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8 posters

    The WHIRL Team


    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:01 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Whirl Islands, Lugias Chamber, Midnight(15)

    Jorf looked pretty confident as he walked over to and dived into the pool of water. He resurfaced with some of Lugia's feathers, which he gave to both Ariel and Jiru.
    Ariel took the feather and inspected it. It was as light and soft as down, but clearly was a flight feather. It also had a mystical feel to it, but that could be just in Ariel's mind.

    They were given the order to search for things to help them. Jiru went to the water, while Ariel went to search between the rocks and cracks in the area. Most yeilded nothing more than useless junk, but one had a perculiar pack in it. With a bit of a struggle, Ariel managed to free the pack from between the rocks. She opened in and looked trough its contents. A notebook, some pokeballs, man-made pokemon medicine...and an escape rope! That would be useful.

    Ariel was about to call out to the group to announce what she found when suddenly Jorf came back running from where he had gone. His expression was quite grim.

    "He's here."

    Ariel felt her heart speed up. How could she face the clown, after what he had done?

    ((OoC- Actually, the necklace Ariel found earlier has razor claws on it ;D))

    Last edited by Argentum on Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:01 am

    (OOC: I gotta skip my turn because Jirachi said it will take 2 turns to come to Whirl. Sooooo...Jokermime is only admiring the Wishing Rock.)

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:07 am

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    Whirl Islands, Lugias Camber | Midnight

    "Ok he doesn't seem to have noticed us, so what do you have." Jorf walked up to Jiru and saw the bell that she had, knowing what it was. "You've got a rare piece right there. This bell was used to bring Lugia back in here by those monks. Unfortunate that it doesn't work, maybe Lugia could get rid of that clown once and for all." Jorf walked over to Ariel to see the items she collected. "Yes, an escape rope. Looks like we have are way out. You've got a notebook too, some pokeballs, and the medicine, all useful in times of need. Like this one. I'll stand under the balcony, Ariel you go behind the waterfall, Jiru find someplace safe and hide your flame. We're attacking him with stealth this time. But first." Jorf went to go grab a stick and used some of the medicine as gas for the tip of it. He went back to Jiru and lit it with her tail, placing it behind a rock with the flame visible. "Hopefully he thinks that's you, now get into positions."

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:23 pm

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    Whirl Islands, Lugias Chamber, Midnight

    Jorf took a stick and lit it with his tail before placing it behind a rock so that the flame was still visable. It was a clever idea, making it look like Jiru was there, anyone, even that dumb clown, wouldn’t be able to tell that it was just a stick. After Jiru went into the shallow part of the water behind one of the rocks, making sure his tail tip didn’t get wet. He felt sick at feeling the water brush up agonised his waist. But he had to bear with it for just a little while. Making sure his flame was well hidden from all sides, he silently waited for the footsteps of that deranged clown.

    Last edited by ShadowZoroark on Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:51 pm

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    Whirl Islands, Lugia's Chamber, Midnight(16)

    Jorf was happy with what Ariel had found. That was good. There really too many other places to look in within this place. After the item had been examined, everyone was to hide. Ariel listened to the orders and nodded in response. She hopped up onto some rocks and made her way to the back of the waterfall. There wasn't much space for Ariel, and the spray and pressure from the waterfall made it even harder for her to stay clinged to the wall. Hopefully she wouldn't have to stay like this for long.

    Last edited by Argentum on Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:30 am

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    Whirl Island/Midnight(16)

    The Crazed Clown was dusting the rock, keeping it clean and bright. He smiled childish as he held the rock close, it was his new treasure. But suddenly he felt desturbs in the water. Looking towards the waterfall he saw something bright burning slightly close.

    He growled and yelled "GO AWAY! IT'S MINE!" towards the flames. They wouldn't steal his treasure! He found it, not them! Finders Keepers, and he found it!

    Posts : 580

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Jirachi Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:27 pm

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    Above Whirl Islands | Midnight

    Jirachi gently cruised along the dark ocean. She had never really seen the seas this close up before, as she had spent her days awake near the much more warmer places of Hoenn. She laughed as a wave leapt at her, making he giggle. The force was stronger around the islands.

    She quietly landed at the entrance, watching the churning whirlpools. She heard rumbling from the deep waters and a voice from somewhere near. "GO AWAY! IT'S MINE!" She cocked her head to the side, curiously, as she began to levitate again.

