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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team

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    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:59 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Late Afternoon | 1

    Two amber eyes stood wide open, unblinking as they watched what was left of the waning light leave the sky. Click click click click he chirps lightly to himself, the soft sound bouncing off the close branches of the tree he was in. Yes, it was time. The little Noibat's body shudders with anticipation, wiggling and shifting as it waited for its cue to jump. Exactly what that cue was.. even the Noibat did not know, but it was coming! Muscles tense and black fur fluffed up against a cold breeze Sidgt digs his tiny claws into the bark beneath him. A leaf is torn free and the gust drifts it into the surface of an amber colored sphere. There is a delay before the bat reacts, hardly if at all noticing the feeling of it he only moves at the black blotch in his vision. "I am the night!" He squeals clear into the air before falling from the branch and taking to the sky.

    The bat flies unevenly, rising and falling more then he should with each wing beat. Where was he going? Who cares, he was in the sky! Fly fly fly dive! Tucking in his wings Sidgt plummets back down to earth, relishing in the quick rush of air across his face. Spreading his wings only a few feet from the ground he recovers swiftly and contines his flight now within the collection of human houses. Houses houses but no human humans. Instinct makes him click, the sound lonely in the quiet of the night. The tiny shape should easily be able to avoid smashing into things, his sonar processing much faster then his vision, but the bat is too distracted as his eyes drift up to the beautiful shape of the moon. "Shiny shiny!" He caws, ignoring both senses and ultimately smashing face first into an overgrown shrub.

    The plant shudders and shakes but does not give way as half his body plunges into its spindly hold. The Pecha Berry he had been holding in his scarf falls over the side, dropping down slowly through the branches of the shrub. "No no give it back! Its Sidgt's, give it back!" The bat whines before hissing loudly as he fought to free himself. Sharp twigs held him at every angle, his large ears picking up each little shh of tiny leaves until it was a deafening boom. Shaking his head to escape the sound it only makes it worse and it seemed no amount of kicking or flailing would dislodge him.

    "Let go let go! Do not want, hissssss!" The bush was relentless! The pink colored berry stared at him, supported by the inner branches of the shrub like it was a nest. It was trapped too! "Help us!" Sidgt wails. The bush had taken them prisoner!

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:40 am

    Post 37||Post 1

    [[Post count for Anton continued from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].]]

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    Blackthorne City|| Late Afternoon

    "I am the night!"

    Two serpentine figures paused in the middle of a midday banquet (to loosely interpret the term) as the strange shriek rang out over the abandoned city. Each a stark contrast to the other, they looked to each other before the brighter one, the golden-scaled dragon shrugged before continuing his meal. The darker, purple dragon was not so casual about such a strange occurrence; the gilded goofball he'd decided -against his better judgment- to accompany was too reckless and lazy in Anton's mind. "You don't think we should check that out?" the dragumbra quietly mentioned as he also continued eating, causing the other to stop and stare at his companion.

    "...Are you serious?" Levi swallowed, continuing to stare at his gloomy fellow dragon, which quickly informed him, yes, Anton was serious. Then again, he was always serious. "Relax. I doubt whatever's shouting 'I am the night' into the sky with the voice of a deflating balloon is something we really need to worry about. Just finish your food, dude."

    Of course, the answer wasn't at all satisfactory to Anton. Frowning, he popped the rest of his berries into his mouth in a single swoop of a wing and then leaped into the air, leaving Levi behind to finish his own damn food. Golden eyes watched the shadowed form disappear quickly from sight, their host heaving a heavy sigh before happily popping another berry into his mouth. Whatever. If Anton wanted to go and poke his nose into other people's business, that was entirely on him. Levi was confident that at least Anton wasn't rushing head-first into danger, so there was no need to rush.

    Ebony and lavender wings easily soared over the decimated city, giving Anton all the aid he needed to spy on whomever declared themselves the night in the middle of the day. "N... gi... ba...! Its Si...t's, give... back!" Anton's eyes searched for the source of the strange voice, beginning to circle tightly to better his chances of spotting whatever it was. Unfortunately, even with the aid of the sun and even more screaming, it was difficult. Obviously, whatever was screaming its face off was very, very tiny. "Help us!" Anton stopped his circling, hovering in place a moment as the cry echoed out. Finally, his sharp eyes spotted something flailing in a bush, and he dove.

    Landing with a heavy thud nearby, Anton's permanent scowl deepened a fraction once he saw his quarry; two little legs kicking with all their might against their captor... which would be the bush. Cautiously approaching on all fours, using his wings as forelegs, he silently closed the gap between him and the screeching pair of legs. Unfortunately, staring at it only caused him further confusion instead of giving any answers. "...You should... probably stop screaming," was Anton's quiet advice which was, admittedly,  already much too late to be of any use.

    "So you ditched lunch for a... bush?" Levi called smugly, triggering an involuntary roll of Anton's eyes. Of course the obnoxious snake would have been right on his heels. "I knew you were cheating on me," Levi half sobbed, half guffawed as he landed beside Anton. "What's her name? How long have you been going behind my back? Is this why you don't look at me when we make love?" Levi joked, invoking only Anton's stale, disapproving stare. "No, but seriously, what's in there?" he continued a tad more serious, arching his head around the bush to try for a better look. Once he spotted what looked like a face, he paused. "Heya, buddy..." he cooed with an amused grin. "Ya stuuuuck?"

    [[Boys were too busy with Sidgt to notice sexy-ass Keller XD. If I need to change anything, just let me know]]


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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Starbits Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:12 am

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    Blackthorne | Late Afternoon | 1

    "I think I've wandered too far..."

    The terrain is too rocky for his liking, the sun overhead is too hot for the amount of fluff on a Sylveon, and he's still hopelessly lost. Mouth set in a grim line, Valentine leaps off the large rock he was using to attempt to scout the area.

    "I think I was supposed to start heading east a while back... or maybe it was west...? I've traveled too far north, that much I can tell..." He winces and releases the lip he was biting down on, blood trickling down his chin. That was stupid.

    What to do, what to do...

    He could try going back the way he came. But what would that really accomplish? He can just keep going in this direction... really, his only option is to just keep walking in some direction, any direction. No particular way would help him when he didn't know what he'd be walking towards.

