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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Will you survive?


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20 posters

    (ACE) The STARK Team


    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:46 pm

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    Stark Mt. | Evening [3]

    The source of the spark perked up from behind the boulder, fearfully approaching Lithium [She found this quite humorous how she would be feared, but nonetheless spoke of nothing], trying his best to keep his cool as he extended his arm toward the shiny Ponyta, "I-it's nice to m-meet you M-miss." Lithium blinked at the arm, she obviously couldn't use her hooves, well she could, but she found it all too awkward [What scares her the most is the massive size differences between many Pokemon]. Instead the fire-horse lowered her head, allowing the Electric-type to reach out for her cheek, or at least her muzzle, "A pleasure to meet you as well, I'm Lithium." She said with a timid smile.
    Timid, mostly because she was quite worried of how the Pikachu seemed all... Shaky, also because she hoped that he wouldn't notice her differently colored features [Actually that's a bit too obvious], and her little jar of origami stars that was hidden within her thick, nice, warm, blue scarf.

    "And what's your name?" She asked, her blue flame flickered and danced within the darkness, there was a reason she hated caves. Well Stark Mountain wasn't that dark, but she hated it nonetheless, despite the fact her flames accompanied her literally everywhere she goes. She stood up, as she awaited an answer, though it bothered her how she only see one side of the Mouse Pokemon's face.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:47 am

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    Stark Mt. | Evening(10)

    Shinra was releived to see that they were on good terms (though she could tell Grim intentionally averted her gaze from Delta.)
    "So where are we headed?" Grim asked the eevee directly. It was a bit odd, being addressed as though she were the leader of this little group. "I'm, uh, not really sure," Shinra admitted sheepishly. "I originally came here to try and find any treasures and goodies left lying around. The shops and Pokecenters are pretty much all looted, so dropped and hidden things are our best shot at supplies now." Besides, treasure hunting is really fun.

    ((sorry for the shortness, I couldn't think of much else to say))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:50 pm

    [ooc: sorry, hard to post with Blitz/Xela ;w; I'll post faster for this team from now on kfjdal;fkds]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Stark Mt. | Evening

    Delta stood to stand beside Shinra, pointedly avoiding the Charizard as she did the same. Harumph. How utterly and indescribably rude this fire lizard was! It frustrated him to no end that she would attack so recklessly and run off - it was one of the things that he could not stand, a hit-and-runner. The Herdier stifled his grumbles to himself, his wandering gaze looking over the other Pokemon (not including Grim, of course).

    There stood a shiny Ponyta, although after meeting an emotional Pikachu and an angry Charizard, the blue flames weren't so much as a surprise as he wished it to be. My first meeting with a shiny Pokemon, and I don't have the heart to look into it. Delta blamed it on how much has happened since he last had his trainer to contend with, speaking of 'proper' topics and being a gentleman at all times. Heh, if his trainer and his uncle, Mr. Backlot, saw where he was and what he was doing, they wouldn't be very pleased with him. "I originally came here to try and find any treasures and goodies left lying around. The shops and Pokecenters are pretty much all looted, so dropped and hidden things are our best shot at supplies now."

    "That seems ideal," the Loyal Dog Pokemon agreed, glancing behind him to make sure Xela was following. Delta then brought his gaze over to the new horse, nodding in respect as he bowed in welcome. "Good day, madam."


    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Apr 19, 2012 1:59 am

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    Grimsley/Stark Mt./Evening (6)

    Grim was a bit well, unhappy to say the least. She really did not like traveling with the mutt, everything about him screamed spoiled, rotten, arrogant and annoying. All that in one little pup was going to drive her up the wall, but at least the Eevee and the Delcatty seemed polite enough. "I originally came here to try and find any treasures and goodies left lying around. The shops and Pokecenters are pretty much all looted, so dropped and hidden things are our best shot at supplies now." Shinra answered.

    "I see, well I'd be happy to give you a hand." Grimsley said with a toothy smile. Maybe treasure hunting would get her away from the stinking dog that was irritating her just by being here. At least Twain had found some decent company, nor did he seemed to be as angered as she was by the presence of the Ferrothorne ridden Herdier.'I swear, if I get the chance I will tear that mutt apart with my words and my claws.' Grim thought to herself although keeping her gentle smile and demeanor on the outside.

