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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team


    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by NyraXerz Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:32 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 6

    The mother's sudden charge causes the floatzel to stumble backward several steps. Aqua is about to turn around fully to get out of Armonia's way, but the rapidash's sudden stop makes her stop as well.

    "You...you aren't going to hurt my baby?"

    "No Ma'am. I wouldn't think of hurting a child." The sea weasel side steps to allow Zak more room to reunite with his mother. A smile spreads across her muzzle as this single moment of something beyond horror and fighting takes place. However, the moment is not to last.

    "She won't burn. She is fire-- you should bleed her instead. Bleed her dry; bleed the lake sloshing around in her overstuffed belly. Bleed the life out of her jiggling chest and rump. Bleed her like a fat, stuck pig."

    In an instant the smile evolves into a scowl on her beige muzzle. Brown eyes narrow and dart to the source of the voice which is not hard to find as the poison type steps forward...with its unblinking red gaze...it's enough to make the floatzel's skin start to crawl. This pokemon is not involved in the equines' quarrel...Why would it possibly be trying to egg the already enraged ponyta on!? The reasoning escapes her, but as the radeon continues to stand firm in its position Aqua narrows her brown eyes. This situation might have just gotten twice as dangerous...now as the weasel braces herself as a precaution to danger her narrowed gaze looks over the grouping of eevees and grey furred ponyta.

    The tense air surrounding the situation is so thick it masks the presence of the injured lucario and meowth from her completely. She has little time to be focusing on what else could be watching from the bushes when what is already in sight is plenty dangerous.

    "Bleed her."

    "You're sick."


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 37
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Fox Thu Sep 26, 2013 6:54 pm

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    Near Route 45 || Night || 9|5

    (warning, sensitive content. prepare for sexist asshole ahead)

    The dark ponyta screamed in shock and pain as the searing water blasted him to the ground, the super-heated liquid sinking into his pelt like razor-sharp claws. His large body hit the ground with a thud. Lifting his head painfully, he ignored the sizzling beads of water on his side and chest as he stared with devastation in his gaze.
    That's...that's not Riku...
    But he called her 'momma'...
    ...It can't be...
    She couldn't...
    She has another...
    She left...then started over...

    She left us to die...
    Forgot about us...

    "You...you aren't going to hurt my baby?"
    "Momma," the foal whimpered as he watched the Rapidash quickly come to his rescue. The dark horses’ heart shuddered, his breathing halted. "You hurt Momma?" The horse lay there, open-mouthed and shuddering as tears unknowingly streamed down his face. "I'm alright little sweetling. Not to worry." 

    “Shad...Shad!” The gray Eevee hissed as he dashed to the fallen horses’ side. “You okay?!” Ghost asked wildly, his eyes alight with rage. Shadowfax only stared blankly, his gaze unmoving from the two equines.
    She started over...she left us...
    She left us...
    Mother left us...

    Ghost drew closer, tilting his head in aggressive confusion as he peered into his eyes. “...Shadow…” He said quietly, his sapphiric eyes searching the horse for any sign of reaction, the slightest hint of worry shimmering in his eyes.   "I can help you only if you let me baby," The delicate equine called out to them. The gray Eevee froze as he hovered over the dark horse, his fur bristling as he listened to her words. "I don't know what happened but when I came back to the cave all of you were gone. I searched for weeks and couldn't find you...I thought...I thought..."

    The small Eevee snapped around, his ears flattened against his head. “No, you dumb bitch! You didn’t think!  It’s not your fucking place! TO THINK!” He snarled loudly, his voice rising in volume as he stalked closer to the two females and child.
    "...She won't burn. She is fire-- you should bleed her instead. Bleed her dry; bleed the lake sloshing around in her overstuffed belly. Bleed the life out of her jiggling chest and rump. Bleed her like a fat, stuck pig."
    Ghost paused, his deep blue eyes narrowing on the purple fox before a malicious grin split his dark lips, revealing long, white teeth.
    "Bleed her."
    “Bleed her…? Oh shit, I like your style!” He snarled gleefully, stalking closer. “Which one should we gut first? The bitch or her pathetic excuse for a boy?” He gloated, slowly making his way around the group. “From the sound of it, she’s a deserter. Left Shadowfax to die...that meant death in my clan. So...should she watch, or should she die first, knowing that we’ll take our time in tearing up Little Boy Blue?”

    "You're sick." The water weasel retorted. Ghost chuckled loudly, his body beginning to glow faintly with the energy for a Take Down. “Oh you dumb hoe-bags, with your feels and your tears.” He sneered, flitting past the orange weasel. “Only good thing about you is what’s between your legs.” He muttered as he passed, trotting to the large equine. “I dunno, Floppy. What do you say? Should we choose, or let mommy decide here?" The gray Eevee snarled darkly, the energy beginning to spike around him. "After all...mother always knows best."

    (Okay, caught up. Next turn, Shadow is gonna charge in and attack Ghost and Dis. Ghost is gonna lunge for Zak, right before getting tackled)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:26 am

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    Near Route 45|Night

    “No, you dumb bitch! You didn’t think!  It’s not your fucking place! TO THINK!”

    Armonia was a little taken aback by the tiny fox as he screamed at her, not sure where such a tiny thing stored such venom within him. Truly his soul must be completely corrupted which is why one of his kind was so attached to her Shadowfax. He used up his own soul so now he needed to leech from another. Suddenly angry the delicate female stood to her full height and began scoring at the ground with her right foreleg, hoof scraping the ground with a harsh grind. “You be quiet you sinister little imp! This conversation doesn’t concern you, it is between myself and my blood. I spent all this time thinking my children were DEAD so I will not have you poison my baby anymore against me than you already have!”

    She was so wrapped up in her own speech she missed the one being given by the purple eevee-like creature, hers ending just in time to hear him utter the two most frightening things she had ever heard anyone say. "Bleed her." Armonia’s blood froze as she stared in shock at the drooping male, her eyes wide in horror as the Eevee seemed more than appreciative for the advice. Her shimmering orbs darted back and forth between the gray fox and her son as her heart pounded, hoping with all her might that Shadow wouldn’t listen. He…he couldn’t…he wouldn’t

    He began to pace around her, as though a vulture in another life, jovially tossing around the idea of whom to kill first. Every time Zakai was brought up the foal would press himself closer into his mother’s back legs, his small frame to short to properly hide beneath her as he wanted to. This Eevee was scary and Zakai didn’t like it. The blue Ponyta kept rotating to make sure the smaller Pokemon was never behind him, a lesson his mother had made sure to drill into him, but in doing so caused himself to get dizzy. Zakai fell to his knees quickly just as the fox stopped talking and cried out in pain when a sharp stone stuck into one of the sensitive joints. “Zakai!” Armonia called, quickly stepping over her child so she could turn around and check on him. She nosed him gently as the boy began to cry, glaring at the Eevee all the while.

    "If you touch him, devil, I will not hesitate to kill you.”

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:57 am

    Post 4

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    Near Route 45|Night

    Dis hadn't anticipated the little Eevee to have been so welcoming of his idea. “'Bleed her'…? Oh shit, I like your style!” The imp reveled in the idea, his malicious snarl gleaming in the still burning fire's light. Dis' unblinking crimson gaze swiveled to the gray fox, curious. “Which one should we gut first? The bitch or her pathetic excuse for a boy?” The boy gloated, eyeing the pair of mother and child like meat. Which, wasn't all that objectionable; they were meat. His mind quickly scrolled through the options as little Imp narrated his thoughts. “From the sound of it, she’s a deserter. Left Shadowfax to die...that meant death in my clan. So...should she watch, or should she die first, knowing that we’ll take our time in tearing up Little Boy Blue?”

