though. They use the spark stick." The second head hissed again as Red deciphered her terrible speech. "They are watching us. They are always watching." Red tilted his head, unsure what the snake could be babbling about.
    "They have eyes in the walls made of glass and they see everything. The humans will be upset. They say to us 'be here and fight what we tell you to and you get to eat.' If we try and eat the wrong thing they hit us with the spark stick."

    So these... this... arbok must have been part of some sort of fighting ring. "Spark stick" was probably a cattle prod or taser of some sort. Because they're pure poison, they could eat infected meat, unlike any other typing. Their masters had cameras. They weren't allowed to eat anything else. His face remained stern however; he wouldn't be taken off guard like that again.

    "They attacked me not ten minutes ago, trying the same thing," the luxio growled from behind, sneering at his captives.

    "N-no! Dont shoot it!" Cinder protested, causing Red's fierce expression to flinch a moment. But the soldier had no need to break his silence, as the luxio was quick to combat the plea for mercy. "Did you not hear what I just said? See what just happened? This thing is a monster. All it will do is keep trying until it eats you, me, and this human over here!"

    "Cannot eat you. Bad pain if eat you. Sparkstick goes zap which means no eating. We went to find different food, then more sparkstick so have to find more different food. Still hungry." The arbok's tail twitched, as if it too was contemplating. "We have to get new food now." As Red held his gun aloft still at one of the heads, the other seemed to move away a bit, hungrily gulping down a long-rotten corpse. A disgusting sight to be sure; one Red wasn't willing to put up with for long.

    The other head moved toward a new lump of meat, but Red's hand pointed to it and got his pistol, causing the pile of flesh to fling away from the snake's head. "Don't. Move," Red growled, bringing the gun back to point at one of the heads. "Luxio," he barked, glancing down at her. "Guard him." He took a few steps to Stark, glaring at the dragon. He knew just shooting the arbok was the best path, but if the other pokemon were against it, he also knew he wouldn't survive a battle like that-- not with his rifle on the other side of the room. "We need to kill this thing now, before it eats us in its sleep." His tone was low, factual and angry. "You need to convince the others that killing it is the right idea. They'll listen to you."


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