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    Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive)


    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive) Empty Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive)

    Post by Fox Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:00 pm

    Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive) HarrowStarlingSummer

    Spring - Coming Soon

    Adult – Early Thirties
    Level 59
    Jump Kick, Energy Ball, Thunder Wave (TM), Shadow Ball (TM)
    Strong Willed
    National Dex No./Species;
    #586 Sawsbuck / The Season Pokémon
    Pokédex Entry;
    The plants growing on its horns change according to the season. The leaders of the herd possess magnificent horns.
    Metal Mask
    - Taking on an almost oval shape, Harrow’s mask is help on by magnets inserted beneath the creature’s skin to cover a disfigurement to the left side of his face. The mask has been painted and slightly sculpted to blend in with the remainder of his face as much as possible.

    Born in the wilds of Unova, Harrow was hatched into a loving, close-knit herd consisting of mainly immediate relatives to his own family. His mother died a few days before his hatching, but the entire group was eager to bestow the child with every ounce of attention that she would’ve showered on her precious child – eager to make the female proud. Harrow was quick to develop powerful bonds with everyone in the herd but none more so than his father. Taught to train and pull his weight in the group, the deerling was an intelligent youth, growing happy and healthy in the loving environment. Curious like most children, Harrow spent his childhood divided between exploring the local area and learning how to battle alongside his father and occasionally, uncle. A promising warrior, Harrow demonstrated a natural skill in battle and was soon escalating in strength in the years that followed.

    At the equivalent of his late teenage years, Harrow was captured by a human. The battle between him and the owned Absol was lengthy, a violent fight that left both parties wounded – but in the end, it was all too much for the deerling. Furious that he’d been snatched away from his family, Harrow remained incredibly stubborn; constantly defying the man’s orders, trying to flee and refusing to converse with the creature that had defeated him, Harrow proved difficult to tame. But over time, a relationship formed between human and pokémon. The man, a young police officer in the city, was determined to train the headstrong deer and whilst constantly fighting his attempts, Harrow built up a solid respect for the youth’s willpower. As the years droned on, what started as a mutual respect soon strengthened into an unbreakable, lifelong friendship. Harrow obeyed commands, growing powerful through regular training as he reached his evolution.

    Over the years, the human kept up his work for the local authorities alongside his pokémon partner, Starling the Absol – the same creature who had sealed Harrow’s fate as an owned pokémon. Whilst the duo rarely spoke, the female wrapped up in her work whilst the Sawsbuck provided a social companion for their trainer, they had a solid admiration of one another. Idolizing the canine’s lifestyle, Harrow often dreamt of working for the police, but his species seemed an irregular choice, prone to mockery were he to try and live out his ambitions. However, he received his wish. His human was recruited for an undercover job in which he was required to pose as an affiliate of a renowned crime organization. His duty was to record and collect evidence of members and gang activities that could provide enough proof that intervention was a necessity. However, to erase any suspicion of his identity as a police officer, Starling wasn’t permitted to accompany him. The female was too recognisable – the only Absol working for the authorities in perhaps the whole region. Her presence would give the mission away, thus Harrow was selected to provide the man with an extra means of protection. Blessed at such an opportunity, the Sawsbuck trained hard in the months leading up to the mission, determined to give his human the back-up he truly deserved.

    Harrow and his human worked on the job for a little over four months, embracing the criminal way as they effectively merged into the organization. Each day, the man would wear a wire to record conversation, gradually building a vast collection of evidence to ensure that the members would never escape a prison sentence. But the success was short-lived. Tragedy struck as the officer was revealed a fraud, brutally tortured before being disposed of by a quick slashing of his throat. Harrow, held down by gang pokémon was forced to watch the horrific scene. Desperately trying to save the human he’d loved, the deer thrashed wildly in a bid to assist but was helplessly outnumbered. His blood turned cold when the human’s turned their attention to his terrified form – intent on sending a message back to the police. Armed with a simple dagger, the left side of Harrow’s face was viciously carved off. His eye savagely gouged out whilst the delicate flesh of his face was torn off in gory lumps, Harrow was left in agony, helpless to the painful disfiguration. When the ordeal came to a halt, his face coated in a thick layer of red, the dead human was draped over his back with a message pinned to his lapel. The doors were opened and acting on instinct, Harrow fled. Terrified, he ran to the station.

