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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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5 posters

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team


    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:13 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 250px-304Aron

    Battle Tower[2nd floor]|Midday

    Arry wondered what could be up on the next floor and what did Mathias mean by he? Rebel? Or was he referring to someone else? He had no clue but maybe he should say who it is instead of saying he. "We might skip a floor here, but we at least we're goin' up." If there was nothing on the third floor, then they made a good choice. Arry was starting to get a little thirsty. The child looked right at the bottle of water Mathias was holding. As much as he wanted to say thirsty, he was wanting to say it in a nice way as much as possible. How would the Charizard react if he asked nicely? Maybe in a good way but it was up to him if he'll give the child water. 

    The Aron then said something that was pretty much an indication of his thirst. "I'm thirsty, can I have some water?" Arry asked in the way any young pokemon his age would say it in. The sounds of the elevator made him think of some of his trainer's locomotive trains that he had in his room that he played with. The sounds of it going up and down and all around the tracks had made him picture himself inside an actual train to see the world from one of the carts. Unfortunately that imagination would never become real with the undead around. "Has anyone been on a train before?" Arry asked out of curiosity while waiting for Mathias to get the bottle open.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Jan 05, 2022 9:08 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Tower[2nd Floor]|Midday

    Mathias missed Zeke more than anything and his death was just another sting to him. He was referring to their trainer who died in Orre during combat. Then when he heard Arry, he then gave the aron some water to drink. The elevator made that noise as if a floor was unavailable. If Mathias remembered right by past experience, it usually meant that the doors was locked via electronic lock and since none of them could read human language, it was impossible to know what humans have written or their language no less. He was spaced out and didn't hear what the others was saying. Remorse was there but life had to press on. No other way around it at all.

    Bastet was focused on the presense she felt earlier. It wasn't undead for sure but the more closer they got to the next floor, the stronger it felt. It must be a potential survivor who might have holed itself inside this tower. Yet she knew if she spoke out to the others it would make them trust her less. Instead she wanted to ask about the grave outside that both her and Mathias passed earlier in the morning. First though was to finish up in the tower and getting back to the castle, then ask about the grave. She did see that Faux was kinda annoyed with her presumptions of the military being here and likely she should back off of that. Maybe spending to much time in Orre and with Zeke had made it tough for her to be a bit civil sometimes. If they did ask for her for some military knowledge, then she'll give it but right now she needed to not be so army girl like. "So um, do you guys think if we can find some lemonade? I know its a bit sudden but I kinda like lemonade and was hoping to share some." Lemonade did sound good though, hopefully there was some around.

    Mathias then snapped out of his daydream and clarified what he meant by he. "I should clarify what I meant. I meant by our trainer. Anyways Cinder, Faux, what happened to the battle arcade? I noticed it was burned down but did something happen inside?" The charizard was curious since the battle arcade had one of his favorite machines inside. 

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:48 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [2nd Floor] || Midday
    Cinder 185 || Faux 147

    While Cinder could feel Faux's burning gaze of frustrated disappointment she said not a word, nor did she let any sort of negativity permeate her mind."Has anyone been on a train before?" Arry asked, the question a welcome distraction. "I've seen one, but unfortunately it wasn't running at the time so we didn't get to ride." She commented with a shrug. Wonders never cease with this kid, his experiences rich for such a sort time within society. Must of had a human, and a good one at that. Did those experiences lead to him surviving this new world, or was it a stark shift that he still thought to be temporary? It didn't matter; he was here now and there was no way to go back to that.

    The elevator seemed to move much slower this time, and floors going on like a crawl. Was the car losing power, had they skipped too many floors, or was Faux simply imagining it? Whatever the answer, it gave enough time for more idle chatter she did not wish to join in to until Mathias directed a question their way. "---Anyways Cinder, Faux, what happened to the Battle Arcade? We noticed it was burned down but did something happen inside?" Just hearing the name of that place was enough to make the fox's skin crawl, and she could see Cinder's entire body stiffen as her eyes remained locked on the floor. Both Pokemon were quiet, hell they all were, the horrors of that place still a fresh wound in their minds and along their bodies. "A battle in hell." She growled, doing her best to keep her tone objective despite her descriptor.

    "Yeah, it exploded and fell down on top of us." Cinder growled with a tone half between deadpan and bitter, her description giving a bit more though the words were gross on her tongue. What was next, asking the details of undeads assault, or the stress they faced within the Castle? Cinder's paws curled against the floor uncomfortably. Legends, was it so hard to ask for one peaceful day?

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Jan 13, 2022 8:11 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [2nd Floor] || Midday
    Etincelle 167 || Melanie 167

    "Has anyone been on a train before?" Arry asked as the machine once again started to whir. Etin did not have to think on his answer, replying simply, "Nope, I sure haven't." He didn't know what that was let alone if he had been on one, and while he could have inquired further he felt no pressing need to. Instead, his attention was once again on the window, and as they moved the group could catch more of the outside world. They had risen above the treeline, letting the small hound see much further past the horizon as they climbed. He felt his jaw clench, his body going stiff as he a section of trees that had been blackened and burned. Was that where his friends had gone?! Backing away from the outer edge he made no comment on the sight, instead pressing himself against Mel as he tried to put the scene and the unease out of mind.

    "So um, do you guys think if we can find some lemonade? I know its a bit sudden but I kinda like lemonade and was hoping to share some." "Cinder and Arry found those other bottles. Theres gotta be more in here." Etincelle cheered, having assumed lemonade was a food or drink stuff off the name alone. Mel shuffled beside him, shifting her body toward Bastet's voice. A gentle nostalgic sigh sneaking out of her muzzle as she spoke. "If we don't, we used to make it back at home. We could probably do that here, too." It had been a while sure, and there would be difficulties thanks to.. her circumstances, but the fox wouldn't mind having the yellow drink once again as well. The Electrike nodded in agreement. "Can you really? That's amazing!" He cooed, genuinely impressed by all the things he didn't know about the fox.

    Yet, despite the lightheartedness he felt the mood took a stark shift. "Anyways Cinder, Faux, what happened to the Battle Arcade? We noticed it was burned down but did something happen inside?" A cold sweat coated both Pokemon. It wasn't an invalid question, legends with all the fire types here one could assume they were at fault, but bringing it up was like rubbing salt in their visible wounds. The leads reflected their own feelings, refusing to make eye contact and speaking in subdued tones. "I broke my leg in there." The Ninetales admitted, speaking of her injury for the first time since announcing it originally. Pressing her muzzle against her throat Etin encouraged her to relax, and did not add to the conversation.

    Then, like a godsend the elevator dinged, and the doors rolled open. The glass doors offered them plenty of opportunity to see, albeit somewhat obstructed, but Etincelle was feeling hot under his fur and could not take a moment to observe. "We'll, lets see what this floor has to off- erraahh!" With hurried steps out of the elevator the Electrike rushed forward without seeing the massive hole that stretch before him. Twisting and flipping he managed to catch the edge of the solid ground and dig his pads into it. "Etin!" Melanie barked, her concern fluctuating with the unknwon danger. With a heave and a hard oof he managed to pull himself back up, but the crumbling floor threatened to give way further and he bolted back into the elevator without another thought. "I'm fine, I'm fine." He wheezed, making sure the fox did not fret.
    This time, the electric type took the chance to look out before them, and the entire floor seemed to be in a sorry, dangerous state with unstable flooring. "Maybe.. we should skip this one." He suggested, tilting his head toward the Charizard to send them upward once more.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:40 am

    OoC)) Skip, Feeling ill due to COVID-19 infection. Will come back and post on this as soon as I'm feeling a bit more better.

