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4 posters

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]


    Age : 24
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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Duma Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:12 am

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] X5DfUSo
    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Duma_zpsa4f37779
    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] GRzKpOM

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] X7PKfj5

    Text Color #243C9E
    Item Blood Red Arm Band, Ace Of Spades Necklace.
    Gender Male
    Age Adult
    Species #359, Absol; The Disaster Pokemon [Dark Type]
    Height 3'11"
    Weight 103.6lbs
    Pokédex Entry It has the ability to foretell natural disasters. Its life span is over a hundred years. -HeartGold
    Level 52
    Ability Super Luck
    Nature Careful[+Special Defense -Special Attack]
    Characteristic Alert To Sounds[+Speed]
    Moves - Future Sight [Learned]
    - Night Slash [Learned]
    - Ice Beam [TM]
    - X-Scissor [TM]
    History The young Absol knew he was born to be a killer. His parents knew it and his trainer knew it. How did they know this? Ace was the first hatched, and determined to be the only survivor, something clicked in the Absol's brain, and Ace suddenly lashed out at each of the eggs, breaking and shattering each one. The only one who survived was a young eevee, it's egg was taken away when Ace started killing his other litter mates. Scared to keep such a violent pokemon, his trainer abandoned him, or more rather gave him to Team Rocket to use as one of their pawns. But Ace wouldn't have it.

    As they went to drop him off, Ace broke out and tried to attack the Team Rocket scientists, but due to his low level, he was easily defeated by their high leveled pokemon. But Ace wouldn't submit that easily. He fought and fought, and finally the Team Rocket people realized that Ace would instead of be used as a pawn, but as an assassin. And as of such, he was placed into heavy training. Day and night, non-stop, and with each level Ace got faster and stronger.

    A few years after, a strange man approached him and his trainer during a training session. He was wanting to buy Ace for their assassin guild. Ace realized that this was his chance, and he disliked the Team Rocket Grunt anyway, so dosobeying commands to sit and stay, as stood and in a flash, his head had spun and the Grunt had a large gash in his side. He tried to sent out his back-up pokemon, a Houndoom. Ace had faced off with this Houndoom before. When he was handed over to Team Rocket. He knew this day would come.

    Happy that he could finally get rid of this nuisance, Ace lunged. His speed outmatched that of the houndoom, but it overpowered him. He went to use a Flamethrower, and Ace dodged. Ace used Slash, and the houndoom dodged. This went on before the Houndoom got a lucky break. A Crunch hit Ace, and he was sent sprawling. The Dark type move wasn't very effective, but the Houndoom's higher level was enough to tip the balance.

    The buyer had seen enough, he sent out a strangely familiar pokemon, but it wasn't one Ace recognized. The pokemon was obviously a dark type, but he couldn't recognize it because it was too fast for Ace to focus on it properly. It used the move Dig, and Ace took this chance to go for the Houndoom. It met him with a Sucker Punch, a move it had gotten from it's father. The searing pain on the right side of Ace's face was unbearable, the vision in his right eye faded into black, and he could only see from his left eye. He just registered the other pokemon coming up and hitting the Houndoom straight on, and the Houndoom fainted, then his world went black.

    When he woke, he was in a different place and the human that had sent out he other pokemon was standing in front of him. The other pokemon was clearly and Umbreon now that Ace could see it properly. He had a sort of connection with the Umbreon, and he soon realized that this was the eevee that had survived when he killed his litter mates. The Umbreon was his brother.

    Ace knew that the reason he was brought here was to become an assassin, and Ace accepted the role willingly. He was given a blood red armband, and his brother explained that this was to signify that he was an assassin. His brother told him the name he was given. Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Ace just called him Ezio. Throughout his assassin training, Ace was given two TMs, Ice Beam and X-Scissor. He knew he couldn't aim properly for Ice Beam with only one eye, but he still enjoyed the gift.

    Finally after hard training, Ace reached his master assassin rank. His trainer gave him a necklace. It was a white stone that had the ace of spades painted and carved into it. He and Ezio made an unstoppable team and all the other Assassins in the guild respected them. Then they lost it all to the Epidemic.

