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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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2 posters

    Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace]


    Age : 39
    Posts : 1934

    Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace] Empty Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace]

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:37 pm

    Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace] BRJ6rm9
    Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace] UoOeshi





    Swift (Level up)
    Growl (starting move)
    Tackle (starting move)
    Helping hand Starting move)



    Alert to sounds



    National Pokedex No.
    #133 Eevee the Evolution pokemon

    Pokedex Entry
    A rare Pokémon that adapts to harsh environments by taking on different evolutionary forms.

    A standard Eevee in appearance and size.

    Conan is very brave for his size and age, but looks up to any eeveelution with hopes to evolve.

    Conan was born in a small community that a couple has given Eevees out for orphans all over the world. Conan was an exception as the owners of an umbreon and a vaporeon had kept the recently born eevee with them. They thought having one more eeveelution in the house would make a great addition to the family. A few years passed since his birth and his parents taught him how to use helping hand to assist any pokemon in need during a battle. It was tough for the young eevee to do it. He sometimes messes up and trips over his own legs in excitement. The eevee cried out and was comforted by his mother and father.

    Four more years had passed and Conan was getting better at using his moves. Each day he continued to practice with helping hand in order to use it effectively. The eevee finally was able to successfully use it and his parents had managed to do much more with Conan's help. They couldn't be happier with their son learning more. Then it was time he learned how to use swift. It took him about a few months to properly use it and once he hit a metal pan hanging outside on the porch of the house, he got excited and went to his parents straight away. He told his mother and father he hit the pan hanging outside with swift. They was proud of him on how much he learned. However a year later everything changed.

    The Epidemic hit the region hard and with no warning the eevee woke up to find his parents guarding him from some other pokemon. Conan looked around and seen what his parents was facing. It scared the eevee enough to know that there's somethings that cannot be explained. His parents fought off the undead and the three of them quickly left. A year and a half later, they found themselves facing an undead that was a child as well except it looked like it was missing body parts. His parents however tried to end its suffering instead it infected both his parents and Conan filled with grief hit the undead off a cliff they was close to with his swift. The Eevee started crying as his parents tried to comfort him one last time telling him to be brave and don't look back. Before Conan could say anything, his parents jumped off the cliff and before they did they told him that they'll watch over him.

    Now Conan an orphan wanders around Kalos trying to find any eeveelution that could help him and to look up to as a parental figure.

    User notes
    -Orphaned by the undead
    -Uses helping hand to assist anyone
    -Lost both parents and looks for a father and mother figure

    Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace] TsUcp2f



    Sitrus berry

    Cisgender Male

    Shadow Claw (bred move)
    Flamethrower (Level up)
    Slash (Level up)
    Fire Fang (Level up)



    Proud of its power



    Pokedex No.
    #006 Charizard the flame pokemon

    Pokedex Entry
    It is said that Charizard's fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsh batles. W2

    Shadow takes things serious when situations turn bad, but mostly keeps to himself. He doesn't like others judging his coloration from normal charizards.

    Purple in color and eyes glow due to a mutation at birth.

    Shadow hails for the deserts of Orre where he and his parents had came to from a far away land. As he was born his coloration was different from that of a normal or shiny charizard. Mostly due to a mutation when he was born. When Shadow opened his eyes his parents was shocked by the look of them. Either way they loved him none the less and wouldn't have it any other way. Four years passed since then and the charmander followed his parents everywhere, but after a while they decided to live in Agate with humans to escape the daily life on the sands, but seeing the sands itself just outside the village had made him feel at least a little better.

    When he evolved to a Charmeleon, he continued to live in the village, but each day though he trained day in and day out to one day be strong. A moved handed down from father to child had ran in the family for generations and Shadow was able to learn it from his father while a child became of great use when dealing with ghost types and each victory had made Shadow even stronger. After his parents decided it was time for Shadow to find his own path. They talked with him and since then Shadow has wandered the desert fighting battle after battle and returned to Agate each night happy to see his parents again.

    Years gone by after Shadow became an Adult and evolved into a Charizard. His eyes glowed though he had no idea why. The village elder thought of it as something of his genetic makeup, but his theory proved right that Shadow was a very rare born shiny that had a mutation during the time he was in his egg. Shadow began taking what others said about his coloration seriously and decided to fly off to the middle of the desert where he could be alone for a while. When he got back though his parents had worried that he got hurt. The Charizard talked with his parents telling them he's going to train somewhere far away to get stronger. They tried to convince him not to go, but he made up his mind and told them he loves them and he'll return in five years time.

    While he was training, he fought many strong pokemon and met new ones that he was unfamiliar with. They all put up a good challenge to Shadow, giving the charizard a real good fight. After training for five years, Shadow decided it was time to return to Orre and see his parents.

    The epidemic struck and Agate was near that of a ghost town. Shadow returned from a far away land to return to his parents seeing not the smiling faces of the villagers and his parents, but a barren wasteland that was once their home. Suddenly undead pokemon started coming out of the sanctuary as he realized this wasn't a fight he could win single handedly. Fleeing the village, he wondered what happened to the region as he was away for a while. Before he could land though he was teleported away from Orre and doesn't know where he was sent to.

    User notes
    -Born as a mutated shiny due to his eyes glowing
    -His eyes glow, but he worries it might startle other living pokemon
    -An OC of mine costumized for EJ regulations
    -Doesn't like being judged on his coloration and gets angry from it.
    -Image by Fox

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1934

    Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace] Empty Re: Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace]

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:17 am

    To the main PC please.

    Posts : 3650

    Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace] Empty Re: Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace]

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:01 am



    Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace] 3Br5nS6

    Conan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotConan the Eevee and Shadow the Charizard [Laverre, Ace] UugYyDK

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