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5 posters

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team


    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Aug 14, 2023 2:38 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 UxYTNZ3
    Battle Tower [7th Floor]|Afternoon

    “Can I fit down it?” Mel asks Mathias and the charizard knew full well that she couldn’t get past it. The opening was tosmall to fit her body in. Despite him being calm, Mathias was worried for Arry’s safety. In a sense, he wanted to scream damn it with all his breath but it would alert the enemy to their position. Looking at Mel, Mathias then tells her. ”You won’t be able to fit more than just your head. If only if we seen him sooner. Damn it.” There was an instance in Mathias’ mind to go search for him himself but if he ran into trouble or they went to attack Mel while he was away, there wouldn’t be any chances. The only option they had was to wait for the rest to return after dealing with the houndoom.

    Bastet continued to keep ahold of the unconscious aipom and listened to what options they have. “It doesn't matter what happens with it. If we give it back or not, they'll know where we are. They know the aipom went this way, it won't take much to figure out where we are if it doesn't return. We can't stay here long, either way. Best we start moving before they get wise and send stronger pokemon down here.” Yet using the aipom to get information one way or another was possible. ”Exactly, Its better to bring it. Maybe we'll find a use in real time.” Any use for it would be a bit harder but Bastet can try to see if she can uncover anything from the aipom’s mind however it would leave her unable to move while she does so.  “Maybe you could use it as a projectile.” Knowing that using other enemies as projectiles was not unheard of, it did however have its risks including accidentally killing them if thrown too hard. “Follow it up with a fireball and they will never see it coming.” It sounded a little brash to Bastet but this is a battlefield and its a life or death situation. Killing it would be a potential waste so what better option is to just use the aipom scout as a projectile to knock down any of its comrades.  ”We could use him as a projectile, knock his comrades down and force them to stay back with a fireball. The stronger ones might prove a bit of a challenge.”

    Mathias stuck his head into the chute seeing literally nothing except what’s on the bottom. ”A knocked down hamper. If Arry did fall down there, he must have either landed on that and landed inside and tipped it over himself. It looks like the width could only fit something as small as him or any small pokemon around his size.” He then pulls his head out as he backed up. There’s no way either of them can fit inside without getting stuck very quickly. ”There’s a hamper down below, likely for sending towels and rags to get washed. However, we can’t fit inside without getting stuck immediately.” The charizard confirms to Mel.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Duma Wed Aug 16, 2023 11:49 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 XiaoTogeren
    ||The Battle Tower [7th Floor] | Afternoon||
    They didn't have the time to be standing around. Faux seemed to know this and their group pushed onwards with a sprint. Xiao spared no time in following after them, conversation set aside in favor of chasing their group leader into the fray. They didn't have time to chat or pleasantries; they had ai job to do, and gods damn it, he was going to do it. He wouldn't fail like he did back in his village. The togeren's lip pulled back to bare the tusk-like fangs that poked from his mouth, lowering his body closer to the ground to hide amongst the dirt and dust kicked up from their steady pace along the halls.

    His golden eyes squinted against the dust in the air and his wings spread out further, the pair that was clipped beating down hard to kick up more dust into the air, to cover their approach and to make their group seem larger than they were - a bigger dust cloud meant more paws to create such a scene, and more paws meant more danger was coming to their targets.

    The scent of fear curled around Xiao's nose like the sweetest kiss and his body surged forward with the promise of the thrill of the hunt. He heard a body connect with another with the tell-tale sound of an electrical crackle in the air and the aborted wheeze that came with it. Xiao skidded to a stop and reared onto his hind legs, lower set of wings flaring and beating down hard several times to kick dust into the air with the gust created. Eyes locked onto the second of the lookouts, and he came down like a waterfall, much larger body crushing the snubble into the floor with only the sound of a pathetic wheeze coming from the other fairy type as he pressed the air from their lungs.

    With his captive under his grip and eyes locked forward to stare at the path ahead, he listened for the next instructions, he wanted to be sure of where everyone was - this whole thing banked on Xiao being able to get a straight shot at their leader to get them both out of here as soon as possible.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Aug 20, 2023 4:14 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 211 || Faux 171

    ”We could use him as a projectile, knock his comrades down and force them to stay back with a fireball. The stronger ones might prove a bit of a challenge.” Was that consent, a willingness to do what was needed? There was no time to double check, the Quilava's long form balling up as she slammed against the Maneky Etincelle had stopped. It made the tiniest pip, unable to fully call out before the dual attacks brought it to submission. Its round form tumbled forward, and out their range and into the cloud of dust Xiao had built up around them. Whipping her golden gaze around for the other, she could see the Togeren had already claimed a tight grasp upon it, the Snubble going down even easier than the Aipom before it. Perfect. If these stragglers were all they had to offer, then maybe luck was on their side for once.

    Though Faux did not have the means to billow dust nearly as well as their feathered friend she ran about and whipped her tails against the floor, anything to stir the building cloud and keep them as obscured as possible. They would be impossible to hide, of course, but it was better than nothing. She raises her tails high and signals for everyone to follow while not allowing these meager pawns to slow them for more than a moment. Cinder even dimmed her flames, a thoughtful action in the heat of the moment and one Faux would not overlook.

    Resuming their charge the fire Pokemon burst forward, Cinder nearly making a game out of slamming the Maneky forward a second time, but it was a short-lived run. As Cinder approached the Mankey a third time, the noxious cloud making it difficult to see, she could hear the Pokemon before them. They had a handful of yards if that, and by the sound of it the majority of the Pokemon were still milling about. As the murderous Houndoom's voice assaulted their ears while scolding her underlings, Faux could feel her blood start to boil. She barks, and motions for everyone to make their initial burst. They only had one shot at making an impression.

    Letting her flame boil over Faux hesitates for just a moment so anyone else could act first. If something was going to be thrown, dropped, or shocked, they had that moment. With a deep inhale and seeing Cinder's flames rage with a similar fury the fire Pokemon spit heaps of fire into the fray. The shocked yowls of Pokemon spoke of direct hit, though Faux knew Flash Fire would protect their true target..