    The incident was all over the news – the cop’s death, Harrow’s disfigurement and the malicious threat that accompanied the pair was known throughout the region. Despite the blood loss, the Sawsbuck was nursed back to health yet his face could not be saved – a hideous, carved wreck that unsettled even the vets working on him. The police, guilty that such torture had befallen the creature – a delightful soul familiar with many of the officers – commissioned that a metal mask be created to cover the wound, held in place by magnets inserted beneath the skin. Whilst it still had a certain intimidation about it, the mask lessened the horror and provided the closest thing to normality Harrow would experience ever again. Awash with emotion, the deer was ashamed that he’d been unable to save his human. Disgusted at his own appearance, the constant reminder of that fateful day, Harrow became filled with a bitter vengeance through his weeks of recovery. Visited by a heartbroken Starling, he was frank with the Absol – explaining what had happened whilst the pair spent several days grieving for their loss. When Harrow was deemed fit for release, the duo went their separate ways. Starling stayed on the force, falling into possession of one of the human’s colleagues, whilst Harrow took to the streets – both intent on extracting their revenge.

    Choosing to pursue a more merciless means, Harrow, filled with such powerful emotion was intent on slaughtering the men who’d destroyed his life. Honing his strength, the Sawsbuck became a force to be reckoned with – his empathy lost as he hunted down those responsible for his human’s death and his own disfigurement. Killing pokémon and human alike, the deer was named a monster, a price on his head as the months of murders rolled on. He considered his actions just – an eye for an eye, essentially – yet his growing infamy was quickly making life difficult. Content that the main attackers had been disposed of, Harrow left the city, avoiding the eyes of the authority and the gangs as he sought out the chance to start afresh in the surrounding woodlands.

    Harrow’s main intention was to start a family of his own. Making his home in Lostlorn Forest, the Sawsbuck set his sights on seeking out a nice girl to settle down with. Unfortunately, nobody could stand the sight of him. His mask scared any potential mates, and those who weren’t fearful were patronizing, burdening him with hideous pity whilst trying to nurse his tormented soul. The deer grew bitter quickly, unwilling to venture from his home, fearing the reactions of others. He didn’t want to unsettle anyone, didn’t want to be mocked and most of all, didn’t want their pity. Heartbroken at the revelation he would never be loved or have the opportunity to become a father as he so often dreamed, he fell into a state of depression, isolating himself from the rest of the world unless he was truly needed. That day came with the epidemic.

    The undead swept through the forest, killing everything in sight as their hunger soon drove them towards the cities. Convinced that the humans would quickly fall to these creatures’ incredible bloodlust, Harrow knew that with nothing left to protect in Lostlorn, his efforts may be appreciated in the city. On arrival, he soon found Starling and a collection of other pokémon he’d known combating the undead, the police force creating a barrier around the station now housing evacuated citizens. Harrow wasted no time, leaping to his old friend’s aid as the pair fought valiantly to protect the innocents of the city. Countless comrades fell, the odds soon swinging in the opposition’s favour as the defence team was outnumbered by the ravenous monsters. It was only so long until they seeped into the building – the terrified screams of the humans filling the empty streets as the massacre began. Knowing they’d done everything they could, Harrow urged Starling to flee – reluctantly, she obeyed.

    In the time that followed, Harrow and Starling took the opportunity to discuss what had happened following their human’s death. Sharing stories of deceit and heroism, their bond was quickly re-established despite blatant differences between their outlooks on life. Whilst they remained content with one another’s company, the natures of both the deer and the canine drove them onwards to find those in need of protecting.

    Slightly larger than the average Sawsbuck, Harrow is mainly average in appearance albeit towards the skinnier side. Boasting the normal colouration of his species as well as their famed ability to change appearance with the seasons, the grass-type was one a handsome, young creature. His short coat is somewhat grubby from years of neglecting his appearance, but behind the grime and wounds, there is an obvious, matured beauty about him. However, since his mutilation, the deer pays no mind to vanity.

    The deer’s distinguishing feature is unsurprisingly his metal mask. Almost always hidden from view, Harrow has a hideous disfigurement to the left side of his face. Whilst the wounds have healed, it is still extremely unsettling to look at – a large, slightly carved empty eye socket combined with a great depletion of facial flesh leaves him desperate to ensure nobody is burdened with such a gruesome sight. The mask is there for that purpose alone, sculpted and painted in a vain bid to resemble the other half of his face as much as possible. From a distance, it appears rather convincing, yet on closer inspection, the mask is known to be rather unsettling on its own. His remaining eye is an attractive shade of amber.