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Jan 21, 2022 8:16 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Tower[2nd floor]|midday

    As the elevator was ascending still, Mathias listened to what Cinder and Faux said. "A battle in hell." Something seriously bad happened there if she was to say that. What could have happened inside? Bastet would be able to find out but she knew not to intrude in others business unless they wanted to find something out that they forgotten. "Yeah, it exploded and fell down on top of us." That sounded like it was bad. They didn't need to say anymore. Even Mel had said something that shown the severity of the issue. From what was said though, he could piece together what happened inside. The Charizard's face was showing signs he was angry and not the anger that would result in a shouting match but for a rampage to happen.

    Bastet looked at Mathias seeing his face turn from curious to anger. She knew all to well when Mathias was angry but this wasn't directed at anyone except for the undead. Last time she seen Mathias angry was when someone threatened her. The Espeon had to say something. Though only directed to Mathias' mind in order to keep him from breaking the elevator. Mathias, calm down. I'm sure we can piece together what was going on. Just don't take it out on them. i know they are weary of us but we need their help as much as they need ours. Was this Mathias' wild nature coming out completely? Is she going to lose her brother that she has only known? It wasn't something Bastet wanted to think of.

    The Charizard started to have flames lick out of his maw but it wasn't to harm anyone here. In fact he could smell something horrid as the elevator was about to stop at its designated floor. I know Bastet, but the undead had destroyed everything left of our memories of Zeke! Forrik was an unfortunate victim of the undead and he would still be here if we didn't decide to kill him! Right now though, we got bigger problems. I think we're about to run into a full on graveyard. After that, Mathias said something to them without directing anger towards them. "Say no more, me and Bastet will piece together what happened. Something isn't right, be ready."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:43 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Midday
    Cinder 186 || Faux 148

    "Say no more, me and Bastet will piece together what happened. Something isn't right, be ready." Was that.. an attempt at being respectful? It was a hard battle, piss off. What more was there to say? The Quilava could feel her skin prickling; what the hell was he implying, that they needed every last damn detail?! The elevator dinged and Cinder was grateful for a chance to get away from the conversation. Relaxing her jaw she huffed and tried to ignore her anger, instead thinking only of their coming exploration. "We'll, lets see what this floor has to off- erraahh!" The Electrike starts, heading out quicker than anyone else as the doors barely had a moment to roll open, but his venture was cut short as his blue form sunk in an instant.

    "Etin!" Melanie cried, Cinder quick to parrot, "Etin!" She leaped forward, ready to pull him up, but Faux's graceful steps carried her further and to the Electrike's side. While the fox sunk her teeth into the hounds scruff he had just enough grip to pull himself up, and the weasel was left unhelpful and staring awkwardly. "I'm fine, I'm fine." He confirmed before she could even ask, and again the starter was left wanting as Faux peered about the floor they had stopped on. "This flooring here is falling apart." Faux comments dryly. "It's not safe to explore." Even her light weight dared to make the edge of the gaping hole crumble, and the further she looked the more gaps, holes, and cracks she saw. She needed no time to think about it; this was not safe.

    "Maybe.. we should skip this one." Etincelle whined, his bravado shaken as he calmed himself down. Both fire types headed inside, and with the car clunking and moving upward once more the fox could only sigh heavily, "Hopefully the other floors are more sound."

    It was a shorter trip, a few seconds at most, and Cinder looked outside this time. The windows here were not nearly as clear, and minimal cracking could be seen marring their surfaces. It was.. disappointing. Truly, everything about this place, the entire Frontier, had been so, and the further she explored these buildings she had imagined for so long the more she sunk into that disappointment. As the floor dinged and the clear doors rolled open Cinder made herself the first to walk out this time. "This one looks sturdy."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Jan 30, 2022 4:23 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Midday
    Etincelle 168 || Melanie 168

    "This flooring here is falling apart. It's not safe to explore." Still shaken up by his near tumble the Electrike didn't have a moment to agree. If this floor was a disaster what was keeping the rest of the building from heading the same way? "Hopefully the other floors are more sound." The fox said calmly, seemingly unphased by the prospect of further danger. "Maybe we should turn back." The car was already shuddering, the door closing before any protest could be discussed. "The entire place could be like that!" He barked, back on his paws and only settled down by Mel placing her head on his. "We can't leave yet," she soothed, her breath warm and calming. "Have faith." Her words came from a good place, betterment for them all, but it just felt so uncomfortable after the last unstable building they were in.

    Despite his fears they moved on, the ding coming quickly and their search forced to continue. "This one looks sturdy." Cinder commented as they started to head out onto the floor. Leading the fox out of the car Etincelle was much more cautious this time, and instead of charging headlong into danger he took in the lay of the land.

    Unlike the last floor they ventured onto this one looked like one long hall, with doors lining only their left side. From what he remembered of Cinder's description, he could only guess, "I think.. was this a battle floor?" The right side was the front face of the building, and aside from windows only sported dead lights. "Would their be a healing room at the front here?" Melanie asked, sniffing at the first doorway she managed to find. "Though, I guess those would be the most likely to have been purged already." With a shake of his head Etin tried to keep her positive energy going. "We won't know until we look."

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:38 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 250px-304Aron

    Battle Tower [7th floor]|Midday

    Arry could smell something and it was starting to make him a little ill. It wasn’t a dead body but it was something he could smell that made him want to stop and throw up. The grown ups seem to be more focused on getting the stuff. The Aron wanted to say something but he seen Cinder was upset again and Mathias was also upset. Did he do something wrong? ”I feel sick, something smells bad and I wanna throw up. C-can I stay in the elevator?” His eyes looking sad as he asked them. He did think the grown ups was mad at each other. What else is that he was scared they might accidentally yell at him for nothing. Arry started to cry because of being scared and he may never get to see the stars. He then throws up from the smell as he cried. 

    OoC)) Arry’s going to hang back and wait in the elevator Likely smell is rotten meat that may have been there for a while.

    Age : 24
    Posts : 1556

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Duma Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:07 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 XiaoTogeren
    ||The Battle Tower [7th Floor] | Midday||
    He was bitterly used to the scent of rotting corpses and meat by now, though at times he really wished he wasn't. The dark figure walked tentatively through the floor, picking his way around debris that littered the ground and made his cautious pace even slower. Xiao's golden eyes followed the floor and walls as he looked around, wings pulled in close to his side to make his form as streamlined as he could for wandering these narrow halls. His nose tilted up to the ceiling briefly, head cocked as he heard the sound of something moving further ahead.

    Under the heavy scent of rot, was another; this one of life. Living souls. The Togeren paused only briefly to determine where it was coming from, before quickening his pace to a trot. If there were living souls here, they may need guidance. He stayed silent as he wandered through the long hallway, only stopping once his eyes landed on the group up ahead. A large group, and his eyes quickly flicked over each one. Many of them seemed able to hold their own in a fight at least, however his eyes were also drawn to the smaller ones of the group. A rag-tag group, then.

    Xiao's head cocked to the side, and his second set of wings spread slightly to give the togeren a moment to lower to his haunches, not wanting to spook the group by approaching further. Normal pokemon were not used to strangers approaching these days, no matter if they meant well or not, and Xiao could not blame them. In a world of cruelty, and where the dead reanimated and roamed anew, one could never be too careful. He hadn't been here long either, carried by the winds and the internal power of transport he'd been born with, so Xiao was unsure if he could be of use to this group in terms of the lay of the land.

    Still, with that in mind... most preferred to be warned of his presence. He learned the hard way that many pokemon did not appreciate him simply appearing from nowhere, even if Xiao did so entirely with good intentions. "It has been a long while since I saw other living souls. I mean you no harm."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:04 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Midday
    Cinder 187 || Faux 149

    Gods willing Cinder was already sick of this place. It wasn't the building or lack of anything interesting, nor the depressing and liminal air of the place. No, she was getting sick of her company. After yesterday, this morning, the forest, the fighting.. gods every small annoyance dared to be the final straw. Her flames pulsed, crackling and throwing embers as her anger festered her inner fire. Once they had what they needed, once they have more room to breathe than this place it would be fine...