    Their whole Guild was betrayed. One of the other assassins, a Jolteon from the guild suddenly turned and attacked one of the rookies. Ace surveyed the Jolteon. It's fur had gone a purple color. How had they missed that? Its eyes glowed red and it pounced on a young rookie Vaporeon. Ace nodded to Ezio and his compation used Dig, going for the Jolteon. Ace ran up, images from the fight with the houndoom in his mind. He used Night Slash, knocking the Jolteon off the Vaporeon, and straight into Ezio's Dig attack. Ezio used Psychic, and Ace used Future Sight, storing up the psychic energy. He used Ice Beam, point blank at the Jolteon's feet, freezing it in place. Ezio used Assurance and Ace released the Future Sight, finishing it off by a quick swipe of his head scythe.

    "You must go Ezio, You to Ace! It's not safe!" Their trainer called, and Ezio stood there for a moment. Ace nudged him. "Come on, we have to go. It's what he wants." Ezio nodded sadly, and the two fled not looking back at the chaos that their guild had become.
    Appearance Ace stands about average for a normal Absol, and his stature is often tall and proud. He has a blood red armband above his elbow, it's somewhat tight so it cannot slip off. He has a large scar on his face from a battle with a houndoom, completely covering his right eye. his left eye is colored in a dark shade of blue. He has an ace of spades necklace, but the card has been carved out of a white slab of rock and painted, because a real card wouldn't last.
    Personality Ace is very cautious, calm and collective, which makes him able to stand back and access the odds against or for him before he makes an move that could be an attack or an act of friendship. He often goes for the ranged approach, even though he's aware of his lowered accuracy due to his one eye.
    User Notes -Is very acquainted with the sight and smell of blood and gore and as of such, this does not bother him
    -Cannot aim very well with his ranged attacks due to losing one eye from a battle
    -High level is from intense training
    -Is not actually related to Ezio, but they consider themselves brothers

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Ms2akWB

    Ezio Auditore
    Text Color #66CCB9
    Item Blood Red Arm Band, Focus sash around neck
    Gender Male
    Age Adult
    Species #197;Umbreon, The Moonlight Pokemon[Dark Type]
    Height 3'03"
    Weight 59.5lbs
    Pokédex Entry When darkness falls, the rings on the body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby. ~SoulSilver
    Level 52
    Ability Synchronize
    Nature Calm[+Special Defense -Attack]
    Characteristic Alert To Sounds[+Speed]
    Moves - Assurance [Learned]
    - Faint Attack [Learned]
    - Psychic [TM]
    - Dig [TM]
    History Ezio hatched to a chaotic world, an absol, his brother was killing his littermates. Ezio was scared, but his mother and father saved him. His brother was sent off to Team Rocket and Ezio could breath lightly. A few days after, a strange man approached them, wanting to buy Ezio for their Assassin's guild. Hesitating, his parents thought about it, but Ezio wanted to go. Maybe he could get revenge on his brother. His parents agreed, and Ezio happily followed the man, looking back with a final goodbye.

    The Assassins Guild was great, and Ezio conversed with each pokemon there. Apparently, if you reached Master assassin, you get a special accessory, and they gave you two TMs when you're halfway there. Ezio knew this was where he wanted to be. He joined and was given a blood red armband, showing him as an assassin. He accepted the training and they trained, trained and trained. They worked on Ezio's speed, strength, and defense. A close bond formed between the two and Ezio was enveolped in light as he realized that he loved his trainer, and didn't want to see any harm come to him. He evolved into a strong and fast umbreon, and he was given his two TMs. Dig and Psychic. He could communicate with his trainer with Psychic.

    A few years later he reached master assassin rank and was given a focus sash, which his trainer tied around his neck. Thrilled he asked his trainer what they were going to to now. "We're heading to buy a particularity promising Absol." What did his trainer mean? Ezio followed as they went to Team Rockets base. There stood an Absol training. Ezio knew who this was. His brother, Ace. Anger filled him, but then he realized something, Ace didn't recognize him. His trainer had told him not to hold grudges if your rival does not know you, so Ezio dropped his hate. Maybe they could start anew?

    His trainer persuaded the Team Rocket Grunt to hand Ace over, but Ace had other ideas apparently. Ezio stood calm as Ace spun around and attacked the Grunt, and was pitted up against a houndoom. They were evenly matched, despite the houndoom being a higher level. Then the houndoom got a hit in and Ezios trainer told him to use Dig on the houndoom. Immediately, Ezio obeyed, digging under the houndoom. He used Psychic to check his surroundings. Ace was charging at the houndoom, but was hit with a sucker punch. Blood flew from the right side of his face and he was sent sprawling backwards. Ezio took this chance and dug up, hitting the Houndoom dead on. He was stronger than the Houndoom, and already weak, Ezio knocked it out. His trainer took Ace and they left.

