Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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18 posters

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team


    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:25 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Olivine City| Late Morning

    Seion made it to the edge of what was left of Olivine City. He had been here once before when he first arrived in Johto. He did wish he could go back home to Hoenn, at lest there he felt at home. But here he was in unknown land. He didn’t have enough time to explore, and get the lay of the land, but at lest he knew his way around here. Everything looked the same only it was empty… and quiet.

    Seion slowly slithered through the city, his tongue flicking in and out every second, as to make sure he was truly alone. He may be immune to the infection, but he still had to watch his back, cause he could still be ripped apart. His bladed tail dragged agonised the stone road, making a sound that was similar to a sword being sharpened. If any infected where to jump out at him, he wanted a sharp tail to slice them with.

    Seion could see the fast ocean in the distance. As he got closer to the beach, its salty smell overwhelmed his senses. He was never a big fan of the salty air, but he knew he could get used to it. Like he already got used to the epidemic. He knew he could swim, but how far would he get before he got to tired that he wouldn’t be able to keep his head above water. He knew that Hoenn was South West of Johto, how he knew that he didn’t really know. He could just feel his homeland in that direction.

    The lighthouse that Olivine was famous for was silent and without its light. There was a flock of infected Pidgy at the top. Why they would be up there was beyond him. Seion then heard a scream coming from the very same spot that the infected where swarming. “Was that? Another survivor?” he said to himself. It seemed that he had been running into quite a few of them. First there was those four at the farm, and now it seemed there where some here as well. “Well, I might as well check it out. Who knows, I may find out something useful if I help them,” so without a second though he began to slither in the direction of the lighthouse.

    He made it there without much trouble, and without running into any infected. Seion looked up, it was a lot bigger up close then it was far off. He could see the Pidgy swarming around the top, making there way into the top of the lighthouse to be the first to get a piece of the prey that was surly up there. So he made his inside, the elevator was out of order, no surprise there, so he had to take the long way up. So he began to make his way using the stairs. Hoping that when he got there, one of them might still be left alive.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:22 pm

    (umm... why was I skipped?)
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Olivine City|Late Morning

    All Ven could do now was try and not to get killed, the same as always. It had been the same in the caves. He ducked out of a pidgey's reach as it made an attack for Mist who made them regret that from what little he could tell. He crawled away from feather's and talons that he could just barley see and that left small scraped. He hated this, this Arcues damned hiding and runing. He wasn't used to it. Wasn't used to watching other's fight battles for him.
    "Close your... ears!" Ven immediatly listened to Staccato's order and covered his ears with his wings. He sensed some of the pidgeys fall to the floor and 'looked' up at the bird pokemon to congragulate him. But a movement behind Staccato made Ven instead shout
    "Vatch Out!" but it was too late the pigeotto already had Staccato in his grips.
    Without thinking how stupid this was without realizing how he was most likley going to hurt himself doing it he proppeled himself up pretty much throwing himself, using whatever air current he could get and what was left of his wings to flap like crazy and land right at the pidgeotto. He using wing attack shouting things like "Go Avay!" and "Back off yah zupidt ===" The bird pokemon did let go but more out of being startled probably then actually being hurt. Ven kept his grip though by using Bite on one of it's wings, the bird pokemon let out a gargled screech and waved his wing trying to get the little pest off. The zubat kept his grip.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Min Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:39 pm

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    Top Floor | Lighthouse | Late Morning [13]
    [OOC: Guys, just so you know, it's Negative, Echo, me, Nightmare, Shadow, and Lostcall.]

    "Close your... ears!" Mist did as she curled up in a tight ball, her one eye still shut as she curled her tail over her ear slits. Even though she covered her ears, the sound still rang through them, shaking her. After the sound weakened she stood up again, flicking her tongue out. Suddenly, she caught on a scent. She turned to the stairs. "A-Another Pokemon is c-coming up the stairs!" she yelled.

    Mist turned, eyes wide in fear as she watched as Ven latch on to the Pidgeotto. Without thinking, she slithered up to it, immediately using an Ice fang. "Don't you dare try to hurt Ven!" she yelled through a mouthful of it's feathers as she tightened her grip on it.

