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    Capulet the Zangoose & Montague the Seviper


    Age : 32
    Posts : 749

    Capulet the Zangoose & Montague the Seviper Empty Capulet the Zangoose & Montague the Seviper

    Post by NyraXerz Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:17 pm

    Capulet the Zangoose & Montague the Seviper CapMonty

    Text Color; #C22E28

    Level 43
    Crush Claw , Slash, Pursuit, Razor Wing (Egg)
    Somewhat Stubborn
    National Dex No./Species;
    #335 Zangoose / The Cat Ferret Pokemon
    Pokédex Entry;
    Zangoose usually stays on all fours, but when angered, it gets up on its hind legs and extends its claws. This pokemon shares a bitter rivalry with Seviper that dates back over generations.

    Capulet was bred in captivity and became the second pokémon of an aspiring behaviourist living in the Kanto region. He was quickly reared into the perfect pokémon – intelligent, obedient and an enthusiastic, talented battler. The human couldn’t ask for much more. The first few years with the trainer were the happiest of the zangoose’s life and he built up a close bond with the human; rapidly rising in strength and desperately loyal to the man he’d come to love. The human’s team continued to grow as he tackled the pokémon league and began travelling from region to region – studying the variation of species whilst continuing to train up his collection of pokémon to allow further exploration of the land. However, things took a dramatic change when the team took their studies to the Hoenn region.

    On their travels, the human came across a wild seviper. He’d heard of a certain dislike between the serpent’s species and zangoose but had never actually believed the rumours, so in his curiosity, he sent Capulet into battle. Instincts kicked in and Capulet battled furiously, mercilessly against the snake – likely to have murdered the creature had the trainer not put a halt to the fight, instead opting to capture the seviper. He was later named Montague. Fascinated with the unexplainable hatred towards each other, the human intended to use the relationship between seviper and zangoose to break into the industry of behaviourism and maybe even prove it wrong. In the following months, Capulet was seldom released from his pokeball as the trainer dedicated his time to training up Montague, ensuring that on the occasion the pair met, they would be of equal strength. In this time, Montague was tamed and formed a strong respect for the human – he appreciated the man’s assistance in his training, but was completely unaware of its purpose. Capulet’s respect for the human was quickly deteriorating though. He hated sharing his human with such a creature as Montague and intended to eventually remove the snake once and for all.

    The moment Montague had reached the same level as Capulet, the human was eager to arrange a second meeting of the pair, notebook and pencil at the ready. Upon release, Capulet lunged at the snake to which Montague quickly retaliated, before the trainer’s voice commanded them to stop their actions. Both pokémon reluctantly obeyed and instead remained still, both tense but tolerant of each other’s company. The human used this to his advantage. If he could expose the pokémon to one another for a few hours a day, maybe in time, a tolerance or even a friendship could emerge between the two. Capulet and Montague thought otherwise, but both remained reluctant to disobey orders. As time progressed, there was little improvement. The pair would fight until the human came to break it up, and as he grew increasingly frustrated, he decided to quicken the bonding process by forcing the pair to stay together. Attaching the pokémon with a thick, metal chain short enough to prevent them from fighting one another, he began to use them in double battles – startling the enemy as well as bullying Capulet and Montague into relying on one another in order to emerge victorious. After a week of this treatment, both pokémon were growing to passionately despise the human but slowly become more tolerant of one another; they had no choice.

    As news of the epidemic hit the screens of Sinnoh, panic sparked in the trainer’s mind. He was convinced that he was making progress with Capulet and Montague, and was reluctant to release them into the wild – all his time and effort studying, just gone. Instead, he confined the pair into the attic of his home – still chained to one another whilst he awaited the news to die down into nothing; surely it was some kind of hoax. The human was desperately wrong and within a week the city had become infested with the undead. He was one of the first to die.

    Capulet and Montague remained in the attic for just over nine days, living off a supply of berries and water and growing increasingly irritable. They’d often nip at one another, attempt to scratch faces – whatever the chain would permit. But sometimes, they’d just sit there in silence; begin a conversation before instincts kicked in once more. It was a hostile relationship, but they remained obedient to the human, waiting for his return and completely unaware of the carnage beyond their home. They were enlightened when a group of infected gliscor crashed through the window. Startled but ready, the pair battled together to quickly murder the creatures and after awkwardly escaping through the window, witnessed what had become of the city. Bodies littered the streets and they were led to presume that they were the only survivors in the area. Shocked at the news, both pokémon agreed on a temporary truce as their first interest was to remove the chain, but after multiple attempts, they found the task impossible. Infuriated by the realization that they were going to live out an epidemic chained to their nemesis, the pair reluctantly set off into the wilds, desperate to find a survivor to finally give them their freedom.

    Text Color; #6F35FC

    Level 43
    Crunch, Poison Fang, Iron Tail (Egg), Flamethrower (TM)
    Shed Skin
    Highly Persistent
    National Dex No./Species;
    #336 Seviper / The Fang Snake Pokemon
    Pokédex Entry;
    Seviper's swordlike tail serves two purposes - it slashes foes and douses them with secreted poison. This pokemon will not give up its long-running blood feud with Zangoose.

    Montague was born in the wilds of Hoenn and was unfortunate enough to have never known his father. His mother however, was a frail seviper that was prone to bouts of severe paranoia, so from a young age, Montague took on the responsibility of caring for her. He didn’t have much of a childhood, but he never let it bother him – he had no problem assuming the role of carer and rapidly grew into a powerful, protective young creature. Life was fairly blissful, albeit somewhat restricted for just over four years until Montague’s mother passed away in her sleep. He was devastated with the loss, soon burying and mourning the body as he began wondering what he had left in his life. Before he could find a suitable answer, he was suddenly approached by a trainer. Instincts kicked in to protect his mother’s grave and he lunged at the human. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been prepared for the retaliation.

    The trainer immediately sent his zangoose into battle and Montague was shocked at the creature’s aggression. Unlike most of his kind, Montague was unsure how to react to the creature but fought viciously out of a need to protect himself from the bombardment of attacks. He soon found himself losing however and the blood loss was making him dizzy – Montague would probably have been killed hadn’t the human halted the zangoose’s actions. He slipped into unconsciousness as the red light of a pokeball engulfed him.

    Note: The rest of Montague’s history is the same as Capulet’s.


    User Note;
    - Montague is the younger of the two but has far better control of his instincts concerning the rivalry between his species and zangoose. He’s rarely the one to start the fighting.
    - Capulet, on the other hand, is a lot more irritable. He’s naturally short-tempered and since being chained to Montague, has grown increasingly aggressive and hostile. He is a few years older and has had no previous contact with seviper other than Montague.  
    - As much as they hate to admit it, the pair work surprisingly well together and have begun to accept one another regardless of their species.
    - The chain prevents them from battling against each other and due to its short length neither creature can break it without wounding the other. They found out about this shortly after their escape from the attic, when Capulet’s attempt to break it produced a foul gash on the side of Montague’s head. Capulet didn’t mind the damage but when the blood drew out the infected, the pair realized that it was a bad idea to be chained to a heavy, injured pokémon. This is also what has prevented them from killing each other – the knowledge that they’d have to drag a corpse around with them.

    - Named after the two feuding families in Romeo and Juliet.

    -Adopted from Snitch


    Capulet the Zangoose & Montague the Seviper Yx8XtF9

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