Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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9 posters

    (ACE) The DRAGON Team


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:38 am

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    Blackthorne City|Late Afternoon

    Dirk watched as the undead sneasel hiss at him and decided to flee instead of attacking him. An act of cowardice? No, somehow it was more intelligent as it scaled the buildings and disappeared out of sight. The Druddigon wondered why the sneasel didn't go into a frenzy after that flamethrower missed. "So..." The Noivern spoke to the two as if it was wondering about something. "You haven't seen a human around these parts have you?" The Dragon type didn't know what to say since he didn't see any humans since the outbreak began. " No there haven't been humans in a very long time after the... creatures came they fled... and the area and den were abandoned" The Dragonair said. Surely this maybe a chance to go searching for his master, but first Dirk had to introduce himself to the others.

    Someone disappeared right before Dirk could look around. " Where did the other one go?... the pink fox". Dirk thought to himself Pink fox? Wait a fairy type was here? Oddly, the chances of a fairy type being here was slim. Just as he collected his thoughts the Dragonair introduced herself. " Amitiel.. pleasure to meet you?" She wasted no time with her introductory and she seemed to be the fitting part of a maiden in distress. However, Dirk thought she was pretty in her pink scales. "I'm Dirk, Dirk the Daring and I came to find my master and undertake a quest that you both may have." The Druddigon stands like a noble dragon as he did back when he was in the castle. Dirk then turns to the Noivern and shook his head. "I haven't seen any humans since I got here, but I'm sure they might be around somewhere."

    The Dragon type bowed before the two others as if he was to be of service. " The dragon elder was the last to leave the den when a small ice type monster entered the den, like the one we just saw."
    A dragon elder? Dirk didn't know much about the Johto region other than the outside of the castle he lived at. "A monster in a dragon's den, must be the work of an evil creature I'm to slay when I find him." He felt like he could do justice with the other dragons and fight this monster. " I think it's still in there, that's why I've been trying to find others. Maybe when it's dead the humans will come back." The Druddigon was sure that this could be the work of Singe to invade the world, however as naive as it sounded it could be a wayward monster that needs to be dealt with. "This monster you say is an ice type. Then we shall make it burn for invading the den." Dirk said with enthusiasm.

    The dragon type had found some friends to help and to protect. Though, he still misses his master and wishes to return to the castle with him. There are still many other pokemon that needs Dirk to protect them but for now these two need him the most. "Maybe we shall go in and drive the monster out of the den and afterwards welcome the humans back after the monster is slain." If Dirk was to go in alone he would surely meet his doom. But if he went in with the others they would succeed in driving the undead out and slay it before night fall. "Let us go slay the monster." The Druddigon said.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:42 pm

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    Blackthorne City /\ Late Afternoon /\ 9

    "No there haven't been humans in a very long time after the... creatures came they fled... and the area and den were abandoned" The Dragonair politely replies.

    Noiz grins in a way that shows his sharp fangs. He'd always suspected the Sylveon was lying about his reasons for being here; this just confirmed it.
    That pink bastard had run for it as soon as he knew he was about to be found out. Noiz would look forward to meeting him again; this time he would not hold back. He would wring the secrets out of that lying fae.

    " Where did the other one go?... the pink fox". The pink-scaled dragon asks as she surveys the area.

    Apart from the star-shaped burns where their Flamethrower's had hit they were alone.

    "He probably ran away when he heard his human wasn't here, if that was really their reason for coming here." Noiz drawls with a smug grin.

    " Amitiel.. pleasure to meet you?" The shiny dragon says delicately.

    "Noiz." He keeps his own introduction brief.

    "I'm Dirk, Dirk the Daring and I came to find my master and undertake a quest that you both may have."

    Quest? Noiz wonders if his ears heard right. Of course he did and the shiny dragon struggles not to sigh. The first dragon he's come across since the others fled and he's probably an honest-to-arceus LARPer. Why else would a Druddigon wear such a ridiculous helmet?

    "I haven't seen any humans since I got here, but I'm sure they might be around somewhere."

    Noiz shrugs one wing, unwilling to put more effort into the gesture. Taunting the Fairy about his apparent quest to find his human had been entertaining but there was no point to actually finding one.

    "If there are humans around here; they're about to be zombie chow."

    " The dragon elder was the last to leave the den when a small ice type monster entered the den, like the one we just saw." The Dragonair, Amitiel, continues.

    "A monster in a dragon's den, must be the work of an evil creature I'm to slay when I find him."

    Noiz bites his tongue, hard, to stop himself from laughing. Arceus above, the Druddigon was serious. Whether he was a romantic or touched in the head he actually believed that ridiculous drivel he was spouting! He didn't believe pokemon like that really existed, especially after the end of the world had come and gone.

    " I think it's still in there, that's why I've been trying to find others. Maybe when it's dead the humans will come back." The dragonair suggests.
    "This monster you say is an ice type. Then we shall make it burn for invading the den." Dirk replies enthusiastically.

    Noiz examines the shiny Dragonair out of the corner of one golden eye. She is slier than he had expected, perfectly leading the conversation towards her own earlier stated goal; reclaiming the cavern. Whether it was just an earnest desire to reclaim a homeland or the den had some deeper significance Noiz couldn't tell but either way he was intrigued. He didn't think she had it in her to manipulate a stranger into agreeing to fight for her but the skillful way she played up her coyness had the newcomer champing at the bit for a fight.

    "Maybe we shall go in and drive the monster out of the den and afterwards welcome the humans back after the monster is slain. Let us go slay the monster." The Druddigon said with enthusiasm.

    Noiz has to stop himself from snorting. This one was more than a bit simple if he thought just that was going to bring the humans back. Still, many dangerous things were simple. A knife in the ribs was simple, a flamethrower was simple. Simple didn't mean worthless. The best thing to do now was take a page from the Dragonair's book and make sure they were all pointing towards the same enemy.

    He flicks a wing towards the cliff face.

    "I've been nesting up there; I think the dragon den might have an entrance nearby."

    Age : 33
    Posts : 501

    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Requiem Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:52 am

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    Blackthorne City|| Late Afternoon||11[9]

    The shiny dragonair listened to the two of them, eyes flickering between the two unable to stay locked onto them. The two golden hoops clicked together as the ear wing flicked in the breeze, before returning to the the half folded state. "This monster you say is an ice type. Then we shall make it burn for invading the den." Jumping a little as the dragon Dirk said with rather enthusiasm heavy in his voice. How could he be so over joyed with this, Amitiel thinks to herself.

    Her serpents head now turning to Noiz as he looked at her quickly breaking eyes contact and looked toward the den "Maybe we shall go in and drive the monster out of the den and afterwards welcome the humans back after the monster is slain." Dirk continued as Noiz seemed to be fighting back laughter by this point as she looked quickly between the two setting back on Dirk. Curious look on her face what the story was behind the helm it wore.

