Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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10 posters



    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:36 am

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    Winstrate Area|Afternoon(44)

    Dawnfang whimpered and pressed her snout to Twilight's cheek. "Are you ok" she asked. While she was waiting on a reply, Dawnfang wondered where Kibo had gotten off to. Aisuru had told him nothing strenuous until the stitches had time to re-bond his flesh and tissue. Kibo would be no use if he got an infection or died. That and if his Quilava girlfriend returned and he had passed that would be very hard to explain. Maybe he was off sleeping or something somewhere. Dawnfang would hear him if he screamed in pure unadulterated terror. She was a canine and sensing distress in other things was a canine habit. Mostly in humans but Kibo never seemed to bottle up his emotions like she assumed Twilight or the small Vulpix did. Dawnfang herself would even openly declare dislike or hatred regardless of the situation.


    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:37 pm

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    Winstrate Area|Afternoon Kibo-66 Baloo-46

    Baloo slurped up anymore escaping drool and moved to Twilight's side. "Sho are shtill hurt from ze battel" he said fighting the drool the whole time. Sometimes he cursed his damn luck with a Pecha Berry reaction like this. Jewel used to pick at him excessively when they were just a pup and kit about it but recently Baloo did it to remind himself of her. The soft blue fur and pristine silver eyes. His Jewel. A true diamond of the world. Hopefully still alive and wondering about him. He still wondered about her...

    Kibo sighed and sat down looking at the midday sky. He smiled softly and felt the wind rush through his fur. His voice caught in his throat and a hiccup came up starting the tears. Kibo growled and punched the floor. Kibo was a scalchopsman! They never cried... But Kibo wasn't raised the way Aisuru was raised probably... He was raised in a kitchen to cook and cater. He cried when he cut onions for all Zekrom's sake. His first and only love was world's away for all he knew. To Kibo it was like she had taken part of his heart with her. Kibo stood up to go back into the house only to fall flat on his belly and sob. He scraped his paws in front of him and shuddered. Kibo lost his everything... Now he had nothing to lose.

    ((OoC: Permmission to go up on the viewing roof and tell Kibo to get his shit together given))


    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:12 am

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    Winstrate Area | Afternoon | Lysana - 13

    Lysana looked around noticing Kibo wasn't around. She looked around for clues noticing the ladder. She curiously went towards it and climbed up. When she reached the roof she saw the Dewott. Apparently he was crying. Then she remembered what happened before. The Quilava left the doll in his care and then she left. She knew the feeling of worries about friends. She heard the voices of her deceased friends call in her mind. She shook it off.
    She walked towards the blue otter and tried to cheer him up by pressing her snout carefully against him. She didn't want to hurt him. "Hey..." She spoke softly. "We gotta stay strong." She was thinking of words to comfort him. "I don't know your friend that well. But she's important to you, right? Just trust her she will survive. I bet she would be really sad if you died so try to survive. For her, okay?" It was hard for the Vulpix to bring up those words. She quietly laid down next to Kibo and stared up in the cloudy sky.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Moon Moon Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:33 pm

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    Winstrate Area||Afternoon ((21))
    The plush doll limped in quietly, trailing small bits of stuffing as they fell from her gaping wounds on her chest. "I got jumped by a couple infected while I was making my way here, and yeah I got beat up." She pulled a strained smile and continued "Heh, the other guys look a lot worse though. 'Tis but a flesh wound!" She striked a heroic pose at the end of the last statement before a loud ripping noise sounded. "Bah I'll be fine." The effects of the curse once again re-asserted itself and the plush doll dropped to her knees as the pain surged through her. "Damn...It should have faded by now..." A viscous liquid black as oil, began to seep out of the zipper that is her mouth and faint, almost strangled inhuman screams started to sound from nowhere. Looking back up at her concerned company surrounding her she said in a unsteady voice "I'll...Be fine guys...N-no need to worry about me...I'm not worth it." She collapsed, and drifted off into a fitful sleep plagued by nightmares.