    But the idea that he might start walking further away from the others makes his stomach knot.

    The others...

    He misses his family. Arecus, please let them still be alive... They have to still be alive...

    If they aren't there's literally no point to anything.

    A deep breath in and a shaky sign out. Don't think like that, don't even start.

    Even if the chances of them being alive are so tiny, you still have to keep thinking they could be.

    He nods to himself, a sharp bob of the head, and begins to walk.

    It feels like an eternity, and then...

    "No no give it back! Its Sidgt's, give it back!

    Valentine stops mid-step, one large ear perking towards the noise. That was... that had been a voice...

    "Let go let go! Do not want, hissssss!"

    That is a voice! His ears droop momentarily before he Realizes that he can still get directions from them maybe, or even a traveling partner! Oh, to not be alone anymore!

    He doesn't linger a moment longer. He begins to run, ears flicking to try to pick up the voice again. It didn't sound far away; he must be clo- those are dragons.

    He skids to a halt, warily eyeing the two large Pokemon gathered at a bush. Dragons.

    Dragons can be aggressive and territorial. He has no desire to tangle with dragons whatsoever, even with a type advantage.

    Now what?


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:13 am

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    Blackthorne City /\ Late Afternoon /\ 1

    It's far too early for this shit.

    The shiny Noivern draws his wings closer across his face in a futile attempt to block out the sound. The whole point of him lairing here, in the warmest cave he could find, was that this place was supposed to be quiet. The Noivern's massive ears twitch and with a lazy groan he pulls them down with his berry blue claws. It was just his luck to be born fucking green. He couldn't hide in a regular cave for shit with his pastel skin like a fucking beacon.

    Thinking a few more choice cusses the Sound Wave pokemon unfurls his leathery wings and drops to the ground. His twisted claw scrapes against the rock. It was far too early; the sun was still up! The shiny Noivern blinks its large golden eyes. If it had been a couple of hours earlier he wouldn't have minded getting up so early but this...this was the annoying hour when the sun was at such an angle that looking up at the wrong time could leave you blinded. There was no food to be found in that, only the fucking frustration of having to avoid the sunlight.

    The Noivern extends his wings. Well, it's obvious he wasn't going to get to sleep like this. If anything by the time he got back to sleep it would be time to wake up. Early night it was then. The shiny dragon's chest muscles flex and he crawls forwards across the rocky ground to the edge of the cave. It wasn't much of a cave, more of a depression he had blasted into the rock with Draco Meteor and smoothed over with flamethrower. His short but powerful hind legs bend in to push the weight of his folded wings off the ledge. The dragon angles his head straight downwards as he unfolds his wings. The air rushes over them, turning his descent from his eyrie to a swoop. The taunt red skin of his ears thrums.

    The shiny dragon opens his mouth and sends out a screech of noise too high pitched for anything outside his species to register. It spreads out across the area, being picked up by his sensitive ears. Aside from the usual buildings and trees that he dismisses off-hand there is a shape perched on the roof of the Gym. Knowing whatever it is can see him the Noivern pulls up from his dive. The golden light of the setting sun shines off his studs, turning the silver to gold.

    There will always be time to take care of that. Might as well make the best of being up early. Especially seeing what he can below.

    The shiny dragon folds his wings in at his side and plummets straight down towards his target. At the last moment he unfurls his wings, the skin clearly straining under the pressure. Heavily he lands behind the Sylveon and draws himself up to his, massive for his species, full height.


    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Requiem Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:28 am

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    Blackthorne City|| Late Afternoon||3 (carried over from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]) [1]

    The pink serpent body in the air was almost mesmerizing if any one could have seen her form. The pink scales odd for her normal blue for her species, gave off a slight glowing aura reflecting the afternoon sun light. The Yellow jewels like small suns on her tail and neck, the dark sphere a black hole absorbing the light. The glitter of gold as she moved weightless on large angelic ear wings. Blue eyes looking mostly ahead, the shade of dark sapphires. Yet they were haunted.

    Amitiel already knew where she was going already so she didn't have to scan the surface below. She was going home, empty handed and without aid. The short journey she had taken only leading her to a swamp with one of those ice demons. Her mind swirled with hate but at the same time fear. Her own reaction to that -- creature had disturbed her thoughts and plagued her mind. That hate and fear had long since boiled over and dried up, her mind only focused on getting back home.

    Like a snake she slithers through the sky above the cruel world below, she almost pitied the other pokemon. Unable to leave the earth and retreat to the sky where only dragons and bird types can seek refuge in. Mind drawing blank again, even the air was now threatened by oiled black birds. Having to stay higher in the air then the common bird, here she would have to stay for most of her time till rest was needed.

    Amitel looking down then as her feelings had picked up where she was. Blackthorn city lay below, from here so high in the air it looked partly normal. Starting her descent carefully, scanning the air and ground alike. Getting closer, blackthorn city like most of the world was a mere ghost of it's time of the humans. The sick purple tainted water has caught her attention first. It used to be crystal blue, it had to be just like the water in the den. Looking over at the cave entrance of the den, her home. Driven from it from the creature that dwells hidden inside.

    Amitel knew not all of her kind had fled the caves, she left from fear as well as to seek help. None that she could find that would be able to help them. Looking at the rest of the city, there on the gym roof. A strange pokemon sat there, gold in scales. Was it another dragon, Amitel wasn't sure as she got closer slowly and quietly as her wings made no whisper. It had to be a dragon, not many other pokemon came this close to the dragons den.

    Getting closer then as she announced herself to the dragon, carefully. " A sad sight isn't it?" starting as she stopped near the unknown dragon. Hovering a little as her wings slowed there beat. Never as she seen one of these before only heard through rumors. It was a powerful form, maybe it would be able to liberate the den of the icy nightmare. Looking at the beast, one word came to her mind then pride. It sat there in a very proud stance, on the building.
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    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:05 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Late Afternoon | 2

    The little pink fruit rocks oh so delicately on its bed of branches as the Noibat struggles to free himself. Tiny fingers flex and flick forward, curling around the spindly twigs and tugging that only cause the poor things to snap. The tiny broken twigs look a lot like the old kibble stuff his trainer would give him.. Popping them in his mouth the bat can almost taste the old flavor of the nuggets as he chews, the undesirable dusty bark taste lost as the memory resurfaces. A dull beam of light filters through the leaves and right into his amber eyes, forcing his head upward to allude it but it does not move. The black leash wraps itself tightly in the zigzagged branches and gives no slack for movement. "Neeehhooooo!" This was no fair, no fun, no want! Restriction bad!