    Twain/Stark Mt./Evening(6)

    Twain heard Grim and the others talking in the background but his focus remained on Lithium. He flinched a little when his paw made contact with the Ponyta's soft fur. It amazed him that something so soft was not consumed by the flames that made up the mane and tail. Shyly, Twain let his paw stroke Lithium's fur for a moment before flinching away the moment the Herdier spoke.

    "I'm...I'm sorry... I'll....I should go away...away from you."Twain said fearfully before getting up and running off in a flash of sparks. He was terrified, of himself, of the others and most of all the effect he would have on the beautiful Ponyta he had met. It seemed everything Twain touched became corrupted.'Those men were right, I'm an abomination. I shouldn't exist. So why, why do I keep on living this sad pathetic life? I...I don't know.' Twain's thoughts jumbled together as he ran deep into the cave.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:34 pm

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    Stark Mt. | Evening [4]

    The Pikachu slowly stroked Lithium's fur, the Ponyta giving a small smile, hopefully he would stop being so shy? He seemed quite interesting. "Good day, madam." A gruff, yet polite voice perked up, the shiny Fire-horse Pokemon stood, fixing her gaze on a Herdier, a Delcatty following him. She gave hesitant nod with a snort, she never really liked it when she was formally talked to, the Ponyta liked it better when they all feel comfortable around her and call her by her na- Oh wait, this Pokemon doesn't know her name, oh yeah...

    Before she could speak, the Pikachu stammered, "I'm...I'm sorry... I'll....I should go away...away from you." Lithium blinked, ready to call out for him, but he disappeared, running off deeper into the cave with sparks flashing about. She gave a heavy sigh, turning her head back to the Loyal Dog Pokemon and Delcatty, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, I'm Lithium, and I prefer to be called like that rather than Madam thank you very much." Sounded a bit rude than intended on the last part, the Fire Horse prayed to Arceus they wouldn't hold a grudge to her because of that mistake.

    Lithium blinked as she also spotted an Eevee and a Charizard, damn she was being a rude bitch today, she gave a nod toward the twosome, acknowledging her presence. Though the Ponyta felt that the normal-type and fire-type wasn't even aware of her existence... "So shall we go after the Pikachu? We should stay in a group if we want to get through this hellhole." And by hellhole, she literally meant it. The Epidemic was a mess, and hellhole itself. Nonetheless, she awaited a response from the group, most of her hoping they would run after the poor guy. Not that he deserved pity, but Lithium had a liking for him.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:57 pm

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    Stark Mountain | Evening

    Xela rubbed herself against Delta before following him and Shinra. She still couldn't quite wrap her head around what had happened to her and she saw the worry in both of her friend's eyes but she kept quite but brushed against Delta every once in a while to make sure she wasn't dreaming and he was still there beside her. As the stopped, she stared in wonder at the magnificent Ponyta, her mouth slightly open in awe.

    (OOC Sorry guys I'm back and I'll write a better post next time.)

    Last edited by Blitzstrike on Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:58 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : temp image until I get her old one back)

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:57 pm

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    Stark Mt. | Evening

    "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, I'm Lithium, and I prefer to be called like that rather than Madam thank you very much." Delta conceded with a gentle nod, reminding himself to call the Ponyta as such from then on. It would be highly rude if he did any other! Flicking his tail, he watched in silent frustration as the Pikachu ran yet again. If only that lad would have more confidence in himself! In times of blight and danger, one had to put aside personal difficulties for the chance of another tomorrow. But that Pikachu? The Herdier had to admit that the electric type was making it just slightly harder for him to help.

    When Lithium suggested that they go and follow after the reckless Pikachu, Delta did not object, although he was a tad tired of following after someone who would just flee moments later. "Treasure hunting can come later, Shinra, but I propose that tracking the Mouse shall be our priority." The Loyal Dog Pokemon stepped forward in the light of the two flaming fire types, his fur prickling as the heat radiated from both of them. At a moment's glance Delta's eyes came into contact with Grim's, but only for a moment before he brought them once more to his front. I still do not like your brashness, Charizard. If he had the chance to say what he could to the large lizard, the Herdier would do absolutely nothing.

