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    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova)


    Age : 29
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    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) Empty Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:29 pm

    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) Pictur11

    Uchiha Sasuke
    Text Color #A00000 Pokémon Ruby color
    Item A purple belt
    Gender Male
    Age Adult (human 19)
    Species #398, Staraptor, The Predator Pokémon
    Height 3'11"
    Weight 54.9lbs
    Pokédex Entry
    "When Staravia evolve into Staraptor, they leave the flock to live alone. They have sturdy wings."-Pokémon Heartgold and Pokémon Soulsilver
    "It has a savage nature. It will courageously challenge foes that are much larger."-Pokémon Diamond
    Level 35
    Ability Intimidate-Lowers the opponents attack stat upon entering the battle.
    Nature Adamant
    Characteristic Hates to lose.
    Moves - Double Team(level up)
    - Close Combat (level up)
    - Pursuit (Bred)
    - Hidden Power:Electric Type (TM)
    History The Uchiha Clan were a line of pure blooded Flying Types, purposely bred for their excellence in battle. Sasuke was born to the partiarch of the line in one of the special nesting boxes of the clan. His father, a magnificently feathered Honchkrow by the name of Fugaku, doted his attentions on his eldest son, a Murkrow had by a different mother, and ignored the tiny Starly desperate for his approval. Whereas the Murkrow, Itachi, had been born with a rarely seen natural talent for battle his little brother had been born with lesser skills. Whereas Fugaku dedicatedly trained with his Murkrow son the little Starly had to train by himself in futile attempts to try and catch his father’s eye. The Murkrow took pity on his little brother and trained with the little Normal Type, even laughing off Sasuke's jealousy of him with the explanation that sibling rivalry was only natural. Ignoring their fathers cold attitude Itach began to genuinely care for his little brother. Under Itachi's guidance Sasuke even learnt the dark type move he had been bred to be able to achieve; Pursuit. As he grew older Itachi and Fugaku began to fall out, Itachi neglecting training with his father to look after his little brother. Only then did the little Starly get the attention he so greatly desired as his father turned away from Itachi in disgust. Staying up late to train his Pursuit Sasuke arrived back to the nesting box late one night only to see the entrances to the little wooden houses littered with shed feathers. In a panic he nosed his way into his nesting box and saw the two feathered bodies lying limp on the straw with their wings torn from their bodies and his brother, a Honchkrow, standing over them with bloodied beak and talons. In a rush his brother flew at him, pinning the little Starly against the wall. Opening his bloodied beak in a harsh whisper the Honchkrow told his brother that he had grown tired of his true potential being repressed by his pathetic relatives and the only way to avenge their deaths was to learn true hatred, devoting his life to hunting him down his brother. With a flick of his wings Itachi knocked his younger brother out and flew off.

    The little Starly was found later on in the bloodied straw and taken in by a kind trainer who raised the orphaned Normal Type alongside the other Pokémon taken in for triple battle training. Sasuke trained himself desperately, trying to get strong enough to defeat his brother and avenge his clan. His superior battle skills earnt him admiration and envy from the trainer's other pokemon, two of which he was paired with for the Triple Battles that were their normal form of training. As the three battled together Sasuke evolved into a Staravia and started to learn to care about his companions as well as himself. The closer he grew to his new friends the less he thought about his revenge and the happier he became. He thought less and less about his revenge, learning to prioritize others over himself. One of Sasuke's partners, a Pokémon named Naruto that never seemed to amount to much in their earlier days, continued to get stronger and stronger through pure determination to catch up to cool Staravia. Sasuke was no longer the strongest, despite his hardest training, Naruto was even better that him at some things. The Normal Type pushed himself harder and harder, trying to get strong enough to confirm he would be capable of defeating his brother. His wounded pride burnt in his chest like a physical wound as his teammate continued to keep up with him. One battle, against an illegally entered Hydreigon with purple eye markings, left him feeling worthless as the Dark Type beat his down and, with a whispered offer of true power, slithered off. Then came a fateful day where in a regular battle he found himself face to face with his brother. Overcome by his anger he attacked his brother with all the power he could muster only to be bought down yet again with a few powerful blows. He had not gotten any stronger...