    She floated towards the source of the voice, finding an undead Mr.Mime holding a stone. It was shaped similar to a note. It looked familiar... Very familiar... 'It's a Wish Stone.' she approached the clown, a bit fearful. "Um, hi, my name's Jirachi. I can see that you have a wish stone." she introduced herself. "Did you summon me?" Wish stones always summoned her to wherever they were at. That was the reason she came here, to retrieve the stone.

    Last edited by Jirachi on Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:15 pm

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    Whirl Islands, Lugias Camber | Midnight

    Jorf saw Jokermime with the strange stone in his hand, falling for the trick they had set up for him. When suddenly the wishmaker Jirachi apeared to him. "Um, hi, my name's Jirachi. I can see that you have a wish stone."

    A wish stone, oh no. This would give the clown an upper advantage to have any one item or need in his possesion. They could either wait or try to make sure it doesn't happen. "Now! Stop him." From the underside of the balcony Jorf pounced on to Jokermime with a quickness. He struggled to pull the stone out of his hand to use for himself, but had a tight grip on it as if it was his only way of living. It might just be. Jorf wrapped his arms around his mouth to keep him silent from making the wish. "Don't say it!"

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:01 pm

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    Whirl Islands, Lugias Chamber, Midnight

    The mime was holding something, and when the wishing pokemon showed up, he knew exactly what it was. A wishing stone, he though they didn't exist, but it seemed he was just proven wrong. Jorf made a grab for it, but the clown had a tight grip on it. Jiru started thinking, If I could get my hands on that stone, then I could wish myself to evolve! Then we could all get off this island, and back to the main land! The idea was crazy, and knowing the others, they probably wouldn't agree, like him, they would want to use it for themselves. But this could be there only shortcut off the island.

    The Charmelion ran out of his hiding place, just after Jorf had yelled for them to attack. "Jorf, get that thing to drop the stone so I can get it away from him!" He shouted as he ran to it. He put himself between the infected and the wish maker, but also in a good position to dart at the stone if the mime was to let go. You wont get a wish, I'll make sure of that!

    Last edited by ShadowZoroark on Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:57 pm

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    Whirl Islands, Lugia's Chamber, Midnight(17)

    The appearence of the legendary was shocking, to say the least. Why would such a valueable stone be lying around in the Whirl Islands? Wasn't Jirachi a Hoenn legendary? Various questions ran throught Ariel's mind simotaniously, all of them answerless.

    Despite being completely confused, Ariel's body followed those of her teammates. She deftly hopped down from the wall and across the rocks leading to the land. She had to back up her team...!

    ((couldn't think of much else ^^;))

    Last edited by Argentum on Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:31 pm

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    Whirl Island/Midnight(17)

    Jokermime cuddled close to his rock, it was like his new friend, but suddenly he heard something, looking up he saw a weird pokemon, nearly star shaped with blue notes on his head.

    "Um, hi, my name's Jirachi. I can see that you have a wish stone. Did you summon me?"

    The infected clown was confused...Wishing stone?...So...who finds this stone summons Jirachi and can wish for anything? Anything they want...to become true. Ideas blasted through the Mr.Mime's rotten brain!
    Make others laugh, have an unlimited suply of food, have toys and guns, become as powerful as a legendary, become immortal, become A GOD!
    ...No...That wasn't what he wanted...memories flooded his mind in uncomplete flashes...He knows what he wants. But before he was about to say suddenly he's attacked by the living! HE KNEW IT! THEY WANT HIS STONE!


    They wanted to steal his stone! Blasphemy! They couldn't! He tried to pray off the Shuckle from his face but the damned thing wouldn't go away, than the Charmeleon joined and tried to take away the stone, growling loudly he bit one of the tendrils of the Shuckle and threw the Shuckle away just so the thingy to get back on his face. Starting to get irritated the Mr.Mime's eyes started to glow white as his whole body gain a blueish glow.

    Shouting he used Psychic to tear the robbers from his body and shoved them away, he quickly ran through the cave and used Barrier to stop them, his stone! They wouldn't get it!

