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4 posters

    (ACE) The MARSH Team


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Jan 10, 2023 6:59 am

    OoC)) Skip, Felix just roles his eyes at the male Radeon.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:45 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 6 || Johvani 6

    "Y-you mean this water's contaminated?!" The little one squeaks with a panic so real, so genuine one could almost pity it. With a constitution that weak he would never survive to adulthood, and any current training had clearly not been effective. Had this thing been sheltered all its life?! "Yes," he retorts on a harsh growl, dumbfounded that anyone around these parts could believe otherwise. Hell, surely waters elsewhere were also unsafe. It was only logical for them to become festering pools. "The flow will keep regular 'mons from getting sick but that doesn't make them safe."

    With light steps he started moving, charges in tow for all their bitching. They had spent enough time in this dirt lot without finishing their patrol. Though they spoke no words of planning Johvani was quick to fall into place, hanging back to take up the rear of the group and 'surround' the Pokemon in the loosest sense of the word. "Can we at least know your names, or you gonna stay cryptic?" The failure whines, a certain fatigue hitting the notes of her question. For a second Reed's steps cease, stopped by the unexpected question. Was that another joke? Turning his head back at them his dark red eyes narrowed with scrutinizing disbelief. The kid didn't seem together enough to lie so smoothly... and the implication was enough to make his paws itch. "Yes, at the very least you owe us that to minimize suspicion..." The Dragon follows up, and while Reed could believe him to be deceptive it only provoked the itching sensation further.

    ...who were these Pokemon?

    Turning his head away from the outsiders he continues walking. "Reed." He finally barks, not offering more, not wanting to converse. There was a job to be done goddamn it and these idiots would not stop him.
    With hurried steps Johvani moved to the side of the group of Pokemon. Tipping their head prior they give a sweet smile. "I'm Johvani." The second replies, voice airy and light. Their face turns to the sky, glossy eyes reading the clouds though what answers they found are unclear. Their long legs nearly fall still as they allow themselves to fall to the back of the group again, smile remaining. A drop of rain hits square between her eyes, breaking whatever thought she had as her head turns back toward the others. "You all are?"

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:20 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 188 || Seek 208

    Gazing over her team with shameful blue eyes she landed on each one in turn. Shenron had given them so much, sacrificed for the team without a word of thanks. This rain and water had to be taking its toll on him, yet they always asked more of the imposing Pokemon. He even braved the river and offered what strength he had to help her and the rest of them recover. Her ears fell even lower beneath her helm, disappointed for not giving even a simple thank you to the benevolent dragon.

    Eleroo trailed just behind her, situated neatly in the center of their collective. It would take more than a deft paw to snatch him a second time, not that would be allowed to happen again, but the boy's response was not that of earlier. Unlike their arrival in the Marsh his eyes were once again bright, curiosity burning within the ruby spheres. Was he.. enjoying this? Unease trickled along Seek's spine; was this because of other Radeon, or something that happened in Pastoria? He had been so downcast at first, so.. quietly upset. What had changed then? A second wave passed down her spine, this time more bitterly; if it was simply the Radeon, their kin, why didn't she feel so jovial?

    A strange disappointment gurgled in her belly; she had already failed Eleroo once today, and now she was failing to understand him. With her eyelids falling lower and her shoulders sinking she gazed upon their last. Having taken on the water for her sake Felix was just as rough looking as she was. In her shock Seek could not recalled if she had even thanked him either, and the ungrateful feeling burned along her snout. Was he okay after that, had he been hurt by that river? Gods, with how she felt he could only be- wait. Was he alright, she suddenly realized, being so wet after his little bout earlier? She had always heard that those things were related, but was it really true?

    Though alarm bells rang in her head she didn't dare ask and manifest it into being, and with her emotions wrought on her face she turned her head forward once more. Each Pokemon had reason to be upset with her, and right now, as a stranger lead them to some unknown place, she could not face that. "Reed." The male Radeon finally answered, the pause before the word weighty and powerful enough to stay her from her mental berating. Reed? It was certainly local sounding, though she dare not make that comment given their situation. With only a nod to acknowledge him she did not dare start another string of jeers.

    "I'm Johvani." The other followed, tone much more welcoming and a stark contrast to their situation. "You all are?" With her eyes still locked on the ground Seek hardly had the will to withhold the information, though her name had been unwillingly spoken already. "Seek." She retorts, the word simple and Eleroo is quick to speak next with a bubbling squeak. "My name is Eleroo." His body was practically vibrating, as if he had been waiting in the edge of his seat for a chance to speak. "Do you know this marsh well?" He asks with hurried words, sparkly eyes beaming while he paused and found the courage for a second question. "Aren't you.. afraid of it?"

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Fri Jan 20, 2023 1:19 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (177)

    Shenron chortled in amusement but admittedly their willingness to comply put an awkward ease on him. He huffed shaking clinging drops from his scales and fought his body wanting to sleep. All this rain made him sleepy. "I am Shenron, thank you for complying" He would not say their agreement made him giddy to trust them or relax but having a name to put to the face was... Comforting. In a "it's good to have a name to curse" should something go wrong kind of way. Shenron wasn't that vindictive so no worries there. But if he ever felt the need arise... He looked over the group taking a head count and blinked. Eleroo's kidnapping had left him nervous try as he might ignore it. The thought of any of them being snatched away put him on edge. Eeveelutions were so small it wouldn't be difficult to do. The thought unnerved him greatly. But seeing them all here put him at ease. All in shielding distance. His wings flicked once more as rainwater gathered on him and he sighed annoyed.
    "Dreadful weather..."