    Recalling the Hydreigon's offer of power Sasuke left his trainer to find the training he needed to defeat his brother, following the guidance of a sickly Lucario through the woods to the disguised Lab owned by Team Plasma. He was taken in by Team Plasma, seeing the young Staravia's strength and determination could be used. The three years that followed were filled with furious training and constant drugging with various vitamin supplements and rare candies, forcing him into his evolved state as a Staraptor. Sasuke didn't care for his own well-being, even when he found his vision starting to blur from the constant drugging, because he was finally getting stronger. His powerful rate of growth made him feel he would finally be able to defeat his brother and restore honour to his name. As Team Plasma crumbled Sasuke grew dismissive of the Hydreigon Orochimaru and the Dark Type's vain dreams. The Brutal Pokémon, enjoying the meat of strong young Flying Types for above all other threats, tried to devour the young Staraptor one day after training, stating it as the sole purpose he had wanted the Normal Type in Team Plasma to begin with. Although the battle was hard fought, Sasuke defeated the Dark Type using Close Combat and flew off to follow his own goals. He had no loyalty to the ones that trained him to this point, he had been sucessfully taught how not to care about others.

    Humans had fled the many facilities to save their own skins, leaving behind the pokemon they had experimented on trapped in their tiny cages. Though in his flight Sasuke encountered the red-eyed ones taken over by the disease of bloodlust he adamantly continued with his plan. His brother would not have fallen, no here was still here somewhere. The disease of madness that now ran rampant must have been what possessed Itachi to wipe out their blood line.
    The Staraptor's blood red eyes were hard.
    The Honchkrow must die by his claws alone, even if it means saving the Dark Type from the attacks of others. For that he would need the aid of others...In the time before his leaving the Staraptor had selected some of the pokemon he had seen as possessing talents useful to him; he took care to find and recruit each one from their various facilities.
    Suigetsu the Vapoureon.
    Karin the Espeon.
    Juugo the Flareon.
    All had the strength he needed to clear away the distractions for his ultimate goal and, for their own differing reasons, all were willing to follow him. They did not get along or co-operate as friends like his previous team but the Staraptor didn't care as long as they aided him. He named the new team Taka, the hawk, and set their one goal; to hunt down his brother.
    Sasuke left to scour the lands to his brother.
    Appearance Sasuke is a large dark feathered staraptor with a cool emotionless expression. His eyes are a bright blood red and his beak and claws are black-tipped. He wears a twisted purple belt knotted around his waist that marks him as reserved for one of Orochimaru's meals, he has not bothered trying to remove it. Discolored feathers between his wings form a symbol made of two overlapping round feathers, one red on top of one white in the Uchiha Clan Symbol. His claws are long and blade-like and an aura of crackling electricity surrounds them when he uses his Hidden Power. He moves very fast and land devastating blows with beak, talons and wings in Close Combat. His face is usually cold as he keeps his emotions from showing from his face. On the few occasions extreme emotions have caused expressions to show on his face they are terrifying in their intensity. His Intimidate Ability shows as a dark aura around his body to those that can see it and his eyes shine with an uncommon violence. After major battles he has to rest due to stress leading to moments of near blindness for him, a side effect of the drugs that have caused his accelerated devlopment.
    Personality Sasuke projects an illusion of a cold and unfazed personality, rarely altering his face beyond an impassive mask. His upbringing has left him with an inherent sense of superiority so he is very proud and takes any defeat as motivation for harsh training until he is victorious. He trains hard to be better than his brother. Believing severing personal bonds makes him stronger he does not care for his companions at all and has no trouble with disposing of them when they are no longer useful. Due to his attempts to remain as harsh and aloof as possible he also fails to pay any attention to things he doesn't consider important, leaving him oblivious to Karin's crush on him. He pursues his goals with a great determination, willing to discard everything and anything that does not help him get stronger.
    Underneath his cold exterior he broods on his memories and grows his hatred for his brother, rarely showing emotion on his face beyond a small twitching of a smile or frown. Though the recent years have taught him how to kill his emotions for the good of his ambitions he still dwells on thoughts of his friends at times.
    User Notes -His moments of impending blindness are a side effect of enhancement drugs that resulted in his increased level. Adreneline causes his vision to blur to the point at which prolonged battle can reduce him to near blindness and he must rest until his vision comes back. During this time he relies on his team to guard him.
    -Recklessly uses his Close Combat at any opportunity, not realizing it is greatly reducing his defences.
    -Has also recruited Suigetsu and Karin]Suigetsu and Karin into his search for his brother.
    -After seeing the world of the Epidemic he believes his brother was infected. This is not the case.
    -Father was Fugaku the Honchkrow, from whom he learnt pursuit.
    -He is versatile in his use of Hidden Power, manipulating the electricity into darts thrown from his feathers or talons. Either way the move does the same amount of damage.
    -Was originally meant to be a meal for Orochimaru but grew strong enough and escaped before Orochimaru could eat him. The Hydreigon is still bitter about it.

