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    (ACE) The BURNED Team


    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by Min Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:10 pm

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    Burned Tower || Morning

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    Prince was silent, sitting on his lonesome in the ruins of the Burned Tower. Ash and debris clings to his filthy dark armor. The handkerchief sloppily tied around his wrist was mud-soaken and reeked of blood. Beginning to doubt his choice to come back to Johto, the Haxorus internally reassures himself that this was the right thing to do. Travelling through hell and high waters from Unova to Johto wasn't the easiest of tasks, but he was sure that this would pay off. It has to. Paladin has to be here. Somewhere.

    Thus, the Haxorus leisurely picks through the rubble. Heaving as he raises a large boulder and shoves it away, Prince raises an arm to dust the stray strands of debris away from his armour. Flexing his limbs he pushes another rock away, using his hands to scatter away smaller pebbles on the ground.

    "Come on..." His voice is hoarse and shows clear signs of fatigue. Prince grumbles low beneath his breath, the labour only worsening his condition. "There has to be something here..." It wasn't long before he slumps to the ground, covering his face in his hands. "I couldn't have come here for nothing. I couldn't have. There has to be something leading to Paladin here I--"

    With a tired sigh he decides to temporarily stop. It wasn't much use to get himself so worked up like this, not over something so trivial. It was time to take a break. Quietly Prince flips one of the larger pebbles in his hand, weighing it in his palm.

    Last edited by Cedric on Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by 2KB Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:16 pm

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    Steps of Burned Tower || Morning

        It was eeriely quiet as the doe trotted through the city, the morning sun barely rising. Being a survivor for who-knows-how-long, her demeanor was ultimately calm, but her mind was bustling with various thoughts and emotions. She had one goal and one goal only: to reach Burned Tower. There were no signs of undead nor life, only the whistles of the wind. Houses destroyed left to crumble or in ashes, what seemed to be several corpses now dust and bone. This isn't even a city, it was more of ruins than anything. Craters were dug into the earth, proof of a living's struggle, the doe felt a pang in her chest, but said nothing as the shadow of the Burned Tower loomed over her.
        The Sawsbuck at play here, goes by the name of Amara. She doesn't realize it, but she seems reminiscent of another fellow that walked this very path years ago. A pawn of fate that decided it would be hilarious for her to repeat the mistakes of the last group. She was nothing more than an old memory. Or so, it's believed.
        "She must be here," Amara murmured. She gazed at the tower from bottom up, her eyes afixed at the details and etchings. If she looked at it before the epidemic, she would have been in awe at how gorgeous it was, but in this period of time, it was more intimidating than beautiful. In all honesty, the Sawsbuck is filled with nothing more than doubt and regret, she grew to whole-heartedly believe her trainer is long gone. Yet she continued this journey. This would be what she considered her last destination: a last stop if you will.
        Did the Sawsbuck really consider such endings? Yes. Afterall, this was no longer a world she knew and loved. The flower necklace worn safely on her neck was Amara's proof of her loyalty and love for her trainer, but what use was it when the purpose she loved the most and dear was here anymore?
       But she did not want to die by an undead's claws, oh no. The idea was petrifying that she would be raised back up after death, her mind in a blank and only hungry consciousness. She would rather have the (what she considered) easier way out.
        With great hesitation and her guard raised, she pushed the door open just a crack. "Hello? Is anyone here?" She asked.

    Posts : 45

    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by identitist Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:01 pm

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    Leaves in her fur? Check. Sore feet from walking for so long? Check. Feeling totally gross, covered in blood and grime? Oh, a definite check. All of these factors adn just some more were really adding up to the slight scowl on Danzi's face as she dragged her feet along, grumbling to herself about how she just couldn't seen to get a day off. Well, of course not. A "day" off in this time and era would really mean the whole rest of her life off. And she wasn't ready to give up her life just yet; dying would be a weakness, and she had spent her whole life against that.

    Still... it didn't make things any easier. Who knew the Johto region would actually be so wide. And so underpopulated, too. But that was largely just because the huge human population had either died or ran off by now, leaving unfortunate pokémon like her behind. Tch. Well, that was fine, she was capable -- the very fact that she was still alive reflected that. She would've mulled things over internally a little bit longer -- she'd been doing that very often, as of late -- when a small, clattering noise begged for her attention.

    It turned out to only be a rock that she had kicked in her absent-mindedness. The feeling of it rebounding in her especially filthy foot finally came to her attention too, and her scowl only worsened. Her attention had drifted off. She was lucky that nothing had tried to attack her within those few seconds. She kicked the rock with stronger fervor, as if it had truly done her a personal wrong, and watched it clatter down further along the road, shoulders squared and stiff...

    ...Wait, who was that? Her stiff shoulders slightly fell when the other individual came into her peripheral sight -- a large sawsbuck with a crown of almost lush green, if it didn't look a little bit wilted first. The wandering doe didn't look like she was paying attention enough to catch Danzi's presence, but regardless, her first move was to dive into the nearest bush, and simply, spying on the stranger. Ah -- she felt a stray branch scrape her side. The mienfoo grit her teeth in response, but remained silent; if it didn't break skin, then it was fine.