    "You're sick," a voice interjected, earning Dis' direct and full attention. His head moved as a starving owl's; swiveling purposefully and abruptly to stare unblinking at the floatzel. It looked like some sort of matted outsider, much like himself, but she gave off a crude sort of presence. Her accent was strange-- perhaps she was more of an outsider than he? He wasn't sure; he'd never really been acquainted with social guides. But her comment meant nothing, did nothing. Her words were nothing but wastes of air.

    "Quiet." His words was soft, but laden with silent threats. The crimson orbs turned back to the circling Eevee pup and the equine pair he sought as prey. But the latter had his own two cents to place into the weasel's mouth. “Oh you dumb hoe-bags, with your feels and your tears.” The Imp sneered, crusading toward her with a confidence Dis had not witnessed in some time. “Only good thing about you is what’s between your legs.” The comment was low, but it did not escape Dis' ever-omnipotent eyes and ears. The Imp's tune changed once more, addressing the matter at hand. “I dunno, Floppy. What do you say? Should we choose, or let mommy decide here?" The gray Eevee snarled darkly, the energy beginning to spike around him. "After all...mother always knows best."

    Dis' mind once more weighed his option, Imp's bloodlust fueling his own. A tactical option finally splayed itself in his mind, unveiling a precise plan with a forte in pain and efficiency. "...Cripple her legs. Incapacitate the mother. The child is too weak to fight or flee. It'll die easily." His eyes darted between the two beating bodies, the throbbing sacks of veins and muscle. His small, delicate paws began to pull him forward toward the two. "Destroy the threat, destroy her legs. Break them... Break them off. Snap her strong back. Foal is easy to kill. Sickly. Weak. Slow. Clumsy. Supple." His gaze settled on the child, Dis' large, terrifying eyes already seeing the foal's blood squirting out from under his fangs. His lips pulled back, revealing large, capable fangs.

    "First the threat. Then the child."


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    Post by Dandelion Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:34 am

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 24

    Her heart was pounding hard in her chest like a trapped Spearow. It fluttered and raced bringing to her a rising feeling of panic as she listened to the putrid remarks of the greyish Eevee and what looked like a poison type of some sort. Her fragile spirit was aching while a sick knot formed in her stomach. If being beat up wasn't bad enough now Im going to be sick. Swallowing dryly Arsi found it impossible to tear her wide, horrified blue eyes away. Such sick, cruel.. She pressed herself closer into Khan's soft yellow fur, relishing in that her friend was not like these Pokemon. Not at all.

    With shallow, uneven breathes the cat forced herself not to wheeze or sob. The edges of her gaze threatened to drip in a fight against her emotions and the stinging smoke in the air. "I.." Her quiet voice shook and the words caught in her throat, "W-we should do something." Swallowing desperately the feline pleaded internally that these Pokemon would come to reason and not start a fight, or whatever this horrid thing they were planning was. "We have to get out of here!" The blazing flames in the trees kept dragging her eyes away, screaming at the Meowth to get the hell out of there.

    "I think I can stand." Arsi muttered, hoping that Khan would let her down. Then again she felt safer in his grasp, almost like he was a shield. But she would only weight in down in a fight. But he could probably run faster then her- Oh Arceus what had they stumbled into? She couldn't just leave this group, leave the little baby to die and the sick-minded Eevee to his perception. If they intervened in some way maybe things would be fine and everyone could escape death by fire. Or, in there state, they could be easy pickings. OR their sudden appearance may make the Pokemon even more violent and strike when they would of actually realized this was bad. Oh no no no no.. Chest aching with conflicting thoughts Arsi gritted her teeth. It seemed their was going to be a fight and probably death regardless of what she did..

    Age : 31
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    Post by Nightfall Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:40 pm

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    Near Route 45/Night (72)

    Khan had never witnessed anything like this in his life.

    What sat before him was nothing more than a scene of barbaric proportions. From the grey Eevee's blatant and brutal sexism to the purple fox's chilling words, it was becoming simply too difficult for the Lucario to continue watching. He had to do something, or else that Rapidash and her foal were going to die. These heathens, who weren't even undead, were going to murder them in cold blood, and for what? As far as he had seen, neither of them were posing a threat. Khan's teeth ground against one another as the Aura Sphere in his right hand crackled and slowly grew in intensity as he made his decision.

    "I...W-we should do something." Khan's eyes briefly swiveled down to Arsi as she spoke. He merely nodded, looking straight back at the scene, his expression hardened. "We have to get out of here!" No, he wasn't going anywhere. Leave that poor foal and his mother to die at those maniacs' hands? He'd never be able to live with himself. Even though he was injured, he could still help. His life was of little importance to him; he would be all right knowing that Arsi was safe. With that in mind, he glanced back down at her and opened his mouth to speak, but she said, "I think I can stand."

    He considered her for a moment before gently letting her down on the ground beside him. "Stay here," he whispered. "I'm going to stop this." His body groaned as he slowly rose to his feet. "Don't worry - I'll come back for you." He could only hope he'd live to keep that promise.

    Without another word, the Aura Sphere in his hand immediately charged to its full intensity and he hurled it out of his hiding place. The ball of energy zoomed straight over the heads of the group like a speeding blue comet. Upon their distraction, Khan ran out into the fray and stood directly in front of the mother and son, his teeth clenched into a growl.

    "I have seen enough of this!" he said, glaring at the three brutes. His legs shook as he fought to stay standing. Pressing his balled fists together, he parted them and formed a long, glowing spear. He held it out in front of him, ready to Bone Rush anything that tried to attack either him or any of the equines. "You barbarians! You should be ashamed, preying on this innocent mother and child! You're no better than the undead!" With his trembling body, dirty, soot-covered fur and strained expression, he looked far from threatening, but he'd teach them a thing or two if any of them took that as a reason to attack. Secretly though, he prayed that they wouldn't.

    "Leave them alone at once ... or I shall have no choice but to fight you."

    ((Apologies for the wait. My mind has been very occupied with work lately and I forgot it was my turn.))

    Age : 32
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    Post by NyraXerz Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:23 am

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 7

    Even with the dark equine seemingly snapped out of whatever had overcome him...or snapped into a trance-like state of mind..Aqua didn't bother to dwell on those thoughts. The point is is that he isn't lunging at anyone. However the two small canines more than gladly fill his place. The sea weasel side-steps closer to the mother and son pair as the grey eevee who until now has remained largely on the sidelines steps forward into the spotlight. Someone actually agrees with the poison-type...the thought alone of growing support for this, this, disgusting show was enough to cause her stomach to churn. Zombies were one thing, but this was a whole 'nother monster.

    As Ghost focused in on her towards the end of his speech she pulls a snarl of her own across her muzzle. Beige lips pulling back to reveal what the smallest peak of her fangs showing over her bottom lip had hinted at. Brown eyes track his movements carefully as he circles around, taunting them.
    "You're full of shit." She hisses, leaning forward, ready to defend herself or the others if it came to that. The command from the radeon practically falls on deaf ears. She hears the silent threat and watches as, just for a moment, those unblinking red eyes are upon her. It takes all of the Floatzel's willpower not to flinch or shiver visibly under their gaze.

