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5 posters

    The RUSTBORO Team


    Age : 31
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    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:28 pm

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    Rustboro City/Morning (24)

    Seth knew from the start that Wayfarer would never give him any bother about his inability to do simple things like open a bag of berries, but it didn't stop him averting his gaze from the Bug-type as he passed them over to him. He'd had his handicap for most of his life but he had never gotten completely used to it. It was at times like these when he exposed his disability that he felt awkward. Sighing, he gathered some more bags of the small berries and scooped them up in his large hand, cradling them in his arm.

    He stood up and watched the others. René was having a look round when he suddenly let out a terrible, hackig cough. He quickly turned his head away, but Seth noticed the small splatters of blood that hit the floor at the canine's feet. Seth went to approach him, concern etched on his old face, but the Ninetails quickly turned back to them and insisted that it just a bad cold. I wish I could believe you...

    Jolt was standing outside, apparently keeping watch. Worried that she could be potentially alerting predators to their location - her marvelous colour was certainly eye-catching - Seth wandered over to the gap from which they'd entered and leaned outwards. "My dear, I do think that you should come inside," he said. "It is not safe out here. And besides, we could do with some help to move some of these supplies."

    Briefly turning back to the other two, he said, "Take anything that you think might be useful." He knelt down and picked up the Hyper Potion he'd examined before. "If there is indeed an enemy in this city, we will need to be well prepared if we are to have an advantage."

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:55 pm

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    Rustboro City || Morning

    =-= Quicksilver (Post Count 9) =-=

    Wayfarer closed up the bag again after admiring the group’s fortune in finding a stash of berries. While he sealed up the bag, he was surprised by a hoarse cough. It was desperately muffled but there was no way to conceal the harshness of it. That must be René coughing again, Wayfarer troubled. When he slithered around to confirm his worries he saw the ninetales hacking up droplets of blood onto his paws, with every single trickle echoing within the silence of the building.

    “E-Excuse me. A cold.” René put on a fragile smile as he wiped his mouth, attempting to dismiss his suffering. He turned about and addressed the other items in the room, busying himself as best as possible. That did not bode well with Wayfarer. They all needed to find a way to cure him, somehow; someone as kind as René should not be suffering like that.

    He pulled his troubled look away from René and passed it over the room. As he passed his gaze by the breach in the side of the PokéMart he saw Jolt standing out in the sun. She was standing as a sentinel, her head and tail perked up in diligent watch. A mood of seriousness prevailed over her usually kind one. Seth had seen her caution as well, and had recommended she come inside to help search for supplies. He then turned to Wayfarer and René. “Take anything that you think might be useful. If there is indeed an enemy in this city, we will need to be well prepared if we are to have an advantage.

    The accelgor agreed, and returned to the slightly toppled aisles to try and find anything of use.

    =-= Dominic (Post Count 1) =-=

    Within the dark insides of the Rustboro Pokémon Center, a silhouette was pacing about. It was pacing about the room the Healing Machine was stationed, going through cabinets and peering into drawers. Through the tumbled and worn room of prevailing silence and pitch blackness the figure worked. It was looking for supplies, and it moved as if it were completely unabated by the darkness that consumed the structure’s bowels.

    Dominic’s senses could define the world clearly around him, revealing everything as a strange azure-colored world. It was an extension of his very aura, his Psychic essence. It moved upon every available surface, defining the worn nurse’s room as clearly as eyes in full daylight. The mental pulses described the open cabinet and the Super Potion he now held in his right hand. He turned it about with his pointed fingers, checking the expiration date on the medicine. With a nod of approval at its unexpired state the beheeyem stuffed it into one of the pockets on his trench coat and continued about his rummaging.

    After a bit more scavenging he found a small roll of gauze and an Elixir. With a quick survey of the medicine’s expiration date he stuffed them both into his deep trench coat pockets. He then moved to the center of the room, where he had been cooking some meat over a small fire. Huddled in a fetal position near the now dying embers was the slightly butchered corpse of a Miltank, just a few hours old. It had seemed to Dominic when he first came here that the poor lady died by blood loss, due to an uninfected stomach wound. Well, at least her flesh did not go to waste; he had had his fill of its meat.

    Dominic suffocated the remains of the fire with his psychic abilities, and then looked to the body. Taking a second out of his time, he spoke in muttered English to the corpse. “Thanks for the meal, my fair lady Miltank. Know that the flesh of your bones kept someone else alive for another day, that your death was not in vain.” A smile cracked on his face, as he snickered at his attempt to make conversation with a corpse. He really needed friends, didn’t he? Nah! He was doing fine for now.

    Dominic stepped from the confines of the nurse’s office and strolled into the building’s main lobby. Pretension burned through his cheery mood as he avoided the light of the front doors. Sidling beside the entrance he closed his eyes and tapped into his psychic senses. With his back pressed against the wall and his senses prickling with sensitivity, he monitored the movement of a certain group. The group has been here for a good while, and had thinned down to a quartet since his last tracking of them. Judging by the diminishing of their aural presence he could tell they were heading somewhere other than the Pokémon Center. Good; if he was fortunate, then they would simply be traveling through here.

    As he considered his course of action, he walked up to the second floor and stepped up to an open window. He hovered to come level with it, looking out to the eastern side of the building. His psychic eyesight could find nothing moving outside, and the warmth of a bright morning could be felt against his arms from the sunlight. There were no Undead to be noticed outside, and he could sense none within the building he was in. He hovered back down onto the floor, pacing about the upper floor as he thought. Now all he needed to do was get out of this building without those other Pokémon not noticing him. . . .

    ((OOC -- Dominic is just going to be chilling in the Pokémon Center for a while, mostly until Ciana can return from the Safehouse :3))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:37 am

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    Rustboro City || Morning [9]

    "Take anything that you think might be useful. If there is indeed an enemy in this city, we will need to be well prepared if we are to have an advantage."

    René gave a lax nod, feeling a little dizzy. Moving slowly, subtly, he was hesitant to cause any further upset to his health. Smiling softly, he looked to the ground, allowing his nose to do the work. With the constant effects of his illness, the Ninetales had come to recognise the familiar scent of potions in an instant. They were faint, probably the majority of the liquids spilt long ago, but he remained hopeful of finding something of use.

    Stepping carefully over the mess within the building, gently moving littered produce to one side with a smooth brushing of his paws, René’s expression was one of concentration. Nostrils flaring as he absorbed all the scents about him, trying to latch onto that longing aroma of a hyper potion, the fire-type was growing particularly nauseous at the regular stench of blood flooding to him. Old and fresh alike, it made his stomach churn.