    From the distance, the mienfoo could only see the sawsbuck silently moving her mouth, even a swivel of her ears unable to bring that single murmur to audible levels. She watched as the sawsbuck quietly went up the steps of the formerly revered tower, now a burned ruin, and pushed the door open. Now, she was watching from the back and couldn't see what the doe was doing, but the hesitation was clear in the way the sawsbuck stopped on the steps.

    What should she do? the mienfoo wondered. Maybe she could corner that doe within the tower itself and see if she could pry any answers to any questions she had. But if there were any undead in there, that wouldn't be a pleasant situation. And what if the doe turned out to be one of those pokémon, who had become unreasonable with fear or madness?... Bleh. Having to be so careful of everything was starting to get hard.

    Sit here and keep observing, it seemed, was the answer for now...
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    Posts : 62

    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by Chroma Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:29 pm

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    Ecruteak City | Morning | 1

        It had been a long walk, and surprisingly, the small espeon didn't even run into anything along the way. Though, he was actively avoiding any trouble, as he always made sure to note his surroundings, the tufts of fur on his cheeks quivering with every breeze, making sure there was nobody around. If someone was actually there, he'd just avoid them. It came naturally to him, since he wouldn't fight back. He'd rather not get his paws dirty, after all. That was for those beneath him.

        Lost in thought and firmly glaring at the ground, he accidentally bumped into a lanternpost, crumbling from the decaying of the world no doubt. Falling backwards a bit, he looked up. Seems he'd stumbled upon a town. Shaking his head, he got back up, and continued walking, fixating his gaze back at the ground. He'd been doing it for most of the travel, his mind a blur with thoughts. Things had changed so suddenly, and he wasn't prepared at all for the shift. Maybe he was just willfully ignorant the whole time. He certainly hadn't heard of whatever was going on until it was too late. And what ever happened to his trainer? He couldn't be sure.

        Oh well, though. He couldn't have stopped it. There was only one thing he could do, and that was to save himself. And so far, he'd stayed alive. Maybe this disgusting world didn't dare touch him with its grotesque claws and darkened tendrils. Good. He much preferred it that way.

        Finally in the middle of town, he looked around at the ruins left of, well, wherever this was. Craters littered the area, but he never went to investigate them, they were dirty and he wanted no part in them, or whatever caused them. But once he was done mentally insulting the indents in the earth, he turned, and immediately ran a few steps away, hiding behind charred rubble.

        There was someone else here. A Sawsbuck. It was simply standing outside what appeared to be a tower. Though, Phi didn't see enough of it to determine if it was a zombie or not. Either way, he had to be careful. His tail simply swayed in anticipation, hoping it didn't see him and that he'd learn the hard way that it was, in fact, a zombie.

    Last edited by Chroma on Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:55 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by Min Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:44 pm

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    Burned Tower || Morning

    His body instinctively tenses at the small sound of creaking stone, the gentle shuffle of dirt and rubble. Immediately his sights set down the dark corridor and he shifts his head to hear a gentle voice only a few ways away from where he sits. "Hello? Is anyone here?" It was a feminine tone, inquiring about the presence of any other individuals within the vicinity.

    "Yeah." Prince replies with a voice only a little louder than speaking tone. Although he is sure that little, if any, undead walk through these ruined halls he wouldn't want to risk it if he happens to be wrong. Slowly he rises from his seat in the dust, tail sweeping away any pebbles stuck in his armour as he steps forward.

    "Friend or foe?" The question was more of a rhetorical one--he doubts a foe would so easily reveal themselves in an unknown area--but he asks anyways. Better safe than sorry. A few more steps forward and he can catch sight of a thick bushy green, something almost like foliage, along with long branch-like antlers holding the leaves in place.

    Couldn't be.

    When the Sawsbuck comes in view he nearly screams out a name. A sharp pang of ache trembles his heart and he shifts uncomfortably in his spot. Out of all the Pokemon he could encounter in this Arceus-forsaken tower, he just had to find a Sawsbuck. A female one, at that. A single clawed hand rises to rub his temple, a single word repeating endlessly in his mind. Pure, Pure, Pure, Pure. He resists the urge to say it, after all, it couldn't be her. She was long dead, he knew, and if she was still around there was no way she would be back in Johto.

    So instead he offers a small, short wave and a pleasant smile. The least he could do. "Hey."