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Jan 24, 2023 4:05 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon [Raining]

    When asked for their names, everyone said theirs but Felix was hesitant at first but he then breaks the hesitation. "Felix" Not wanting to say more than he should until he can trust the other two well enough to say where he's from. As far as he is concern, the female's more closer to being trusted than the male. Looking at Shenron after he mentioned the weather. "Dreadful weather..." Will this rain ever let up? Hearing a rumble of thunder from above, he could tell that there was a thunderstorm rolling in. Guess the weather isn't on their side still. How dreadfully annoying this weather was. He would take any breaks and some sunshine over this. "This weather doesn't want to let up. If this monsoon is just starting then we're already in a tough spot." Felix said as he wondered if this was just the beginning of the moisture field that is the monsoon.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Jan 28, 2023 4:50 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 7 || Johvani 7

    "Seek." The first starts, though her tone was about as willing as his own. "My name is Eleroo." Another goes, energy not matching that of the rest of them. "Felix," and finally, "I am Shenron, thank you for complying." His lips peel back a bit until pink gums poke through. As if such a request was worth the effort of denying. His limp tail swishes, swiping the ground with a quick flick as he makes them move faster. Johvani's steps follow suit, their long legs easily keeping up as she nudged the group from behind; this was their pace, one way or another.

    She looked on from behind, comfortable yet curious to the route Reed would take. Doubtless would he be cautious, keeping them away from the swollen rivers and other hotspots, but they were not on one of their usual routes. As the group moved further from the water the sound of rain grew louder than the roar of the river, the only sound these tense Pokemon found fit to allow. "Dreadful weather..." One eventually comments, breaking the awkward silence between captor and charge. "This is a lovely day." Johvani comments as well, the light rain such a familiar feeling. The heavy rains were never their favorite time per say, but something about the Marsh in its flooded state was still nostalgic.

    That didn't make it easy to travel through though. Soggy paths, fallen limbs, and spotty flooding made them have to alter their course. The Radeon knew this place like the back of their paws, but rising water tables made for a new landscape, and flexibility was key. "This weather doesn't want to let up. If this monsoon is just starting then we're already in a tough spot." With a blink of genial red eyes Johvani found that passing strange. At his age he should be familiar with these patterns, or at least with this around of rain. "This is 'let up'." They purr, enjoying the light drizzle along their forehead. This amount was very pleasant for Jahvani, but a boom of thunder foreshadowed heavier rain to come.

    "Get used to it; the season is young." Reed grunted, stopping for only a moment to check for new scents. This was not the first storm of the season, but after the short dryspell they had the past few days he could feel a coming downpour. Ominous thunder foretold it, though any 'mon with sense should see it coming eventually. Water beading off of his oily pelt and dripped off his long, scruffy fur, and he kept walking, undeterred by rain and scent. "Do you know this marsh well?" The little one asked, the question direct rather than passive. "Like the back of my paw." It had changed so much over the years, but little to nothing could shock him out here. "I better, sense I was born here." He added mostly to himself. This was his home. No matter how it changed this was the only place he wished to be, to protect, to call home.

    "Aren't you.. afraid of it?"

    Turning his head back to look at the puny one Reed wondered what kind of life he had experienced. Something in captivity, brainwashing him into subordination, so inexperienced in life and the world. .....It didn't add up. Why was he so clueless to everything. Being sheltered was one thing  but the young Pokemon hardly looked able to defend himself, let alone prepared for what they would have him do. "There's nothing out here I can't handle." He barks defensively, though it was confidence that sparked his retort.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Feb 01, 2023 7:38 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 189 || Seek 209

    "Get used to it; the season is young." Reed said matter-of-factually. While she didn't have the experience to argue the point the Aiveon found her frustration growing nonetheless. "But it was dry when we got here." Seek grumbled, looking back at Shenron with an exasperated huff. That was still an awful time, but at least it wasn't constantly wet to go with all the other horrible things. Legends help them, she couldn't imagine being a type that was weak to water or thrived in arid climes surviving long out here.

    "Like the back of my paw." He responded, the acknowledgement getting nearly as much wow from the small Radeon as the response itself. "I better, sense I was born here." "You were born here?" He parrots, struggling to imagine his infant days out in this land. Between the puddles, bugs, heat, rain, it didn't sound like a pleasant setting for a small child. He knew all too well that Eevee's were built to adapt, but this seemed like such an harsh environment for a furred creature. Some of our evolutions could thrive. Radeon notwithstanding, they had potential of course, but stones were rare to come by to say the least. "There's nothing out here I can't handle." He followed up, the words deep and learned by a Pokemon who had spent much time here. His scarred pelt, his confident steps, Eleroo could only assume he had faced much hardship to learn that.

    Shuffling his paws as they walked he hurried up a few steps, moving forward in the group to be slightly closer to their obstinate lead. He had just met this Pokemon, barely learned his name even, yet something burned inside him. It was like a silent connection had been born, and while it was probably just their shared species the smallest Radeon could not ignore the same of.. something akin to safety he felt from the other male. "...Could you teach me?" He asked on a sharp inhale, the words forbidden given their situation and standing. But they had to be said, his heart bursting with some feeling he could not describe from these two. "Theres so much I could learn from you!"

    "Ahem. Are we headed somewhere sheltered?" Seek butt in, her voice pitching with purpose as she stamped closer to Eleroo. He was acting strange, almost jittery, and there was no chance she let him move too far from her side like this. "We aren't really built for rain back here." Concern for her friends spurred the question, Shenron most of all, but she wanted the focus to move away from Eleroo. Back on weather, back to their destination, she wanted to know what they were in for. A chance to dry off out of the rain would do them all well, but the Charizard deserved the chance to rest most of all.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 853

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Feb 04, 2023 2:23 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (178)

    Shenron closed his eyes shaking again. His body was getting sore and tired again. Their conversation had faded into mindless noise under him. Sleepy. So sleepy. How long had he been awake? He looked at Eleroo blinking slowly seeing not a kit trailing after his kin but him dancing on his paws with a wide smile on his face. Shenron shook his head aggressively and snorted returning to reality. Nope, the kit was just padding along talking about something? Was he losing his mind slowly? No... Just tired.
    Very very tired.