    By some miracle, he eventually caught glimpse of orange plastic within the rubble. Green eyes latching onto the items, he buried through the discarded and mainly broken items to discover a super potion. It wasn’t as great as a hyper potion, but he certainly wasn’t going to complain. Tentatively grasping the item in bloodstained fangs, René set it a little to one side, nodding his head at Seth as he passed. It would be good to build some sort of stash considering they were blessed with enough peace to rummage. For all they knew, they could be sitting on a goldmine. Setting the item down, the Ninetales swiftly returned to his former post, sniffing away in a bid to build up a collection for the group.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:06 pm

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    Rustboro City/Morning (25)

    Jolt's mouth was silent and her expression defiant; she did not move. Seth sighed, pulling his head back inside. He ensured to himself that he'd keep a very close eye on her. For now though, he hauled another shelf to the side and started looking for something to store their belongings in. Behind that shelf was the service counter, and upon the table there was a large brown satchel.

    "Perfect!" Seth grabbed the bag and started to pick up some Potions off of the floor and place them inside. When he had collected a few of them, he stepped out from behind the shelf and held the bag up for the others to see. "Place whatever you find in here," he told them, laying it down on the ground. He looked out of the huge hole in the side of the building. "We will leave shortly. It's not wise to stay in one place for too long."

    ((Meh ... mediocre post. I always like my badge posts to be really good, lol))

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:37 am

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    Rustboro City || Morning

    =-= Quicksilver | PokéMart | (Post Count 10) =-=

    While René was busy traveling through the dilapidated aisles, Wayfarer had chosen to travel to a different end of the store. Near the edge of the wall lined with fridges, he checked thoroughly about the compartments. One fridge after another came up empty or otherwise filled with broken materials. In one, much to his disgust, he even found the skull of some small and unfortunate pokémon in a partially rotted state in one of them. He quickly withdrew his attention from it, continuing along the fridges until he came to the opposite end of the store. It was there along the floor that he found a small hole in the floor.

    He set the bag aside in a nook of one of the fridges and then carefully peeked into the dark space. He could smell nothing, and there was no movement to be detected within it. Certain that it was safe to inspect he reached one of his arms into it. He manages to grasp at something, carefully pulling it out of its awkwardly positioned spot in the hole. The item he pulled out was of a vivid gold color, holding the form of a square that boasted six triangular points which stuck outwards from it. He certainly was not sure what the item was, but it certainly looked weird enough to be of Human contruction. He carefully placed the peculiar item next to the berry bag’s hideaway in the fridge next to him. As he turned about to check over the shelves just opposite the fridge, he saw that Seth had found a rather large satchel bag to use for storage. “Place whatever you find in here.” Seth informed, holding the bag up high and then placing it down near the aisles. He then walked to the breach in the wall where Jolt was keeping watch. “We will leave shortly. It’s not wise to stay in one place for too long.”

    Wayfarer nodded in acknowledgement to Seth, returning to his review of the nearby rubbish and shelves to try and find any other useful things.

    ((OOC -- If it is not obvious, the item he found was a Max Revive.))

    =-= Dominic | Pokémon Center | (Post Count 2) =-=

    Dominic had continued pacing back and forth in the open area of the Pokémon Center’s second floor for a few minutes, a hand placed to his slim chin in thought. Since there was already a powerful presence in the city, he would be taking a risk by staying here. If he could only find a way to drive them out, or maybe keep his presence hidden for long enough to gather a few more supplies from the PokéMart?

    Absorbed into his own thoughts, he continued to walk about the second floor. It was completely dark outside of the light of the filtering windows and minor breaches in the roof. There was no other sound except for the quiet tamping of his feet upon the tiled floor and his silent breaths. For now, he would wait until his newfound neighbors made the first move. From there he would plan everything, and figure out how he would confront them. Their presence was just bordering the weakest area of his psychic senses, and they seemed to be moving about as if ready to travel somewhere else. Maybe they will take a visit here? He gave a long grin, considering the possibility. He had the advantage in this pitch-black Pokémon Center, where he could pull all sorts of disorienting tricks upon them. Yes, that would be perfect. . . .

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Snitch Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:17 am

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    Rustboro City || Morning [10]

    René had found only one other potion by the time Seth had spoken, offering a large bag as a means of carrying all their finds. The sickly Ninetales managed a shy smile and a light nod of his head, moving over to the bag and carefully filling it with the group’s discoveries. Working silently, his emerald gaze wandered across to Wayfarer fumbling with some strange, angular item, piquing his curiosity. The ghostly creature looked as confused about the object as he and instead of pestering him, René chose to keep quiet.

    "We will leave shortly. It's not wise to stay in one place for too long."

    Pleased at this news, a brilliant smile broke across the fox’s face as he increased packing their finds at a faster speed. Whilst he wasn’t overly keen to carry the bag, his body almost dwarfed by the rapidly filling item, René had an inkling someone else would accept the honour – his suspicions laid with Seth and his noble nature.
    “Anything else?” He asked quietly, eyes wandering the ramshackle building with a small smile. He’d be glad to be rid of this place – it was beginning to give him the creeps.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:56 pm

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    Rustboro City/Morning (26)

    Seth continued to gather a few more Potions and bags of mini berries until the satchel started to fill up. Wayfarer placed an odd item that looked like a star inside of it and René placed a few of his own finds in there as well. Seth couldn't help but smile at the Ninetails as he watched him. Even though he was feeling so ill he still managed to assist them; even knowing that his demise was approaching and none of those Potions or berries would do anything for him. You brave, brave soul...

    "Anything else?" René's quiet voice broke the silence. Seth noticed that the Ninetails looked a little uneasy. He looked down at the satchel and saw that it was almost completely full. "No, I think that will be enough," he replied, grabbing the bag's strap and wrapping his wrist around it as he picked it up. It was heavy, but it was nothing that his powerful, muscular arm could not handle. "Let's go somewhere else." Stepping out of the hole and back into the streets, he nodded his thanks to Jolt for keeping watch and then waited for the other two to join them.

    "I'm not sure it is a good idea if we venture to the Pokemon Centre just yet," he admitted gravely. "If there is indeed an enemy around there, then we would be walking straight into its grasp. Perhaps it would be wiser to try and avoid it and head to the Devon Building. Wayfarer, you said that there are some more supplies there, correct?"

    Between collecting supplies he had been thinking about this a lot. While it was true that the Pokemon Centre had a better selection of supplies than the ones that they'd found here, Seth did not want to be responsible for leading his friends into an attack. If any of them got injured or killed because of it, he would never forgive himself.

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:53 pm

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    Rustboro City || Morning

    =-= Quicksilver | PokéMart | (Post Count 11) =-=

    Before Seth took up the bag, Wayfarer slithered over with a small arrangement of supplies. He placed the odd yellow object within the sack along with a Paralyz Heal he had found below a toppled shelf. He then turned aside and took a long strip of fabric he had torn from a skeleton. The corpse had been pinned underneath a few shelves at the distant end of the store. As he inspected it, he had been able to rip a long strip of cloth from one of the arm sleeves sticking out from underneath the wreckage. Taking it and the berry sack Seth had given him to carry, Wayfarer wrapped it firmly about the opening to prevent spillage. He then placed into the bag and moved away as Seth lifted it onto his shoulders with his single arm.