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Aug 24, 2023 8:16 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Etincelle 190 || Melanie 190

    ”You won’t be able to fit more than just your head. If only if we seen him sooner. Damn it.” Shifting her shoulders about the fox thought, surely, with enough maneuvering she could squeeze herself inside. Maybe, if she made enough noise, or got stuck, Arry would return to help her. Yet as she sniffed the chute one more time she could tell Arry's scent was already growing cold. Had he really slipped away so long ago...?

    The creak and clatter of metal tells the fox Mathias was messing with the chute once more, and as he starts to speak the reverb muffles his words. Pushing her snout over the lip she listens clearly to his echoing voice. ”---tipped it over himself. It looks like the width could only fit something as small as him or any small Pokemon around his size.” Small. Etincelle, she thought instantly. He was not much larger than Arry, and could easily go anywhere the lad could fit. So they just had to wait for him to return...! Though she tries to sniff the Ninetales can only clench her teeth and continue to fret. Every second mattered for both Pokemon's lives..

    ”There’s a hamper down below, likely for sending towels and rags to get washed. However, we can’t fit inside without getting stuck immediately.” Hamper? With a deep frown the fox gives a slow exhale. Human words were painfully foreign to her, but she did not press for answers. If Mathias was not concerned about this thing, then it was either moot to know or had been helpful and she should not worry. What mattered was the driving point that they could not fit to chase after him, and all they could do was pray he did not wander too far. With her legs feeling weak Melanie slumped into the hard floor and set her head down upon it. "Im worried for him." She continues to fret with a defeated sigh. How had they been so careless...?

    With quick paws Etincelle ran, his body feeling alive and nimble as the sounds of other Pokemon finally reached his tiny ear holes. They were still here, he thought, they still had a chance to strike while the iron was hot. Planting his paws against the floor he feels his pelt come alive with sparks. Fire and the like fling past him, and through he does not curse his melee moveset the hesitation is enough to kill him. As the unknown group of Pokemon start to cry out in a pained panic the Electrike can no longer hold still and resumes his charge.

    Heading into the dust without fear the flash of flames lit up the remaining cloud. It was not much, but enough to blind anyone who was not prepared. Pokemon stood with their faces covered, embers and dust flying around seemingly everywhere. As Etincelle reached the closest target he tackled them down with his Spark, smothering with for good measure as a sickening voice made his skin crawl. "What the fuck?! Who dares?!"
    The bitch was still here.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Aug 28, 2023 7:48 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 UxYTNZ3

    The Battle Tower [7th Floor]|Afternoon

    Though Mathias wasn't showing it, he was worried about Arry deep down. The poor kid must be scared down there. "Im worried for him." Finally Mathias' face shown he was worried. The charizard could only imagine how scared Arry is with not only the undead around, but with the enemy group being a major threat. Feeling that this failure was a major one though, Mathias sat down and looked at Mel with a worried look. "It's my fault. I should have been looking instead of listening to the others. Damn it." Blaming himself for his failure. Now he had to worry about being punished for Arry not being in the room with them. He couldn't contact Bast right now with the dangerous situation that is currently going on.

    Bastet carried the unconscious aipom with her pyschic powers. Once they ran into the enemy group, the espeon wasted no time sending the unconscious aipom flying at the enemies, a direct hit knocking down the foes. Until the voice of the houndoom had caught their attention. "What the fuck?! Who dares?!" There she is, the leader of the group. Does she even have a sense of reason? Does she even care about what she had done? The eeveelution wasn't much good fighting with her powers alone but she had a few non psychic attacks she can use. Still, the goal was to tire her out to where she can be teleported away. "It's her. There's nowhere left for the houndoom to run to." Bastet turns to face her. Going through her mind, she's not thinking about herself but she's also thinking about the others. This wasn't a fight they can fight one on one.

    Mathias puts a hand on Mel showing he was equally worried. "I'm worried about him too. How did we manage to screw this up? Without Etin though, we can't get down there. This is bad." The Charizard almost felt like he was entirely to blame for this but not knowing this wasn't neither of their faults that Arry left on his own. If anything bad happened to him, they'd have issues to deal with. Right now, only thing they can do is wait until the others come back and get back on the first floor.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Duma Fri Sep 01, 2023 10:06 am

    ((skip please orz. I pulled a muscle in my ribs and I havent been able to write properly thanks to to pain QQ. I'll edit into a post once I can write without crying))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Sep 05, 2023 7:47 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 212 || Faux 172

    "It's her. There's nowhere left for the Houndoom to run to." The chill along Faux's spine was enough to know she was still present but Bastet's visual confirmation was encouraging. Her body temperature remained high even after her blast, steam practically coming off of her pelt as she seethed. Though humorous and morbid the projectile Aipom proved fruitful, striking an unknowing Pokemon and quickly cascading into a domino effect as the other Pokemon tried to dodge on their crumbly perches. Smoke and ash from the fiery blasts now filled the space alongside the dust, and while not as thick and clouding as a true Smokescreen the fox would take any chance they could get.

    Raising her tails and barking the signal to strike Faux raced forward into the confusion. Cinder tailed after her, fires blazing as she curled into a ball and charged with her signature Flame Wheel. Pokemon groaned and chattered, unsure what had happened or if the flaming blast had come from their leader, and did not think twice to dodge the incoming attack. Slamming into a a Gligar it hisses in confused pain, stinging flinging about to find its assailant. The flames die back around the tumbling Pokemon, and taking in a quick breath the Quilava sinks her fangs into its wing. With another hiss it writhes beneath her, and as the pair topple into a whimpering Sunflora its stinger finally finds purchase in soft yellow flesh.

    Faux whipped through the Pokemon, moving fast but staying low as she darted forward. Her eyes were primed for slick black fur or anything that looked like the shiny horns of her quarry, but she need not look far as the bitch snapped again at her lessers. "Get a hold of yourselves!" With her voice ringing clear Fuax dashed toward the grating sound, and once she was within her sights locked her gaze upon the Houndoom. Already it was spitting flames and clawing at the rumble in a hissy display, too busy with her own lack of control to notice as the small fox sent a wispy orb forward. It floated listlessly, unnoticed within the smoke, and when the bitch turned her head the Confuse Ray dissolved painlessly upon her muzzle.