    Suddenly there is a heavy thud and Sidgt stops moving for just a moment. While the rumble distracts him its something else that he is drawn to. A hum, a note, a sound that he is all too familiar with. The chirp, the click, the call of his people! Someone was coming! Coming for him! "Eeeerrraaoooowww!" He calls out an indecipherable sound, not at all a response of echolocation but just a jumble of incoherent tones of excitement. "...You should... probably stop screaming," Voice? Here, they were here, here already! Person, other, scream, screaming, SCREAMING!? "Screamiiiinnnngggggg!" The tiny bat wails into the air, a joyful note now fulling his voice. "The song of my peopleee! NEEEEEeeeeehh!" Uncontrollable laughter spurts from his lungs until the Sound Wave Pokemon is thrashing about once more but this time from joy. His people had come!

    Voices bounce against his massive ears but are lost until he quiets himself, laughter turned to panting. "What's her name? How long have you been going behind my back? Is this why you don't look at me when we make love?" While most these words simply float on by the first sentence and the last word manage to stick to his trembling mind. 'nother voice! There was two! He purrs again, flapping his wings to gain height in the sky as his entrapment is forgotten. "No, but seriously, what's in there?" A pair of bright eyes peeps through the foliage and a massive smile spreads across the bats face. "Geee, jee, you! Sidgt loves you! Loves you, looovveeess yooouuu!" Pretty face was there for him, face for him, him face him there face him!

    "Heya, buddy... Ya stuuuuck?" Sidgt nods vigorously, the shrub tugging at his ears and trembling with each tiny movement. "Yeeeee!" He coos, clicking loudly three in rapid succession. Two pairs of tiny black fingers reach forward to touch the brilliant face but are steeply halted by their captor. No, no he needs face touching. Needs, needs face touching. Needs it. A tiny heart beat increases. Why, why wont it give him the face touching! A happy expression turns panicked. "Stuck stuck trap, trapped. Help. Help! Sidgt cant get out! We cant get out, squawk! Heellppp Nyyyeeeeehhhh"

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:06 pm

    Post 38||Post 2

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    Blackthorne City|| Late Afternoon

    "Yeeeee!" Levi chuckled as the little bat shrieked and cried, his exuberance deliciously contagious. "Stuck stuck trap, trapped. Help. Help! Sidgt cant get out! We cant get out, squawk! Heellppp Nyyyeeeeehhhh" Anton flinched against the loud squeals, but Levi shrugged it off. Party-pooper Anton could sulk in the corner for all he cared. This little guy was already hilarious-- much more fun than the skulky shadow behind him.

    "All right, all right buddy, just a sec, lemme get ya," Levi cooed with a good-natured chuckle. Using his delicate hands and arms, he worked his way through the branches to the little flailing thing. Upon finally clearing the twigs, he discovered the little screaming pair of legs was in fact a Noibat, caught in just so many ways in the bush. "Wow, you really screwed yourself up here," he muttered with a smile, carefully untangling the scarf and leash. Once the Noibat -Sidgt, apparently, judging from the shrieking- was free, Levi spotted the little berry in jeopardy near the lower part of the brush.

    "All right, you saved it, now make it stop making those horrible sounds," Anton growled from the shadows, causing his golden companion to scoff.

    "Oh, shut it, Debbie Downer. He seems like a pretty cool guy." He held the berry aloft with one hand, the other supporting the little Noibat. "So is this yours, little buddy? It's a good thing we came along." He shot the bat a wide, warm, charming smile, which only made the dragon lingering in the shadows groan.


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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Starbits Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:38 pm

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    Blackthorne | Late Afternoon | 2

    He watches the dragons speak and listens to the tiny voice shriek. The long golden dragon whose species he cannot name sounds rather... friendly. Listening to him tease his companion (another dragon he can’t name—what even are the odds of that happening anyway) about ditching lunch is somewhat soothing, the playful jabs reminding him of the banter often exchanged between him and his teammates. Even if the other dragon isn’t throwing the banter back so much as just trying to shut him down, it’s still somewhat fun to listen to. Maybe revealing himself wouldn’t be so bad? Maybe?

    He is lost in his thoughts as his eyes watch the tiny Noibat freed from his leafy prison. Seriously, maybe revealing himself wouldn’t be such a bad idea... but how to go about doing that? Just walk right up to them? Dragons are territorial and that could be a really bad idea...

    ... Wait... that’s the sound of rushing air...



    Panic crashes through the Sylveon immediately and he dashes forward from the bushes that were his hiding place, twisting his body around to face the gigantic bat dragon, teeth bared. He could kill himself for freaking out like that. "What in Arceus’s sacred name was that for!? What, do you greet every new person by sneaking up behind them!?" He glances over his shoulder at the gathered dragons before spitting at the albino creature, "I swear that if they take issue with my presence, fight me, and I lose, I will become a ghost Pokemon after death solely to haunt you forever."

    Remaining standing with his legs apart and muscles tensed and coiled, he takes a deep breath to calm down. "I’m not here to try to claim anyone’s territory. I’m just looking for my trainer and my team. If anyone’s seen a human around here, kindly point me their way and I’ll leave you alone." Don’t show fear again. Remain calm. Be polite but firm.