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Feb 08, 2023 1:19 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Felix is silent for the time being.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:27 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 8 || Johvani 8

    "But it was dry when we got here." ....And? The Aiveon whined like a child a third her age. Did the kid not understand that weather was constantly changing? Heavens forbid they enjoy a dry moment. "And it was dark last night too, but now the suns back!" He rasps sarcastically, rolling his eyes though no one could see as he lead them onward. Even if she was raised in a cave the sound and touch of the air would feel different, and its not like rain was a new concept.

    With a huff he smothers his annoyance in exchange for focus. They had not finished their patrol, and while this was not the route he had wished to take he would do his task right nonetheless. A few new broken stems and patches of disturbed mud showed something had come this way, but even under the potent smell of wet marsh he could detect no sickness or blood. Scrutinizing the print for species recognition his thoughts were inevitably pulled away as the other Radeon spoke up again, his voice growing more and more excited. "You were born here?" The simple question struck him as odd, almost unbelievable. "Were you not?" He fires back, head whipping around to eye the boy seriously for the first time.

    While his [age related] size had been his most noticeable feature the long fur off his mane did little to hide the shimmery purple sphere around his neck. Mayhap it was the Aiveon's constant mouth, items being on most of them, or the oddity of the other two Pokemon, but Reed was shocked he had not noticed before. Just some stupid trinket perhaps, but something about it made a tingle run down his spine. "What is that thing." He demands answers with one white paw pointing to the object, and for a moment his red eyes meet that of his younger. The smaller Pokemon was losing intimidation by the second, eyes lighting up as he instead threw out his own question. "...Could you teach me?" Taken aback Reed's head pushes into his neck and his face twists with a confounded grimace. What? "Theres so much I could learn from you!"

    Admittedly, Reed was not good with children, but this boy seemed wrong in the head for all his assumptions. Hells, this child was clearly not meant for this land and it was a miracle this lot was alive when they found them. "What the hell do you think this is?" Reed barks to silence the lad, fangs glinting as his lips draw back on the snarl. "This is not some field trip for you to fumble about the Marsh and I'm not some scoutmaster." Hot air puffs from his muzzle with each bite, heavy tail twitching as he turns back to keep them moving. Legends help him, he would be biting them before long.

    "Perhaps we should save the talking for when we get there." Johvani suggested, her voice light as she curves to walk slightly more to the side of the group. Lu'req's frustration was palpable but justified from all the chatter and sniveling. This was not a safe place for the unaware, and letting her eyes scan as far into the distance as they could see the tall Radeon watched for looming threats. It was quiet, as their entire patrol had been, but that could change in an instant. "Ahem. Are we headed somewhere sheltered? We aren't really built for rain back here." Seek piped up, her question more poignant than her companions. The poor thing looked like a drowned Stunky, cloudy fur sticking out in clumps instead of tight curls, and Johvani simpered in her direction. Suddenly, the sky lit up with another flash of lightning, and after a few beats the thunder followed in its wake.

    "Yes." Running a pad down his cheek with a deep sigh, all Reed could think was, children. If they were going to remained exposed by bother walking them this way at all? "The storm is moving." Johvani reminded them from the rear, nose tilted to the sky. "Then we should hurry. Pick up the pace." He huffs, moving them from a trot to a canter.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Feb 15, 2023 9:15 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 190 || Seek 210

    "Were you not?" Eleroo found himself confused by the echoed question. He had met so many traveling Pokemon since.. all this started. It seemed omnipotent now; was that uncommon around here? "I.. no, not here." He mutters with hesitation. Would this Pokemon even know were Fortree was? He spoke so confidently, like he knew so much, yet it seemed out of place to mention. "I guess it was kinda similar though." Regardless it did little to squash his interest in him, and he kept beaming at the other Radeon with big ruby eyes. "What is that thing." He pressed, pointing to his trinket and changing question topics completely. Thankful to have simply kept his interest Eleroo nudged the orb with one paw, turning it over and drawing it free from his mane. "It's called a Toxic Orb. I just think its pretty but it belonged to someone dear to me."

    Its shimmering purple surface, the undulating colors within, the sentimental item brought him so much comfort. "He tried to give me the world, and did really, but there is still so much I can learn.." He hymns, repeating his prior request while curling his pad around the sphere before letting it fall against his chest once again. With his head down he tipped his eyes up, the massive spheres practically sparkling as he waited with baited breath. The timing was bad, he could acknowledge that, but he couldn't help himself. Something inside was tingling in a way he could not describe even as the older Radeon whipped around and snarled at him. "What the hell do you think this is?" He shot, as if he had hit a nerve. The outburst was enough to spook the child, his belly instantly hitting the soggy ground as he submitted to Reed's anger.

    The belittling wasn't much but it made the Aiveon's blood boil all the same. Taking a leaping step Seek shouldered her way in front of Eleroo, teeth bared and wings up as she snapped back in an instant. "Don't yell at him!" She blurts, readying herself to strike and daring to challenge the brute. "This is not some field trip for you to fumble about the Marsh and I'm not some scoutmaster." He moved closer but she did not back down. Eleroo was shaking, fur fluffed with shock as he stared in confused silence. "No, you're some overzealous tour guide who's got a lot of questions but wont give any real answers." She hisses, baiting him to put his claws were his mouth was. "Perhaps we should save the talking for when we get there." The tallest intervenes, the suggestion fair but Seek knew too well diffusing the problem would not settle the bad blood that was between them. "Yeah, sure. The explaining from both sides," she reiterates, each word pulsing with a headache that was starting to form, "can wait until we are dry."

    With quick, deep breath, she nudges Eleroo with her muzzle, gently getting him back to his paws and sticking close to his side as they started walking once more. He was visibly shaken, eyes downcast and sputtering words silenced, and it only stoked the fire that was burning in her belly. But all her agitation was taking its toll; she was still exhausted from the spill, and raising her wings earlier had reignited the pain within them. Legends she needed rest, they all did. They needed to warm up and have a moment to decompress somewhere out of this horrible place. The small respite they took left like forever ago, and did little to settle the horror they witnessed just before. "The storm is moving." Another comment pulls her from her thoughts, but it was no comfort to hear and does little for the Aiveon as she rubs her cheek against Eleroo's. "Then we should hurry. Pick up the pace."