    Keeping low to the ground Faux watched, paws ready to move at a moments notice. For a second the Houndoom stood still, mouth twitching, as though unsure what had happened, but after another beat she started to growl even louder. Her gums twitched with what Faux could only assume was anger, and flames licked out from the corners. "You curs--!" She snarls, a a stream of fire flying haphazardly around her as she moved with stumbling steps.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:57 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Etincelle 191 || Melanie 191

    "I'm worried about him too. How did we manage to screw this up?" Grinding her teeth the Ninetales sniffs the floor in a vain attempt to find a fresh trace of Arry. Though his scent still lingered, legends he had just been here, it was not the warm, fresh scent of a Pokemon who was present. "We were too distracted by all the chatter to do our one job of caretaker." She gibes at them both, head falling dejectedly unto her good leg. They were no use in the fight, no help at riding the area of a murderer.. and not trustworthy enough to watch a single child. Though Mel strained her ears for any sounds, Arry calling to them, the others returning, something awful, all that came to the sensitive appendages were the sounds made by Mathias and herself, as well as the crackle of his life flame.

    Letting her head tilt sideways even more the fox's face rolls cheekfirst unto the floor, a deep pout souring her maw as she lets out a shaky whimper. "Etincelle would know what to do." He would charge after the lad, head face first into the chute, and sniff him out without hesitation. "Without Etin though, we can't get down there. This is bad." A sharp sting jolts through her eyes, tears daring to well up as dread and grief alike make the fox sick to her stomach. But she holds them back with a choking gasp, her emotions not allowed to get the better of her in this place. With a deep inhale she stops herself from having a full meltdown, and chastises them again with a, "Bad? Its devastating. If anything happens to him its on our paws."

    "Get a hold of yourselves!" Etincelle felt his body tense up, a deep seeded anger boiling within him at the sound of what he deemed to be a truly evil Pokemon speaking. Digging his blunt claws into the grit he turns toward the sound like a homing beacon, stiff steps moving him without consent, but his path is blocked by bumbling and confused Pokemon. A Wooper stumbled and fell on the uneven ground, wailing incoherently as he tried to get back on its feet. Grabbing it by the tail Etincelle through it out of the cluster; this was not its fight.  

    Within a few steps he could feel its toxic slime coat stinging and burning his lips, but the irritation was nothing compared to the blazing resentment he felt for this Pokemon he had never met. "You curs--!" She insulted the room, the recipient both them and her Pokemon alike. Suddenly a burst of flames rushes forward, the Flamethrower's target unknown as it sweeps the space in a jank fashion. Letting sparks arch across his pelt the small hound starts to charge, the bitch his sole focus, but a Skarmory steps in his way and beats him aside, squeaking something he did not bother to listen to as he's chased away from his goal and other Pokemon begin to follow his fleeing shiny form.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Sep 13, 2023 4:03 pm

    OoC))Skipping Mathias this round.
    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 UxYTNZ3
    The Battle Tower [7th floor]|Afternoon

    Bastet stared right at the houndoom with disgust. All she can hear is hatred spewing from the dark type's maw. "Get a hold of yourselves!" She barks with anger. In a sense, the espeon could tell that this crazed houndoom hates losing and so far they've already proven to hold their own quite well. A confuse ray hits the houndoom causing her to call both parties something of an insult. "You curs--!" Is Bastet supposed to be offended by that? Then a Flamethrower got sent haphazardly in unknown locations. Though the heat was felt, the espeon didn't flinch. However, Bastet sensed an attack coming from behind, it seemed that one of her lackeys really want to find an unfortunate end. Though Bastet would rather subdue her opponents, she has no qualms on taking a life if need be. That's how she was trained as a pokemon in the military.

    A Machoke, a fighting type tries to take a swing at Bastet only for her to use her powers to shove him back. "You really should have picked a different target than me. You know what, I'll play with you since you want to fight me this badly." Though she doesn't intend to kill this machoke since she's not showing any signs of going for a kill, she would go for a knock out instead. The fighting type swings at her only for Bastet to use her quick attack to evade the attack. She was toying with her opponent. "Like I said, you should have picked a different target than me. But I guess you're all brawn and no brain. Oh well, guess I should end this soon. You're not even a challenge." As she said it she began to use her confusion to hit the Machoke's left leg first. She wasn't going to knock him out quickly but she was going to show this bruiser that she has the upper paw in this fight.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Duma Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:47 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 XiaoTogeren
    ||The Battle Tower [7th Floor] | Afternoon||
    The fight was roaring around Xiao, the sound of bodies rushing about, the panicked cries of pokemon getting hit with attacks from friend and foe alike a familiar tune to the togeren's ears. This was his element; the frenzied rush of battle, the cries of pokemon attacking and being attacked. The roar of battle and the surge of adrenaline through his body was welcomed as he leaned more heavily on the snubble he had in his grip. The smaller fairy wheezed out a pathetic whine as he compressed the air from it's lungs with his weight, golden eyes locked with the wide, fear-stricken ones of the fairy in his grip. He bared his teeth and tusks with a growl that rippled through his body like a demon, stubby teal claws digging at flesh and drawing blood.

    The scent of fear, panic and confusion was like the sweetest perfume to the togeren. He was a battler, a protector and above all else, a fallen deity to the people he once called his home. Never again would he fail someone like that. The fairy in his grip had gone limp, fear and oxygen depravation ripping it from consciousness. Inhaling deeply, Xiao's eyes glowed gold in the dusty air as his wings - broken and not - flared and flapped to kick more into the air to keep their attacks random and harder to follow. Teal energy wisped up from the fairy in his grip as Xiao consumed the dreams of the unconscious snubble, snapping the little wisp from the air like a hungry predator only to lunge forward to his next target.

    His larger body collided with a smaller form of another pokemon, sending them both across the ground, the uneven ground raking strips of flesh off the unfortunate poochyena that'd been victim to Xiao's attack. The hound's cry of pain was cut short as Xiao grabbed the thing by the scruff and tossed his head sharply to the side to throw the injured pokemon further into the fray, the confused and startled shouts of others following as they scrambled out of the way of yet another bodily projectile of their crew.

