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    (ACE) The STARK Team


    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 22 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:07 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Mt. Stark | Main Chamber | Time Unknown

    "I'll make a deal with you."
    Oh fuck, here we go. This snake of a snake finally realized his doom was sealed with a god damn wax stamp if he even tried to come at them. Harley's lip lopsidedly pulled to show his top teeth as his eyes rolled in their sockets. His hands settled even tighter into the folds of his arms.
    "I'll help you kill Heatran in exchange I'll leave without any harm to come."
    "D'yer think I'm stupid? Lettin' a cannibalistic monster like yerself just stroll along wi' us?" Well as expected, the mob wasn't gonna put their pitchforks down in front of this Frankenstein monster, as the flesh-eater hoped. But he paused, wild-eyed and his face unwavering with his lack of emotion. It was disgustingly upsetting. Several moments passed.

    "How about it Aggron, do we have a deal?" his voice boomed through the nearly completely quiet room. Minus the angry thrashing of the suspected Heatran within the cave.... Maybe it'd come back to bite them on their ass if they moved slow enough.
    "I will keep my word that you all will be left alone."

    The silence was enough to confirm it. Harley huffed, unfolding his arms and his face dropped all it's tension. He walked away with a lanky, loose gait to his step - as if all care had been washed from him. The only grudge he had was with the Charizard - the others he could honestly not care so much about.
    “You're not considering letting this... undead dick parade around like some kind of hero with us?”
    As if they were heroes to begin with? What did she think this is, a pilgrimage to enlightenment? The good path? A path of bloodied bodies and struggling to find food, fighting off anything that wanted to sink it's teeth into you and turn you into it's companion.... Truly, they were heroes in this lawless world. The scoff uncontrollably left his nose with heat.
    "Fine," And there it was, the inevitable. He supposed there was no time to even begin fighting this insufferable piss-stain with the growing noise in the background like damn ceremonial drums to their own funeral. "Come along, but if yer do anythin' - anythin' - that I don't like ... You lay a finger on anyone here, an' I swear I will break every bone in yer body."

    On cue, the Arcanine indignantly sighed and raised her paw in a lackadaisical fashion, like some angstful teenager being forced to raise her hand in the middle of a Physics lecture.
    “Where the hell do we come in this operation? This affects us all, not a single party.”
    Just the dripping irritation from it was enough to hackle the back of Harley's neck as he turned around to lounge - relatively near Jude. How did she have the gall to believe she was in any more danger than she previously was with that other little Growlithe bouncing around. How was she different than that arrogant dickhole? Next, the prevolution to the tiger-dog felt supported enough to throw his tiny weight around.
    "You can not be serious. IT just said it was going to 'bring pain' to us and you're just gonna let it hang out cause it changed its dead mind? It'll do what all of these just did."
    Gee, for Pokemon that believed in their power, they sure bitched when someone they can supposedly handle tagged along with them. What was that about being able to take him down? It suddenly seemed these undead that they just killed were so difficult to deal with - except the fact there was a bunch of them. There's only one of him. ... Did they even realize that one of their own was just as blood-thirsty as the dragon was?

    "Is everyone a'right?"
    Harley's mouth corner tugged back enough to raise the chub on his cheeks.
    "I'm good, big guy." Jude pipped up finally. Hell, out of all of their voices, his was the one he was least familiar with by now.
    "I'm fine.... ...Smith, you're bleeding--"
    "It's nothin'. Nobody hurt?"
    For the first time, the other little female Growlithe perked up and spoke in a... surprisingly coherent voice. "Jus' a couple a scratches." The other Growlithe that belonged to the Sovereign Savior duo finally started to shed some civility even through his impenetrable fog layer of exasperation.
    "Yeah, just some scratches."
    ... "George?" He broodingly swirled around to avoid her touch, threatening the Aggron again.
    "You want that sack of death with us? Fine. Just don't except any help when it tries to kill us."
    Out of everyone, how could he be talking about this in such a stand-off when his own opposite was in fact a 'sack of death' herself. Surprisingly for once in his existence in this fucked-up trash heap of a world, he could not judge the undead female more than he could this stubborn-headed twit of a male.

