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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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5 posters

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team


    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Duma Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:18 pm

    ((i just came back from therapy and im so drained boys its not funny lol. will edit this later tonight after ive had a nap))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Dec 03, 2023 7:31 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 217 || Faux 177

    Keeping their pace brisk the fire type pair did not allow for a moments rest. Their victory, as lukewarm as it was, had been soured so quickly with this development, and Faux would not stand to let it simmer. Yet for all the speed she pumped into her tired paws Faux wondered what difference it would make. Their mission had not gone on long, so the child was likely close by still. Once he realized he was separated from the everyone they could only hope he knew to hide or remain close. Yet, if he knew that he wouldn't have wandered in the first place. The fox huffs to vent her frustration, knowing full well she could not blame the child or place him on the receiving end of her anger.

    "If its busted or something.. I'm sure we could find a big hole, like the one I fell in on that other floor!" Both Fire Pokemon's ears flick upward as that small incident had all but been forgotten by this point. "The busted floor could work as long as we're careful with the drops!" A story was a lot for Pokemon that only stood a few feet tall, though they were all tougher than they looked. Faux tossed her head back just enough to give Melanie a sidelong glance. Could she manage a fall in her state? Running seemed awkward but manageable, but a fall for a Pokemon that could not judge distance was another matter entirely.. Turning her nose forward she knows they will figure out a way to get them all down safely. Though speed was crucial the well-being of her party would always take precedence. "There have been plenty of small gaps in the floor. If we must we can make one bigger." Though Faux approves of the option her hopes still fall on that of the elevator.

    The long hall seemed endless, had they really walked this far? Where did they come from?! Suddenly something catches Cinder's eye, and in a flurry of paws she comes to a hasty stop. "Here!" She gasps before pointing with one paw, "Its Xiao's mark, this is our turn!" The intricate curved shape was unmistakable, and again she can not help but be impressed by the Togeren's handiwork. Her paws swivel, ready to move them onward without missing another beat, but Faux's bark quickly stops her. "Wait. Our supplies are in here." The fox points with one paw and nudges the closest door open. With a quick sniff inside she confirms no one new has been here since they left. "Mathias, grab the box." She instructs their remaining 'mon with hands.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:02 pm

    ((Gonna skip with these two this round!))

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Dec 11, 2023 12:47 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 UxYTNZ3
    Battle Tower [7th floor]|Afternoon

    Mathias had thought about a few things, one of them was about Arry and the other was about his and Bastet's dead trainer. He felt a bit of guilt for the past and how he attacked his trainer but knowingly he wanted to go back home where he belonged. However, he misunderstood what home meant until Bastet came into the picture. She was all he had left now and he wouldn't leave her for anything. Then he thought about Arry and how scared he must be if he did leave. Suddenly his thought was disrupted by Faux. "Mathias, grab the box." Right, the box of supplies. The charizard looked at the corner he hid the supplies and grabbed them. Everything was there and accounted for. Nothing was stolen which was good though with one less pokemon to feed made things a bit worrying.

    Bastet looked at Mathias seeing his worried look about Arry. There wasn't much she could say but all they could do is to try and search for him once the get back to the first floor. She goes over to Cinder and asks her a question. "Back there, something bothered me about those pokemon. They didn't move an inch since we left them behind. What do you think on why they're staying?" There could also be a number of other reasons but she'd rather hear what Cinder's opinion is first.

    The Charizard carries the supplies out and nods to Mel knowing he has her back if worse comes to worse. "Everything's accounted for. Thank Arceus for that but getting back down will be a bit difficult. Me and Mel will have to find another way around. There has to be a staircase that leads back to the first floor if we can't get to the elevator." Though staircases are not really ideal if there's undead lingering in the stairway. Though what choices did the two larger pokemon had? The thought of it was already tough but if they play it right, they could get down unscathed.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Duma Sat Dec 16, 2023 5:49 am

    ((skip while i finish this post. Almost done with it im just exhausted lol))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:28 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 218 || Faux 178

    Pacing uncomfortably Cinder waits impatiently for the supplies to be gathered. They couldn't just leave it; that was the entire reason they came here! Right? Tapping her foot repeatedly against the ground each time she came to a stop Cinder swore she was forgetting something, but her prickling skin prevented her from recalling what it was. With a grunt she returns to pacing, hoping that something will job her memory in time. "Back there, something bothered me about those pokemon. They didn't move an inch since we left them behind. Why do you think they stayed there?" Hadn't she asked that before? Her pelt was still itching to move and her gut reaction came out without a second thought. "Shock probably, can't process what the hell just happened to them. Also all the abuse, fear, neglect, being starved of healthy bonds..." The words taste ashy on her tongue, a bizarre feeling for a fire type as a numbness took over her mouth as she spoke. "....But yeah, most likely just shock."

    Though Faux also moved about her steps were systematic- check their oncoming path, the surrounding rooms, sniff for intruders, for anything suspicious. Nothing. All clear. She can breathe easier but relief does not come to her. Too tense to sit the fox stares until Mathias returns from the room. "Everything's accounted for. Thank Arceus for that but getting back down will be a bit difficult. Me and Mel will have to find another way around. There has to be a staircase that leads back to the first floor if we can't get to the elevator." With a snort the fox signals for the Pokemon to keep moving with a nudge of her muzzle. "Before making assumptions we need to check the elevators. Usually humans place stairways beside the elevators anyway, so it'll be in the same spot."