    Reed quickened their pace, the canter unwelcomed for the exhausted party, but he did not wait for protest. Johvani lingered until they sped up to follow, and stewing in her anger Seek hadn't the energy to make a scene as she continued after his lead.

    - - -

    They didn't travel much further through the weeds before the rain picked up once again. The fat drops made their presence known, the thunder coming in closer to the lightning as the storm raced across the sky. Their fast pace was suddenly gracious, pushing them across the marsh through unwalked and well beaten paths alike until finally, the trees and weeds opened up to a small clearing. Seek was confused for a second upon seeing a very small building. It looked similar the station they had rested in last time, but it was clearly different and they hadn't seen any tracks on along the way. "This isn't a train station, is it?" She asks, unpleasant memories of her prior stay returning. "Are you dragging us deeper into the Marsh?!"

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Fri Feb 17, 2023 11:02 pm

    ((OoC: Gimme a skip here, Shenron is just plodding along with them. Looking forward to getting out of the rain but still suspicious))

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Feb 24, 2023 2:44 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon [Raining]

    As they followed along, Felix had to wonder where they was heading. Unwalked paths that had very little significance was one thing but one can get lost easily if they wasn't careful. Thunder, lightning, it was enough to show this weather was intensifying and even then storms like this could make things worse if it reaches that point. Once they got out of the path and into a clearing a station lied before them and it didn't look the same as the one from earlier when he first came. Felix had to wonder if they was more closer to a different exit from the marsh. Unless there was something significant here that they need to know. What could it be? What lies ahead? Only ones that can answer that are the two Radeons that they're following. "What is here that we're meant to do? Unless we're taking shelter." Even then, Felix knew that wasn't going to be the case since they are not in any position to protest.

    Felix walked over to Seek to cheer her up. They'll get through this and prove to them that they're capable as well. "Hopefully they'll let us rest at the station. We can't keep going on like this if we don't stop." The Sylveon then said something else to her as well. His gratitude had shown more than before. "You know Seek, I do miss being home but going back to Kalos means going from one disaster to another. Home for me can wait but with you guys, I feel like I am at home." For all he cared, it could storm ten times over and they would take good care of each other. Watching each others backs as if they was defending one another from all forces that nature and the undead will try to throw at them.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:20 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 9 || Johvani 9

    Listening to the sound of the rain and the rhythm of their steps Reed was careful to check they were not being followed. Each of their paws made a distinct sound; weight, balance, size, gait, it all added together in a musical beat as they moved through the weeds. The Aiveon's were the lightest, hardly noticeable as she walked while the Charizard's heavy steps dragged with effort. The rain and wind whipped behind them, but the sound of twigs and plops did not hit the same rhythm of steps he was listening for. Good. While he hadn't scented anything concerning the lack of noise was a good sign nonetheless.

    Yet, the sound of their steps was not its own comfort. These Pokemon were tired, and the more the rain picked up the slower they followed. The whining stopped, the complaints drowned out by the increasing downpour they were fighting against. Tipping his side to the side Reed gave a sidelong glance to the Johvani; she moved as freely as he did, comfortable in their environment and easily matching his strides. Water beaded off her long oily fur, its protection noticeable though they were not immune to the drag of the rain. What were these Pokemon, he wondered again, that they seemed so misplaced. With hurried steps the Radeon pushed onward to their destination; he was no tyrant or torturer, they needed rest away from the heavy part of the storm.

    - - -

    Pushing through the trees and out into a small clearing Reed shook what water he could from his pelt. "We're stopping here." He informed the group, his scruffy fur hardly changed from the wring out. He kept moving, not waiting to hear complaints or questions; the fools hadn't the fight to run at this point. Sniffing the small building for any new scents he couldn't detect anything from the outside, and nudging the door open he could only detect damp mustiness.

    "This isn't a train station, is it?" Seek asks, her tone edged with some sort of concern. "Its a ranger station, actually." Johvani informs her while gently waving one paw. The distinction wasn't super clear from the outside, but their functions were entirely different. "What is here that we're meant to do? Unless we're taking shelter." Felix follows up, the name not enough to inform of its use. Tipping her nose to the sky once again they watch the rolling grey clouds  above them, a flash of lightning setting them aglow. "We will wait for the rain to lighten up, and give you all a chance to rest before moving on." She nods, grateful that Reed had thought better than to drag them further in a heavy storm, but the Aiveon seemed more alarmed than before. "Are you dragging us deeper into the Marsh?!"

    Johvani's eyes widen with surprise. "Do you mean deeper onto unwalked paths or thicker woods? We could go around both but it may be tougher." What an odd question, the Radeon thought, their head tipping in confusion. What was deeper in regards to a surrounding area? The Marsh extended beyond human definitions, the surrounding routes also being "marshy" though the vegetation changed the further they walked from the heartland. "Be glad we didn't leave you in that lake." Reed shouts, his quick inspection finished. "Don't look the gift Pontya in the mouth and take the chance to rest."

    "Come, I already checked inside; its clear."

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Mar 03, 2023 7:59 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 191 || Seek 211

    "We're stopping here." Eleroo let out a relieved breath, his aching paws screaming out with exhaustion he did not have the courage to admit to. While he found Seek's outburst to be over-dramatic there was truth to her words; this structure did bare an uncomfortable resemblance to the one they had stayed at in days prior. "Its a ranger station, actually." Johvani clarified for them, and he gave the building a second and more curious look. Where the train station was cold metal and concrete this one looked more like a small house or a shed, and certainly seemed less foreboding as he trailed out of the trees and slightly closer to it.