    "I've been nesting up there; I think the dragon den might have an entrance nearby." Noiz said rather abruptly from the topic at hand as she blinked slowly and looking at him then to where this nest could be. It would make a good fall back point, if it was needed wouldn't it. Turning back toward Dirk and Noiz in order, taking a breath. " I really don't think it woul-" her voice cracked suddenly closing it and trying again. " I don't think it would really be that easy honestly Dirk, to clean it out in one go. There could be other dragon types that fell under the sickness it brought with in the Den."

    Now turning back to the cave across the water. " I really don't know what we can expect to find in there... It might have left in the time I was trying to find others." blinking turning now back to Noiz " Would we be able to use it as a fall back point if nothing goes to plan?" asking curious what the answer would have been. " While we out here find some food and drinkable water, stash it there then go in. As am going to make a safe guess the food that's in the temple in there is long since gone bad."

    Shifting in her coils again stretching out her full length, and slides across the ground like that of a snake, a little closer to the den. Waiting for both answers, from the male dragons. Turning her head toward the sky, seeing it was getting late. " Looks like we're losing daylight" stating the obvious more to herself then to the other two. Pulling her tail tip up and looked at the etched bracelets, then putting her tail back down with a heavy sigh.

    " By pure suggestion we can see the current state of the inner den, then maybe bunker down at the nest site for the night" pointing her tail tip up the cliffs " Should be safer to rest there then inside if anything happens."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1933

    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:25 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Late Afternoon

    The Druddigon thought to himself that the humans could be dead, but he wouldn't give up looking for his master, until the day he finds him even if his master may have been killed by the undead. Dirk wouldn't give up hope and prays to Arceus that his master is alive and well. Suddenly the Noivern spoke pointing up where the dragons den was. "I've been nesting up there; I think the dragon den might have an entrance nearby." The dragon type noticed the Noivern trying to hold his laughter, but he ignored it as if it was nothing. However, Dirk didn't want to tell him this was the way he spoke since he was young. He doesn't know that I'm not from this land, nor shall I speak of the land I came from until he figures it out himself. The Druddigon thought to himself.

    He looked at the Dragonair, Amitiel and wondered how long she had survived this long without any protection. Then she spoke about the task being difficult.  " I don't think it would really be that easy honestly Dirk, to clean it out in one go. There could be other dragon types that fell under the sickness it brought with in the Den." Dirk never thought about that and what if she's right? This could prove difficult even for one Dragon type to fight alone. " I really don't know what we can expect to find in there... It might have left in the time I was trying to find others." There was only one guess, danger and death. It could be rigged with traps that are meant to kill the undead that may have intruded into the place. "Maybe the fiend could have went to spread this sickness unto other places, I'm not familiar with this region as it is." And Dirk couldn't be more right as he never really went far from the castle he lived in. Never the less he didn't really think on how he got here to begin with.

    The sun was beginning to set and this could become dangerous if they stayed in the same spot for to long. " Looks like we're losing daylight" Dirk watched the sun slowly lowering as the Dragonair spoke. Master where ever you may be I shall slay the monster in your honor and I shall not fail you. He looked at the Noivern and Dragonair thinking of a plan that could work, but he wasn't sure how to execute it. "Maybe we shall turn in for the night, there could be a way to find the entrance to the den. I shall stay on watch and protect M'lady and the Noivern." Dirk never really knew the Noivern's name and for some reason he wanted to know his name. Yet, he felt a sense of duty coming into his mind since he was trained by his master to guard the royal family.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Mar 22, 2015 3:52 am

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    Blackthorne City /\ Evening /\ 10

    " I really don't think it woul-" The dragonair's voice cracked. " I don't think it would really be that easy honestly Dirk, to clean it out in one go. There could be other dragon types that fell under the sickness it brought with in the Den."
    Noiz shrugs a wing again.
    " I really don't know what we can expect to find in there... It might have left in the time I was trying to find others."
    "Second guessing yourself?"

    "Maybe the fiend could have went to spread this sickness unto other places, I'm not familiar with this region as it is." The druddigon points out. If it did things would be simple enough to fix.

    " Would we be able to use it as a fall back point if nothing goes to plan?"
    Now that caused him to perk up his ears.

    "It's nothing fancy. I literally just shouted a hole in the rock. It's enough to rest your feet, though, and too high for anything that can't fly to reach it. "

    "While we out here find some food and drinkable water, stash it there then go in. As am going to make a safe guess the food that's in the temple in there is long since gone bad."

    "Looks like we're losing daylight"
    Noiz surveys the horizon. Things had gotten less obnoxiously bright. He was a pokemon of darkness, insular even for his species. If anything he had overstated the appeal of his cave. He believed in nothing more than the barest necessities.

    "Maybe we shall turn in for the night, there could be a way to find the entrance to the den. I shall stay on watch and protect M'lady and the Noivern."
    "I'm nocturnal." Noiz flares his wings indignantly.

    " By pure suggestion we can see the current state of the inner den, then maybe bunker down at the nest site for the night" pointing her tail tip up the cliffs " Should be safer to rest there then inside if anything happens."

    Noiz snorts and spreads his wings.

    "The only reason I'm up now, at the asscrack of the evening is because I heard a child screaming and it's hard to sleep through that. Seeing as you've gotten me up when it's still light I'll be trying to use this evening to get something productive done. So no, Sir Druddigon, you will not be taking watch."

    He draws himself up to his full height.

    "I can get supplies, run some recon and find a solid way in while you get some rest. You'll need to be ready to move before sun-up. I will not attack until I am well informed about what kind of challenge we may face."

    Age : 33
    Posts : 501

    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Requiem Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:11 am

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    Blackthorne City|| Evening||12[10]

    "Maybe the fiend could have went to spread this sickness unto other places, I'm not familiar with this region as it is." , Amitiel nods her head a little now curious where he had come from. She would have to guess from another land with how he acted and sounded, blinking turning back to the helm. Dirk looked to the sun just as she had, feeling tired again just watching the sluggish movement. Maybe, it was just Amitiel imagination playing with her again. "Maybe we shall turn in for the night, there could be a way to find the entrance to the den. I shall stay on watch and protect M'lady and the Noivern." She perked again to being called m'lady, a pinch of un comfort creeping up again.

    "The only reason I'm up now, at the asscrack of the evening is because I heard a child screaming and it's hard to sleep through that. Seeing as you've gotten me up when it's still light I'll be trying to use this evening to get something productive done. So no, Sir Druddigon, you will not be taking watch." Amitel flinched and gave a surprised sound now fully aware now. Ducking into her spiraled coils coils a little, Noiz the noivern seemed to just have put his talon down on the conversation. Amitiel respected that after talking like a idiot all this time wasting their time.

    "I can get supplies, run some recon and find a solid way in while you get some rest. You'll need to be ready to move before sun-up. I will not attack until I am well informed about what kind of challenge we may face." Amitiel nods her serpents head again the winged ears flair open as she takes to the sky. The long thin body following behind, looking like she was a flying snake. She would have to trust Noiz not to try anything, he made a strong leader so far and he hasn't done anything not to trust him. Nodding her head once again more to convince herself of her thought, ' Just a hole in the cliff high enough up not to be reached without flying up'. Scanning the cliff face before finding exactly that, looks like a human or something powerful literally blasted a hole in the rock.