    Breaking in to a trot the fox forces herself to slow down to allow for the burdened Charizard's sake. "Hopefully the stairwell is in better shape than it was on the ground floor, if its needed." The foul stains and grime of something foul still sent chills along her spine, and she could only pray to the legends that their descent was uneventful. Cinder's quick steps tapped in sync to hers, the Quilava's expression bothered and tense. "We may just play it floor by floor."

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:42 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Etincelle 195 || Melanie 195

    "Everything's accounted for. Thank Arceus for that but getting back down will be a bit difficult. Me and Mel will have to find another way around. There has to be a staircase that leads back to the first floor if we can't get to the elevator." Stairs? A shudder ran along Melanie's spine. Traveling up stairs, blind, with a limp was bad enough, but going back down? Just the thought made her woozy, paws swaying as she jerks to catch herself. One slipped step would result in a tumble, a face plant, or worse injury. Biting her own lip the Ninetales does not complain; if the elevator was not working she had no other choice, and her shortcomings would be her burden to bear alone.

    "Hopefully the stairwell is in better shape than it was on the ground floor, if its needed." Faux grumbles, her concerns catching Etincelle's ear. They needed gods' speed, making all haste to find Arry before something else did, and he would take any of their options head on. If the elevator thing needed a recharge he would do it! If they had to hop down some holes he'd be the first to jump. The stairs would be a piece of cake.. but he'd stay at the back for Mel. Even as they walked he his pelt was practically glued to hers, and while the large fox had remained quiet he knew to offer his undying support without prompt. "Maybe that mess was only on the ground floor? Everywhere else we've visited hasn't been as bad." He says optimistically while hurrying after the others as they resume walking. "We may just play it floor by floor."

    As their pace resumed a brisk step the Ninetale's muzzle twists with concern. Her aching, throbbing limb had been punished enough, and any sort of strenuous descent sounded overwhelming. They hadn't found this so-called machine, and at this point they didn't have the option to search any longer. Arry comes first. She reminded herself with a stern clench of her jaw. Etincelle pressed harder against her flank as though responding to her concerns, practically tripping the fox in the process.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Jan 06, 2024 6:15 am

    OoC)) Skipping this round. Mathias and Bastet goes silent to focus on Faux and Cinder's decision to get back down.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Jan 10, 2024 8:36 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 219 || Faux 179

    Though both fire types kept their ears sharp their walk back was all but uneventful. With baited breath they walked in silence, keen to hear anything dangerous before it heard them, but no Pokemon popped up from the shadows. The end of the hall was in sight and the elevator along with it, a relief to them all, but Faux's gaze narrowed with scrutiny. Suspious dark lines and cracks reached across the ground, the light from the glass elevator catching on the now uneven floor. It wasn't localized. Was the entire building unsafe then? Were the fallen floors on the lower levels not caused by excess paws and action?

    As they approached the elevator Cinder let out a relieved sigh that its glass surface was clear and crack free. "Looks good to me!" She cheers while trotting forward, but the fox snaps at the air and forces her to halt. "Wait!" she barks quickly while gesturing with one paw, "Look; the floor is cracked. It wasn't like that before." Closer now she could see the lines radiating out from one spot, its end reaching a wall and daring to crawl up. Though the fox's weight was meager she approached with the utmost caution and pressed about the crack. It did not move or shudder in the slightest, seemingly stable despite the obvious strain this area had taken.

    Creeping toward the elevator the Vulpix sniffs about, her whiskers twitching as they located what she feared; air. A crack deep enough that air passed fully through, though she could not see though any of the lines. With a quick hop she hits the button for the elevator, and with a resounding ding its doors slide open. Though the air pressure changes from its opening its the flow from the crack that worries the fox. Standing firmly in front of the doors she body blocks its entrance. "The floor here seems stable, but it may not like motion of the elevator. We shouldn't risk it." She did not know enough about machinery to verify it was safe for them to travel, and risking that unknown was too much. "But it opened without causing an issue." Cinder argued, though she seemed more confused than tilted. "The doors wont rattle the entire shaft and cables. Plus it doesn't have our weight in it yet." The fox explains, the touch of air left out for simplicities sake.

    Crossing her arms Cinder furrows her brow. "Guess its the stairs for us then." There were holes and broken floors further down that they could use, but safe, well-trodden stairs were certainly a better choice. Carefully walking past the fox Cinder can see the shadowed entrance of the stairwell, and using the light of her flames examines their condition. "They look a lot cleaner than the ones in the lobby, thats for sure."

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:50 pm

    ((Gonna skip these two this round!))

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Jan 18, 2024 10:08 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Tower [7th Floor]|Afternoon

    "Look; the floor is cracked. It wasn't like that before." Faux said as they came across it. Mathias couldn't tell if it was from the collapse of the floor above but as far as stability it goes, it doesn't look like it could go. Bastet however had a bad feeling about this. What may look stable will eventually give out and either fall below or what is above may come down. The Charizard looks at her and doesn't say a word to her vocally but through her powers. "The doors wont rattle the entire shaft and cables. Plus it doesn't have our weight in it yet." The weight of them on the elevator could be dangerous and could cause the elevator to crash down. "Guess its the stairs for us then." One thing did he felt was a bother was the lack of hostiles. There hasn't been barely any undead encountered in this tower. Besides the one back on the first floor that was sealed inside a locked room, there was chances that the houndoom wiped out most of them.