    Panting the Mr.Mime leaned on a wall slidding down...He was tired from all that struggle. Although he wasn't alone...the thing that called itself Jirachi was back...Eventually it was for his wish. Jokermime held the stone close to his body as he curled and leaned his back against the wall. Sighing he said in a near whisper.

    Don't want to be alone...Want company...want friend...want...be loved...

    Posts : 580

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Jirachi Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:49 pm

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    Above Whirl Islands | Midnight

    The Mr. Mime looked at her, before suddenly, living Pokemon sprang at the undead. Jirachi, not wanting to be involved, merely floated up high so she won't be caught in the quarrel. Eventually, the undead broke free and began to run. Jirachi quickly followed, levitating.

    Eventually, the Mime stopped and she did too, floating down. She could hear his whisper. "Don't want to be alone...Want company...want friend...want...be loved..." Jirachi blinked. 'Did he really just ask me what I think he asked me?' she thought. Love. One of the few things she had no idea on, not to mention she didn't really know what to do since the Pokemon with the wishstone was undead.

    "Well..." She began, thinking. "Why don't you try befriending one of the living? I mean, if you do, they won't attack you and you can have friends!" Jirachi smiled. "Why not the Sneasel? She looks really nice, and I bet she can be really friendly too!" She grinned. "You know, I can tell her to come here, so you to can become friends~" She herself wasn't sure what she was doing, but if something went wrong the Sneasel definitely looked well-equipped to defend herself. Strong, fast, and can easily dodge attacks...

    So without another thought, she used her psychic powers to teleport Ariel to where Jokermime was with her. She gave a nervous smile, eying the wishing stone. "Hi, I'm granting the Mr. Mime's wish right now." Jirachi whispered to the Sneasel.

    [OOC: So I just went along with the plan of making Jokermime fall in love with Ariel, and Venny said it was fine for me to teleport Ariel as he had already discussed everything with the team~]

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:40 am

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    Whirl Islands, Lugias Camber | Midnight
    "Ahhhh!" Jorf was pushed back away from Jokermime, leaving him free to whatever he pleases. Jorf ran up towards him but was blocked by a barrier Jokermime he created. "Damn you and your tricks!" Jorf watched as he made his wish to be, loved? Jirachi granted the wish and gave him Ariel to be with. Jorf sighed in relief that he didn't wish for something worse. "At least his wish is gone now, since your the only one there, you can attack him while he's vulnerable. Can't you?"

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:16 pm

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    Whirl Islands, Lugias Chamber, Midnight

    When the clown made a run for it Jiru tried to run after it but run right into a barrier. He stumbled back and rubbed his nose, "dame clown." The wish pokemon Jirachi also seemed to follow it, but the worst thing was that Arial was teleported to where to clown was. The Charmelions eyes went wide as he watched her get taken from the spot she was just at and moved to where that gruesome clown was. He started to feel his inner fire burning up inside him as he couldn't do anything to stop it. The thing wanted a friend, well let it make friends with its own kind, leave those that are alive out of it. His flame began to grow larger as his rage boiled. Smoke emanated from his mouth and his eyes looked as if the life had been sucked out of them. He was going to be the one that kills that clown, even if it killed him as well.

    Jiru took in a deep breath, and when he breather out a huge wrath of flames came with it as he released all his anger into one Flamethrower. [i]That thing doesn't disserve love, or friends, it just disserved to be exterminated, and he was going to be the one that did it. The flames bounced off the barrier, but he kept it up, not even noticing if Jorf got caught in the blast. He could hear the barrier cracking before it shattered. And as it did he ran out, not even waiting for his fire to dwindle, he just ran out and up the way they had come, when the clown was in sight he picked up his speed, his fangs blazing with fire as he unlocked a new attack, that thing was going to die, along with anything that got into Jiru's way.

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:36 pm

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    Whirl Islands, Lugias Chamber, Midnight(18)

    Just as Ariel approached the newly formed barrier, she felt her senses go haywire. The ground under her feet vanished, as well as the sounds that echoed in the cave. Everything went black.

    Just as quickly as everything had dissappeared, it reappeared. Except...it was different. She was on the other side of the barrier. What, why? She didn't understand. Why was she on the other side? She looked around frantically. Her eyes landed on the clown and legendary. Wait...

    It suddenly hit her. She recalled what had just transpired. The clown had made a wish. He had said something about wanting friends and love. And the legend summoned me... The pieces all fit together now.

