Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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20 posters

    (ACE) The STARK Team


    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:09 pm

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    Inside Stark Mt./Night(1)

    "How...how the hell did I get myself into this?"

    It had been several hours since the Eevee had fallen into a mini-canyon within Stark mountain. She had been running from an infected Fearow, who chased her into the mountain. Looking behind her at the infected monster, Shinra slipped and fell down a steep cliff.
    Luckily, there was no lava nearby. The mountain did, however, have a nasty habit of belching the stuff up in random places.

    Shinra was far more worried about something other than lava. If she didn't get out of here soon, she would certainly succumb to dehydration. That, or infected. She wasn't quite sure which was worse.
    Planning to avoid both, Shinra began climbing her way out again. Or at least, trying to. Ther rocks were far too sharp to get a good grip on, cutting and scratching her. Even when she did get a slight grip, the rock in question soon slipped from it's place.
    "Argh! Fuck!" Shinra was sent tumbling to the bottom once more. There was just no way she would be getting out anytime soon.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:48 pm

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    Within Stark Mt. | Night | 1

    It was dark, and no one was in sight, much like the night he had pleaded for help and no help came. The Spirit Pokemon wandered the dark abyss of Stark Mountain, his golden mask a horrid reminder that he was no longer alive, but a wandering soul on this dying planet. Plea's hands shook excessively as he struggled to keep his emotions under control, his eyes tearing up. Why... why didn't anyone come...? The Yamask floated along the mountain's rocky ground unevenly, not sure whether he should simply fall on the floor and await death or wait for something else to finish the job. Why must I live when there's nothing left to live for?

    Plea clutched his mask with regret, self-pity filling his heart. Please. Just... stop. The poor Pokemon wished for nothing more other than for everything around him to just stop so that he could think. It hurt so much... his heartbeat shouldn't be there, his breathing should have stopped, and his eyes should not be able to see. Stupid. If only you've set those people in place, then this wouldn't have happened. The ghost continued to beat himself up, knowing that his death was his own fault.

    "Argh! Fuck!" In the morbid silence, a piercing noise reached Plea, causing him to flinch and hide behind his mask. Don't hurt me! He whimpered to himself, but when no attack came, the Yamask let his mask down once more and looked around uncertainly. It was against his better judgement, actually it was against his own will, but the ghost followed where he imagined the source of the voice would be to a sort of miniature canyon. Giving himself a deep breath, fearing what lay at the bottom of this pit, the Spirit Pokemon forced himself to glance downward and found himself staring at an Eevee.


    Last edited by Ace on Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:20 am; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:00 pm

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    Inside Stark Mt./Night(2)

    The voice made Shinra nearly jump out of her skin. She had been anticipating the cry of one of those monsters above her, elated at the sight of a free meal. The roars had been getting closer, so it was a great shock for it to be something different. Hearing a voice other than her own was almost foreign.

    Regaining her wits, Shinra suddenly realized what was happening. There was a living creature at the top of the canyon. Not some monster ready to kill her, but a real, livng Pokemon. Someone who wouldn't eat her. Someone who could talk. Someone who could help! She could barely keep herself from shouting with joy.

    The Eevee scrambled to her feet and replied to the stranger. "Hey there! Nice to meet someone normal for once!...Um, would you mind helping me out of here? That'd be super awesome."

    Shinra hoped they would help. It'd be just my luck to find a living pokemon who happens to be an uncaring jerk, she thought to herself.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:01 am

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    Within Stark Mt. | Night | 2

    "Hey there! Nice to meet someone normal for once!...Um, would you mind helping me out of here? That'd be super awesome." The Eevee looked up to him with great relief, hollering to get her out. Plea's hands shook, his first instinct to instantly float downward and pick her up, but he hesitated. What was she going to do once he brought her up? ... kill me... A regretful voice whispered in his mind, his mask almost glimmering with horrid reminiscence. The Yamask's entire body began to shake, quiver with fear that she would attempt another murder upon him. I don't want to die. The ghost forced himself not to let the water out of his eyes, knowing that shown weakness was only another sign that he was easy to kill. After a moment of indecision, the Spirit Pokemon told himself that he would appeal to her plea for help. Although no one ever responded to mine...