    Bastet felt bad for those that was being mistreated but there was something when she read the mind of the machoke. His thoughts was muddled as what Cinder said. They was in shock. abused and starved of healthy bonds. "As much as we tried to give them a shot at being free, they...." She just couldn't finish what she was going to say. There was something that words couldn't explain. Shaking the thought out of her head, the espeon used her powers to check if there's any undead and so far, nothing. Something else did bother her, the range was shorter. She's gotten tired from all of this.

    Mathias was no stranger to stairs. "At least this time, I won't be seeing any strangers or weirdos pop up out of nowhere like I did in that underground hotel." That jester that was around for a short time, that was one of the few times that he felt freaked out. The chances of that happening again was nearly zero this time but in this day and age, nothing can be ruled out anymore. "Something I'll explain later. Just eh, the thought of it right now just freaks me out." At the same time, they have to worry about Arry. The poor aron is probably terrified right now.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:21 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [6th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 220 || Faux 180

    Though the fire Pokemon did not expect otherwise, there was no protest against the stairs, and after a final check of the cracked from the Pokemon started to travel downward. The orange afternoon sun lit their path fairly well, the stairs being wide with room to breath as they turned to take up the least amount of space. "At least this time, I won't be seeing any strangers or weirdos pop up out of nowhere like I did in that underground hotel." Perking at the ending words the fox stiffens with a small jerk to maintain balance as she descends the stairs. "Underground?" Faux repeats, the word an oddity coming from a creature of fire and wings. "Odd place for a flier to go." Hotel or otherwise, any underground location aside from wide, open caves seemed abhorrent to a Charizard. "Something I'll explain later. Just eh, the thought of it right now just freaks me out." Luckily, aside from the outside nothing could pop up, and the calm of the Battle Frontier seemed to persist.

    As they made it down the first flight Cinder let out a massive sigh. Between walking down the repeating steps and nagging exhaustion in her muscles, the thought of traveling all the way down this way was less than appealing. A second sigh weasels its way out as she gives her pelt a shake and turns to head down the next set of stairs, but before she can descend the floor catches her gaze. "I forgot we skipped some floors on the way up. Well, except the next one with the huge hole." Looking out at the open walking space before them she can see similar eerie cracking on this floor, but unlike the previous hole and gouges breached between them.

    Faux padded up beside her, her pale gaze watching with callous curiosity. "This building is proving more unstable than we thought. It would be unsafe to return here." Pointing forward with one paw she directs Cinder's gaze toward a set of marks. Hidden among the cracks were numerous claw scratches, and darker patches of burns. A fire Pokemon, a clawed beast? Only one monster came to mind. "Her rampage caused this damage as well." The fox growls while turning back toward the stair, but Cinder could not remain as calm. "So she wasn't satisfied with destroying lives, she had to destroy landmarks as well?!" Faux continued on as though their differing definitions of landmark made the title insignificant to this place, but Cinder's blood was boiling, her voice practically a scream. It wasn't just a building, a place in history that held no value now, but something they could not repair or bring back. Something that bitch had no reason to harm, no gain to be had. Hell, those Pokemon took no supplies based on their haul.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Jan 26, 2024 7:04 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [6th Floor] || Afternoon
    Etincelle 196 || Melanie 196

    "At least this time, I won't be seeing any strangers or weirdos pop up out of nowhere like I did in that underground hotel." Weirdos? Underground hotel? For a moment the Melanie could have believed the Charizard was speaking of her old home, but she knew better than to get her hopes up. Nothing else had indicated such, and it was a foolish to think they were the only ones to coin such a concept. "Underground? Odd place for a flier to go." Faux commented, and whether she was genuinely searching for information or calling the dragon out on a lie, it felt uncomfortably critical. "About as strange as a fire type being underground, and I've sure spent more than my fair sure of time beneath the earth."

    Melanie's steps begin to slow, for the first time in a long time deep memories of days long past resurface. How many days had she spent underground? The daily climb up and down, endless searches, and eventual loss.. Etincelle's charged fur brushed against hers, a feeling so bitterly familiar in more than one way, but in that moment it almost felt foreign. "Caverns and dens aren't the only things that lie below, and many Pokemon spends countless hours away from the sun, species not withstanding." Hurrying forward Mel moved down the steps with an odd confidence. The even spacing, the rhythmic steps, she could due for a moment without her guide.

    Tilting his head for a moment Etincelle followed along and allowed Melanie to place distance between them. He didn't know what changed but did not want to crush her esteem, and simply smiled as they moved along. All too soon the first set of stairs ended, the floor they landed on looking painfully similar to the one above. Were the flooring not in worryingly worse condition he would have sworn they did not move at all. "I forgot we skipped some floors on the way up. Well, except the next one with the huge hole." A shudder ran along his spine at the memory, the gaping maw more than wide enough for any of them to fall through. "Hard to miss that one." He laughs, making light of his own misstep, but sweat beads beneath his pelt thinking about making their way around it on the next floor down.

    "This building is proving more unstable than we thought. It would be unsafe to return here." Faux growled while examining the floor. Etin looked on from a distance, curious about the infrastructure of this place. Had the Arcade not fallen down upon them be would never believe such a thing could occur. Human structures were almost immortal, at least when left alone, but- "Her rampage caused this damage as well." With intend they could be destroyed like anything else.