    Not about to back down, she stays almost frozen and to her surprise she is not alone in her sentiments. So geared from a attack from right in front of her the aura sphere that bursts forth from the trees. A blinding blue comet that momentarily blinds the sea weasel who is forced to bring up an arm to her face to shield her eyes from the brunt of the blast. The squinting of her eyes taking care most of the rest of the work though she is still left seeing shapes.

    A knight in broken armor. A lucario who looks like he has gone through hell and back appears in front of the mother and son. Aqua doesn't even remember seeing him run over, but doesn't question this new ally. With new found courage the water-type's legs once again find the consciousness to move and bring Aqua to stand behind Khan. If there was anything left to say, she'd say it, but he's taken the words right from her mouth. Their sides were even now--three against three. And they were not about to abandon the mother and foal to these psychos. This was it, they would either fight or back down. There could be no other outcomes unless arceus himself hailed down through the heavens to earth. Giving her best scowl the Floaztel continues her stare down of the two canines, waiting for them to make their move.


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 37
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    Post by Fox Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:23 pm

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    Near Route 45 || Night || 10|6

    "If you touch him, devil, I will not hesitate to kill you.”
    The Eevees’ malicious grin grew even larger as the foal began to bawl beneath his mother, his thin black lips pulling back to reveal elongated teeth glimmering in the firelight. His pupils glowed, his almond shaped eyes growing larger in eagerness and bloodlust. The long, sharp ears lowered against his skull as he stalked slowly around the female a final time, his small but lithe form glowing with barely contained energy. Dis’ words echoed in his mind over and over.
    Destroy the threat, destroy her legs. Break them... Break them off. Snap her strong back. 
    “Come on Mommy, it’s time to play!” He snarled gleefully, his mane bristling with unbridled animosity and maw twisted into an ugly grimace.

    A sudden bright blast of blue energy flew out of the darkness, flying towards them with blinding speed. The Eevee dropped his attack and leaped to the side, away from the equines.  
    "You barbarians! You should be ashamed, preying on this innocent mother and child! You're no better than the undead!" Before them was a tattered Lucario, throwing himself headlong into the looming battle. His deep-set eyes glared from behind the dark mask, exhaustion and pain apparent in his stance. The gray Eevee took a few steps back to regain his bearings, just as the water weasel took a stand next to the defending canine. The situation suddenly became comical to the young fox, his large mouth splitting into a feral grin. Maniacal cackling echoed over the raging fire as he recharged his attack. “Now isn’t that precious! Coming to these 'innocents' rescue! Bet you’re all sorts of popular with the ladies!” He sneered at the blue canine, his narrow eyes alight with malicious amusement. “Can’t have that though, y’catch my drift? You’ll have to find another pair of bitches.” He growled, trotting past Dis with a subtle flick of his tail. “They’re ours...BACK OFF!!”
    And with a feral snarl, the Eevee leapt forward, his body alight with energy. All of his power was focused on the equine females’ exposed haunches- the thick, muscular back end protecting the child.
    Destroy the threat, destroy her legs. Break them... Break them off. Snap her strong back. 
    This bitch is mine!
    His teeth were inches away from the pale hindquarters when he heard a screaming whinny. A flash of black and a storm of hoofbeats bombarded him, the large equine colliding with the small fox in a flurry of rage. Ghost snapped back from the immense weight, his small form flying back and hitting the ground hard a few yards away. A sharp yelp escaped the Eevee as the impact took its’ toll, but he quickly flipped to his feet. His maw was twisted into an outraged snarl as he was about to fly back into the fight in retaliation when he stopped in his tracks.
    There, standing guard before his prey, was Shadowfax. His large head was lowered, his mane crackling and his stance defiant; daring the young Eevee to make a move. His large nostrils flared and his teeth were bared as he stared the fox down, his whole frame ready to move into action.
    “...The shit!?” Ghost hissed, limping forward in indignance and confusion. “The fuck is wrong with you! Get the fuck out of the way!”
    Still, the horse remained undeterred. His silver gaze slid from the gray fox to the poison vulpine, his strong jaw clenching as he snorted in defiance.
    “...No.” The equine growled, after a strained moment of silence. “This will not happen.” The Eevees’ eyes grew wide as his shoulders loosened, all signs of violence suddenly falling off his frame.
    “...What!?...Shad. This bitch left you for dead! She needs to be taught a lesson!” He growled, trotting closer. The dark horse only grimaced as he glanced back at his mother and her child, then to the forest fire, growing ever closer to them. After a quiet hesitation, he reared his head up and glowered at the two foxes, choosing his words with caution. “...We don’t hunt the living.”


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:46 pm

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    Near Route 45|Night

    It was like the world was going in slow motion. A Lucario appeared from nowhere to defend her and her colt, the water weasel stood before them ready to fight, and even when the Eevee came for her legs it wasn't either of them who stopped it. It was Shadowfax. Armonia felt her heart swell seeing her baby protect his mother and new little brother like that, a cautious smile grazing her muzzle as she looked at the Ponyta telling off the evil grey fox. But as his eyes looked back at her, still empty and suffered, the small glimmer of hope flickered and died. He wasn't back to normal, but at least she knew he was in there.

    At his last words Armonia stood back up to her full height and stepped in front of Zakai and took a long hard look at her first born. "Then at least let the living help you," she said flatly. If there was even a chance she could get her boy back then she was going to take it. "I know I have a foal to take care of, but I can fight. You know that full well from when you were young Shadowfax. Let me help you and maybe, as a group, we can survive." Zakai listened to his mother and his body curled in on itself in horror. Mother...who was she? How much of Mother did he not know? How much did she not tell him even when in the dead of night or through terrible storms there was not to do but talk? The blue Ponyta struggled to his feet and backed away slightly, trying to piece together the mystery that was his life.

    ((Sorry Zakai's bit is so small, he is just kind of in shock still so his mind is a mess. He'll interact more once every isn't trying to (always) kill each other lol))

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:39 pm

    Post 5

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    Near Route 45|Night

    As they, the two sharks, circled in on their prey, a light shone in the darkness. At first, a ball of energy, missing them by mere inches, and then the one that threw it. A shield, a paladin crusading into the fray. The canid's steel adornments reflected the inferno's hungry light, giving the creature an ethereal aura. Dis' circular eyes swiveled, catching the newcomer's every detail in a quick glance. Scratches, gashes, the scent of blood on the edge of his scent. While blood was now staining everyone's scents, it was still something to take note.

    "I have seen enough of this!" the male boasted, asserting his dominance over a situation he should know nothing about. Dis' eyes widened, wanting to drink in every minute detail about him; it was in the details that weaknesses slithered their ways in. "You barbarians! You should be ashamed, preying on this innocent mother and child! You're no better than the undead!"

    Of course, words meant little to Dis. He saw the slight tremble in the newcomer's extremities. He saw the old and newer wounds, smelled the dirt on him. There was another scent; female, younger... a mate? A child? He couldn't tell, not from this far away. Either way, Dis found it fascinating that, although obviously not up to par, this unrelated male would charge in, trying to assert the situation by himself with two very able-bodied opponents on either side.

    "Leave them alone at once ... or I shall have no choice but to fight you."

    Dis made no remark, content to allowing his unblinking stare study and memorize the strange male before him, but the Imp sure did. “Now isn’t that precious! Coming to these 'innocents' rescue! Bet you’re all sorts of popular with the ladies!” the little Eevee jeered, not at all affected by the display of power and dominance. “Can’t have that though, y’catch my drift? You’ll have to find another pair of bitches.” His playful, mocking tone turned dark and sour, his next words nothing but a vicious snarl. “They’re ours...BACK OFF!!”