    (It looks like Keller and Amitel haven't revealed themselves to the others yet so this is why Valentine doesn't react to anything they did. Also does not appreciate being startled)


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:22 am

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    Blackthorne City /\ Late Afternoon /\ 2

    The shiny Noivern stretches, his massive wings quivering. The sunlight gleams off the metal of his facial piercings as he runs his tongue along the edge of his mouth. There is a silver stud in the middle of his tongue.
    This was dragon country from top to bottom. A Fairy type had no reason to be here unless they were trying to play Dragon Slayer.
    "What in Arceus’s sacred name was that for!?  What, do you greet every new person by sneaking up behind them!?"
    Noiz grins, showing his teeth. He flaps his wings a fraction. Tiny spirals of wind stir up the dust around his clawed feet.
    "Nah, normally I'd greet you by knocking you out with a Boomburst for hello and a Flamethrower goodbye seeing as I can hear an infant Noibat crying." He snarls and a glow of fire is already lighting up the hollow of his throat.
    He'd be first to admit he wasn't the touchy-feely type but like hell he'll let a Fairy near a crying baby. Especially a Noibat baby. When they were young a Noibat was weaker than a Goomy and most of them in the wild only survived through numbers.
    His massive red-lined ears twitch. The sensitive velvety red lining trembles as it picks up sounds.
    "I swear that if they take issue with my presence, fight me, and I lose, I will become a ghost Pokemon after death solely to haunt you forever."
    Noiz snorts and starts to outright laugh. Type advantage nothing, he could get airborne from a standing start and then carpet bomb with Boomburst until there was nothing left but a red smear on bare rock. Once he was in the air a Sylveon could do but entertain him. But now he is ready to bite down hard and see how much meat he could take off before he could feel those ribbons burn.
    His cold golden eyes start to warm up. He wanted a fight. He wanted to feel teeth dig so deeply into his shoulders he could almost believe he felt pain. He wanted to pretend for that one sweet moment that he was normal. However the Fairy doesn't rise to the challenge. It takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm itself.
    Such a shame.
    "I’m not here to try to claim anyone’s territory.  I’m just looking for my trainer and my team.  If anyone’s seen a human around here, kindly point me their way and I’ll leave you alone."
    Noiz unfolds one massive wing. There are four metal studs driven through the sensitive fold of skin between the ribs. One of the claws on this wing has been twisted in its socket and set crooked. It sticks out in the complete opposite direction as the rest of his claws.
    "This isn't my territory." He says cooly. "I just heard a Noibat crying and thought I should see if it needs a hand out or a cuff around the ear."

    The Noivern yawns and flexes his powerful shoulder muscles. Still early. He was a teenager; he should be sleeping in 'til midnight.
    His ears twitch and swivel towards the source of the sounds. The high pitched noises produced by his evolution line reached a pitch that just irritated most other creatures but it carried like anything. A baby, by the distortion of its words. It's babbling changed from panicked to cheerful so it's safe to assume whatever the other dragons were they weren't eating it.
    Well, he can hardly get back to sleep now. He'll have to make the most of the ridiculously early night but boy is it making him cranky. Maybe he should eat something? He twists his neck until the joints click satisfyingly.
    "Seeing as you don't seem to be here to kill the baby I suppose there's no reason for us to fight. Yet."
    Casually Noiz scratches the ruff of fur around his jaw. The piercings through his bottom lip gleam.
    "And it's still too bright for anything meaningful."
    He pauses to raise a claw in an obscene gesture at the setting sun.
    "So who are you and why are you looking for humans here?" He turns his hard yellow eyes on the Sylveon.
    Though his words sound casual his eyes are near lifeless, cold and calculating. Already he's fishing for information for blackmail.
    Humans, humans he thought were extinct. Their buildings rotted and their oh-so-carefully structured society went to shit.
    What was a fairy doing searching for one? Was he hopelessly naive or was there something he could wring a profit out of here...

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Requiem Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:19 pm

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    Blackthorne City|| Late Afternoon||4[2]

    Amitiel watched the dragon before hearing a voice, "Just something to get used to, though it never gets any easier". This powerful and prideful dragon was female, the dragonair blinks looking at the yellow scaled she dragon closer. Looking at the details of the dragonest. She said something else but Amitiel was now a little distracted. "I am Keller. Shall we go introduce ourselves?" the words came to her attention then. Keller it was a curious name, opening her mouth to reply it just let out a dry breath before trying again. her mouth dry and voice cracked. Licking the inside of her mouth to re moisten it. " Amitiel a pleasure to meet you Keller, honestly."

    She turned around to look at Amitel, who easily feel for the mask. She returns the smile then, her ear wings fluttered. If her scales weren't already pink, a pink flush would have been seen on her serpents face. She didn't know why she suddenly felt this way but it was to late now to back out. Hearing that there were others. Other dragons?, had they been run out of the den as well?. The dragonair blinked then following Kellers gaze to see indeed other dragons. No wonder Amitiel didn't see them being drawn to this female. " Yes I think that would be a wise idea, Keller" she purred her name before quickly looking away ashamed suddenly before leading the way over to the other dragons.
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Nov 20, 2014 4:53 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Late Afternoon | 3

    "All right, all right buddy, just a sec, lemme get ya," The face was so nice! The shrub shudders and shakes at the much larger dragon picks and pulls at its many spindly fingers. Sidgt cant keep himself still, body trembling with excited tingles. "Wow, you really screwed yourself up here," "Yup!" He agree without thinking or really hearing the words. As the bush was worked away and its hold on him slipping the bat made his movements more constructive, pulling away from its leafy embrace instead of just rocking around inside. With a final shhhh from the his captor Sidgt pops back out, falling backward in a tumble of fur and wings into the dragons arm. "Freeeedddddooooommmmmm." He wails giddily, fur puffing up and he regained his sense of direction. His eyes fall on a block of color- The ground, the ground! The Noibat chirps, kicking his feet in the air a few times. It was there again, he could see it! "Nyeh!" He clicks, flipping his wings hard, as he peers up at the now visible sky. Free!

    "All right, you saved it, now make it stop making those horrible sounds," The bat stops, just noticing the other dragons presence. His head cocks to the side so far that he stumbles for a moment, off-balance. That voice, he had heard it earlier but already forgotten its existence as the golden face took control. "Friend!" He calls out to the dark dragon, wings spread wide in joy. "Oh, shut it, Debbie Downer. He seems like a pretty cool guy." Tiny back fingers cover his lips a he snickers. "'Nother friend!" New friends, silly friends. Funny dragons indeed.  "So is this yours, little buddy? It's a good thing we came along." Turning his head to the side Sidgt's amber eyes go wide. "Thats Sidgt's, yes!" He cheers, grin going cheek to cheek as he grabs the soft pink berry. Nuzzling it close he can feel the tiny hairs against his face. Sooo... soft. Sidgt purrs softly, letting the rumble hit all parts of his mouth. "The mean nasty bush took it from me!" He explains to the golden dragon. "Took it then took me too!" His view darts away from the dragon and back to the shrub, eyes wide with danger. It was evil, an evil thing! Lips drawing back he hisses at it, a hint of anger to the sound. "Evil mean shrub."