    Flying forward till her coils hit the hole and lowered herself as close to the floor as possible. Scanning quickly, it didn't seem like much really but it was something they needed. Amitiel yawned then, the cool temperature of the evening and the cave making her feel even more sluggish and slow. Pulling the rest of her long body into the hole. " I think this will do just fine for what we need it for" commenting finding a spot flat enough and deep enough to give room to the more bulkier of her party. Tightening up into a tight coil, eyes set on the rings on her tail for a second before lowering her heavy head to the top of her body. Yawning once more softly, only bare sight of the small dainty fangs in her mouth. "Yes this will do nicely." head vanishing into the length of her body going to sleep.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:24 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Evening

    The sun was setting and the cool wind of the night began to blow gently across the city, yet Dirk wondered if he'll ever find his master. "The only reason I'm up now, at the asscrack of the evening is because I heard a child screaming and it's hard to sleep through that. Seeing as you've gotten me up when it's still light I'll be trying to use this evening to get something productive done. So no, Sir Druddigon, you will not be taking watch." The Noivern said and Dirk felt as if he wasn't trusted by the other dragon type. Instead of fighting with it he decided to accept the truth about being untrusted. "Very well, guessing I haven't yet proved myself. I will sleep for the night." The Druddigon said. His mind was only to find his master at the moment and nothing else. The only problem he faced was knowing the unknown truth if his master was dead or alive. Dirk shivers a little as if a cold tingling feeling had crept up his back.

    Dirk began thinking to himself about how he got to Blackthorne to begin with. This region seems to be quite different from home and I want to leave this place and return home with master. The Druddigon wondered if he can even return to his homeland and clear the infected pokemon out. If only he had a clue to where his master was then he'd gladly take the chance to leave, but not a single clue has shown up. "I can get supplies, run some recon and find a solid way in while you get some rest. You'll need to be ready to move before sun-up. I will not attack until I am well informed about what kind of challenge we may face." The Dragon type looked at the noivern with a partly distressed look in his eyes as he didn't say a word and nodded. Dirk then looked back the sun almost completely setting. As he followed the Noivern and Dragonair to the resting spot he often wondered about how he'll be of some use to them.

    They arrived at the spot as the Dragonair spoke. " I think this will do just fine for what we need it for" Dirk then yawned as he looked at the dragonair wondering how she made it this far, but it wasn't the time or place to ask as she spoke one last time for the night. "Yes this will do nicely." The Druddigon layed down on his back watching the stars come out. He remembered doing this with his master back before the outbreak began and it was a past time he did once in a while. "Oh master where ever you may be, I shall find you somehow and leave this region for home once more." The dragon type said with a sorrowful voice. It was clear he misses being home protecting the royals he loved. As he watched the Noivern leave to find a way in and places to be at a safe distance from, he often wondered if he'll be okay on his own. The druddigon thought to himself. I wonder if the Noivern will be okay? Dirk thought.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Kaze Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:27 am

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    Blackthorne City /\ Evening /\ 11

    Noiz exhales loudly through his flared nostrils and unfolds his massive red-lined wings. The sunlight makes the multiple bands of metal shoved through his face and wings gleam.

    The cave he had created was barely that. He literally shouted a hole in the rock using Boomburst then melted the edges smooth with a continuous stream of Flamethrower. However it seemed large enough to hold the three of them without having to worry about being poked by a Druddigon's spines.

    "Pleasant dreams~" He blows a sarcastic kiss towards the two before taking flight.

    The sunset in the sky is a mottled purple as the sun completely disappears from sight and leaves just the fading wound of light against the sky. It's still too bright to hunt properly by sight so Noiz starts to send out a high pitched noise to properly navigate.

    Usually what he would be looking for is tasty insects to snack on. Something tells him the others wouldn't be satisfied with mere bugs so that put pressure on him to find some berries instead.

    Noiz was a solitary sort of dragon. He would be one of the first to admit he found the company of others to be more trouble than it was worth. Really the only reason why he didn't fly away and just keep flying, screaming another hole to hide in when the sun started coming up, was that he was curious. What was the Dragonair really trying to achieve with that sugary sweet act? No-one was sincerely that concerned.

    It takes only a few moments of searching before he finds the entrance to the Dragon's Den. Unkempt, piled with rocks that had fallen from the cliffside...

    Noiz folds in his wings and lands with a thump. His ears flick forwards to drink in the sounds and the pupils of his golden eyes dilate as he looks into the darkness within. From inside the cavern is the noise of running water...and the sound of something moving.

    The Noivern flits back before he can get a good glimpse of what it was. Water, rocks, definitely something alive...or unalive as the case may be. Well, he wasn't fool enough to dive in without a meat shield in front of him to drive out whatever that was.

    His ears twitch. Time to find berries then.

    ((OOC: Time Skip to Early Morning)

    Last edited by Kaze on Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:13 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Requiem Sun Mar 29, 2015 10:34 am

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    Blackthorne City|| Early Morning||13

    Amitiel's long snake like body was stretched out slightly, nearly the full length of the cutout. Shifting slightly as if her dream bothered her, making a soft sound. The ear wing suddenly flicking, the two ear rings click together. Eyes snapped open, feeling warm with breath raspy. Eyes focusing through the fuzzy blur of sleeping. It was still partly dark, as her eyes play tricks on the dragonair. Seeing a larger lump in the hole she was in, what was it.

    Pulling herself upright, collecting the rest of her coils. Amitiel yawned and shook her head, she's still back in the dragon den- wasn't she? Moving to the dim light she looked out, she was outside some where. Looking down seeing the cliff face before looking back up seeing the crack of morning. A concern started gripping at her thoughts, who was the lump then. Turning back to it seeing; a tail, wings, long powerful legs. It was another dragon, " Right it's Dirk" waking up a little more.

    Pulling in a little more as her tail tip hovered over the sleeping form unsure how to wake him. If she touched him how would he react, would he attack?. Amitiel pulled back her tail and coiled it around herself again. " Rather not risk a stupid mistake" telling more of herself turning back to the cave mouth. Watching the sky slowly starting to lighten, dragon the dark navy blue into shades of orange and pink. It was gorgeous, the dragonair's scales reflecting some of the colors. Amitiel sighed half dazed out quietly watching.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:14 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Early Morning

    Laying on his back, sleeping from watching the starry night Dirk had dreamed about his homeland and how he misses it. The sun began to rise and the cool morning breeze grazing upon his scales. The Druddigon still asleep, rolls onto his right side resting his head on the ground. he continued to dream more about his home being safe still from the virus and its effects like how he left it. Finally, his dream shifted to when he was still with his master even though he had no clue to where his master is the answer might be closer than he thought. The Dragon type began to smile and curl into a ball like state. Master, I have long missed you. The Druddigon started to think in his sleep. Of course though he was still having a dream, but as the dream ended he began to wake up.