    Last edited by Slange on Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 3

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Sableye Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:35 pm

    It was so wonderful, eating. Eating and eating and eating... Rocks, buildings, bones, beautiful gems... Her own gem eyes glistened with joy as she raised her dark head from her current meal; a very dead pokemon. She loved how the blood glistened off the bones, making them all into sparkling rubies...


    She lifted her head higher, humming and chittering happily to herself, enjoying the bright colors of the corpses around her. "Rubies, rubies... Rubies..." she managed to say, her voice that of a hollow doll. The tower she was in looked like a glittering cave, littered with thousands of gems for her to feast upon.

    However, her solitude was disturbed by strange noises and... the scent of something wonderful. She tottered over toward the source, hoping for larger, more delicious gems. She crawled along the walls, ascending ever upward, until her murky gem eyes landed on a white figure. Her ever-lasting grin widened. She knew it was holding gems... hiding them inside of its body... But she knew better. She knew better!

    With a maniacal screech, she launched herself at the white figure, a creature she would have known as an absol, and bit down hard. Liquid rubies burst everywhere, proving her right once more. "I KNEW YOU HAD THEM!" she screeched, clawing, tearing, biting at the skin, revealing more flesh. Her hungry claws ripped out the eyes, the strange, white squishy rocks and frowned. She wanted crunchy... Biting down hard on the absol's face, the skull beneath it crunched and fractured, killing it instantly. The body crumpled, and the demented Sableye hungrily feasted on the huge rock.

    "I knew you had them... I knew it... Rubies... My beautiful rubies..." she sung to herself, ripping the bones apart, her serrated teeth easily tearing through the soft flesh and bone.


    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:58 pm

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    Bottom Floor | Lighthouse | Late Morning

    Ditty made his way to the bottom floor. Now growing impatient transforms into a Dragonite. Using Fly, he makes his way to the top. Soon he is attacked my a bunch of pidgeys. His blood lust growing ever stronger with every hit from the pidgeys, uses Thunder Punch. All the infected bird fall with a "Screech". Ditty grasps one of the birds and start to eat the bird.

    Ditty love's the sound of his prey screaming bloody murder as he enjoys they flesh. Soon he drops the corpse and continues to make his way toward the top. As he gets closer and closer his blood lust grows as well. Always pushing him forward. Always wanting more. More. I want more! Blood. I want Blood!

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:24 pm

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    Lighthouse||Top Floor||Late Morning

    The Seviper finally made it to the top floor. The sounds of the battle where much lauder, and he could smell the rotting flesh of the infected as he slithered in. the room was in utter chose. Their where infected Pidgy everywhere, and a few infected Pidgeotto. He could see shattered glass everywhere from when the infected broke in. he flicked his tongue and the scent of blood hit his senses like a storm on a clear day. His bladed tail began to light a purple glow, as he got ready to use a Poison Tail. A small grin showed on his face as he let out a hiss, then slithered into the fray of battle.

    He wiped his tail around, hitting any infected Pidgy that was near. Many of them flew in behind him, but he turned around and brought his jaws down on then by using a Crunch attack. He spat out there dead bodies and they fell to the ground to join the rest of their lifeless brethren. He turned his head and managed to see the ones that where alive. There was a strange bird pokemon with a music note for a head getting ready to attack something, a Zubat biting down on an infected Pidgeotto, and what looked like to be another snake like pokemon, though what it was called he did not know, attack the same Pidgeotto as the Zubat.

    Seion decided he would give them a hand, or more like a tail. His tail began to glow purple again as he got ready to use another Poison Tail, all he had to do was get them to let go so they wouldn’t get sliced along with the bird, so he decided to give them a heads up. He opened his mouth and shouted at them, hoping they heard him over all the commotion, “Hey, Zubat and Snake! Get that bird to come this way, then let go of it!” He hoped they heard him, cause he was going to attack it weather they let go or not.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Negative10 Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:10 pm

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    Top Floor of the Lighthouse | Early Noon

    Staccato fell on the ground with a thud, grunting with effort as the horrid Pigeotto's claws dug into his bloody tail. He winced. As if his ears were placed directly next to his wound, he could hear the scraping of bone against talon, of blood on skin. And it hurts like hell. The Chatot felt his head get woozy with the amount of pain he was going through, when it was suddenly taken away, with the exception of the wound left behind.