    Imp's malicious bloodthirst attracted Dis' attention once more, the little fox's eyes set on the prize, the weak point Dis had pointed out earlier. The horse's fragile legs were in sight, and the little one seemed to be all for chewing them off. Gaze widening in anticipation for the oncoming slaughter, he stopped almost completely when the bone-painted colt completely knocked the little Imp off course and back into the ground.

    Imp was just as shocked, all the malice of his form sucked out of his posture and scent. “...The shit!?” cried out, the betrayal in the little fox obvious. “The fuck is wrong with you! Get the fuck out of the way!”

    But the horse stayed his ground, shielding the mother and child from the Eevee. Not a creature present dared speak a word, the bone-painted horse the only one who dared break the tense silence. “...No. This will not happen.”

    Astonished, the little Eevee seemed about as confused as Dis felt. Why call for mercy now? Why, when there was so much anger and hate before? Why defend them now, when it was already well established that they were the enemy? That they were the ones that needed to be slaughtered and killed? “...What!?...Shad. This bitch left you for dead! She needs to be taught a lesson!”

    While the horse's flinch at his companion's words gave the impression that he knew this and acknowledged it, the pony's stance remained firm against them. “...We don’t hunt the living.”

    The mother felt the need to vomit her own words, grating on Dis' nerves. Prey had no right to speak. "Then at least let the living help you," she crooned, visibly swaying her wayward youth back to her side. Was this some sort of hypnotizing feat? "I know I have a foal to take care of, but I can fight. You know that full well from when you were young Shadowfax. Let me help you and maybe, as a group, we can survive."

    Dis scoffed, dismissing the mother's words as nothing. They were nothing. They meant nothing. He turned, addressing the bone-painted one again. "Why protect her? There's no need. They'll die anyway, especially the little one. Take them now, while they still have unspoiled meat. Besides... this is not hunting. There's no need to hunt. Slaughtering is not hunting."


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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Nov 09, 2013 3:16 pm

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    Near Route 45/Night (73)

    Khan's confidence boosted as he noticed the Floatzel station herself next to him, feeling immensely relieved to have an ally on his side. He remained motionless as yet more filth spewed out of the Eevee's mouth, simply glaring him down with a harsh stare while keeping his spear positioned to strike at any time. "Now isn't that precious! Coming to these 'innocents' rescue! Bet you’re all sorts of popular with the ladies! Can’t have that though, y’catch my drift? You’ll have to find another pair of bitches."

    "You are disgusting," the Lucario spat through clenched teeth. Not even those words could express just how much repulsion he felt towards the small Normal-type at that moment. The undead almost seemed friendly compared to him. "If anybody deserves to be punished here, it's you!"

    "They’re ours...BACK OFF!!" And he lunged.

    Khan was ready. Hurling back his spear, he prepared to smash some sense into the little maniac, but to his astonishment the skeletal Rapidash intercepted the attack and sent the Eevee flying backwards. The Fire-type took a position at Khan's side, standing guard over the two Pokemon that, minutes ago, he was threatening to kill. Both puzzled and hugely admired by the black equine's change of heart, Khan continued to watch the Eevee and the purple fox closely.

    "...The shit!?" the Eevee gasped, clearly horrified by these turns of events. "The fuck is wrong with you! Get the fuck out of the way!"
    "...No. This will not happen."
    "...What!?...Shad. This bitch left you for dead! She needs to be taught a lesson!"
    "...We don’t hunt the living."

    Silently exhaling a relieved sigh, Khan thought it was over for now. His ear twitched as he listened to the mother behind him speak to her older son, only for the purple Eeveelution's voice to pipe up. Khan grimaced - he and his pre-evolution were just as vile as each other. "Why protect her? There's no need. They'll die anyway, especially the little one. Take them now, while they still have unspoiled meat. Besides... this is not hunting. There's no need to hunt. Slaughtering is not hunting."

    One more word... Khan was finding it difficult to keep his rising temper in check. Never in his life had he witnessed such barbarianism from a group of undead, let alone from a group of Pokemon with healthy blood. His top lip trembled upwards into a snarl as he glared at the Poison-type, fighting back the powerful urge to just charge straight at him and beat some morality into him. Deciding that it would probably be a better idea to let 'Shad' do the talking for now, he kept quiet, continuing to guard the mother and foal and hoping that his legs would keep him in a standing position while this still lasted.

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by NyraXerz Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:27 am

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 8

    It all happened in a flash. Before the sea weasel could even move to try and defend the equines herself the skeleton-marked ponyta charges the attacking canine. Aqua watches, stunned beyond words at this turn of events. As Shadowfax speaks there is nothing to add to the heavy words that stifle the air already filled with smoke. For a brief moment hope flickers inside the water-type. With their supposed leader objecting...surely the others would fall back? Not to be so easily deterred, the poison type speaks up beside them.

    "Why protect her? There's no need. They'll die anyway, especially the little one. Take them now, while they still have unspoiled meat. Besides... this is not hunting. There's no need to hunt. Slaughtering is not hunting."

    Against the odds the snarl on the weasel's muzzle is able to grow larger. If a glare could actually fire daggers, their dispute would already be over. Instead of continuing to bring about this impossibility of looks killing the floatzel spares a glance at her new ally. At full health there is no doubt he would be a force to be reckoned with. The fact that the lucario has trudged over from the bush to here with the wounds he already has speaks to that. However...he smells thickly of fire and blood. Old and new wounds mixed together and not to mention the slight tremble to his form.

    Cautiously Aqua extends one orange arm to offer support to the newcomer. It wouldn't look good to have him crumple. Nothing about just letting the brave, if not a little crazy, lucario sink to the floor for his effort sat right in the pit of her stomach. With a slight nod to take her offer she turns her eyes back to the offending party.


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 37
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    Post by Fox Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:23 pm

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    Near Route 45 || Night || 11|7

    "Then at least let the living help you. I know I have a foal to take care of, but I can fight. You know that full well from when you were young Shadowfax. Let me help you and maybe, as a group, we can survive." The dark males’ mane flared with an audible roar, his silver eyes rekindling a lethal rage as he glared at his mother in dripping disdain. His lip twitched and curled, his strong jaw clenching underneath the ebony fur. But his attention slowly ebbed from her as he let the poison fox speak his piece.

    "Why protect her? There's no need. They'll die anyway, especially the little one." Shadowfax’ gaze flickered down to the much smaller blue colt, who had backed away from his mother as she spoke. The childs’ expression made the stallions’ throat tighten and his brow furrow. He could practically see the trust in her falter and fall off of the boy, as if his heart had just fallen straight out of his tiny chest. "-Take them now, while they still have unspoiled meat. Besides... this is not hunting. There's no need to hunt. Slaughtering is not hunting." The dark colts’ gaze widened as he whipped his head around to glare at the purple vulpine.
    “...There is always a need to hunt,” He interrupted with a growl. “So long as one walker stands, we will. Always. Hunt.” He stated darkly, his mane flaring with emphasis. He drew closer, lowering his large head only enough to make eye contact with the smaller vulpine. “...Killing the living only means more walkers. There is no clean meat to be had from them.” He added flatly, his once storm-ridden gaze now a void of dark emptiness. He watched the poison fox intently without any sense of fear or anger, allowing his words to sink in. After a few moments, he turned his heavy body away from him, uncaring if the purple vulpine retaliated or not. Shadowfax trotted past his kin without even a glance, only offering a desolate glare at the Lucario and water weasel as he passed.  “...If you value the hunt, join us now.” He snarled over his shoulder, the slow retreat sounding with the clatter of his hooves. “If not...Run.”