    He began to yawn as the morning sun continued to rise, thinking to himself if the Dragon Den holds the key to his master's whereabouts or even if he's in there. That Den might hold the key to my master's whereabouts, but what if those monsters got him? Dirk looks at Amitiel, but doesn't say a word to her as if she might still be sleeping. The Druddigon looks at the rising sun wondering if the Noivern had found anything yet. As he rolled onto his back again, he stares into the sky watching the clouds float by one by one. Each cloud looked like a fluffy toy he would play with when he was still young. Dirk let out a silent chuckle, not waking up the dragonair in the process. The sun's rays started to beam down on the ground and Dirk began to sit up.

    Watching the sun rise higher into the sky, the druddigon wondered if the Noivern left them behind. He shook his head getting the thought out of his mind. Dirk finally stood up looking at the ravaged city. His thoughts started to tell him that his homeland could be in danger too, but he has yet to find his master and he won't return until his master is found. The Druddigon began looking around the nest for any sign of the noivern. So far he doesn't see him, but he wouldn't leave Amitiel behind if he went out looking for him. He stayed in the nest with her until the Noivern returned. Each moment that passed Dirk thought more and more about his master. Dirk thoughts keep telling him that his master might be in danger and needs his help. Master, please still be alive I must return to the kingdom with you to report what is going on. The Druddigon thought.

    As he looked out into the distance once more, he spotted something moving towards them from the sky. It was to far to make out, but he had a feeling it could be the Noivern. At the same time, his mind was telling him that it could also be a monster with the sickness coming at them and the only way to avoid it was to lay low. He kept his eye on the moving figure waiting till it got close enough and if it is the Noivern then the druddigon won't need to get into a battle. "Good morning, Amitiel how is your nap?" The Druddigon asks.

    He looks at the Dragonair still wondering if she's still tired, but it wasn't the time or place for that. As he turned back to see the figure it gotten closer and appeared in a shape of a noivern. Maybe he brought food and intel on the den and how to get inside. Huzzah the Noivern returns to us with intel on the dragon's den. The Druddigon thought to himself watching the Noivern come into view.

    Age : 30
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:27 pm

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    Blackthorne City /\ Evening /\ 12

    "Rise and shine~!" Noiz's voice echoes in the hollow of stone as with a thump he lands and folds in his massive red wings.

    The stems of berries he has been holding tumble onto the ground.

    He has made some effort to get berries of different types and flavors. While most of the fruit are small and speckled they're probably clean enough to eat. Some of the smaller and greener fruit are still hard with unripeness but will become soft enough to eat in the next few days. As well as health restoring Oran berries he has managed to find a few sweet Pechas and a couple of lumpy warming Aspears just in case they have to travel through the nearby icy cave.

    The shiny bat-like dragon folds his wings in neatly around him and stifles a yawn with one hand. One of the bluk berry blue claws on his hand is twisted violently to one side, facing almost the opposite direction from the others.

    His golden eyes dispassionately survey his companions as if regretting letting the other dragons squat in his cave.

    Outside the sky is dark with stars still visible and a few soft grey clouds drifting over them.

    "There's something in that cave. It was pretty close to the entrance and I didn't want to get into a fight right away."

    He scratches at the ruff of fur around his neck.

    "I'm not sure it's worth the bother..." His tone sounds genuinely disinterested, and he is, but he wants to judge the reactions of the others first.

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Requiem Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:24 pm

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    Blackthorne City|| Early Morning||14

    The pink serpent continues to watch the sun crawling up on the horizon, fighting it's battle with the gripping night. A battle it would soon win, she lets out a sigh as she blinks and turns her head downward to the ground. One day it will lose with how the earth is fairing with this, evil. "Good morning, Amitiel how is your nap?" nearly jumping out of her scales as she turned around seeing Dirk beside her looking out as well now. She wasn't aware how long he was standing there for, or why he was. Moving away from the bulk of the dragon to the side a little more.

    " Feels like that's all it was, a short nap her reply tired sounding still. " How's was you'res Dirk? looking at him slightly, though not fully head on as she watched him from a side view. Does she mention that he was talking in his sleep, who was master. His trainer or was he from some other land that had a dragon master like the dragon elder. Blinking a little looking back over outside. " It's beautiful isn't it, the sun raise. It's like it's own gift on it's own, as it might not be there tomorrow" Seeing a shape in the distance getting bigger. Figuring Dirk would have saw it to so Amitiel didn't ask as she moved back giving landing space for the dragonic bat.

    Noiz landing where was she sitting, something in his fanged maw."Rise and shine~!" he chimes, maybe in a better mood now having got himself some alone time or something else. The objects dropping to the cave floor, becoming clear they were berries of variety. Coiled up to take up as little space as possible looking at the catch, a few highly helpful berries and some fruit to try and store. "Looks like you're effort as given way to a supporting lifeline Noiz" smiling a little. Tail tip poking at the nearest berry, picking it up by the stem.

    "There's something in that cave. It was pretty close to the entrance and I didn't want to get into a fight right away." Noiz started rather bluntly as she closed her maw with a berry just outside it. Looking over, " Something?, I- I see then it might still be in there." lowering the berry but keeping it off the floor. Turning to her companions, " I was greatly hoping that there would be nothing in there, but with that we know there is something there. And that's something to work off so we're not going in blind as I thought." by this point just speaking her thought.

    Lowering her eyes again, lifting the berry and biting into it. Fangs pirce the skin into the guts. Spilling out in a juice down her maw, quickly licking it away not to make a mess. "I'm not sure it's worth the bother...", looking over again. Her shoulders would have dropped if she had them, instead settling on a very upset sigh. She had been born and raised in that cave like generations of dragons before her.

    "Thank you Noiz." letting it go, sinking down deeper into herself. Eating in quiet before looking over seeing that the shiny dragon hadn't eaten anything himself yet. " Please Noiz... eat something... you spent you're effort to get it you should have you're share if..- feeling very disheartened now. " If we're going to try and see what's in there" The tail tip just under the yellow gleaming orbs holding out a stemmed Berry his way. "Please."

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:48 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Early Morning

    The Druddigon moved out of the way for the Noivern to land, but the bigger question was still looming in his mind. The Dragonair spoke in a tired voice. " It's beautiful isn't it, the sun raise. It's like it's own gift on it's own, as it might not be there tomorrow" Dirk hasn't seen a more beautiful sunrise than this, but his thoughts still being stuck on his master and if he's in the dragon's den alone. "It is beautiful, but I don't see much sunrises that often. I usually was on guard duty in my homeland." Which was somewhat true, since he usually was on duty during the night time. It was then he learned about the stars and he often wondered what its like to study them. He remembered his master doing this when they was traveling out during the night and followed the stars back to the castle. His thoughts then got disrupted by the Noivern when he spoke. "Rise and shine~!" Dirk looked at the Noivern and thought that he was tired from flying all night.

    From the looks of him he had a lot of gathering to do when a batch of berry fell to the ground. He looked at the types of berries and recognized a few of them. The Druddigon looked at the Oran berries as a good thing, but what interested him the most was the delicious pecha berry. Dirk remembered having a pecha berry juice when he was young and how delicious it was, but he still liked it now. "There's something in that cave. It was pretty close to the entrance and I didn't want to get into a fight right away." The Noivern said and it perked Dirk's curiosity, but the intel could be leading to fighting with the undead. " Something?, I- I see then it might still be in there." Maybe it could be Dirk's Master inside the cave making sure nothing came in or out. What if it was his master and he's keeping the undead isolated inside the den? The Druddigon wouldn't want his master to die inside the cave. Yet, there was nothing he could do right now except to wait for the right opportunity to show itself.

