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2 posters

    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre


    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre Empty Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre

    Post by Guest Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:02 am

    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre 68tq2c

    Name- Quarrant Tetch aka. The Mad Hatter
    Gender- Male
    - Hypnosis
    - Confusion
    - [color=#A33EA1Poison Gas[/color]
    - [color=#F95587]Psybeam[/color
    Ability- Insomnia
    Nature- Modest
    Characteristics- Often lost in thought
    National Dex No./Species- #97 Hypno/The Hypnosis Pokemon
    Pokédex Entry- It carries a pendulum-like device. There once was an incident in which it took away a child it hypnotized.
    Normally cast aside due being a Drowzee, he wasn't much of a favored character. People prefered the pretty Purrloin, the cool Charizard or the creepy Shuppet. He wished to be loved...but nothing could make him feel like that...
    Untill one day a boy named Lewis took him, taught him well but didn't wished to keep this Drowzee caught in a ball...As he evolved into an Hypno he was named Quarrant Tetch, he was becoming obsessed with a book about Alice in Wonderland. So obsessed...he believed to be a character from it...he believed to be the Mad Hatter.
    He started wearing a Top Hat and a Blue Trench coat, and started to develop great obsessions that were starting to get...scary. Lewis said he had to leave Quarrant...he understod but Quarrant's obsession started to turn into Madness once he met...Alice. A young pokemon, which his memory can't remember who it was...but he became obsessed with Alice...but than he lost Alice, but after a few months he found another Alice but lost her again.
    It wasn't long untill he was captured and interrogated, known to be quite smart, it seemed he was slight sadistic as several female pokemon and human girls were found dead or heavily paralyzed. He Denied everything! He didn't knew what was going on! But suddenly a Bandersnatch bursted in and killed the cops followed by several others...

    Quarrant was free...For now...The Wonderland was rising as he was starting to see things around. He had to find a way to find Alice in the Madness of Wonderland. But it would be easy for him...Because to be in Wonderland you had to be as Mad as a Hatter, which luckily he is.

    User Note
    -He sometimes may have murderous thoughts when under pressure or rejection.
    -Will deny any connection towards any murder he commited.
    -Normally hypnotizes people to have things his way.
    -Obsessed with hats and Alice in Wonderland.
    -Instead of a Pendulum, Quarrant as chose a Pocket Watch instead.
    -Often is seen removing the facial skin of certain victims and may call it a "new hat" if questioned about it.
    -His head is warped in bandages due the fact he had an "accident".

    Last edited by ECN13000 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:23 pm; edited 7 times in total

    Posts : 3650

    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre Empty Re: Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre

    Post by Mewtwo Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:34 am

    Moving to WIP


    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre 3Br5nS6

    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotQuarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre UugYyDK

    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre Empty Re: Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:06 am

    This profile is finished.

    Posts : 3650

    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre Empty Re: Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre

    Post by Mewtwo Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:31 pm

    You do not currently have any free tickets, however if you PM an admin I believe you have enough to purchase one.


    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre 3Br5nS6

    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotQuarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre UugYyDK

    Posts : 2653

    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre Empty Re: Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre

    Post by Lugia Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:24 pm

    Ticket given.


    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre Shadowlugiasig


    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


    Posts : 3650

    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre Empty Re: Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:31 pm

    Then he is approved. The team will be up and running in a few minutes. Your turn will be after the Duskull.


    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre 3Br5nS6

    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotQuarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre UugYyDK

    Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre Empty Re: Quarrant Tetch the Hypno Relic Team/Orre

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:28 pm

    I would wish to change Quarrant to Relic team. The reason for that is in the Team Character Sheet of Opelucid.

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