    What? Staccato attempted to stand on his feet, but the pain brought him down again. His entire back was scorched with the talons of that undead, bleeding effusively. The Chatot turned his head to watch Ven and Mist team up to take off the Pidgeotto, when he heard the sound of something falling nearby. Swinging his head, Staccato saw a Seviper- a relative of Mist's?- taking out a few of the infected.

    "Hey, Zubat and Snake! Get that bird to come this way and let go of it!" For a second he thought the snake was referring to him, before he caught on and glanced at the Pidgeotto. I'm not useless. Staccato felt his blood boil (despite that made more blood come out), and he threw his feathers onto the dead flock. His FeatherDance would, at least, either confuse the Pidgeys or prevent them from attacking the others straight on.

    Oh, how he wished he could just spring up and attack those freaking birds. But he could feel the redness of the blood contaminate his once lush feathers. His eyes blurred, and the Music Note Pokemon felt bile rise up his throat as he saw his own blood on the group. That's way too much blood for a single Pokemon to lose.

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:16 pm

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    Top Floor of the Lighthouse | Early Noon

    Ven felt his mouth grow numb, and he began to grow limp with every wing flap from the bird pokemon, the only thing holding him was his fangs that could only hold him for so long. He was highly grateful for Mist who grabbed the pigeotto into an ice fang. With renewed strength Ven grabbed the feathered wing with his own not sure of what to do but hang on.

    “Hey, Zubat and Snake! Get that bird to come this way, then let go of it!”

    The zubat complied to the very alive voice and furiosly flapping his good wing tried to pull the big bird toward the voice.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Min Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:47 pm

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    Top Floor | Lighthouse | Late Morning [14]

    “Hey, Zubat and Snake! Get that bird to come this way, then let go of it!” She saw the Seviper's tail glow as she immediately backed away. She slithered a few metres off, then fearlessly fired a Gunk Shot at it, hopefully making it come closer to where the Seviper was standing.

    She shakily opened the eye she had kept closed for the whole time after the Pidgey had scratched her. She gasped. Her vision was still the same of when it was closed. She blinked, once, twice, then closed the eyes that wasn't harmed. She couldn't see anything. Was she... Blind in one eye?

    [OOC: Eeyup. :U]

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:03 pm

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    Top Floor | Lighthouse | Late Morning

    The blood that still remand in he's body started to boil, in the thought of fresh meat. Still kicking meat at that. Ditty loved the thought of ripping into the flesh of the still living. He flew higher and higher. Finally he had reached the top. He's blood lust now at it's peek, readied him self for the fight that he wound enjoy for the rest of his after days.

    (OOC: Sorry short post. This is me when im sick.)

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:56 pm

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    Lighthouse||Top Floor||Late Morning

    As soon as the infected Pidgeotto got within striking distence he brought his tail down onto the infected birds head, easily cutting it in half. Blood splattered onto his face as the two halved of the undead flew past him and skidded on the floor behind him. Blood dripped from his tail as he looked over his shoulder at what he did. He flicked his tail, sending some of the blood on it across the floor, before slithering over to the other survivors. “Are you all ok?” A stupid question since they all looked to be in pretty bad shape. He turned back to the infected Pidgys that where left, and used a Haze to conceal them from there sight. “We should move now while they can’t see where we are.” Seion said without looking over his shoulder.

    He was able to tell where he was going using his other senses, but he didn’t know about the others. He was sure that other snake would be able to find her way through the haze, and maybe that Zubat as well since they don’t have eyes to begin with. But that music note pokemon looked a little to beat up to move. He didn’t really care about it, he would start to care if they got out of there alive without losing anymore of them.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:47 pm

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    Olivine City | Afternoon [1]

    Melanie finally reached a city after aimlessly walking around the strange area, 'Very Hungry... I see no one... I hear no one... There's infected everywhere... Oh dear Arceus, what has happened?' The Vulpix looked at the houses, passing by them one by one, she was unsure whether she should call out to see if anyone was around. She got use to the human world, it was just like a Mystery Dungeon, full of wonders and surprises... In a bad way.