    There was a long, significant gap in conversation.
    "Well.... I don't mean to sound like that guy," Harley leaned against the clammy, towering boulder he and the Zoroark were hanging by with his arms crossed. The rock snuggled really comfortably into the ridge of his spine - oh yeah, felt like a masseuse privileging him with the most sharp massage in his life. Immediately he stared at the Charizard with fiery-hot eyes directing his next seething reprimand at him. "And don't think for a second I'm defending your rotting, putrid anus of an existence," The Simisear's gaze was sharpened to dagger-like points in analytical but genuine curiosity as he inspected the Arcanine and Growlithe wallowing in their bitching and protesting. "But don't you already have an undead buddy in your group to begin with?" That one was going to get him looks. Oh yes, the elephant in the room has been pointed out, fellas. Like he cared, though; really, he was fresh meat to the group and he was already acting like he wanted to talk to the manager. Yeah, a room full of fire-types was great for teamwork - all a bunch of hot-headed, strong-willed idiots; but he was hardly any level near an exception. Who was he to barge into their group and tell them how to live? "The situation is different between them but... the virus taints everyone equally." His half-lidded gaze tagged everyone in the room except Jude - timid thing didn't seem to even have a voice to give.
    It was obvious that the two Growlithe had known each other for a long time. Their companionship and closeness wasn't any sort of secret. Honestly, if the Growlithe and Arcanine weren't being such dickheads he'd feel sad for their obvious disbelief in what was directly in front of them. It was the only thing keeping him from exploding on their incredibly stupidity and hypocritically dumb attitudes. His voice flat-lines on his next words.

    "What makes her different from him?"

    [OoC: WOAH, Harley just exploded out of my control I am so sorry, lol.... Disclaimer, in no way is this personal attacking - just making sure people knew this since this post is pretty emotionally charged. Harley is just a fucking dick. |D ]


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 22 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:35 pm

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    Mt. Stark Main Chamber|Time Unknown

    After a moment of silence, Dracul finally got the answer he was looking for from the Aggron. "Fine," It was all according to plan to him and yet he had bitter hatred boiling in him towards the Aggron for being a threat to his goal. None the less he was able to convince the steel type enough to where he would come out of this without being killed. "Come along, but if yer do anythin' - anythin' - that I don't like ... You lay a finger on anyone here, an' I swear I will break every bone in yer body." Though bound by his clan's rules, the undead charizard has to obey them regardless and since he made a deal he is forced to keep it. None of them knew what the name Dracul meant as it was. The Fire type would show them the meaning behind it when they go face to face with Heatran. However, there was some objections to Smith's decision. “Where the hell do we come in this operation? This affects us all, not a single party.” Dracul did not care for what the Arcanine had to say since she could be easily dealt with when the time comes. Then there was the living growlithe that objected as well. "You can not be serious. IT just said it was going to 'bring pain' to us and you're just gonna let it hang out cause it changed its dead mind? It'll do what all of these just did." Looking upon the corpses of the defeated undead, the fire lizard had no care for them. To him, they was all weak minded and only killed for hunger. One thing did interest him though, his brother's blood onto his claws and passing the virus onto him.

    The Charizard looked over to the Aggron as he asked. "Is everyone a'right?" It was then he seen the others calming down a bit except for the arcanine. "I'm fine.... ...Smith, you're bleeding--" Dracul looked at Smith's arm and spotted the blood. As much as he wanted to lick the blood off Smith, it would mean getting himself killed. Instead he looked away into the tunnel leading to Heatran's chamber. Soon Heatran you shall be smitten with true death as your suffering makes me relish in joy. Dracul thought to himself with a smirk. "George?" The undead growlithe speaks to the living one. "You want that sack of death with us? Fine. Just don't except any help when it tries to kill us." As much as Dracul would like to kill them after dealing with heatran, it would be easier for him to let them die from their own friend. "Well.... I don't mean to sound like that guy," Perhaps the Simisear could be taught a lesson in respect, but Smith would rather handle that on his own. "And don't think for a second I'm defending your rotting, putrid anus of an existence," Dracul didn't care what the monkey was about to say nor would he even try to correct him. "But don't you already have an undead buddy in your group to begin with?" Thought it is true they had Nikora with them, but Dracul could smell heatran from where they are.