    "Hopefully they'll let us rest at the station. We can't keep going on like this if we don't stop." Felix's words were kind, spoken softly to the Aiveon as she stood stiffly in place. With a grimace she takes in a breath, her eyes peaking up at the sky for just a moment before letting the air go and staring down at the ground. "I guess its better than nothing." She admits, trying to let his positivity win her over. Yet, despite her willingness, her very pelt crawled at the memories of their last stay in the marsh. In a place like this. The godsawful Tropius, the Garvantula, the demon... and the S-Sceptile..

    Digging her claws into the soil she nearly wails as her body remembers, the horrors practically replaying in her mind's eye, but Felix continued with his gentle words and slowly broke through the mental fog. "You know Seek, I do miss being home but going back to Kalos means going from one disaster to another. Home for me can wait but with you guys, I feel like I am at home." He spoke to soothe, his tone calm and wistfully reminiscent, but it was not nearly the comfort he thought it to be. Staring at her paws it took all her effort not to yell 'didn't ask', and with a deep, shaky breath Seek let herself accept his action as a kindness. Tipping her blue gaze back at him a frown paints her face. "This place is no home though." Any place could be home, could bring happiness, if their heart was not in it then this place was no home.
    And by the legends her heart would never be here.

    "Do you mean deeper onto unwalked paths or thicker woods? We could go around both but it may be tougher." The Radeon responds to her prior question, causing Seek's face to twist, confounded. "Deeper like, like not out of this place?!" She barks, voice airy with exasperation. Twitches ripple down her pelt, frustration begging her to scream and yell at both of these stupid poison Pokemon, but the other's voice comes back and cuts her venting off prematurely. "Be glad we didn't leave you in that lake." Glaring at the distant Radeon she draws back her lips, claws digging further into the dirt, but Felix's kind words and the calm he wished to bring had not yet been forgotten. Holding her tongue by the skin of her teeth she does not start further bickering, recalling full well they had plenty to 'discuss' once they settled.

    "Come, I already checked inside; its clear." Needing no further persuasion Eleroo bound forward with a hop in his step. Behind him, Seek made some noise, surely a signal not to go forward so haphazardly, but as he kept walking he could eventually hear her pawsteps follow suit and paid it no mind. Giving the door a curious sniff the small Radeon shakes out his pelt before padding inside, and moves cautiously but curiously about the space. It was different from the cold concrete station in nearly every way; The flooring was some sort of faux wood, the walls were painted and lively, and seating furniture lined the walls along with books . He could see a small set of rooms along the far wall, and a what looked like a prominent and noticeable phone upon another wall. "What a strange place." He comments aloud, relief immediately washing over him that it was not the same as before.

    With hesitant steps the Aiveon approached the building, her eyes darting about. She saw no sign of the Sceptile, no fresh signs of foul play, but the trauma was not easily ignored. Tilting her nose toward Felix she whispers, "Do you think its a trap?" Eleroo had rushed off ahead.. if it was they were already too late. Hurrying forward she pushes her way inside, legs stiff from hesitation and fatigue. The station was a lot like the building they had stayed in in Pastoria, albeit much, much smaller, but it did little to calm her nerves. Keeping her ears primed for threats, and giving the ceiling a wary glance for bats, the Aiveon can not keep up charades and yields to her exhaustion. Flopping into a sitting position her head tilts back with a deep breath. 'Until we're dry.' She had said, the words coming back to bite her as frustrations had yet to be expressed. Not to chase them immediately from their point of rest Seek takes to washing, and wills up a repeat question instead, "So what exactly is this place again?"

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:07 am

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (179)

    Oh blessed warmth and dry space. Shenron could do a little dance. His body happily relaxed and started to dry. His scaly body was carefully sloughing off the wet and replenishing the flammable oil in his skin. Which helped him warm back up. He didn't care if this was just a hole in the ground. It was out of the wind and rain so his sputtering tail flame could roar back to confident life. Either way his body gradually stopped trembling and smoke stopped wisping off of his tail fire. The casual burn of his body got warmer and warmer until the area and air around him was set to a pleasant warmth. It was blissfully amazing and soothing. Like the dragon's mood picked up and was showing in his warmth. Just a few minutes of drying and not moving too much should have him back in fighting form.


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Mar 10, 2023 1:57 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 KugUZ7n
    The Great Marsh|Noon [Raining]

    Seeing Eleroo already ahead of them, it was nothing more than just standard shelter. Getting out of the rain was a relief but there was still suspicion of the other radeons. If they’re really plotting on deception, they would definitely be having difficulty pulling that if one or the other was in opposite of the other’s mood. "Do you think its a trap?" Seek asked Felix in a whisper. If it was, this wasn’t well thought out. Plus the female was more modest in her answer. Felix thought about it a bit and came to the conclusion. They had no intention of leading them into a trap. Yet if they try to, he and Shenron would not let them get away so easily.  The feeling of cold wet fur had crossed the sylveon's mind and for once, he hated it. This rain just won't let up easily. At least this shelter wouldn't leek or any undead would get in. "So what exactly is this place again?" That was a good question and Felix wanted to know as well.

    The fairy type looked around and then looked as Seek. Whispering into Seek's ear, Felix gave his answer to her. "It looks too clean to have any dangers in it. I think it's safe to say that it's not a trap." Felix looked around and laid down to relax for a bit. Looking outside, the rain was getting heavier. Lightning flashing and thunder rumbling as the weather continues to deteriorate to a stormy look. "This might take a while. Heh, to imagine that a long time ago when I was a young eevee, I didn't like thunderstorms. Now, they don't bother me as much. This rain though, for the first time, I hate being soaked like this."

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:04 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 10 || Johvani 10

    With high knees Johvani trots to the station, her mind recalling days long past of walking out on a stage with bells ringing. Bittersweet it was, like the bite of a lum berry, but she did not let the memory remove the sweet smile from her maw. Shaking out her thick pelt before entering a dry space she steps carefully, her long limbs and dragging tail always a hazard in tight areas. "What a strange place." The smaller Radeon comments, the sentiment strange given his noticeable comfort within a human domain. What was strange about it to him, she wondered, aside from being new to the Pokemon? He settled with ease, with only curiosity filling his eyes.