    "Get a hold of yourselves!" The togeren's eyes snapped up at the sound of the houndoom's voice, lowering himself to the ground to ready himself to lunge. Wings spread out and ready to lunge despite his flightless disability, he dashed to the side to avoid an attack from a bold skorupi, spinning to try and sweep the thing with his tail, letting out a growl as the agile bug skittered out of the way. Distracted from his original lunge to the houndoom, Xiao focused on the bug instead, doubling back on himself to sweep a vicious hand down, claws scrabbling against a hard carapace and hooking underneath one of many plates on the thing's body.

    With his grip assured, Xiao smacked his second hand down hard, lips pulled back to show tusks and teeth as the bug reared to sink fangs into dark teal colored fur and flesh. Biting back the pain as he had been taught all those years ago, the togeren reared back and yanked the bug with him into the air, only to slam it back down onto the ground mercilessly. The impact got a pathetic screech and whimper from the bug as it let go, only to get the same treatment as the hound before had, throw back into the fray to collide with another pokemon, sending them both down in a tangle of limbs and pained cries.

    Keeping his fangs to himself was the hardest to do; Xiao wanted to let loose, to kill those who dared threaten who he was protecting, but he kept himself muzzled for now. He's only just talked to the others about the dangers of killing, he wasn't ready to share his own hipocrasy just yet. Sometimes, you needed to kill, Xiao knew this. But these pokemon were pawns, there was no need to take a life that was just as much a victim as they were.

    "You curs--!" Once more that voice pulled his attention, though this time it was followed with the searing heat of a flamethrower that surged jankily through the dust, setting particles alight and choking the hallway out with the heavy scent of burning ozone and flaming dust bunnies. Xiao growled and lunged for another pokemon closer to the hound that was his true target, trying to get closer to her so he had a clear shot. The longer she was here, the more danger she posed. Xiao was not about to fail his task, not now, never again.

    He would do his master proud and protect the weak, and take out threats to anyone he protected with extreme efficiency.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Sep 20, 2023 8:20 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 213 || Faux 173

    Keeping her belly low to the floor and her presence inconspicuous Faux's gaze did not leave the Houndoom's form. The Confuse Ray worked perfectly, and aided by the panic of those around them the bitch was completely disoriented. With haphazard attacks and insults she lunged at the first thing to move within her sight, claws and fangs alike sinking into a hapless Mawile. The Pokemon reacted in pure panic, its massive jaws whipping around and crunching down on the much larger Houndoom before it realized who it was biting. Sheepishly releasing its grasp the dual type scrambled backwards, but it was too late to run. With no tolerance for insubordination and a small window of clarity from her confusion the brute released a point-blank fire attack upon the dual steel type. The mawile screamed, the agonized cry easily drawing in the attention of others as the canine kicked it away resumed her enraged rampage.

    Cinder's paws clasped over her ears to drown out the scream, a shiver running down her spine that rattled her very core. To attack her own without remorse, was that how she took out Rosko...? Had she been as heartless to her own kin?! Both of her flames roared, blazing hot and white as Cinder released a Swift forward. The chasing stars knew their target even if she didn't, and racing through the smoke found their mark. A grunt and whine spoke of impact, and focusing on the sound as best she could the fire type released her own Flamethrower its direction.  Its crackle was too much to hear, though the burst of light within the dusty array could easily blind someone for a few moments.

    The fox remained stationary, unflinching regardless of the screams, voices, and thuds around her. With a calming breath Faux focused solely on disruption, and pouring her energy into her Confuse Ray she sent sphere after sphere forward into the fray. They would dissipate before long, but any bit of confusion she could add to this mess would be to their benefit. The shimmery lights danced in the dusty air, almost like small apparitions as they drifted forward. As the brawl of another pair of Pokemon came too close to her the fox sulks to a new location, her belly fur never rising from the broken floor.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:16 pm

    ((Skipping these two; Etincelle is grazed by a flamethrower but continues to cause disruption, and Melanie is just upset lol))

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Sep 28, 2023 3:26 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Bastet is keeping the Machoke busy and Mathias is pacing back and forth trying to think of a way to get back to the first floor.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Duma Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:03 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 XiaoTogeren
    ||The Battle Tower [7th Floor] | Afternoon||
    The sound and smell of burning flesh and screaming reached his senses and Xiao kicked away his current opponent with a low snarl, golden eyes darting around for the source. Dust and fur floating in the air caught alight thanks to the flames surging through the battle, cinders brushing past and making the hallway look like a warzone. Xiao reared high onto his hind legs and flared both sets of wings as far as they could go, beating hard to kick up more dust and slamming himself back down to the ground with enough force to send rocks and pebbles scattering across the ground. His claws gripped at the ground as his extremespeed dragged him forward to smash his shoulder into the side of an unsuspecting poochyena that'd had been stumbling around confused.

    The hound was sent sprawling across the dirt, forgotten quickly as Xiao's eyes locked onto the Houndoom just ahead of him. Catch her, remove the threat, catch her-- He lowered himself down to the ground and waited for the perfect moment to lunge forward, ducking as a haphazard attack was thrown overhead, the confusion and lack of sight for their enemies working to his advantage. Xiao growled and lunged forwards with a hiss, slamming into the houndoom's side.

    At once his claws dug in to latch to skin, wings flaring out as the two went down in a tangle of feathers, dark fur and curses. Xiao snaked his more lithe body around her to get his hands around the hound's muzzle to grip her mouth closed, tail coiled tightly around her midsection and wings flared outwards like a predator mantling over their captured prey. Bright teal energy that took the form of shed feathers floated around them as his teleport took over both bodies, his mind racing for a destination.

    He needed somewhere closeby, somewhere he could quickly dump her and leave. He didn't want to stay around her for long or else keeping himself from killing her would be much harder. His mind wandered to the burnt patch of forest that'd been mentioned before and with only a few seconds to figure it out, his mind made the choice for him. The energy around them coalesed into a vibrant teal glow and the two disappeared from the battle with a flash outwards of feathers, fur and clawmarks left on the stones from their squabble.

    Meanwhile Xiao himself had found that in his haste, his teleport wasn't nearly as accurate as he wanted to be. The feeling of wind rushing past him and through his wings was sudden and unexpected, eyes squinting through the sudden light around him. Falling, he realised all at once, they were falling. He'd teleported them several meters in the sky above the burnt out forest. While on his own his wings generated the barest amount of lift to glide and mitigate some damage from a fall, with someone else in his grip that chance was little to none. Still, his wings flared and beat hard on instinct to get any kind of air under them, but unfortunately having only one set of functional wings did not make for good flight. The two tumbled to the ground, with Xiao's only forethought to twist them roughly midair to use the houndoom as a cushion for his fall instead of taking it himself.