    Last edited by Cedric on Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by 2KB Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:07 pm

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    Steps of Burned Tower || Morning

        More or less she expected an undead to lunge at her throat, Amara was ready to dodge if necessary. Instead she receives a steady response of a greeting, one that she was not familiar with. The Sawsbuck cautiously opens the door a bit wider, peering instead. It took a while for her eyes to adjust to the dim brightness, but she was able to make out a shape within the shadows and a glint of what seems to be a crown.
        "I'm a friend, I suppose..." Amara mumbled. She felt a mix of awkwardness and awe, unsure what to say. Having not spoken for weeks, she sounded more hoarse (of course, hoarse, horse) than intended. She hasn't came across survivors in a while, the question felt like it was entirely new to her though not really.
        With a couple of steps delicate and slow and unsure of the newcomer's personality, she entered the tower, the brightness finally sinking into her eyes. It appears that this new found comerade was a Haxorus. He appeared more darker than the average, though Amara couldn't pinpoint whether that's because they're in a dark tower or he was actually a different coloration (Amara never thought that she'd come across a shiny Pokemon like this). Some other oddities would be a crown wrapped around his throat like a choker (she questions how he got it around his throat in the first place, it must have been a painful way to go about fashion) and a purple handerchief tied haphazardly around his wrist.
        It took her a bit to notice how tall the Haxorus was. Intimidating almost, it felt like he could easily crush her or slice her to bits with his tusks. But then again, he sounded quite friendly with his greeting. Amara almost blushed with embarrassment that she never responded to that greeting properly!
        "And hello to you too. Though I suppose you have a name?" She cleared her throat, scanning the surrounding area as a precaution (what if he had friends and this was all an ambush? Better safe than sorry), "I'm Amara, is it safe to assume you are a friend as well?"

    Last edited by 2KB on Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:31 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 45

    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by identitist Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:56 pm

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    The sawsbuck entered the tower, she saw. It was so hard to choose... should she keep camping and wait for the sounds of the sawsbuck, either a scream or of other expressions? Obviously, if there was screaming, then Danzi's only route would be to bail -- sorry to the doe, but the mienfoo had no intentions whatsoever to risk her life to save an absolute stranger from a horde of ravenous flesh-eaters. She would only become an indicator that Ecruteak, again, was an abandoned, unsalvageable city.

    At least, that was her original intended plan.

    And then she saw the espeon.

    Out in the open, that pink pokémon had come along trotting, staring hard at the floor and not watching where it was going -- Danzi couldn't help the mild scowl. Not paying attention to his surroundings while walking around in potential undead territory? Was he an idiot? She just kept frowning somewhat as the espeon seemed to finally notice the sawsbuck, and proceeded to hide behind a pile of rubble.

    Regardless, while waiting for the sawsbuck, that espeon was her closest link to having her questions answered. Maybe.

    Perhaps the sawsbuck hadn't seen him, but Danzi certainly had.

    Quickly, using her speed to her advantage, she hopped out of the bush, dashing over to the rubble where the pink hint of fur had hidden himself. She sees you, Phi, you and your swaying tail, as she leaps over the pile of rubble, almost glaring daggers at the espeon with full intent to interrogate the hell out of him.

    [ooc: Target: located, lmao. I hope you don't mind if Danzi proceeds to chase Phi around a little bit, Chroma. If not, I can change the post. Just let me know. o/]
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    Posts : 62

    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by Chroma Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:51 am

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    Ecruteak City | Morning | 2

    Immediately feeling the change in the wind, his fur twitching as it usually did, he looked up, hunching up his back in an attempt to look more intimidating. Glaring back at the Mienfoo, he stood his ground. She wasn't going to touch him. At least, if she knew what was good for her. After all, he was obviously the more important of the two, and even had the type advantage on her. She would be quite the fool to even attempt to harm him. After all, she'd be attacking royalty. Not the wisest decision.

    However, his glaring was interrupted when suddenly, what could only be described as some kind of living cottonball fluttered in the air above both of the Pokemon, and attracted his gaze almost immediately. "Hello there!" he greeted before asking, "Are you both new here?"

    The Altaria's wings reflecting a slight bit of light through them, making him look a lot more appealing than the beast of a Pokemon that had snuck up on him, Scowling a bit at the Mienfoo before regaining his composure, he responded, almost pretentious. "Hello. Yes, I'm new to this area. Thankfully you interrupted before this... cretin got out of hand," he took a step towards the Altaria, moving away from the Mienfoo, and bowed his head, "I am Phi, the blessed Espeon of King Leo III. However, Phi is a perfectly fine shorthand version."

    Hopefully if he introduced himself as someone who was to be respected, he'd actually be respected more around here. After all, even if he wasn't currently in that position of power, he knew he was much higher up than these simple commoners.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by Min Thu Nov 20, 2014 10:23 pm

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    Burned Tower || Morning

    He releases a sigh of relief knowing that this Sawsbuck is friendly--he isn't up for dealing with anymore undead, today. Despite telling himself constantly that this is definitely not Pure he couldn't help but sensing a bubbly feeling rising in his chest. Arceus he misses her. "And hello to you too. Though I suppose you have a name?" He perks up at her words, managing an awkward smile. "I'm Amara, is it safe to assume you are a friend as well?"

    "Ah, y-yes! My name is Prince, I apologize for not offering it sooner." His words carry a little stutter and he can't help but think Amara is a nice name. Very pretty. "I am also a friend. There is no need to be worried about the tower, I cleared it out a few hours ago. I haven't heard any other undead come in yet, so I doubt there's any nearby." He notices her caution and attempts to reassure her, unaware that her wariness is directed towards him.

