Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne


    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Empty Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne

    Post by Starbits Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:21 pm

    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Tumblr_obxetztfIu1uc5v85o1_400

    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Tumblr_nrrvwejO9J1s5iyovo1_400

    Anne Rye
    Text Color FF437C
    Theme(s) THEME
    Item a backpack that Martin often wears for her; Backpack contains
    -universal communicator
    -a bottle of water
    -handful of berries
    -a couple spare pokeballs
    -a lighter
    -a coat
    -has Oliver's Pokeball (a primer ball) that she keeps buried in the deepest pocket of the backpack
    Weapons a knife, and Martin
    Biological Sex Female
    Gender Identity She | Her | Hers
    Birthdate August 23rd
    Age 14
    Species Human
    Weight 109.7 lbs
    Height 5'1"
    Region of Origin Sinnoh
    Religion Arceist; beginning to doubt beliefs and shifting towards atheism
    Accent American
    Occupation Pokemon Trainer | Student
    Party Only had one Pokemon at the start of the outbreak, and he was not with her at the time. The Lucario is not originally hers; he was her father's first Pokemon and best friend; Martin raised her alongside her father and considers her his own child.
    Pkm 1
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne 390
    Chimchar | Oliver (M)
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Premierball
    Text Color: FF9C43
    Level- 21
    Type- Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Fire
    Ability- Blaze
    Attack list-
    -Flamethrower (Egg)
    -Flame Wheel (Learned)
    -Shadow Claw (Egg)
    -Dig (TM)
    **blue scarf

    Pkm 2
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne 448
    Lucario | Martin (M)
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Pokeball
    Text Color: 303a77
    Level- 70
    Type- Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Fighting Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Steel
    Ability- Steadfast
    Attack list-
    -Dragon Pulse (Learned)
    -Aura Sphere (Learned)
    -Earthquake (TM)
    -Blaze Kick (Egg)
    Pkm 3
    Pkm 4
    Pkm 5
    Pkm 6
    Quote "No."
    Appearance -tan skin, long, wavy brown hair, black eyes
    -gap between her two front teeth
    -pink jumper with yellow long sleeved shirt and black boots; all are dirty
    -Martin is always out of his Pokeball, and wears the backpack that stores their supplies
    -decent health still, though does not sleep too much
    -does not laugh or smile much
    -tends to be wearing a sort of scowl
    -glares a lot
    -usually wearing a "I am thinking about murder" face
    -either that or her face is completely expressionless, except for the eyes
    -those stare out with an icy aloofness that's really creepy to see on a child's face
    Anne's relationships:
    User Notes

    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Tumblr_obxetztfIu1uc5v85o2_400

    Cheren Stone
    "The one who seeks the right path."
    Text Color 074c9a
    Theme(s) THEME
    Item universal communicator, a backpack; contains
    -a canteen
    -a compass
    -few spare pokeballs
    -sleeping bag
    -food rations
    -his case containing all of the badges he won
    Weapons his Pokemon; the crowbar
    Biological Sex Male
    Gender Identity He | Him | His
    Birthdate September 1st
    Age 23
    Species Human
    Weight 132.9 lbs
    Height 5'10"
    Region of Origin Unova
    Religion doesn't think about religion anymore
    Accent American
    Occupation Gym Leader | Pokemon Trainer | Teacher
    Party The team Cheren used in the Pokemon World Tournament were not his; they were borrowed Pokemon whose typing and level of power would properly fit the Tournament. The team he raised from childhood consisted of Serperior, Simisear, Haxorus, Liepard, Gigalith, and Unfezant. The Gym Pokemon he used have died.
    Pkm 1
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne 497
    Serperior | Regal (M)
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Pokeball
    Text Color: 944bcb
    Level- 65
    Type- Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Grass  
    Ability- Overgrow
    Attack list-
    -Leaf Blade (Learned)
    -Leaf Storm (Learned)
    -Coil (Learned)
    -Dragon Tail (TM)
    Pkm 2
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Simipour
    Simipour | Royale (M)
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Pokeball
    Text Color: a40975
    Level- 63
    Type- Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Water  
    Ability- Gluttony
    Attack list-
    -Surf (HM)
    -Rock Slide (TM)
    -Brick Break (TM)
    -Payback (TM)
    Pkm 3
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne 612
    Haxorus | Regent (M)
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Ultraball
    Text Color: 6d00ff
    Level- 64
    Type- Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Dragon  
    Ability- Rivalry
    Attack list-
    -Outrage (Start)
    -X-Scissor (TM)
    -Rock Slide (TM)
    -Surf (HM)
    Pkm 4
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne 510
    Liepard | Monarch (M)
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Pokeball
    Text Color: 8c60c6
    Level- 60
    Type- Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Dark  
    Ability- Unburden
    Attack list-
    -Fake Out (Learned)
    -Ariel Ace (TM)
    -Shadow Claw (TM)
    -Night Slash (Learned)
    Pkm 5
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne 526
    Gigalith | Sovereign (M)
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Ultraball
    Text Color: b78eed
    Level- 62
    Type- Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Rock  
    Ability- Sturdy
    Attack list-
    -Giga Impact (TM)
    -Stone Edge (Learned)
    -Earthquake (TM)
    -Stealth Rock (Learned)
    Pkm 6
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne 521
    Unfezant | Divine (M)
    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Pokeball
    Text Color: c638ce
    Level- 61
    Type- Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Normal Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne Flying
    Ability- Super Luck
    Attack list-
    -U-Turn (TM)
    -Air Slash (Learned)
    -Quick Attack (Learned Pre-Evo)
    -Facade (Learned)
    Quote "Thank you! I saw what was missing in me."

    "It was you. And then you abandoned us."
    Appearance -messy black hair
    -permanent scowl
    -glasses that he adjusts a lot when stalling for time or to give his hands something to do
    -dark blue overcoat
    -still has his old tie
    -white shirt, a bit torn; constantly wears the coat to hide this
    -gray pants and brown shoes
    -gray fingerless gloves
    Cheren's Relationships:
    User Notes


    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    Gym Leader Cheren and Pokemon Trainer Anne 280

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 12, 2024 4:10 am