    Juugo "Tenbin"
    Text Color #D16302 color
    Item Soothe Bell
    Gender Male
    Age Adolescent (Human 16)
    Species #136, Flareon, The Flame Pokémon
    Height 3'11"
    Weight 65.1lbs
    Pokédex Entry
    "It stores some of the air it inhales in its internal flame pouch, which heats it to over 3,000 degrees"-Pokémon Gold
    Level 25
    Ability Flashfire-Increases Speed when hit by a Fire Type move.
    Nature Timid
    Characteristic A little quick tempered
    Moves - Quick Attack (Level up)
    - Flamethrower (TM)
    - Superpower (Tutored)
    - Strength (HM)
    History From the moment he was first hatched in an artificial incubator in a Team Plasma laboratory Juugo was different. He stood head and shoulders above any of his Eevee kin with a powerfully built body, the epitome of what the mutagenic drug injected into the shell of his developing egg was supposed to do. Mentally however the Eevee was flawed; he had been born with a timid and temperate personality despite his great size and was more likely to run crying from a battle than fight seriously. He loathed the battles he was forced into, trying to force battling spirit by reward and brutal punishment and the unseen stresses it put on him. The normal type trembled in his cage at night as a strange voice bred from the imbalance in his developing mind told him to kill.
    The first battle he snapped in was spectacular; fighting against one of his Eevee 'brothers' the timid Eevee pressed up against the wall had suddenly twitched convulsively and said very calmly that he was going to kill the other. With an inexplicable burst of bloodlust he did, crushing the other normal type's skull between his paws and mutilating the body further with powerful blows of his large forelimbs until as suddenly as it had started the bloodlust left him and the now crying Eevee tried to flee from the bloody remains. That night he had started to shed his chocolate brown fur, showing patches of his darker brown skin as he trembled in his cage and argued with himself with growing hysteria.
    The Plasma Scientists took a while to determined exactly what had happened. The drugs injected into the egg after its laying had caused the Eevee embryo inside to develop multiple personality disorder, forming a second distinct personality in the form of the repressed aggression absent from his other personality. Though it seemed most of the time the more timid personality was dominant the other personality emerged during certain circumstances, circumstances the scientists had created. Now the two personalities had balanced themselves out like the dishes of a set of scales, the timid personality still being the more dominant but being taken over at almost random intervals when his other half was triggered. Of more interest was the way that the change caused an increase in the Eevee's physical strength as his inner compunctions were removed, letting him fight with all his strength.