    “Let’s go somewhere else.” Wayfarer could not agree more to Seth’s comment. He followed his friend outside, to the smooth stone earth of the city. From here their original mission was clear as the rising sun--across the street to their left lay the Pokémon Center. It was in a state of partial disrepair, with the main doors crashed in and a few breaches disturbing its surface. The longer he stared at the doors, though, he began to experience the same unnerving sensation of a powerful Psychic. This time it was even more potent, though, as it seemed to be focused upon them. It was as if the unknown entity bearing the abilities was watching them from inside. Whatever was inside was probably not one to be trifled with, and while Wayfarer was certain he could challenge it he decided otherwise to keep the others safe.

    Seth’s own response to the Pokémon Center was totally understandable. “I’m not sure it is a good idea if we venture to the Pokémon Center just yet; if there is indeed an enemy around there, then we would be walking straight into its grasp. Perhaps it would be wiser to try and avoid it and head to the Devon Building. Wayfarer, you said that there are some more supplies there, correct?”

    “I agree; doesn’t it feel like we are being watched?” Wayfarer glanced towards the Pokémon Center, before continuing. “And yes, there are supplies at the Devon building. Mostly some berries that I had gathered around the forests around the city.”

    As he spoke, the noise of fighting broke out of the Pokemon Center. He turned quickly to notice a Toxicroak being launched through the broken main doors, violently splattering across the pavement before flipping and breaking its back. A figure emerged from the darkness of the Pokemon Center, the unknown psychic that had been hiding within the building's dark insides.

    =-= Dominic | Pokémon Center | (Post Count 4) =-=

    As the time went on and he continued to plot, Dominic had returned to the building’s lobby. Slinking against the right wall next to the main doors, he took another opportunity to use his psychic senses and eavesdrop on any potential conversations. In his mind’s great sight he could pinpoint another member of the group exiting the building. Their form was unknown to him, but their presence could be sensed by his probing psychic energies. Judging by the age of the distant voice he could assume it to be elderly in nature. There was a strength to it that seemed to demand attention, showing the qualities of a leader. From what Dominic could hear, the person was suggesting they leave the PokéMart soon. Moreover, it would seem that the team was aware of his presence after all. He had heard mention of not going to the Pokémon Center, out of risk of being attacked. Dominic drew a displeased frown at the mentioning; only experienced fighters should be able to sense his psychic presence.

    He withdrew his psychic focus from the group, returning his mind to the lobby of the Pokémon Center. Quietly, he sighed. While he was pleased that he would not have to confront them, it was rather disappointing. He crossed his arms as he slid down the wall. At last, another option came to him: Approaching this group to discern their threat level to him would probably be the best option. Though he was wary that any one of them would probably want to kill him, it would be good to at least evaluate them. A simple Trick Room could guarantee escape from any one of them if the meeting turned out dangerous, anyways. His expression burned with contempt even though he understood his plan well. But then something came from the darkness down the hallway, a stumbling thing that gurgled out lame croaks from its dissolved throat.

    The Toxicroak had its eyes centered upon Dominic, and eagerly hopped with its partially intact legs. Dominic reacted to the startle quickly, teleporting to the other side of the room. Upon exiting the teleportation he made no hesitation in making a counterattack. His fingers glowed with energy as he raised them up towards the poison frog, which had been fumbling about in the darkness stupidly in an attempt to locate him. When he lifted it off the ground it croaked out loudly, clotted blood parting from his dried mouth. Dominic gave one long look of scorn at his attacker, before tossing him through the main doors at a high velocity.

    The undead was launched out into the sunlight. As its head met with the gritty city concrete the meat of its face was ripped away. The impact continued as its skull sunk in. It then flipped legs over head, rotating in a morbidly comical fashion as the tumble landed it on its back with a noisy crescendo of cracks. The feeble body of the Toxicroak remained completely immobile under the morning sun, its dislocated limbs splaying out in the sun. Half of its head was smeared across the concrete, marking a morbid path to the Pokémon Center. Dominic stood just at the fringe of the lobby’s darkness, his fingers losing their psychic glow as he walked out into the daylight. His brows crushed together in irritation. Well, he morbidly joked to himself, that’s certainly an awkward way to start a meeting. Nonetheless he raised an arm in a calm wave to the strangers before speaking out to them through shallow telepathy. There was no need to shout out in a city like this, and they did not need to listen to his words if they did not want to. ”Greetings, strangers. Please do excuse the messy encounter. Mr. Toxicroak there was attempting to sample my insides.”

    ((OOC -- Since Ciana put Jolt in inactive, I suppose that Dominic should come out right now before we all go to the Devon building. Also, long post is long.))

    Last edited by Nival on Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixing Quicksilver Post Count (Changing from 12 to 11))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:08 am

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    Rustboro City || Morning [11]

    “No, I think that will be enough. Let's go somewhere else."

    René nodded his head lightly in understanding, wholeheartedly agreeing that a change of scenery was in order. Although he felt a pang of guilt as the aging Blaziken took it upon himself to carry the bag of supplies, the canine kept his mouth shut. Arguing would get him nowhere, especially if his vocabulary failed him. Instead, he obediently followed the duo from the building and into the warm morning light of the day.

    His spirits instantly lifted at the freedom, the disappearance of those grim walls closing in around him, René took a deep inhale, raising his slim head to the skies. Relishing in the sun’s warming rays, illuminating his gaunt face, the Ninetales only half-heard the conversation between his companions. The words of ‘Devon Building’ were tossed around, though with his lacking knowledge of the city, René was left clueless to its purpose. Still, he wasn’t thrilled to encage himself in another dreary, man-made environment. The fox lived for beauty and with the exception of his beloved Montmartre had always condemned the habitats of the human race, dull, lifeless boxes more akin to a prison. Still, he wasn’t about to risk losing his friends.

    Brought abruptly out of his thoughts at the sudden crashing of glass, René instinctively backed away, fearful, as a purpled body flew across the pavement. Lip recoiling in disgust, emerald eyes wide with concern as the scent betrayed its identity as an undead, the canine soon turned away. However, he’d still heard the sickly cracking of its back. Unable to suppress the distressed whine that the violent sight had evoked in the sensitive creature, René only dared look at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

    ”Greetings, strangers. Please do excuse the messy encounter. Mr. Toxicroak there was attempting to sample my insides.”

