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    Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive]


    Age : 26
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    Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] Empty Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive]

    Post by Negative10 Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:11 pm

    Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] 51
    Commission Requested

    The tallest is Calm, the shortest is Anger, and the middle one is Happy.

    Sucker Punch [learned]
    Tri-Attack [learned]
    Frustration [technical machine]
    Hyper Beam [technical machine]

    Sand Veil: Raises the Pokémon’s evasion during a sandstorm by one level.
    Overall, they are Adamant in what they do.
    They are Proud of their power, though they show it differently.
    National Dex No./Species-
    #51 Dugtrio / The Mole Pokemon

    Pokédex Entry-
    Its three heads move alternately, driving it through tough soil to depths of over 60 miles. (BW Pokedex)

    Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] Heartmail
    Heart Mail

    As a Diglett, the Emotions were merely called Chalance, the partner Pokemon to a woman who worked for the post office. Together, they traveled door to door in their neighborhood each morning, delivering letters with dedication to the people the mail was given to. Chalance adored his owner for her honest work that paid little, and followed after her without question- soon enough, he was known as the post office's mascot.

    There came a day when a rowdy trainer came by, demanding to fight the Diglett. At first Chalance's mistress declined the order, but the small ground type wanted to show her that he can protect her. At first, it was obvious that the Diglett was fighting a losing battle, and the opponent was getting more cocky by the second. "Let's finish this, Raticate! Hyber Beam!" Chalance's owner screamed in terror as the rat let out a strong blast of power that devoured the Diglett whole.

    It was the end of the Diglett. The mail-carrier let her tears fall, and her opponent only scoffed and left without another word. She couldn't believe that her only Pokemon, whom was hers since its birth, was gone. That Hyper was just too much for the small thing to handle.

    It was the end- for the Diglett. When the postmaster looked up to see the remains of her beloved Pokemon, she saw a Dugtrio in its place; Chalance had evolved. Greatly relieved, and overly giddy, she brought her Dugtrio home immediately, and cared for his wounds. The days following, she began to train Chalance, so that their little incident wouldn't happen again.

    Yet... Chalance was different. He was obviously still the same Pokemon, since another shiny Pokemon doesn't just pop up, but instead of a steadfast friend he had been for his trainer as a Diglett, he was aggressive, dead calm, and happy, all at the same time. His three different heads constantly fought over who was right, and sometimes the smallest of topics elevated to all-out verbal wars. After weeks of the constant bickering, the woman quickly bought two random Technical Machines, taught the Dugtrio the moves, and after a good night's rest, released it. She left a letter specially made for them however, for them to read if they were ever lonely.

    The Dugtrio never realized he was released from ownership. They thought, with a glance at the letter, that she had given them a special delivery, and sent them off to go by themselves.

    The Emotions (the one thing they all agreed to), went off on their journey, fighting as they always had.

    User Note
    - The Emotions can only use Frustration when they're arguing with one another. Alternatively, they can only use Hyper Beam when working together.
    - The Emotions don't realize the letter is addressed to them, as they can't read.

    Last edited by Negative10 on Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:15 am; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 3650

    Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] Empty Re: Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive]

    Post by Mewtwo Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:29 pm

    Approved. Please wait for the team to be created, as it still has to go through proper channels, then your turn will be after the Vulpix.


    Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] 3Br5nS6

    Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotEmotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] UugYyDK

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] Empty Re: Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive]

    Post by Negative10 Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:15 am

    Can I place this character in inactive / take him out of the White team? I have another character in mind rather than having this one- it'll take the ticket that this one has taken.

    Sorry for the trouble... v-v

    Posts : 3650

    Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] Empty Re: Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive]

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:10 pm

    Very well, he will go into inactive.


    Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] 3Br5nS6

    Emotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotEmotions the Shiny Dugtrio [inactive] UugYyDK

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