    As Juugo got older his lack of control got worse, no longer having any identifiable triggers for the shift in personalities. It made him untameable and useless for his original purpose of a front line battler. Once his other personality had taken over Juugo could not be commanded or stopped until his bloodlust had been given time to die out or he was tranquilized. Very few of the pokemon he was sent to fight with could match his insane rampages much less win against him. One of the few that could was a Lucario by the name of Kimimaro that hammered him into submission with the bone it held. Loyal to his trainer despite the dark feelings in the man's heart the Lucario had been raised to worship the Hydreigon Orochimaru after the Brutal Pokémon had rescued him as a child. Feeling the Eevee could be of use despite his disability the Lucario left the Eevee with a Fire Stone, evolving Juugo into a larger than usual Flareon.
    Though his evolution made him no less volatile Juugo had found himself his first freind. The two trained together, Kimimaro beating him down if he ever started to transform. From his master the Lucario received the two TMs to give to the new Flareon and permission to have the Fire Type tutored in focusing his latent abilities even further, honing the Flareon's violent rages into a Superpower attack. Though he remained more or less untameable the powerful Flareon became a valued training partner for the stronger pokemon raised for the Seven Sages, N or Ghestis himself. Juugo was even permitted a short time outside, where he bonded with the little flying types that could soar away if he was about to transform.

    Then Kimimaro fell sick. As a Riolu his egg was improperly incubated and as a result his immune system had been getting steadily weaker and weaker until eventually he caught a fatal disease. Kimimaro met with the Flareon one last time and apologized that he wouldn't be able to come back any more. Though it would most likely prove fatal to him the dying Lucario wanted to bring back one last meal for his Hydreigon master. Despite the caged Fire Type's protest he bought Juugo one last gift; a Soothe Bell that the canine fastened firmly around Juugo's neck.
    The metallic chiming from the bell calmed the Flareon's volatile nature, though he could not ring it for himself without denting the metal. The soft sound kept him calm through the long dark nights while, unknown to the caged Fire Type, the facility was slowly abandoned. The bell's tongue stuck fast and slowly the other Juugo crept back.
    "A girl...It's got to be a girl. No, maybe a man. Yeah a man's better. No a girl, haven't had a girl. If the next one to open my cage is a girl I'll scorch her to ashes."
    The other pokemon broke out of their cages and rampaged or fled but Juugo's cage was designed to withstand his massive strength and he could not escape it on his own. The thick door was fastened with many locks.
    "A man, no a girl." He whispered to himself as he heard someone approach his cage. Keys jangled as they were placed in the locks and clumsily turned. "Wait...A man is better."
    The lock undid and the Flareon leapt towards the male Staraptor who opened it with a cry of "Jackpot! You're dead!"
    His attack was cut off by a Vapoureon, the Water Type splattering to liquid between his paws before reforming behind him and leaping to the attack. Recognizing the fluid Water Type from pervious battles Juugo gleefully leapt into the fray, trying to crush the Vapoureon's skull between his paws.
    Intent on killing Juugo didn't notice the dart of black shadow until it struck his Soothe Bell with a clear ringing sound that restored startled him out of his battle lust, allowing his naturally timid personality to return. Hurriedly the Fire Type tried to climb back into his cage where others were safe from him.
    "Please lock me back up." He sobbed, curling his tail around him. "I don't want to hurt anyone anymore...Kimimaro isn't here. I can't go out without Kimimaro."
    "Kimimaro died to bring me here." The Staraptor said, coming to land on the cage. He keeps his voice cold and soothing. "You don't need to worry, I will be here to calm you down.
    The black feathered bird pulls open the still unlocked door and comes to land, his Intimidate ability showing in the power of even his simplest of actions. "I can be your cage."
    With a soft whimpering Juugo reluctantly steps out of his cage as the Staraptor inclines his head towards him. The Flareon looks down at the Soothe Bell around his neck. The Staraptor had struck it and calmed him down just like Kimimaro would have...But could he be trusted?
    Juugo stepped out into the light for first time in months in his pursuit of the answer to that question.
    Appearance Juugo is a Flareon of unnaturally large size to the point at which he looms over any of his Eevee-lution kin. His transformation leads to him clawing at his right shoulder. Stress has lead to patchy loss of fur which has exposed his darker colored skin. His eyes are a pinky red. His entire right front paw and part of the right side of his face is darker in color due to his fur loss. He enjoys the company of smaller pokemon which he attracts to him with his gentle personality and small bird types may come to perch on his back and give him information; they are generally the first to fly away when he is in danger of changing. The tuft of fur on his head is more spiked than in a usual Flareon. After his Soothe Bell has been struck his face relaxes and his eyes widen as he falls to his knees and profusely apologizes.
    Usually he keeps his posture slightly slumped to make himself appear shorter and prevent him from bumping into things and his face bears an apprehensive look. When circumstances cause him to lose control his face becomes strangely blank and he begins to slowly start to whisper the word 'kill' as his other personality takes over. His body stiffens or starts to tremble if he is actively fight it. His eyes widen and his pupils contract. If he is trying to resist the change the transformation will be delayed and he will appear to be in pain, clutching at his shedding shoulder and asking to be restrained before he finally breaks into his other personality. His mouth will often open and he may involuntarily dribble. When transformed he favors physical attacks, moving swiftly towards an opponent and trying to crush them to death with his bare paws. He uses his Quick Attack to move swiftly across the battlefield and dodge attacks, as he runs he often leaps and rolls to avoid ranged attacks before leaping towards an opponent to batter them with his paws. His Strength is often used to pick up large boulders and move them out of the way. His Superpower is strong enough to crack solid stone or crush skull in an instant.
    Personality A chemical imbalance in Juugo's mind has left him with two distinct personalities, one timid and cowardly and the other violent and aggressive.
    Knowing that anyone near him often becomes his next victim he has previously attempted to enforce his own exile, insisting that there is no way he can be let outside without a cage to hold him in check. The only other pokemon apart from his companions he allows near him are the flying types because they can always escape his reach before he loses control. He has a timid nature and cowardly nature and is quite willing to follow Sasuke's orders as long as the Staraptor helps him maintain control. Now he is freed he has no real goals in the post-epidemic world after the death of Kimimaro and lets himself be led by Sasuke. If Sasuke is not around he tends to follow Suigetsu around for lack of anything better to do, listening patiently to the Vapoureon but tending to irritate him by saying the wrong thing. Lacking any real world experience he does not understand many things such as Karin's infatuation with Sasuke. In his normal personality he is very quiet. After being shocked out of his other personality by the ringing of his Soothe Bell he apologizes for losing control of himself.