    Ghost sullenly padded to Shadowfaxes’ side as the horse snarled at the purple fox. His large ears fell in submission and angular jaw was set in disappointment and annoyance. “...There is always a need to hunt. So long as one walker stands, we will. Always. Hunt.” Ghosts’ gaze flickered from the large horses’ unsettling stare to the equally eerie eeveelutions’ orbs before him, unblinking and blood red. The gray fox averted his eyes to the ground in unadmitted shame. “...Killing the living only means more walkers. There is no clean meat to be had from them.” Ghost raised his sharp maw and puffed out his chest as the horse fell silent and trotted away, his blue gaze watching Dis’ reaction with a subdued bitterness.

    “We run from town to town, taking down dead motherfuckers.” He muttered with a casual pride, glancing at each of them as he spoke. “Ya’ know, t’make sure they stay dead. We’re hunters.” He glanced back at Dis uneasily, before starting for the dark stallion, trotting away from the looming forest fire.
    “...If you value the hunt, join us now. If not...Run.” Ghosts’ eyes widened as he stopped in his tracks, his ears flying up and his mouth opening to protest his offer. But upon a quick reflection, the ashen foxes’ mouth snapped shut. Turning to the others, his glistening eyes fell on each of them, his tail flicking behind him in irritation.
    “Fine, bitches! You come with us, you’re part of the pack. But you better carry your fucking weight!” He spat, the challenge making a malicious grin split across his thin, black lips. His sapphire eyes flashed upwards as his grin grew even wider, the fox turning tail and leaping towards the retreating horse in a flash of fur. A terrible roar and groan sounded as trees began to collapse upon their own weight. Blazing towers of black bark and flames fell behind the congregation in an eruption of splinters and fiery shrapnel. Glowing ashes exploded into the air as the ancient trees collided with the ground. The black smoke began to spread, choking the air with its’ hazy grasp. Embers rained from the trees outstretched branches, showering the dry grasses beneath them with the fiery licks.

    The Ponytas’ wrath consumed the once-silent forest. The infernos’ slender fingers reached further and further into the orange sky, its’ roaring voice building around them in fervor. Louder and louder it bellowed, as if it echoed its’ catalysts’ words in a fevered remembrance.

    Burn with me…
    Burn with me…


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:35 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 25

    The little feline kept her view locked on the dangerous Pokemon beyond her hiding space, frail body trembling with fright. Though it seemed the direct danger had passed her heart still drummed hard against her ribcage. Her pleading heart ached with each beat, willing her forward to not leave her injured companion alone with these dangerous foreigners. Don't just stand there. A voice spoke softly, near willing her paws out from behind the shrubs. Breathing heavy Arsi took a small step forward, tailing twitching behind her in panic. He's waiting for you.. The voice persisted, only causing her heart to beat faster.

    As the ring leaders took a few steps away Arsi knew she could not stay where she was. The swirling smoke burned her blue eyes and the heat of the nearby flames was uncomfortable to say the least. But she hardly noticed the petty fire as her gaze remained locked on the Lucario. With a small nod she whispered back, "Yes.." without really realizing it, and pressed forward into the clearing.  

    The dry grass crunched beneath her brown paws despite the meager weight she held. Keeping low to the ground, paws as steady as they would go, the Meowth scuttled across the way toward Khan. The fear and panic she had felt from behind the shrub suddenly felt worse as though the foliage had kept them at bay. Her nerves blated and ached under her skin, stimulated and body tense with the feelings of needed flight. She could not see herself but Arsi felt she appeared more like prey then a threat or friend, a perfect thing for a eery purple fox to target.

    The thin dripping of blood from her chest had started up again but the pain seemed to of vanished as she moved closer to Khan's comforting blue and black fur. Keeping her legs as firm as possible and changing her expression to one less terrified the cat tried her best to move firmly. Purposely keeping her gaze to the side of the threatening Pokemon, Arsi feared that locking eyes now might re-spark the violence. Swallowing dryly the feline worried she had made her appearance at the wrong time and longed of the shelter of the shrubs once more.

    Age : 31
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    Post by Nightfall Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:39 pm

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    Near Route 45/Night (74)

    Khan's eyes wandered slowly to the orange arm that had extended at his left side. His weary gaze traveled upwards to meet the Floatzel's, acknowledging her nod by wasting no time in taking her offer, resting his own trembling arm on her own. Steadying himself, Khan looked straight at her and mouthed, "Thank you," too weak to properly express how grateful he was for her kindness.

    The skeletal Rapidash's words failed to make sense to Khan's exhausted mind and he used the time in which he spoke to edge his feet closer to one another, truly afraid that he would topple over and make a fool of himself. The Floatzel's support helped, and he made a note to repay her kindness just as Shadow turned away and spoke to them over his shoulder. "...If you value the hunt, join us now. If not...Run."

    Khan thought that he understood what he now meant by 'hunt' - they were working to wipe out the undead. Like me ... the other day. While recent events had made him question his motives, there was no doubt that he wanted those heathens to bleed at his feet for the hell they'd put him through. But Khan still wondered whether he could bring himself to kill a Pokemon that was infected but not completely undead, like Maxwell had been. Nonetheless, this was his chance to get help for himself and for Arsi - while these Pokemon needed to be handled with caution, surely they would not allow two potential 'hunters' to succumb to their injuries.

    "I won't run," he replied, his teeth gritting as he released his grip on the Water-type's arm and urged his trembling legs to keep him standing. "I have no qualms in killing the undead. But," he called, "I must ask you to wait a moment." Turning to where he had left Arsi, he noticed that the Meowth was already making her way towards him.

    "It's all right," he whispered as he carefully bent to pick her up. "I won't let them hurt you." Holding her close to his chest, he held himself rigidly as he tried not to appear as weak as he felt. "I am Khan, and I exchange my services for protection of my friend here. This is Arsi." Gesturing down briefly at the cat in his arm, his gaze quickly returned to Shadow's as he stiffly walked forward. "We are unfamiliar with these lands. Might there be somewhere nearby where we can recuperate before we begin the Hunt?" Those last few words sounded ridiculous coming from his mouth, but Khan was willing to play along however he could until he and Arsi got the help they needed.

    ((I had permission to pick Arsi up.))

    Age : 37
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    Post by Fox Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:35 pm

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    Near Route 45 || Night || 12|8

    "I won't run," The Lucario grunted through clenched teeth.  "I have no qualms in killing the undead. But,"
    The pale-maned equine trotted on, the Lucarios' quaking voice barely audible over the flames. He felt a light clawing against his side and a shuffling of weight as Ghost leaped onto his back. "I must ask you to wait a moment." Shadowfaxes' grim countenance intensified as the clatter of hooves stopped. Upon his back, he could feel the small foxes' claws tensing and digging into his skin, an annoyed hiss escaping Ghosts’ thin throat.

    His long neck craned back as he met the jackals' gaze. There, the beaten warrior cradled a cream-colored feline, appearing equally battered, in his dark arms. Behind them, the world was alight and screaming in a livid agony, ever threatening the small groups of survivors with its' fiery tendrils. But despite his wounds, the canines' posture whispered of a defiant strength, only found in those fighting for someone other than themselves. The dark horses' expression remained unchanged, but he stayed his hooves.

