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4 posters

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]


    Age : 32
    Posts : 749

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Empty Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]

    Post by NyraXerz Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:34 pm

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Swoobatinfectedfinished_zps54a17892

    Text Color#FF0040
    Gender Male
    Item Leftovers
    Age Adult
    Species #528 Swoobat  the Courting Pokémon
    Height 2'11"
    Weight 23.1 lbs
    Time of Infection 2 Months Ago
    Pokédex Entry Black: It emits sound waves of various frequencies from its nose including some powerful enough to destroy rocks.
    Level 42
    Ability Unaware
    Nature Careful
    Characteristic Alert to sounds
    - Psychic (Level-up)
    - Attract (Level-up)
    - Air Slash (Level-up)
    - Supersonic (Breeding)

    Zephyr was born and raised in the passage way that connecting  Driftveil City with Castelia City called Relic Passage. Born to a swoobat mother and golbat father with several siblings, the family was part of a small flock that lived within the passage. It was not uncommon for scientists, backpackers, or hikers to enter the passage and Zephyr soon became familiar with these creatures, methods to evade them and how to battle when cornered. Although some encounters ended with battles, the woobat always found these creatures intriguing. Other pokemon within the passage would battle one another for meals, territory, and mates. He could not figure out exactly what they were coming there for, but that just added to his interest in them.

    The love and kinship he received and felt from his family was strong and as he gained levels and experience it transformed him into a swoobat. Soon after his transformation, Zephyr felt ready to leave his home, family and strike it out on his own. Something layed beyond the caves and sewers. He followed the path he had observed so many humans before take and soon was at the passageway from the sewers to Castelia City. Tall buildings, people, and the lights! Eagerly, the pokemon took to making this his home. The hustle and bustle of the people below his wings encouraged endless curiosity. Zephyr would roost on the edges of skyscrapers and other man-made buildings. Although there were a few trees within the city he found they were too short and close. His careful personality kept him higher up as an observer unless necessary such as in the case of food. Plenty of smaller pokemon would appear in the darker, quieter areas of the city at night and there was no storage of meals even as the city started to burn.

    It began as one simple outburst. One odd looking raticate ran rabid through the city. Zephyr watched from above as human flocked to meet this threat with nets, shields and blasts from their own pokemon. The pokemon was subdued and life returned to normal. More outbursts happened and with more pokemon. Some started to do damage to buildings and the human numbers appeared to dwindle as the docks became more active with people leaving and few entering the city. The swoobat retreated higher into an abandoned office building. It was a matter of time before the wrong thing came in contact with the flamethrower attack of one of these wild and unknowingly infected pokemon. The city burned for quite a while as other attacks and fights broke out between infected and the remaining trainers and wild healthy pokemon. Far from the ground, Zephyr had relative safety and when much of the ruckus had quieted he exited his hiding spot to find the city quite damaged. Anxious and unsure, he flew around the city observing the damage with his hairs standing up and nerves on edge. It seemed the damage was extensive enough to have taken out many of the ones who caused it with the buildings. The torn city fell silent and after weeks the swoobat became too comfortable and lax with a world under siege.

    While flying about the city he happened across a female swoobat. It had been quite a while since he had seen a pokemon in the city, much less one of his own species. He called to her and she definitely heard him to his later regret. The female turned sharply and angled herself to fly straight towards Zephyr though instead of the friendly encounter he expected she did not slow nor respond vocally beyond a high-pitched screech. By the time he registered that this could be an attack it had already begun. He brought up his wing to attempt to deflect her claws, but they cut painfully through his flesh. Her long fangs connected with the delicate tissue of his heart shaped nose the attack tore it to jarred spade shape in one swift movement. Kicking her back with his feet, Zephyr was able to escape her hold and create a bit of distance that last not even a second before she was righted and turning to attack again. Zephyr threw one air slash before turning to flee, not caring if the attack truly took her out as his only motive was to escape. Beyond the city, to the sewers, anywhere to evade her. Though he didn't dare to look back any questions he would have had about her fate after his attack were quickly answered as she caught up to him. Teeth connected with his shoulder and claws with his wings. With her "hands" full and his wings under attack the pair began to plummet. Zephyr kicked and twisted, the fall and her attack shooting his adrenaline higher than the skyscrapers surrounding them. With a burst of strength he is able to perform a roll, setting her below him as the pair collided with a lamp post. The infected took most of the damage. She laid there stunned or dead, Zephyr could not tell. What he did know is that he rolled from on top it and was almost too stunned to unfurl his wing to soften his fall to the road below.