    Eyes falling concernedly onto the stranger, a species he had never seen in his entire life, the canine took a step back in alarm. He was clearly healthy, no telltale signs of the infection gracing neither his scent nor appearance, yet René remained typically apprehensive. Subconsciously shuffling closer to the wise Blaziken, the fox desperately wanted to believe in the stranger’s identity as a force for good, but his violent arrival was an immediate call for alarm. Entirely averse to such bloodshed, René simply stood at Seth’s side, body hunched in an act of fearful submission.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:31 pm

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    Rustboro City/Morning (27)

    "I agree; doesn’t it feel like we are being watched?" Wayfarer glanced about warily, casting his eye over to the nearby Pokemon Centre. Seth paused for a moment and had to admit that his friend was right; there was an eerie feeling in the air, one that sent a violent shudder down through the old Blaziken's spine. He decided that it was best if he hid his nerves, however, and managed to smile as Wayfarer confirmed that there were supplies and more berries for the taking in the Devon Corporation Building. "Well then, I do think that we are all sorted for now!" he said cheerfully, looking around at them all as he tried to keep the atmosphere manageable. After all, that was the role of a leader. "Come on then, let's go and--"

    Seth was sure that his heart almost smashed its way through his chest as something exploded through the wall of the Pokemon Centre and landed in a bloodied, mangled heap near to them. Without a moment to waste, Seth dropped his satchel and raised his hand. Angry, orange flames erupted from his wrist, ready to face the Toxicroak's killer in combat. But it appeared that that wasn't necessary; the murderer appeared to be a fellow living by the way he held himself and then, later, spoke. "Greetings, strangers. Please do excuse the messy encounter. Mr. Toxicroak there was attempting to sample my insides."

    Seth lowered his flaring wrist, although small flickers of flame still exhaled from it. He was sure that he had seen this Pokemon before, but the name of it had failed to reach him. He noticed that René in particular was apprehensive of this newcomer. As their self-proclaimed leader, Seth took it upon himself to investigate this new Pokemon; to confirm that he truly was a friend instead of someone with malicious intentions.

    "Forgive us for our reaction. You gave us quite a scare there," he said carefully, never taking his eyes off the strange Pokemon for an instant. His wrist continued to flicker with small flames. "I am Seth, and this is Wayfarer, René and Jolt--" He noticed with a start that the red Vaporeon was no longer there, but decided to investigate her disappearance at a later time; he didn't want to let his guard down. He stepped forward, his tall frame shielding his friends from any attack this Pokemon might try to launch. "Tell me..." Seth's eyes narrowed slightly with suspicion; something about this Psychic-type was making him feel uncomfortable. "What is your name and where did you come from?"

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:42 pm

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    Rustboro City || Morning

    =-= Quicksilver | Rustboro City | (Post Count 12) =-=

    The Accelgor remained still, wary of making any advancement that could needlessly provoke the Psychic. Wayfarer was completely baffled by the strange pokémon. Never has he seen something like him before. As Wayfarer continued to stare at him, he noticed a particular absence of eyes. Where there should certainly be a pair of them, there were instead dual indentations. As the stranger addressed them, Seth was the first to speak. René nervously edged near Seth when the cloaked person introduced himself. Wayfarer slithered beside Seth with slowly and cautiously. Though his friend could handle the questions and answers, Wayfarer stood at the ready in case a fight was to start.

    The stranger introduced himself as Dominic. Most importantly, he declared himself as a native of Hoenn. Wayfarer has met many pokémon in his wanderings and nonnative species were a common sight. However, he has never encountered something such as this. The apology that Dominic had made was telepathic, and though he had no eyes he seemed to be able to see Wayfarer and the others. At the least he was reassured that they were up against a Psychic, but there was an innate air of strength about Dominic that warned of a power that could threaten them significantly. This person knows that they are strong, but at least he seemed to be attempting to avoid confrontation.

    =-= Dominic | Rustboro City | (Post Count 4) =-=

    The sensation of the modest Hoenn morning was refreshing to the Beheeyem, after having been in that stuffy old Pokémon Center for well over a few hours. He could neither see the sun nor the tender rays of daytime, the only disappointing thing about his lack of true eyesight. However in the clarity of his telepathic vision, Dominic finally had a chance to discover the identities of the other Rustboro travelers. It was a trio comprised of a Blaziken, an Accelgor, and a Ninetales. Upon giving his introduction, each of them reacted in their own interesting way. It was those ways that offered to him clues as to each of their group statuses. The Blaziken was missing an arm and bearing a voice that showed the cracks of old age. The Ninetales had shied away, stepping closer to the Blaziken. The Accelgor held a constant stare, turning towards him as if ready to protect his companions.

    The Blaziken gave the first reply, breaking the situation’s tense silence. “Forgive us for our reaction. You gave us quite a scare there.” His single wrist was ringed with streaking flames, a sign of caution. He introduced himself and the others, respectively indicating to who the others were. “I am Seth, and this is Wayfarer, René, and Jolt--“ The Blaziken known as Seth halted mid-speech, but he remained attentive and stepped in front of his companions. The accelgor known as Wayfarer slithered beside Seth, but remained quiet. Apparently he was just as unsettled by Dominic’s presence as the other two were.

    “Tell me....” the Blaziken asked with wary eyes, “What is your name and where did you come from?”

    And so began the usual introductory questions. Dominic got straight to his answers, replying calmly despite the pressure of the situation. “You may call me Dominic, my good Blaziken. Though my species is of Unova, I am Hoenn-native.”

    Though he was in the presence of a duo that could possibly do great injury to him, Dominic retained a wily smirk and an upright posture. He kept himself from questioning the group, instead waiting to hear what they would say. Right now he needed more information out of them than they needed of him, so that he knew the implications of joining with them.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:30 pm

    (( I’m sorry, I’m going to have to skip, please. I’m really struggling with René at the moment. Dx ))

    Age : 31
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    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:02 pm

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    Rustboro City/Morning (28)

    "You may call me Dominic, my good Blaziken," the strange Psychic-type replied calmly. "Though my species is of Unova, I am Hoenn-native."

    "Is that so?" Seth still had a feeling that this Pokemon was hiding something, but long ago he had learned never to judge others based on what was on the outside. While it was true that Dominic had a rather sinister appearance - his lack of eyes being just one of Seth's worries - he was determined not to judge. The flames on his wrist eventually flickered out after he had regarded Dominic for some time, deciding whether or not it would be wise to allow him to go with them.

    "You can come along with us, if you wish, Dominic," he eventually replied, looking over to the tall, old building in the distance. "We are heading to the Devon Corporation for some food and supplies. Another ally would be beneficial to have." He looked at Dominic for another few seconds before stepping to the side and gesturing for everyone to start walking. "Please, do go on. I will take the rear guard."

    It was true that Seth wanted to keep an eye out for enemies from the back, but somehow he felt hesitant to let Dominic out of his sight for now.

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:53 am

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    Rustboro City || Morning

    =-= Quicksilver | Rustboro City | (Post Count 13) =-=

    Seth passed around the group introductions, pointing to each of them. Wayfarer momentarily looked around when Seth halted mid-speech to look for Jolt. However, he kept the concern beside himself as he focused upon the current situation. Now was not the time to worry about her. It did not take long for the stranger to break the silence, after he had gotten his questions.