    Taking a few steps backwards he glances back down the corridor he came. "Admittedly there's not a lot here. Mostly ruined rubble and whatnot. Not much to see." He gives a gesture of his hand towards the door that the grass-type is standing in. "Probably not the best shelter either with the crumbling walls. I'm not sure what you're here for, but I think it's a better idea to explore outside."

    All the while Prince cannot help but remember Pure, the dear Sawsbuck that he--dare he say it--fell in love with. He knows the sweet deer was Paladin's, she was always his, but the Haxorus cannot help but wish things had turned out a little different. Maybe if he had tried harder Pure would still be with them, with him, and the very thought aches his heart.

    Last edited by Cedric on Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by 2KB Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:30 am

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    Burned Tower || Morning

        Best not judge a book by its cover. The Haxorus was kind enough to explain the situation and even if he was lying, he held a good point: it's not the best shelter. There would be no reason for someone to stay here. Though Amara felt a pang in her chest as he questioned her reasoning for being in the tower. Best not to say anything too much of her situation, he had no reason to know of her personal affairs, but something she needed to answer so it didn't look like she was a complete and utter moron.
        "I'm meeting up with the rest of my group here," Amara said, her volume normal. It wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't complete truth either, "Never planned on a time, just that we were to all meet here and wait it out. I suppose that's a horrible plan to begin with, but better than no plan."
        Amara thought she heard something outside, but chose to ignore it. Though it sounded like conversation, she doubted herself as hearing things. It's easy to think you're hearing someone sneaking up behind you, but really there's nothing? What's the term? Paranoid? Like it mattered anymore! She's close to done with this bull.
        I mean, there's no way her human is here anyways, she's most likely dead. Frankly, it's more of a "I'll take my life here since this is essentially the place my human wanted to go, this being the noble act kinda deal?" How in the world is she to shake off this Haxorus? He doesn't seem like the type to leave her for good? It's totally sensible to ask him, "Hey, could you please leave? Because I'm trying to murder myself since I have no purpose now that my trainer is gone." Totally reasonable. Me thinks that the Haxorus is the type to stick with whatever survivor he comes across.

    Posts : 45

    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by identitist Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:40 pm

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    She was ready with her initial question of 'Who are you?' ready on the tip of her tongue -- at least, until a new shadow covered them. In ace reaction time, she jumped back just a little, hind paws landing lightly on the rough ground just some feet away, expecting some hideous, disgusting beast ready to pounce --

    -- Or, it could just be a big white fluffball too. Her expression was still and impassive, still on the defensive, but Arceus -- was the altaria glaring at her? Kind of, just a little bit. It was definitely some look of disapproval... which meant the altaria was already starting to annoy her a little bit. She's seen berries more frightening than this fluffcloud. The only positive was that the newcomer amongst newcomers asked the opening question for her.

    "Kind of," she replied to the altaria, her ruffled fur not yet settling. The espeon, as far as Danzi was concerned, was no longer of any matter -- she stopped listening the moment he said, quote, "the blessed espeon". "Can you tell me where this is? You're flying, so I'm assuming you probably have a better grip in terms of our surroundings or general location."

    No introduction, no little small talk. Her stiff shoulders and stiff expression bespoke her curtness and wariness of these two strangers (or, well, less wary of the espeon and just advocating for ignoring him, really). She hadn't traveled in a group in a long time, and she didn't need to start now -- if she got information from this bird, that was great. If she got nothing, then she would just leave.

    She was abandoned once, and alone ever since; and while the altaria seemed all right, she already had a feeling that she and the espeon weren't going to get along at all...
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by Chroma Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:24 pm

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    Ecruteak City | Morning | 3

    "I- I'm just Nimbus." Looking up at Nimbus, returning his head from its dipped position, Phi responded, greeting the Altaria politely. "It is a pleasure, Nimbus."

    His tail flicked slightly at the sudden shift of attention to the Mienshao. Though he wouldn't say anything, he hated that suddenly he wasn't being paid attention to. Did they not know who they were speaking with? He had already addressed himself as someone to be respected, did he not? And they still chose to ignore him?

    "Can you tell me where this is? You're flying, so I'm assuming you probably have a better grip in terms of our surroundings or general location."
    "Um, yeah. It's Ecruteak city, Johto. That there is the famous Burned Tower, supposed ancient resting place of Ho-Oh..."

    Oh, so they were in Ecruteak. He'd heard stories of the place, but had never been. He never had to be here, at least. His ears perked up at the question the blue cottonball proposed, "But, it's pretty dangerous on your own. Are both you traveling by yourselves?"
    Answering with smile in return, he grinned, "Yes, I have been alone. Luckily for me, I can avoid quite a bit of danger, so I've been quite safe as of late."