    Mainly a laid-back, amiable individual, Harrow usually presents a gentle demeanour accompanied by an almost non-existent temper. Blessed with the patience of a saint, it is extremely rare for the Sawsbuck to show any signs of anger – his capacity to hate firmly contained within his mind for future use, namely in battle or when wreaking his revenge. Hard to get a reaction from in general, nothing seems to surprise the disfigured deer as he approaches life with a quiet indifference, unwilling to involve himself in matters that do not concern him. As a result, many consider him to be aloof and insensitive to the emotions of others. Whilst quiet and content with his own company, Harrow does, in fact, express a genuine desire to benefit the lives of those around him – yet demonstrates such feelings through subtle actions. He seeks no appreciation or gratitude for such kindnesses.

    A creature of few words, the Sawsbuck speaks only when he deems it necessary for two main reasons -it is in his nature having idolized the work of the police and secondly that his voice is particularly difficult to understand. Self-conscious about his hoarseness, triggered by an old throat infection, Harrow also has a tendency to grunt – thus makes an effort to stay silent, convinced that others will not understand any contribution he intends to make. Despite his damaged vocal cords, Harrow speaks as gently as he can, his words muffled in a bid to lessen the harshness of his voice. An incredibly considerate individual, Harrow always works to set his company at ease – whether it’s through remaining silent or hiding his unsettling mask. His desperation to please, to lessen the immediate apprehension people suffer around him, is evident through his body language alone.

    Although Harrow can be considered a gentle, thoughtful individual, the deer possesses a far darker persona when he’s been wronged. Incredibly vengeful, the Sawsbuck becomes a force to be reckoned with when someone has betrayed his trust. Dangerous, Harrow has proven himself capable of heinous acts of torture and murder in the past, fuelled entirely by his lust for revenge. Never forgetting a bad word against him, it takes a hell of a lot to anger the creature, but when that line has been passed, Harrow will ensure that the offending party pays with their lives. Unpredictable in his actions, the grass-type keeps a level-head, entirely calm, as he unflinchingly slaughters those who are in the wrong. Instilled with an unwavering sense of right and wrong, Harrow instinctively chooses a more violent means to correct a situation – a firm believer in the phrase, ‘an eye for an eye’.

    Harrow is somewhat of a pessimist, his life experiences shaping him into a rather cold individual. Prone to expect the worst, the deer’s biggest irk is judgement as he’s learnt how cruel the world truly is when confronted with something out of the ordinary. Tormented by his disfigurement, even with the aid of the mask, Harrow essentially dislikes people based on the fact they no longer treat him as a normal being – familiar with all the typical reactions of fear, pity and mocking. However, he has grown used to it over the years. Patient, he shows no signs of frustration upon meeting a stranger, choosing to ignore their staring as he instead feels a certain emotional pain at being considered a freak. As a result, he’s often condemned detached and unsociable – in reality, he’s scared. Scared of what people think about him, but more importantly, scared of upsetting them – namely children.

    The Sawsbuck absolutely adores kids. Always desperate to become a father, Harrow has been forced to live with the fact that he will never be able to have a family of his own. Children are particularly adverse to his appearance – his heart breaking whenever a youth begins to cry or cower when he flashes them a seldom-seen smile. A family-man through and through, Harrow greatest sympathises go to those recollecting family life – fathers, mothers and lost children; it is stories such that as these that truly break through to the tormented deer. It also reminds him of how desperately lonely his own life is. Although thankful of Starling’s friendship, Harrow always dreams of normality. The chance to settle down with a mate and children is his only true dream – always just out of reach.

    User Note;
    - Harrow absolutely adores children, but is plagued by the fact his appearance often terrifies them. He also suffers a similar problem with women. Desperate to start a family of his own, the Sawsbuck is distraught at the fact the disfigurement has effectively destroyed his chances of living a normal life. Those who don’t stare at him are always fearful, mocking or patronizing.
    - Following a struggle with a particularly nasty throat infection in his early twenties, Harrow has been left with an extremely gravelly voice. Often extremely hard to understand, the deer also has a tendency to grunt and so tends to make an effort to remain silent around those who aren’t familiar with his tone.