    Winstrate Area||???
    Dream sequence 2
    A barren landscape greeted her this time, pure white, dusty, and laden with craters. Immediately, the air was literally sucked out her and she gasped. Her instinct to breathe left over from back when she was alive. She clutched her neck as she struggled. She fell back as the landscape she was standing on suddenly lurched forward, hurtling towards a growing vaguely blue orb with white strands across it's surface. It grew larger and larger, until she finally knew what it was. As the flames curled around her as she just entered the atmosphere, she screamed but let out no sound. Over the roar of the flames, she vaguely heard the screams as she sighted a Clock tower directly below.


    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:12 pm

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    Winstrate Area|Afternoon(11)

    Aisuru turned the heat on low telling everyone to help themselves before scooping Twilight up in one of her paws. She had neglected her duty as a medic. Shameful. "Don't you worry sweetheart you are worth it... You're a friend and companion in this war and I won't let you die" Aisuru said with a smile. She placed the doll on the bed and dug in the cabinets finding a sewing kit with black thread in it. Aisuru carefully pinched Twilight's open wounds together and bound them with knitting needles before pressing the stuffing back inside. "Hopefully this won't hurt much" she said with a worried expression before getting the needle and thread ready. Like a true medic, Aisuru mended Twilight's fabric like it was flesh. She carefully cleaned up the liquid that dribbled from her mouth much like she had done to Taki when he was a pup and refused to swallow his berries. The liquid felt odd like the oil her body was naturally covered in but black. Aisuru shook her head before carefully unzipping Twilight's mouth to clean the mess from there before digging in her bag and finding a Chesto berry. She split it in half and placed it on either side of Twilight's head. Hopefully it would either wake her up with the scent or discourage nightmares...

    ((OoC: I hope it okay for Aisuru to make Twilight sexy again but if not I can edit it ^^)


    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:06 am

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    Winstrate Area|Afternoon (45)

    Dawnfang sniffed the bowl of stew carefully before licking some of it up. Delicious..! She placed a bowl in front of the Vulpix and smiled. "Go on its good and you look like you need a little meat on your bones" Dawnfang said a cheerful jab at the Vulpix's underweight figure. She didn't really have any room to pick at her since under all of Dawnfang's fur there was no healthy fat. Hell the undead were fatter and healthier then her... If there was anything fattening left to eat it wasn't in this hole...


    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:12 pm

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    Winstrate Area|Afternoon Kibo-67 Baloo-47

    Baloo lazily drank up the soup and sighed. So much pain and death... He looked over at the sleeping freshly mended Twilight and wondered. How many times could a wound be mended? Flesh would become rough and slightly torn even after most mendings. It was a painful but true fact. Baloo pressed his paw to his chest and sighed. Under the lemon yellow fur was pink purple scar from his time as a pup. The flesh had of course been mended but it tore and got worse before scabbing over. Baloo's fur was thin so anyone getting close to him could see it. The world was wounded like them...

    Kibo hugged the Vulpix thanking her. He missed Vera and wanted her back but surviving until then was key. His chest throbbed making him step back and place his paw on it. It stung to all hell and made him wonder what was wrong. For now he would brush it off.


    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:23 am

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    Winstrate Area | Afternoon | Lysana - 14

    Suddenly the otter hugged her. At first she was scared by the reaction, but then she was relieved. Good, he calmed down... When he let her go she smelled cooked meat. "Ah, I think the food is ready." She tried to remember the last time she had smelled meat that wasn't rotten or still walking around trying to kill her. She headed back to the living room. Dawnfang walked towards her with a bowl and placed it in front of the Vulpix. "Go on its good and you look like you need a little meat on your bones." Lysana first took a small lick of the stew. So good... She slowly ate her share of food and licked the bowl clean.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Moon Moon Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:23 pm

    ((Skip. Twi can't do much more than sleep right now. It'll take a little while for her to wake up since she's a heavy sleeper, probably by my next post.))