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by Min Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:55 pm

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    Ecruteak City | | Morning
    69 | | 19
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    He is not sure what brings his back here, to this ashen land of tower ruins and broken buildings. To the city long lost to the warfare between the not quite dead and living. To the area where it all began, when he was still young and impressionable and only had survival on his mind. The Hydreigon is massive, decaying body lazily drifting high above as a bloody speck among the clouds. A single eye gazes down at the sad, sad earth below; dusty ground littered with piles of rubble and hollow craters. Ah--he remembers this place too well, remembers the touch and smell of filthy crumbling walls and the acid spray of blood. He remembers that day he finally evolved, his new eyes settling on the sight of his own kin tearing flesh and bone from his dear friend. The cold glint of golden armour as it clattered to the ground. Remembers the first words he hissed from his clenched jaws.

    "I'll never be one of you."

    If only he could chuckle, his throat has long decayed and limits him to rough grunts and shattering roars. Instead he turns his head, just enough to gaze at his disgusting form. He became exactly what he swore not to be, his brutish features monstrous with every edge and curve. How awful fate is, how awful his destiny turned out to be. Destined to forever strive as a disgusting monster, rotting his days away.

    Paladin turns away from himself, just in time to catch sight of the colourful dots far beneath his airborne body. He squints to get a better view and feels something sharp pierce inside him. An odd rage consumes him, stirring violently within his blackened bowels. There are three: an Altaria, an Espeon Nevan, and a Mienfoo Kinah. This is too familiar, much to familiar, and his throat is burning, burning, burning--

    Unable to hold his rage he releases a roar, volume so loud it strains his throat as he swoops toward the earth. Licks of flame sputter from his jaws as he nears the trio. "Traitors!" His shout is nearly unintelligible, vowels ruined by his distorted voice. "How could you?!" Without warning the Fire Blast erupts from his jaws, a hell of heat flying towards the three. I'll kill you!"

    Ah-- maybe this isn't such a good idea. Originally he began to follow that corpse of a dragon for safety. It was mutual enough, the Hydreigon would dispatch of any living nearby with a few swift attacks which earned the lonely Swampert protection and a quick meal. After all with his current bodily state, the water-type doubts it can take on a living so easily. He is literally falling apart, strands of muscle and cold flesh barely attached to his bone and fins chipping from distinct dehydration. He takes a tentative step forward into Ecruteak, red eyes gazing vaguely at the three living in the distance. Something seems off about his monstrous companion, he seems more on edge, more irate.

    It's only when Paladin roars and swoops down that the Swampert feels his non-existent heart sink, feeling as much fear as an undead possibly could. Never has Drowned witnessed the Hydreigon so vicious--he was always able to kill the living with a few careless attacks--violent and thrashing in his descent towards his targets. The water-type takes another tentative, wobbly step forward, doing his best to keep on his feet. He rarely has enough energy for battle anymore, he isn't sure if he can last this one. Regardless he feels an odd mixture of bile and toxin bubble in his throat.

    He releases a Sludge Wave straight towards the living, disgusting foul liquid spilling from his mouth in ripples.

    [ooc: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]]

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by Min Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:33 pm

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    Burned Tower || Morning

    "I'm meeting up with the rest of my group here," the Haxorus listens intently and brightens at the idea of other survivors in the area, "never planned on a time, just that we were to all meet here and wait it out. I suppose that's a horrible plan to begin with, but better than no plan." Ah...that means if there are other survivors it may take them a while--if they come at all--to reach this desolate city. Especially when most of it's landmarks are crumbled to the ground, mere ruins of what they once were.

    With a nod of thought, Prince angles his head a little to the side. The Sawsbuck is right about it being better than no plan at all, yes, but how long will it be until her teammates appear? "Well...what areas are your groupies coming from? If you tell me I could probably estimate how lo--" he abruptly cuts off his sentence when he hears soft mumbling outdoors. Maybe...? "Hey, maybe those might be your friends!" With a wide smile and hum the Haxorus squeezes past the grass-type and through the entrance, emerging outside in Ecruteak City.

    In the distance he can spot a few figures, and it only takes a few moments before Prince can recognize their species. Altaria, Mienfoo, and Espeon--a rather odd combination if he says so himself. Especially a Mienfoo, a native from his own region, they are quite rare in Johto, aren't they? He raises an armoured arm to wave, reckless in his actions and barely considering whether or not they're undead. "Hey! Over he-"

    A sudden, massive roar splits Prince's ears and the shiny dragon slams his palms onto his ears to block the sound.

    Overhead Prince spots it, a figure unmistakable in his eyes. The sight makes nausea rise in his stomach, churning bile. Oh, he finally got his reward for coming to Johto all right. The Haxorus knows that bloody body and red scarf anywhere. Knows that rumbling, almost cocky voice from a mile away. Paladin. Without warning the dragon bursts forward sprinting, charging straight towards the two-headed behemoth while his axes glow with Swords Dance. He can't even comprehend what the undead is saying--something about death--but he doesn't care. Finally he finds what he came to this city for, and he is damn well going to claim it.

    "Hey, asshole!" Prince shouts, now only a few strides away from his corpsely excuse of a half-brother. "Hope you know what's coming to you, bastard!" Only a metre away, Prince's fist glows in preparation for a Poison Jab.

    [ooc: he didn't notice drowned yet. probably won't because he's too obsessed with paladin.]