    It was unlikely it'd kill her, but an injury like that would mean she wouldn't be bothering them for quite a while, if at all. He may not be the heaviest out there, but he certainly wouldn't be gentle landing his full weight on top of the hound once they hit the ground.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Oct 06, 2023 8:26 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 214 || Faux 174

    Cinder rolled across the ground in a fiery sphere, her speed blinding as she bounced and rolled over the rubble from the fallen ceiling. Cant catch me, she thought while arcing back around to zip through the Pokemon again. Can't even see me! The barks of confusion came from all directions, the sounds of claws on cement circling all around and blocking out any real words. Something like 'what is that, whats happening, kill it,' but for all she knew the Quilava was hearing what she wanted to.

    Hearing a deep snarl above the chaos the starter could only assume it was their target. She wasn't supposed to get close to the Houndoom, to attack her or really be known, but without consent her body turned toward the noise and prepared to strike. A quick in and out wouldn't harm their plan, surely it would only help by annoying the hound..! Straining to make her attack burn hotter Cinder felt the fatigue from maintaining her Flamewheel for so long. The rough ground dug into her skin and the spinning so much was not good for her equilibrium, but as long as she could hold out until--

    Suddenly the wind was knocked from her lungs, the hard impact of something solid moving into her path completely throwing her for a loop. The world was spinning even as the Quilava's long body slumped over the Graveler's extended arms as it grabbed and hoisted her above its head. Rough fingers dug into her pelt and twirled her like some kind of toy. Flailing seemed to do nothing, her paws weak and meeting nothing but air, and were it not for the pain the dizzy starter Pokemon would not have fought at all. Her attack had stopped, why did the world keep moving?! Faster and faster, enough to threaten a black out as her head lulled back. ..Fuck..! She was better than this but the Quilava was stunned by her own helplessness.

    A high pitched sound started and grew in intensity somewhere around her, the building of power ominous and foreboding of some impending pain. With blackness creeping at the corners of her blurry vision Cinder could not so much as brace for the hit let alone dodge it, but instead of feeling new agongy the spinning finally stopped. Having locked her gaze on the Graveler Faux's Extrasensory landed cleanly, unseen and precise as it burst on the dual rock type. The stony Pokemon stumbled, fingers going limp and dropping the Quilava as it flinched from the bursting attack. Thudding against the ground and rolling to the side Cinder kicked and flailed, using every bit of adrenaline she had to return to her paws and awkwardly totter away.

    With her fellow safe from harm Faux skittered deeper into the dust. Xiao whipped up more and more, keeping the entire group shrouded while the waiting Pokemon coughed and fumbled in their confused states. The Houndoom practically screamed as frustration took over, her outraged steps launching her into a wall. Fire burned a deep black char against the vertical surface before she turned charged back at the other Pokemon with glinting fangs. A ring of space remained around the Houndoom, her vicious snarls diving Pokemon in hurried panic. Though her paws itched to run forward, to repay the bitch for all she had done, the fox remained in place and watched with baited breath as Xiao took the opportunity.

    The violent snarls, words, and snapping fangs sent any sane Pokemon running out of range, and even in the dust ridden squabble all eyes found their way toward the tumbling Pokemon. That's it! The Togeren coiled, overwhelming the dual type with practiced precision. Though she strained to see the squirming target through the dust Faux swore the canine's eyes widened, a look akin to trepidation shining within them as the bright glow took over the pair of Pokemon.
    And then, before she could consider their next step, the pair was gone.
    The Houndoom's voice is cut off mid-insult, the abrupt sound accompanied by a small whoosh of settling dust, and then silence. the fox's body remained tense, half expecting the dog to pop up behind her in a sneak attack, but the sound of her dreadful voice did not return.
    They had succeeded.

    Without the dual wings to keep it up the surrounding dust attempted to settle, their faint cover already fading as the surrounding Pokemon attempted to comprehend what had just occurred. Faux stood tall, shoulders light with accomplishment, but realizing the massive oversight of their exit became painfully aware of the surrounding eyes. "The bitch is gone. Leave, now, before her wrath finds you." The fox growled in the deepest voice she could manage. It mattered not if these meek Pokemon were using her or the group for protection, had been coerced or forced into it, or matched the Houndoom's energy; without her, they were free to choose what they did next. Flicking her ears and tails the fox barks, "Go, go." In a more hushed and urgent tone, signaling her party to leave before their expedition is tromped by other Pokemon moving in the same direction. With hurried steps she moves, breaking into a trot with the light of Cinder's flame's close behind.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:04 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Etincelle 192 || Melanie 192

    Faster, faster, faster! The shiny Pokemon sprints, using his true skill to evade claws, talons, and fangs as he zips about the room. A fresh cloud of dust is left in his wake, adding to their cover though his shimmering fur could not be subdued by the distraction. The Skarmory flew up and tried to give chase, but its steely wing beats only served to kick up more dust. Aha! The Electrike bolted until he reached a wall, and pivoting off it with a small jump to maintain his momentum as he dashed back into the crowd. With a shriek the Skarmory clattered against the wall, its bladed wings making metallic rings as it squirmed, recovered, and continued to chase after him. Looking back, Etincelle could see outrage in its narrow eyes, and with a burst of speed it came toward him with talons outstretched.

    Narrowing his eyes and clenching his teeth the Electrike was prepared for this. His glittering pelt took on an even brighter shine as his Spark returned in full force, lighting up his fur right as he felt the pain of talons digging into his flesh. Though he squeaked the bird cried out in a more vivid pain, and the pair rolled in a tumble as the bird fell to the ground. Its grip slacked and he slipped free, backing away and moving his pink gaze back to his true target. Somewhere during his shuffle Xiao had made his move and now had the Houndoom in his grasp. With itching paws Etincelle run, the gentle Pokemon blinded by an intense need to bite the bitch before it was too late.

