Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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2 posters

    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn]


    Age : 30
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    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Empty Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn]

    Post by Starbits Thu May 21, 2015 12:46 am

    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Tumblr_nrpy14xQ5Q1s5iyovo1_r1_400

    Emmet Gainsboro
    "The white rook."
    Text Color e1e1e1
    Theme(s) [url=link]???][/url]
    Item universal communicator, rifle harness, soothe bell, shoulder bag that contains
    -blue t-shirt for hot weather
    -bag of berries for his Pokemon
    -the hunting knife
    -his mother's tiny Zekrom, Reshiram, and Kyurem figurines
    Weapons His pokemon, a hunting knife, and a hunting rifle
    Biological Sex Male
    Gender Identity He | Him | His
    Birthdate May 4th
    Age 34
    Species Human
    Weight 132 lbs
    Height 6'0"
    Region of Origin Unova
    Religion Agnostic
    Accent German
    Occupation Nimbasa City Subway Boss | Train Conductor
    Party Emmet's Subway Pokemon are based off of his childhood team of Pokemon--the team who went through the region with him on his Pokemon Journey as a young trainer. Unfortunately all the Subway Pokemon were lost, and Emmet later went on to lose three of his teammates from his main team-- his Eelektross, Crustle, and Gigalith have perished in the four years of the epidemic.

    His full team was: Klinklang, Haxorus, Gigalith, Eelektross, Crustle, and Galvantula. He had various other Pokemon he used in his Subway battles; some were the same in species as his main team and others were different.
    Pkm 1
    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] 601
    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Pokeball
    Klinklang | Multiply (sexless; male pronouns)
    Text Color: bcd3df
    Level- 65
    Type- Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Steel
    Ability- Plus
    Attack list-
    -Flash Cannon (TM)
    -Wild Charge (TM)
    -Shift Gear (Learned)
    -Toxic (TM)
    *Abbreviated to "Multi," usually
    Pkm 2
    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] 596
    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Pokeball
    Galvantula | Peter Parker (M)
    Text Color: 0d3958
    Level- 63
    Type- Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Bug Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Electric
    Ability- Compoundeyes
    Attack list-
    -Discharge (Learned)
    -Bug Buzz (Learned)
    -Hyper Beam (TM)
    -Spider Web (Learned)
    **abbreviated to "Peter"
    Pkm 3
    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] 612
    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Duskball
    Haxorus | Moondragon (F)
    Text Color: b50029
    Level- 62
    Type- Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Dragon
    Ability- Mold Breaker
    Attack list-
    -Dragon Claw (Learned)
    -Slash (Learned)
    -Dragon Dance (Learned)
    -Flamethrower (TM)
    **Abbreviated to "Moon"
    Pkm 4
    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] 628
    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Ultraball
    Braviary | Captain America (M)
    Text Color: 0034cb
    Level- 63
    Type- Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Normal  Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Flying
    Ability- Keen Eye
    Attack list-
    -Crush Claw (Learned)
    -Giga Impact (TM)
    -Super Power (Learned)
    -Brave Bird (Learned)
    *Abbreviated to "Captain."
    Pkm 5
    Pkm 6
    Quote "This time, I am really serious. Really serious. Because if a battle is not serious, it is not fun."

    "I'm not having fun anymore..."
    Appearance -still has his conductor's coat, though it's a bit tattered; wears it over a white sweater; gray camo pants, sturdy hiking boots.  Keeps the coat buttoned most of the time when wearing it.
    -has a spare shirt, a blue t-shirt; when the weather is hot he wears this and has the arms of his coat tied around his waist
    -all of his clothes are worn or dirty in some manner
    -silver eyes, often very tired and sad looking; on the rare occasion he smiles, they light up very brightly
    -silver hair is shaggy and short, rather dirty
    -very underweight-- his clothes are loose on him
    -wears the hunting rifle in its harness on his back
    -carries himself with confidence despite his insecurity, mostly for the sake of sending the message "I am not a timid target"
    -gestures a lot, a habit he picked up as a child from Colress
    -runs his hand through his hair when nervous
    -around strangers his body becomes a coiled spring of tenseness as he waits for things to go wrong
    -tends to have Peter or Captain out and around him
    Emmet's Relationships:
    User Notes


    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] 280

    Age : 30
    Posts : 1138

    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Empty Re: Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn]

    Post by Starbits Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:17 pm




    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

    desktop||starbits shop||trainersona
    ♋️19 Badges♋️
    little fairy

    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] 280

    Posts : 1265

    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] Empty Re: Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn]

    Post by Victini Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:49 am

    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] RGgji6G


    Subway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] VictiniSubway Boss Emmet [Desert, Hoenn] TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

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