    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by 2KB Sat Dec 06, 2014 10:14 pm

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    Burned Tower || Morning

        She felt hesitant as the question struck her right in the nerve. Dear Arceus, he really is asking for the details. Does he have no mind for privacy? Then again, manners flew out the window the moment the world went to shit. If she could, Amara mind as well just push off the details and go straight to action in her plans of executing herself. Was it that much of a deal? To her, it felt like a noble deed.
        ...But there was no way the sounds outside were "her friends". Clearly Prince (what an odd name, sounds narcisstic beyond belief), had intentions of greeting them as he squeezed outside without even an "Excuse me". The Sawsbuck also held some curiosity, but she refused to remove herself from the tower; only to peek through the cracks of the worned down doors.
        Clearly with little to no view of the outsiders, Amara felt a frown appear on her face. A conflict she faces, the need to see the faces of other survivors. She had seen so little over the times, she wanted to know how they were able to cope all this time. There was no way they were all seeking the same goal as she was, they kept on moving for so long.
        A pain. Quite a pain.
        Her train of thought quickly diminished. One second the Haxorus was waving his arms happily at the sight of survivors, the next was calling out an undead preparing an attack on said survivors. The transition from the calm, quiet conversation they had earlier to fighting undead was unbelievable, a event that Amara could never quite get used to.
        Without much of a thought regarding her actions, the Sawsbuck unconsciously stepped out of the building, six orbs of the primary colors surround her. Nature's Power taking shape of Tri Attack though the cement city was but crumbles. The scene felt surreal, bursts of flames of Fire Blast escape the undead's mouth and at the three survivors. She processed it quickly that they were differing species, the names of those species at the tip of her tongue. She failed to notice the waves of sludge coming right at them.
        As Prince's claws glowed purple (what was that move again? Amara was aware it was poison of sorts), the orbs flew past him and aimed right at the crippling corpse of a Hydreigon. The battered up Dragon shouted at the survivors, Amara couldn't make out the exact words, but an odd set of chills came up her spine with the thought that she might have perhaps heard "traitor". A word she never wanted to hear, one that she finds that oddly describes her, but refuses to accept such accusations.
        In the back of her mind, she pondered why she bothered to go out. Maybe it was guilt that controlled her to help the survivors (well if they needed help to begin with), or maybe it was just out of her set of morals that pushed her outside the tower. Either way, what's done has been done and she cannot go back.

    Posts : 45

    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by identitist Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:21 pm

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    Thankfully, the altaria's response was quick and short enough. At least he was helpful, dear Arceus. As soon as she got an answer out of him, Danzi settled into a short, quick moment of thought to mull over what the cloud bird had said -- Ho-Oh's resting place...

    "Ecruteak, Johto..." she murmurs under her breath. The Burned Tower was far... very, very far from where she had originally been from. Her birthplace had been a region called Unova, and though, yes, she already had an inkling that she was in a totally different place than Unova judging by her surroundings, a landmark name confirmed it. There was no such thing as a "Ecruteak" in Unova.

    Soon enough, she lets out a dismissive, short sound, somewhat like a huff -- so that's it, then. She was lost in a completely foreign place after all, somewhere teeming with those undead in every possible corner with a probably definite no way out until she was dead. Fine, that was fine with her; but if she was going to survive, she was going to do it as she always had, and if she was going to die, she was going to die fighting for herself and not because someone else failed to protect her.

    She shakes her head once at the altaria's question, a short and jerky one that almost hints at her aching neck, her aching shoulders, the slight headache that comes with the ever-present food shortage and dehydration, but lets herself show none of them. "I am alone," she begins, "but I have no intention of stringing along in a group of stran --"

    The tearing cry overhead never lets her finish her sentence. Immediately, to the sound of the roar, the mienfoo's head snaps up and a minimal widening of her tired, but alert eyes shows her shock at the massive thing, illuminated by the fire that was already beginning to dance around its maws. How did it get so close, I should've noticed it earlier, she thinks -- and a slight scowl passes through her face when she realises she had let her guard and awareness down because there were living strangers.


    Her footwork is quick as she hops back in an instant to avoid the impact of the fire blast, feeling the heat blow hot air against her face, eyes squinting to keep them safe from direct damage -- but it doesn't last long, when she already hears the disgusting noises of some sort of crashing, rippling, and sees the sludge wave coming in from the corner of her eyes. Before she can even utter a word, suddenly there's an odd-coloured haxorus  yelling insults at the ugly flying corpse, and Danzi's eyes widen a fraction further as another stranger -- a sawsbuck -- emerges to fight. Where the everloving hell did they --

    No, now was not the time for questions. The sludge wave is slow and particularly dark, as if it was weighed down by age and grime, but still perfectly disgusting and destructive. She hops into the nearest tree, leaping branches as fast as she can to avoid the sludge, all the while keeping an eye on the insane hydreigon. Her eyes flick once to the altaria, hoping he's at least reasonable enough to use his flying abilities for good -- and as for the espeon... well, she supposed he would do what he would have to do. She guessed it might be interesting to see how such a pampered pokémon would react to crisis.