    Feeling his nerves get the better of him Etin hurried toward the stairs where Mel was waiting, but emotions were running higher than he expected. "So she wasn't satisfied with destroying lives, she had to destroy landmarks as well?!" Her outburst seemed unprecedented, inappropriate even for an abandoned building. Humans never lived in this place, and its repetitive nature made his head spin. "This place is a landmark?" The Electrike asks before he can stop himself. The way he was raised, most landmarks were literal; marks made of land to know where one was. Some places of great importance were called landmarks as well and would be well known, but he personally found that definition confusing and misleading.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Jan 30, 2024 3:26 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Tower [6th Floor]|Afternoon

    Mathias continued to carry the supplies as they went down the stairs. "Underground? Odd place for a flier to go." Not exactly that he was given a choice due to Agate being overran then suddenly poofed into some hotel in the Under. Still, it was something that oddly happened. Yet it was a good thing because he found Bastet or he should consider that she found him. Maybe he should be lucky on that. As for meeting that strange Gallade, he would tell them later once they find where Arry could be or if he had ran off. "Caverns and dens aren't the only things that lie below, and many Pokemon spends countless hours away from the sun, species not withstanding." True, desert areas are certainly the most common places pokemon would stay mostly underground.

    Bastet chimed in and told them where exactly Mathias was mentioning. "The Under, it's an underground town and it has a hotel down there oddly. It's in a region called Orre and one of the biggest desert regions there is. Mathias must have ended up there by mysterious circumstances." As for fliers being underground, there's a few pokemon that do spend time in underground places. She could name off most but it wouldn't make any sense to tell them what they already know. The stairs looked like they've seen better days but they was still in stable condition to at least last a few more years if nothing comes crashing down on it. "Speaking of strangers and weirdos..." That dragon type in the under was certainly odd. He looked like a weirdo but not the type that would give off bad vibes. What was it called? Druddiking? Then there was the pokemon in this tower so far.

    Mathias then looked outside from the window that was undamaged looking towards the battle castle. "This place. Another memory that will eventually be of its former glory." Not long after that, he looked at Bastet and she frowns a bit. This place may not last much longer or even if it will last for the rest of the day. "I wonder though, what happened to the arcade? When we woke up out in the field, I noticed it was just rubble." Asking curiously since that building was destroyed.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:21 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [5th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 221 || Faux 181

    Seething with a deep anger Cinder's flame's spewed smoke and embers. Stamping her feet against the ground she scuffs at the damaged and loose flooring, the weak vibration and kick sending small pieces of debris flying. "This place is a landmark?" With teeth bared the Quilava clenched hard to prevent herself from screaming. The indigence to think of this place as insignificant! Her head swings toward the Electrike, his bland and confused expression only making her blood boil further. The Battle Frontier was a sacred place that only peak trainers could reach! Where humans and Pokemon showed off the strength and bond they forged together. A place that marked...

    Faux padded up beside her, pelts brushing together as the tense Quilava's flames started to die back to their normal size. ..the end of ones journey with their beloved trainer. That the peak had been mounted. A place that no longer existed or mattered in this reality. Faux did not catch her gaze but Cinder could feel it boring in to her, telling her that it was not what it once was. This place, that mountain she always dreamed of climbing, meant nothing anymore. Just another empty dream and abandoned human creation. "...Not anymore." She admits utterly deflated, and with eyes downcast heads for the stairs without another word on the matter.

    Left in the starter's wake Faux watches with condolences unsaid. Cinder knew her anger was misplaced, her passion poisonous, but as long as she did not burst it could wait for another time. Following after her team the fox was thankful for more of their prior conversation. "The Under, it's an underground town and it has a hotel down there oddly. It's in a region called Orre and one of the biggest desert regions there is." A cold chill touches the fox's spine, her sour past making that name a bitterly familiar one. The distant region was not the first on Faux's lists of possibilities, and while it was a bit more reasonable for a Charizard to be underground in such a place any circumstance regarding it would not be ideal. It made sense why they left, but to come all the way to Johto? The journey sounded unbearable.

    As they descend another flight of stairs both fire types came to a rough halt at the landing of the next floor, their bodies a physical barrier stopping their party just long enough to pay attention before moving forward. "There's that big hole again." Cinder comments dryly at the actual landmark, her mood all but sullied as she stewed within her own thoughts. They didn't get a good look the first time around, but now they could see how extensive it was. The hole removed any path to the elevator and traveled deep in to the room, its edge coming uncomfortably close to the stairwell as well. While they had enough room to pivot to the next floor down moving further onto this floor would be impossible for anyone who was strictly terrestrial.

    With no time to look and only one of their party able to explore it anyway the Pokemon continue down the stairs to the next floor. Cinder felt herself panting, knees aching from the repetitive downward steps. This was not the workout they needed after everything else they faced today and the day before. "I wonder though, what happened to the Arcade? When we woke up out in the field, I noticed it was just rubble." Mathias asks as he continued the conversation. Both fire Pokemon do a double take at one another, the fur along their spines rising. Faux gave a disappointed shake of her head while Cinder let out an audible, exasperated sigh, her snout turning toward the Charizard with a venomous gaze. "Dude, you asked that same fucking question on the way up. We already told you; there was a horrible battle. It caused an explosion and the damn thing collapsed on us." Growling as she spoke the Quilava could feel her blood boiling once again. Her response had not changed, details not given as she tried desperately to keep the memories out of her conscious thought. "It was really, really fucking awful and I'd rather not think about it." With a ragged breath and having failed to hold back the memories the Quilava hurried forward ahead of her party.