    "I think.. was this a battle floor?" Etincelle concluded, much to the starter's surprise. Had her prior descriptions been that powerful, or was it simply the different layout that tipped him off? "Looks like it," she confirmed for him while taking several paces away from the others. The long hall, like a horizontal climb as one fought their way through the onslaught of trainers, never knowing what was to come next. How she longed for that time in her life where that was the most exciting of ideas. No I don't. What she had now was better, right? Who she had become was better than who she was at that time. That bitter, hateful, fixated Pokemon.. The Quilava stopped dead in her tracks. What the hell was she doing? Legends she was acting like a child again, like she hadn't been forced to grow at all. Looking back at her team she still felt that bitterness, but she acknowledge the care, love, and protection she felt over [most of] them. With a couple of deep breaths and her personal revelation she tried her damnedest not to let her hate cloud her judgement.

    "Would there be a healing room at the front here?" Melanie asked, her voice curious and hopeful. Faux followed up in the rear, her ears and nose primed. It was no surprise that Melanie was focused on what they came here for, but her prudent question helped focus the group once again. "There should be, but if things lived here they probably sheltered around a further one as a precaution." Faux made no further comment; looters would always hit the easiest targets first. This high up, it was unclear if anything had scavenged this place, but if survivors had lived here the same rule may apply. "I guess those would be the most likely to have been purged already." Mel's thoughts were quick to follow their own, and a cheery echoed finished with a, "We won't know until we look."

    With an approving nod the fox was glad to see any awkwardness melt away as the team started to move out. Well, most of them. The count came up short, and turning her head back over her shoulder she spied the youngest cowering at the edge of the elevator. ”I feel sick, something smells bad and I wanna throw up. C-can I stay in the elevator?” Her face twisted. The smell of rot had gotten stronger on this floor; something had died more recently than she would have liked, though the putrid reek spoke of much time since its passing. "Not without company." Faux said gently but without room for argument. Running her mind over their collective the first babysitter to come to mind was unfortunately Rebel, but without the cackling electric type she would need to go with an alternative.

    "I'll stay here with Arry until his stomach settles." Faux called forward, her gaze primed and landing on the other fire type. The wide golden gaze told her enough, 'you, really?' before falling to a more steady look of understanding; there was no good alternative. Sitting down lightly Faux let her many tails wrap forward, and while her senses were still primed she knew she was giving up her hold of the reigns for the time being.

    It was hard enough not to yell out in opposition but Cinder could not stop herself from clenching her jaw. Dammit. She agreed, other than herself who could stay behind? The newcomers were out and both Etincelle and Melanie were wounded with the latter being out of her element. Bastet wouldn't be a terrible choice. She forced herself to accept, though the fire type would never forgive herself if something happened to Arry within the Espeon's care. "Something smells awful over here so lets start looking further on." She suggested, and with one last look at their idle companions let her teammates onward.

    The dark hall seemed endless, the smaller halls and paths on the one open side like looming threats to some other world. How much of the floor was worth checking, when should they go into each room, were they only looking for a medical sign or habitation? Cinder clenched her teeth harder. Loathe was she to admit it but this was Faux's realm of knowledge and not hers. "Keep your eyes peeled for anything interesting." She said lightly, trying to keep the group focused. "Most of the rooms on the floor will be pretty empty, so the good ones should stand out."

    Aside from her flames this floor was dim at best, and she wondered how ominous it would have been in its prime. Did the humans keep the lights low for suspense, or turn on each lantern with a victory, or was it lit like any other floor and she was putting too much thought into it? Hell, as she looked forward Cinder could almost imagine a line of golden lights leading them on and marking their victory... except, was she imagining it? The gold flickered, almost like it was moving. Her flames pulsed, as though trying to brighten up an impossible distance, but her eyes had adjusted to the darkness and creeping sensation trickled down her spine as she saw a shadow attached to the gold that was moving toward them. "Stop, stop-!" She whispered intensely through clenched teeth, her body telling her to turn tail and move away from this unknown thing, but with their flames as a literal guiding light there was no chance it hadn't noticed them.

    Panic hit her hard. What should they do, go on the offense, take the first strike? It was outnumbered for sure but the tight quarters would make for an uncomfortable amount of friendly fire. Yet, for all her panicking the Quilava realized.. there was no harsh scent. The rot they had smelled near the elevator had already started to dissipate, and whatever this was did not carry a fresh wave. "It has been a long while since I saw other living souls. I mean you no harm." The smooth sound of another living voice was the last thing she expected to hear in this place, and a relieved sigh managed to make its way out of her as the Pokemon came just close enough for her to see.

    It was a, well, to be frank she didn't know what it was. Some sort of Dragonair.. Dragonite.. thing. It's wings were tiny, no, deformed? Broken? Missing? They did not match the other set, though that wasn't much to go on to tell her about the unknown species.  "Wish I could say the same." She jested, a tense smile crossing her maw as she gave a slight jerk of her head toward her many companions. "Can't say I was expecting to see another living Pokemon in a place like this."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Feb 14, 2022 8:59 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Midday
    Etincelle 169 || Melanie 169

    "There should be, but if things lived here they probably sheltered around a further one as a precaution." Etincelle expected as much, Mel had just said that after all, but knowing their excursion would be longer than it could be was still disappointing. With a solemn nod he gave the Ninetales a small nudge and started to trail after Cinder. This is the floor. He told himself, hope fluttering that they could return home before the sun started to tip back down. They just had to find the right place.

    "I'll stay here with Arry until his stomach settles." Faux said from the back, already sitting and settled by the time the Electrike looked back at her. Splitting? No, no it always went back when they split apart. His heart fluttered even more with concern as he eyed little Arry. Should he volunteer to stay? He loved the kid and wouldn't mind it, but to have be Mel alone..? He shuddered at the thought, and even asking her to stay wouldn't work; there was no way Cinder would remain calm with only Mathias and Bastet by her side. "We'll be back before you know it!" He yipped to Arry, his maw spread in a wide grin as he tried to convince himself that all would be well. Faux would take care of him, he believed that, but it was still enough to make his stomach turn.

    Mel didn't comment, her mind already wandering internally. Her steps were growing uneven, even more awkward than just hobbling on three legs even with the splint. Was it exhaustion, apprehension, or simply pain? Worry was worming its way into her thoughts, that no matter what they found here her leg would never heal right and she would be crippled even further. The next inhale she took stuck in her throat like a whole apple. Legends, to lose another part of herself.. Entincelle's coarse, staticy fur brushed hers, a tingling comfort to break her from her own thoughts. No, no she just needed to have faith.

    "Keep your eyes peeled for anything interesting." The fire type's voice reminded them. While the group was moving and searching from the halls they had just enough time to peak in any accessible rooms they passed. That being said most were not accessible, and the few Etincelle was able to glance into looked identical and as disheveled as the rest of the building. It.. wasn't promising. "Most of the rooms on the floor will be pretty empty, so the good ones should stand out." "No kidding," he sighed, returning to Mel's side as she waited for him patiently. "They are so similar.. they feel more like torture chambers than some place of prestige." He couldn't fathom Pokemon and trainers coming to this place to raise rank. How could they? In twisting halls and copy pasted arenas where they were forced to fight without knowing where the end was. Legends he would go mad.

    "How many floors are--" He started, growing curious once again to the nature of this building when Cinder hissed, "Stop, stop-!" Her voice was intense, the seriousness clear as she came to a sudden halt. Etin followed suit, his legs stiffening as he lowered himself to the floor. Mel did not stop as quickly, her bad leg bumping into him and gaining an audible whimper from the fox before she also stopped. "What is..?" He asked, cutting himself short as he followed Cinder's gaze to the far end of their path; it was another Pokemon. A prickling feeling made its way through his pelt; why in the world would someone be lingering in here? Its motions didn't scream undead, nor did he pick up the scent of death from its direction. A living Pokemon?