    "I'm c-coming..." He stuttered, floating down the depth uncertainly and with shaking hands. He soon came to be next to the Eevee, and watched her with large eyes. You won't kill me... will you?... It was troubling to think that if he were to help her, she would only stab him in the back in return. After giving a small nod to signal that he was going to pick her up, Plea floated just directly over the Eevee, holding her tenderly. Though he feared that he in turn might be killed, he certainly didn't want to be the one at fault. "I-I-I'm Plea." Maybe if he made friendly with the normal type, she wouldn't feel so obliged to slaughter him as mercilessly as... Plea sniffled, the tears filling his eyes at a fast rate. By then, the Yamask had already been lifting the Eevee upward, but he stopped as his emotions gained control.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:00 am

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    Stark Mt. | Night (1)

    It had been hours since Xela had last seen her trainer and vowed to find Pokemon she could help with Delta following behind her. She leaped easily among the cliff's and crevices that adorned Stark Mountain and found herself wondering how this was so easy to her when she had never once before even ventured near mountain terrain. Although her kind detested getting their paws dirty, Xela didn't mind really whatsoever as she strode through the night air thinking of the Herdier Delta and wondering why it was he wanted to protect her. She was about to call back to him when she began to hear noises ahead of her and, being the curious type herself, she didn't hesitate to stride forward and peaked over the edge of the small canyon to find an Eevee being lifted into the air by a Yamask. Her first thought was that the Eevee probably fell down into the Canyon a and got itself stuck but her second thought was to back up so they couldn't see her. The Yamask seemed terribly sad by the tears in its eyes and Xela didn't want to startle it into dropping the Eevee.

    Backing up, Xela sat on the ground and began to groom her fur while keeping alert for signs of infected. Her ears pricked back and forth searching for sounds but all she could hear was the two Pokemon in the canyon as their voices reverberated off the cliff face and Delta climbing up to find her. That made Xela stand on high alert. The sounds caused by that would easily give away their position and alert any nearby undead so, instead of staying where she was, Xela turned and jumped up higher on the cliff face so that she could easily see down and around where the two Pokemon were coming up the canyon. Keeping on high alert, she waited for the two to get to the top of the canyon before she would make herself known.

    Last edited by Blitzstrike on Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:17 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:15 pm

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    Stark Mt. | Night

    Though the Herdier would have never admitted it, his soft life and easy-going adventure caused his muscles to be rather... soft. He had been following Xela with the stalwart degree to protect her, but once they began climbing the rocky ledges and pouncing over high mounts, he started to lag behind. The price of being a gentleman during these times. Bunching his legs before he jumped the side of a high ridge, Delta scrabbled on the edge before pulling himself up. "Xela..." He muttered quietly, seeing the Delcatty washing herself as if they had all the time in the world.

    But, then again, they sort of did have all the time in the world; within this mountain, it almost seemed like time had stopped, and all around them there was no movement whatsoever. A little disturbing, yes, but it allowed the Herdier to catch his breath from fighting. The Loyal Dog Pokemon padded over to the other normal type, quirking a brow upward in question. "Why are you...?" He sat beside her (hiding his horrendous pant - it would be dishonorable if she saw him tired!), looking around with his ears perked.

    What were they to do in this empty mountain? Was there a sanctuary that was hidden that would allow them a safe place from the epidemic? Was there anything within Stark Mountain, aside from the rocks and stones? Delta flicked his ears dismissively, sighing as he pawed the ground while glancing at Xela. Xela... If only she didn't always stick her nose in places it wasn't meant to be in. Then protecting you from the horrors of this world would be a whole lot easier.

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Suicune Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:23 pm

    Inoko is now being taken out of the team.
    No harbinger attack.
    Sorry for the delay everyone.


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    Founding Admin


    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:35 pm

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    Stark Mountain | Night (1)

    Loli glanced around, squinting her eyes in the dim light. She sighed, her mouth appearing on top of the yellow 'X' on her face as she puffed out the air. I'm kinda tired, she thought, I'll stop here at this mountain and rest for a bit. As she drifted down towards a safe looking spot, a little canyon, the faint sound of voices caught her attention. Monsters? No, Monsters can't talk...