    That's because I won't result to violence like her. Huffing to himself, and giving a look at the others for confirmation (or not), the dog padded into the darkness, after the Mouse Pokemon.

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:52 pm

    ((OOC-I have to skip....I'm really upset right now but I don't want to go into the safe house. I apologize.))

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 1:59 pm

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    Stark Mt. | Evening

    The day was coming to a close as the Sea Weasel made her way through Stark Mountain. She had been in better places, but it wasn't as bad as some places. She spat and twisted the hay in her mouth as she made her way to the top or better yet, to a place she could find untainted water. She shook her head and continued on. When she first come upon the mountain, it was crawling with fire, rock and ground type infected, but thanks to the Sea Weasel, most were gone. The Sea Weasel was interested in the mountain because the legendary pokemon Heatran was supposed to live here. She just wondered if he still lived here.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 08, 2012 12:06 pm

    (OOC: errr skip me. Let's just say that Xela wandered off from the others. Maybe Aqua could find her. Other than that, we lost a lot of people and Idk what to say.)

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 11, 2012 5:25 pm

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    Stark Mt. | Evening

    As the Floatzel made her way through the small desert that lay at the mountains foot. She growled at the sandstorm threaten to take her hat away. She pushed through and soon the sandstorm was gone and she reached the ridges. She sighed and held onto her hat as she crossed the ridge on a fallen tree. She was determined to see if Heatran was still here or not.

    When she reached the other side, she wasn't really paying attention to where she was walking and pumped into something. She sighed when she heard growled and when she looked up, guess what she saw. Yep, the Floatzel had bumped into a undead. She looked at it as the undead growled and she bolted. Running on two so her hat didn't fall off. As she ran from the undead, she ran past a Delcatty, Hi! Bye! And she continued to run.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Jay Fri May 11, 2012 5:43 pm

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    Stark Mt. || Evening || 1
    The Cubone shivered, it wasn't the cold or breeze, it was the feeling. Being alone in the forest caused him to be scared, he never new when an infected pokemon could jump out of no where. He had to take precautions, to do this he hid in the trees or walked in the shadows, though it deeply scared him more.

    Eden heard paws against ground, the constant thumping of a pokemon running. Was it infected? He quickly jumped into a bush, and hid. Thump, thump. His heart pounded. Thump, thump. The sound got closer. Suddenly, it wasn't there anymore. Had he gone crazy, or did the pokemon leave?

    He jumped out of the bush to be instantly confronted with a pokemons side, and literally bouncing off onto the ground. He fell head first, the skull on his head hit him hard. It hurt more than the fall itself.

    Yup. He'd gone crazy.

    [ooc: Short post is short lol. Got permission to bounce off Aqua from MoonlightEve. Thanks<3]

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 13, 2012 7:52 am

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    Stark Mountain | Evening (9)

    Xela wandered through the caves looking for the small frightened Pikachu when a Flotzel ran past her barely saying anything. Noticing what the Flotzel was running from, Xela stood still waiting for the undead to get closer. As the undead Banette grew near to her, suddenly the air began to crackle with electricity that condensed into a growing yellow ball in front of Xela's mouth. When it grew big enough, Xela thrust her body forward, hitting the electric ball with her tail to use a powerful Charge Beam against the Banette. Xela watched as her attacked sliced through the horrendously disfigured zombie until it was reduced to nothing on the cave floor.

    Sighing heavily, Xela felt a rush pass through her. It had been so long since she had used one of her special contest moves and the feeling of giddiness washed over her from it. Quickly though that was replaced with sorrow as she thought of Delta and how he had disappeared into the cave without saying a word to Xela about it. Usually when he did things like that she knew not to follow so she had watched him leave and wandered off on her own to find the Pikachu she hadn't even met. "Hello?" She called through the cave hoping someone would hear her.

    (OOC: I wasn't really quite sure what I was suppose to do with Delta so I just made it that he left. Poor Xela is now forever alone xD haha)

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed May 16, 2012 4:12 am

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    Grimsley||Stark Mountain||Evening(7)

    Grim growled and complained to herself as everything happened. Only caring that her dearest friend had absconded to somewhere deeper with in the mountain. "At least the annoying mutt is gone."She said aloud although she had not intended to. Sounding rather harsh, the smaller than average Charizard moved away from the others hoping not to attract attention.

