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4 posters

    Xander the Haunter - Ilex


    Age : 33
    Posts : 783

    Xander the Haunter - Ilex Empty Xander the Haunter - Ilex

    Post by Un_kébécois Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:37 am

    Xander the Haunter - Ilex Energy_xander_2_pimp_by_spmwolf-d4od9qs
    Xander the Haunter - Ilex Xander_the_haunter_by_spmwolf-d6l2qx4
    ( Images are Courtesy of the Almighty Endgame. I am authorized to use them )

    Xander the Haunter
    Text Color #68228B
    Item None for the moment
    Gender Male
    Age Young Adult
    Species #093, Haunter. The Gas Pokémon
    Height 5'3'' (1m 60cm)
    Weight 0,2 pounds (0,1kg)
    Pokédex Entry ''In total darkness, where nothing is visible, Haunter lurks, silently stalking its next victim.'' (Gold)
    Level 45
    Ability Levitate: Gives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.
    Nature Rash
    Characteristic Often lost in thoughs
    Moves - Hypnosis (Leveling)
    - Shadow Punch (Leveling)
    - Shadow Ball (Leveling)
    - Dream Eater (Leveling)
    History As a normal Gastly, he was enjoying himself within the Pokémon Tower, along with the rest of his siblings. He liked to afraid the trainers who were coming unprepared in the upper part of the Tower. One day, he ventured outside to see what it looked like, but unfortunately, he was blown away by a strong wind. He tried to get back, but the poor Pokémon wasn't strong enough to fight the wind and he get blown away, and he blackened out. When he awaken, he was, for the first time of his life, afraid. Having no idea where he landed, he searched far and wide in the forest he had landed in (The Viridian Forest), looking for someone to help him. But as soon as he saw another pokémon, they always fled. And when it was a trainer, he/she was too scared/not interested by him and always ran away.

    Then, one day, he met Patrick. The Lil' Gastly was sobbing quietly on a fallen tree when this fellow came by and asked him if he was okay. The young Gastly looked to him, and immediately hugged him. It was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. They worked and trained hard together. Despite Patrick wasn't an active trainer and never attempt to beat the gym leaders, Gastly battled frequently and travel along Patrick on trips around the world. Then one day, he evolved into a Haunter. That day, Patrick felt like Haunter needed a new name, and thus, he renamed him Xander.

    One day, on their way home, the duo got embushed by a flock of Murkrow. Xander tried his best, but Patrick has been lifted in the airs, just to be sliced by a monstrusous Honchkrow. Being driven mad by this incident, he killed a bunch of Murkrow before they finally left him and the remains of Patrick. He tried the best he could to give him a proper burial, then went away to find out what was going on, and ultimately, avange his fallen master and friend.
    Appearance Xaner looks like any other Haunter, except he's a little darker than a regular one.
    Personality Xander was raised well enough that he doesn't act like the other members of his family branch. Instead of selfishness and cruel jokes, he tries his best to help. However, when he's hungry or angered, his familial instincts will often prevail. He's moderately traumatised by what's happened and still happening around him during the Epidemic, and therefore will have a problem with pokémons that takes the situation lightly. He's always trying to "slam the seriousness of the situation" into their skull, or at least he'll try.
    User Notes -Xander have somewhat gained a french-canadian accent while traveling with Patrick (probably when he evolved).
    - He addopted some swearings from his human friend.
    - Also, he tend to feed himself with the dream of sleeping pokémons instead of berries, because he find them tastier
    - Want to reunite with his old comrads of the Ilex Team, especially Plague.
    - Basicly, Xander is my Pokesona. Just, not the same name. He's also my first and only character (for now)

    Last edited by Un_kébécois on Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:20 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Hurr Durr. New Profile pic. FEAR MAH DUCKFAIC!)

    Age : 37
    Posts : 4642

    Xander the Haunter - Ilex Empty Re: Xander the Haunter - Ilex

    Post by Suicune Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:31 pm

    Approved. You will be placed on the Ilex team.
    Your turn will be after John the Bronzor.

    Age : 33
    Posts : 783

    Xander the Haunter - Ilex Empty Re: Xander the Haunter - Ilex

    Post by Un_kébécois Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:27 am

    Xandah is reay to hit the road again BAYBAH!

    Brand new Xander 2.0 include:

    - Removal of the whole Ipod thing
    - Addition of Personnality, Text Color, Some User Notes and Age.
    - Modification of Pokédex Entry, Nature, Weight and Height as well as Appearance

    -Still, it's your old Xandah! At least, smell like old Xander.... meeeeeehh¸

    Anyway, can someone move him back to the main computer please?

    Posts : 3650

    Xander the Haunter - Ilex Empty Re: Xander the Haunter - Ilex

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:31 pm

    Approved for Colosseum.


    Xander the Haunter - Ilex 3Br5nS6

    Xander the Haunter - Ilex ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotXander the Haunter - Ilex UugYyDK

    Posts : 176

    Xander the Haunter - Ilex Empty Re: Xander the Haunter - Ilex

    Post by Mesprit Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:40 pm

    Xander has been placed in Chapter 1: Scavengers. He will be fourth in the posting order.

    Age : 33
    Posts : 783

    Xander the Haunter - Ilex Empty Re: Xander the Haunter - Ilex

    Post by Un_kébécois Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:50 pm

    Dis can be placed on the PC pretty please.

    Posts : 176

    Xander the Haunter - Ilex Empty Re: Xander the Haunter - Ilex

    Post by Mesprit Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:34 pm

    Profile Approved~


    Xander the Haunter - Ilex Mesprit
    Mesprit; The Emotion Pokémon
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