    Even that fact was not a comfort. This was no place for a creature to wander, but it approached them calmly and spoke smoothly. "It has been a long while since I saw other living souls. I mean you no harm." A friend. He thought instantly, and while he was a trusting sort Etincelle had to admit he felt no malice from the Togeren, its stance confident but non-threatening and words feeling earnest. "Can't say I was expecting to see another living Pokemon in a place like this." Cinder spoke clearly uneasy but also remaining calm and civil. "Do you know your way around here?" Mel asked over his shoulders, her voice strong, curious yet probing.

    Age : 38
    Posts : 1889

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Feb 18, 2022 1:50 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 250px-304Aron

    Battle Tower[7th Floor]|Midday

    Arry was crying and the smell continue to assault his sense of smell. If anything, he wanted both Faux and Bastet to be there with him. Though Mel was more motherly in a sense, he wanted to have two others with him this time. Faux was staying behind to watch him. The others was moving away but when Arry looked, he seen Bastet not following the others. Was she going to stay behind as well? The Aron was trying to fight the urge to throw up again due to the smell and tries to find a way to keep it from getting to him. ”Faux, make the smell go away. I.. umf.. don’t wanna smell it anymore.” Even then, the door was still open to where he could smell it. Arry hated it so much that he wanted to get far away from it. 

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Feb 19, 2022 3:02 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Tower[7th floor]|Midday

    The Charizard was sniffing the air smelling what could be rotting. There’s definitely something around that’s causing such a stench. What could it be that could emit such a smell that is causing Arry to be sick? Who could say but the more they walked the more the smell increased. "Keep your eyes peeled for anything interesting.” As Mathias heard Cinder he blew smoke out of his nostrils as he was still calming down from earlier about the arcade being destroyed. "Most of the rooms on the floor will be pretty empty, so the good ones should stand out.” Normally the rooms are stocked with stuff but what it looked like, some of them was raided with the doors either opened by force or taken off their hinges. The others seemed to be broken into by an axe from what the marks on the doors was. From what Mathias could figure out, the doors that was metal was the only ones that could hold stuff inside its storage.  "Stop, stop-!” They all stopped and what they was seeing in front of them was something he wasn’t familiar with but it looked like a dragon type. "It has been a long while since I saw other living souls. I mean you no harm.” What was this pokemon? Mathias looked around finally noticing Bastet wasn’t with them.

    Bastet stayed by the elevator with Faux and Arry. She was focusing her psychic powers to detect any undead that might get close before going into the elevator with Faux. ”I can smell something as well but its coming from the same direction they’re going. Faux, I can tell by your expressions that your still unsure of me. I’m sorry if I come off like that. To tell the truth, I’ve been trained to rely on my psychic powers and there’s times where I wish I could turn back the clock and just be an eevee again. She then sighed since she was going to reveal why she’s been so presumptuous of things. She couldn’t stand another friend and ally walking into a death trap and die. "Only reason why is because when mine and Mathias’ trainer went to Orre, all the psychics that went with their units was put into the front lines. When it got to the point where we didn’t have a chance to escape alive, every psychic I knew was killed or infected. Our trainer though, he... he was eaten by the undead. He told me to run and find a way back home. Please understand that I do what I do because I just don’t want to lose anyone anymore.” Bastet walks over to Arry and nuzzles him. The Espeon was assuring him that the adults aren’t mad at him or each other. If anything, everything has been intense since they came here.

    As she sat alongside Faux, she could feel Mathias trying to communicate with her. Mathias, sorry I should have told you but I’m going to stay behind and help Faux keep Arry safe. I’ll keep linked with you so if you guys see something that might be causing Arry to be ill, let me know so I can tell Faux. Bastet then waits for what they find.

    Mathias heard Bastet in hid mind. You should have said something earlier, anyways yeah, we can do that. Also we found a stranger here of all places. Looks like a dragon type but I can’t tell for sure. Just, please stay safe. we’ll be back once we find some more stuff. The Charizard looked at the Togeren still unsure what type it was. Yet he felt no need for hostility. Where did it come from and how did it get here? None can say whether it was luck or coincidence. ”Of all the places that another living would be here.” Mathias sniffed the air a bit more catching the scent of something rotten coming from one of the broke in rooms. He went to investigate and what he found was stew that was sitting there for an unknown period of time. Well past its expired time. ”Cinder, I think I found what was making Arry sick!” He looked around a bit more seeing a large slab of meat that had bite marks on it. What it looked like though was that of a Houndoom’s jaw line that would tell that there is another living pokemon here but the bite marks looked like they was from a time ago.

    Age : 24
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Duma Sat Feb 19, 2022 9:15 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 XiaoTogeren
    ||The Battle Tower [7th Floor] | Midday||
    It was easy to follow where the group was wandering from, his eyes following the flame that lit the path for the incoming pokemon. They were hesitant, Xiao could see that easily enough, especially with the way that they were picking throught he rubble and mess. Xiao stayed where he was for now, listening to them chatter amongst themselves. "How many floors are--" The electrike's voice was curious, Xiao noted. He was asking questions, wanting to know what this place was... so they weren't from around here either?

    "Stop, stop-!" The sharper tone snapped Xiao to attention, and his eyes darted up to meet the quilava's, watching how they all froze in place. A soft whimper from behind the electrike drew Xiao's gaze briefly, golden gaze sweeping slowly over the ninetails that was behind them. She had her eyes covered... and that whimper; she was injured? Slowly, Xiao stood to his feet, stepping forwards another few paces so that he was in more light for the group to look at him.

    The eyes on him were almost like branding irons to the togeren. He was far too used to people staring at him, of course. However that did not make the feeling any nicer. He held his head high anyway, not wanting to be swayed by the fresh gazes of strangers. "What is..?" They were all wary, uncertain and hesitant. Xiao didn't blame any of them, these days friendly pokemon were few and far between, even the sight of someone untainted was no comfort. Somehow, this epidemic had brought out the worst in many pokemon. Xiao was very familiar with that by now, he'd had enough run-ins with hostile groups of living in his travels.

    "Wish I could say the same." Letting loose a soft breath that he didn't know he had been holding, Xiao's wings dropped down a little in relief. He then quickly pulled them up so that he could look over the little fire type ahead of him, and then to the group they'd gestured to. "Can't say I was expecting to see another living Pokemon in a place like this." The togeren let out a low, amused huff of air that disturbed some of the dust around him, sharing her sentiment. He had not expected to see other living souls in a place as decrepit as this, but lately he had certainly been proved wrong about the places he found survivors.

    "Do you know your way around here?" A new voice to his ears, Xiao's head jolted up, glancing around before falling on the ninetails. She was blind... but her voice was strong and steady. Still, Xiao shook his head. Unfortunately, he was of no use regarding the lay of the land, he was still new to these parts. "My apologies, I am new to this place. I only recently arrived here, so I have not had the chance to scout too much."

    ”Of all the places that another living would be here.” He cocked his head, looking at the other large fire type that followed after the group. A large charizard, searching around the rooms for something, of the way he was sniffing at the air said anything. Xiao lifted his nose a little, eyes squinting a little at the stench of rot that mew his nose. There was not much around here that wasn't rotting, really. His eyes followed the charizard as they went into a room that held the scent of spoiled food, head cocked slightly. ”Cinder, I think I found what was making Arry sick!” Sick? He was surprised that someone was still sensitive to the scent of rot in these times. Almost everyone had dealt with the overpowering scent of death and rot by now.