    As the sun continued to rise more, Dirk couldn't help be feel that his master was in danger. " I was greatly hoping that there would be nothing in there, but with that we know there is something there. And that's something to work off so we're not going in blind as I thought." For a time Dirk would agree, but on the other hand he was hoping that he could free the den right away. It would be foolish of him to rush in and head right into his doom. His best chance of survival is to go in with the others. As the conversation reached its end the Noivern gave was unsure about the den. "I'm not sure it's worth the bother..." Dirk on the other hand wanted to see for himself. As the conversation went to its end, the dragonair then scooped up a berry with her tail and handed it to the Noivern. " Please Noiz... eat something... you spent you're effort to get it you should have you're share if..- " If we're going to try and see what's in there" The Druddigon looked at the Noivern and agreed. "Yes, please eat. You done quite a lot of gathering for this food." Dirk said.

    His thoughts once again turned back to the den, as if he was compelled to go to it. "He must be...sorry, I would like to see the den myself when the sun gets higher." Dirk had the idea, but if what the noivern said about a scream is true, then maybe someone is alive in the den and needs help. The Druddigon stuck to the code he was sworn to and waited for the others if they wanted to come. Master, please be safe I'll come for you soon. Dirk was still unfamiliar with the land he is at, but he had somewhat of a hint that possibly his master could be in the den. Only thing he could do right now was be patient and stick with the others. As he looked upon the others he started to think that maybe they could clear out the den and save his master. "I will go to the den with you guys when you're ready to fight the monsters."  The Druddigon said.


    Age : 30
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    Post by Kaze Thu Apr 09, 2015 5:20 am

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    Blackthorne City /\ Early Morning /\ 13

    The shiny Noivern watches dispassionately as the two gossip. He draws up his wings around himself. The light hides the faint scars the crisscross his wings and body.

    " I was greatly hoping that there would be nothing in there, but with that we know there is something there. And that's something to work off so we're not going in blind as I thought."

    So the Dragonair would not be dissuaded...What was so important about that Arceus Forsaken cave that the Dragon was so desperate to get them in there?

    "We still need more information before we mount an attack." He points out reasonably. Didn't any of these fools know how to pick your battles? It took data, it took observation. His initial scouting had been half-assed, sure, but that was because he wasn't going to dive into danger without anyone else there to back him up. It could have been one enemy or a hundred and, as much as he loved a fight, he wasn't going to dive into that mess for nothing.

    The Magenta scaled dragon's tongue darts out to lick away the last of the juices from a berry as he waits from the other dragons to reach an agreement. The Dragonair seems to notice his gaze.

    " Please Noiz... eat something... you spent you're effort to get it you should have you're share if..- The Dragonair stammers. " If we're going to try and see what's in there"
    "Yes, please eat. You done quite a lot of gathering for this food." The Druddigon agrees. "I will go to the den with you guys when you're ready to fight the monsters." 

    A vein twitches on his forehead.

    "You're not my mother!" He snaps, his tone belying the fact that, while his body looked mature he was still just a grouchy teenager.
    With his yellow eyes gleaming he rounds on the Druddigon.
    "And you're not my father!" He snaps at the Cave Pokemon.

    He takes a few firm steps forwards, staring the Dragonair in her deep blue eyes.

    With a snap he extends one wing and a gust of wind darts around the cave. His golden eyes are as cold and lifeless as the metal itself.

    "Sir Knight over there is obvious but what do you get out of this? What's so important about this goddamn cave that you're being so nice to me? Is it is trap? Are you trying to con me into being a distraction so you can get something from the cave?"

    He draws himself up to his full height and smirks.

    "Or is this what you want?"

    He leans in and kisses the Dragonair on the lips.

    ((OOC: Permission to kiss Amatiel given by Requiem))

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Requiem Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:19 pm

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    Blackthorne City|| Early Morning||15

    "Yes, please eat. You done quite a lot of gathering for this food." Dirk had said. The dragonair flinched a little, she was trying to keep things calm but Dirk was rushing things to quick. Noiz seemed troubled by something she couldn't put a coil on, and she didn't want to make him more angry then he was holding himself. "He must be...sorry, I would like to see the den myself when the sun gets higher." , looking over a little. 'Who was this he was it his master he keeps talking about', she dismisses it for now. She would try and Help dirk later.

    "I will go to the den with you guys when you're ready to fight the monsters.", The dragonairs 'shoulders' would have slumped once again. " Don't be so quick to rush into things so blin-." Noiz cuts her off "We still need more information before we mount an attack.". She turns Back to the dragonic bat, "You're not my mother!" he snaps. Flinching as the loosely held berry falls free to the cave floor. Looking down and away, was she treating him like a child. A wounded child, yes. She turns away and looks down at Dirk gets the similar treatment. Hearing the shiny dragon walk forward as she turns back to him, locking eyes with his. The gust of wind blowing up dust and dirt as she blinked protecting her eyes.

    "Sir Knight over there is obvious but what do you get out of this? What's so important about this goddamn cave that you're being so nice to me? Is it is trap? Are you trying to con me into being a distraction so you can get something from the cave?", her heart sank lower. Lowering into her coils a little as he was angry with her, for trying to take care of every one. For thinking that she was leading them into a trap, trying to con him into something bad. Was there something in the cave that would have been worth taking? no she wore the dens treasure. Why did she want the cave back so bad, sinking lower now level with him. "Or is this what you want?", being caught of guard for what happened next.

    Their lips brush against each other as her eyes go wide, in fear. Paralyzed what to do, why did he do this. Thoughts race across her mind and face. Disgust, finally setting on her mind as she quickly breaks free and withdraws back. Rubbing at her mouth with the end of her tail, looking back at him horrified what he just did. " No that no-" cracking up once more, looking between the two. Sinking back into the cave as deep as it would let her, feeling suddenly sick. ' Why do you want the cave back?' hiding in her coils ' it's everything that you're known, it's part of you..

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:35 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Early Morning

    The Druddigon started pacing around quite erratic, he wanted to get in there and find his master. Yet, The Noivern had mentioned something. "We still need more information before we mount an attack." Dirk knew this would be true, since trying to go in without knowing what lies ahead could be dangerous. As he looked at the Dragonair she dropped the berry after the noivern shouted at her. Then, he turned his attention at Dirk yelling at him. "And you're not my father!" Dirk shrugged thinking nothing of it. The Druddigon then started walking out of the cave looking outside. A city in waste lies before his eyes. This poor town suffered a horrible battle and the monsters are to blame. Only thing Dirk had in mind was finding a way into the den, find his master and leave this region behind. Yet, if it was only that easy as countless trials would await them. Whether the den might be booby trapped with deadly instruments or undead might infest the den and a long fight might happen.