    "Anyone hereeeeeeeeeeeeee?" She croaked out, but loud enough to echo throughout the city. The Vulpix was dead tired, she wanted to sleep badly, but considering the fact that she already called out, Melanie was already regretting calling out for anyone. 'There's bound to be an infected getting ready to make it's move....'

    Last edited by Wind on Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:35 pm

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    Top floor of the Lighthouse | Afternoon

    Staccato felt relief wash over as the haze covered their area, if only for a few precious moments. Knowing Roost or having a berry would help a lot right now... The Chatot glanced around, hoping to pinpoint the others. He hadn't seen Faux anywhere around... and where had Sin gone in the thick of battle? Mist and Ven seemed to be well, but they were all battered after the fight.

    Forcing himself to get on his feet, the Music Note Pokemon whistled to the others to tell them he was alright. "Mist? Ven? Sin? Faux? Are you alright?" He whispered. The pain on his back was unbearable, but he'd forget it in a haste if the others were wounded. Or worse, found to be dead. Staccato hopped around for a second, until he found a dead body on the ground...


    The solitary Absol had gone down in a fight with Pokemon he barely knew. Staccato bent his head down in shame and guilt- it was him that brought Sin's death. Why... As much as the Chatot wanted to bring his deceased friend in their escape for a proper burial, he knew that it would take too long. "Rest in peace, Sin the Absol." Staccato, after a prolonged glance at the body, turned away, walking into the smog.

    The bird Pokemon had found the Pokemon that helped them in the crucial moment. It was a Seviper, long bodied and sharp tailed. "Thanks for the back-up over there," Staccato rasped. Man, he needed rest. But what rest can you get with all this infected? He peered through the smoke, calling for his teammates. "Hey!" He'd be strong. He needed to help everyone, to keep them all alive. Sin's death would not be in vain.

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:46 am

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    Top Floor of the Lighthouse| Afternoon

    Ven had landed harshly when he'd let go of the bird pokemon he shook his head trying to slear out his sonar so he could find everyone. He noticed something though. Some heart beats where missing.

    Ven looked around and felt panic got through him no it couldn't be. No no...
    Ven moved toward the heart beats of the arbok Mist crawling all the way. "I- Iya cen't 'ear... I can't 'ear Zin's hearbeat" He said for a second his brave face was lost but in determination he looked up.
    "Hey!" Saccato's voice made Ven turn "Ve're over 'ere!" he shouted

    Last edited by Jirachi on Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:44 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Not centered)

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Min Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:40 pm

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    Top Floor | Lighthouse | [15]

    "I- Iya cen't 'ear... I can't 'ear Zin's heartbeat" Mist froze. Her eyes wide. It was true, the Absol's heartbeat was gone. In her rage and adrenaline she hadn't noticed a Sableye jumping in and tearing Sin apart. Suddenly, Mist began to shake.

    "Shit..." she murmured. "No no no.... Sin's dead- Sin's dead!" she gagged as she saw his remains off into a corner. She began to choke in fear and horror, backing up against the wall quietly. "He's dead... He's dead..."

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:17 am

    (OOC: Skip my turn,Cant think of anything. Just say thank Ditty is killing and eating all the infected birds.)

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:11 pm

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    Lighthouse||Top Floor||Late Morning

    “Thanks for the back-up over there,” the strange music note bird said as he stumbled to his side. He knew it was tired and needed some rest, but not at the moment. Once they got out of this hellhole, he could have all the rest he needed, and more. He bent down and picked up the bird by the music note looking thing on its head then placed it on his back. He didn’t need it slowing them down with its injuries.

    “Ve're over 'ere!”
    Seion turned to the direction of the voice, he knew it had to be the Zubat, cause the other snake was female. He slithered in the direction he heard the voice, and soon enough he could see there outline in his haze. He noticed in the corner of his eye a corps that had been ripped apart savagely. Must have been a friend of there’s, he though to himself as he approached them.