    Listening further made the undead charizard feel the others clearly was defending Nikora over him, but gaining their trust wasn't worth the effort and nor did he care for them. "The situation is different between them but... the virus taints everyone equally." That's what the simisear thinks. Only reason why Dracul got infected is because he started relishing death and destruction the minute the epidemic began. "What makes her different from him?" Comparing her to Dracul would be a waste of time none of them know that Dracul is a blood drinker yet and he can care less for the other lesser undead. They will know soon what will separate me from the others. The charizard mused himself with his thoughts.

    Another roar comes from heatran's chamber and seems it won't be long before they must face the legendary fire and steel type. Heatran's blood will satisfy Dracul's thirst for chaos. "Touching, but I do not care of your speeches of not trusting me. Thou shan't forget that heatran still calls in madness. If you living are done fighting amongst yourselves then mayhep I shall guide thee to him." It would be easy to lead them to Heatran since Dracul can smell him quite easily. Again, the thought of failing his goal to kill heatran would result in his cousin punishing him. "Unless your leader wishes to lead the way, I will not object to it. Your choice Aggron." Dracul was leaving it to Smith to decide and the charizard would wait to hear the decision.

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 22 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Apr 21, 2016 2:37 pm

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    Stark Mountain [Main Chamber]/??? (S: 72 | J: 37)

    As Jude had expected, Smith's permission for the Charizard to tag along with them was met with outrage.

    “Where the hell do we come in this operation? This affects us all, not a single party.”
    "You can
    not be serious. IT just said it was going to 'bring pain' to us and you're just gonna let it hang out cause it changed its dead mind? It'll do what all of these just did."

    From his usual place by his rock, Jude tilted his head curiously. Wasn't George the one who'd insisted on bringing the corpse of his mate along with them? It hadn't escaped his notice that Nikora had been happily feasting on a nearby body while they'd conversed; the sound of ripping flesh and crunching bones made Jude feel sick to his stomach. The Growlithe was being pretty damn hypocritical, in his opinion.

    But this is different, the Zoroark thought, nervously clawing at the stone under his feet. George watched Nikora die right in front of him. He's in denial; he thinks that just because she's walking and talking she's OK; that she's still alive. And Nikora hasn't been hostile around us ... yet. That must be why Smith hasn't made any moves to put her down. Either way, it'd break George's heart... Was he the only one who thought this way; who had any sympathy for the pair of Growlithes; for Smith, who rested the responsibilities and safety of the entire group on his shoulders alone?

    "Well.... I don't mean to sound like that guy," Harley then said, leaning near to him on the rock, "and don't think for a second I'm defending your rotting, putrid anus of an existence," he added scathingly to the undead dragon, "but don't you already have an undead buddy in your group to begin with?"

    Jude whipped his head round to look at him, eyes wide. Perhaps he wasn't the only one who had some shred of an idea of what was going on. Whereas Jude would never be able to muster the guts to say anything out loud, Harley clearly had no issues with it. The Zoroark tucked himself in tightly; he had a feeling there was trouble on the way.

    But he kept talking. "The situation is different between them but... the virus taints everyone equally. What makes her different from him?"

    "Harley..." He didn't have time to continue; Smith was on the move. He thundered straight up to the Simisear's face, eyes ablaze with ... something Smith could not identify. Fury? Anguish? He didn't know, but he did make sure to get well out of the Aggron's path.

    "Do not presume to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own group in my own mountain," He snarled, tail lashing angrily across the ground as he turned to face the others. "An' that goes for the rest of yer. It is my responsibility to get yer all out o' here in one piece; I'm the one who got yer into this mess in the first place. If yer don't like my methods of doin' it, fine. Leave, and die when this entire chamber inevitably caves in on itself." He gave his head a sharp shake; he looked as though he was having trouble keeping it together. "Now ... instead o' standing around here gobbin' at each other, I suggest we get a move on."

    He jabbed a finger at the Charizard. "Yer got a name, yer sack of shit? Walk in front of me, that way." He tromped back over to him, pointing at the northward wall of the chamber, and growled into his face, "Move it."