    She spun around in place, searching for the source of the talking. A couple of forms were silhouetted against the rocky area, moving slowly upward. Loli darted down behind a rock with a quick Gust, hoping not to make too much noise and startle who, or whatever was there. A glimmer of gold helped Loli to figure out what the black Pokemon was, a Yamask, carrying an Eevee. The small Yamask had frozen, shuddering.

    Is the Eevee too heavy for it? Loli hesitated, wondering if either of the Pokemon were Monsters, but, then again, I don't think that those beasts would help each other out. Er... I don't see why not. she decided. With a quick Gust, she cut over to the two Pokemon, and, trying hard not to startle the ghost type, took took hold of the normal type where the Yamask wasn't gripping.

    "Mind if I lend a... um... hand?" she said quietly, chuckling slightly at using that figure of speech despite her lack of real hands.

    ((Ooc: Haven't roleplayed in a while, so excuse me if it's not very good. Also, still waiting on someone to make Loli's picture transparent.))

    Last edited by skitty427 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:04 am

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    Stark Mountain | Night(3)

    "I'm c-coming..." The other Pokemon said. Shinra was relieved to finally have some help. Much longer and she would have probably started to panic. She watched as the nice pokemon descended, coming closer and closer. It was quite unique looking, a golden mask with a ghostly eye and hands. Shinra had never seen anything like it. When he signaled he was going to pick Shinra up, she happily complied.

    It was an odd feeling, being carried by what she assumed was a ghost. Shinra felt as if she were being lifted by a cloud. "I-I-I'm Plea." the masked pokemon said. Shinra smiled sweetly and replied, "Nice to meet you, Plea. I'm Shinra." She then noticed that Plea's eye was tearing up. "Are you alright? I'm not too heavy, am I?" Shinra hoped she hadn't done anything to upset him!

    The eevee then felt something grab onto her hind legs. "Mind if I lend a... um... hand?" Shinra looked up to see another pokemon, who greatly resembled a balloon. Trying to hide her shock, Shinra answered. "Go ahead. The more the merrier, right?" She said, chuckling a bit. Her luck really had turned around! First she was chased down a canyon by an infected, now here she was, being carried by two nice pokemon!

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:23 am

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    Within Stark Mt. | Night | 3

    "Are you alright? I'm not too heavy, am I?" Plea sniffled as the Eevee, whom addressed herself as Shinra, asked if he were alright. Though the thought that he was actually dead tore at his heart, very much so that his tears came back almost instantly, he stifled the waterworks by the immediate show of concern the normal type had done. Thank you. The Yamask watched in silent gratitude as another ghost swooped near them, offering her help. With the easier load, he quickly brought one hand up to wipe away his tears and gave off a small smile to the Drifloon and Eevee.

    As they began their ascend upwards, Plea glanced at the Pokemon that he was with. A Drifloon with two different eye colors that really set her apart, and an Eevee that had fallen down into a small canyon. It was at this moment that he heard the shuffling of feet (or paws?) and a murmur of voices above them. He stopped almost at once, his eyes widening in fear. They were out to get him, to finish what they had started. "W-we're going to d-d-die..."

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:00 pm

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    Stark Mountain | Night (2)

    Looking up from her grooming, Xela watched Delta finally scrabble his way up to her and pad towards her. "Why are you...?" He sat beside her, looking around with his ears perked. A smile lit her muzzle and she shifted closer to him, her tail laying against his side. "I'm just waiting for the two Pokemon in that Canyon to make it to the top that's all." She said simply, flicking her ears forward to hear the Pokemon in the Canyon talking. That's when she realized there was more then just two and there was yet another Pokemon coming up to where she sat beside Delta. Curiosity claimed her and she neared the ridge to look down over it again right before she heard the Yamask let out a terrified voice. "W-we're going to d-d-die..."