    "So what exactly is this place again?" The Aiveon asks a second time, the previous answer not sufficing for some reason. Sitting her rump on the floor and wrapping her paws beneath her tail Johvani's brow furrows, words failing to come to her for a further explanation. The wet slapping out of Reed's ears as he shook out his pelt sounded outside, and he marched inside as the last among them. Wet or otherwise the shake reinvigorated the scruffy peaks in his pelt, making him look even more disheveled despite his pelt being neat and groomed. "It's a Ranger Station," Reed repeats the answer firmly but without anger, "If trainers got hurt or lost out here it was a safe place for them to wait and get minor medical help." Bumbling fools hurt themselves all the time, their wails filling the Marsh. The number of times he saw younger trainers trip, stumble, sink in the mud, or simply do something stupid was too high to count. "There'd be some human here to help them and call another to escort the brats back to the train."

    With a slow sigh he nudges the door closed to keep put the chill away from them. "Maybe its a blessing you two are too young to remember that time." They couldn't miss what they didn't know, or simply be nostalgic for something long gone, even if it was not wanted. The marsh was alive and vibrant, but legends it was not the same atmosphere as when he was growing up. "The medical supplies have long since been used up though, so they are little more than pocket shelters from the elements."

    Flashes of lightning lit up the windows, thunder booming close behind. Storms like these were common, even then, but the wonder has long since died out. "This might take a while. Heh, to imagine that a long time ago when I was a young Eevee, I didn't like thunderstorms. Now, they don't bother me as much. This rain though, for the first time, I hate being soaked like this." "Thunderstorms bring fresh food, and brighten the greens for all the plants." Johvani purrs, the earthy taste of mushrooms practically tingling on her tongue. Once it dried a up everything was in bloom once again, and even if it was still raining all the mosses would practically glow from the moisture. "You don't seem like much of a swimmer." The todd comments as he finally settles down.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:30 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 192 || Seek 212

    No matter how on edge Seek wanted to be, should have been, and was to some degree, being inside a quiet, dry, and vacant shelter made her exhausted body give in. As she settled down into a pitiful heap all she could do to stay alert was lock her blues eyes on the two suspicious 'guides' they were being kept by. If this was a trap, by the legends they had walked in it without a struggle. "It looks too clean to have any dangers in it. I think it's safe to say that it's not a trap." Felix reasoned with her, his point strong; the place looked well kept, or at least maintained compared to others. Their previous stays seemed a bit lifeless, abandoned and allowed to degrade to their current states. While this place had the musty smell most forgotten dwellings had it certainly felt cleaner alongside looking it. Yet it was odd, for all the effects of a 'lived in' place it smelled just as empty and unused, with no concerning odors lingering in the space.

    With a heavy sigh she nods, tucking her paws beneath in her in a proper loaf to regain some amount of dignity. "I guess you're right." She agrees while still listening for any unseen beings within the building though, none came to ear. At least, so far, they seemed to be truthful Pokemon. "It's a Ranger Station. If trainers got hurt or lost out here it was a safe place for them to wait and get minor medical help. There'd be some human here to help them and call another to escort the brats back to the train." Reed clarified, and while Seek didn't necessarily know the purpose of the previous 'station' (other than torture) the information lined up and made sense for this one. "Maybe its a blessing you two are too young to remember that time."

    "I'm not 'too young' to remember humans." The youngest among them huffs, her fur starting to puff up indignity. In the dry space Shenron's heat was much more noticeable, the air around them coming alive with a cozy warmth compared to the insufferable chill outside. The crackle of his flame grew louder as it did, burning hot and healthy as the Charizard's internal temperature spiked to a more acceptable level. Pushing past the small annoyance Seek smiled genuinely, grateful for the wellness of her travel companion and temporary safety they had found. Quickly pushing past her own comment she asks, "You doing alright Shenron?" She already assumed it to be true, but it'd be nice to be sure.

    "So this is like, a healing place?" Eleroo asks over her, trying to keep the chatter light and on track. The bitterness finally seemed to be settling, they didn't need anymore sparks. "The medical supplies have long since been used up, so they are little more than pocket shelters from the elements." They? The small Radeon could assume there was more than one of these buildings by the description, but it sounded oddly impersonal. "Is this not your main shelter then?" Compared to the last this place seemed much more pleasant to be in, especially given the meager alternatives they had experienced out here.

    "This might take a while. Heh, to imagine that a long time ago when I was a young Eevee, I didn't like thunderstorms. Now, they don't bother me as much. This rain though, for the first time, I hate being soaked like this." Clinging to his previous positive outlook Seek could only assume that was some sort of icebreaker. And, admittedly, they needed one despite the amount of time they had walked and talked together already. There had been little outside of hostilities and sneers between them and some light commentary was sorely lacking. "Thunderstorms bring fresh food, and brighten the greens for all the plants." That was one way to look at it, but a positive response back was all Seek cared to hear. "Rain can be so relaxing though. Its always easier to fall asleep when its raining." Eleroo coos, his enjoyment of rain betraying the misery they had all faced from it in the past few days. "Says the kit who would cry at every time a storm passed by back home." The Aiveon jests, memories of the small crybaby clear as crystal.

    Immediately feeling hot under his fur Eleroo stamps his paws against the floor. "That's not fair! You know the wind rattled the bridges and that sound was terrifying." A noise akin to multiple whip-cracks made of wood.. he'd never forgot it, even if he had grown and learned not to be afraid. Hot embarrassment still burned in his cheeks, and staring his sibling down the Radeon quips back, "And you were afraid of thunder, too!"