    - Named after Richard Harrow from the TV series, ‘Boardwalk Empire’. His appearance and more loosely, his personality, are inspired by the character too.

    Adult – Mid Twenties
    Level 48
    Future Sight, Sucker Punch, Protect (TM), Ice Beam (TM)
    Super Luck
    Highly Persistent
    National Dex No./Species;
    #359 Absol / The Disaster Pokémon
    Pokédex Entry;
    It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of impending danger.

    Born as the only child to two Absols living in an abandoned barn, Starling was greeted into the world by only one parent, her father. Her mother had left the family almost a week earlier, unwilling to raise a child with a creature she no longer loved. Taking it upon himself to provide for his beautiful daughter, Starling’s father was an attentive man, caring when he wasn’t required to hunt to keep them both well-fed. Whilst her childhood was relatively blissful, unfazed by her father’s occasional absences as she found fun in the form of frolicking in the surrounding fields, her nights remained torture. Every evening, there was a hideous screaming. Hundreds of different cries of terror, continuing to torment the confused child as she constantly questioned what was happening. Her father, unable to relocate them, was forced to brush over the effects of living beside a slaughterhouse.

    After a year living in the building, the screaming was driving Starling mad with fear. She became panicky; an insomniac as she listened with baited breath to the horrendous shrieking, nestled at her father’s side. But things were worsening for the family. The male had become dangerously ill, a wound becoming infected to leave him struggling for survival. Unable to heal himself, he died a little over a month after gaining the injury. Starling, distraught and confused at why her father hadn’t awakened, remained with the body for a little over two weeks. She had nothing – no company save the awful screaming.

    The cries driving her over the edge, her emotions already erratic as she was coming to terms with the loss of her parent, she made the decision to investigate. Following the noise to a large building, she slipped through the doors to discover a most horrific sight. There was a flock of Mareep, children screaming in terror as one by one they were slaughtered by humans in the room – the others still watching. The scene was crippling for the child, her eyes tearing up as she desperately tried to free the captives. Of course, her efforts were vain, entirely on instinct as she was knocked unconscious by concerned staff members.

    Restricted to a pokeball in the couple of weeks that followed, Starling was utterly terrified. Images of the abattoir still bombarded her mind, the screaming echoing in her mind whilst she awaited her chance to escape the humans – convinced she too was going to die. However, when she was freed, she found herself in the company of a young man. She’d never seen him before or the vast city which she now found herself within. Hesitant, the female slowly learnt to trust the human, forming an incredible friendship over the following months. The young man, chasing his dream of working as a police officer, soon presented her with the offer to act as his partner on the force. Curious at the chance to dedicate her life to doing good, Starling began vigorous training in an effort to provide her human with the colleague he truly deserved.

    Over the months of training that followed, Starling buried her troubled childhood, learning how to block out the horrendous screaming still plaguing her nightmares. Instead, she dedicated her existence to her work, loving the lifestyle of an officer as well as the impact she made on the local community. Although no stranger to prejudice for her unusual species and the constant flirting from male co-workers, the treatment only shaped Starling further. Unwilling to accept anyone’s shit; the Absol was inspired to become the very best and to prove cynics of her true worth in the field. In time, she rose in the ranks, considered a force to be reckoned following countless successes. Powerfully mentally and physically, Starling silenced her doubters through actions, content with her thrilling life alongside the human she loved.

    Over the years, Starling’s human began to divide his time between work and training his recent pokémon acquisitions, namely a Sawsbuck several years her senior named Harrow. Whilst somewhat jealous of the lack of attention, the Absol soon warmed up to the newcomer, striking up a friendship with the deer following his expressing a genuine interest in her work. Deeming him a kindly individual, Starling was satisfied in her owner’s choice of pokémon and knowing no further intervention was required, made the choice to entirely engross herself within her work.

    Everything changed when her human was recruited for an undercover job in which he was required to pose as an affiliate of a renowned crime organization. His duty was to record and collect evidence of members and gang activities that could provide enough proof that intervention was a necessity. However, to erase any suspicion of his identity as a police officer, Starling wasn’t permitted to accompany him. The female was too recognisable – the only Absol working for the authorities in perhaps the whole region. Her presence would give the mission away, thus Harrow was selected to provide the man with an extra means of protection. Incredibly bitter at being left out of the job, the dark-type tried to protest the decision but soon realized that they were right – she didn’t want to endanger her beloved human or the task at hand. Reluctantly, she remained at the station, falling into possession of one of her human’s colleagues she had a particular liking for. Keeping a careful eye on Harrow during his training period, she was always there to offer advice yet remained convinced that the deer would keep him safe.