    Sighing, Xela peered over the edge and called down to the ones below after noticing there was now a rather curious looking Drifloon with them. "Hello down there. Don't worry we won't hurt you we just want to help." Her tail swished back and forth gently as her voice echoed down to them.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:14 am

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    Stark Mt. | Night

    "I'm just waiting for the two Pokemon in that Canyon to make it to the top that's all." He nodded quietly, sticking to her side in a reserved manner as she meandered close to the edge. Don't get too close. He muttered in his mind to Xela, but he knew that even if he had told her, she would have done so anyhow. Delta leaned his ears forward as he heard the Pokemon that she had spoken about, peering downward to see not two, but three living creatures floating upward. What an odd scene, a normal type being brought up by two ghost types. Frankly, ghosts always unnerved the Herdier, but seeing from experience that ghost types fade away when infected, he supposed these weren't so bad.

    "Do land on this side of the canyon, and we can speak more then," Delta spoke respectfully, his nose twitching as he sniffed the cavernous air. "Xela, let's move away from the ledge so that they can land safely." A gentleman always hides his true motive when protecting a lady. Mr. Backlot would surely be proud of his endeavors, and with that happy thought, Delta padded just a bit away from the edge, shaking himself to rid of any dirt that might've caught in his overcoat.

    The Loyal Dog Pokemon traced his right paw along the dirt in front of him absentmindedly, wondering what these Pokemon that floated up to them were like. They obviously weren't dangerous if they were helping one another, but with a flick of his tail, Delta wondered if they were the kind that were good teammates. Teammates - it was something that Delta was very sensitive about; after all, he had lost all his teammates due to the spreading infection, and left his trainer in the hands of others humans. He had basically stranded himself on purpose. Who am I to start looking for teammates?

    One would have taken into account that the Delcatty that he had been traveling with could be considered as a teammate, but Delta... considered her a special case. He had known Xela from afar, and for a very long time. And now that he had finally the chance to meet the other normal type, the Herdier wanted to actually know the Delcatty. Hold yourself, good sir. He should focus on surviving the epidemic first, and then, and only by then, could he actually begin thinking about settling down. She's just a friend anyhow.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:06 am


    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:32 am

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    Stark Mt. | Night (3)

    Nodding to what Delta had said, Xela moved back and sat down. Her thoughts drifted to the time she had her trainer and the times she stood in the Contest Ring. Sighing, she let her thoughts stay there enjoying the old feeling of pride they gave her. She remembered meeting Delta for the first time and that made a smile rise up on her muzzle. Hitting him gently with her tail she looked to him with sparkling eyes. "Come sit by me." Xela's voice was playful but calm. It was always calm.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:16 am

    [ooc: short post is short ;w;]
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    Stark Mt. | Night

    "Come sit by me." Delta's ears pricked at the sound of Xela's voice, his body instinctively turning towards her. It only took a moment for her words for his mind to catch up. W-what? As a gentleman, he could not bare to be in such close confinement as a lady (Pokemon), a pretty one at that! Flicking his tail in slight surprise, the Herdier attempted to find words to gently reject her offer. Oh, the dishonor! He stiffly shuffled in paws in thought; it would be extremely weird to be so near Xela, but at the same time, it would be disrespectful!

    Scrunching his nose, the Loyal Dog Pokemon figured that he must be putting too much thought into this. After such indecision, Delta realized that he was being disrespectful just by not going over. I must be as calm and collected as Xela, yes. Nonchalantly inhaling to gather his senses, the mutt wandered over to the Delcatty, settling next to her and awaiting for the other Pokemon to arrive. He avoided how tingly it felt when their fur touched. Because a gentleman avoids such feelings for the sake of friendship.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:25 pm

    ((Ugghhh... Sorry for being late, guys.))
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    Stark Mountain | Night

    Loli strained herself, trying with all her might to lift the other Pokemon to higher ground. Physically, Loli had never been the strongest, but she can pack a real punch with a strategically cast Gust. A small ledge loomed over, not far away. Loli put as much power behind her signature flying type move as she could, and launched herself up towards the spot. With a bit of maneuvering, she found firm ground and set her load down. She panted for breath, resting her 'arms' on the stone just below her.

