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    Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater)


    Age : 31
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    Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater) Empty Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater)

    Post by Nightfall Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:15 am

    Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater) C4FiJOp
    Image by 2KB, edits by Catalyst

    Norma Jean
    Text Color #662c62
    Item None at present
    Time of Infection One month after the outbreak
    Age Adult
    Species #215 Sneasel, the Sharp Claw Pokemon
    Height 2'11"
    Weight 49.6lbs (underweight)
    Pokédex Entry "It is extremely vicious and will not stop attacking until its foe is incapable of moving."
    Level 35
    Ability Inner Focus (the Pokemon cannot flinch following an attack)
    Nature Lonely (+Attack, -Defense)
    CharacteristicLoves to eat (+HP)
    Moves Icy Wind (level-up)
    Slash (level-up)
    Fury Swipes (level-up)
    Shadow Ball (TM)
    History Norma Jean was born at Mt.Silver, right on the border of Kanto and Johto. A large clan of her kind lived there, and they were a pretty tight and loyal community. As a child, Norma hung out with her brother Zack and their friend Buck. The three of them were troublemakers, often wandering away from their home to target Pokemon Trainers. Not to harm, but to thieve.

    The three Sneasel pick pocketed countless unaware humans as they traveled the region of Johto, stealing Nuggets, berries and even TMs. Quite a lot of the time they'd do it simply because they enjoyed it, not merely for what they could get out of it. Buck was the swiftest, Zack the bravest and Norma Jean the smartest. As a team, they were the very best ... apart from nearly getting caught once or twice.

    One summer, the trio traveled into Olivine and saw a ferry bound for Unova. Deciding that a new region might have some new stuff for them to steal, they snuck aboard and enjoyed their journey helping themselves to food in the cargo hold.

    It was a long journey, and by the time they got to Unova something was very wrong. Stepping off the ferry in Castelia City, the massive place was nearly deserted. The three Sneasel were just as puzzled as the rest of the passengers, and it only got worse when a Sharpedo suddenly shot out of the water, tackled one of the humans to the ground and tore him to shreds.

    Chaos erupted as more diseased, red-eyed Pokemon burst out of the sea onto the jetty, savaging anything in their path. Blood and gore stained the ground. Norma Jean was the first to move, screaming at Buck and her brother to run. A howl of pain from behind her forced her to turn, and she watched in horror as Zack was attacked and killed by an undead Feraligatr.

    It was Buck who then took charge, dragging Norma along with him as she screamed in grief for her little brother. More infected were appearing, not only from the water but from the city streets and buildings as well. The two were quickly surrounded, and things looked bad. Buck suggested that they attack, and so Norma shot out an Icy Wind to blind the horde while Buck hacked his way through with Slash. They ran across Skyarrow Bridge, and Norma Jean felt a throbbing sting on the back of her ankle as she went. When they stopped to rest in Pinwheel Forest, she realised she had been bitten.

    She was terrified, convinced that she'd become one of those monsters. She hid the bite mark from Buck for as long as she could while they lived in the forest, but she couldn't conceal her limp and growing lethargy. Eventually, she came clean and showed it to him.

    Buck was devastated, refusing to believe that he was losing her. Norma Jean became very ill and fatigued as the infection started to take its toll. Buck looked after her tirelessly, fetching her berries to eat and trying in vain to clean her wound of the virus.

    One night, Norma knew that she didn't have long left, and asked Buck to sit with her. Her companion wept, begging her to stay. She was helpless to watch him fall apart in front of her, losing all purpose. Her final good deed, she decided, would be to give him one of her own.

    She had known that Buck had wanted to evolve into Weavile for a long time, as had herself and Zack. She told Buck that the reason she had convinced them to come to Unova in the first place was because she had heard that a Razor Claw, the item necessary for their evolution, was hidden in Nuvema Town to the south. It was a lie, of course, but Buck believed her, following her dying wish for him to survive.

    She briefly blacked out, and when she regained consciousness she was lying on her side. Blood stained her claws. Buck was running away into the distance. Norma Jean died heartbroken.

    Surely enough, within an hour she had risen again with a newfound hunger for blood ... and the lingering memory of the Sneasel who had left her for dead.
    Appearance Norma Jean looks very, very sick. The Sneasel is very underweight, ribs and joints jutting out all over her body. Her fur is pale and greasy. Part of her right ear is torn, and in the other she wears a gold earring. The jewels on her chest and forehead are chipped and cracked from months of decay. Her eyes blaze with red hues, the key indication of her undeath.
    Personality In life, Norma Jean was a strong-willed, feisty and intelligent individual. Brave and brash, she was always up for a challenge. She loved her little brother dearly, and treated Buck like he was her brother too. She acted as the strategist of the trio, always being the one to come up with the best methods to steal what they wanted.

    But now, in undeath, Norma Jean is nothing like what she was. Skinny, frail and filthy, she is near enough unrecognisable apart from the ring in her ear. When calm, she moves slowly, dragging herself across the lands and occasionally letting out long, agonised wails. The reason why she cries like this is unknown, even to her. She is attracted to living bodies mainly by scent, but unlike most undead, she is not always hungry. Instead, some tiny part at the back of her rotting brain seeks companionship, acceptance. She is mildly aware of what she is, but does not understand why most Pokemon either attack her or flee.

    When Norma Jean is hungry, she changes completely. Whatever sanity remains in her is torn away to reveal a sadistic, ruthless killer. She is savage when she hunts, chasing down her prey with no letup, and tearing them to pieces with her bare claws. She enjoys killing and inflicting as much pain as possible on her victims. Once fed, she calms down but only until she craves blood again.

    A part of Norma Jean's sudden bursts of insanity lies on the memory of Buck leaving her to die. It is faint and is only triggered from time to time, but that causes her to snap and start killing whether she's hungry or not. This can happen at any time, without warning, thus making her extremely unpredictable.
    User Notes --Norma Jean can still speak, but not in full sentences. A lot of what she says doesn't really make sense; most of it is a collection of words that can be vaguely put together to make a sentence. Depending on her mood she will speak either slowly, in a sad drone, or very erratically. Sometimes she will even hiss. Her voicebox is damaged though, so regardless of whatever fashion she speaks in, it is always a feeble croak.
    --She moves incredibly quickly when she needs to, but she is very frail; it doesn't take many hits to repel her.
    --The earring in her ear is one of a pair that she stole with her friends in her youth. Buck wears the other one. Attempting to pierce each others' ears was ... a cringeworthy scene.
    --Buck's profile. Coincidently, Buck did find a Razor Claw in Nuvema Town and used it to evolve into Weavile.
    --The trio stole a total of three TMs during their thieving career: Ice Beam, Shadow Ball and Brick Break. They were learned by Buck, Norma Jean and Zack respectfully.

    Last edited by Nightfall on Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:40 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 31
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    Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater) Empty Re: Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater)

    Post by Nightfall Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:45 pm

    Ready for approval.

    Posts : 1265

    Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater) Empty Re: Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater)

    Post by Victini Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:32 pm



    Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater) VictiniNorma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater) TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

    Age : 31
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    Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater) Empty Re: Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater)

    Post by Nightfall Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:41 am

    Let's give this one another try. To the PC please!

    Posts : 1265

    Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater) Empty Re: Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater)

    Post by Victini Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:51 am

    Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater) RGgji6G


    Norma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater) VictiniNorma Jean the Undead Sneasel (Floater) TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

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