    Sighing to herself as she held a single thought in her head 'Why is everyone such a judgmental asshat?' With a quick leap, Grim flew through the caves carefully but quickly as she had to find her friend. There were so many what ifs running through her head that she was having trouble keeping track of all of them. However one what if stuck. "What if he is dead?"

    (not posting for twain, dont have the energy or enough material from previous posts to crank something out)

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 6:06 pm

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    Stark Mt. | Evening

    The Floatzel stopped as she felt something. She blinked and looked around. Ash was slowly falling from the mountain as she looked around. As she searched the are, she soon came up on a small Cubone. She smiled at the ground type as her heart leap for joy. It had been so long sense she had seen a younger pokemon. She offered her paw to the small pokemon and smiled, Hello little one. Are ya alright?

    (Sorry, short post is short)

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Jay Thu May 17, 2012 6:45 pm

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    Stark Mt. || Evening || 2
    The Cubone stared and shook his head, his body felt weak and tired, he struggled to keep his eyes open. A feeling was in his arm, the feeling swelled and a red mark followed on his left arm appeared. The feeling was uncomfortable, it was cold yet warm, pain.

    "Hello little one. Are ya alright?"

    Eden looked up at the Floatzel, his eyes darted from left to right. He was confused, a Floatzel extending a hand to him? How? His body started to shake with fear, never before had he seen such kindness... since... the Cubone's eyes slowly filled with tears, he says to himself; "Mommy, daddy..." The Cubone whips away the tears quickly. His voice was a whisper.


    (ooc: Sorry 'bout the short post rgse;fg I wanted to make it longer but I don't have the attention span right now. XD)

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 7:05 pm

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    Stark Mt.|Evening (1)

    As he was meditating on Stark Mountain with the sun setting, Kid A tried to get in touch with Alanis through spirit. He could not see her, touch her, or smell her, but he could feel her. The Simipour felt the spirit of his true love inside of him. Oh, how he wished that Floatzel was there with him. He wasn't even sure if she was still alive, but he could only hope.

    It seemed as though that hope came through. He saw two figures in the distance, one of them appeared to be a Floatzel, the other a Cubone. He got up and ran to the two figures, calling out, "Alanis! Alanis! Is that you?" He began to slow down, however, when he realized that it wasn't her. It was a different Floatzel, this one was wearing a cowboy hat and a bandana, which the hippie liked on her. But he was still disappointed that it wasn't her. "Oh, bummer. You're not Alanis..." Kid hung his head in shame.

    (OoC: Hello everyone!)

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 19, 2012 11:08 pm

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    Stark Mountain | Night (10)

    Xela wandered alone through the caves with the only thought in her head, to find the Pikachu. She knew it would be a waste of time to try to find Delta so she didn't even bother to do so. Something had changed in him recently and she didn't know what but she knew it was bad. Sighing, Xela turned a corner and caught wind on her face. Energy rushed through her and she tensed but then saw the Charizard from earlier and thinking quickly, she fired her charge beam above her weakly as a signal. "Hello. I didn't catch your name from earlier but I'm Xela and I would like to help you find your friend." Her voice echoed along the walls and she hoped it wouldn't attract anything.

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon May 21, 2012 7:44 am

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    Grimsley||Stark Mountain||Night(8)

    Grim halted when a shot of electricity nearly hit her wing. For a moment she thought it might be Twain but when she turned around all Grim saw was the Delcatty from before. "Hello. I didn't catch your name from earlier but I'm Xela and I would like to help you find your friend." Grim nodded and sighed, before back tracking to reach Xela.

    "I'm Grim, and my missing friends name is Twain. And as much as I appreciate your offer, I must decline."Grim said in a slightly dark tone. She did not want to have the Delcatty freaking out about Twain's face. It was bad enough that the mutt from before had been so rude to her friend, she did not need this fancy paws flipping shit too. Then, turning around Grim prepared to take off and continue her search alone.