    Patiently awaiting the return of her human and Harrow, Starling otherwise continued her work as normal. Growing more independent, the female was of a high-rank in the unit and made an effort to remind people of how she’d gotten to such a position of respect. However, her life came crashing down when Harrow limped, bloodied, into the station – a body draped over his back. For the first time in her life, Starling broke down completely. Always prone to burying her emotions, the female was devastated at her human’s brutal death, immediately blaming Harrow for not saving him. Isolating herself from the force in the weeks that followed, the female became almost suicidal in her distress – soon making the decision to confront the Sawsbuck about what exactly had occurred. On arrival, she was awed by the damage that he too had suffered, yet ultimately, she could not forgive him. Even with an acceptable explanation, the deer undeniably ashamed of his lack of intervention, Starling remained aloof. The pair mourned their loss, the dark-type gradually beginning to sympathise with the deer at the realization of the bond he too had for the human. Ensuring to visit the disfigured deer each day, Starling slowly came to terms with her incredible loss.

    Intent on moving on with her life, she and Harrow soon went their separate ways. He left for the wild, claiming he had some things to ‘take care of’, whilst she remained with the police force, falling into permanent possession of her temporary trainer. Determined to rebuild her identity as ‘top-dog’, the death of her human only fuelled her passion for the law more powerfully than ever. She would get her revenge, but she would do so within the law.

    In the few years that followed, Starling almost worked herself to death. Always on patrol, the Absol quickly became famous for her no-nonsense attitude and utter dedication to eradicating crime in the city. Unforgiving around criminals, the canine was well-respected by the authorities, recognised as a hero and possessing a number of medals for such excellent, unwavering work towards the community’s vision. Despite a number of close calls - her determination making her reckless when confronted with that organization as old memories were reawakened – Starling was essentially a good cop. Firm with her beliefs of a better world, the female was disgusted to learn that a number of recent murders linked directly to an old friend, Harrow. Understanding his intentions, wreaking his revenge through bloodlust, Starling was forced to condemn him as a criminal nonetheless; a menace like every other villain she had successfully put behind bars. Admittedly, part of her was pleased with his decision to one day ‘vanish’ into the surrounding forests, out of her jurisdiction.

    The epidemic hit several months later. Of course, Starling was working as hard as ever. The police were alerted early on of the threats these new creatures proved, warnings issued to the civilians as ‘safe houses’ were announced about the city. The female turned her attentions away from crime-stopping to protecting the hundreds of innocents endangered by the undead. Never catching a moments rest, her efforts seemed to be all in vain the day the city was overrun with the monsters. Determined to protect, Starling led a group of pokémon sent to defend the police station, now hiding a large portion of the city’s civilians. Merciless in her attacks, Starling battled for everything she believed in, all the emotion she’d ever felt launched into every hit to save at least someone. Unfortunately, they were outnumbered. She fell and hadn’t a familiar face intervened, would’ve been killed by a infected Ursaring. Harrow helped her to her feet, offering a blunt greeting as he took to fighting alongside her. There was no time for talking, Starling immediately throwing herself back into the action as the fight droned on.

    The battle soon swung in the favour of the opposition, countless comrades falling beneath the undead’s incredible hunger. It was only so long before they breached the station walls, commencing to slaughter every human trapped inside. Launched back to her childhood, Starling was frozen at the horrendous screaming soon exploding around her. She was only snapped out of her thoughts as Harrow hurriedly ushered her to flee with him, the situation past saving as the city was painted red. Although reluctant to abandon them, condemning herself a coward, she obeyed the deer and fled into the distance.

    In the time that followed, Harrow and Starling took the opportunity to discuss what had happened following their human’s death. Sharing stories of deceit and heroism, their bond was quickly re-established despite blatant differences between their outlooks on life. Whilst they remained content with one another’s company, the natures of both the deer and the canine drove them onwards to find those in need of protecting.

    Slightly smaller and slimmer than the average Absol, Starling looks a rather delicate creature on first impressions. However, beneath thick, glossy and well-kept fur, the canine boasts a surprisingly collection of muscles, well hidden by a feminine appearance. Her physical strength often takes opponents by surprise, bringing a satisfied smirk to her own heart-shaped, open face. The average colouration for her species, Starling’s fur has a slight tinge of brown from the collection of dust and blood over her time working on the police force.