    While Cinder seethed, her emotions vibrating under a stressed lock, Faux kept her resentment quiet. To forget or ignore their hesitation from the last time he asked the question was blatant disregard of their trauma. The glare in her eyes spoke volumes, but watching the Quilava's mini outburst and removal from the scene said more than she ever could. The event was still tender for them all, wounds not even healed on their aching bodies. Mel's leg was a prime example of such, her limp worsening with every stair. "Its not something we wish to discuss, especially here and now." The fox scolded the dragon, her voice firm. They had a clear objective to focus on right now, and it was in poor taste to bring up such an accident in a similar place. Taboo even, as if wishing to manifest a second coming (if one believed in such things). With a flick of her many tails she hurries forward to catch up to Cinder, knowing full well the unstable Pokemon should not be left alone.


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Feb 08, 2024 8:11 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [4th Floor] || Afternoon
    Etincelle 197 || Melanie 197

    "...Not anymore." With a cock of his head the Electrike felt more confused than before. Was she implying the place was grand before falling apart, or that it was built upon sacred ground? The former seemed more logical, but her tone felt dismissive and disappointed, and he did not wish to pursue the conversation further. The fire Pokemon headed down the stairs, and upon seeing the giant pit he fell in before Etincelle could not help but light up. "There's that big hole again." Cinder's voice is flat but a laugh trills on the electric type Pokemon's hum. "And Im not falling in it this time!" Padding carefully up to the edge he peers down to the next floor. It looked a lot like the last two floor, as he expected, but his fur tingled with an odd bit of interest. "We didn't get to explore this one, or the next two floors." He reminds the other Pokemon, though he is painfully aware that their panic situation no longer allowed for such leisurely searching.

    Already they were turning to leave, moving to the stairs as this floor was impassable. Melanie found herself falling further and further to the back of the ground, her bound, broken leg throbbing and screaming despite her best efforts. Traveling up this building, running all over the place, and now the burden of stairs was making the pain nearly unbearable. Gritting her teeth she steps as normally as one can with their leg in a splint, and waits until Etincelle is by her side again to pivot onto the next set of stairs. Her body was starting to tremble from the effort, her dear companion pressing hard against her side to offer support. Was it that obvious? Swallowing back her pain the fox says nothing. She did not want pity, sympathy, or to slow them any further than she had with this entire endeavor.

    "I wonder though, what happened to the Arcade? When we woke up out in the field, I noticed it was just rubble." Etincelle physically flinches as the question comes up a second time, deja vu striking him as uncomfortably as the memory itself. Pressing himself close to Melthe larger fox keeps her mouth firmly sealed, her steps growing increasingly labored and her focus solely on moving. Cinder and Faux dug in to him, the traumatic feeling mutual as they pushed the conversation away. A deep frown settled on Etin's face as he pitied the dragon; he would have preferred not to think of that event [again] here and now, but the dragon shouldn't be berated for it.

    The pair chooses to stay quiet as they make it to the next floor, their nerves shot and uneasy as they reach the landing. They should just move on, push onward until they reach ground level, but even tireless Etincelle was panting while Mel slowed beside him with an audible wheeze to her breath. His frown deepens, pelt prickling with worry as she degraded even further. Dammit all. He knew they were in a hurry, that time was of the essence, but Mel was the entire reason they came here! Brushing the fox with his muzzle he dares to peel himself away from her and charged off down the hall without explanation. Kicking each door he saw a repeat of the floors above. Nothing new, nothing needed, just a waste of time. Sparks arch across his fur in frustration as he strays further from the team, his quick feet faster than any scolding he could receive.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Feb 17, 2024 8:05 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Tower [4th Floor]|Afternoon

    Mathias looked at Cinder who was not happy with that question until he realized he asked that question already. Only thing that rang in his head was a full on cursing on himself for forgetting it earlier. He was too worried about Arry. "Dude, you asked that same fucking question on the way up. We already told you; there was a horrible battle. It caused an explosion and the damn thing collapsed on us." Mathias felt dumb asking that again and he wasn't going to ask anymore. The charizard went silent for a bit before admitting he forgot about it earlier. "Sorry, I forgot that I asked that earlier. I'm just worried about Arry and where he could have went if he managed to get outside."

    Bastet sighs at Mathias' forgetfulness. Really, can he remember something for once when he worked up on something like an emergency? Guess she'll have to explain to them. "Sorry if he asked that again, I should probably explain. Once Mathias gets worked up on something like an emergency, he forgets what he asked earlier. He has to be reminded that he asked that question before when he's worked up. And Mathias, try to remember what you ask next time. Remember, we're supposed to be a team. I know you miss Glass and Cosmic but there's a chance that they may find us. Just chill." She said very sternly towards Mathias. This was the first time she's actually been mad at him for forgetting something. She trots on ahead and next to Cinder and Faux.

    Mathias went silent after Bastet said that. He couldn't argue with her on that and he does need to chill every now and then. Sorry Bast, I'll chill out from now on. Soon after that, he looked out the window again seeing another building. It wasn't the castle but it was certainly a place that Arry could have ran to in order to hide from the undead if there was any around. Without warning, he hears something slamming against a door that was blocked by debris. It was howling like a crazed beast, wanting nothing more than to kill and eat anything it could get ahold of. "What a horrible fate. Trapped inside a room and becoming undead." Then his thoughts turn towards his brother who was considered undead by the others. If it is indeed true then this was his fight alone and the others will not need to join in if he ever came back to torment them.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Feb 22, 2024 8:54 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [4th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 222 || Faux 182

    "Sorry if he asked that again," Bastet apologized for the Charizard while explaining further, though it sounded like an excuse to the Vulpix. She held her tongue, knowing there was no point dragging the issue out. "Its not pleasant being reminded of trauma, but we shouldn't be so snappy for an honest mistake." Throwing her voice so Cinder knew they were equally responsible Faux waited for her to follow up, but aside from a small flinch the Quilava did not respond. Making a mental note to drill her on it later the fox dropped the topic and continued to walk onward when Etincelle scurried away from them.