    “You may call me Dominic, my good Blaziken. Though my species is of Unova, I am Hoenn-born.” Wayfarer considered carefully what the stranger said. This Dominic had something to hide. From that wily smirk to that strong posture he knew that something bad was going to come from this person. It rattled his instincts. For the benefit of doubt he held his concerns back, though. This person seemed dangerous, but could just as well be simply harmless.

    But then Seth dropped the invitation that Wayfarer had been troubled to expect. “You can come along with us, if you wish, Dominic.” Wayfarer’s stare remained firm upon Dominic when Seth offered him invitation into their group. He had faith in Seth as a leader, and knew that any invitations from Seth was made with the group’s safety in mind. “Please, do go on. I will take the rear guard.” Nodding passively to Seth, Wayfarer slithered around towards the direction of the Devon Corporation building. He kept some slight suspicions to Dominic, but focused upon the task of leading the group to their shelter.

    The corporation building loomed high over the roof of the Pokémon Center, despite being at the other side of the city. Though it was the largest structure in the city and thus the biggest target for Undead attack, it has somehow sustained little enough damage to stand firm. Wayfarer led the group upon the white stone roadway that trailed through the city.

    Something odd struck Wayfarer as he traveled along. The Devon Corporation building, along with the PokéMart and Pokémon Center, were the only buildings that were not in shambles. Everything else except those three buildings was smashed and reduced, leaving a certain eerie mood to inhabit the ghost city.

    =-= Dominic | Rustboro City | (Post Count 5) =-=

    “Is that so?” Seth questioned Dominic with an easing disposition. Dominic saw the flames upon the old bird’s lone wrist began to disappear. For once since the start of the introduction, the pressure of the situation began to dissipate. There was finally some progress going on. Yet there was more to be said, when Seth broke the silence with an important invitation. [color:272c==#FF4040]“You can come along with us, if you wish, Dominic.” Seth gestured to the faraway Devon Corporation building at the northern side of the dilapidated city. “We are heading to the Devon Corporation for some food and supplies. Another ally would be beneficial to have.”

    “I would love to.” Dominic grinned lightly, nodding in appreciation. The answer fell upon Seth with faint but visible concern. Both he and the accelgor named Wayfarer held their firm gazes of suspicion upon him before Seth gestured Wayfarer to lead the group to the distant structure.

    Dominic followed after Seth, taking his position at the very back of the group. Dominic was intrigued by Seth’s protectiveness of his companions. My my, defensive of your companions are you? The conniving thought never crossed his face. Instead, he walked along behind the bird silently. He looked about occasionally, keeping aware of anything that might try to attack the group--or might try to attack himself, more importantly.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:09 am

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    Rustboro City || Morning [12]

    The stranger was called Dominic and apparently, he’d been invited to join the group. René eyed the newcomer nervously, exchanging the occasional uneasy glance with Seth as he contemplated whether this was the smartest idea. He wasn’t sure why, but the newcomer unnerved him. He’d never seen such a species before and whilst he tried to uphold his motto to judge what lay within a person, his beliefs were fading. Nodding his head and forcing a weak smile at the creature, staying close behind the aged Blaziken, the canine obediently followed the group as they began trudging towards a particularly unsightly building.

    Disgusted at the structural, bland construction, the Ninetales pace slowed as he took a moment to regard the looming building the group had set as a destination. He smiled weakly as Seth passed, stifling a weak cough as he throat began to burn in protest. He wasn’t going to cause a racket – the combination of that hoarse noise and the scent of blood was the key combination to lure the undead out from their hiding. Strong, determined, he walked onwards when a sudden pain erupted in his head. Unsure what had hit him, the canine lost his balance, collapsing to the floor as the world began to spin. Struggling to get to his feet, he felt talons grip lightly at his gaunt frame. Alarmed but too disorientated to react as the ground grew distant from him, René allowed his eyelids to fall, embracing unconsciousness.

    (( René’s a little awkward to write for at the moment, so this will be his leaving post. Sorry for the bad quality. Basically, some birdlike pokémon has knocked him out and flown off with him, lol – can you tell I’m running out of ideas? xD It’s been loving roleplaying with you all, though ~ ))

    Age : 26
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    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Jay Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:21 pm

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    Rustboro City || Morning || 1


    A Mightyena quickly dashes down a corner, a loud crash and boom echoing from behind him. A building - mostly broken down - falls to its side, coming deathly close to the Mightyena's side. Swiftly running around a corner, the Mightyena once again finds himself in a life or death situation. In front of him, a large undead Tyranitar roars in front of him. Thinking fast, the canine attempts to turn around, only to be stopped by yet another Tyranitar. This is not my day... The Mightyena was getting tired, though the crashing of buildings would hopefully attract help. Well - hopefully...

    "HELP!" He screamed, his voice hoarse. Even though he was surrounded, He could probably get out somehow. All he had to do was think, just think. Alright, Karlos, you can do this... He turns his head and looks about, observing his surroundings. The Tyranitars were coming in at him, if he could get through their legs or something he could get out, the two undead would probably start fighting each other in an attempt to get him. That was the plan then - since in less than two seconds the two undeads were coming in.

    Karlos runs forward, the undead were more stupid than he thought. Once he managed to squeeze himself away from them, the two collided completely, knocking each other back about 10 feet and falling onto their backs with a loud THUD. The Dark-Type pokemon continues running, managing to finally reach the edge of the city.

    -Without a single word, he left the city, praying to god this wouldn't happen again.

    (ooc: the part with the "-" was edited into the post for a leaving, sorry Nightfall ^^;)

    Age : 31
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    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Nightfall Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:28 pm

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    Rustboro City/Morning (29)

    When the large Braviary suddenly swooped down and plucked René of the ground right before their eyes, Seth sprung into action. Sprinting after the bird as quickly as his old legs allowed him too, he managed to leap several metres through the air, stretching out his single arm towards the Ninetails's limp leg. He missed by mere inches and landed on the stone pavement with a groan and a stumble, watching in horror as René was carried over the peak of Meteor Falls in the distance and out of sight.

    No... Seth panted in exertion, remembering the time when he could've executed a jump several times that length back in his youth. I have failed a friend. Slamming his fist into the pavement and cracking it, he shook his head in disbelief of himself.

    With another groan he slowly wobbled to his feet; the jump had taken a lot out of him in his great age. Turning back to Dominic and Wayfarer, his expression was solemn as he struggled to fight back tears. "We ... we must carry on. We mustn't dwell on what cannot be undone." With a little nod, he limped back into the lead. The Devon Coroporation Building towered above them, just one street away. "Come on ... there is still hope for us."

    ((Why is everybody leaving? T_T))

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:06 pm

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    Rustboro City || Morning

    =-= Quicksilver | Rustboro City | (Post Count 14) =-=

    Wayfarer continued to lead the group’s way towards the massive corporation building on the other side of town. The white concrete road slid under his thick underbelly.