    He ran with all his speed, jaws agape, and thoughts locked only on the cruel Pokemon. She had to know, to feel the pain she had caused other Pokemon with her heartless actions. She had to be brought low, to know the suffering of heartbreak and loss! To feel the sting of when Rosko was taken from him... but the pair of tussling disappeared well before he had a chance to reach them. His teeth snapped on dry, ashen air as he came to a jerking halt, his quarry spirited away and a hush coming over the room. With his heart and mind still going a million miles the Electrike looked around like a lost pup, his hunt cut off and objective dragged from beneath his feet.

    "The bitch is gone. Leave, now, before her wrath finds you." Faux rumbles from behind him, her voice gravelly and disconcerting. The surrounding Pokemon picked up with more shocked gasps, though the mood of the room remained that of confusion. Digging his claws into the stones Etincelle was shocked; why were they not overjoyed, thankful, amazed?! Did they.. stand with her by choice, or were they too used to the abuse..? "Go, go." Faux growled, and despite his want to argue with these damaged Pokemon the Electrike turned on his paws and hurried after the others.

    Flicking and lashing her tails the Ninetales let out sigh after sigh, her distressed mind unable to find piece as she laid uselessly on the floor. Was it supposed to take this long, had something gone wrong? Straining her ears she listened to anything, any sign of other Pokemon or that the others were on their way back. Yet no matter how much focus she put on it the only noise that returned was Mathias' crackling tail flame and similarly disgruntled noises.

    Damn it all. Without proper distraction the Ninetales couldn't repress the bitter tang building in the back of her throat. I should have been watching. If she could see this wouldn't have happened. She would have stopped him, blocked him, told him no before he got too close. I should have known! Even without sight she had proclaimed herself to have excellent hearing and scenting! Her senses were not improved from before, but her reliance brought them to the forefront of her mind at all times. Was she not listening to the lad play? How had she not noticed him go quiet, his scent go stale?! Could she be more useless?! A growl rumbles in the back of her throat, lips pulling back to show fangs as the fox huffs and grumbles at her own thoughts.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Oct 15, 2023 9:24 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Tower [7th Floor]|Afternoon

    Mathias looks at Mel and thought of something. They're both in a bad situation with Arry missing. What can they do at this point? No, they couldn't have known that Arry had mistaken a chute for a vent. the charizard walks over to Mel and sits next to her. His eyes closed before saying something to her. "We couldn't have known he went into the chute with the chaos going on. If anyone's going to take the full blame of it, I'll take it. I'll make sure you won't get blamed for it." The charizard said willing to sacrifice himself instead of both of them getting the blame. He couldn't let a blind ninetales like Mel to be told to leave.

    Bastet released the Machoke seeing that without the houndoom calling the shots, they're pretty much without a leader and they lost the will to fight any further. "The bitch is gone. Leave, now, before her wrath finds you." They did not move an inch. Even the Machoke looked at them as if they didn't know what to do. The espeon wouldn't drop her guard but she could see some empathy that they looked as if they was used to the abuse and such low self esteem that they would only take orders from the houndoom. "Go, go." The eeveelution turned and walked away with Faux and Cinder, with Etin following behind shortly after. She wondered if Xiao will stick with them a bit longer or not. It was up to him though. "Those pokemon, they have such low self esteem that they can't think for themselves. I can't really say for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if they're still there if we pass through again." That's the only explanation she can think of.

    The Charizard opens his eyes and places his hand oh Mel, assuring her that he'll take the full blame. "The worst they can do to me is tell me to leave, the best being that I'm told is to search for Arry all night." Then again, the others could likely might have some idea of whether Arry might have wanted to find a friend or something. That however is a theory.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Duma Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:15 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 XiaoTogeren
    ||The Battle Tower [Outside] | Afternoon||
    Falling. He was falling.

    The wind rushing past his feathers and the stomach-dropping knowledge that his wings were too torn to save him from some kind of injury ran through Xiao's mind, his grip on the houndoom he'd teleported with him tightening with the thought. The togeren wished not for the first time that his wings were whole, that he could take flight and soark the skies again. Maybe this threat to the houndoom would be far more terrifying if he was in control of their speedy decent downwards, the ground rocketing up to meet the two pokemon at breakneck speeds.

    Xiao looked down at the dual type in his grip that he'd spun down to be beneath him golden eyes meeting hers and a silent realization was shared between them as she came to terms with the fact that neither of them were getting out of this unscathed. The houndoom started to kick and struggle mid-air, growls and curses spewing from muffled growls that she fought out around the hands clamping her jaws closed. Xiao growled back and bared his tusks in a determined snarl, his wings flaring out in all their uselessly torn glory, wind whistling through ripped feathers and tearing loose a few that fluttered into the skies around them, a trail of teal and black feathers following their rapid descent.

    Soon, too soon the ground came to meet them in a powerful impact of dust, flesh on ground and the sickening snap of bones. A howl of pain pierced the still air moments after impact as adrenaline gave way to pain as the hound found herself crushed under the impact of her own body on the burnt ground and Xiao's own heavy weight on top of her to break his own fall. Air was pressed from both of their lungs as the impact shook through them, leaving one gasping for air and the other howling in pain as the pressure on broken ribs only increased. They were such frail things, and having such force put onto them all at once was bound to snap something, only worsened by Xiao pulling himself back to bear more weight down onto the hound, pinning her to the ground.

    He panted hard, pain shocking through his legs and arms as they ached from the impact to the ground, his wings strained from the effort of trying to lift himself fruitlessly in the air. His tail slammed hard on the ground and he snarled out through the pain, stubbly claws digging into injured flesh as his golden eyes met with the hound's own, lips curled back to show bloodied teeth and tusks from where the impact had forced the fairy type to bite down onto his own tongue. He spat blood to the ground with a snort, raising one hand to prepare to strike the hound down where she lay, pinned by pain and the dual type's force on her broken body.

    Still, Xiao hesitated. He should kill her, remove the threat and return to the others before more arrived. But his words from earlier still echoed in his own head. You told them not to kill her, and yet you would do the same without hesitation. Hypocrite. He growled out lowly at his own thoughts, and for a moment the air between two killers stilled. Xiao, for his own survival and the houndoom, for control. They both killed, and the understanding was shared between their gaze as he held her eyes with his own fierce golden ones.