    As Dirk returned to the cave things turned sour for the Dragonair. "Sir Knight over there is obvious but what do you get out of this? What's so important about this goddamn cave that you're being so nice to me? Is it is trap? Are you trying to con me into being a distraction so you can get something from the cave?" When Dirk heard that, he was shocked to see how a Noivern is mistreating a lady. He looked at the Dragonair sinking into her coils, but Dirk felt that he needed to stop this before it leads into a violent fight. "Or is this what you want?" Finally, Dirk just shook his head in annoyance. He wanted to tell Noiz to stop it, but it could turn into a fight if he tried. "I don't think she plans that my good noivern, but of we're to mount an attack we need to be well informed correct?" Though he wanted to change the topic, the dragonair spoke in a horrified voice.  " No that no-" Did the Noivern just kiss her? Seems Dirk felt a sense to laugh a bit, but he couldn't since it wasn't the time or place to do that.

    The Druddigon sat down, picked up a berry and started to eat one. A delicious pecha berry's juice filled his taste buds. It was as if he was taken back to his past having pecha berry juice after he was done playing. "This Den, who was the master that lived in there before the monsters took over?" Dirk asked the Noivern. As he looked at the Dragonair, he felt as if she was only trying to help. With one claw he moved a berry over to Amitiel and asked her. "Amitiel, I would like your help finding my master when we go into the den, can you please?" He didn't know if she could help after the noivern chewed her out and kissed her. If only Dirk was to put his foot down and stop the noivern, but it it what it is and Dirk couldn't stop it. It wasn't his place to step in after all things like this happen. Master, I'll find you where ever you are. The Druddigon thought.

    OoC)) Kind of a bleh post couldn't think of anything else to say.

    Age : 30
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    Post by Kaze Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:23 pm

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    Blackthorne City /\ Early Morning /\ 14

    The dragonair's lips and nice and really quite soft but as soon as his own are pressing up against her she freezes. Her eyes widen. He can see the mix of emotions pass over her face before he draws his head back.
    Her scales still stiff she raises her tail to her lips and wipes them furiously.

    Noiz frowns. It's not like he was THAT bad a kisser.

    " No that no-" Her voice cracks and the magenta scaled dragon curls backwards, deeper into the cave.

    "Come on now, it's not that big of a deal."

    The dragonair hides in her curls, as far back in the cave as the slick of melted stone would allow. Noiz's scratches the fur of his throat irritably. Great, now he feels sorry for her. It's not like he was being unreasonable. It was only a kiss. He hadn't proposed they make eggs or anything.

    "This Den, who was the master that lived in there before the monsters took over?" The Druddigon asks, apparently eager to divert the conversation.

    Noiz isn't going to have any of that. This was interesting information and he was going to push it until there was nothing left to learn.

    "Amitiel, I would like your help finding my master when we go into the den, can you please?"

    "A kiss is nothing to worry about." The Noivern interrupts.

    Half crawling closer to the Druddigon his crooked claw scrapes at the smooth stone.

    "See?" Before the other dragon has time to react he leans in and plants a kiss on the Cave Pokemon's scaly lips.


    With a snap he unfolds his wings.

    "Come on, we're burning moonlight here." He calls mockingly before turning and diving from the cave like a Swellow.

    Time for action!

    Age : 33
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    Post by Requiem Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:27 pm

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    Blackthorne City|| Early Morning||16

    "Come on now, it's not that big of a deal." ,Amitiel remained where she was not saying or really doing much the 'glare' at Noiz. "This Den, who was the master that lived in there before the monsters took over?" Dirk asked though it clearly was directed at her as she now looks over to him. But trying to get over what just happened.

    " The dragon elder, is grandfather to the dragon gym leader that ran that gym outside the den and the chief of this town. He was very wise and kind." Dirk then looked over at her,"Amitiel, I would like your help finding my master when we go into the den, can you please?" as she was about to answer.

    "A kiss is nothing to worry about." She turns back to Noiz. Then he does it again, now to the unexpected Dirk. "See?" Her stomach rolls as she swallows back bile.Before slithering to the cave opening looking back at Dirk and spreading her wings and slides off into the air following Noiz not saying anything else anymore.

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:03 am

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    Blackthorne City|Early Morning

    Dirk looked at Amitiel after asking the question and she told Dirk about the dragon elder. " The dragon elder, is grandfather to the dragon gym leader that ran that gym outside the den and the chief of this town. He was very wise and kind." So he was a chief of the town he was at. It made some sense to Dirk, but not a whole lot since where he was from he never heard of a gym. What's a gym? The druddigon really never went to far from the castle he lived at other than with his master. Most of the time he did his training with other pokemon, but when he wasn't training he was playing. When his master went away, Dirk was somehow teleported into this region. So all what rang in his head was new to him from what the Dragonair said. As Dirk looked at the Noivern he was beginning to feel something strange was going on with him.

    "A kiss is nothing to worry about." The Noivern starts getting closer to Dirk. Then, before Dirk had time to react to what was about to happen, the noivern kissed him on the lips. Dirk pulls away from the Noivern with disgust. "What in the name of Arceus are you doing?!" The Druddigon said in a shocked voice. "See?" A sense of awkwardness then came over him. Why would a Noivern kiss him and what for? Dirk had no idea why, but he felt as if this one is full of surprises. As he wiped his lips with his arm he noticed Noiz unfolding his wings and heading towards the entrance. "Come on, we're burning moonlight here." The Noivern said in a mocking voice. Dirk was still in a state of shock from what happened, but he soon snapped out of it and followed Amitiel to the cave's mouth. I swear that Noivern is one strange fellow, but no time for that now master awaits me. The druddigon thought to himself.

    As he looked out the cave, he felt a nice breeze beckoning him to fly. He jumped jumped into the air and started flying after the others following them to where ever they are heading to. Could they be heading to the Den? That was Dirk's only hope and if not they could still be preparing for an assault on the undead inside. I wonder where we are heading and if its to the den then it'll be time to fight the monsters inside. Dirk thought as he glides through the air following Noiz and Amitiel. The wind flowing through his scales made him feel a bit relaxed from what happened earlier, but still he was now cautious around the Noivern and won't soon forget what happened. "Where are we heading to if I may ask?" The Druddigon asks in hopes of heading to the den. While he was following them, he started to daydream about back home. Hoping to be awarded a medal for bravery and his master at his side. As he snaps out of this daydream, Dirk nearly flies right into Amitiel, but falls back before he flew right into her. I got to be more careful where I daydream I nearly flew right into maiden Amitiel. The Druddigon thought.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Duma Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:36 am

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    ||Blackthorne City [Outskirts] | Early Morning||
    With a gentle gust of wind pushing on the bat's wings, the masked dragon raised her altitude, glowing gold eyes looking at the area below her. The Noivern made a quiet sound of disapproval, tilting her wingtips so that she began to dive head-first to the ground. Shifting the direction each wing faced, the female dragon corkscrewed, spinning downwards before folding her wings, only the tips of each wing keeping her in that tight spiral. Once the Noivern was sure that she was close enough to the ground, both wings snapped outwards, the huge appendages catching the air and bringing the bat back up into the air, where she arced backwards into a loop-the-loop, before levelling out. What was the use of showing off when there was no one there to view it, after all?