    He could smell the fear emanating from the other snake and he clenched his jaw. He slithered over to her and looked down at her trembling form. “This is no time to be sad,” he said with his tail flickering, he could already see his haze starting to lift, the outline of the infected bird pokemon could be seen through it and it was only a mater of time before it was completely gone. “We need to leave, you can morn for you friend later, right now the only thing you can do now to keep living and not stop just cause you lost a friend or two.” He didn’t know if what he was saying was harsh or not, since he never had any friends of his own to begin with.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:43 pm

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    Olivine City|Late Morning [2]

    No reply was heard to her question, instead, shuffling was heard from the lighthouse, more like conversations. Melanie perked up her ears, Survivors? She trotted closer to the lighthouse, "ANYONE THERE? IF YOU'RE A SURVIVOR. PLEASE, REPLY!!!!!!" She screamed, I really don't give a damn whether I attract infected at this moment, need to focus on getting some allies...

    [Short post ;;]

    Last edited by Wind on Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:09 am

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    Olivine Lighthouse | Late Morning
    Argh broke my right index finger and now the entire thing is cast up. Sorry if my posts start to lack!

    Staccato did not give resistance as the Seviper put him onto its back. Compared to this newcomer, he must look like a deadweight. If only Sin weren't dead... The Chatot paused for a moment, thinking of Faux. The cautious Vulpix had disappeared at the time of battle- had he seen her anywhere? Was she nabbed and killed by her lonesome? Nonsense. Faux could defend herself, from the short impressions he's received, he knew that each Pokemon could take care of themselves, one way or another.

    "...IF YOU'RE A SURVIVOR, PLEASE REPLY!" It was a rather loud voice interrupting his thoughts. Staccato lifted his head to look around, confused. If he hadn't known any better, he'd have thought it were a Hyper Voice. Has a familiar ring to it too... That's it!

    Forgetting his injuries in a moment, he stumbled through the haze to the ladders leading lower down, peering through the hole. It sounded like... Faux, or at the very least, a Vulpix. Staccato knew from personal study that each Pokemon species had a distinct twang in their voice- pitches, swings, octaves- that show repeatedly through each generation. And how many Vulpixes could you meet in a day?

    The Chatot started down the ladder slowly, grabbing each rung tenderly with his talons. "You guys heard that! Someone else is alive and well! We have to reach them before something else does." He wouldn't let another innocent die because he was too naive to stop their deaths. Faux wouldn't let him live it down if he let one of her own die. This is for you, Faux the Vulpix.

    [ooc: uguu, my left hand hurts. And also, I never like how people don't mention the others who get taken out suddenly, so yeah.]

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:57 pm

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    Olivine Lighthouse| Late Morning

    Ven hadn't meant to upset the already timid arbok but he'd never been good at telling others about death. He hoped he never was because that would mean that he'd gotten used to it and had grown numb to it. He crawled over to Mist not wanting to tell her that Faux's heart beat had dissapeared as well but he'd bring it up later. There was no use kicking her while she was down.
    "e'm zorry, e'm zorry Meest I'm zorry." he patted her gently with his wing "It'z onna be al 'ight"

    The other serpent pokemon made his way toward them. Ven's head didn't turn he already had a good enough 'look' at them. "Ar you all 'ight Ztaccato?" Ven asked remebering the feathers.

    “We need to leave, you can morn for you friend later, right now the only thing you can do now to keep living and not stop just cause you lost a friend or two.”

    Ven didn't think that the best thing to do was not mourn, actually he thought it was quiet unhealthy to keep it all bottled up inside.

    Hypocrite a voice in the back of his head said.

    Ven sighed "he'z vight ve need to go or else..."

    Suddenly a voice shouted out for them Ven's head snapped toward where it had come from and his ears rose at first he had thought it was Faux but it was different pokemon of the same species
    "You guys heard that! Someone else is alive and well! We have to reach them before something else does."
    "I eard it, come on Meest!" Ven's head turned back to the arbok "Ve can't let 'er get caught by infected can ve?!" he shouted encouragingly to Mist.

    (Ven pronounces Mist's name Mee-east)

    Last edited by Jirachi on Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:44 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Not centered)

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Min Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:20 pm

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    Top Floor | Lighthouse | Late Morning

    "e'm zorry, e'm zorry Meest I'm zorry." She felt herself choke, tears rolling down her face as she hiccuped. Her tail was corved around her head to make herself look even smaller as she heard the other snake's voice.