    But he wouldn't kill her. Not after he'd just spent this long fighting for another way, a way that wasn't killing. He let out a sharp breath through his nose and instead snapped his jaws together inchest from her face, pulling away to leave the hound on the ground, his wings flaring out wide to show his full size and in a show of intimidation. "Leave. Pick yourself from the ground and leave. If I see you around again I won't talk them out of killing you. This is the last chance you will get to leave alive." He snarled out, rearing up onto his hind legs to fix the houndoom with a withering stare and an unspoken promise that he meant what he said. Xiao took a breath and let his teleport surround him again, disappearing before the hound's eyes as he left to return to the group, leaving only a few glowing teal feathers on the ground to signal his departure.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:47 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 215 || Faux 175

    The resounding silence behind them slowly morphed into chirps and cries of confusion not unlike the panic they had initially started. What just happened, all the Pokemon seemed to wonder, and the attacks and swipes finally died back as they stared at the spot their leader had once been. Or so Faux assumed, as the fox only looked back one time to ensure her Pokemon were following, and the settling cloud of dust obscured her vision of those other Pokemon. Keeping their pace brisk the fox listened intensely and remained aware of her surroundings. They were not being followed, the broken Pokemon talking in hushed, unsure tones, and Bastet's quiet words were enough to drown them out. "Those pokemon, they have such low self esteem that they can't think for themselves. I can't really say for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if they're still there if we pass through again." Abused, beaten, broken, the fox felt the hair on her neck stiffen at the old memories. "The weaker ones will cling for support, for familiarity. Confidence will not be regained overnight."

    But that was neither here nor there, those people likely dying long before the world went to hell. Probably too easy. They deserved worse, but the fox refused to let the past taint their small victory. With a near spring in her step Cinder trotted up beside the other fire type, her face beaming with an unnecessary amount of satisfaction. "That went way better than I expected!" She chirps before bouncing to the fox's other side. "The others will be shocked for sure!" Swiveling her ears the fox focuses on the fading voices in the distance, but again they do not seem to be following. With a snort and a small shake of her head she tempers the other fire type with a, "Control yourself, this wasn't a cheery mission." Teetering on the edge of murder, lucking out with minimal damage, Faux could not remain angry as she knew the Quilava lived for that very thrill.

    Moving them a bit quicker the Pokemon make it back to their temporary stay with hurried paws. Pausing to take a cautious sniff the fox can not detect any foreign Pokemon or unknown scents, though that of fear seemed to swell from the room. Planting her paws in a firm stance the fox raises her tails in alarm, signaling to the others their may be danger, but Cinder bounds past without hesitation. "We're back! Did ya miss us?"

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Oct 27, 2023 7:32 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Etincelle 193 || Melanie 193

    Etincelle was smiling, a hop in his step and wag to his short tail as he followed after the fire types. The Pokemon behind them didn't follow, the others chatted lightly, and they were returning victorious. They avenged their fallen friend with no further casualties, the plan going off without a hitch, and could relax knowing Rosko could finally rest easy.
    But yet, Etincelle was not happy.
    They had succeeded, won, claimed victory, did what they came to do! But yet his heart still hurt, paws itching to act and run back to the scene though nothing was left there for them. He should feel satisfied that those meek Pokemon were free, Rosko's death had retribution, and the bitch would no longer harm others. Yet, despite the smile along his jaw, his aching heart felt no closure. She was still out there, still able to harm and kill, still unaware of the pain she had caused him and other Pokemon. She would never know, never hear his bleeding heart, never set foot in this resting ground again.. They could do no more, but the Electrike had not known revenge to be so hallow.

    Externally, the Electrike showed no turmoil, his steps light as he chased after Cinder into the room they had left the others. No matter how empty his mission left him his smiled remained, thankfully to return to Mel so soon and put her mind at ease. "We're back! Did ya miss us?" Cinder cheers, and he is quick to follow with, "Mission success!" Matching Cinder's energy he bounds straight for the pretty cream fox, nuzzling her affectionately as her warm scent wafts over him. For just a moment he forgets his woes and is thankful to be by her side once more, but Mel's sweet scent is doused with fear and stress, cutting off the happy feeling in a matter of moments. Peaking his gaze up he can see the fox is distressed, agitation clear in her stance and her maw a twisted mix of emotion. Had she been that worried about them?

    "Oh thank the legends!" The fox breathes tensely, licking the smaller hound atop his head with similar tenderness. The glee of the returning Pokemon painted a picture of success, but while there was no groans of pain the Electrike's pelt held the harsh scent of blood. Were they okay, did they need treatment? They didn't have time for this! "You're wounded.." She gasps, moving her nose along his flank and feeling for size. The bloodied punctures blurred together and made the picture unclear, but it left dry and was already scabbing over. "Its not bad, I promise.  We hit the whole horde, they never saw it coming!" He soothes, voice soft and comforting despite the topic. He was alright then? e wasn't twinging in pain as he squirmed, wasn't bleeding, raced in the room like no tomorrow-

    Shaking her head the fox pushes away her tender worries for her dear companion. "The story can wait, we have a big problem." Raising her voice on the latter half the fox tries to pull the attention of the entire room. Pushing the Electrike away as she leaps to her paws the Ninetales practically yelps, Arry's gone! He's gone, and we think he got out of the building!"

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:27 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Tower [7th Floor]|Afternoon

    Mathias felt this was it, they're going to be pissed off at him. Yet, as he said to Mel, he was going to take the full responsibility for it. "We're back! Did ya miss us?" The charizard had to take it, he wasn't going to let Mel get the heel from this. "Mission success!"]/color] So they got rid of the houndoom but where's Xiao? It didn't make sense to up and teleport without a goodbye. Then again, survival is key in this world now. The next issue came right up after a bit of the others talking to each other. "The story can wait, we have a big problem. Arry's gone! He's gone, and we think he got out of the building!" Guess he'd have to explain what happened and how it could have happened.

    Bastet looks at Mathias not angry at him and reads his thoughts. What she was hearing was fear of what could happen. None of them was mad right now, Mel's trying to explain and she's doing her best. "I can't pick up his thoughts either, he's pretty much too far away by now. We'll have to search for clues back on the first floor. He could have left something down for us to know if he's okay." She said after reading the charizard's thoughts. In truth, it was neither of their faults since its likely Arry might have mistaken it as a vent to get into the neighboring room.