    Flexing her claws, Peregrine dipped down, flaring her wings at the last minute so that she could land safely, her feet finding the ground first. Her claws sunk into the ground as she stood on two legs at first checking her wings for any damages she might of sustained. After checking that each wing was fine, she folded them tight to her side, lowering herself onto her wingtips, using the fingered claws as a pair of front legs. She had been flying for a good few days, and the mercenary was growing bored of only seeing nothing but undead. What she needed was some living pokemon to play with. Unfortunately, all her pawns seemed to be in hiding. The Noivern clicked her tongue, raising her head to look around, golden eyes glowing ominously as the glowing orbs flickered from one side of the eye holes in her mask, to the other side. Finally, after seeing nothing, Peregrine began to sniff the air. Maybe she could scent something.

    Oh, she got the scent of something all right. She knew that scent. A cruel grin spread over the bat's face. It seemed that it was now play time. The Noivern wasted no time in climbing up a tree, peering through the branches to see a Druddigon, and two shinies. One was not familiar, the other one however was the other Noivern's target.


    With a quiet chuckle, her claws gripped the tree as she watched the trio take to the air. Peregrine's reptilian eyes narrowed as she traced them. Slithering from the tree, Peregrine started off, racing through the forest and weaving through the trees. A quick glance upwards confirmed her thoughts. She was just in front of them. With a grin, Peregrine launched herself up into a tree, causing the flora to shudder and shake as she began to manoeuvre her way through the branches. Finally the Noivern found and opening and she took it, jumping up into the air ahead of the trio, her wings snapping open as she hovered in front of the shiny Noivern in front of her.

    Peregrine's golden eyes sparked mischievously and a wide grin found itself to be planted securely under her mask.

    "Hello there Noiz. Nice to see that ye are still kickin' eh? Been a long time since I've seen ye." Her greeting was nice, but her tone was far from it. In fact, her tone was akin to being sinister.

    Age : 30
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    Post by Kaze Fri Apr 24, 2015 3:46 am

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    Blackthorne City /\ Early Morning /\ 15 /\ 1

    "Where are we heading to if I may ask?" The Drudiggon asks as he lands.
    Noiz snorts, a rush of air noisily forcing its way out of his angular nostrils and leaving a plume of mist in the chilly morning air.
    "The den was pretty much blocked off by rubble so I'm going to shout a hole in it." The Noivern folds in his wings against the chill.
    His crooked claw drags against the ground.
    The Dragon's Den wasn't something he was particularly interested in. It was some sort of underground lake or maybe a system of tunnels that Dragonair lived in and bred in. Humans found the super-rare dragons there so it became a sacred site or something. The main entrance had been covered with rocks and the small space he'd found in the side was too small to allow a full-out assault. Better to clear the rocks and possibly damage what was inside then launch a sneak attack with only one way out.
    Unfortunately it didn't look like things would be that easy. His large ears picked up sounds easily, they're being followed.
    He can hear the movement of trees below, the snap of a branch and rustle of leaves. They're being followed.
    He draws himself up and the ruff of fur on his neck expands with his throat as he inflates his soundmaking organ.
    "Hello there Noiz. Nice to see that ye are still kickin' eh? Been a long time since I've seen ye."
    Hovering in front of him is a familiar lack of face.
    "Hi there bird bitch. Kindly fuck off." He states with the same amount of sincerity and warmth as the other Noivern had.
    He pushes past the other Noiven with the vain hope that ignoring her might persuade her to leave.
    His tail with its two spikes twitches and curls like that of an angry ekans. Rather than raised up on his hind legs he crouches aggressively, the bright red skin of the inside of his ears starting to thrum.
    His wings stick out at his sides as his claws dig into the ground. The fallen rubble of the den is in front of him and the other Noivern probably isn't out of range yet.
    He couldn't care less about the others. Either they got hurt or not.
    The air quivers. The red membrane of his ears vibrates and Noiz makes a noise that seems to be high pitched and low pitched at the same time, running through pitches inaudible to the ear and sustained at such a point he hits the right frequency to make a crack in the rock split wider. The rubble becomes gravel and a billowing cloud of dust.

    Bright eyes the color of a Tamato berry open in the darkness.
    The explosion echoes dully in the confined space, making the rocky walls and the Steel-Type's ears ring as a wave of loud sound breaks over his head. He crosses his massive arms over his head as rubble breaks across the silvery shell of his body. Dust obscures his vision as the rocks fall around him.
    He can't hear a thing but ringing in his ears.
    Slowly his hearing returns. Lumps of rock make small noises as they thump to the ground. The dust billowing around starts to clear.
    The shiny metagross shoulders aside the massive lump of stone and waves aside the curls of dust. His silver metal shell isn't so shiny anymore covered with a thick layer of dust as it is. With one bright yellow claw he wipes the worst of it out of his eyes and shuffles backwards from the tiny blue blob he has been sheltering.
    "Oh wow, the ceiling fell down!" The massive metal spider says cheerfully in a voice that doesn't befit his massive size.
    With a thud he shoulders aside the rocks. Where the barricade he constructed out of rubble was there was now a big hole. The steel type sets his body firmly.
    "Don't worry little friend. I'll keep you safe."

    Age : 33
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    Post by Requiem Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:12 pm

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    Blackthorne City/Inside Den|| Early Morning||17 / 1

    The long magenta dragon following behind Noiz, keeping a good distance behind him. Her mind running with thoughts about what just happened. First Noiz kissed her, the kissed Dirk and shrugged it all off like it was nothing. Was he the one planning something she couldn't just see or what her first impressions of him so wrong. "Where are we heading to if I may ask?" Dirk asked some where behind her, it was a good question that she would have asked herself.

    Curious to the answer Noiz would give now. A close drift of wing running over her as she looked over just as Dirk was about to slam into her as she moved off to the side and he did the same. She gave him a soft curious look, then turned back ahead.

    "The den was pretty much blocked off by rubble-" a enthusiastic feeling came over the dragon as she felt much better hearing those words coming from Noiz himself. "so I'm going to shout a hole in it." he continued. He eyes snapped wide then, shocked that he seemed so carefree about saying that. Nearly falling out of the sky, " Noiz you can't do that, the den is sanctified grou-" being cut off by another.

    "Hello there Noiz. Nice to see that ye are still kickin' eh? Been a long time since I've seen ye." a similar figure to Noiz appeared, but more thin and angular with edges and points.

    Ami blinked looking between the both of them, they seemed to have known each other from a past time?. She lands on the ground, the winged ears fold back half way as she looked up and watched. Behind them. The words were warm but the tone was cold, Amitiel's attention turned to the mask of her face. What was it hiding, a sharp cold face, or a soft curved features. As Noiz landed in front of her near the blocked den, "Noiz don't there has to be another way" she tried to yell at him.

    But a low painful hum pounding at her ear drums, but she winced in agony as her ears rang out from the low powerful sound. " Don't!" even unable to hear her cries of anguish.