    Xiao hummed, carefully stepping over the rubble to make his way over to where the charizard was looking, his eyes scanning the room. He could easily tell where the rotten stew was, but his eyes were drawn mostly to where the slab of old meat was, and to the teeth marks in it. A canine of sorts, he could tell. The slight burnt edges to the meat also told Xiao that it was a fire type that'd bitten into it as well. Another living around here? It was awfully old... so it wasn't as likely, perhaps.

    He stepped away from the meat slab, carefully picking his way along the rubble to return back to... Cinder, he assumed the quilava's name was, dipping his head in a polite greeting. "Though I may not know too much about this area, I am willing to pull my weight to help, if you do not mind me coming along. My name is Xiao."

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:55 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Midday
    Cinder 188 || Faux 150

    Shuffling her paws to sit more neatly the fox quieted her mind and let her focus spread to the area around her.  Her sling pouch at her side was weighty and irritating, but with a breath she pushed her thoughts past it to the sound of steps coming her way. No alarm sounded, her cold gaze settling firmly on Bastet as she approached them. While the fox was more than capable of babysitting on her own safety in numbers outweighed any pride she may have felt. With only a small tip of her head to acknowledge the other Pokemon she continued to listen and steady her mind.

    ”Faux, make the smell go away. I.. umf.. don’t wanna smell it anymore.” Arry gagged, his distress not soothed in the slightest by making them stay behind. The fox felt her body growing tense but tried not show any discomfort. The smell of rot was strong and sharp, and her delicate, sensitive sense of smell had picked it up immediately upon arrival. However, living in this hell of a world had made her accustomed to the acrid scent that seemed to linger everywhere. She was not immune to it nor did she enjoy it, and it was important to always be aware of carrion, but she had long sense learned to live with it as a constant.

    Yet Arry's distress was more unusual than it was concerning. Had he managed to live a carefree existence even in this hell, or one where he simply avoided such smells? It was uncanny that an metal beast would be more susceptible to the vile reek than a snouted Vulpix, but the fox knew the tender soul was easily bothered by the slightest upset. It was natural to be set off by the disconcerting, nauseating smell that filled the halls. Rot was a harbinger of disease, death, and a hunting ground for opportunists, none being a safe place for a child. Yet, where they sat, as long as the rot did not move it was no risk to them and should not be a concern. "We could look for something to stuff your nose." She suggested, though his plated face made that difficult. "Try breathing through your mouth for now." She followed up, knowing it would only be a temporary help.

    Aside from that there was a general lack of conversation. Faux's efforts to be quiet must have been noticed, or perhaps the space felt cold without lighthearted chatter, and Bastet decided to fill the dead air. ”I can smell something as well but its coming from the same direction they’re going." Their companions were quick to disappear out of slight, their quiet voices already faded away as they put distance between one another. "Nothing we can do about that over here." She commented dryly. "Arry won't move." They were stranded, and if the others ignored the source then it was a moot fact.

    Then, unprompted, the Espeon continued, ”Faux, I can tell by your expressions that your still unsure of me. I’m sorry if I come off like that. To tell the truth, I’ve been trained to rely on my psychic powers and there’s times where I wish I could turn back the clock and just be an Eevee again." ...What? Where was this coming from? I voted for you. She thought bitterly. Was that fact so easily forgotten? The fox blinked her eyes slowly and took in a long breath. Both of their newcomers had an odd sense of conversation, she reminded herself. Despite her reservations for the Espeon and her constant babbling of nonsense the fox could tell she [and Mathias] had good intentions. "The innocence of youth is a cherished time." She conferred on an exhale, her eyes narrowing as she pushed her misgivings away. Who didn't long for a simpler, more ignorant time in their life, especially given the state of the world? Legends, if she could go back, if she could do things over..

    "Only reason why is because when mine and Mathias’ trainer went to Orre, all the psychics that went with their units were put into the front lines. When it got to the point where we didn’t have a chance to escape alive, every psychic I knew was killed or infected. Our trainer though, he... he was eaten by the undead. He told me to run and find a way back home. Please understand that I do what I do because I just don’t want to lose anyone anymore.”

    Feeling the hairs along her neck raise Faux struggled to hold back a sharp retort. You really think this is a good time to spew your life story? Had Bastet stayed behind for the soul purpose of confessing her tale to her? The fox did not understand, this was so out of left field, and the detailed death was not appropriate chatter around their youngest who was already feeling unwell. "Everybody's lost something to this hell." She gawped while watching the Eeveelution play with her charge. "Everyone has to protect what they have left." These Pokemon were her friends, her charges, her wards. She would not forsake them or bend for something that could put them in harms way.

    Her many tails thumped the ground in quick succession. If she was exhausted by this short interaction she could not imagine Cinder was getting along well. "Arry, wouldn't you rather put a stop to the smell than sit here and stew in it?" She asked, trying her damnedest to make her voice playful enough to entice the child onward. Grievances aside, the child needed to be brave and face his troubles if he were to survive in this world, especially against something as minuscule as a scent.

    The stranger seemed hesitant, rightfully cautious as he stood before a group of unknown Pokemon, but not at all aggressive. Any motions or glances that came from him were weary but calm as questions were hurdled his way. Cinder remained on guard but felt no urgent need to get hostile with the unknown Pokemon. Even with the unease of this sudden meeting there was an air of peace among them; no one intended to start a fight. "My apologies, I am new to this place. I only recently arrived here, so I have not had the chance to scout too much." The Pokemon answered quietly. Pity, the Quilava thought, as having any sort of map to this place would be invulnerable. Guess he won't know what had happened here either.

    But, that was neither here or now, and instead she pressed on for a more pertinent thought. "At least it seems like you haven't run into trouble." She mused, grateful for the lack of fresh blood on him. At least she could assume there was nothing threatening in the immediate area, dead or otherwise, and that gave her hope for safe journey. But then, where did that leave them? The fire Pokemon hesitated; he already said he didn't know the area, should she bother asking about his meager sightings? It wouldn't be revealing too much to say they needed healing supplies, hell they already looked rough as it is, but acknowledging their sorry state so soon felt unwise.

    Knowledge wasn't a Pokemon's only use, but she hesitated even further to take her other option; did she invite him along or bid him farewell? Was this Pokemon looking for the exit, perhaps, or just exploring? He seemed more than capable of handling himself but safety in numbers always won out. Yet... after the shit show of their last addition Cinder was not ready to welcome another to their ranks, especially with the culprit at her side-- Cinder turned her head, eyes widening as she realized her fellow flickering flame was not among them. "Mathias?" She sibilated, shocked that an entire Charizard could disappear from sight without notice, but the fear was short lived as he popped out from a nearby room.

    Excitement filled his voice, more than she could recall ever hearing and for a few moments her hopes raised for medical supplies. "Cinder, I think I found what was making Arry sick!" He exclaimed, clearly finding this 'discovery' to be more important than the stranger standing before them for their needs. Cinder's expression fell flat, disappoint palpable as a paw dragged across her face. "Gore isn't exciting, Mathias." She sighs through her teeth with a passive aggressive groan, though she had already grown accustomed to the strong smell of decay in the air. "Pardon," she apologized to the Togeren before dodging their chat to investigate the findings herself.

    The tattered room was hardly different from the others, disheveled and abused, though the smell was certainly its most defining feature. Picking her way closer to its source Cinder recoiled at the rotting carnage. Whatever creature it was before was indiscernible, no more than a hunk of meat that was left to decay now. It was riddled with teeth marks; someones meal had been interrupted lay abandoned now. In this state no one would eat it now, it was well past its safe point, but the powerful reek meant it had been killed sooner than she would have liked. Was something nesting here, hiding out, just passing through hence its meal being forgotten? Time had passed since then, but now long, how many days or weeks?

    No matter the time frame it was uncomfortable. Kicking her flames up higher Cinder breathed a powerful Flamethrower as the chunk, sizzling and burning it crisp beneath her flames. The blackened surface was quick to char and give off the burnt smell of ash, but it was leagues more appealing than the scent of decay.

