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    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh)


    Age : 29
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    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) Empty Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh)

    Post by Dandelion Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:58 pm

    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) 29954594_m2jwpvDIQuvr8mW
    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) KcmoM5q

    Nikora and George
    Adopted Created by Skyra, Original Profile here.
    Text Color Nikora - ab3916
    George - c45a21
    Item White Scarf with Charcoal underneath
    Black Scarf
    Gender Female
    Age Emerging Adult
    Emerging Adult
    Species Link #58 Growlithe, The Puppy Pokemon - Fire Type
    Height 2'4"
    Weight 41lbs
    Pokédex Entry It has a brave and trustworthy nature. It fearlessly stands up to bigger and stronger foes.
    Extremely loyal, it will fearlessly bark at any opponent to protect its own Trainer from harm.
    Level 20
    Ability Flash Fire
    Nature Quiet
    Characteristic Often Lost in Thought
    Impetuous and Silly
    Moves - Bite (Level Up)
    - Ember (Level Up)
    - Roar (Level Up)
    - Helping Hand (Level Up)

    - Bite (Level Up)
    - Flame Wheel (Level Up)
    - Leer (Level Up)
    - Ember (Level Up)
    History In the region of Johto, in the sprawling mountains outside the Dragon City, Blackthorne, a clan of Arcanines once existed. They were known for their ferocity in battle, territorial ways, and their pride. Both Nikora and George were born into this clan, raised in the clan, and they should have died proud clan members. But it didn't work that way. In this clan the young Growlithes didn't get to choose their mates, they was all arranged by the alpha male and female. Once your mate was chosen, there was no complaining or trying to switch. That was going against the clan code, the price for which was death.

    However, these two particular Growlithes were not chosen for each other, even though it was obvious they were both deeply in love with the other. Growlithe and Arcanine love doesn't lie, or at least that's what the stories said. But they dared not speak it aloud, or do anything that would violate clan rules. The death of children has a big impact on the clan and Nikora and George still valued their lives, as hard as it is to be apart from one another. Their longing was kept at a distance, forbidden. But it couldn't be denied, and the two had to stay away from each other, continue with their roles in the clan with heavy hearts. It seemed hopeless that they could ever be together. But then the deadly epidemic started to sweep its way through Johto, killing and infecting Pokemon with its evil plague. It turned them into monsters that, literally, ate away their own kind.

    When the clan's alpha male became infected with this virus, he went on a rampage and set the clan's camp on fire. Some stayed back to stop him, but all of the Growlithes and other young ones were quickly taken far away from camp. Many died from smoke inhalation, others (who didn't have flash fire) from the flames. Nikora had no idea what was going on. She didn't know about the sickness, and wondered why the alpha had gone all crazy like that. In the midst of the chaos she was separated from her group but managed to meet up with George along with another Growlithe named Violet. The trio tried to calm down and traveled to Blackthorne, hoping there would be a safe place to stay and maybe some others there. But their luck quickly ran out- the infection had arrived even here, and the city was wiped out. Soon after, when looking for shelter, Violet was snatched up by a bloody, torn-up bird, who flew off with her while Nikora and George could only look on in horror.

    They were free to be together now, at last, but not in the circumstances the two wanted. But that didn't matter, not when they had one ray of hope shining through the darkness. Searching for a spot that wasn't infested with those undead creeps, they managed to come to Mahogany Town. There was a huge beast in that city, and the two Growlithes managed to find shelter in the nearby caves. How long they would be there, Nikora had no idea. She didn't want to die in here, with nothing but the darkness of the tunnels and the constant dripping of water. George assured her they wouldn't die, always trying to keep a positive mood. It was safer than being with that brute, after all, and there might be another exit.

    One day, when Nikora had been terrified by the roars of the beast, its voice magnified as it explored the cave entrance, she asked George this:
    "How long will you stay with me, with all this going on?" It had come out sounding wrong to Nikora, but when she got an answer, it wasn't wrong at all. "It doesn't matter what goes on. I'll stay with you forever." A smile came to her muzzle. Nikora, no longer afraid with him by her side, decided to go deeper in the cave to find prey. The darkness was nothing now, only the roars of possible beasts scared her.. but she was no longer alone. Forever.
    Appearance Nikora looks like most Growlithe and is quite pleasing to the eye. Her orange pelt is smooth and beautiful despite the Epidemic, adding to her pretty appearance and gorgeous grey-brown eyes. She wears a white scarf that holds a small piece of Charcoal to her neck.
    George has a standard appearance for his species. He is missing an ear, a battle scar from his time back in the clan. Sleek and fit this Growlithe brims with youth. His eyes match his handsome face, being a dreamy sky blue. He wears a black scarf.
    Personality Nikora is a gentle spirit. Sweet, sensitive, and a bit shy, it takes a while for her to open up to people. Never the leader she follows orders well, a skill from back in her clan days. She does have an opinion of her own, though she doesnt usually fight for it.
    She likes to explore but apprehension usually makes her let George take the lead and check for safety. He is her rock, her net, her sanctuary. Often she questions things, wondering why it is that the world must suffer this plague. Why her life was uprooted but she was finally allowed to be with George. If having him by her side is a blessing or curse. Though she would never dream of leaving him sometimes she wonders what she would be like now without him.
    Clan pride runs through her veins, roots that she will always cherish.  

    George is the definite lead between the two. Keeping Nikora at ease and smile on her face is both his job and his pleasure. He can see how the Epidemic has hurt her and tries his hardest to keep her spirits positive. With his girl being all he has left the usually lighthearted male is pained to ever see her suffer.
    He is generally aloof and makes situations light but can also be very serious if need be. He is used to having a lead over him and will follow without much problem, but he does have his own leadership traits if need be. All the time away from the clan has given him thoughts of rebelling on an unwanted lead though. He can have a bit of a sharp tongue and isn't afraid to fight back if challenged.

    Though they have different ways of going about it both these Growlithes are young and adventurous, youthful and trying to make the best of a bad situation. As long as they have each other everything will be okay regardless of the epidemic raging around them.

    User Notes

    • They picked up their items in Mahogany Town, thinking them pretty and matching.
    • George is named after George from Harry Potter.

    Last edited by Dandelion on Mon Jan 04, 2021 4:58 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) Empty Re: Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh)

    Post by Dandelion Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:30 am

    Ready for approval!

    Changes and updates-

    • Updated their profile to the new format.
    • Wrote a personality and appearance for each. (Personality is a bit rough as I need to learn these two).
    • Gave them Hexcode text colors.
    • Only a single characteristic for each.
    • Minor wording updates to the history
    • I Made the city they went to Mahogany, as Goldenrod was a bit far, and was only the destination so they could go to the Underground Team.

    Posts : 3650

    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) Empty Re: Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh)

    Post by Mewtwo Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:15 pm

    My only note is that George would not have learned Body Slam from an Arcanine father.
    Please choose a more suitable parent to pass that move along if you desire to keep it.


    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) 3Br5nS6

    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotNikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) UugYyDK

    Age : 29
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    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) Empty Re: Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh)

    Post by Dandelion Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:19 pm

    I have replaced Body Slam with Ember.

    Posts : 3650

    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) Empty Re: Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh)

    Post by Mewtwo Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:57 pm



    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) 3Br5nS6

    Nikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotNikora and George the Growlithe Couple | (Stark Sinnoh) UugYyDK

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