    He heard a noise, the sound of wings flapping. Dodging to the side quickly he avoided a pair of clashing talons. They belonged to a massive braviary, who upon missing the accelgor aimed for the nearest target--René. Wayfarer quickly concentrated his Hidden Power, launching it at the bird in an attempt to knock it out of the air before it could snatch up its prey. It took the impact without fazing and proceeded to take René in his talons. With the ninetales firmly trapped the Braviary flew up rapidly to escape Wayfarer and the others. Seth had made a running jump in an attempt to reach up and pull René out of the talons, but was unable to reach him.

    Wayfarer supported his friend by launching another Hidden Power directed up towards the side of the braviary, but the bird was flying so far so fast that the energy dispersed before it reached its target. Wayfarer remained staring up towards the diminishing figure that carried his hapless friend towards Meteor Falls.

    While Wayfarer gave a moment to bow his head in hopes that René would survive, Seth had released his frustration into the ground. Wayfarer could feel the force that dispersed through the ground as Seth slammed his fist onto the solid stone ground at his feet, no doubt leaving a large crack on its surface. Wayfarer was not particularly surprised by his friend’s frustration, and looked back up towards the summit of Meteor Falls as Seth spoke. “We.... we must carry on. We mustn’t dwell on what cannot be undone.” Taking up the lead towards the Devon Corporation building personally, Seth continued. “Come on.... there is still hope for us.” Wayfarer followed after without a word. He remained next to his friend as they made their way to the corporation building, keeping a cautious watch over the surrounding area. With so many people suddenly disappearing lately, he was beginning to feel somewhat paranoid.

    =-= Dominic | Rustboro City | (Post Count 6) =-=

    Dominic continued to calmly travel at the tail end of the team, as they made their way through Slateport City. Everything remained awkwardly quiet, and Dominic remained fully vigilant of his surroundings. It only took a brief minute for something else to happen. It started with a sudden intrusion into his mental field, coming down from the sky at a great speed. He quickly knew it was a threat by its malignant energies. His hands began to radiate with psychic energy as he prepared to reach his hands into the air and halt the attacker. However, he was stopped short by the strong winds that the undead braviary had kicked up. It disoriented his psychic powers just long enough to avoid them and rush in to attack the team. First it attacked Wayfarer, but missed and then dove for René. It picked him up with little effort and ascended while the others attempted to attack it.

    Dominic stood staring up to the ninetales and braviary, as their forms disappeared from his far-reaching telepathic vision. As their shapes vanished from his vision, he shook his head in disappointment. This René seemed like he would have been some good company, even though he did not look the part with that bloody muzzle and frail form of his. He looked back to the blaziken, who had expressed great frustration at having been unable to rescue the ninetales. Seth spoke solemnly that they must continue on, and get to the Devon Corporation building. Dominic could not agree more, especially because this city provided little shelter from aerial attacks. Quietly, he followed after the others.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:23 pm

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    Rustboro City/Morning (30)

    The way that Wayfarer and Dominic had remained quiet after the attack had left Seth feeling very uneasy. Just what could they be thinking about him under their mask of silence? A slow, handicapped old fool...? The Blaziken's eyes squeezed shut at the thought. An unworthy leader...? All my life I have strived to ensure that this would never happen... The fact that their group of six had now dropped down to three within an hour or two was weighing heavily on his self-esteem. Before the epidemic his students who lived with him upon Mt.Chimney had given him nothing but respect and had all looked up to him as their leader, their teacher. Have I lost that part of myself? Was that why everybody was leaving - because they did not trust him to lead them?

    Within his deep and troubling thoughts, Seth did not notice the red-eyed shadow lurking in the darkness of a nearby alleyway. An undead Scyther darted out at a speed so incredible that Seth had no time to react as it crashed headlong into him. He stumbled backwards, but lost his balance and tumbled to the floor. Holding out his right arm had not aided in stopping the fall whatsoever. Even though the lower half of that arm was lost, he was still right-handed.

    With a groan of pain he hit the stone pavement, hitting the back of his head and sending bullets of pain through his back. The Scyther stood on top of him, it's crimson eyes blazing through his soul. More out of terror than of self-defense, Seth lunged his hand towards the Bug-type's wing and managed to throw it off of him. The grotesque creature skidded across the ground before coming to a stop and staggering to its feet. It really was a creation from Hell - the top of its skull was completely smashed into its brain; between the cracks leaked blood, muscle tissue and tangled nerves. Both of its scythes were blunt and worn down, but their jagged edges only made them look sharper. Hanging out of the creature's abdomen was a bloody trail of intestines, hanging about a foot or so from the ground. Its skin was moldy, now exhibiting a greyish tone rather than the usual bright green.

    The disgusting bug screeched in rage and took to the air on its rotten wings. Seth tried to sit up and cried out in pain; his back felt like someone had sliced him from shoulder to waist. Leaning himself up as high as he could go on his good arm, Seth watched as the Scyther hovered in the air for a moment and looked at them all, white drool hanging from its bloody jaw as it chose its next victim. Seth prepared himself for the attack that was likely to come, but to his surprise - and horror - it dove straight for Dominic, screaming in fury and slashing its scythes madly.

    Unable to move, unable to do a thing, Seth only had the option to cry out and warn his friends. "Prepare yourselves!"

    ((Time for some action, methinks. >:] Wayfarer or Dominic have permission to help Seth in any way they please.))

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:56 pm

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    Rustboro City || Morning

    =-= Quicksilver | Rustboro City | (Post Count 15) =-=

    Though he fought well to repress the nagging sorrow of René’s kidnapping, Wayfarer still found himself subconsciously troubling over the loss. Over the course of what has seemed to be just an hour or two, four people have disappeared or have left Rustboro City. First went that strange little Murkrow, and then went Van the honorable Salamence. He still does not even have any idea as to why Jolt left. Why did they have to leave? What were their reasons? The losses were bearable, but embittering. As his troubles continued to harass him, Wayfarer looked up to Seth. He seemed to be harping over something as well, most likely the loss of René. Seth must be taking this harder than he is. But he was not sure what to say to help his friend feel better. The best time to speak to his friend would be in the shelter of the Devon Corporation building. Yes, Wayfarer resolved, I’ll speak to him when we get to safety. We are almost there anyhow.

    Though he was distracted by his own thoughts, his natural senes of caution was not dampened. As Seth turned on the road to head straight towards the wrecked main gates of the Devon Corporation building, Wayfarer caught an ominous change in the city atmosphere. Subtle pressure waves only an insect could detect disturbed the sensitive concrete ground he slithered upon, making him stop suddenly. He noticed from the corner of his eye, something in between the wrecked alleyway between two buildings along the side of the road. He shifted back in surprise when a large, bladed mantis leapt out from between the structures, striking Seth in the left shoulder. Seth collapsed and the Scyther landed upon his back. Dominic reacted quickly by slithering around the conflict, intending to shoot the attacker off of with a direct Hidden Power.