    ((I can edit if needed Silssss))

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:54 pm

    Post 39||Post 3

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    Blackthorne City|| Late Afternoon

    "Thats Sidgt's, yes!" The pure, unadulterated joy in the little bat's voice broadened Levi's lop-sided grin, unable to keep the contagious excitement at bay. Not like some broody bastards slinking around in the shadows... The bat purred and chirped, obviously much happier than a normal pokemon upon being handed a kind of bruised little berry.

    "The mean nasty bush took it from me!" the little bat cried, to which Levi gasped dramatically, eyes darting to the dastardly bush. "No way!" the golden dragon declared, earning another groan and eyeroll from Anton. It didn't matter to Levi, however. This shit was real.

    "Took it then took me too!" Levi's eyes widened like saucers and his mouth gaped comically at such a compelling, edge-of-the-seat sort of story. The bat's large, adorable eyes dart from him to the bush, where they resided for a moment. The little bat hissed angrily before growling, "Evil mean shrub."

    "In all my years, I've never even known a bush could do that...!" Levi whispered in awe and horror, stalking around the horrible vegetation. "It must have grown on top of a horrible thing, Sidgt. We gotta get rid of it, before it gets anyone else!" But as his voice rose with conviction, he gasped once more and lowered his head to the tiny bat's level. He brought up a delicate claw to his lips, indicating silence. "But we can't let it know our plan, or else it'll get all of us! So come here, act casual, and let's think up a plan of killing that mean old bush once and for all!"

    Anton, on the other hand, had found himself a nice shady perch from which to watch the festivities. Upon hearing Levi's diabolical plan, he groaned and glared at the golden dragon. "Are you kidding me?" he growled flatly. "Levi, you can't think of anything better to do than to wail on a bush? Are you really that dumb or are you just that bored?"

    "Shht shht shht!" Levi shushed, pointing angrily to the bush. "It can hear you, stupid!" he growled in a harsh whisper.

    The wyvern's glare somehow got more stale. "Are you actually serious? You're going to destroy a bush because that shrieking target had the sense of getting stuck in it? How old are you again, Levi?"

    "That bush is a menace. Viva la revolution."

    Anton opened his mouth to reply, but no. Nope. Arguing with one juvenile was dumb enough, but two? Nope. Rolling his eyes hard enough to likely incur retinal damage, he slinked out of his perch to make sure that when the howling wonder attracted the inevitable horde of monsters, he would be nowhere near them. Making his way onto the warmed rooftop of a somewhat held-together house, he spied upon the alleys and streets below, even as he could still hear the "festivities" nearby. As his eyes wandered and searched, his gaze paused upon one of the highest perches in the city... and it looked to be occupied.

    Flaring his wings on instinct, he studied the two serpentine forms. They were somewhat far away for his mundane vision, but he could still spot some features. One was pink and resembled maybe one of his own kind? He couldn't really tell, but he dismissed the idea of a shiny dragonair. After all, he had been one, as had Levi; what were the odds of three shinies all from the same evolutionary family all finding themselves together? But the other was golden and... jade...? He glanced back to Levi and the howler monkey with wings in confusion. No... Was there... another Levi? A shudder ran down his spine. Oh Gods above, he couldn't handle that.

    Fearing rushing headfirst into something that would likely get him killed, he slinked into a more camouflaged portion of the empty house. With the aid of squinting, he could tell that they were facing them... or more likely, Levi and his shiny new toy. He cursed inwardly; it hadn't even been ten minutes and the little brat was already causing problems...


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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Starbits Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:28 am

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    Blackthorne | Late Afternoon | 3

    Okay. Not his territory. And his admission about the Noibat seem legitimate. Shame wells up inside Valentine. His first thought had been for the ease of his loneliness and not for the safety of the Noibat. How selfish.

    The noises the Noibat is making are changing. The vulpine strains his ears, but he cannot make out what is being said. The Noivern makes no effort to leave, instead stretching and looking as though he would prefer a nap to standing and firing off questions. Well. The young one must not be in danger then. Thank goodness.

    "Seeing as you don't seem to be here to kill the baby I suppose there's no reason for us to fight. Yet.

    Kill the baby. The words sink into him. He can feel his eye twitch.

    "So who are you and why are you looking for humans here?"

    Kill the baby. Why would he ever-

    "Y-you..." it’s all he can do to gasp out the word in shock, and he sucks in more air to steady his voice. "You thought I was here to kill a child. Why would I ever-" He cuts himself off. No, he does not want to reveal anything too personal. Not to this person. The dragon knows nothing of his past and sweet gods it’s going to stay that way; he can’t even bear the shame and agony of it to people he likes. "First question: That’s none of your business. Second: because my human and I were separated and I want to find them."

    He doesn’t like that look. That’s not quite exactly a curious look. There’s something calculating there and he doesn’t know what the dragon is after, but he doesn’t want to give it to him.

    (I fucking lost it at “viva la revolution” I already love these two dumb butts.)


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:01 pm

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    Blackthorne City /\ Late Afternoon /\ 3