    With her paws tapping impatiently at the stairwell Cinder groaned at the small hound. "Etin, we don't have time to look around." His prior comment was still ringing in her ears as she tried to ignore the ongoing conversation, but the Electrike did not respond her either. His steps were quick, fervent even, as he peaked the rooms much like they had above and hurried away from them. Taking a few steps down the stairs Cinder threatened to leave him behind, but her own paws came to a sudden halt as she looked down the stairway. They wrapped around the corner and peaking up from the edge was the black sludge and waste they had seen on the lower floors. Legends forbid. The horrid state of the first floor had reached up this far? It was only inching up at this point, a splatter across the floor and wall, but she knew damn well it would get worse.

    With an awkward step back the fire type does not wish to walk across the refuse and returns to the landing. Etincelle was even further away, and had caught Faux's attention. The Vulpix watched and eventually followed to see what he was investigating. The rooms looked just like those above, with only the ravenous howls of a trapped undead telling them they were somewhere else. "What a horrible fate. Trapped inside a room and becoming undead." A mercy method for those unable to kill their friends? Someone from the bitch's gang? Both ideas seemed too old and too recent for the sound, and Faux pushed it from her mind as she trailed after the Electrike. "Better trapped than causing terror." But even an undead did not stop Etincelle, his steps full of purpose as he tore down the hall. "Best off dead though." Cinder comments, her voice quiet as she hurried toward the other Pokemon, her face muddled. Continuing the theme of ignored comments Faux kept moving, though much slower than the Electrike. "Etin, why are you searching?" She calls out as he puts even more distance between them.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:52 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [4th Floor] || Afternoon
    Etincelle 198 || Melanie 198

    "Etin, we don't have time to look around." Faux's voice was like a whisper on the wind, distant and forgotten as the Electrike focused upon his fervent searching. His very bones told him to move, to look, to stay, that this is what he should be doing. He knew how paramount their speedy search was but his gut was practically screaming to stay this course. As a Pokemon that ran mostly on instinct it wasn't in his nature to ignore it, and thus he had no choice but to ignore Faux instead. With a quick trot he continues forward, nudging doors open, peaking inside, and moving on as they turn up empty.

    The vicious, mournful howls of an undead sounded in one of the rooms he passed, its scratching and thrashing sending a chill down his spine. It brought up memories he had pushed down of the short time he spent as a scout with Rosko, and he was thankful the room looked firmly locked even from the outside. "What a horrible fate. Trapped inside a room and becoming undead." They had put down the Pokemon trapped in the Castle, a horribly but necessary act, but this one would not have that chance at mercy. "Better trapped than causing terror." Faux grunts, and while he disagreed with her opinion but Electrike was still too fixated to give it much thought outside the dry comment of, "Poor thing shouldn't have to suffer." His focus still could not be pulled from his hurried paws as he practically run from his group.

    As a sway was coming to her body as she stood so Melanie planted herself down at the staircase. The sounds of the others were moving drastically away from her, the unclear as Faux asked, "Etin, why are you searching?" Without her companion at her side the fox was unsure where she should head. He was charging away, but Faux seemed hesitant on his actions. Should she follow, could she follow, or would it be best to wait it out? The throbbing pain in her leg that she lifted gingerly said otherwise; following would be a waste of her strength. Instead the fox takes the small moment of rest for herself, her tongue lolling out of her muzzle as she drew in deep, fast breaths. Waiting impatiently for Etincelle to answer the smaller fox Melanie's ears were primed, but when he finally responded it made her cringe low to the ground.

    "This, this here! This one!" Flinging the door open with a flurry of paws Etincelle practically bounced in front of the room. A bitter scent tingled his nose, something he had slowly grown familiar with searching for by now. He could see the broken bottle and spilled astringent that had long since dried, but its potent smell still lingered in the room. While in better condition than the last medical room this one was much more bare, with no signs of collectables or worthwhile material. To most, it would have been a waste of time, but Etincelle's eyes were locked on the device in the center of the room. "It's a healing room, and it has the thing!" He quickly explains, nearly breathless. "I know, I know we need to hurry but the entire reason we came here was to help Melanie. I know we found medicine already but everyone says this thing is better and we can't let her suffer anymore."

    His voice was genuine, a weird mix of excitement and pleading desperation for her well being, but Melanie could only shrivel closer to the floor. She did not want to be a victim, to hold everyone up when it was not necessary, but even her will to protest was dampened but the fog of pain. "Etin, we can just use the topicals.."

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:48 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Mathias and Bastet are just remaining silent and listening for any trouble.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:05 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [4th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 223 || Faux 183

    The howls of the undead fettered away, its energy spent and stimuli now too far away to smell. They would have to double back, Faux noted, and expected it to resume when they were close. But her interest in the creature had waned, the Electrike she tailed after bouncing about with excited hops. "This, this here! This one!" He chirps, the sound enough to call any creature to them, but this derelict building had none left to offer. Nudging her nose inside Faux instantly knew the space before he could continue, "It's a healing room, and it has the thing!"