    Just then she noticed whom she had dropped in on. A Delcatty, and a fluffy Pokemon Loli didn't recognize, sat near the ledge. They smiled at the two newcomers, and Loli returned the cheerful look. "Hey," she said, still worn out from her trip. "I really hope you guys aren't evil or anything, 'cause if ya are, I'm kinda screwed." Loli's lighthearted attitude allowed her to joke around like this, even when the situation looks grim.

    ((Again, sorry. And sorry about the short post. Gog, I'm careless...))

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:10 pm

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    Stark Mountain | Night(4)

    The bottom of the cliff was getting farther and farther away. Shinra hoped it would stay that way. She could tell she was a bit much for the light Pokemon carrying her. She didn't want to make it any harder, so she kept her mouth shut and stayed still. When they were almost at the top, Shinra felt herself lift higher faster all of asudden, as if the balloon Pokemon had gotten a literal second wind.

    Shinra soon felt her paws graze the ground. "I'm free!" she said gleefully. She was softly set down. The Eevee did a small victory dance, spinning in a circle. When she came down from cloud nine, Shinra saw two Pokemon sitting in front of her. She was slightly shocked; It had been weeks since she had seen so many Pokemon in one place.
    "I really hope you guys aren't evil or anything, 'cause if ya are, I'm kinda screwed." Shinra felt the same. "Yeah, that would suck alot."
    A thought then hit the Eevee. "Hey, wait a minute! You guys weren't sitting here the whole time I was stuck, were you?" If there was one thing more annoying than being stuck in a cavern, it was being stuck in a cavern while someone looked on amused.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:45 pm

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    Stark Mountain | Night (4)

    Xela laughed softly as she watched Delta wrestle with himself and decide to sit down beside her. A strange tingly feeling washed over her when their fur brushed and she decided quickly that she liked that feeling. With a smile she leaned closer to him calmly like nothing was happening and purred softly letting that same feeling rush through her like the wind. Looking by the ridge she began to see the other Pokemon making it to the top and sighed in relief as the Drifloon deposited the Eevee and rested on the cliff they were situated on.

    "Hey," she said, still worn out from her trip. "I really hope you guys aren't evil or anything, 'cause if ya are, I'm kinda screwed."

    Xela smiled to the Drifloon wanting to reply to her but the Eevee then spoke up as well.

    "Yeah, that would suck alot." A thought then seemed to strike the Eevee and she added, "Hey, wait a minute! You guys weren't sitting here the whole time I was stuck, were you?"

    Xela hung her head softly in shame. She hated it when there was no one she could help someone and they found out about it. Sighing, she stood and addressed the two Pokemon who were finally out of the ridge.

    I wanted to help but there was nothing I could do and we weren't really watching you. When we arrived, you were already getting the help you needed." She smiled quickly. "As you can tell we are both quite alive. Let me introduce myself and my friend. My name's Xela and this is Delta." As she addressed him she playfully flicked him with her tail as a sign of affection.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:55 am

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    Stark Mt. | Night

    The odd feeling continued to nag him, making his heart beats awfully loud as Xela calmly purred and leaned on him. The Herdier stood stock still, not entirely registering how close they were until it seemed as if her scent radiated all around him. ...! Delta gently sidestepped away from the Delcatty as he noticed the Pokemon rising up from behind the ledge. I'm sorry, Xela... I just can't. Blinking in apology (though he wasn't sure she saw it), the Loyal Dog Pokemon twitched his nose in discomfort as he looked on at the Drifloon and Eevee.

    "I really hope you guys aren't evil or anything, 'cause if ya are, I'm kinda screwed." The Drifloon spoke amicably, the Eevee agreeing right on the spot. Delta didn't quite know what the ghost meant by 'screwed' - as far as he remembered, screwing meant... Appropriate gents only think appropriate things, Delta. He reprimanded himself as he pawed the ground. Dragging his thoughts away from such a rancid topic, the Herdier padded closer to the two new Pokemon, looking at them critically. It was obvious that they meant no harm if they weren't looking for it, and the two seemed friendly enough; Acceptable. He told himself with finality.