    The red membrane of the dragon's concave ears flares at the Sylveon's response. He was expecting outrage or bitterness but instead the small vulpine looks like a bucket of cold water has been dumped over its fur.
    "Y-You...You thought I was here to kill a child. Why would I ever-"
    The Noivern struggles to suppress the smile starting to stretch his lips. They raise a fraction before he forces his face back into neutrality. His yellow eyes glare.
    "Please, stutter some more. I don't thing yonder dragons can quite hear all the guilt in your voice." He sneers dismissively, showing a hint of fang.
    Now that was interesting. That tremor in the Sylveon's voice, that tiny flutter of fear or was it guilt? It responded after his question on the human, too shocked by the accusation to answer earlier. Yet its response wasn't of one of horror but something deeper seeped in shame. Something to pry into later for sure. They had just met and already the Noivern had leverage. Just the way he liked it.
    "First question: That’s none of your business. Second: because my human and I were separated and I want to find them."
    "I think maybe it is my business friend seeing as I have no love for humans." He extended his wings, making sure his many piercings shone brightly. "If you won't tell me how can I be sure you're not trying to trap me?" His golden eyes are cold. "But I'll tell you this for free, I haven't seen any humans around here."
    His own past was something he would keep sharply guarded. Dwelling on it did nothing but make him feel sick.
    The shiny Noivern tilts back his head and lets out a high pitched cheeping sound that vibrates the membrane of his ears. It is pitched fat higher than human ears could follow and even to other pokemon it was more likely to register as an uncomfortable bubbling in the inner ear than anything audible.
    To the bat-like pokemon, specifically the Noibat line it would ring clearly.
    The sound was an audio equivalent of a question mark.
    Noiz bends back down, his tufted tail sweeping along the ground.
    "Shall we go introduce ourselves?" He growls, extending his wings on either side of his body to trap the fairy in.
    His mouth is grinning but his eyes remain curiously emotionless. Even with his leathery wings folded in at his sides he can move at a swift place. His berry blue claws, one twisted uselessly back on itself, gouge at the earth as he scurries towards the clear noise of the noibat's voice.
    Soon, soon it would be dark and if needed he could blast these intruders into a paste. Until then he would learn as much about them as possible.

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Requiem Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:16 pm

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    Blackthorne City|| Late Afternoon||5[3]

    Amitiel following Keller over to the other dragons, as they got closer she looked again a few more times at Kellers body. Watching it ripple with mussels under the golden scales. The Eyes seemed focus and deep in thought, piercing yellow that looked like she could see through anyone. Amitiel has a slight wonder if Keller could see right through her now, as she watched Keller. 

    As they got nearer to the rest of the group she saw, more of her line that she knew of or heard about. She had to blink a few times seeing a double, she looked at Keller then the other. He looked alot more thick so she presumed he was male, she looked over him with ease. She saw a darker shape more away from the others, maybe it would come back.

    She looked between them and saw a small violet bat pokemon, one that was unknown to Amitiel but it was a small tiny pokemon compared to the others. Amitiel looked around a little more seeing a greater white bat and a small pink vulpine like pokemon also on the move over. All males, brutish males from just looking at them. Her eyes shift back to Keller who hasn't said a word yet.

    Amitiels long pink scaled body waves a little in the air as her white plumage of her ears 'flap' slowly. As they neared the other dragonest and the small noibat, " Hello There" her voice crystal clear and soft like silk as she lower her serpent body to the ground near the group but not to close to start something in case they were hostile.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:15 am

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    Blackthorne City | Late Afternoon | 4

    "In all my years, I've never even known a bush could do that...!" The tiny bat nods furiously. Shrubbery was the pinnacle of malicious, the ultimate evil. "It must have grown on top of a horrible thing, Sidgt. We gotta get rid of it, before it gets anyone else!" Grown on top of a horrible thing... Grown on top of a horrible thing?! The bat shakes with emotions he doesnt understand. Was that even possible! Possible it was. Yes, possible! It had to be, that must be where the bad plants come from like poison ivy, nightshade, and yew berries. The sudden realization widens his already massive pair of eyes. Lips spreading wide Sidgt's pointed teeth gleam in the sinking sunlight when he spots the universal sign of silence. The looks freezes dumbly on his face, unsure how to continue. "But we can't let it know our plan, or else it'll get all of us! So come here, act casual, and let's think up a plan of killing that mean old bush once and for all!"

    Tiny black fingers close and hold onto his lips. Sharp fangs still manage to chatter though, and as the Noibat leaps to the ground his hands must free themselves so they can flap and flutter with tiny hops. Casual, right. Caaasooohal. With a nod the Sound Wave Pokemon starts to call, letting out high-pitched clicks only a bat like himself could understand. Beautiful. "Are you kidding me?" The other dragon didnt understand the song of his people. That was, a shame. "No way, woohey!" He snickers, chirping with each tiny hop. "Shht shht shht! It can hear you, stupid!" Dropping down to all fours the tiny Noibat sinks his fangs into the dirt. The Dragest may of been talking to the other dreg but he was the one making noise. Nu nu stupid stupid. Scraping his fangs along the dirt he assures no sounds will escape from his own vocal cords.

    "Are you actually serious? You're going to destroy a bush because that shrieking target had the sense of getting stuck in it? How old are you again, Levi?" "That bush is a menace. Viva la revolution." The creature goes very still, his eyes blank yet locked on the green form in front of him. Destroy a bush, a menace. Destroy the menace?! He doesnt even notice as one of the dragons flies away. One thought and all its entitlements rolls around in his skull- Destroy the menace, stop the evil, save the world. "Destroy the menace!" Sidgt wails as he flings himself on top of the shrub. Spreading his wings and legs wide the bat stretches across its spindly surface. It creaks and shudders, supporting the bat perfectly fine with its evil branches. "Stop the evil!" Ssshshhhhh the bush hisses back. A fight?! "Save. The. World!" Tiny black fingers grab at the small twigs and stems, ripping the weak ones free and tearing off the little leaves at their ends. Grabbing again and again Sidgt strips any area in reach of his hands, throwing the leaves and small twigs into the air. Not enough.. not enough! Thrusting his face straight into the branches the Noibat sinks his fangs around the closest stick.

    "Hello there," Voice? The bat doesnt stop his mad dance of destruction. "Have you been here long? We are new and could use some other friends," Another voice. Friends. A stupid wide grin crosses his face and a thin branch snaps between his teeth, a dry dusty taste coating his tongue as he pulled out to greet the voice. "My name is Keller." It.. it was the golden face, but in stereo! Wide Amber eye flicks between the two golden dragons, unsure if they were both real or just a reflection. Movement from above catches his attention. Another thing? Pink, shiny, pretty thing. With the spindly branch still clasp between his jaws Sidgt coos with delight just seeing its sparkly scales. In an attempt to walk up to the new Pokemon, oh he just had to touch them, he forgot his own position and falls dumbly to the ground in a bundle of black fur and beige cloth. "Destroyed the menace!" He chimes, shuffling to regain himself.