    Cocking her head to one side Cinder grumbles with confusion. They had healing items, they salvaged a bunch earlier that Mathias was carrying in their box of goodies! They didn't need this place anymore, they didn't have time for it anymore either. "I know, I know we need to hurry but the entire reason we came here was to help Melanie. I know we found medicine already but everyone says this thing is better and we can't let her suffer anymore." Etincelle rationalized his reasoning, but the whine to his voice was still apparent. With a loud groan Cinder throws a paw over her snout as she speaks. "Etin we don't have time for this." There were so many things she could give as rebuttal, but her energy for arguing all but spent. "Etin, we can just use the topicals.." Melanie argued in her place, and for the first time Cinder could hear how exhausted she sounded. Even so, her argument was against the Electrike [and herself], not for.

    Cinder waved her other paw and started to walk off, not wanting to give this scene another moment of time, but Faux continued pawing about inside the healing room. Broken bottles of medicine fumigated the place, prior scavengers having picked it clean, but the electrical device seemed to be in good health still. Trotting back to the door to get a good look at the other fox Pokemon Faux's gaze narrows at her hunch state. Her breathing was labored, weight clearly shifted away from the broken leg, shudders accompanied her inhales and her head was hung low. This Pokemon was in pain. "Melanie, has your wound progressed? You haven't didn't ask for any potions." Sniffing about the fox worried about infection, that her leg was festering rather than throbbing. The creeping time made her paws itch; this issue could have been avoided if they handled it earlier. "You should have said something." She growls, and while her tone is harsh it held no malice. With a sideways glance at Mathias the fox wondered how he had not noticed her decline, but she knew the answer to that was the same as their hurried state; Arry's disappearance.

    "Come." She barks, ignoring Cinder's grumbling from the hall as she charges back in the room. "We need to hurry." Circling the healing machine Faux looks for a familiar spot. Many specialized machines like this had locations specifically for Pokemon to power them as a back up, a common feature in a Pokemon-allied place. "Etin, you'll need to charge this spot here," the fox points to a cross section while leaping up top to call Mel forward. "Its imperative you check the bone first so it heals correctly. This will help it mend, but such severe injuries still need rest and time."

    Grabbing at her ears the Quilava paces about the hall, her flames sending out hot flecks of stress. "Gods, can't we just use a potion?" Should she keep going while they do this? It wouldn't take long, but running on Pokemon power..

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:44 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [4th Floor] || Afternoon
    Etincelle 199 || Melanie 199

    "Etin we don't have time for this." With his hackles raised Etincelle held his ground. Even Melanie was going against him?! She was hunched over and fighting back trembles of exhaustion and pain, yet she denied how much she was hurting. His heart broke more and more as he watched her suffer; she was putting Arry's well-being above her own, but she needed care hours ago and could wait no longer. If they didn't tend to her now, who knows how long it would be before they stopped long enough to treat her, or even if the medicines were potent enough for such a severe injury?

    Good gods the Ninetales wanted to dissolve into the floor. Could she dig through a building like this? It should be designed to allow Pokemon moves, but they were still so high up, and if she could not see the floor below then-- "Melanie, has your wound progressed? You haven't didn't ask for any potions." Faux's voice is enough for the large fox to flinch, her internally screaming paused for a moment as she hesitates a response. "...I-it's hurting a bit more, but I'm sure its just all the running-!" She deflects, lifting the leg only to cringe at another wave of pain. Her chest falls toward the floor, and catching herself with her sturdy limb the fox grits her teeth in a very forced smile. As the intense pain pulses through her, its hard to keep her voice steady as she talks. "We've been rather preoccupied. Th- There wasn't a chance to ask except, when we were supposed to keep watch.." If they couldn't keep an eye on the child without distraction, then legends know how well multitasking with their healing items would have played out.

    "You should have said something." Faux responds calmly, but Melanie felt nothing but disappointment. Was she expected to derail everything because of a wound she was careless enough to receive? That's my burden to bear. Dialga above, they were in here because of her, she should have enough shame not to ask for more. More so, since she was watching Arry when he vanished, fixing this crisis was also her responsibility. "Arry's more important," she argues, breathless but clearly set on her stance, "I can wait."
    "Melanie please," Etincelle begs, his steps quickly running to her side. "No, you can't." Up close, it was frightening to see how degraded her bandage had become. It was meant to be temporary, sure, but they had put her leg though a lot since coming here and it showed. Melanie turned her muzzle away, maw pulling at the edges as she withheld any more complaints, but both Pokemon knew this issue was not going away.

    "Come," Faux finally barked while heading into the room. "We need to hurry." Instantly Etincelle perked up, pink eyes shining as he ushered Mel forward. "Do I not get a say in this?" The fox argues meekly, desperate but aware she would not get her way. "Nope! Nothing except sure and thank you!" He teases, practically gleeful as relief buzzes throughout his body. Helping Mel onto the foreign machine a whimper squeaks from her muzzle, the pain truly unbearable as she lays upon its surface. "Its imperative you check the bone first so it heals correctly. This will help it mend, but such severe injuries still need rest and time." Faux warned, and with a ginger paw Etincelle carefully undid his handiwork. The wrap came off much easier than it went on, and when he got to the branches he could see one was starting to split from the strain. Running his nose along the limb he felt for the break, and while she whined at the mere touch he could not feel jutting fragments of bone. "Thank the legends, its still aligned." Bruises, plant stains, and fresh streaks of blood dirtied her creamy fur though.

    Jumping down from the machine Etincelle placed his paws upon the panel Faux pointed out and gave one warning bark before releasing a surge of electricity. He kept pushing, a constantly charge flowing into the machine as it started to whir to life. He could see anything from his position, it sounded like Faux was rustling with something, the lights and noise of the machine seemed like a good sign. Melanie's many tails hung over the side and twitched with a steady rhythm, as if trying to distract herself as the thing tried to do its job. Her face scrunched up, the energy started to flow, and eventually it relaxed.