    He couldn't really be too careful these days, and when he took his protecting-the-princess job seriously, Delta had to be wary of one and all. Even those with innocent faces could turn out to be treacherous foes if not faced correctly. Gladly enough, the epidemic seemed to have scared the deceitful into hiding, allowing the pure of heart to be seen much more easily. Flicking his tail as he finished his inspection of the two, the Herdier brought himself back to the present, listening to Xela explain that they found them when help was no longer needed. That Eevee must have blamed us for not helping.

    "Please hear us out, Ms. Eevee." He said genuinely, bowing his head momentarily. Noticing that he was surrounded by females, Delta raised his head once more with a noble deed in mind. As a gentleman, it was his duty to protect all from danger, but most certainly and foremost he had to protect the females from harm. A gentleman never leaves a lady to tend to her own needs. Although some he found himself drawing near towards (he discreetly glanced towards Xela sheepishly), he would treat them as a lady should be treated - with utmost respect. "As Xela kindly put," he said with a friendly flick of his ears towards the Delcatty. "I am Delta, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

    Posts : 9

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Scizor Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:51 pm

    Fly...Aerial, fly....

    The Scizors' powerful wings pushed him through the night sky with amazing speed as he scanned the horizon. His body was broken and decayed beyond recognition. The hum that emanated from his wings was low and dull from the amount of decay his body had undergone. The steel harbinger sang to the vibrations of his own wings, a haunting melody floating through the air.
    A sickening gargle escaped his torn throat as he spied a small creature in his skies, creeping up the side of a mountaintop.

    It flies...
    He marveled at the floating thing, devoid of any wing appendages.
    "How Beautiful..."
    He hissed, divebombing onto the balloon-like pokemon, grasping it tightly with his razor-sharp pincers. The harbinger was shocked as the creature in his claws began to scream when he embraced it.
    "Why do you cry?!" He roared, clamping his claws tighter in rage and panic around the delicate thing, piercing its' outer skin.
    Enraged at its' reaction of pain, the Scizor slammed the thing and himself into the ground far below with an earth-shattering impact. Before the dust even cleared, he slashed mercilessly at the creature underneath him, bloody tears dripping from his eyes.

    "WHY!? WHY DID YOU CRY!? YOU WERE BEAUTIFUL!" He roared, claws flying as his own violent reaction sent pieces of flesh flying from his exoskeleton with each bloody stroke. He hissed heavily as his claws slowed and eventually ceased. He looked down at the creature he loved for its' beauty...now nothing more than a crimson smear.

    No beauty...nothing left...the harbinger thought in despair, as he fell to his knees. Blood tears fell to the ground next to the pokemons' corpse as a pained screech echoed throughout the mountainside.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:12 pm

    (OOC: Please skip me just this once. I feel awful and my head hurts too much to think of anything to type.)

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:07 am

    [ooc: I really don’t know where the Scizor went after the attack, and I know they’re supposed to disappear afterwards, so I’ll just say he flew away orz]
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    Stark Mt. | Night

    This was terrible, beyond what he could describe. The graceful Drifloon, two magnificent eyes of different colors that shone with life, had brought this Eevee along with her. She was incredibly friendly, even jokingly so, and her friendly demeanor allowed Delta to appreciate the ghost type. The Herdier had not let his guard down in so long, ever since it had become a fierce world of gore and killing. But amazingly enough, those ghost’s upbeat attitude reminded the dog that wow, where had the carefree Delta gone?

    The Loyal Dog Pokemon winked in keen gratefulness, still keeping to himself although he found the Pokemon he was with very charming - each in their own right. That is, until the Scizor swooped down, coming upon the Drifloon. “What!” Delta barked out the word in surprise, a growl playing on his lips. He could do nothing, terribly so, as he watched the Scizor destroy the one Pokemon that reminded him of his glory days. The Herdier tensed his muscles; this is what hurt felt like, this was why he forced himself to turn away from loved ones. The hurt obviously broke his heart.