    Although she takes no interest in her appearance, Starling is a rather attractive young woman. Oozing a certain elegance, the canine’s tough, no-nonsense attitude is only evident when she opens her mouth to speak. She walks with confidence, head held high whilst wide, scarlet eyes absorb every minute detail about her lithe form.

    Priding herself on her rationalism, Starling is an intelligent, motivated young woman who has worked to uphold the law for the majority of her life. Undoubtedly instilled with a firm sense of right and wrong, the Absol will not tolerate any sort of nonsense, quick to single out time-wasters and troublemakers through keen observation and instincts. Always alert, the female is an expert judge of character with a talent for looking past appearances and into the very mindset of those around her – she believes strongly that body language is one of a person’s greatest ‘tells’. Realistic but careful with her decisions, Starling is known for both her physical and mental strength. As an ex-officer, the female is unafraid to push her body to its limits, constantly striving to build her power to combat even the most troublesome of opponents – yet she knows that her calm and composure is precious.

    Starling is undeniably brave, willing to lay down her life for the greater good as she has done over her years on the force. Extremely opposed to violence, the canine will always try to keep the peace and ensure that the situation remains non-confrontational to the best of her ability, but she knows well enough that some people just don’t listen. An able battler, the dark-type doesn’t enjoy fighting but will go out of her way to both protect and keep troublemakers firmly in line. Regardless of this particular trait, Starling rarely loses her temper. A patient individual, she will reason with hostiles and only resort to violence as a means of defence.

    In her determination to appear a strong-minded individual, Starling has a tendency to bottle her emotions. Whilst she fully sympathises with the concerns of others, she can appear a little insensitive due to a desire to disguise her weaknesses. Her reassuring usually consists of a kind sentence and a pat on the back as she remains intent on moving on with the situation. With the occasional exception, Starling is incredibly blunt. The Absol doesn’t know the meaning of ‘sugar-coating’ and is far more comfortable dealing with cold, hard facts – trusting their solidity and immovability. Her imagination was disposed of long ago, a strategists mind in its place as she plans her actions based on what she sees and hears – feelings should not interfere. Unfortunately, this has giving her a rather serious mindset, her sense of humour almost non-existent as she continues to wrap herself up in the bigger picture, now that she’s redundant from her beloved job.

    By no means arrogant, Starling does admittedly have a tough time dealing with failure. An incredibly hard-worker, the female cannot fathom making mistakes – especially if it leads to injury or the death of a comrade. Quick to beat herself up for such accidents, the canine struggles to come to terms with loss of life and reveals her true identity as a fragile young woman desperate to compensate for all the villainy she has witnessed over the years. Insights into her troubled mind can be caught when she’s lost to slumber. Plagued by horrendous nightmares from bad missions on the force as well as the slaughterhouse from her childhood, Starling’s biggest fear is helplessness. Always striving to help, to protect, the Absol is essentially a conflicted individual with an unwavering desire for peace. She believes that day will come when the Mareeps stop screaming.

    User Note;
    - Starling is a strict vegetarian. Ever since witnessing the Mareep in the abattoir, the Absol has given up eating meat in fear that her nightmares of her childhood will intensify to unbearable levels. As a result, her stature is smaller and slightly more fragile than average.

    - Named after and partially based off the character of Clarice Starling from the Hannibal Series - books by Thomas Harris and the film adaptations.

    **Adopted from Snitch**


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive) 4j0L6

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive) Empty Re: Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive)

    Post by Fox Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:03 pm

    I just thought I'd repost, since their turn is coming in RP, and I saw they were taken off the sheet. I didn't want their place taken on accident. ^^;
    I think we usually have to wait until Jirachi says to repost when adopting, but I didn't know what to do in this case...so sorry if this is wrong.
    I can wait still if it's needed.

    I didn't change anything in their profile.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive) 4j0L6

    Posts : 3650

    Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive) Empty Re: Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive)

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:13 pm


    They also may go back into their spot. Ho-oh, please see this profile back into the Castle Team Sheet after Anathema's other characters. (That should be slot four I believe.)


    Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive) 3Br5nS6

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    Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive) Empty Re: Harrow the Sawsbuck & Starling the Absol (inactive)

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