    "I am Khan, and I exchange my services for protection of my friend here. This is Arsi." He said, gesturing to the cat before approaching them with a limp.  "We are unfamiliar with these lands. Might there be somewhere nearby where we can recuperate before we begin the Hunt?"

    Ghost rolled his eyes, a scowl tugging at his angular maw. The gray fox padded to the horses' rump, leaning over as he leered at the jackal.
    "Can you believe this shit!?" He spat at Shadowfax, his venomous gaze shooting back to the Lucario. "Listen Pops, this ain't witness protection. Don't know if you noticed, but if we don't get outta here, we're all gonna melt like a grilled cheese sandwich! You should be worrying about your own beat-ass hide! That bitch has got-"
    A powerful snort from the horses' nostrils cut the foxes' words short. Ghosts' ears snapped against his skull as he stared at the horse in shock, his sharp teeth audibly grinding against each other.
    Shadowfax remained silent, his silver orbs still on the canine. The internal inferno was extinguished, and all that was left in the horse was emptiness. They fell slowly to the timid cat in his arms, boring into her soft, pale blue gaze.
    After a few moments, his neck straightened. With a dark grimace, his hooves clattered forward once more, the deliberate and sharp beat carrying over the winds like a swan song.

    (gonna have to get used to his 'fuck you im batman' attitude. We'll head someplace away from lots of fire next)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Dandelion Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:07 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 26

    "It's all right, I won't let them hurt you." Though she believed each one of Khan's words with every fiber of her being the feline was still at unease. Just stay calm.. She repeated to herself even if 'calm' was out of the question. The pounding sound of hooves had never been one of her favorites and the blaze raging above them was a mere cacophony to her sensitive ears. The feeling of Khan's arms was like shields protecting her battered body even if he was in the same pain, if not worse. She tried to mask the trembling of her body from the Pokemon she still deemed hostile, but she knew Khan would still be able to feel it.

    "I am Khan, and I exchange my services for protection of my friend here. This is Arsi." Thankful for the introduction the Meowth tried to put on a brave face to show the dark pelted Pokemon. Don't act like a scaredy.. Meowth. Khan seemed to of counted her out, or maybe he was trying to get on their good sides, she didn't know. In a feeble effort to steady her voice Arsi took a deep breathe and spoke in a soft and shaky voice, "Do you know where we are?" The effort from the one sentence was enough to jolt her already frayed nerves.

    Fear coursed through the small felines body along with a stream of questions. Who were these Pokemon, and why were they so very violent? Was it her panicked feelings preventing her from understanding why survivors would attack one another? Sure the horrid undead would kill on site but living against one another? Violence only promotes violence.. It seemed as though the entire would wanted to be the omnipresence now. Are we losing this fight..? If Khan trusted their new.. allies, then she would have to as well.

    ((Rushed asdf tired =.=))

    Age : 31
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    Post by Nightfall Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:01 pm

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    Near Route 45/Night (75)

    Khan's eyes narrowed slightly as the grey Eevee hissed inaudible words at Shadowfax while fixing him with his own nasty leer, but the Lucario said nothing, his firm expression not faltering as he awaited a reply. Eventually, the equine snorted sharply, cutting off the Eevee's words, and simply stared at him from over his shoulder. Khan stared straight back, determined not to falter; not to display any sign of weakness. Shadowfax's eyes glanced down towards Arsi before he tossed his mane and carried on.

    Assuming that meant that there was no problem, Khan limped on. Beneath his paws he could feel Arsi trembling. Khan's appendages twitched ever so slightly as he picked up on her aura - she was nervous and confused, just like he was. The jackal lowered his head to comfort her just as she spoke: "Do you know where we are?"

    "No, not as of yet," he replied, hunching his shoulders as the burns hidden beneath his fur began to tingle. The flames behind them were not helping, and he picked up his pace a little. "Don't be afraid," he whispered. "I'm just playing along for now until we get what we need. Trust me, I know what I'm doing, I won't let any of them hurt you."

    Looking forward to Shadowfax's dark form, Khan's limp got heavier as his body desperately tried to find cool air. "Can I ... ask whether we have a ... destination in mind?" he panted. "And ... how far is it?" He knew that last question could be interpreted in more than one way, but he needed to know - it was getting harder to keep standing with every step.

    Age : 32
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    Post by NyraXerz Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:24 am

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 9

    Worried that he will suddenly collapse under himself despite her assistance, Aqua watches the jackal out of the corner of her eye as he holds onto her for additional support. When he releases her arm from his grasp the sea weasel's head swerves toward him. Khan's trembling limbs and tightly grit teeth tell her a much different tale than his front of strength--he's likely on the verge of collapse.
    "Don't strain yourself more than you have to." she calls quietly after him.

    "...If you value the hunt, join us now. If not...Run." The ponyta's words cause the floatzel to pause. Really, was it so different from her mission before? Before this, this teleportation non-sense, or whatever picked her up and spit her out in these unfamiliar lands, she worked to cleanse Mossdeep City. It had been to preserve the memory of her fallen trainer, to hold onto the last glimmer of her former life...Yet it was. Already she could feel her paws itching for the sand, sea and sunshine she left behind. Of course, the city was in ruins, but they were her ruins.

    As the internal struggle continued onward inside the floatzel, others have already begun to make up their minds.
    "I won't run," Sparing herself for the moment from her guilty thought her eyes focus once again on the injured lucario.
    "I have no qualms in killing the undead. But," As her eyes follow his path a small, similarly damaged feline comes into view. This newcomer's form dripped fear and uncertainty. What else was out in this fire to bring these two pokemon in this state out here? Hopefully something long dead...
    "I am Khan, and I exchange my services for protection of my friend here. This is Arsi."

    Sharp scowls and bickering erupted from the dark ponyta's direction, but as the water-type changes her focus again it's not the fire-type himself arguing against this development.
    "You should be worrying about your own beat-ass hide! That bitch has got-" At a loud snout the canine looks with shock to his companion. Even Aqua appears shocked, though for the opposite reason. With no further qualms the two parties begin to move off. After another moment of hesitation she finds presses her tense body to take after them as well.
    "I'm not about to give into a buncha rotting bodies. The name's Aqua and I'm not going to run either."

    While they had been fighting the tendrils of the flames grew ever closer. The heat and smoke antagonize and fuel the floatzel's actions to escape. Whether her typing was good against fire or not it wouldn't stop the damn forest fire from burning off every hair and bit of flesh from her body.
    "Do you know where we are?" Aqua wasn't sure the words were even meant for her, the small meowth within Khan's arms had spoken them so softly, as if intended either for herself or him. Regardless, Aqua inclines her head slightly towards the duo to comment.
    "I can tell you where we're not."

    Again a flash of guilt, an image of her mind of the city she should be protecting, but she shakes it away. There would be time to return. Perhaps the "amazing prophet blade" she saw right before this mess would stay alive long enough to squash any undead there that appeared. But right now trotting off alone was not going to get her home any quicker. Against her instincts to continue forward away from the growing flames the sea weasel stops again to glance at the other equine. To see if they too were going to follow this strange grouping or if not to at least check they were not attacked on their immediate departure.