    Her eyes then flickered to the haxorus and sawsbuck, seeing that they were preoccupied with the hydreigon -- so naturally, Danzi's own eyes go past the sludge wave into the trees to find the source, and she finds it -- a grimy, bluish something that she thinks vaguely looks like a carracosta, if not a little uglier and softer and overall, more rotten.

    Found you, asshole, she vaguely thinks, before she's jumping through the trees, closer and closer -- and then she leaps, a silhouette against the backlighting morning sun, a foot out to bring a powerful jump kick down on the undead's skull.
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    Posts : 62

    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by Chroma Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:24 pm

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    Ecruteak City | Morning | 4

    "Traitors! I'll kill you!"

    Phi stared, almost in desperation at the oncoming wave of flames, his eyes wide. The fire burst from the dragon-type's maw like a volcano erupting, and Phi could only watch, until he finally snapped back into reality and attempted to dodge. However, he moved a bit too late, and the inferno scorched some of the fur on his cheek. Not enough to cause a burn, but the fur had definitely lost some of its color, turning a darkened gray.

    Alongside the wildfire that was set free from the dragon's mouth, there was a wave of disgusting sludge. Phi jumped upwards onto the nearby rubble to dodge it, glaring at the two from his new perch. He was infuriated. "... How dare you?!" he growled, nearing the point of a roar, "You dare defile the fur of a prin-?!"

    His ears perked up at a sudden, unfamiliar voice, instantly quieting his own voice, as much as he hated to be silenced. "Hey, asshole! Hope you know what's coming to you, bastard!" Grimacing at the profanities hurled this way, Phi simply watches the black and gray blur move across the rubble, headed this way. As the blur passes by, Phi's fur shakes with the sudden force.

    At this point, he stood his ground, trying not to let the anger rising at the back of his throat make him make any bad decisions. He did have a disadvantage after all, considering the twin-headed beast's dark typing. Best just to let the Haxorus handle it, after all, it was obvious he was pretty angry about this whole fiasco. May as well let him have his fun, no? "Haxorus, duck!" he heard the Altaria shout, in which, Phi turned, watching the Moonblast fly across the scene, aimed for the Hydreigon.

    Guess it wouldn't just be the shiny Pokemon fighting. That was good, then. Less work for him.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by Min Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:33 pm

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    Ecruteak City | | Morning
    70 | | 20

    The behemoth sneers and snaps his rotten jaws in rage as his flames dissipate on impact against the Dragon Pulse. Waves of heat sputter and crackle as embers fly backwards, a few stray fires singing his filthy scales. Paladin snarls, how dare his prey mock his power, how dare it eliminate his attack with such ease! With another gross roar he rears his head, the furnace of his throat rumbling with an even stronger power.

    Ready to launch another Fire Blast, Paladin turns and opens his blackened maw--wild flame stopping only milliseconds at the sound of a voice, one that's too familiar for his tastes. "Hey, asshole!" Oh, the Hydreigon knows that tone too well. That sibling-like tone. "Hope you know what's coming to you, bastard!" When the dragon turns he feels harsh, toxic claws raking through his withered flesh--the Poison Jab hitting dead center at the base of his neck.

    Sputtering, the sudden attack manages to startle Paladin, flames coughing out from his mouth like a leaking faucet. "You..." he hisses, baring his rows of gore-laden teeth at the Haxorus, "traitor...FUCKING TRAITOR!" Without a single warning the dragon violently thrashes his only arm towards the shiny, a buildup of pure energy accumulating once again in his jaws. This time it is a more vivid orange, pulsing with unrestrained power, and he releases the Draco Meteor into the skies above him.

    Mere seconds after he launches his attack is when blinding, terrible light catches the edge of his sight and a sudden pain appears on his side.


    The sheer force of a direct Moonblast, along with another Tri Attack, colliding with his bloody body propels him several metres away. He roars with pain, his form smashing into a nearby house and what remains of the rooftop toppling down on him. For a moment, just a moment, he is still--almost as if he finally died. Finally receiving an end to his monstrous existance.

    But Paladin did not survive this long for nothing, and he rises. Rises slowly but surely, sporting caved flesh and bone from the prior impact. With some sort of crooked smile he makes a weak nod upwards, as if to say:

    Look up.

    Infection and...well, being dead, has long deteriorated many of the Swampert's senses. His eyesight is poor, sense of smell clouded by rot, and hearing almost nonexistant. Despite this, there is something that the pitiful creature manages to still keep, something that his typing had gifted him when he evolved so long ago, something that he requires to cause the earth beneath him to shatter and shake. So when he feels small tremors, short and swift, nearing him, the Mud Fish instinctively moves away.

    "NO!" He roars the single two-lettered word, unable to evade the dark silhouette overhead as her foot comes crashing down onto his shoulder area. He hears the sharp squelch and noise of whatever bone remaining breaking, flesh almost immediately giving way on impact. Anger bubbling up inside of him the Swampert gags, summoning bile-water from his bowels to release a Hydro Cannon. "DRRRRRRROWNING LESSONS!"