    Heaving a sad sigh, Jude stepped into line to follow. Smith had not answered Harley's question; was he avoiding it? It was obvious that the Aggron saw truth in his words; it was hard not too. Was he simply trying to avoid further conflict so he could get them moving? Or was he genuinely too disturbed to face the issue, knowing what he'd have to do if Nikora suddenly turned on them, and the consequences it would have? He gazed woefully at the Aggron's back as he stomped off with the Charizard clearly in his line of sight. He knew what he was doing; Jude had no doubt that he'd tear that dragon's head off if he so much as looked at anybody the wrong way. Jude could see that. If only the others could.

    "Sorry about that," he murmured to Harley as he padded forward. "It's..." He stared at the ground, focusing on the sharpened points of his claws as he tried to find the right words. "It's been hard on all of us..."

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 22 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Dazey Sun Apr 24, 2016 6:36 am

    ((OoC - I'm gonna edit this into a post as soon as I can. I just can't think clearly enough to do it right now, but it'll be done as soon as I wake up today. Just posting this as a precaution in case I'm a bit later today than I expect.))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 22 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:47 pm

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    Stark Mountain [Main Chamber] | ???
    George 47 | Nikora 42

    George relished in Nikora's presence being so close to his once again. That was the third time today that battle had separated them and it was not getting easier. If anything she kept looking rougher, her fur ragged and stance uneven. Nestling his muzzle close to her ear he breathed in her sweet scent but recoiled slightly at the sour smell of sickness and blood that draped over it. It was getting worse.. Nikora wasn't well and this was no place for resting. We need to get out of here, soon.. If she was going to end up held up for a while it wasn't going to be in a cave. Especially this one. The poor girl had spent enough time in caves while they--

    "Well.... I don't mean to sound like that guy," The new guy interrupted George's line of thought, his intro heavily ominous. What sort of shit was he about to start. "But don't you already have an undead buddy in your group to begin with?" The small hound's one ear stood tall, his muzzle flinging around to face the Simisear. "The fuck did you just say?" He snapped, taking threatening steps forward as the fur stood along his spine. "Ya think we let any random ass undead just chill with us? That we don't, you know, fuck 'em up like all these shit sacks on the ground?" Smoke puffed from his nostrils, the Simisear's words hitting a nerve he couldn't quite place. "Seriously, do you want to get an ass-kicking or do you do this to all gangs you just stumble the fuck into?"

    But Harley was not about to stop, finishing his outlandish claims like he was the only sane person in a group of crazies. "The situation is different between them but... the virus taints everyone equally. What makes her different from him?" Who was he talking about? Saharah, Nikora!? Oh hell no he better not be talking about the latter. She may of been unwell, what with her injuries and all, but to be fair she was doing fantastic for being assaulted by a deranged Alakazam-thing. "How about 'cause shes one of us and that shitbag is fucking crazy and an asshole. Just like you."

    Dracul muttered something, possibly some defense, but it fell upon deaf ears as the outrageous accusations filled George's mind. "Everything was just peachy until you pricks showed up and I have-" but his rant is cut off as Smith charges forward, the hound barely having enough time to avoid his massive feet. The female barked with concern, jumping over to her mates side to make sure he is alright. "George-" She starts but the males growling only gets louder, his blue eyes blazing like fire as Smith berated the primate. Whatever was happening Nikora did not understand, the fog in her mind clouding over the underlying meaning of the fight. Weren't they supposed to be doing something..?

    The Aggron's voice was rough and not open to debate. "Move it." He finished, pushing the group forward and cutting off any more fighting. "We will take the rear." George barked, placing himself between Nikora and the others as they moved to the back of the pack. "Unless you have a problem with that." He sneered toward the Simisear, ready to rip the guys arm off if he tried anything stupid. Nikora's steps were hobbled and more often then not as she slumped against her mate, her legs refusing to feel normal no matter how many steps she took. "Just hang in there, love," he whispered into her ear, taking in a deep breath,  "We'll get through this. I promise." The female gave a soft moan, eyes glossy, but sad nothing else.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 22 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Apr 30, 2016 7:29 pm

    OoC)) Skip, I'll post next round, Dracul follows what Smith tells him to do and starts leading them to heatran.