    “...” Blinking fast tears away as the Scizor disappeared into Stark Mountain, Delta stared at where the Drifloon had once been - being a ghost, she would leave no material body behind. Only a red smudge remained, the dark redness staring at him malevolently. Pull yourself together. He was supposed to be a gentleman, and be the backbone for the ladies who must be just as frightened and confused as he was. He could mourn in secrecy later. Rest in peace, dearest Drifloon.

    But as he looked at the other two remaining Pokemon, Delta had no comforting words to offer. Sigh... “... we should find a safe place to hide. There might be others out there.” He said softly, his ears drooping slightly, before he forced them to stay erected. Rest in peace.

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:34 am

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    Stark Mt. | Night(5)

    Before Shinra could reply to the Delcatty's answer, something terrible descended from the sky. It was obvious that the Eevee wasn't it's target, as she was blown away by the wind created by the beating wings. Recovering from her tumble, Shinra looked up to see what had appeared. Instantly, she regretted this. Her new friend was being murdered right in front of her. She quickly returned her gaze downward.

    When the gruesome sounds stopped, Shinra looked back up. She expected to see gorey remains, but instead saw nothing but a disconcerting smear of blood. Although she hadn't know the balloon pokemon long, the death was still saddening. Behind her, she heard the dog say something about hiding. It was a good idea, but first the Eevee needed to vent a bit.

    Her sadness quickly turned into rage. Standing up once again, Shinra shouted to the sky, "You bastard! You damned psychotic bastard!" Shinra knew the Scizor was long gone, but that didn't matter to her.
    Panting, the Eevee's rage eventually subsided. She turned around to face the others, and nodded. "Let's go."

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:24 am

    [ooc: granted permission to see Kat's Charizard flying]
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    Stark Mt. | Night

    The Eevee had yelled towards the dank air of the cave, muttering revenge and shouting its wicked ways, and it only broke Delta's heart more that he didn't even know this Drifloon. Shuffling his paws, and pressing against Xela to make sure she was alright, Delta faced the Eevee - her boisterous nature would surely lend a hand in countless situations. "Let's go." He nodded towards her words, knowing that it was best to move while they still could.

    Delta padded along the ledge, looking about Stark Mountain. A complex maze of tunnels and caverns, the Herdier was positive that many others must have taken refuge in this mountain and never came out. He shook his fur momentarily, keeping his back to the others. What were they to do? Was there truly any way to hide from the demons of this universe? He sniffled, knowing he must stay strong for the ladies.

    He looked upward, seeing a small opening in the ceiling where the Scizor must have come in through. Hm...? Delta narrowed his eyes, swearing he could have seen the silhouette of a Charizard in the night sky. "Might I ask what your name is, Eevee?" He asked, breaking his contact with the figure in the sky. My focus should be with the others around me. If the thing he saw decided to confront them, it would be then, and then only, that he would consider it a part of his business.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1078

    (ACE) The STARK Team  Empty Re: (ACE) The STARK Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:30 am

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    Stark Mt. | Night(1)(1)

    A semi large orange dragon circled the mountain a few times before landing."Well I didn't see any humans, so this place is probably safe."Grim said to a small yellow mouse like creature climbing off its back. Grim saw the Pikachu nod at her before heading towards the inside of the mountain. Grim followed close behind, looking out for any infected they could happen upon. The cave was darkened, but it had some light and Grim's tail fire gave the two more than enough light to see where they were going.

    Twain sighed and leaped off the Charizards back."As long as there are no men in white coats I can deal with whatever else this place has to throw at us."Twain said as they walked inside the cave. It was a little dim, but Twain's eyes adjusted fairly quickly as the two friends walked inside the cave. Twain saw nothing out of the ordinary here, just a few bones and some discarded scraps of flesh about, a clear sign of infected about but that mattered little to him. He knew as long as he was around Grim, that the pair would have no problem dealing with the monsters.

    Once the two were inside the cave they noticed a couple other pokemon.Twain fearing his face would scare them away, turned away before they could see him. While Grim waved at them with a weak smile. "Hello there, I'm Grim." She said quietly, shifting just enough to feel comfortable but not enough that Twain would be revealed.

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