    Rejoining the group that remained in the hall the starter Pokemon sighed a puff of smoke. "At least that should take care of the smell," she puffs, her thoughts still focused on what could have been in that room at one point in time. It was the most recent sign of activity they had come across, and not a good one at that. "Sorry, I guess the introductions got away from us." The Quilava says absently as she tried to refocus herself on the new Pokemon. "My name's Cinder, and this is my team." She paused to let anyone else say their short peace. "Though I may not know too much about this area, I am willing to pull my weight to help, if you do not mind me coming along. My name is Xiao." Before seeing the meat the fire type had her doubts, but now it felt unsafe to let this Pokemon wander alone. Even if the predator was long gone it meant creatures did come in this building, this high up nonetheless.

    Noddings to acknowledge his name and request Cinder forced another cheesy grin to show some sort of welcome. "By all means. Its better than wandering about this place alone." Tipping her gaze back toward Mel's splinted leg her expression was quick to furrow. "We're looking for any healing areas." She was quick to explain while putting her past apprehension behind her. "There should be several on this floor. Ones gotta still have supplies."

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Feb 27, 2022 8:41 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Midday
    Etincelle 170 || Melanie 170

    "My apologies, I am new to this place. I only recently arrived here, so I have not had the chance to scout too much." Etincelle could not stop his tails from wagging. In the short moments he had been exposed to this Pokemon he acted so genuine, and it was the first meeting he had experienced in a while that filled him with ease instead of mistrust. Melanie nodded thoughtfully to his answer, satisfied even though it was not what she had hoped to hear. That makes two of us. Any response she would have gave was answer quicker by Cinder. At least it seems like you haven't run into trouble." Etincelle nodded in agreement, though the dim environment and putrid odor made it hard to pinpoint anything on his dark feathers.

    As Mathias moved away from them the Electrike felt strong morbid curiosity. Why could he be doing at this critical moment. Had he heard something, seen something? His paws carried him unwillingly to the dragon's side as he peaked into one of the nearby rooms, and the harsh wave of putrid rot that hit him quickly scared him away. "Good legends thats awful." He gagged, a paw moving to cover his nose as he hobbled back to Melanie's side. Whatever that was he was grateful they would be moving away from it. "Cinder, I think I found what was making Arry sick!" Mathias exclaimed as he returned from the room, and Etincelle could only nod his head. Looking up to Melanie he could see the fox was breathing through her mouth; how much worse was the stink for her sensitive nose?

    Cinder groaned and moved away from them, and Melanie recoiled at both the crackling sound of flames and the stark change in the air. It warmed, the dry taste of ash dappling her tongue as she closed her mouth. Well that was one way to deal with it... "At least that should take care of the smell." The words trailed out of the room as their lead returned, assuring the fox that whatever was in there was no threat to them. "Sorry, I guess the introductions got away from us. My name's Cinder, and this is my team." She introduced herself and motioned to the rest of them. "I'm Etincelle." The electric Pokemon was quick to respond, a small hop to his step as he beamed at the Togeren. "Melanie." The fox followed suit, her tails brushing forward to touch Etin's side and settle him down. "Though I may not know too much about this area, I am willing to pull my weight to help, if you do not mind me coming along. My name is Xiao."

    Beaming at the prospect Etin looked to the Quilava with hope, and while she seemed uncertain of something he was not disappointed by her response. "By all means. Its better than wandering about this place alone." "Welcome!" He barked gleefully, his paws buzzing with excitement. While he still did not know what it was about this Pokemon he was so enthralled with having him aboard could only mean good things, or so the Electrike hoped. With yet another nod of agreement his tipped his snout toward Melanie to see if she reflected his sentiment.

    "We're looking for a healing room. There should be several on this floor. Ones gotta still have supplies." Cinder continued, catching the Togeren up to speed. Melanie shuffled, awkwardly tipping her muzzle away as she was indirectly called out. Cinder was being unusually brazen with her information, did she trust this Pokemon so much already? What of the other members of their group; he already knew about Arry thanks to Mathias, shouldn't he know about them if he was being assimilated? "We haven't seen any so far, so one's bound to be close." Etincelle added optimistically, and while the Ninetales could not share in his attitude she was grateful for the positivity nonetheless. "We are also looking for the obvious like good food and water, though this isnt really the place to find it." She added, remembering Faux had the meager rations they had found.

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Mar 03, 2022 3:40 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 9NmplNz
    Battle Tower|midday

    The adults was talking but Faux was close enough to keep him comfortable. He was sad still with the feelings that the adults are mad at each other. Yet the smell just kept pestering him until the smell changed. It wasn’t as bad anymore and Faux had spoken to him to get him cheered up again. "Arry, wouldn't you rather put a stop to the smell than sit here and stew in it?” Arry shook his head yes and let his stomach settle down. the smell was still somewhat present but it wasn’t hitting him as much anymore. Bastet even assured him that the adults aren’t mad at him or each other. ”Faux, is something burning? I can smell something burning.” With the smell of smoke now overtaking the putrid smell, it was making it more easier for Arry to go about as he got up. ”I gotta be a brave boy. I’m gonna be a brave boy so when Miyu comes back, I can show her I’m brave.”

    Age : 38
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:09 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Mathias is staying quiet as he follows Cinder and Bastet is laying down with Arry.

    Age : 24
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Duma Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:49 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 XiaoTogeren
    ||The Battle Tower [7th Floor] | Midday||
    At least he could take solace in the fact that the group wa snot looking for a fight. While Xiao could hold his own in a fight, he wasn't a fan of it. He'd spent too long fighting, and in this kind of world now, fighting with other living souls was not beneficial to anyone. Too often lately he'd been forced to defend himself from the dead and living alike, so to have a group so willing to be nice was a welcome change tot he togeren. The little electrike seemed to be the most excited to see him among their presence, drawing a slow blink from the guardian. He wasn't used to people being so pleased to see him, at least not these days.

    "At least it seems like you haven't run into trouble." Golden eyes flicked back over to Cinder as she mused about his lack of run-ins with unfavorables in the area. Xiao nodded, humming a soft agreement. He hadn't been here long, but at least in that time, it hadn't been too hostile. It was mostly barren, save for the few times he'd found rotting food and the odd item here and there left behind by those who looted these areas. At least there were no dead to contend with. He thought, standing carefully as Cinder wandered over to the rotting meat that the large charizard - Mathias, he heard Cinder call him - had found.

    His eyes narrowed a hair as flames erupted from the quilava to cook and burn the meat to a crisp, his nose wrinkling and baring his long curved tusks at the scent of burnt rot. Soon the rotten stench was taken over with the smoldering scent of ash and bone, and he let out a long breath to clear the stench from his nose. Xiao shook his head, thinking on that hunk of flesh.

    It was rotten, past any safe state to eat for any normal pokemon, however it was still fresh enough to be a worry. Is there something else here, then? The thought of something else here made his mouth tug down in a frown, eyes scanning the ground and walls for more evidence of something else living here. On his own, Xiao believed he would be safe... however if this group weren't as adept at fighting, or defending themselves... any other person might be a threat to them. The guardian's mind burned with the promise that he'd made to his old master, turning carefully to look behind him, scanning the ground and walls for tracks.

    The sound of Cinder returning drew his eye back to her, head tilting back so that he could keep eye contact, lowering carefully down to all fours as he listened. "At least that should take care of the smell." She had a point. With the stench of rot gone, it would also deter the living dead from wandering this way as well, the prospect of possible food for the dead gone with the scent of ash and smoke. "Sorry, I guess the introductions got away from us." He dipped his head politely, as though to say that's fine. Xiao was a pokemon of few words anyway, he always had been. Being in such a large group was only bringing that right into focus.