    Age : 31
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 22 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed May 04, 2016 12:54 pm

    ((Skip; I don't have enough to work with and can't for the life of me think of anything to put. Could we try our hardest not to skip next round, guys? Thanks <3))


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    Post by Dazey Sat May 07, 2016 6:30 pm

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    Stark Mountain (Main Chamber) | ??? (88)

    As much as the foul tongued Arcanine wanted to lash at almost the entirety of the group, she settled for simply her tail doing so like an angry feline. While she had a volatile temper, she did know when to shut the hell up and let others handle their business. George’s fiery response to the Simisear’s seeming expertise on the disease was met with approval from the equally angry Arcanine. Why didn’t the biker monkey, as Sah stereotyped him, just go save the fucking world instead of wandering a cave in the middle of absolute nowhere?

    With the group being led by none other than the Charizard metaphorically flying on the wings of the disease, Sahara found her place distanced as well as she could to the side. At least they were moving now; each step was another closer to getting the hell out of the cave. That was significantly more optimistic than she could remembering being in the last four or so years.
    Paw by paw, her mind began to wander away from the group while she watched blankly, borderline unseeing.

    Sah’s body was nasty and matted, blood residue and sweat sticking her fur together uncomfortably. Was it still raining outside? That would’ve been amazing. Even as a Fire-type, she could appreciate the chance to rinse herself off now and then. She could also clean the wound on her side, which was hopefully not infected. The disease would’ve been the worst, but in retrospect, a real infection from germs could kill her as well.

    She took a step ahead, noting the tiny stone fragments tumbling down the slope from her paw brushing against them. Bringing her now-disinterested eyes back up, she took a step away from the edge she hadn’t realized how dangerously close she was to.

    Another headache-inducing roar reverberated through the caves, the floor rattling slightly… Then more. Sahara’s azraq eyes finally cleared, her back paws feeling the ground slip out from underneath her. With her hind legs freely hanging midair, she held onto the rocky incline’s ledge until someone could help her.
    But the ground quaked again, her claws losing their grip and sending her tumbling down. Sah’s bones cracked loudly against the stone flooring as she rolled at completely random angles, trying desperately to catch something - anything - with her paws to stop the fall.

    The ground seemed to jump at her as she finally reached the bottom, colliding harshly and laying unmoving for a minute. Her eyes were open wide but unresponsive until something underneath her large form shifted slightly, a muffled cry passing by her body and to her ears. Sahara brought her legs together and hopped up as quickly as she could, realizing she had landed on something.
    Without a moment’s notice, the tiny Natu met her upside-down sight and panicked, flailing wildly underneath her front paws.

    Sahara couldn’t assure the bird she wasn’t going to hurt it. She didn’t have time, before the damn thing flipped and cast a blinding light. Knowing full and well what was about to happen, Sahara jumped at the slope desperately, knowing she absolutely couldn’t make it away. But her back paw was caught up in the Teleport, and she disappeared from Stark Mountain.

    ((OoC - Leaving post. Sorry guys, it was fun to be here for all these years, but Sahara is being deactivated. I can’t stand her personality being all over the place like it is, as she is a very old character of mine, so I’m going to try to work and make her a better character for the future. Also, apologies for the Teleport. I just… can’t figure out another way for her to leave in the current situation. ^^; Best of luck, everyone. Kick that Heatran‘s teeth in!))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 22 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue May 17, 2016 2:57 pm

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    Stark Mountain [Main Chamber] | ???
    George 48 | Nikora 43

    The stones clicked under the small hound's paws. For the moment the conversation had died back, Heatran's incessant roars the only sound to echo above that of their steps. George kept him head low and neck stiff with a pair of narrowed blue eyes locked on the dark path ahead. This was a suicide mission, they already knew that, but would it make any difference? Was the legend going to prevail and run rampant after it killed him? A sigh escapes his maw. No one on the outside would even know they sacrificed themselves if they didn't defeat it...