    "No. This must be a mistake, you can't possibly believe I would make a sutible friend, let alone lover, for this...this monster! He killed Eagle! How could I forgive that?!" Ariel was filled with confusion and outrage. What the legend just as crazy as the clown?

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:25 pm

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    Whirl Island/Midnight(18)

    He looked down sighing...such stupid wish wouldn't become true. But suddenly the Jirachi started talking...his brain functions were low but it seemed that Jirachi would make his wish come true...He saw the Sneasel from earlier teleport in front of him.

    Was it true? His hope of a companion was that sneasel? He got up and walked in a circle close to the Sneasel, stopping behind her and move closer to get her scent...so pure, so innocent...yet so vengeanful. Jokermime couldn't contain himself and licked her neck in delight.
    "Why hello beautiful..." his grin spreaded wider as his arms slowly warped around his new precious gem. He had already forgot about the wishing stone.

    But suddenly a shattering noise made him let go of her, fire blasts from Flamethrowers broke his barrier, Jiru was charging towards him. Jokermime crossed his arms as Jiru unleashed a Flamethrower that made Jokermime fly back. Grinning he got himself up and shot a flamethrower himself to the ground using Mimic to propel himself closer to Jiru.

    Both started on a fist fight as Jokermime grinned insanely. You know? This situation reminds me of a Joke! Jokermime delivered punches against Jiru although he was able to block with his tail.
    A Doctor says to his patient "I've got bad news! And worst news!" Jiru on his turn jumped up and started delivering kicks against the Jokermime which hit him straight in the face.
    "Oh dear. What's the bad news?" asked the patient. Jokermime grabbed Jiru's leg and swinged him away, although Jiru caught himself back up and charged against the clown.
    The doctor answered "Well, you've got 24 hours to live!" Jokermime dodged Jiru's claw attacks and retribuited with DoubleSlaps.
    "That's terrible! But how could the other news could possible be worst?" whimpered the patient. Jiru jumped up and kicked Jokermime several times before hitting him with his tail sending the crazed clown away.
    Jokermime catches himself up panting and grinningThe doctor replied: "Well...I've been trying to warn you since YESTERDAY!" he laughed crazed as he used psychic to fling rocks at them.

    Jiru was inraged with the madness and the bad jokes and eventually was able to destroy the boulders with the help of his friends...Very well...Take back the girl...But MARK my words...YOUR GROUP HAS HAPPY DAYS AHEAD! he cackled maniacly as he shot another flamethrower from his hands, he must have been storing Mimic and copying Jiru's attacks, but his flamethrower could be easily dodged unlike Jiru's.

    (OCC: Had permission for this fight from ShadowZoroark)

    Last edited by ECN13000 on Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:05 pm

    [ooc: good to be back :3]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Above Whirl Islands | Midnight

    She should have given up long ago. How long has it been...? A few weeks? Months? Years? The Pidgeot, mid-flight above the islands, looked down with sadness tearing in her heart. What it would be, just to have one more day with my family. Legato let out one slow note, and let her grievance flow out of her. "Now's not the time to be dabbling in sorrow." With that, the Bird Pokemon swooped down next to one of the entrances, a rock slide evident.

    "What in the world?" Deciding this needed to be investigated, Legato pushed aside multiple rocks with her strong talons, gripping them and tossing them aside with little to no difficulty. What faced her was... a decapitated body of a Blaziken, bloodily killed by unspeakable means. She shook her head in sadness- another soul taken by this horrible epidemic. The Pidgeot dragged the broken body slowly, lying his body on the sand just close to the lapping waves. May you rest in the peace you weren't given before.

    Shaking her feathers, Legato peered at the now-visible entrance, peering at the ground. "Hm..." Her internal instincts rang with alarm as she looked at them more closely; there were scrapes and claw marks gouged within the ground. There are others in here.

    Posts : 580

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Jirachi Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:51 am

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    Above Whirl Islands | Midnight

    "No. This must be a mistake, you can't possibly believe I would make a sutible friend, let alone lover, for this...this monster! He killed Eagle! How could I forgive that?!" Jirachi frowned. "He found the wishing stone, I have to grant him a wish. You can use this to an advantage too, you know. If you play it right, you could get an infected on your side that will listen to you. I realize you may think I am crazy but it's my job to grant wishes." she muttered darkly.