    "My name's Cinder, and this is my team." Cinder, so he was right. He murmured a soft greeting, his eyes flicking to each pokemon as they intorduced themselves. "I'm Etincelle." The little electrike - Etincelle - introduced himself, followed by his ninetails companion. "Melanie." The way she sat down and her tails brushed against the little electric type's body was not lost on Xiao, his head cocking ever so slightly to the right as he watched. They're close, he noted. How long had they been together? The quilava, electrike and ninetails moved like a cohesive unit, they knew each other, and had for quite a while... however the charizard was new, a stranger? They didn't talk to him as fondly or with as much familiarity as they did the others.

    "By all means. Its better than wandering about this place alone." The togeren let out a soft breath as he was accepted into the group, turning his attnetion back to the hallway he'd been looking along before. "Welcome!" At least he was welcomed in with open arms - Xiao was far too used to being ostracized from groups by now. Whether it was because they didn't trust strangers or he left on his own after being pitied because he was grounded, it was novel, to be so readily allowed into a group.

    "We're looking for any healing areas." Healing areas? He paused, pulling up onto his hind legs to peer along the hallway a little further. He had a dim idea of what hey meant - his village had little healing items and machines they used sometimes when Xiao had injured himself protecting them... but he wasn't well versed in it. He would have to figure it out as he went. "There should be several on this floor. Ones gotta still have supplies."

    So there had to at least be something here... he closed his eyes, recalling the scent of the healing sprays that'd been used once or twice on him. It was a sharp scent, like bitter leaves and sharp mint. He took a deep breath, trying to pick through the scent of musty air, rot and rubble to find anything like what he was looking for. "We are also looking for the obvious like good food and water, though this isnt really the place to find it."

    Food and water, that was something he would be able to find easier at least. He glanced back at the group, thinking how he could be of use. His smaller pair of wings stretched out and gave a light rustle of feathers as he adjusted how they sat against his hips. "I have the ability to cover ground quickly, if you know somewhere outside of this place that had food. I can travel from place to place without risking the safety of a large group moving around." Perhaps his ability to teleport would come in use here, if they knew somewhere he could gather food from.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Mar 13, 2022 7:55 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Midday
    Cinder 189 || Faux 151

    The Aron shook his head meekly, the thought of venturing forward still overwhelming for him though he accepted with a brave face. The fox silently let out a tense breath; it wasn't what she was expecting, but by the legends she would take it. Anything was better than this awkward hell, and without a moments hesitation she got to her paws and started to usher him forward. "Let's see if we can catch up to the others." She encouraged the child playfully as they started to walk. They wouldn't run, at least she wouldn't, but if the others were going slow and searching they should have no issue closing the gap.

    Yet the calm on the floor was disrupted by an even more striking smell that the Vulpix was all too familiar with. ”Faux, is something burning? I can smell something burning.” The scent of smoke was undeniable, the ashen storm of something ablaze pungent beneath it and enough to send a tinge down her spine no matter how accustomed she was to it. "Most certainly," she starts, breathing deeply to take in the fragrance. Smoke used halls as an expressway to travel, and even at the distance the rest of their group had traveled it made sense for something burning to make it back to them. "It's probably just Cinder. You know how she is." She finishes calmly, adding a slight flux to her voice for cheekiness. She knew the Quilava was hotheaded and would burn something at the smallest issue, but it was still concerning. Had they run into trouble, an undead perhaps? Or maybe they were using the smoke as a cover of sorts, hiding their own scent or that of the decay to prevent detection. Whatever it was Faux remained calm, her ears primed for the slightest worrying sound that never came. There was something or another ahead, she just had to figure out what.

    Breathing and scenting carefully as they walked, Faux was grateful and uneasy at the lack of concerning scents. What had set one of their fire type companions off if nothing was coming up? It had to be farther along, she accepted, as they had not run into anyone or anything yet. ”I gotta be a brave boy. I’m gonna be a brave boy so when Miyu comes back, I can show her I’m brave.” Arry chanted a mantra to himself, his words once again reminding Faux how she could of used Rebel's help. He's gonna get an earful when we get back to the Castle. Or, maybe they would if they had nothing to show for it. "You'll have to tell her all about how brave you were, how you faced your fears." While Faux didn't find approaching a putrid scent as something brave she knew the world was different from the eyes of a child, and that very real danger could be close by. As the smell of smoke got stronger so too did the burning beneath it. The scent of meat ablaze, not unlike the cooking of a fire type Pokemon, though the sour tinge on it made for no meal any of them would eat.  

    With simple nod to agree with the comments of the others Cinder thought of nothing else of pressing importance to tell this new Pokemon. The rest either wasn't relevant or pressing information to know right now, and with the smoldering liability in the other room she knew they had bigger problems they had to consider. "I have the ability to cover ground quickly, if you know somewhere outside of this place that had food. I can travel from place to place without risking the safety of a large group moving around." Cinder realized an interested brow as her expression piqued. What a curious and useful ability, one she felt they could undoubtedly put to use. Yet, the first place that came to mind with food was the one beside the fateful location in the woods. Was it still smoldering, still corrupt? Just recalling it was enough to send a chill down her spine, and she would never wish that upon this new Pokemon.

    "There's a clean pond to the south-west for water," she says absently, unable to remove the picture of that sickening undead and smolder woods from her mind. "We found a good spot for berries too, but its become... compromised, for now." Faux had reasoned again and again that the demon wouldn't come back, or if it did that the location was irrelevant, but Cinder could not shake her unease. Even a chance was too much to her, and Xiao was completely innocent of that situation.  "I don't know if you've seen the blackened spot in the trees up north through a window, but, yeah." She spoke through clenched teeth, the explanation award and wishing only to deter him rather spark any curiosity.

    "Either way, we have a floor to search." She finished, angling her head back toward the room with the smoldering waste. "Safe to say we might not be alone in here." Running into each other made that a given, but unwelcome company was another matter entirely. With Xiao giving no comment on the rooms they were searching for Cinder thought it prudent to keep moving forward over the path the Togeren had some from.
    "Keep your peepers peeled."

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:03 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Tower [7th Floor] || Midday
    Etincelle 171 || Melanie 171

    "I have the ability to cover ground quickly, if you know somewhere outside of this place that had food. I can travel from place to place without risking the safety of a large group moving around." Etincelle looked on in awe. "That must be incredibly useful." He gasps, wonderstruck at the idea of being able to avoid danger so readily. To move in and out of areas so easily, to travel undetected, it was something a humble Pokemon like him could barely imagine. "There's a clean pond to the south-west for water. We found a good spot for berries too, but its become... compromised, for now." His cheer trailed off. Was that where they had last collected food, near the incident site? Shuddering at the thought Etincelle didn't know if Xiao's ability outweighed the danger of that place, but having not been there he accepted it was not his place to comment, or that others had more of a right.

    "Either way, we have a floor to search." Cinder was quick to get them moving again, a jerk of her head and step of her paws enough to get the bonded pair moving. Taking his position at Mel's side the Pokemon fell in line, their steps matched and accustomed to one another. "Right! We gotta get you some help." Etincelle squeaked, nudging the Ninetales gently with his head. They were doing this for everyone, sure, but her injury clearly took priority.

    Mel only seemed to stiffen, a pained smile gracing her face as she awkwardly accepted his kind words and forced herself to keep pace. Not like Im hiding it. She thought bitterly, her shortcomings once again a focal point she did not want. Her splinted leg ached, tired from the walking already, but again, she would not complain about it. "Safe to say we might not be alone in here. Keep your peepers peeled." Cinder warned them as they headed deeper through the dividing hall, the off shooting rooms minimal and excluded to restrooms and closets. Etincelle peaked into those he could, though he always turned up empty pawed. Perhaps it was hall, or the dim lighting, but the search reminded him so much of scouting with Rosko he started to feel ill. If he had been more careful, could he have prevented that? Such doubts should have been behind him by now, he had reasoned with himself so much, but as they reared their ugly faces back into his mind the Electrike found himself tuning out of their conversations and desperately into the space around them.