    Seth managed to grab his attacker by the wing and toss him off his back, but the insect was not deterred. After righting itself many feet away from the group, the scyther released its wings from its back and began to hover in the air. It began to inspect the entire group, and Wayfarer got a full idea of the grotesque extent of its undead corruption. Its head was partially collapsed and a mixture of blood and pus drained from the rims of its open-top skull. Many feet of diseased intestines dangled from its abdomen and its thick arms bore blades that were sharp despite being poorly cared for. As it browsed over the group looking for vulnerabilities, it focused its incarnadine eyes upon Dominic. Upon seeing the hateful snarl that it expressed, Wayfarer launched a Hidden Power at it to tray and knock it out the air. It dodged the attack with a lazy swerve, and flew towards Dominic. Seth had taken notice of the hostile signs and cried out to Wayfarer and Dominic. “Prepare yourselves!”

    Wayfarer was ready to aid Dominic, until a powerful pulse emanated from the psychic Pokemon. A strange psychic ripple rushed about Wayfarer and the entire group, before disappearing. Wayfarer felt no change in the outburst, but he stood surprised as Dominic looked to be moving at a very high speed. He was a visual blur, and within only a few seconds had slammed the Scyther down onto the pavement with a Psychic attack. Trick Room; Wayfarer buzzed in interest, Dominic’s as crafty as I had expected. Wayfarer would be of no help with this move being active, but he supposed that was what Dominic intended. He decided to slither over and see to Seth.

    The normally staggeringly fast accelgor felt so slow now, as if he were making a swift effort yet was getting absolutely nowhere. By the time he had gotten over to Seth, Wayfarer noticed that Dominic already had the scyther’s arms bound together....with what looked like its own large intestines. He shuddered at the brutality of Dominic’s tactics, but pushed aside the thought and refocused his attention to Seth.

    There was no injuries present upon his friend. That did not, however, keep Wayfarer's concerns away. He twitched the end of his tail in disturbance as he concernedly questioned his friend. “Seth, are you fine? Dominic seems to have the situation under control.”

    =-= Dominic | Rustboro City | (Post Count 7) =-=

    The travel passed along quickly, with the massive headquarters of the former Devon Corporation beginning to loom over the group in all its glory.

    Dominic became aware of a nearby Undead, which lay in the dark cover of the alley of some nearby dilapidated buildings. He stopped before he got too close so he could prepare for an attack. As he halted completely in his tracks, he intended to warn the others telepathically. The Undead seemed to have noticed his awareness, and acted quickly. It sprung out of cover and rammed into Seth’s side. While the old bird held strong against the collision he still ended up stumbling over, allowing the bladed insect land upon his back and prepare to attack. As Dominic watched the battle his multicolored fingers began to glow from behind his back.

    After being hurled away by Seth and deciding the blaziken was too dangerous to fight, the scyther flew upwards and browsed over the group. A snarl crossed its face as it saw Dominic. It immediately plunged down towards Dominic. Seth shouted out. “Prepare yourselves!” Dominic grew a long and determined grin which lay hidden behind his coat collar. I’m already prepared, Seth. He thought with a thrilled pleasure.

    Throwing his arms to his sides with his fingers outstretched, Dominic released an energy which pulsed through the humid air. Everything began to twist and distort momentarily within a large area around him, expanding to encompass the entire perimeter around the battlers. The scyther, who had been flying towards Dominic at an incredible speed only heartbeats ago, was now in a state of slow motion. With his Trick Room set up, Dominic teleported away from the sluggish slash of the approaching scyther.

    ”And now,” he spoke in a muttered, sadistic voice, ”the fun begins.” His victim had barely been able to turn around before Dominic had teleported behind it, charged up a Psychic blow, and was slammed over the head. The scyther was flung to the ground with a brutal force, slightly cracking the pavement as rotted grey matter and blood gushed out from its open skull. Dominic followed up by telekinetically grasping the loose intestines which lay sprawled about the downed insect. With a violent yank he ripped them out and wrapped the long and surprisingly flexible organ about the scyther’s arms. It swung its arms about as it realized what Dominic was doing, but the insect was still too slow to save itself and was successfully ensnared. His enemy was more than capable of still resisting, though, and although its arms were bound together it still showed all of the raw and focused power of an experienced fighter. Even though he had injured its head quite badly, Dominic knew that this thing was barely phased by the attack. It had more than enough strength to pull itself out of its entanglement, but Dominic only needed to buy himself some time to get a good weapon. Out of the corner of his telepathic eyesight, he spotted a thick rod of rebar that stuck out loosely from one of the collapsed buildings. He glared back at his struggling enemy. Dominic had set his Trick Room to last for just long enough to give himself the upper hand against his highly swift opponent, and it would not last much longer than another whole minute.

    The ensnared insect was beginning to slip its arms free of the visceral bindings. As it did so, Dominic jumped backwards and attempted to rip the distant rebar rod loose from the masonry it was loosely buried under.

    ((OOC -- Okay, so Dominic has set up a Trick Room around the team and its attacker. Dom’s now the fastest, Wayfarer and the scyther are the slowest, and since Seth and Vera are of average speed they will technically remain unaffected by the move. Just thought I would point this out to avoid any confusion :b

    Oh, and if you want the Scyther to go for someone else, be my guest. Don’t want to make the battle too duel-like anyways xD.))

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:02 am

    (Skip me, please. I'm tight on time and I need to read what's happening.)

    Age : 31
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    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:08 pm

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    Rustboro City/Late Morning (31)

    "Aargh ... blast it!" Seth's frustration at being unable to move while his friends battled that fiend was growing at every moment. His back still throbbed; the pain pounded through it with every rapid heartbeat like it was being pummeled repeatedly with a sledgehammer. The back of his head hurt as well and he was sure that it was bleeding, but his injuries from the fall were the last of his priorities; he had to somehow get to his feet and help the others before they were overpowered.

    Balancing on the end of his stump for some extra leverage, Seth tried hard to sit up but only ended up groaning as the stabbing pains immobilized him. "Seth, are you fine? Dominic seems to have the situation under control," Wayfarer asked as he practically crawled towards him. Seth was puzzled until he noticed that Dominic had set up a Trick Room. Managing a faint nod of his head, he replied, "I ... I'll be OK. But ... I don't think I'll be able to move for a while. My back..." Terror suddenly gripped Seth's heart. He had landed on the pavement with such force ... what if he had broken his spine? He'd be permanently paralysed. And as good as dead.

    "Please, go and help Dominic ... if you can."
    He wasn't sure if Wayfarer could do very much to help him after being considerably slowed by the Trick Room, but his pride was telling him that he had to deal with this himself. "I'll be fine, I just ... need to get back on my feet ... somehow. I will join the fight as soon as I can. Go!"