    Mathias then looks at Bastet showing he was worried. "The way to the elevator is likely blocked from that collapsed rubble from the floor above. We'll have to find another way to them. The Charizard said as he went back to see if there was any movement of anything else. When he looked down again, he seen absolutely nothing moving around. There was light shining through which means that Arry had indeed escaped the building. He then thought to himself. Did he decide to go after those two eeveelutions?

    Age : 25
    Posts : 1556

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Duma Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:19 pm

    ((skip for tonight, I'll edit in the morning when im not feeling like ass))

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:56 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Cinder 216 || Faux 176

    Cinder hopped and sparked, almost giddy by now well things had gone. For once, luck was on their side; they had removed a monster from the vicinity and freed some Pokemon from oppression, they made it out of a fight with minimal wounds, and made a new and powerful alley. Her head tips to the side a bit as she realized Xiao had not returned to them yet. Was it too early to celebrate, had she been a problem after all? No, Xiao was more than capable, hell he had wanted to do the entire thing himself, and Cinder had no doubt that he would be fine. Then why did something feel off?

    Behind her, Faux sniffed at the doorway, her hackles raised and senses on high alert. What gives? There were no intruders, the others remained huddled in pretty much the same places. Etincelle was already nuzzling Mel and trying to recount their battle, but the large fox was quick to cut him off. . "The story can wait, we have a big problem. Arry's gone! He's gone, and we think he got out of the building!" Clenching her teeth the Quilava grimaces with sudden alarm. How?! Immediately runs through her mind, as it did not look like anyone had been here since they left. "What happened, how did he get out?" Faux was quick to demand answers as she finally entered the room proper and started to sniff about. No new smells, no unexpected blood, nothing that seemed harmful to a child. Out of the building? They were so high up, it could not have walked all the way down in such a short span of time, let alone without notice.

    "I can't pick up his thoughts either, he's pretty much too far away by now. We'll have to search for clues back on the first floor. He could have left something down for us to know if he's okay." The fur along Fuax's spine twitches from the implication of psychic energy, but she ignores for the pressing matters at hand. "Then we have no time to lose! We need to get back to him before someone else finds him." Cinder gasps with sudden alarm and was already bounding back toward the doorway. Faux was quick to follow, all her senses on high alert in search of anything the others may have missed. The hall seemed utterly deserted like before, and no new scents of Arry could be found. Mel's disability not withstanding, surely two Pokemon could supervise one child without issue.

    "The way to the elevator is likely blocked from that collapsed rubble from the floor above. We'll have to find another way to them. Mathias warns, but the fox's ears flick with aggravation as she hustles down the hall. "The fall was caused by those 'mons and looked localized. We should be okay as long as we remain cautious." Those other areas of the building showed collapse the elevator they had come up in was clean on the other side of the floor and likely would not be effected. Closer areas perhaps, but as long as they- "Will Xiao still be able to find us if we move?" Cinder frets, the bubbly tune to her voice burst and back down to reality. "He knows what he's doing, and he knew we wouldn't stay on the battle site anyway."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:42 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Afternoon
    Etincelle 194 || Melanie 194

    "What?!" The Electrike gasps, his pink eyes wide as they search for the silvery lad. As Mel said he was nowhere to be seen, not even a whisper of fresh scent remaining. Wrapped up in his affections the Etincelle had not noticed the scent of fear and panic in the room, the Pokemon present clearly stressing out over their missing charge. "Did he run off, did something get in?" He asks quickly while trying to connect the dots. Arry was a gentle Pokemon, and a good listener at that. He wouldn't just leave without word. "Nothing came in, its been quiet.. he didn't really run, I, I dont know- it may have been before you all left." The fox's head was spinning in circles, the truth of the matter harder to admit than she thought. So they weren't paying attention, they weren't watching the one child when nothing else was about to steal their focus? Heat flashed unnaturally beneath her pelt, ashamed to have let this happen at all.

    Etincelle pressed his muzzle into her jaw, quieting the fox's stressed murmuring. With fallen ears she takes a deep breath, grateful her dear had not cast blame upon them. "What happened, how did he get out?" Faux asks more keenly, her intent clear as she sought answers. Pointing with a ginger paw Mel directs the fellow fox's attention toward the metal hatch. "Over there.." She starts, a small creak coming fromt hat direction as Mathias examined the chute once again. "We think he crawled down that.. laundry chute?" Her voice tips off on a question, still very unsure of device Mathias had named. It was nothing like she had back at home in the Pokemon village, but she did not doubt the Charizard was correct.

    Peeling away from the Ninetales Etincelle went over to sniff the gap. Arry's scent was certainly on it, though the furless Pokemon left no other trace. Dents perhaps, but the Electrike could not confirm they were caused by the Aron. "Then we have no time to lose! We need to get back to him before someone else finds him." Cinder fretted, sending the party sprinting off once again. Giving Mel an encouraging nudge Etincelle made sure she was stable on her feet and able to follow before heading out after the others. The larger fox remained glued to his side, the pair lingering behind the back as they backtracked through the halls of the Battle Tower.

    Hurrying after their friends Melanie felt much more confident in their chances of success. With plenty of eyes, ears, and noses, surely they would be able to find him. Her fear did not subside though, and she could only soothe her fretting mind with the possibility that, if he really did make it outside, Arry managed to make his way back to the Battle Castle. "The way to the elevator is likely blocked from that collapsed rubble from the floor above. We'll have to find another way to them." The elevator, at the other end of the floor? Mel had not been able to see the extent of the damage but the floor felt as clear as she recalled. "That was the only way though, wasn't it? The other one was out of service.. and the opposite direction." Mathias had seen as much as anyone else, perhaps he was more anxious than she thought? "The fall was caused by those 'mons and looked localized. We should be okay as long as we remain cautious." Faux was quick to reason, their pace steady and not slowing in the slightest. "If its busted or something.. I'm sure we could find a big hole, like the one I fell in on that other floor!" Etincelle panted between strides. The missing floor had been terrifying before, but it might just become a gift.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1913

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:30 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Mathias and Bastet are focusing and following behind.

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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 15 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Sponsored content

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