    As they made it down to the end of their uneventful corridor to another T-shaped crossing, Etincelle worried about finding their way back. While they had not made many turns, in fact it was very minimal, the mind-numbing decor would be a hard thing to decipher in a moments notice (if needed). Window lined their new pathway, and for a second he thought they went in a circle before realizing, "I guess this is the far side of the floor?" His hope pulsed uncomfortably in his chest at the thought; they had found nothing in that much space? "Then a medical room has to be close." Mel reasoned, following Cinder's steps along the right-hand turn. Etincelle grimaced, fretfully hyping himself up to her level of hope. "We should mark this this spot." He said importantly, placing a paw along one of the walls they had just traveled from. "Just in case."

    Age : 38
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Mar 21, 2022 6:02 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 9NmplNz
    Battle Tower|Midday

    Arry was ready to help the others again. Both Bastet and Faux helped him enough to make him feel like a brave boy again. With the smell now mostly gone, he looked out. He wanted to out and help look for stuff. ”I’m ready to help again. I wanna find something star shaped!” He smiled as he hoped they’d find a star shaped toy along the way. Now to catch up to Cinder and the others. Arry jumped up and down for joy as he wandered off the elevator and into the hallway again.

    OoC)) Short post, I might come back and expand this some more tomorrow when I get home from work.


    Age : 38
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:53 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 UxYTNZ3

    Battle Tower|Midday

    Mathias started thinking to himself that some meat was being left and nasty soup was rotting away in that room but what was strange that the meat looks like it was stripped before Cinder set it ablaze. The bite marks though, that what got his attention. Was there another pokemon in the tower with them that was eating this meat? The bloody pawprints looked like it was to an adult pokemon that was canine. The idea of it being a mightyena wasn’t there since they’re different. Arcanine was out as well so it had to be a Johto native pokemon.

    After coming out, the others was talking before Cinder said something. "Safe to say we might not be alone in here.” Even Cinder had noticed the fact they wasn’t alone in the tower. Something tells Mathias that whoever it is would be nearby or even knows their way around the tower. How Mathias would see it, they’d likely end up being hostile to intruders and they’re intruders to whoever it is. "Keep your peepers peeled.” Mathias nods and follows the group

    Bastet wondered what was taking them so long. She used her powers to contact Mathias. Mathias, we’re coming and bringing Arry with us. Assuming you found what was causing Arry to be sick, I’m likely thinking rotting food. Try to tell them to wait up for us. The Espeon then nods to Faux. ”Hopefully he’ll get them to wait up for us. Arry seems to want to help.”

    Mathias hears Bastet speaking into his head and says something. ”Guys, Bast told me to ask you all could wait up. They’re bringing Arry with them to help. It was up to Cinder if they want to wait up or tell Bastet to have them stay by the elevator.

    Age : 24
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    Post by Duma Sat Mar 26, 2022 12:22 am

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 10 XiaoTogeren
    ||The Battle Tower [7th Floor] | Midday||
    The reaction he gained from mentioning his ability was one Xiao was used to by now. The awe and the curious brow he recieved got a soft exhale from the togeren, lower set of wings flaring out slightly in pride. While there was little he prided himself in these days, Xiao still held his ability to arrive at someone's side in the blink of an eye dear to himself. It was one thing she had never been able to take from him. "That must be incredibly useful." He nodded in agreement, though his gilded eyes were on Cinder a few moments later as she described some areas closeby.

    "There's a clean pond to the south-west for water," her tone was off, and Xiao's sharp eyes watched her face as she continued. "We found a good spot for berries too, but its become... compromised, for now." Compromised? How interesting. What happened for such a valuable spot to be uncertain grounds? His eyes narrowed a hair as he thought. "I don't know if you've seen the blackened spot in the trees up north through a window, but, yeah." The togeren lifted his nose slightly, letting out a long breath. Ah, that explained it. He had seen the charred spot of the forest earlier on his first arrival, the place reeked of danger and his battle-ridden nerves were telling him to avoid the area.

    However, if there was food and water there... perhaps at some point he would have to check it out. He was quite confident in his ability to keep any stragglers away from him as he gathered.

    "Either way, we have a floor to search." Cinder's voice brought his attention back to the task at hand, his eyes scanning about the hall and the rooms ahead. He carefully stepped aside so that Cinder and the others could pass, watching Etin and Melanie as they wandered past. They were in sync with each other, he noted. Just how long have those two known each other? It was rare in Xiao's experience, to see people ho were so close to each other these days. It almost reminded him of his old village, the memory bittersweet.

    "Right! We gotta get you some help." The words were well meant, though as Xiao's gaze went to the ninetails, he could see the discomfort in her stance and her face. Xiao could relate at least a little, his own eyes briefly flicking to the ruined stumps that once belonged to his primary set of wings. Perhaps though, Melanie's injuries were easier to hel than missing limbs. He could only hope for a good outcome for her.

    Once the group had wandered on, Xiao quietly fell into step behind them, not one for conversation as he wandered carefully across the rubble-strewn floor. When have I ever been the type for senseless chatter? It is far easier to just keep moving. Demons do not stop for idle chatter, and neither will I. The thought of the ambling, rotten corpses that roamed brought a frown to Xiao's face, and he lifted his nose again, trying to pick his way past that stench of burnt flesh. "Safe to say we might not be alone in here. Keep your peepers peeled." She was right, if he was in here, who knew what other creatures were within these walls? Xiao could only hope that they were at least living.

    He followed quietly as they traversed the minimally decorated halls, only pausing once they got to the T intersection up ahead. Such a large building... Xiao hadn't been in something like this in quite some time. All of the houses within the village were much smaller than this, and certainly not as... plain on the eyes. "I guess this is the far side of the floor?" Xiao let out a soft, affirming hum. He reared onto his hind legs to get a better vantage to peer along each side of the intersection, tail tip twitching ever so slightly.

    "Then a medical room has to be close." He glanced back at Mel briefly, returning to all fours as he followed them take the right-most turn along the corridor. If the healing room was closeby, it would be beneficial, definitely. Xiao almost wished that he had arrived here sooner, or that he had something useful for helping others. But... a weapon didn't need to help people, they just needed to listen to orders and strike down foes.

    Etin's voice roused his mind from his thoughts briefly, looking back at the electrike, "We should mark this this spot." his golden eyes went to the wall, then to the corridor they'd just coem from. It was a good idea; thsse walls were numblingly simple and it would be easy to get lost, even in a place like this."Just in case." Xiao nodded and returned to Etin's side after a moment, rearing up to look at the wall he placed his paw upon.

    "Leave that to me." Flexing his claws, Xiao place his own hand on the wall, before digging his claws in and dragging them down to leave a deep groove in the wall. Carefully turning his wrist to make a unique curved mark in the wall, Xiao stepped back carefully, looking down at Etin, then over to Cinder. "It is nondescript enough that someone unfamiliar with this group may not understand what the mark is for, however those in the know will understand it."

    The charizard piping up - Mathias? - got his attention after that, lookign back at him. ”Guys, Bast told me to ask you all could wait up. They’re bringing Arry with them to help. Bringing.... who? Xiao's gaze travelled further back to the hall they had just come from, a soft hum coming from the togeren. Would they wait, then? Perhaps having the whole group together would be a good idea. If there was another creature within these walls, leaving people behind would be dangerous.

    "Perhaps, waiting might be beneficial. If there are others within these walls, we cannot be sure they will be as welcoming and unwilling to be hostile as I." Xiao murmured softly, turning his head to look around, keeping alert while they were stationary.

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