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 37
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    (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team  - Page 2 Empty Re: (ACE) The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Fox Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:42 am

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    Route 46 || Early Morning|| 13|9

    "Can I ... ask whether we have a ... destination in mind?" The Lucario panted. "And ... how far is it?"
    Shadowfax’ ear flicked at the jackals’ tone, his eyes narrowing as he slowed to a stop. The dark horse turned, his silver gaze falling on all those that had followed. The gray fox on his back remained silent, his narrow eyes staring at the horse intently. After a pause, he spoke with a quiet resolution.
    “We’ll take shelter at the foot of those mountains.” He said, motioning towards the dark silhouette ahead. Not waiting for any objections, he continued on the path. "...It’s not far now.”
    Ghost clenched his jaw, his tail flicking against the horses’ back in annoyance. But when he said nothing, the small Eevee grew impatient.
    “Come on Shad! What the fuck!?” He growled in indignance, glancing back at the others. “What are we taking on freeloaders for? You know they’re just going to be dead fucking weight.” Ghost sulked, staring ahead with a low brow. The equine carried on in silence, ignoring his passenger. “...You know, you can at least say something, you bitch.” He growled in indignance. “It’s not like you fucking can’t. And I thought you said your family was dead. Why’d you lie.” The horses’ mane flared in the fading darkness at the vulpines’ words.

    “...I didn’t lie.” He said quietly.
    “Well, she’s still suckin’ air..” The fox quipped, a sneer on his lips. “Something we coulda’ fixed easy.”
    “...Shut up.” He snarled darkly, heaving a slow sigh.
    “But why didn’t we ice that bitch? From what I heard, you were left! Ain’t that enough reason to tear her sorry ass to pieces? Hell, my own ma was tore up for a lot less, and that bitch deserved it!” He snarled in bitterness, his mouth curling into a scowl. The fox watched the horses’ reactions from his perch, waiting for a reply.
    “...What happened back there? Why’d you leave her alive?...” Ghost padded closer to the horses neck, his voice a soft hiss. “...Shad, we don’t leave no survivors. I thought that was how we rolled…”

    Shadow shook his mane, embers flying off of him as he came to a halt. The Eevee started, leaping off the horses' back with a hiss.
    "Over there." He muttered, nodding towards a small, grassy clearing against the mountain. "That's where we'll stay. We sleep during the day, until the sun is high." He stated flatly for all to hear, his gaze scanning over them. "We don't move on until everything rotting is burned." He paused, watching their faces with caution. "Now, secure the field."
    Shadowfax trotted towards the Lucario, his hard stare intensified by his furrowed brows. "Khan...once the field is secure, you and her take some rest. You're no good to us half-dead."  

    (OTL shitty post is shitty. sorry, im just not feeling well. put some notes in discussion)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Wed Dec 25, 2013 6:32 pm

    ((I have quite a bit to catch up on, lol))

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    Near Route 45|Night

    "Why protect her? There's no need. They'll die anyway, especially the little one. Take them now, while they still have unspoiled meat. Besides... this is not hunting. There's no need to hunt. Slaughtering is not hunting."

    Zakai cringed at the creepy purple fox's words, curling into his mother's legs and nearly tripping her. Armonia was not going to let the sadistic little Eeveelution deter her, however. She stomped one of her hooves and gave a level glare to the vulpine before coddling her foal. “...There is always a need to hunt,” The Rapidash lifted her head to better hear her child as he told the Poison type off. “So long as one walker stands, we will. Always. Hunt.” A spark of pride filled her chest with warmth as she realized that her son wasn't completely gone, that he still had the morals living with the herd had taught him. Giving Shadowfax a soft smile Armonia began to follow the dark pelted Ponyta as he moved away from the flame, nickering for Zakai to follow.

    “Fine, bitches! You come with us, you’re part of the pack. But you better carry your fucking weight!” She frowned at the continued foul language of the ashen fox but dismissed him as insignificant to the pursuit of her child. He had already invited her so she didn't need or care about his permission. Zakai, however, continued to flinch at the harsh words thrown around. As they began to move away the Lucario introduced himself and the small kitten and asked if there was a place to rest before they moved on. Unfortunately the wildfire her son had set meant that had to move before they could rest and the snarky Eevee answered as much, earning a lot of cynicism from Khan and the Floatzel, Aqua. She realized that likely none of them knew of her name or Zakai's, other than Shadow of course knowing her, but right now didn't seem like the best time to just blurt out their names. When the topic came to it again she would introduce herself and her foal.

    They walked for a small while until finally the heavy scent of smoke became merely the light fragrance of ash upon their own fur. She kept a careful eye on Shadowfax as he walked and more the once her gentle gaze became a glare as the Eevee upon his back glanced at her or made a suden move. "That's where we'll stay. We sleep during the day, until the sun is high." Her attention went to her child as she came to a slow stop, Zakai nearly running unto the back of her legs. The day had been taxing on the small blue foal and as soon as they came to a stop he felt his body sag. "We don't move on until everything rotting is burned." Armonia frowned at that part. "So even if we run low on supplies and any shelter is compromised you refuse to move locations until the area is clear of the undead?" It seemed a dangerous way to live.

    He went on to say they should secure their location and mentioned Khan and his friend getting rest and Armonia realized she was likely going to be ignored. Very well. Looking down to her foal she bade him to stay near the resting pair and moved to help Shadow in whatever needed 'clearing'. Zakai didn't like being so far from his mother but did as he was told and rested near the blue hound. He looked at the small Meowth in his arms and offered a shy smile before looking down to the ground. The kitten seemed nice enough, though her guardian was a little gruff. He knew the Floatzel at least tried to save him but she wasn't exactly soft either. The Meowth, she was safe. He liked her.

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    Post by Silverishness Sat Dec 28, 2013 4:11 pm

    Post 5| Post 30

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    Near Route 45|Night[/color]

    It seemed that the macabre-painted colt did not like Dis' logic. His head whirled, eyes wide with shock and anger. Dis' own wide, crimson stare met his, and something strange happened to his skin; an odd wave of pricks, like a sudden episode of numbness. “...There is always a need to hunt,” the colt began, his stare keeping the poisonous fox in place like a hypnotized cobra. “So long as one walker stands, we will. Always. Hunt.” The colt's tone was dark, malicious, as his hooves moved forward, closer to Dis. Dis himself was not scared, no-- he was still hypnotized by the pony's silent fury, the ashen flames that radiated the cool hate of a long grudge. The colt paused, bending to make direct eye contact with Dis, and the latter's heart jumped a beat as the thick stench of old blood and burned flesh seared his olfactory senses. This colt was cloaked with death...

    “...Killing the living only means more walkers. There is no clean meat to be had from them.” HIs words meant little to Dis; the poisonous vulpine was far more interested if whether or not the colt bled that stench as well. But he kept still, calm as a statue, eyes wide, staring back at the void presented before him. “...If you value the hunt, join us now.” He snarled over his shoulder, the slow retreat sounding with the clatter of his hooves. “If not...Run.”

    Run...? There was no need for running. Dis watched as the others congregated around the painted colt and his now very perturbed sidekick. The last statement had obviously been a threat, but once more, Dis was not shaken. He watched emotionlessly as the others seemed to move past and beyond him as he stared at the painted colt's receding form. Why not murder the mother and the foal? Why keep them alive? Why keep the foal under his management when there was no point? Questions bombarded him as he tried in vain to unravel the colt's motives. In the distance, he could hear the gray eevee's complaints as well-- so he wasn't the only one in the dark. Tilting his head to the side, the others already a good distance away from him now, he was soon alone with the flames hungrily tearing at the forest around him. Finally, tearing his gaze away from the colt, he glanced at the fires and decided that now was likely a good time to move.

