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3 posters

    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)


    Age : 27
    Posts : 36

    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)  Empty Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)

    Post by CelestialSeren Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:39 am

    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)  Archimedes_no_copy_by_celestialseren-d7u1kis

    Archimedes "Archie"
    Hex Color##f29d65
    Item Paper container
    Ink (Secured by a leather strap on the bottom of the Paper container)
    Gender Male
    Young Adult 25
    Species #520, Tranquill
    Height 2'03"
    Weight 33.2lbs
    Pokédex Entry Tranquill, the Wild Pigeon Pokémon, and the evolved form of Pidove. Tranquill is always able to return to its Trainer no matter how far the distance between them.
    Level 25
    Ability Super Luck
    Nature Hardy
    Characteristic Quick to Flee
    Moves Gust (starting Move)
    Uproar (Egg move)
    Leer (Starting move)
    Quick Attack (Level up)
    History Along with his sisters and brothers, Archimedes was born and raised in a small, cozy residence located in Nacrene City. His family consisted of three sisters, one brother, a Chatot Father, and an Unfeazant mother. His father was an intelligent individual, going so far as to being able to identify himself in a mirror. His mother was powerful and could fly distances that spanned regions to carry her master. From his hatchdate, Archimedes showed great potential in his intelligence.
    Although he was unable to mimic the sounds of his parent's master like his father could, Archie was more than capable of parroting back the same rhythm and tone the humans used. He was the first to fledge, and the first one to fly. Despite that, he was the last to leave his home.

    Bred to be a messenger between humans, all his siblings had high endurance and strong wings to carry them. Archimedes could barely fly the length of the town without having to land to catch his breath. Further investigation found the purpose of this: overbreeding of his parents finally led to problems in his heart. Despite that, he was finally sold to a man. But not as a messenger; as a pet for his daughter.
    The two were nearly inseparable for many years, but one day the daughter was brought an Eevee, and Archimedes was all but forgotten. Every attempt to regain her attention resulted in her growing irritated with the bird and more often than not, him getting hit or having his feathers pulled out by her.

    Prior to these events, Archie had been friendly and loving to nearly everyone around him. He would perform tricks and show off his ability to open his own cage from the inside. Now he shied away from humans and trembled in fear whenever he saw his master. Years passed and he was left neglected, save for changing of his food bowl and water. He was kept in a cage outside, with no interaction. Eventually, the feedings stopped all together. Hunger driving out any fear in him, he opened his cage one last time and flew away from the house. As he flew, he could tell things had changed in the land; there were almost no humans roaming around, and pokemon had started to devour one another.

    He found his way into the Dreamyard and stayed there until he encountered a group of living, surviving pokemon. It wasn't long afterwards in which he observed his first kill. Terrified for his life, he flew as fast and as far as his little wings would carry him... Which wasn't too far due to his weak heart.
    Weeks passed of him flying and resting, and slowly, slowly his strength began to grow. He could fly for longer than he ever could before, and outsmart any hostile pokemon that would come his way. He found himself drifting over the ocean and once tired, unable to land. He finally came across the wreckage of a human vessel and rested here. He managed to evolve not too long afterwards and departed once more.

    Appearance - Slightly larger than an average Tranquill
    - He has leather straps on his legs to identify him from other messenger pokemon
    - He is loosely based off of a 'bleeding heart' dove.
    Personality Incredibly shy and timid, Archimedes is never the one to approach a survivor. Any signs of violence send him cowering in fear, and he would much rather run than fight. That being said, should he grow close to anyone in any way, he'll open up to reveal a goofy, friendly Tranquill that will defend them to the death. So far though, he's been too scared to make acquaintances. Although he is shy and timid, he's absolutely brilliant. He's able to open doors, identify human writing (though he can't read it), knowledgeable in Human culture (i.e. Cans = food, towns and cities = Water sources nearby, houses = SAFETY)
    User Notes - Updated his history because WOW THAT IS SOME DAMN EMBARRASSING WRITING THERE. 
    - His internal clock is ticking, and he knows that many Pokemon are dying, so one of his priorities is finding a mate. Mate = Babies = Repopulation!

    Last edited by CelestialSeren on Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:15 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Age : 27
    Posts : 36

    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)  Empty Re: Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)

    Post by CelestialSeren Mon Aug 04, 2014 4:52 pm

    Ready for approval

    Posts : 1464

    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)  Empty Re: Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)

    Post by Mew Mon Aug 04, 2014 4:59 pm

    All moves need to be labeled with how they were learned, either Egg, Level Up, starting moves, TM, etc.

    Title needs to be changes to reflect what team he's going to be on.

    You also mention he's able to pick basic locks, which is a very high dexterity task that is difficult even for most humans, I wouldn't allow that. Opening doors/cabinets/boxes, yes. Picking Locks, no.

    Fix those, and he'll pass the approval process easily.

    Also, his named is spelled differently in the title and at the top of the table.


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)  Hz72hB2

    Age : 27
    Posts : 36

    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)  Empty Re: Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)

    Post by CelestialSeren Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:04 pm

    Requested changes have been made

    Posts : 1464

    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)  Empty Re: Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)

    Post by Mew Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:05 pm

    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)  Ebed9qR


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)  Hz72hB2

    Age : 27
    Posts : 36

    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)  Empty Re: Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)

    Post by CelestialSeren Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:16 pm

    Would you please move Archimedes back to the profile computer?

    Posts : 2477

    Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)  Empty Re: Archimedes the Carrier Tranquil (Burned)

    Post by Zapdos Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:32 am

    Appoved. Welcome back Seren.

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