    Heatran's roars grew louder and more intense, shaking the very walls of the tunnel and causing the ground to grow unstable. The air and stone was growing warmer, a feeling of dread collecting around them. At any moment the legend could go on a rampage and cause a quake to crush them down, or bring up lava to fill the tunnel. Was it toying with them? Another grew echoed around them, its massive reverb shaking the tunnel to its core. George crouched low but Nikora remained unmoved, her red eyes wide and jaw agape. Two barks hush their way out of her, the second being louder then the first, but the roar drowns them out. It calls.. One paw gingerly steps forward, another bark forming, but movement catches her gaze and breaks the trance. Ahead of her the rocks were giving way and one Pokemon was on a perilous slope. "Sahara--!" She cried out, trying to bound forward but was held back by a stone feeling in her paws. Unable to move she barks over and over until the other females orange shape left her sight.

    Why the next moment George was running, racing toward the much larger Arcanine but she has already slipped further down by the time he is where she was at. Not risking a fall himself the Growlithe takes a step back from the edge, cranking his neck back to peer over the slide. There was a sickening crunch of bones and the small dog feared the Arcanine had broken her spine. "Sahara!" he called out, barely able to see her movements in the gloomy darkness. She was alive, thank the legends, but not out of danger. "Hold on-- we'll get you back up!" he hollered down to her, ignoring anything Smith might say in rebuttal. The Arcanine started to kick, paws fluttering, before suddenly vanishing in a flash of bright light.

    The small hound whined at the sudden flash, his paws kicking up loose stones. Once his eyes settled he gasped, unable to see his kin any longer. "Sahara? Saraha??" What just happened, did something attack her? George's forepaws scrabble against the slope and send pebbles skittering down. Flipping his neck around he stared at Smith with wide eyes ablaze, struggling to keep his voice down, "Where did she go!?"

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The STARK Team  - Page 22 Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon May 23, 2016 12:38 pm

    [OoC: Skip for now, please.]


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

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    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri May 27, 2016 11:51 am

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    Stark Mountain|Time Unknown

    It was expected that the aggron's temper matched his strength. "Do not presume to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own group in my own mountain," As far as Dracul knew this mountain was under heatran's control and the more they dally around, the more heatran's rage increases. "An' that goes for the rest of yer. It is my responsibility to get yer all out o' here in one piece; I'm the one who got yer into this mess in the first place. If yer don't like my methods of doin' it, fine. Leave, and die when this entire chamber inevitably caves in on itself." The Charizard grinned toothily hearing how much anger Smith had alone. "Now ... instead o' standing around here gobbin' at each other, I suggest we get a move on." Though Dracul would throw in a few words of his own, he would rather let fate decide their end. It wasn't long before the Aggron put his attention back onto Dracul. Smith points his finger at the undead charizard. "You." Of course he didn't fail to see the insult on the question next. "Yer got a name, yer sack of shit? Walk in front of me, that way." The fire type watched the steel type walk right at him commanding him to the northern wall. "Move it."

    Before the charizard moved to the wall, the arcanine had ran off. "Sahara? Saraha??" Dracul grinned evilly as the arcanine had been teleported by one of the lesser undead. One less threat to deal with when the time comes. The others though I'll have my fun with another time. The living growlithe had his eyes wide open in a distressed stare towards Smith. The fire type had no cares for the living yet he was using them for his own end. "Where did she go!?" Seems that he was concerned over his own kin. Though Dracul would gladly give the gift to the growlithe to join the other growlithe, he was saving it for Mathias first before he starts infecting others. Remembering what he did in Ilex forest, the charizard had to plan more carefully.

    "I am Dracul and seems your friend had an unfortunate event happen to her. Never the less thou shall guide thee to heatran." Dracul responded to the Aggron. The undead charizard couldn't wait to sink his teeth into heatran's body and drink the legendary blood. Using his sense of smell, the fire type started to lead them towards heatran's chamber. "None of you seen any other charizards have you? My brother has been hiding and I wish to know where he is." Dracul said trying to start a conversation. Yet he knew the answer wouldn't lie within this mountain, but heatran did and to kill heatran will make him more recognized as a dangerous undead. "Beyond here lies Heatran. What is thy plan to defeat heatran?"  The charizard said as he guides them towards his chamber. seeing a chance to escape, Dracul took off leaving the only three left in the cavern to die. It was no more than hatred and he would rather see heatran become like his masters.

    OoC)) Leaving post sorry guys but this long being inactive, just kind of slows the progress down.

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