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:31 am

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    Winstrate Area|Afternoon (12)

    Aisuru looked down at the sleeping Banette and sighed softly. She remembered mending various wounds but... Her fondest memories were of the time with her family. Her mate a great Samurott who was the beach master of their home. Kotetsu was such a good mate and protective too. She never worried for her or her children's safety because of him. Kotetsu was a doting father as well to Taki. He always had time for the pup and her. Aisuru could only wonder where he was. Kotetsu was too strong and wise to become one of those things. And what of her dear pup Taki? He was so crazy and reckless it pained her to think he could be dead or worse. Aisuru sighed and rested her head on the bed next to Twilight. She only wanted a sign of sorts to prove her boys were alive somehow... Someway...


    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:13 am

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    Winstrate Area|Afternoon(46)

    Dawnfang nudged Twilight's hand and drooped her ears. She never held them all the way up anyway but... Dawnfang felt their small group had changed a lot since she had been here. Girls outmatching the guys like it was nothing. Kibo had come as a small Oshawott and now he was on the verge of becoming a Samurott. It had allowed time for the pup to have a bit of romance as well. He experienced love and lost it but knowing Kibo he would hold out for the Quilava until they quite possibly both died. Dawnfang went back to resting her head by the small plush doll. Being around little kids had made her lose her normal rough around the edges touch in favor of the role of gentle reason much like an older sibling who didn't side with the parents but then again didn't quite side with the unruly younger sibling. When worst came to worst, Dawnfang would trust what Twilight or Aisuru said yet she could understand if Kibo or Baloo had their own reasons for not doing things. And the small Vulpix Dawnfang would keep her own personal eye on. This group had started to feel like family to her. All it was missing was Duskfang who was probably dead...


    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:39 am

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    Winstrate Area|Afternoon Kibo-68 Baloo-48

    Baloo dug around in the fridge and grinned. He looked back at Kibo and Lysana. "What do you guys say... Candy and caramel apples" Baloo asked. There was enough caramel candies and hard candies to make a few. "We deserve it" he said with a wink.

    Kibo felt his heart sink in his chest a little. He wasn't sure why... His ears drooped to the point of almost being floppy. Something felt wrong in the world... Kibo sighed and closed his eyes trying to seek out some shred of happiness in the world.


    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:52 am

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    Winstrate Area|Afternoon|Lysana - 14

    Lysana smiled at the idea of eating the sweets. "Maybe later." It was one of those rare moment the vulpix was stuffed with food. She knew last time she stuffed herself full when she snuck into an abandoned bakery and stuffed herself full with cake and other sweets. She didn't want another stomache because of eating too much, that would be a complete waste of food.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1518

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Moon Moon Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:18 pm

    ((For the purpose of plot I will be posting after Taka. With Taka's permission Twilight will punch him in the face.))

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:42 pm

    Alas I too must skip since I'm waiting to make the leaving post for Taki for more plot)

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:12 pm

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    Winstrate Area|Evening-ish (47)

    Dawnfang felt the light dance of sleep in her muscles. The sun was resting in the west as well and her brown eyes slowly closed welcoming sleep. Back to her days as a Growlithe fighting Duskfang just to prove she was much better then him. A small smile graced her peaceful sleeping face at the memorable dreams.


    Age : 30
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:59 am

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    Winstrate Area|Evening-ish Kibo-69 Baloo-49

    Baloo shrugged and sat down beside the Vulpix. He didn't know why but he felt as if there was chaos coming. Very fast. On the wings of hell itself. Baloo shuddered and rubbed his arms. Does anyone else have the chills?

    Kibo twitched his ears and went outside. There was something in the distance coming this way... What on Arceus's Earth? He pounced up on a tree trying to see what it was. What on all hell's Earth was that... A strong gust of wind hit him and the fur on his belly parted showing a crescent scar where his bellybutton was. Something was coming for him to see.