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Tue Mar 21, 2023 1:34 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (180)

    Shenron cracked an eye open and looked at Seek. "Hm? Oh yeah, the drying is making me feel better is all. It's hard to not want to savor it a little" His scales were warming and the natural oils his body produced had returned. A quick click of his tongue let sparks dance in his mouth showing his fire breath had even returned. So his health had improved and would only continue to do so. Shenron crossed his hands at the wrist looking around. "Even I must appreciate the rain despite my inability to thrive in it's presence. It brings life back to the green, wakes the world back up in a way and keeps the natural order of things going even in these unnatural circumstances" Honestly Shenron expected more occurrences of acid rain or something akin to raining Politoeds since the epidemic began. Things that made no sense happening and the like. It would be par for the course to him. Which he said that like he had been choosing violence since day 1 when that wasn't the case as he had just been choosing his resting places very carefully. Only fighting if he had no other choice. Many towns he passed through had remnants of funeral pyres Shenron had made of the infected. It was the necessity of survival and the new normal. Though he wished it not be. Any other calamity would just be bonus content to him and something to begrudgingly adapt to...
    And it could literally not get any worse in his eyes.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Mar 25, 2023 4:59 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 KugUZ7n

    The Great Marsh|Noon [Raining]

    There was something about the rain though even if he said that he hated it now that made Felix want to resort to his younger days. Though this was a heavy rain, it took him back to when he was about six years old and it was a moderate rain. He always frolicked in it like it was a game of splashing the puddle. What he wouldn't give to do that again. "Thunderstorms bring fresh food, and brighten the greens for all the plants." While that is true, there was also the fact that lightning is also dangerous if they're the tallest objects. Though the chances are very low at that point, it is always a possibility. There was also something fascinating about lightning that just spreading across the sky. It's like looking at how electricity works in a way. In hind sight, Johvani was right with that statement. Felix couldn't argue with her on that since it was a valid point. "You don't seem like much of a swimmer." To be fair, he hasn't done much swimming since the epidemic started. So to say he wasn't much of a swimmer is spot on now days.

    Felix humbly chuckled before answering Reed. "To be fair, I haven't done any swimming since the epidemic started." Looking at Reed, he seemed to be less tense than when they initially met. There was something he had to ask them though. Where exactly are they heading towards? The Sylveon laid down then asked. "To where are we heading once things improve?" Though being a Kalos native, he hasn't a clue on how large the marsh was. In fact, he knows nothing of the region he's in. Pastoria was the only place other than the marsh that he knows of since Seek was able to tell him. The other thing on his mind was any other dangerous pokemon would be a threat other than the undead. Felix though has yet to meet an undead that was at least not gripped by either madness or purely wanting to just kill to eat.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Mar 29, 2023 7:54 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 48719739_yXs6njrRlwcDlTN
    The Great Marsh [Ranger Station] || Noon [Raining]
    Lu'req 11 || Johvani 11

    Reed was completely comfortable with his surroundings, the well trodden grounds, this known place already scoped out for danger, yet he chose to sit in a readied crouch, muscles bunched and ready to fire at a moments notice. He did not trust these Pokemon, that they wouldn't attempt to run away or strike like cornered animals. They were in no condition for it, sure, but desperation did terrible things to one's rational. No, he would not rest, he did not need it. The Pokemon flopped, sodden and meek, but a soft floor did not soften the small Radeon. Johvani looked content where xe settled, calmly listening to the others with narrowed or possibly closed eyes. While the resting was real Reed was not fooled and knew xe was keenly aware of those around xem. Letting his deep red gaze slide across the group of battered Pokemon Reed was content knowing they still held all the cards.

    "I'm not 'too young' to remember humans." The Aiveon yips indignantly, though he could tell it was all bark and no bite at this point. It struck him as strange; humans had not been here in some time. Did knowing their dwellings bring that much familiarity, or was it all a bluff? And for what reason.. "Is this not your main shelter then?" The other child asks, choosing to use his words constructively. "Only a fool would shelter somewhere so obvious long term." He snorts, though the words came as more of a stiff explanation than a mockery. "To be fair, I haven't done any swimming since the epidemic started." A small 'hah' rumbles in his throat, the thought almost comical. Its been so long that this little rain was 'too soaked' for the Sylveon? He had unfortunately been in the deep water more often than was desired, but most Pokemon would rightfully stay way. Maybe having dry feet that long brought down his tolerance. "Understandable, given the risk." He agrees, though he still could not picture him paddling strongly even before the waters were riddled with disease.

    Johvani purred, overjoyed to hear the others give lighthearted conversation instead of bitter snarls. "Even I must appreciate the rain despite my inability to thrive in it's presence. It brings life back to the green, wakes the world back up in a way and keeps the natural order of things going even in these unnatural circumstances." Xe had always loved the rain, and the feeling of nostalgia it gave. The humidity, the sound, the smell, a reminder of a better time. Xer freedom had been found on such a day, multiple days even, and the weather pattern always spoke volumes to the Radeon. But the calm was quickly overtaken by the yaps of the young ones. "Says the kit who would cry at every time a storm passed by back home." "That's not fair! You know the wind rattled the bridges and that sound was terrifying. And you were afraid of thunder, too!" "Calm now," The maternal Pokemon soothes, xer voice soft and gentle. "That is the past, and it is no longer reality. You both seem completely calm in this weather." Outside, another flash of lightning flares through the windows, and a boom of thunder follows after only a couple seconds. It was coming closer, meaning it would pass all the sooner. "The power of a storm can be frightening, but once you respect them they are beautiful."

    Reed's tail twitches, the heavy part beating against the floor with each annoyed flick. These are just children, he thinks irritably, a sickened rage burning like bile in the back of his throat. That they would send children.... Curling his claws into the carpeting Reed could feel his blood boil. Bridges don't rattle. Had they been lied to as well? To what end would that serve anyone?! What ruse was he trying to pull, what trap was being laid? Gritting his teeth Reed cared not if he was wandering into a trap; he would make the most of the opportunity.
    "To where are we heading once things improve?" Felix asks, bringing his focus back to the task at hand. Overtime the two of them had made plenty of dummy shelters, new and old alike, refusing to ever be tracked. Losing one would be of no concern, as their locations were not critical and meant little. "Away from prying ears, where we may speak candidly."