    The rock turns to dust as she opened her eyes, listening to the blood rushing in her ears in a low hum. Before clearing stage by stage, regret asking Noiz to help sank in quickly seeing the cave hole. She crawled forward slowly and peered inside.

    The depth were still pitch black, but light had finally priced into the den after so long. A sound of metallic and the faint glow of eyes, looking closer at it she could make out a shadow of something there. "There is something in here." her voice still sounding off to herself as she moved back quickly.

    A shadow of a dark blue pokemon moved behind the blockade, hearing the sound from the other night then voice's. It stopped at a hole just big enough for him to slip in and out of. A low hum, and a pressure inside his head starting. The rocks groan as it moved back, the rock then explode. He tried to run back for shelter, a small rock slamming into his read leg spinning him slightly as he ran back. Dust scratching at his nose dulling the organ to the smells. His ears ringing, he was scared he couldn't hear nor smell anything. His ears clearing up then.

    "Oh wow, the ceiling fell down!" a voice manged to reach him as he turned to the sound. A dull pain in his back hip, as he limped up behind the voice. The block was broken by the voice from last night?, moving up behind a leg of the metal spider. But that would mean that the foul smelling once can once again get into the den and over run.

    Turning his head into the depth, would also mean that those already inside will become active again. "Don't worry little friend. I'll keep you safe." the steel type tries to reassure him, Dysil turned back to Clear. He had so far. The Deino turned back to where the voice's were, "There is something in here."

    ( Had a better post but it vanished when I edited a faulty color code, sorry it's crappy now)

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:03 am

    (Skip Dirk is silent and doesn't interfere with noiz.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Duma Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:49 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    ||Blackthorne City [Outskirts] | Early Morning||
    Her appearance was met as well as the Noivern had expected really.

    "Hi there bird bitch. Kindly fuck off." A dark chuckle emitted from Peregrine as a wicked grin appeared beneath her mask. "Ah Noiz, ye wound me. Why must ye be so cold? It was just a friendly greetin'. No need ta give me the cold shoulder." She remarked back, moving to the side as Noiz pushed past. Peregrine's ears twitched and she clicked her tongue in disapproval. "How cruel." She muttered, standing back to see what the shiny was going to do.

    "Noiz don't there has to be another way" With a scoff, Peregrine's golden eyes slide from one side of the eyeholes in her mask to the other as she studied the Dragonair.  With a quiet purr of thought, Peregrine studied the dragon closely. They could definately be of use to her. The mutated bat slid over to the Dragonair like ink in water. "Don't ye worry that pretty lil' head about Noiz over there. He's always been a stick in tha mud. Tha lad's mind is clouded, so he can't think through tha fog of stupidity." She purred, her grin visible beneath her mask as her golden eyes peeked out from beneath the mask as she looked down at the pink serpent.

    "Don't!" With a light sigh, Peregrine looked over to where the shiny Noivern was beginning to charge an attack. Then the horrible pitches of the attack hit her ears, which snapped back in an effort to reduce the damage as a growl built up in Peregrine's throat. "Ye liver-lipped fool!" She hissed, her jaws glowing with a Dragon Pulse. "Did'ye think that bringin' tha whole fucking cave down on us would be a good idea? Because it sure as fuck doesn't seem like ye're even thinkin' about whatever shit comes out of ye mouth,  attack or otherwise, Noiz." Her voice dropped to a dangerous hiss as she said the next words; "Unless ye want ye're little posse to turn on ye, I'd suggest trying to be more responsible."

    With that, Peregrine moved away from Noiz, her larger wingspan did not allow her the luxury of being able to fold her wings like Noiz did, so she used her wings like front legs, the red claws holding the wing membrane above the ground and pressed flat to her sides so they were not damaged as she walked. "There is something in here." The Dragonair's claim was a little worrying. If there was something in there, what if Noiz's stupidity had cost her the use of another pawn? The Noivern growled quietly at that thought.

    "Oh wow, the ceiling fell down!" The voice was coming from inside the cave, where all the rubble had just fallen. Peregrine listed off the pokemon that probably would of survived that. With a grin, the Noivern re-thought her strategy in this group. If she could get a powerful ally, then knocking Noiz down from leadership would be as easy as flicking her tail. "Don't worry little friend. I'll keep you safe." Rising up to two legs, Peregrine folded her wings tightly against her back like a bird's as her golden eyes watched the rubble closely.

    Age : 30
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    Post by Kaze Mon May 04, 2015 3:25 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Blackthorne City /\ Early Morning /\ 16 /\ 2

    The stone dust clears. A few pebbles drop from the ceiling onto the pile. Noiz's spiked tail whips from side to side. He was a cave dweller by nature and a nocturnal one too. The gloom of the cave below provided no challenge for his eyes.
    "Ye liver-lipped fool!" The other Noivern hisses at him, moving back it time to avoid being caught in his attack.
    "Did'ye think that bringin' tha whole fucking cave down on us would be a good idea? Because it sure as fuck doesn't seem like ye're even thinkin' about whatever shit comes out of ye mouth,  attack or otherwise, Noiz."
    Noiz shrugs his wings and turns his golden eyes on the diminutive eared dragon.
    "Oh? Last time I checked we're not actually in the cave now are we? If you think me blowing up some boulders is enough to magically drag you into an enclosed space and drops rocks on you, let me reassure you if I could do that I already would have."
    Noiz surveys the clearing dust.
    "It's not like I was targeting the cave walls moron." He glares at the other Noivern and scratches the ruff of white fur around his neck.
    "Unless ye want ye're little posse to turn on ye, I'd suggest trying to be more responsible." Peregrine hisses at him privately.
    "You seem to be under the mistaken impression the other two are here for any reason other than to be meat shields." Noiz says plainly. "They want this place back, not me. I'm just here because there might be a decent fight and because they're pretty annoying, kicking up a fuss about wanting to go in."
    He grins like a Sharpedo and leans in closer to the ugly iron mask.
    "Of course if you wanted a kiss all you had to do was ask."

    "There is something in here." Clear blinks the dusty gloom and shoulders aside the last slabs of rock. They crunch as they hit the ground and the squat-bodied Steel Type raises himself up fully. He takes a step and the yellow claws that tip each battering-ram-like foot bite into the ground.
    The dust has largely settled, turning his silvered hide an even paler color.
    "Hello~" The Metagross says cheerfully. He raises one clawed arm. The yellow scarf tied around is is filthy with stone dust.
    "Are you friendly?" The Steel Type blinks and his eyes and they flare with a glow of psychic power. The rubble that is still in the way rolls out of the way as Clear takes a few steps forwards.
    He'd used the same psychic powers to pile up the fallen rocks in a barricade to stop the zombies getting in and he could probably reassemble it if he had more rocks...
    Being careful not to accidentally trample the tiny dragon type under his massive feet he positions himself squarely between the rest of the Den and the newcomer. Maybe they weren't zombies; zombies would have tried to eat him by now...

    Last edited by Kaze on Thu May 07, 2015 12:02 am; edited 1 time in total

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