    “We need to leave, you can morn for you friend later, right now the only thing you can do now to keep living and not stop just cause you lost a friend or two.” Then she heard Ven agree. "he'z vight ve need to go or else..."

    She took in a deep breath and nodded. "Y-You're right..." she murmured, quickly wiping away her tears. She jolted up as she heard a voice. "ANYONE THERE? IF YOU'RE A SURVIVOR. PLEASE, REPLY!!!!!!" A bit shaken by the sudden voice, she turned to Stacatto, who began to speak. "You guys heard that! Someone else is alive and well! We have to reach them before something else does."

    "I eard it, come on Meest! Ve can't let 'er get caught by infected can ve?!" Mist nodded. "R-Right." she gave a serpentine grin as she slithered down the stairs carefully. "L-Let's go."

    Last edited by Slange on Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:32 pm

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    Top Floor | Lighthouse | Late Morning

    Ditty finished off the last of those stupid birds. Blood still dripping from his mouth. He let out a small growl. The scent of his living prey catching his attention. He turned his Dragon-head in the direction of his prey. He made a low growl.

    Blood. Ditty slowly walked to the other side of the lighthouse. His blood lust ever growing.

    (OOC: Short post is short. Sorry.)

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:54 pm

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    Lighthouse||Top Floor||Late Morning

    Seion flicked his tongue. There seemed to be another survivor in the lighthouse. He wondered how many more where in the city, Or where they the only ones? He didn’t really care, as long as he had a group to go with, he would hang with anyone. Sept for those weirdoes back at the barn, at lest here he was with his own kind, even if she was scared of every flickering shadow.

    “Lets go then.” The Seviper said as he turned around and began to slither to the place in which he entered from, making sure to look over his ‘shoulder’ as to make sure the others were following. Once he knew they where he called down to the soon to be probably new addition to the team, even though he wasn’t yet part of the team himself, helping them out was probably a good way to start a new partnership. “Hello! Where coming down so don’t move!”

    Making sure everyone was with him, he started to making his way down to the lower floor, even though he had just gotten to the top it was nice to be getting back to level ground. He never could stand heights all that much.

    Last edited by LostCall on Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:15 pm

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    Olivine City|Late Morning [3]

    Melanie perked up as she heard many things come down the stairs of the light house, hope filled her heart, but then dread, What if it's infected? She shook the thought away. The Vulpix gazed unsteadily at the lighthouse door, waiting for whatever is inside to pop out.

    [Sorry for short post ;;;]

    Last edited by Wind on Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 4 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:38 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Olivine Lighthouse | Early Afternoon

    Staccato flimsily struggled as they went further downward, hoping that the Pokemon that they would meet was not gone by the time they reached it. We've lost too much as a group already. The Chatot wished that life weren't so cruel- indeed, he missed the times when training inadequately was the only problem. He missed the memories of flying, carefully watching his trainer from sky high. Oh, where were those happy memories now?

    The Music Note Pokemon hopped alongside the Seviper as they descended the lighthouse as a unit, giving off a slow ticking noise with his tongue. What were they supposed to do in this barren world? Where would they hide? How would they get there? Stop it, Staccato! Now's not the time. He scolded his inner thoughts, vanquishing them in place of the task at hand. Which was getting away from the infected.

    It was odd, the way the smog came in and the squawking literally went dead silent. What had happened to those Pidgeys? Surely, as mindless infected, they would only continue fighting anything in their path? Maybe... there was something else out there. Staccato shuddered that in the smoke, there was something out there that could easily take out a flock of crazed infected.

    "Here we are," Staccato said in a sing-song voice. Finally reaching the bottom floor without any further attacks had not only lifted his spirits, but also his morale. Perhaps with this luck, they could find safety for the time being. If they turned the corner, they would face whatever stood awaiting them. Were they exactly ready for it? Was he ready for it? I don't want to lead others to their deaths... But it was an even sure-fire way to send them to their ending if they didn't group together.

    "We're not infected zombies if you're not one!" His shout from around the corner had to be such a cheesy joke it wasn't even funny.

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