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:00 pm

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    Rustboro City || Late Morning

    =-= Quicksilver | Rustboro City | (Post Count 16) =-=

    Wayfarer had watched with concern as Seth tried to lift himself into a sitting position. Pain was the result of his attempt, causing him to groan and rest back onto the ground. Wayfarer waited concernedly for a response to his questions from the fire bird. Seth looked over, nodded to him, and spoke. “I....I’ll be Okay. But....I don’t think I’ll be able to move for a while. My back....” The pause left Wayfarer with more questions than answers. His back is injured? He broke part of his spine? Though he was very troubled by the ambiguous response, he looked down at his friend in understanding. Wayfarer wanted to question Seth further on his obvious injuries, but knew Seth would object to any further attempts. Instead he looked to the battle between Dominic and the bloodthirsty scyther. “Please,” Seth told him as he continued to stare on, “go and help Dominic....if you can. I’ll be fine, I just....need to get back on my feet....somehow. I will join the fight as soon as I can. Go!”

    As he had listened to Seth, the accelgor had planned out his strategy. He nodded back to his friend as soon as he was finished, and slithered as fast as he could past the right of him. Adjusting his angle so that he could get a good aim on the bound Undead, Wayfarer prepared another Hidden Power. This time he would not miss. The orbs of concentrated energy spinning around his body began to pick up speed around him. Wayfarer called to Dominic over the humming energies of his prepared attack. “Dominic, incoming Hidden Power!” After carefully focusing his aim he launched the Hidden Power. The four spheres of lithe power flew towards the scyther. The attacks’ impacts created a loud crack on the flimsy chitin hide of the insect, freeing its claws but knocking it to the ground forcefully. A long fracture ran down its right side, causing some of the local flesh to burst outwards and leave a substantial wound gouging into its muscle.

    =-= Dominic | Rustboro City | (Post Count 8 ) =-=

    As Dominic struggled to keep the Scyther’s bladed arms under their tight bindings, he heard Wayfarer call out from far behind him. “Dominic, incoming Hidden Power!” He made no objection to the warning. Releasing his telekinetic grip over the entrails he teleported straight towards the building where the steel rebar he noticed had remained. The scyther yards behind him collapsed with a noisy crack and a painless roar brimming with bloodlusting fury.

    Dominic stepped to the side of the jutting metal rod and gripped it with both hands. Using all of his psychic and physical strength he began to pull it out. He strained and grunted as it refused to budge, but with his dual strength he managed to rip it free from whatever was weighting it down. The weapon slid out smoothly from there. He took a second to look over its condition. About 3/4 inches thick in circumference, and just a few inches over two feet. Damn, this Pokémon Center was well-constructed! “All the better to hit things with!” He whispered to himself, tightening his grip around the weapon and turning to look to his soon-to-be victim. The scyther had shambled up slowly, having lost a good chunk of the muscle inside the right side of its torso. It was not done fighting, though. Not for a good while.

    The scyther took a step backwards and bowed forwards, clacking the tips of its blades onto the ground as it drew itself into a lunging position. Dominic readied himself by putting one foot back and keeping his steel staff at the ready. With a springing kick the scyther broke into a dash, which sped into a Quick Attack. It closed the distance between itself and Dominic quickly. Focusing on the first attack, Dominic anticipated the insect’s first moves. Using his combined physical and psychic strength he blocked the scythe directed at his head and caused it to bounce off the steel rebar. After the first attack was blocked he dodged the other one by teleporting to the left side of the scyther. It had anticipated the move and slashed at Dominic with its right weapon, but he blocked it again. His enemy had slowly lost momentum from the Quick Attack, falling back under the power of Dominic’s Trick Room. Its next attack was a crossing X-scissor but was easily avoided, as Dominic dashed behind the back of the insect long before they diverged upon him.

    As it recovered from the attack Dominic drew the steel rebar back over his head. With a heavy descending swing he brought it down onto the insect’s abdomen, smashing upon the thick exoskeleton. The attack did not break much of the armor, but it stunned the scyther. He quickly drew the weapon over his left shoulder, and swung it at the large fracture in the bug’s right armor. The bug was unable to withstand the force of the psychically fortified blow, and lost another large chunk of its torso armor. This time the scyther collapsed from the blow. Dominic began to grin from behind his large coat collar, relishing in the moment. With the Scyther still unable to retaliate he gave a few more good blows in on its fully exposed right side. One blow even struck a tender spot in the scyther’s right shoulder as it attempted to defend itself, cracking through and slightly crippling the arm.

    He could feel the very energy of the world around him beginning to settle down. The energy of his Trick Room was dispersing, allowing the realm of time to slowly return to normal. In soon time it would diminish altogether, but not before he could severely injure his opponent. He was surprised how powerful this beast was, and he would have to make a definite getaway before the remainder of his speed advantage dissipated.

    Last edited by Nival on Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:27 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Rustboro City|Late Morning (31)
    Post count continuing from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Vera made her way through the Rusturf Tunnel and was finally on the other side. The Rustboro side. She's never really left Verdanturf before, so this area was new to her. It felt weird to her not carrying her doll, since she left it with Kibo. But it gave her a reason to come back to the others, so it didn't bother her that much.

    When she reached Rustboro City, there was a big fight going on. There were three pokemon fighting an undead. Two of them she's never seen before, and the third one she recognized as a Blaziken. It was wounded. The Quilava wanted to help him, but she was too scared by the fighting. She timidly took a step back and watched from a distance.

    (OoC: Sorry for the short/crap post...)
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    The RUSTBORO Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The RUSTBORO Team

    Post by Moon Moon Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:24 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Rustboro City||Late Morning ((1))

    This is the last place I thought I'd look for finding it. Still, there's no reason to complain, I might find some supplies. The Manectric thought as she looked on to the ruined city. She hadn't been here since she challenged the Mauville gym, well she didn't actually fight but she still visited the town with Terra. Her acute ears heard what sounded like fighting in the Town Square. Quickly she bounded down from her outlook and looked over carefully while hiding behind a building. She noticed how space seemed to warp and she looked to the center of the disturbance to see an odd looking Accelgor and Something in a coat engaged in a battle with an Infected Scyther already having several pieces blown off exposing it's rotting flesh.

    Hmm...Seems like It'd be a bad idea to get anywhere near that odd Area for too long, so I'll fire off some distance attacks while moving through. I'm better at Special attacks anyways. A couple Thunderbolts will do. She bristled as she charged her Electricity in preparation. I'll have to move fast though. She rushed out from behind the building using her Quick Attack to propel herself forward before she entered the Accelgor's Trick Room. Using her momentum to propel herself through the air she turned sideways and fired off two Thunderbolts at the Scyther as she sped past, sending it into spasms and frying it's wings into shriveled husks and scorching it's Carapace. When she landed outside of the Trick room, she got behind another building to prepare for another pass.

    ((Nice to Join the team! I look forward to RPing with you!))

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