    When Ace woke, Ezio and his trainer were sitting in front of him. Ace finally recognized him, but Ezio had dropped all his grudges. Ace fitted in well, and he reached master assassin quickly, almost as fast as Ezio did. They became a pair, two deadly master assassins. The guild both respected and feared them. Then the Epidemic hit.

    Ezio knew this was coming. The Jolteon had been getting sicker and sicker. No one knew was was wrong with him. Ezio studied him, and two days earlier he had died, but with no wounds. Now he was back, his fur was nearly all purple. The jolteon lunged for a rookie vaporeon, and Ace already knew what to do. Ezio nodded and used Dig, getting a mind message from his trainer telling him to use Dig. Ace went for it, using Night slash to knock the Jolteon into Ezio's Dig. Ezio used Psychic to daze it, and Ace froze it to the ground with Ice Beam, before using Future Sight. Ezio watched calmly as Ace beheadded it, and they went to help their trainer who was fending off another betrayer.

    "You must go Ezio, You to Ace! It's not safe!" Ezio's trainer said, and for the first time, he just stood there dumbstruck. Sadness clouded his eyes as Ace nudged him. "Come on brother, it's what he wants." Ezio sadly obeyed, as the two ran, not looking back.
    Appearance Ezio stands the average height for an Umbreon, and he often has a calm and intelligent look to him. He has a blood red armband, symbolizing his assassin status. He has a focus sash tied around his neck, and he is quite protective about it. He has ice blue eyes, however he does not show any effects of eyesight loss.
    Personality Ezio is calm, calculating and cold, which came from his days as an assassin. He is swift and stealthy, and know how to use his size to his advantage. He often uses his speed to his advantage, and he knows when he's outmatched and out typed.
    User Notes -Referenced off Ezio from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
    -Is very acquainted with the sight and smell of blood and gore and as of such, this does not bother him
    -High level is from intense training
    -Is not actually related to Ace, but they consider themselves brothers
    -Speaks with a very soft Italian accent

    Last edited by Duma on Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:01 pm; edited 17 times in total

    Age : 24
    Posts : 1556

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Duma Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:56 am

    To The Main Computer Please~

    Age : 24
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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Duma Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:07 am

    O.e Dear god I had a good roll going on Ace's bio... Hehe.... Sorry 'bout the length of that... Sometimes I hate when I get my typing flashes(My word for writer sparks)...

    Posts : 3650

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Mewtwo Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:43 pm

    I am unclear how a Pokemon can wear a trenchcoat and a cape. Humans can't even do that in the way you are proposing. And why does a trenchcoat have a hood?

    That is really the major thing puzzling me about these two. Why the capes and coat?


    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] 3Br5nS6

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAce and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] UugYyDK

    Age : 24
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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Duma Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:34 pm

    Well, I wasn't quite sure what to call Ezio's white coat, and the looks of a trench coat were the closest really to what Ezio has on. They're capes and such were specially made for them, and they symbolize the Master Assassin rank in their Guild. I based then loosely on the Assassins Creed assassins, and added my own twists and such. I see what your getting at though.

    Do you have any suggestions on them, as I'm not quite sure how to explain it...

    Posts : 3650

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Apr 27, 2013 3:54 pm

    In the game it is more of a hooded cloak.

    I would suggest keeping it to just one cover instead of two, if you must have them at all, as in no way would both work on a Pokemon. It makes no sense and would actually hinder the creature's movements and skills making him much weaker and more vulnerable than he would be naturally.
    Also for an assassin a white cloak on an Umbreon would make him incredibly easy to spot.

    I realize the white hood is a staple of the AC game characters but since this is EJ, and as such we must keep to canon and what is natural for a Pokemon/animal, personally I would get rid of the capes/cloaks all together. You can still base characters off of others without adding in something like wardrobe. You can always use the armbands to signify rank (such as making them different colors) rather than cloaks.


    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] 3Br5nS6

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAce and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] UugYyDK

    Age : 24
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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Duma Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:04 pm

    Okay then. May I add a point in, and I apologize if it sounds like I'm being disrespectful, as I don't mean this to be disrespectful.

    There are certain items of clothing that could fit an animal that has a build like an Absol or Umbreon, and I know this because I have a cloak for my cat who is able to wear it with no hindrances.