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:04 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 PahNIaG
    The Great Marsh || Noon [Raining]
    Eleroo 193 || Seek 213

    "Calm now. That is the past, and it is no longer reality. You both seem completely calm in this weather." The female Radeon cooed at them, their voice gentle yet piercing as it silenced the squabbling between the two children. Giving each other a quick glare, and seeing no malice in one another's eyes, they both looked away from each other after a moment and dropped the bickering. A silly smile creased across Eleroo's maw, his massive gaze going from his paws back over to Johvani. She had such control over the situation, a calm that never seemed to come to Seek. Was it something he could learn too?

    Peaking over at Seek he could tell she had completely lost interest, and only an unrelated thought could pull her back in. "Only a fool would shelter somewhere so obvious long term." Reed retorts, shifting the eyes of both children his way. To one, it was disappointing, as he wouldn't learn anything about the two from this place. For the other, it was a concern; not only would they have to go back in the rain, it implied this place was not safe. Does that mean its checked by something often? Was there something out here even these two feared? Seek had not sensed a lick of fear from the two Radeon.. but that didn't mean they were impervious.

    Pushing the thought away Seek continues to work the water from her pelt. Thanks to Shenron's heat her light, airy fur was finally starting to fluff back up and look proper again. Something she would lose again soon, she realized, but that relished while she could nonetheless. "Hm? Oh yeah, the drying is making me feel better is all. It's hard to not want to savor it a little." Though she smiles at him, grateful for any regained well-being, Seek can not help but feel a little uneasy at his response. Was he not letting himself relax? Should she be completely ready to pounce at any moment? Shuffling her paws beneath her she also could not ignore a specific word in his response, its hum repeating in her mind over and over; dry. Of them all, Shenron had scales that would wick water away and dry the fastest, but that did not negate from the fact it met her stipulation.

    "To where are we heading once things improve?" Felix asks, the question thinking ahead in ways she should be. The other Pokemon answers with the same stone-wall dismissive response he had for all other questions, "Away from prying ears, where we may speak candidly." Couldn't he just say it, couldn't they just pretend to be amiable with one another?? With the fur along her spine prickling, the dry hairs finally able to stand up freely from her disdain Seek can not keep herself in check. "No!" She barks, feeling every ounce of suspicion return to her as though no pleasantries had been exchanged. "No more secrets! It's dry now, so its time you start explaining." Untucking a paw she smacks it against the soft floor, though it does not make the dramatic sound she hoped for.

    Flicking her snout between the two Radeon Seek throws her caution to the wind. "Who are you? You talk all high and mighty but you're skulking about this awful swamp, so who do you think you are?!" The threats, leading them to this.. shack that wasn't even their shelter, the mysterious, pompous air. Was it a trick, a trap?! A growl bubbles up in her throat, but she holds back her insults. "You said this place was clear, so don't pretend we need a better spot to chat freely."
    Eleroo cringed with each accusation, his head bobbing lower and lower. They had just started to be friendly, why must Seek ruin it?! Didn't she realize, couldn't she understand who these Pokemon were? Squirming awkwardly in place the small Radeon bites his tongue, a knot tightening in his stomach for the answers he saw coming. Legends please, don't tie us up in this.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by Baloo Wed Apr 05, 2023 11:12 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 NtXit1p

    Great Marsh|Noon (181)

    Shenron stretched his hands out collecting rain water which he happily drank down. His body heat stabilized and evened out so he could lessen his heat to avoid making the area too humid. Meanwhile the warmth eased his bruised sore muscles and joints. It was enough to relax him further and he turned his head listening around them. The sounds of the Marsh were soothing and welcoming in a way. The same way a bubbling pool of magma appealed to a blub of Slugma. Or the wide open plains might appeal to a Liepard. To those it suited, it was home. Yet it was quiet. Too quiet. Not necessarily unnerving yet but the silence was nauseating. He still listened closely. Very closely. When it was quiet, it could mean one of two things. A living predator or... A semi-aware infected.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 Empty Re: (ACE) The MARSH Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Apr 09, 2023 12:56 pm

    (ACE) The MARSH Team  - Page 11 KugUZ7n
    The Great Marsh|Noon [Raining]

    Felix could understand what Reed’s intentions was but even then, the entire group was still being hunted by the enemies. Though if this shelter was temporary then that means they would need to move again soon. “Away from prying ears, where we may speak candidly.” From what it sounded like, there was either mistrust or there is a pokemon that could hear them from the outside. "No!” Seek barked out. “No more secrets! It's dry now, so its time you start explaining.” Oh no, this is what Felix didn’t hope for at all. Though she had the right to demand answers. However Felix couldn’t think of this as a trap or a trick. The two radeons hasn’t shown any other hostility but trying to get it out of them right here and now might put all of them in danger if there was a water type eavesdropping and alerted the swampert or the floatzel. "Who are you? You talk all high and mighty but you're skulking about this awful swamp, so who do you think you are?!” Felix had no choice but to calm Seek down. Getting up, Felix walks over to Seek to talk with her to calm her down.

    The Sylveon didn’t use his feelers this time around. “Seek, I know you want answers and so do I but I got a feeling that they know something that we might be unaware of. Right now, let’s remain cautious until the truth shows itself.” Hopefully this doesn’t lead into an issue where trust is gone completely. As much as Felix is weary of the male Radeon, he can’t sense anything in his voice that would point to malice despite it being stone-wall and dismissive. ”If it is checked then that means we might have to move again soon. I think they was trying to tell us that while giving those in pastoria the slip. Right now, we should trust their word, I can’t detect any malice in his voice or hers in any matter.”

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