    She floated up as she witnessed the infected approaching the Sneasel. Seeing the stone from the corner of her eyes, she swooped down and swiped it, hugging it to her chest. "Very well...Take back the girl...But MARK my words...YOUR GROUP HAS HAPPY DAYS AHEAD!" She scowled. She could understand why the Sneasel was reluctant now. She waved a goodbye, about to teleport away. "...Good luck."

    [OOC: Now heading off to Saffron Team.]

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:03 pm

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    Whirl Islands, Lugias Camber | Midnight

    Jorf watched as Jiru and Jokermime were battling it out for thier lives. Jorf didn't want to get in between it to risk himself or Jiru, instead he looked around for anything he could use to aid Jiru. He searched hard for something but had no success, things were getting tough in the battle, so tough that Jorf's foot was... burning? After Jorf backed away from the burning source, he looked down to see where it came from. A light glow was showing from beneath the ground, Jorf started digging to reveal a bottle filled with a liquid of some sort. Based on what he felt from it he assumed it to be acid. He pulled it ot and inspected it for anymore leaks around it and found none.

    Jorf caught the two battlers seperate from each other and took his chance. Jorf ran as fast as he could to Jokermime with his hand ready to throw the chemicals on his face. He jumped with high speeds but was caught by the clown himself. The creature had his hands around Jorf's nack, squeezing as hard as he could. Blood red eyes wide open, with razor sharp teeth smiling at him, breathing heavily at the joyous opertunity of getting rid of possibly his greatest enemy. "If you don't laugh to death, in other way I shall make you out of breath!"

    Things were looking fuzzy in the eyes of Jorf, not being able to make out any image with the lose of his breath. His head dropped towards Jiru, letting go of the chemicals and rolling towards him. Jiru reacted with a quickness by grabbing the bottle and throwing at Jokermime's face. Shards of glass piercing his skin and face becoming deformed and melted. Jokermime let go of Jorf to try and wipe it off his face, but only made his hands burn. Seeing an opening, Jorf rolled away before any could touch him and started to cough and gasp for air. Jokermime backed away still trying to deal with them chemicals, leaving the clown perfectly open to attack. "I don't care why or how Jirachi would ever think of you as a possaible friend. But I at least know the truth." Jorf used his Power Trick again to gain more strength for his upcoming move. "You killed Eagle" he slammed his foot once to put a crack in the ground, "you stalk us without any chance of stopping" again slamming his foot but further openning the crack, leaving only Jokermime's feet to stand on seperate sides "and I bet, you would never stop to try and brainwash Areil to join you. Good thing that all stops right now!" A final smash leaving a huge and deep gap that Jokermime was keeping his toes on edge to stay up. Jorf walk up to him, hovering his arm in front of Jokermime's chest. "So keep you dead ass" with all his great strength, Jorf punched Jokermime down hard into the abyss below seeming to fall endlessly, "DEAD!"

    After Jorfs word, he became dizzy again and feel back unconscius, only to have enough energy to say one more thing, "Oh great Lugia, I hope you can forgive me."

    EDIT FROM SUICUNE: Jorf fell into the abyss and died.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 566

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Storm Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:48 am

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    Whirl Islands, Lugias Chamber, Midnight

    Jiru watched in silence as the Clown was cast down into the black darkness, like he had just been sent to the fire pits of hell. "I hope you rot down there." He growled as he looked down before turned back to Ariel. "Are you ok? He didn't hurt you did he?" He asked, hoping she was as fine as she looked. When he was sure she was all right he let out a sigh of relief before turned back to Jorf who was now laying unconscious. He walked over to the Shuckle and picked him up, and like Ariel, he seemed to be somewhat fine. Though he could tell that his last attack must have taken its toll to leave him like this.

    He hurt all over, but that would be expected after fighting that Clown single handed, the pain would pass though. Though his arm was starting to sting again, but in time it to would pass. He turned to Ariel and nodded his head for her to follow as he made his way away from Lugia's chamber. There was nothing of importance there, but before he did do he managed to find a piece of string, he could no doubt ably use it to put his Lugia Feather and Tidal bell on it so that he could wear them around his neck. It would be a great way not to lose them. He would try his best to make the bell ring again, he could tell from how it looked that the sound it would make would be wonderful, and he couldn't wait to hear it.