    As for the color of Ezio's cloak, I made it white to balance out his level and strength, due to the fact that it made him easier to spot.

    As for they're capes, Ezio's cape has been stitched onto the cloak. I just thought I'd clarify that so that it didn't become a question later on. Ace's cape is tied around his neck, but it's hidden by his mane. Again, I thought I'd clarify that so that it didn't seem like it was just a piece of cloth on his back.

    Again, I mean no disrespect with this post, and if it came off that way, I sincerely apologize.

    Posts : 3650

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Mewtwo Tue May 21, 2013 5:41 pm

    Here is the main problem.
    Yes, as you stated, there is animal clothing out there. Your error is that you still have to take into account what the cloak is for.

    Normally, with people, a cloak is used to shield the wearer from weather, eyes or -in some cases- weapons. It's a cloth shield of sorts, basically. And how we use them so handily is with opposable thumbs and fingers. We grab the cloak and cover ourselves with it, thus using it to its fullest extent.

    An animal has no such luxury, at least not one that lacks thumbs. A free-flowing cloak would be absolutely useless to an animal. It can't manipulate the cloak manually.

    Say the cloth falls over on the side, or gets blown out of whack. All the animal can really do is shake itself to try and right any wrongs, like a messy mane. It can't reach back and put it where it should be. Unless it's anchored on the sides and in the back, it can't serve its purpose simply by being a cloak. They were meant for bipedal animals, not quadrapeds. It falls the wrong way and will eventually just become an obstruction.

    Have you seen some animals with those on? Sure, they can get around, but their legs are still stiff because they're not used to it, it's weight is unfamiliar and puts them off balance, or for many other reasons. And while it may work on your foot tall cat, these are significantly bigger creatures we're talking about here, therefore, bigger cloaks and bigger problems.

    And again, as I stated, "assassin" pokemon would have no use for it. Most predator pokemon already come well-equipped enough for stalking and killing. There's no need for frivolous human decorations, like apparel and other weapons. With the cloak already proven useless, it would really just get snagged and become a nuisance. You've already explained how the absol is already a natural born killer, why does he need the extra? Subtlety is KEY for any assassin, so why risk a job on something frivolous like clothing?

    Also, why, if Ezio's such an awesome assassin -or even a rookie- why would his trainer give him something like that to make his job even harder? By giving him a STARK WHITE cloak, he's essentially setting his pokemon up for complete failure. Sure, I guess it makes sense in movie/gaming world but in the real world, an assassination guild is a business. Plain and simple. You pay us, we kill them. There's no sense in putting one of their workers into that kind of situation. You know, the kind that might tip off their targets in the way of "Hey look an assassin is in the room!"

    And all Admin's agreed on this one point--
    If you honestly can't have a cameo character work without wardrobe, then you're doing it wrong.

    Please put serious consideration into revising.


    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] 3Br5nS6

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAce and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] UugYyDK

    Age : 24
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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Duma Fri May 24, 2013 6:58 pm

    All right then. Can these two be moved to inactive while I think up stuff for them?

    Age : 25
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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Abysswalker Fri May 24, 2013 7:05 pm

    You should give them scarves to signify their rank.

    Naw I'm kidding. :3

    But still. Scarves are awesome.


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 24
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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Duma Fri May 24, 2013 11:57 pm

    Apocalyptic Doomcat wrote:You should give them scarves to signify their rank.

    Naw I'm kidding. :3

    But still. Scarves are awesome.
    Heeeey that's a good idea actually...

    Age : 25
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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Abysswalker Sat May 25, 2013 12:24 am

    Hooray for my random ideas XD

    and for the numerous scarves I keep around the house.


    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 24
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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Duma Sat May 25, 2013 1:53 am

    Apocalyptic Doomcat wrote:Hooray for my random ideas XD

    and for the numerous scarves I keep around the house.

    Artistic drawing skills... GOO!

    Posts : 1464

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Mew Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:21 pm

    Moved to WIP until a proper image is made.


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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Hz72hB2

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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Duma Sun Jun 16, 2013 3:03 pm

    Ready to be moved back to the profile computer~

    Posts : 3650

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Empty Re: Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh]

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:01 pm

    Much better.



    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] 3Br5nS6

    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAce and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] UugYyDK

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    Post by Duma Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:08 am

    To the main computer~

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    Post by Mew Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:43 am



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    Ace and Ezio - The Master Assassin Absol and Umbreon [Marsh|Sinnoh] Hz72hB2

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