    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:22 am

    ((Skip, sorry have been really busy lately ;-; ))

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:01 am

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    Winstrate Area|Evening Taki=55
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    Taki yawned and adjusted the leaf patch over his eye. He blinked seeing the half asleep Fearow headed for a rock wall. Holy hell on crackers! Taki grasped a paw full of its back fluff. Up...UP! The Fearow squawked and weakly flapped its wings scraping its chest as it tried to climb the wall. They weren't going to make it! Up up up! Faster! The Fearow now realizing the peril desperately beat its wings. Faster you silly h@#! The Fearow collided with the wall slingshoting the Dewott into a window. Bro! Get the license plate number! Taki looked down to see a Bannette laying on a bed flanked by a Arcanine and a Samurott. He made his sexiest face and leaned down next to the plush doll. Taki wiggled his eyebrows and leaned down for a Prince Charming style kiss.

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    Winstrate Area|Evening Aisuru=13

    Aisuru jumped up hearing the sound of broken shutters and a very familiar voice. She blinked the sleep from her eyes and gaped. T-Taki? She didn't know if she should hug him or strangle him for moving in on Twilight in her sleep.

    ((OoC: Same with Rustboro ^^ I heard Twi went into the Safehouse or somethin'))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Feb 16, 2013 12:47 am

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    Winstrate Area X Evening X (1)



    A bone is twisted until it snaps out of its socket, leaving a scrap of danging skin behind.
    Tattered scraps of dirty white bandage dangle down as the drumstick is raised up. Dribbles of dark blood leak over the long hooked white claws.
    The Cubone kicks his legs as he watches the sky.
    A crunching sound starts up and the little Ground Type hums a brief tune under his breath until the sound slowly comes to a stop.
    A shadow falls over him.
    Veir looks up into the deep red eye, a faint smear of blood marking the bandages replaced over the Weavile's mouth.
    Did you have a nice meal Zhen?" He asks.
    The Weavile's gaze is blank, his white-clawed hands hanging limp at his side. The little Cubone tightens his grip on the shattered club of bone at his side and stands.
    The brown leather satchel bumps against his back, resting against his spiked tail as he adjusts the strap over his shoulder. It is nearly empty apart from the flute of bone and a few berries.
    Veir stands up, feeling Zhen's gaze shift of him as the dark type lightly moves to his side.
    "Come on then. Let's see if we can find a good place to sleep for the night."
    Veir blinks in surprise as he sees a Fearow soar past them and apparently lose control of its flight, a spek of blue fur falling from its back.
    Another meal for Zhen?
    Veir reaches behind him, lifting up the flap of cold and flame scarred leather to find the hollow shaft of bone.
    "Please play something for me." He asks as he hands the flute over to Zhen.

    Still keeping his one unbandaged eye on the little Cubone in front of him the Weavile wraps his claws around the flute of bone. Instinct makes him move his claws over the holes drilled into the tapered bone and raise it to a small slit in his bandages.
    Zhen blows into the end of the flute, a discordant broken hissing leaps from the instrument as the Weavile attempts to play a tune with his mutilated tongue.
    His fingers dance over the rough drilled holes as he plays. A forgotten reminder of some tune lurks beneath the shattered notes, a memory of Zhen's past trying to force its way through the mess the disease has made of his brain. His red eye is blank and emotionless as it scans the horizon for potential threats.
    A scent of rot rolls of his dark blue-grey fur, one trailing edge of unraveling bandage swaying behind him as he shuffles his feet to the tune only he can hear clearly.
    Behind him lies the picked clean remains of a Poochyena; shattered bones from which the marrow has been sucked free, lumps of tough gristle and fat and the remains of the light grey pelt marred with deep purple marks.
    His footfalls making next to no sound Zhen follows close at Veir's heels.
    The scent of living flesh fails to spark any emotion in the dull gaze of his one visible eye but as the pair draws closer even the draw out hissing of his failed tune pauses as Zhen lowers his flute.
    "What is it?" Veir asks, looking up at his guardian.
    Zhen does not reply.