    Twain||Deep within Stark Mountain||Night(7)

    Twain sobbed as he finally came to a halt. Running so far was tiring and he needed to keep his energy up but he was scared and alone. Twain felt as if the men in white coats had captured him all over again. In fact that's exactly what memory was playing in his head. The little Electric Mouse was reliving his worst memory.

    Collapsing on the ground, Twain screamed. The sound echoed through the caverns. "LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON'T WANT TO BE A MONSTER!" Twain screamed, tears streaming down his face. Twain screamed repeatedly. The quiet sound of electricity from repeated Discharge and Thunderbolt attacks filled the air as he tried to remove unseen foes.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 8:27 pm

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    Stark Mt. | Evening

    The Floatzel looked at the Cubone and patted it's head. It's alright little one. Name Aqua, it's nice ta meetcha. She smiles at the ground type, then turn when she heard someone calling. It was a Simipour. She grasped but bit her tongue as she tried not to think this was her old boyfriend.

    Um, no. I'm not this here Alanis ya speak of. Names Aqua and for give my accent if ya can't understand meh. She eyed the Simipour as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and tipped her hat to where it hid the side of her face. She was intrigued by the fellow water type, but something about him made her whole body heat up and she even felt safe in his presence. She twisted the hay in her mouth as she tried to figure out what was up with this strange pokemon.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 24, 2012 9:23 pm

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    Stark Mt.|Evening (2)

    "Um, no. I'm not this here Alanis ya speak of. Names Aqua and for give my accent if ya can't understand meh." The Floatzel said to Kid. He was still upset that this Floatzel wasn't Alanis. Regardless, he still found her alright. Moving his hair out of his eyes, he said, "Don't worry about it. I don't mind at all if you have one or not. I call myself Kid A, by the way, and it's awesome meeting you, Aqua!"

    He looked around to see if there were any other pokemon still alive, there was a Cubone down by Aqua. He looked really timid and scared. Kid crouched down to his level and said in his normally calm voice, "Hey there, little man. Are you okay?"

    (OoC: Edited the post because the fact it was so short was killing me.)

    Last edited by Radiohead97 on Sat May 26, 2012 5:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Needed to be longer.)

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Min Sat May 26, 2012 11:28 am

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    Stark Mountain| |Evening

    The Phanteon skipped through the stone, mud-covered halls of the mountain. Being a ghost he didn't mind the heat that the walls emitted, if anything it felt like the eeveelution was wrapped in cozy blankets. A lazy grin adorned his face, humming a fancy tune loud enough for anyone close to him to hear. He admits, he isn't a great fan of ornate, classical music but sometimes they caught on. Especially Canon in D, lovely tune!

    Faustus stopped when he spotted two figures up ahead. A Charizard and a... A... A Delcatty! Maybe it was Odette? The Phanteon carefully padded towards the two living, smiling. "Er, hello." he mumbled. His red eye was fixated on the feline, searching every feature on her face to see if he can find his darling Odette, staring back at him.

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed May 30, 2012 10:35 pm

    ((OOC-I pass this time.))

    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:34 pm

    (Skip please)

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Jay Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:52 pm

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    Stark Mountain || Evening || 3
    "It's alright little one. Name Aqua, it's nice ta meetcha."

    Eden's mind was starting to tire, so much had happened in only a few minutes, confused, he looked around. First, the Floatzel named Aqua had come up to him to ask if he was okay, he answered with a simple "yes". Then, some Simipour had come out of no where, calling Aqua "Alanis", and Aqua and the Simipour started to have a small conversation, introducing themselves. Aqua was definitely not an Alanis!

    "Um, no. I'm not this here Alanis ya speak of. Names Aqua and for give my accent if ya can't understand meh." Aqua had said, her accent really showing out this time. Before, he had been so scared to have noticed it. The Simipout moves his hair out of his eyes, he seemed a tiny bit upset, but none the less, he looked quite alright. He seems nice.

    "Don't worry about it. I don't mind at all if you have one or not. I call myself Kid A, by the way, and it's awesome meeting you, Aqua!"

    The Simipour suddenly moved down towards Eden, leaning down to his level, calmly and soothingly saying, "Hey there, little man. Are you okay?" Eden jumped back a bit, he hit his head against a tree, he grabbed his head, the skull had bumped against it hard. He yelled under his breath, closing his eyes in pain. A tear escaped.

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