    Seeping electricity until Faux gave a cue to stop Etincelle broke the connection with small backhop. The machine continued to whirl, the sound fading away until it finally came to a stop. Moving away from it Etin felt a bit lightheaded from the massive discharge, his paws practically swaying as he looked up the fox. "How does it feel?" He asks with baited breath while trying to focus his gaze. With a small crouch the fox drops to the floor, her injured limb cradled against her body and gently placed on the floor as she tested its weight-bearing strength. She smiles, though its remains tense and uncomfortable. "....Much better, thank you."

    (Rushing this scene along so it doesnt stretch into another cycle.)

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:17 pm

    OoC)) Skip again, Mathias and Bastet just merely remain quiet.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Sun Mar 17, 2024 8:19 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [4th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 224 || Faux 184

    With twitching tails thumping the ground she takes in a deep breath to keep her nerves steady. They were all stressed out; complaining wouldn't help anyone. Thankfully, Etincelle was able to listen to instruction, and Melanie stopped protesting and accepted their help. The process went quickly, the relief clear on Melanie's face as the pain subsided. Turning her muzzle away Faux heads toward the doorway. "Its not fully healed so don't push it." She warns before pushing her way outside. "We can use potions later, once time allows." The pair embraced behind her and the fox pressed forward to retake the lead.

    Cinder had released her ears and taken to impatiently tapping her foot. "Takes a lot more than a potion to heal something like that." Faux bawks at her earlier complaint before trotting past her. Seething frustration the Quilava raises a paw to protest, but Faux does not stop walking. "We need to move." She grunts, hopping down the first few steps before coming to an awkward halt. The black sludge, likely old decomposing bits and blood mixed together, nearly painted the stairway after the next landing. Peaking her head around the curve the fox felt her stomach churn at the amount of refuse and long since rotted corpses piled below. Whatever fresh hell befell the first floor was even worse on the third. I guess we lucked out with the second being clean..

    Turned back a step the fox called out to the party, "It isnt safe to get that stuff on our paws." She warns, but Cinder pressed forward onto the steps past her anyway. Immediately the Quilava recoils, the black stains being much worse than she could imagine, and the lingering scent enough to push anyone back. "Oh gods," she gasps, a paw brushing over her nose as she heads back up the steps. "So what, we try the elevators again? I thought we deemed them unsafe." Her aching legs wished they hadn't, but wading through the next floor would do them more harm in the long run. "On the cracked floor yes. These lower ones have been more stable, and moving the box down without our weight shouldn't stress anything above us." Cinder tilts her head to and fro, only partially understanding the fox's logic, yet if she deemed it safe she saw no reason not to roll with it. "Plus if we do it quickly it'll save time." With a casual shrug the Quilava moves to the elevator, and rearing up is able to smack the bottom to call it to them.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:25 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 16 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [4th Floor] || Afternoon
    Etincelle 200 || Melanie 200

    Gingerly testing the strength of her leg Melanie took several slow steps before letting out a slow, relieved sigh. "Its not fully healed so don't push it." The pain was mostly gone, being replaced by a weak, tired feeling throughout her limb. Not fully healed. Too much weight or stress brought the sting back, and phantom pains lingered and remind her the injury was still present, but it was a night and day change. Etincelle panted beside her, his effort as obvious as the joy in his bark as he nuzzled her side. While a smile paints her face the Ninetales can not get herself to say more on the matter. Its not joyous to be a burden. Had she done anything useful prior to this... A second sigh puffs from her lungs; she could feel no difference between being humbled and shamed, and thus her head remained low. "We can use potions later, once time allows." A nod is all she can muster as she pads out of the room with all four paws steadily on the floor.

    As Faux pushed them along Etincelle was once again glued to Melanie's side. Were he not a canine a roaring purr would be coming from his throat, instead little sparks of joy arc from his pelt in gleeful bursts. Melanie was oddly quiet for finally being pain free. It must have been awkward, surely, but even the necessity was obvious. Still, he was not about to push her again so soon, and knew the fox as grateful on the inside. The front she had up could be questioned later, and his concerns were put on the back burner all too soon as Faux growled and came back up the stairs, her expression both angry and dim. "It isnt safe to get that stuff on our paws." The foul looking rotten blood and flesh was up higher than they had expected, and for a group of mostly short Pokemon it was like a sea made of hellish water. "Legends that awful," He gags while peeking down from the railing. Such awful conditions could make one sick, the normal way, and sent alarm bells off in all of the hound's senses.

    Nudging Mel to keep her away from the stairs Etincelle licks at her fur. How quickly would their wounds fester down their? Did they need to fashion some kind of cover, burn a path through, make stepping stones. His mind is whirling, but its the heat from Melanie's pelt that causes sweat to bead beneath his fur. "So what, we try the elevators again? I thought we deemed them unsafe." Cinder says, her direction completely different than his. Suddenly their path changes, the small fox accepting the elevator motion and Cinder bringing it to them before anyone can protest. "Plus if we do it quickly it'll save time." They needed to make up any time they possibly could, and as the whir and hum of the car comes toward them, and the doors roll apart the Electrike is thankful they can find any sort of time save. "Look at that, its still charged!" He cheers while nudging Mel forward. The entire process of turning the thing on would have made a time save moot, and thankfully he can instead chant, "Send us to the ground floor!"

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