    ((OOC: Great to be on the team guys~))

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:52 pm

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    Winstrate Area|Evening (48)

    Dawnfang jumped up immediately looking around at the crashing noise. Her brown eyes zoned in on the Dewott trying to kiss Twilight. Why you furry mangy rat! Hot embers fell from her jaws as she readied Fire Blast. Dawnfang's concentration broke under the hissing of a far off flute. She howled in pain not liking the noise hitting her sensitive canine ears. Dawnfang rushed outside with a look of pained insanity in her eyes. The kind you see in cartoons when the buffest character loses his cool and begins foaming at the mouth and panting angrily. She turned quickly seeing a Cubone. That calmed her greatly but the Weavile however did not. Something about it seemed creepy but the bandages intrigued her. Was it injured possibly? Dawnfang shook her head slightly before moving beside Kibo keeping her paw in front of him with a hard gaze. Trust was not so easily earned nor kept with this canine...

    ((OoC: Dawnfang must not be a fan of flute music XD))

    Age : 30
    Posts : 846

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:37 pm

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    Winstrate Area|Evening Kibo-70 Baloo-50

    Baloo quirked his eyebrow at Dawnfang rushing around before following her. He pounced up on her fluffy back and looked over seeing the Cubone and Weavile. Baloo too wasn't very trustworthy but hey they couldn't be all bad considering age differences and the situation known as desperation. He had never truly been in that kind of situation but if worse came to worse... He would eat Kibo.

    Kibo ran towards the Weavile and Cubone with a wide grin on his face. He skidded to a stop landing flat on his bottom. Kibo jumped back up and held out his paw to them in greeting. Hi there! I'm Kibo what's your names?


    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:08 am

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    Winstrate Area | Evening | Lysana - 15

    The sound of crashing glass made the red fox dash under the table to hide. What was that? An infected? "Bro! Get the license plate number!" She carefully glanced from under the table.
    She saw a pair of feet that looked the same as those of Kibo. But this ain't Kibo. She prepared for the worst, and was ready to strike. She saw the feet right over to the bed where the doll was sleeping. "Why you furry mangy rat!" She heard Dawnfang growling before an earsplitting whistle sounded in the distance. The sudden sound suprised the fox and made her jump up and bump against the table accidently lighting it on fire with an ember. "Shit." The vulpix cursed crawling from underneath the table.
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Moon Moon Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:29 pm

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    Winstrate Area||Evening ((22))
    The plush doll thrashed in burning agony as the moon plummetted through the flaming sky. Then, the sound of a screeching whistle broke her out of her nightmare and she opened her eye suddenly. She was greeted by a Dewott lying next to her making some sort of duck impersonation. She had no idea of his intentions, but all she knew was that she wanted him to go away. She didn't want to be around anyone. In a cold rage, she clutched him by the throat and lifted him off the ground, rather easily she quietly remarked. "What are you hoping to accomplish, Mortal?" Then, it finally dawned on her just what he was doing. Throwing him back down with a disgusted snarl, she went to back to her normal(?) self and began to rage at him with extreme prejudice.

    "$^*&! *$&#(&#! CUNT! @%#^@*! #*@(#^! #*()()@&&@*^@&! #^*#^! )*@*! #$%^& HOE!" She Literally had to be dragged away and sat in the corner quietly fuming. After awhile, she got disatisfied and hopped through a hole in the wall to go blow off some steam. Going in a random direction, she wandered off. Leaving the group, but not for good.

    Last edited by Twilit Banette on Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : ((Had to edit it into the leaving post)))

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 14 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:49 am

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    Winstrate Area|Evening Taki=56

    Taki laughed insanely as he was thrown down. He grinned at the fuming Banette before twitching his ears. His belly felt warm and tight. Taki turned and his ears flattened back against his head. M...Mother? He wasn't even walking and somehow he fell flat on his bottom. Taki forgot about the attractive Banette for the moment before reaching out his paw to the Samurott.

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    Winstrate Area|Evening Aisuru=14

    Aisuru smiled softly and held the Dewott's paw in her own. She saw the crescent mark across his bellybutton just like Kotetsu had and even Kibo. Taki and Kibo... Her pups. Aisuru pulled him into her arms hugging him tight. My pup... My pup... You've come back.

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