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    Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace]


    Age : 25
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    Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace] Empty Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace]

    Post by Abysswalker Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:52 pm

    Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace] 262Mightyena

    Text Color#F87531
    Age Adult
    Species #262: Mightyena, The Bite Pokémon
    Height 3'10"
    Weight 89 lbs
    Pokédex Entry It chases down prey in a pack of around ten. They defeat foes with perfectly coordinated teamwork.
    Level 50
    Ability Quick Feet
    Nature Serious
    Characteristic Good endurance
    Moves -Assurance (Level-Up)
    -Toxic (TM)
    -Retaliate (TM)
    -Protect (TM)
    With two younger siblings and parents that fought constantly, Balthazar never liked her family life. She loved her siblings, yes, but having to watch over them constantly was not fun. When they were old enough, Balthazar would leave them alone to play while she went off and actually got some peace and quiet. That went well and good, but then one day she couldn't find her little brother Charon anywhere. She managed to follow his pawprints-which were accompanied by other small, unfamiliar prints-but they lead only to the nearby human town. That was when Balthazar realized the horrible mistake she'd made-her brother had been kidnapped by people. She'd heard the stories about the humans in that town-some people were okay, but the ones from that place were evil, twisted. When Balth told her parents, they all knew the truth-their brother was dead, killed by the humans. They ended up leaving their home, unable to live in a place where Charon had once been.  Balthazar knew her little brother had been well-loved by their parents, but she never knew his death could have torn them apart so quickly. Mom wouldn't let their father be anywhere near Balth and Iris, which meant the girls had lost both a brother and a father.

    Over the years, their mother became weaker and weaker, with Balthazar and Iris caring more for her than she took care of them. Neither of the girls knew what was wrong with her, and were forced to watch their mother slowly waste away. There was nothing they could do, and eventually she would pass from the unknown illness. Balthazar wanted to mourn her, to sink into the misery of losing almost all of her family, but she had a sister to take care of. The Poochyena buried everything she felt then, focusing only on keeping her sister alive and healthy.

    Regardless of Balth's determination and intentions, she was still young, and providing everything for the both of them was far from easy. It was then the sisters were discovered by a human woman, one who was known for adopting and caring for abandoned Pokemon. She believed both Balthazar and Iris to be abandoned, not knowing that they were alone due to their mother's death. Not trusting any human, Balthazar snapped at her and growled, anything to keep the woman away from them. But eventually Balthazar realized that the human was the best chance of having Iris taken care for-and with extreme reluctance, against every instinct, did not try to drive off the woman when she came to them again. The Poochyenas were then taken in and cared for. While Iris almost immediately took to adoring the human woman, Balthazar needed more time to warm up to her; the woman, named Monica, proved to sincerely care for and enjoy the company of the sisters. They continued to live with her, with even Balthazar learning that not all humans were terrible and evil.

    When Balthazar and Iris had grown older, reaching around fourteen years of age, Monica decided to begin training them for competitive battling. Her brother was a fairly well-known battler himself, and had taught his sister many things. Iris was intrigued by the idea of battling other Pokemon and had been eager to learn; Balthazar worked hard at it not out of genuine excitement but simply because she wanted to help her sister. Thus Iris became the main fighter, the strength, while Balthazar was the support. Over the years of training, both of them became powerful in their own right, and with Monica's help and expertise, would become experienced battlers as the years past.

    Most of Balthazar's adult life was spent traveling with Monica and Iris, finding new trainers to challenge. The early years were full of failure and disappointment, but she stuck with it, not wanting to let Iris down. Balthazar honestly would have preferred a life with less constant battling, but never complained or even spoke up about it. At around thirty years of age, Balthazar met a very strange Pokemon, a wolf that looked strikingly like herself. There were many differences, but the similarities were there-she'd always believed Mightyenas could not evolve. But there he was. He introduced himself as Robb, then proceeded to ask Balthazar what she was called.

    "...Name's Balthazar."


    Robb had looked at her, as if he recognized Balthazar, recognized the name. That was impossible, of course, Balthazar would have known if they'd met before. The wolf Pokemon had simply shrugged and said the name was familiar, and that was that. It was a strange encounter, and Robb did not stay long, but it was something that Balthazar never did forget. It was an interesting event in an otherwise fairly predictable life.

    A wrench was thrown in such a life when Balthazar discovered Iris had found a mate, and was going to have kids. Balthazar wasn't good around kids, and while she was happy for her sister, she had felt an odd twinge of irritation at that. Maybe because she was being thrown out in favor of a guy and children? Whatever it had been, it had been a stupid feeling to have, and Balthazar had simply shared in her sister's joy. However, this meant they had to put a stop to their battling days, and while Balthazar was glad to be able to simply settle down and enjoy time with Monica, there was something about the teamwork with Iris she'd shared that the Mightyena would miss.