    Since the attack odd things had begun to happen, not to the world around the swoobat, but to his body and very mind. His wounds have healed, but the scars brought on an onset of purple and grey blotches that have consumed his normal coloration. He found himself becoming increasingly...hungry. Why must he shuffle alone within his crumpled city? Upon seeing others he could not help but find his anger peaking. At first, it frightened him, but slowly...slowly he found himself enjoying the sensation. His first attacks on others were erratic fights of a pokemon completely taken over by his emotions. They reaped little rewards. Few satisfying ends and fewer meals. As the days and weeks wore on he learned to adapt. Control himself better for an ultimately more satisfying ending. When he was attacked, he was unwitting and waited too long to respond, many of those left alive are not so slow to respond. He takes to the shadows and uses his wings and echolocation to his advantage. Also, he does not allow his kills to rot out in the sun for any passing pokemon to scavenge from but collects as much as he can carry to his lair for consumption later. He is often seen with leftovers from previous meals on hand. The rush of health and strength he gains from consuming the flesh of the living gives him longer lasting strength on the hunt and in battle that he has made use of more than once. As food grows scarce, Zephyr's hunting radius grows wider, forcing him to migrate for fresh kills.

    The infection has sent in, twisting the normally bright and cute blues of the male swoobat into dull, lifeless grays and sickly purples. His wounds are no longer bleeding but display extra discoloration. Blood often cakes the bat's mouth, chest, and claws from attacks and from carrying his "leftovers" from previous victims. Zephyr's tail, once tightly coiled and shaped perfectly to allow him to hang from, has loosened and started to unfurl at the edges. This forces the swoobat to sleep hanging from his feet instead of his tail like a normal swoobat for stability. His eyes have changed to a ghastly red that appears to glow with dark thoughts...

    Zephyr is more interested in an ambush approach to a direct attack. Extreme circumstances could change this, but he is able to control himself for the goal of a greater outcome in most situations. His speech is actually quite good considering the infection, but his speech is still a bit broken when he speaks. He often stays silent so to stay hidden, but can become chatty if he has a clear advantage and believes the fight over such as when  a pokemon is under his attract spell. He is always alert to what is happening around him, his ears always twitching to the lightest of sounds in fear of attacks or thieves.
    User Notes - Supersonic from golbat father.
    - I envision his attract attack as creating somewhat of an illusion to those it affects. For example, they would see Zephyr as someone they love instead of seeing him as the cutest little dead pokemon ever.

    Last edited by Mew on Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:08 pm; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : gap above table removed)

    Posts : 3650

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Empty Re: Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:49 pm

    An interesting way to portray Attract.



    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] 3Br5nS6

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotZephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] UugYyDK

    Posts : 391

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Empty Re: Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]

    Post by Ho-Oh Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:12 pm

    As the title of your profile was ANY, Zephyr has been placed on the Pallet Team in Kanto, and is after the Lopunny in the posting cycle.

    Age : 32
    Posts : 749

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Empty Re: Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]

    Post by NyraXerz Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:52 am

    Would like to Reactivate this Pokemon please, due to purge.


    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Yx8XtF9

    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
    Larka's Art Shop

    Posts : 3650

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Empty Re: Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]

    Post by Mewtwo Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:27 pm

    Please wait until after the Purge completes. Users will not be allowed to ask for teams until they are graded.


    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] 3Br5nS6

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotZephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] UugYyDK

    Age : 32
    Posts : 749

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Empty Re: Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]

    Post by NyraXerz Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:58 pm

    I believe now it is open for non-elites to activate their profiles? If this is correct, I would like to activate this character please~


    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Yx8XtF9

    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
    Larka's Art Shop

    Posts : 3650

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Empty Re: Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:17 pm

    Due to you still being fairly new to the site yet showing a decent RP skill I am bringing your name to the other Admins. We shall vote on whether your will receive Rookie or Ace rank. Please bear with us we should have a decision by the end of the day.

    Thank you.

    (Same as your other profile)


    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] 3Br5nS6

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotZephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] UugYyDK

    Posts : 3650

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Empty Re: Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:35 pm

    Same as your other profile, I see your last edit was after your last approval. Please list any and all changes in a reply.


    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] 3Br5nS6

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotZephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] UugYyDK

    Age : 32
    Posts : 749

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Empty Re: Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]

    Post by NyraXerz Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:28 pm

    No changes have been made except for the title to say any instead of inactive


    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Yx8XtF9

    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
    Larka's Art Shop

    Posts : 3650

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Empty Re: Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:39 pm

    Thank you.



    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] 3Br5nS6

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotZephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] UugYyDK

    Posts : 1464

    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Empty Re: Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH]

    Post by Mew Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:08 pm

    This character has been placd on the STARK Team, in Sinnoh.


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    Zephyr the Undead Swoobat [STARK | SINNOH] Hz72hB2

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