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:47 am

    Post 40||Post 4

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    Blackthorne City|| Late Afternoon

    "Destroy the menace!" Levi was having the time of his life watching Sidgt fling himself upon the horrible bush that once trapped him, hissing at the shrub which shifts under his weight. "Stop the evil!" he declares in reply to the shrub's hiss of an answer. "Save. The. World!" With a final battlecry unleashed, his small fingers gripped and tore at the bush's wooden claws, snapping twigs and limbs in a tornado of tiny fury. Levi -somewhat unsuccessfully- stifled a snort, his hand against his mouth to prevent any stray laughs from escaping. This was Sidgt's battle. His victory. And it would be really shitty of him to just burst out laughing, even if it was completely and utterly hilarious.

    But with him being so preoccupied with Sidgt's dire battle against the Dark Bush Lord, Levi didn't even notice the two other dragons that swooped down to them until he heard a soft voice behind him. "Hello there." Levi turned to see two of the most beautiful creatures he'd seen since his own reflection. The familiar rosy tinge to one of the dragons' scales indicated her shininess, but... as his eyes rested on his mirror's form, he felt his breath hold. He had no idea there was another like him, another weird evolution with golden scales. While the irony was not lost on him that there were now four shiny dragonair cousins, himself and Anton included, he was so smitten with the idea that he could just stare at himself, essentially, all he wanted without Anton nagging at him. "Have you been here long? We are new and could use some other friends."

    I'm sure you are... Levi's face erupted into a lop-sided grin, eyes glancing the two new pokemon over curiously. "My name is Keller," his reflection quipped, causing his grin to widen. He bowed slightly, something he'd learned from that angry old bastard of a dragalge.

    "'Keller'? I won't be forgetting it," he purred, eyes almost incapable of leaving hers. Oh, no. He knew he'd be saying that name quite a lot. Heheheheheheh... Sidgt soon toppled to the ground from the defeated, however, humiliated corpse of the bush, triumphant. The situation immediately changed.

    "Destroyed the menace!" he cried, causing Levi to tear his eyes from the captivating beauty in front of him to the little bat. His grin grew more jovial, quickly glancing to the bush in question. "How did you even do that?!" he cried in exhilaration; it would have been difficult to discern whether the excitement was genuine or only for the child's entertainment. "It was so mean, so brutal! And you did it... all by yourself..." He paused and stared at Sidgt, awe and adoration filling his expressive face. "I... we," he corrected himself as he wrapped a small, delicate arm around Keller and the unnamed dragonair, ..are eternally indebted to your victory."

    Anton watched from afar, not pleased but not surprised by the turn of events. It wasn't shocking that the two from the tower had made their approach; he only hoped that he'd managed to escape their sights in time. Though it did shock him to see not only another shiny of his evolution family, but another Levi, golden scales and all. How... WHY... Stumped mute with shock, he merely watched as Levi, predictably, began to flirt with his double. Because the person he loves most in this world is himself. Why look for anything lesser, right, Levi? You disgusting, narcissistic prick... he growled inwardly, keeping his position. There was no way he'd reveal himself before he knew these newcomers were at least reasonable.

    And if that other golden dragon was just like Levi, he was just going to leave.

    (Took some liberties. PM me if I need to edit.)


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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Starbits Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:05 pm

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    Blackthorne | Late Afternoon | 4

    "Please, stutter some more. I don't thing yonder dragons can quite hear all the guilt in your voice."

    He does stammer, words of outrage tripping over themselves. Yes, he feels guilty, but usually others mistake that guilt for some other pain. And it’s not like it was just guilt alone—there’s plenty of fear and grief there too. There are lots of emotions that are stirred up at reminders of his past. Why did this Pokemon seize on the guilt alone? How did he even know it was there? Was that a lucky guess?

    Surely his hearing isn’t good enough to detect direct emotion!

    And even if it was, surely he would have picked up the other emotions; why focus on only the guilt unless he was planning something...?

    He doesn’t like this. Gods, he doesn’t like this. This Pokemon is clearly hostile, but not in an outright way, and that is frightening. He can’t justify attacking him with a viable reason, and his musings could all just be paranoia.

    "I think maybe it is my business, friend, seeing as I have no love for humans." The bat spreads his wings, and Valentine doesn’t so much as flinch, though his eyes do stare at the piercings with confusion. "If you won't tell me how can I be sure you're not trying to trap me?" His golden eyes are cold. "But I'll tell you this for free, I haven't seen any humans around here."

    Doesn’t like humans. At all. A wild Pokemon? Makes sense; wild Pokemon tend to hate humans at most and distrust them at best.

    A funny noise. No, not a noise. A funny feeling in his ear. He paws at it, annoyed with it for wrecking his concentration.

    Something about the conclusion he came to does not add up. What doesn’t add up?

    "Shall we go introduce ourselves?"

    Wait a second.

    "You’ve had a bad experience with humans." His eyes remain on the piercings. "That’s the only way you could have gotten that jewelry in your wings. You had a bad experience with humans and now you don’t like me because I have a human." He sighs, staring at the outstretched wings in exasperation. "Look, I don’t want to go talk to anybody. And especially not you. I’m not naive; you’re looking for an excuse to become hostile, and you’re possibly hoping they will too. I don’t want trouble, I don’t want to trap you; I want to find my human and my family and leave. I appreciate you telling me you haven’t seen any humans around; thank you for your time. Now please move and I’ll be out of your hair."

    (Val is very analytical and remembers everything; be careful what you tell him. He will store it away and pull it out again if he needs it, which your character miiiiiiight not like.)