    Eyes settling intently on the leader of what seemed to be a pack now, he quietly followed, cloaked by the others' shadows.

    Jack heaved a heavy sigh as he unloaded a rather slim pickings of berries and roots he'd found in the forest nearby. A strange, sudden fire had chased him out and into a small clearing on the mountain, wanting little more than a rest. He'd been chased from Lilycove, from Miss Ma'am and Miss Raven, guilt-ridden and remorseful. He never should have left them. Who knew if they were all right, what with Royce and that nasty glaceon so close? What had he done, leaving them? Still, he didn't even know where he was now, much less where to find them. "They're th' only decent folks yew find and ye run from 'em," he scolded himself quietly, prodding unenthusiastically at his meager meal. He heaved another sigh as he plopped onto the ground, his hungry stomach no longer wanting. "...Where are they...?"

    A crack in the distance caught his ear, accompanied by... voices? He turned, his meal now meaning little as he watched, tense, for whatever was nearby to reveal itself. His ears picked up two, three voices, and his spikes tensed a bit more; who knew what these folks were like? What if they were like Royce, or that weird Emporer fellow? What if--

    He stopped himself short, shaking his head free of such thoughts. What kind of pokemon was he being? Scared? Sneaky? Territorial? They was talking-- that was enough to prove that they weren't one of the rotting fellows. He wasn't himself if he was planning to ambush a group when all they may have wanted was a friendly face. Inhaling deeply, he strode forward, claws in the air.

    "Hey there, folks!" he began in a low but friendly tone, approaching slowly before stopping all together in front of them. "Well-- I gotta say it's been quite th' while since I seen hide 'r hair of true-blood servivors. Legends above, it's good t' see ye!" He held out a claw, offering it to the leader. "Name's Jack."


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    Post by Nightfall Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:33 pm

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    Near Route 45/Night (76)

    Khan was relieved to say the least when Shadowfax finally came to a stop in a clearing not far from the mountain. Soft, cool grass calmed his aching feet, and he immediately took notice of a smooth rock that looked comfortable enough to lean against. He was already staggering his way towards it when the Ponyta spoke. "That's where we'll stay. We sleep during the day, until the sun is high." Normally Khan would've protested against sleeping during the day, but by the way he felt he did not care in the slightest. He just needed to get his aching body onto the ground as soon as possible. "We don't move on until everything rotting is burned. Now, secure the field."

    Not sure whether Shadowfax's order included him or not, Khan remained where he was, swaying slightly on his trembling legs. But then, the skeletal equine turned to him. "Khan...once the field is secure, you and her take some rest. You're no good to us half-dead." While his words could be interpreted in more than one way, Khan didn't care what he really meant. The fact that he had allowed them to rest was enough for him. Trudging toward the rock he had spotted, Khan's eyes were shadowed with fatigue as he looked back at the horse.

    "Thank you ... really. I will ... repay you for your kindness ... in time." He tried to sit himself down carefully, but his arms lost their strength and he slumped against the rock hard. His arms fell to his sides, leaving Arsi sitting on his legs and free to wander if she wished, although he wasn't sure how far she could go even if she wanted to.

    "Need some berries," he slurred, his head lolling to the side as he hoarsely huffed out his version of a laugh. "And a ... bath."

    Age : 32
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    Post by NyraXerz Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:39 pm

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    Near Route 45 | Night | 10

    "That's where we'll stay. We sleep during the day, until the sun is high."
    Aqua looks towards where the dark-coated equine jesters. A clearing with one flank flush against the side of a mountain. Away from the burning forest, the once overpowering smell of flames and smoke finally break up to allow much kinder scents to reach the sea weasel's nose. Brown eyes carefully sweep across the clearing, but for first impressions it appears clean and clear.
    "We don't move on until everything rotting is burned. Now, secure the field."
    "Fine by me." Once they were undead, they were no longer who they used to be and the thought of any left near them to pursue or horde together..

    Aqua moves out to scout around the seemingly empty field, but the blue jackal's voice catches her ear before she can travel too far.
    "Need some berries,"
    "Hm? Khan right? You are lookin sick as a dog--er, pardon the expression." Now finally with a calm enough environment to really get a good look at the lucario, he's in worse condition than she had thought. Did he run right through the flames to get those burns? She figures it is not the time to ask.
    "And a ... bath." The water type chuckles drily.
    "We all could darlin'. But stay right here, let's fix to get you your berries first. Those burns look mighty painful."
    Trotting off through the treeline the floatzel looks about with a sense of purpose for the berries she just promised. Berries were a common occurrence and surely, hopefully, some were in the non-burnt section of wherever they were in the world. Passing by a yawning cave entrance the sea weasel shivers lightly. Dark, dank, and probably crawling with infected. Nothing would be worse than getting cornered in a place like that. Least she could be certain no berries would be growing in there. With a faster stride she passes up the cave to continue her search.

    Finally among the other trees soft blue berries can be seen between the green leaves of several.
    "There ya are!" She says to herself, taking off her hat to collect as many of the precious berries as she can. Once every berry within her height range has been picked and with a decent amount in her hat Aqua back-tracks to the wounded lucario and meowth. Setting her hat down on the rock beside them with both hands she motions to it.
    "I picked as many as I could get my paws on, I ain't an aipom, but I hope this will do."

    "Hey there, folks!" It came out of nowhere, or at least appeared to for the distracted water-type. The unexpected greeting, friendly as it was, made the floatzel let out a startled noise and leap forward off the rock she'd just been beside. The sea weasek watches him cautiously, ready to use a move or two should this be another enemy. There have been far too many this day already.
    "Well-- I gotta say it's been quite th' while since I seen hide 'r hair of true-blood servivors. Legends above, it's good t' see ye!"
    "Name's Jack."


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Post by Fox Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:19 pm

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    Route 46 || Early Morning|| 14|10

     "So even if we run low on supplies and any shelter is compromised you refuse to move locations until the area is clear of the undead?" The mares’ words continued to echo in his head, well after they were spoken. “...What happened back there? Why’d you leave her alive?...” The rage was suffocating. With a shaken sigh, the horse shut his eyes, perking his ears. His black hooves sank into the soft soil, stilled as he felt dozens of vibrations. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
    With a snort, the equines’ eyes shot open, the sudden unfamiliar tremor breaking his silence.

    Shadowfax glared, his gaze catching sight of a spiked creature approaching with caution. Not far behind the thing was the gray fox, his ears low and his approach silent. Shadowfaxes’ head rose in dominance as he watched his companion stalk closer, his small body bristling for a fight.
    But to his surprise, the spiked thing approached him and raised its’ claws in surrender.
    "Hey there, folks! "Well-- I gotta say it's been quite th' while since I seen hide 'r hair of true-blood servivors. Legends above, it's good t' see ye!" He said, offering his claw in friendship. "Name's Jack."
    The skeletal stallions’ frown only grew deeper as he stared at the spiked males’ claw, before glaring him down in silence. A sudden frustrated groan sounded loudly from behind the Sandslash, the Eevee spitting out a vicious string of cursing.
    “Oooh, you bastard! You fucking give up, just like that?! Well that’s no fucking challenge, none at all!” The fox snarled, trotting up and leering at him. “Look at this, another waste of meat, just beggin’ to be gutted!”

    (shadow honestly dont give a shit who follows, as he wont protect anyone directly. that and hes already decided that jacks’ no threat. so next round, hes just gonna walk away and let the others welcome the new guy. feel free to sass back at ghost. hell prolly take off next round too to go kill something lol)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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