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Suicune Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:33 pm

    Jorf died in his recent attack. Machunine is now banned.


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    Founding Admin


    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:39 pm

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    Whirl Island/Midnight(19)

    Jokermime tried to attack them further but the Shuckle had ran towards him...Pathetic action it was as it jumped towards him and Jokermime's fingers warped around the neck of the Shuckle strangling it. Jokermime cackled like a maniac feeling the air being blocked from the Shuckle's throat. His blood red eyes stared at Jorf's tired ones begging for air.
    "If you don't laugh to death, in other way I shall make you out of breath!"

    Something dropped and rolled, he saw a bottle going towards the Charmeleon, he picked it up and threw it at Jokermime. He moved to the left laughing..."Missed me su-- if he hadn't moved he would be safe...but once he moved the Bottle crashed in his face, the glass puncturing his skin but that was the least of it...Some weird liquid was burning in his face, he dropped the shell thingy and clutched at his face screaming in agony. Suddenly the ground started shaking, he could hear the Shuckle, as he moved a finger away his eye saw the shuckle stomp on the ground using Earthquake.

    Jokermime screeched as he tried to shoot psychic attacks"IwillKillyou!IwillKillYou!IwillKillYouAllandtakeherwithme! he shouted before the floor cracked further and plunged the insane clown down to an abyss...The insane infected fell into darkness...

    There was no sound, no movement...Was it dead? Did it survived?...Nothing could be known...But they could feel something, hope maybe. They got rid of the clown and they were safe...For Now.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Negative10 Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:08 pm

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    Whirl Island Chambers | Midnight

    Getting over her shock that other survivors had somehow made it here, Legato set her eyes forward and followed the tracks. She'd find her beloved Staccato, and protect him from all the dangers. But we all need guidance now. Perhaps... she'd stay with these strangers, even after she'd found her offspring. This epidemic was taking a toll on everybody, and glancing down at her weathered feathers, she knew that even she was being worn down too.

    My training hasn't gone to waste yet. Legato's training at the boot camp all those years ago were not forgotten; pressing her feathers against her sides to reduce her plumage and therefore, not easily seen to the naked eye. Bending forward so that her height were lowered, she stretched out her legs and ran like a Dodrio. It was hard work, following these footsteps, even in the dark that... by the time she got out of the darkness, she wasn't following the marks anymore.

    "..." Needless to say, Legato was a little disappointed. She wanted to meet these other living, see the rise and fall of one's chest rather than her one, speak with others. Her voice has become coarse from disuse and her wings burned from overexertion. The Pidgeot, however, clenched her beak, and looked upward to the high ceiling. Maybe if she flew to the highest point she could grasp her surroundings.

    Just as she had decided that was what she was going to do, a Shuckle hit the ground, creating a large dent on impact, his body tucked into his shell. Scuttling closer, Legato saw blood trickling out of the holes, and the shell cracking from the heavy fall. Another soul lost. The Bird Pokemon shook her head and took to scaling the wall- something had sent that Shuckle downward. As she was flying higher and higher, a clown-like Pokemon was too falling to its demise. Legato winced as the waft of death reached her, and she sped up. She'd have no business with that Pokemon.

    She hefted herself above the ledge, to spreading her large wings to slow her movement, while she faced a Charmeleon and a Sneasel.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:49 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Whirl Island/Midnight(1)

    Jane sighed as she looked about.'How did I end up here?' the Medicham asked herself. She knew it had to be while she was hunting mindlessly.Focusing her thoughts Jane used Mind Reader reaching out to find if there where other beings on this island, she detected a few and began to scout for them."I want their flesh to hide my own." Jane said to herself in a low whisper.

    Though Jane sometimes wished to say things she could only ever say the phrase she said last before she was bitten.Unless of course she really struggled. Jane stopped, she heard a voice and then a low rumble as the ground shook almost making her loose her balance. The closer she got the more distinguishable the words became. "IwillKillyou!IwillKillYou!IwillKillYouAllandtakeherwithme!" the voice said before what ever it was vanished from her line of sight completely.

    The WHIRL Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The WHIRL Team

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:53 pm

    (OCC: Down a pit he went. Gone he is...For now.)

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