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    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    little fairy

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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:12 am

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    Blackthorne City /\ Late Afternoon /\ 4

    Immediately the fairy tries to object. His eyes focus intently on the piercings, multiple lumps of shiny steel and green stones that protruded from the flesh of his wings, ears and face. Toying with the sizable stud he sticks out his tongue to show off the piercing through that as well.
    "See something you like?" He hisses, stroking his twisted claw in a teasingly coy fashion along the curve of his jaw.
    Not that anything in the Fairy's gaze indicated arousal but Noiz disliked the way his eyes were lingering. He had no time for half-assed flirting. Maybe he was musing on the pain of having piercings put in such sensitive areas, not that he had felt a thing. Even the ones through his ears just felt dull, the same as if he had pressed them there with his claw.
    The tongue piercing though, that one had felt quick and hot. He had enjoyed it. It had almost felt painful.
    "You’ve had a bad experience with humans. "That’s the only way you could have gotten that jewelry in your wings. You had a bad experience with humans and now you don’t like me because I have a human."
    Noiz's yellow eyes fixate on him and the green dragon grins, an action that only serves to show off his teeth.
    "Figured that out all on your own did you? I would say you're not as stupid as you look but seeing as you seem to think you being a dragon killer isn't a good enough reason to dislike you I think that praise would be premature."
    "Look, I don’t want to go talk to anybody. And especially not you. I’m not naive; you’re looking for an excuse to become hostile, and you’re possibly hoping they will too. I don’t want trouble, I don’t want to trap you; I want to find my human and my family and leave. I appreciate you telling me you haven’t seen any humans around; thank you for your time. Now please move and I’ll be out of your hair."
    With a sweep on his wing he lifts the red leather over the Sylveon's head, twisting his own neck around to look at the Fairy Type.
    "You wanted to ask around to find your human right? Are you just assuming that they won't know more than me?" The Noivern turned away, his crooked claw scraping over the hard ground. "This is Dragon Country. No-one's going to give you a warm reception."
    Apparently ignoring the Fairy Type but keeping his ears pricked up just in case they tried anything Noiz clambers roughly over the verge. Raising his head he calls out again, the little ball of Noibat fuzz now edging into view, clutching a stick proudly in its tiny jaws.
    Far closer by is dark scaled Pokemon Noiz doesn't recognize. He supposes it was a dragon but who knew these days. The thing could be a water type or, knowing his luck, another fairy for all he knew. Plus it wasn't just that. More unfamiliar and brightly colored dragons have clustered around one spot. No doubt the stupid little dragon had drawn them all in with his squalling and the thing was still squeaking at the top of his lungs.
    "Hey." He nods at the dark-scaled thing that at least had the sense to watch from a distance. Crouched against the verge he could probably glide in, pluck up the tiny dragon like a berry and be away before the others give chase but he isn't that altruistic as to dive blindly into an unknown danger to save a stranger. "Mind telling me what's go on?"

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Requiem Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:02 am

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    Blackthorne City|| Late Afternoon||6[4]

    Amitiel curling her coils around herself as she watched Keller land on her paws, watched the legs bunch with muscle under the weight. Amtiel tilts her head to watch, trance out for a second.   "Have you been here long? We are new and could use some other friends," the dragonair blinked then coming back to reality from the soft but firm voice of Keller - ' What did she say we?' her mind quickly thought.  Looking to the others that where there, "My name is Keller.". ' Keller' she said the name quietly in her head a few times then. Her serpents body losing it's firm stance a little before straitening herself out. She hadn't given her name yet, how thoughtless of her. " Amitiel, pleased to meet you"

    A movement and a voice drawing out her attention to the rest of what was there as a small purple bat like critter walks out from the bush. It had a branch in it's mouth, she watched it come closer her smile grew back into a warm welcoming emotion. Before it falls from the branch to the ground, the dragonair shifted slightly ready to go see if it was okay or not but she sat where she was seeing that it was fine.  "Destroyed the menace!" She blinked a little confused at first looking up to the bush in question. Seeing that it did look a little beat up, she titls her head the smile faded around the corners a little before looking down again and the smile regained it lost power.

    Next was the clearly male version of Keller, Amitiel would admit he was nice to look at just not her taste. As he moved toward Keller, the dragonair shifts slightly in annoyance but doesn't do much of anything else. Before he turned back to the small bat,"How did you even do that?!" she looked between the male and the bat before looking over to the bush in question then back again."  "It was so mean, so brutal! And you did it... all by yourself..." she understood what was going on a little then as her smile brightened even more for the small bat dragon.  "I... we,"- 'We?' as his arm wrapped around her and she tensed for a second looking back at the male a little but tried not to show her discomfort. She looked over at Keller and could see maybe the same feeling in her as well. "are eternally indebted to your victory." , Amiteil remained where she was as much as she wanted to duck out.

    " Yes thank you for saving us from the evil" she said softly with with happy tone. Looking back to the group that was here, " so what do we call you sir and our little hero?" she asked as she looked between the two in question a curve of a warm smile " and if I can ask what brings you out all the way out here?" Sliding out from under his arm as her ear 'wing' twitched jingling the two gold hoops, as she coiled again with her serpents shape.

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    (ACE) The DRAGON Team Empty Re: (ACE) The DRAGON Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:44 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Late Afternoon | 5

    "How did you even do that?! It was so mean, so brutal! And you did it... all by yourself..." Simply the look on Levi's face was getting him excited to the point of panting. Seeing two golden faces near made the bat hyperventilate. "I... we, ..are eternally indebted to your victory." Tossing around in the heap of himself the Noibat struggles to regain his footing. Each movement seemed to trap him further in his own garbs but somehow he managed to stand properly with the smile never leaving his face. Sidgt bounced gleefully on the spot, shaking the branch like some trophy of their triumph. "We did it, we did it!" He chirps, unable to take the honor all to himself. Everyone saved the world!

    "Yes thank you for saving us from the evil." Pink scales had such a pretty voice but golden face as prettier. "So what do we call you sir and our little hero?" Each short pant was gaspy and loud but somehow the bat managed to squeal while shaking his branch, "Sidgt defeated the bush menace, yes!" He beams with delight to all three brightly colored faces. They had all been in danger and didnt even know it. Something awful could of happened if it werent for him! Pride swells in his small heart. "And if I can ask what brings you out all the way out here?" Oh! The Noibat barks softly to himself, shocked that he had forgotten about his passenger. Carefully taking the Pecha Berry out from his scarf he waves it in front of the other dragons with his free hand. "Food times, yes! Tis the night for the foods!"
    Two large amber eyes look away from the other living creatures and lock on the pink berry's bruised form, the branch falling to the ground as both hands grasp it. Gosh he was hungry.. Falling back on his rump the Soundwave Pokemon sinks his pointed fangs into the fruit, sweet juice squelching out the sides of his cheeks. Sidgt's massive ears quiver at distant noises but he does not react- there was food to be ate even though most the juice was now running down his face and hands.

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