    Disgusting ichor spills out from his jaws at high speeds, aiming straight at the Mienfoo nearby him. During his attack he does not notice the ball of orange flying into the sky some ways away, where Paladin is attacking the others, and the sudden explosion in the skies.

    Meteors of pure draconic energy rains down from above.

    ((sorry this is so late!! i nearly forgot about this team and i've been super busy going to all my appointments and i have a xray tomorrow.. orz ty for the patience!))

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by Min Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:51 pm

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    Burned Tower || Morning

    Ah, Prince feels an odd satisfaction rising in him when he feels his poisonous claws dig deep into the flesh of his half-brother. He almost grins, almost, when the Hydreigon turns towards him, the Haxorus barely evading his violent thrashes. He glances down at his claws, now covered in something disgusting and slimy and rotten, and releases a heart chuckle. "Man," he muses, "time really did catch up with you, huh?"

    "You...traitor...FUCKING TRAITOR!" The Hydreigon is screaming, and the Haxorus only flinches when gore spittle flies out from the undead's mouth. Gross. He isn't at all concerned about the monster roaring in his face--actually, it's almost nostalgic. However, when something orange, something powerful begins to build in the dark-type's throat...oh Arceus--

    "Haxorus, duck!"

    His body moves automatically, legs buckling beneath him just in time for the Moonblast to fly overheard and oh Arceus is it blinding. Even after the attack fading away his eyes are still straining to see properly, but he can still spot that orange orb in the sky--the pulsing orange orb--and he screams. He screams at the others, voice desperate and dying, because he knows what kind of terrible power that is, and exactly what it means for them.

    "RUN!" He screeches, scrambling to get onto his feet. He hears the explosion from above, and the slow beginning of a whistle as the descent of numerous meteors begins to drop. "I SAID FUCKING RUN!"

    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by 2KB Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:34 pm

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    Ecruteak City || Morning

        Clearly battling undead would be chaos. Everyone is everywhere, there was no strategy going on, just fighting whomever at whatever pace, and communication seemed difficult among the group. Maybe they're not a group after all and just recently met at the same time Amara and Prince...? Certainly fate or just pure coincidence that they all met at the same place.
        From the Altaria, a bright light shoots straight at the Hydreigon and it's unbearably blinding. Amara looked away, the strain on her eyes from looking at it was painful. As the light faded, only the screams of Prince rang through the air.
        It took a while to process or maybe it was hesitation that was present. The Sawsbuck only ran when the orange light from the meteors reflected from the ground. But it wasn't the meteor that threw her off, it the impact of the meteor. For a moment, she was flying, her hooves unable to touch the ground. Then suddenly pain. Excruciating pain on her right ankle. She landed right on it a few feet away from the blast.
        "It hurts..." A small comment. She glanced over to her wound, skin torn and muscle showing, thick red liquid oozed out. This needs treatment immediately, at least before it gets infected. The doe struggled to get up, falling down whenever attempting to stand. "Prince?" She looked around her surroundings, the Haxorus no where to be found.
        But she certainly felt a strong presence around her.
        It took her no longer than three seconds to realize that the looming shadow over her was the undead Hydreigon who just doesn't seem to give into death.

    Posts : 45

    (ACE) The BURNED Team Empty Re: (ACE) The BURNED Team

    Post by identitist Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:44 pm

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    Bingo, she thinks as her foot sinks into soft and rotting flesh in a good hit, hearing the crack and squelch of long-dead flesh -- she's grown far too used to this at this point. The swampert's screamed defiance comes only registers as something akin to a cry of pain in Danzi's ears, before she remembers -- at this point, these creatures can't even feel pain anymore. At least, that's what she thinks.

    What she didn't quite expect was the undead's quick response to her attack, despite its slow speed and sluggishness. She hops away once the jump kick lands, but her head snaps back up as soon as she hears its garbled yell, and can't react fast enough to the immense pump of water -- reddish, disgusting, bile-filled water -- coming straight for her.

    Her reactions are quick too, but she cannot defy physics and move faster than the stream of water. At the last second, her muscles tense and she begins to brace herself for impact, but it only helps minimally -- the water swallows her in a blast, and just like any kind of rapids, Danzi is taken away by the flow and feels herself leave the ground. Her eyes screw shut in response, arms struggling to stay braced as they are, mouth closed tight to keep the ichor out -- but she can't stop the breath leaving her as she feels her back impact with the bark of a tree at the same time the water disperses. She falls to the ground after impact, coughing up gross water, maybe a lung, trying to make sense of where she is and where the swampert is --

    Suddenly, it's inexplicably bright.

    Even with her eyes still shut, she can see the change in light through her eyelids and for a brief moment, she wonders if that hydro cannon and impact actually killed her -- everybody always talks about seeing some kind of light when they die. However, when she feels her heart pounding away at her chest, the muddy dirt under her paws and the impending heat and white light turning violent and foreboding, she finds she's still alive and scrambles to her paws. She shakes her head to clear her ears and eyes of water, searching for that swampert.

    She hears a thunderous crash somewhere near where they are, but doesn't run just yet, readying a drain punch instead.

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