    Several years later, the plague would begin, unstoppable and incurable. Monica had caught it, dying violently and horribly from the disease's effects; Balthazar and Iris were helpless to stop the progress, forced to watch helpless as their beloved trainer died in agony. There was barely any time to grieve for her before a group of infected had found them; Iris' mate was killed in the ensuing fight. Everything, it seemed, had fallen apart and descended into chaos in a matter of days. Iris and Balthazar were forced to flee, Balth determined to protect her sister, nieces, and nephews from both the virus and the infected Pokemon.

    In the months that followed, Balthazar heard rumors of a safe haven-a place where Pokemon lived together, protected from the undead and thriving despite the land's devastation. She was skeptical; surely such a place was merely a pipe dream spread by desperate Pokemon searching for a way to escape the epidemic. But...she could not shake off how wonderful the idea was. A place where Iris and the Poochyena kids could be safe, it would have been nothing short of a miracle. Despite all logic and common sense telling her to think otherwise, Balthazar still believed in the safe haven. She would've given anything to find it, even her own life, just to make sure her family was safe.

    But the safe haven did not exist. She had known that and refused to just think, think about how foolish and hopelessly optimistic the idea was. It didn't matter. Safe places did not exist. Balthazar lost them all: Iris, her nieces, her nephews...every one of them dead, lost to the endless cruelties of the epidemic. Left without a purpose and broken by loss, Balthazar now aimlessly wanders the land.

    Appearance Bulky, tall, and with an exceptionally deep voice, Balthazar is often mistaken for a male by those not familiar with her. She is entirely comfortable with these traits, even though many others in the past have considered her to be freakish and repelling. The Mightyena boasts a jagged, light-brown scar on her forehead, received when she tried to save her nephew. It is a few years old and Balthazar really doesn't think about the scar anymore. She has the usual black-and-gray pelt of her species and dark green eyes.

    Balthazar, like many members of her family, has thick, fluffy fur, though hers has become wild. Even before the epidemic, she rarely spared a thought towards the state of her pelt. Balthazar's unruly and rugged appearance can be intimidating to smaller, timid Pokemon.

    While gifted with strength unusual for her species, Balthazar prefers to use her quick feet and Toxic move to wear enemies down. She really only uses her actual attacks if absolutely necessary.
    Personality Even in her current state, Balthazar retains her blunt, rough-around-the-edges personality, and has not let go of her dedication to brutal honesty. The Mightyena is still fierce in her belief that one must be hardened against acute emotions in order to survive, but this is no longer done out of concern for those she is close to. Balthazar's harsh, critical personality has only worsened since the loss of her family and has made her increasingly unstable, often snapping at others for no reason or otherwise being unnecessarily abrasive.

    While not easily impressed or scared, Balthazar will follow and obey a leader that manages to gain her respect. The Mightyena hates feeling useless and refuses to be a burden to anyone; nowadays she will drive herself to the point of collapse to try and distract her mind from painful thoughts and memories. She takes pride in her work, preferring the idea of being respected for her actions and accomplishments rather than through words or trickery. Though not enthusiastic at the idea of leading others, she will take up the mantle if the situation is desperate enough, and is unafraid to call out others for poor leadership choices.

    After losing her family, Balthazar was left without a purpose in life, and was crippled by grief. Now, however, she refuses to show such emotions, and brands them as the weakness that got her sister killed. Balthazar silently endures vicious self-loathing and a worsening feeling of utter uselessness, all while being haunted by images of her family's deaths. Unfortunately, as she is completely unwilling to share these things with anybody and pretends they don't exist, it is unlikely Balthazar will ever begin to overcome these internal conflicts. They are breaking her slowly, and Balthazar has been reduced to what is perhaps the most volatile state she has ever been in.

    Another trait that has failed to recess is Balthazar's hatred of manipulation. She cannot stand the idea of someone tricking her, and using dishonesty as a weapon, though she is not naive enough to believe other Pokemon are not capable of such things. Trickery and lying is simply seen as pathetic and cowardly in the eyes of the Mightyena...which is ironic, considering how often Balthazar tricks and lies to herself, when it comes to the losses she has suffered during the epidemic.

    The dark humor she was once capable of is nearly completely buried and rarely ever heard by other Pokemon; her laughter has long become scarce, and it would take a miracle for Balthazar to ever appear lighthearted again.
    User Notes
    -One of four major Pokesonas
    -Named after Balthazar from Supernatural
    -sorry for the terrible history I was rushing ;-;

    Last edited by Balthazar on Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:18 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 25
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    Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace] Empty Re: Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace]

    Post by Abysswalker Thu Oct 30, 2014 3:26 pm

    Balthazar is ready for approval~ c:


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door
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    Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace] Empty Re: Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace]

    Post by Mew Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:12 am



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    Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace] Hz72hB2

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    Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace] Empty Re: Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace]

    Post by Abysswalker Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:22 pm

    Balthazar is being reactivated and can be moved to the main computer now~

    Note: The last part of her history has been rewritten to reflect Fortree changes, along with personality. The rest has been left alone.


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

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    Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace] Empty Re: Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace]

    Post by Victini Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:30 pm

    Balthazar the Mightyena [Burned|Ace] RGgji6G


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