    Seemingly random circumstances cause Juugo to transform into his other personality, although they have included seeing violence and being insulted. When transformed Juugo is overcome by bloodlust and desire to kill, finding killing to be highly amusing and fulfilling. Abandoning his fire type attacks for more physical moves Juugo becomes overcome with desire to physically crush and rip apart anyone near him, delivering powerful blows with his paws and seeing any injury as an excuse to fight harder. Overcome by animalistic desires to harm others Juugo is still capable of laying (brief) ambushes, remembering past opponents and their fighting styles and adjusting his own fighting techniques to defeating an opponent. Sometimes he argues with himself over which target to kill first. The sound of his Soothe Bell if struck by another can startle him out of his transformation and allow his regular personality to regain control. Though it rarely happens Juugo can also choose to let himself be willingly subsumed if his other half is needed in battle.
    When 'transformed' his voice is rougher and he often laughs maniacally. Very rarely will he speak more than a few short sentances such as "I'm going to kill you!" or "You're dead!".
    User Notes -Based off Juugo from Naruto Shippuden.
    -The Soothe Bell has a stuck tongue from him trying ring it and accidentally denting the metal, though he managed to repair the exterior the tongue of the bell remains bent. It only rings when physically struck as opposed to when he moves. It used to belong to Kimimaro who evolved when holding it.
    -Striking the Soothe Bell is difficult as it comes near his mouth and he instinctively blows flame or bites anything that approaches his mouth when enraged. Sasuke is the only one of the group fast enough to strike it and dart back before he suffers damage by using a form of Close Combat.
    -Part of Orochimaru's training programme. Kimimaro gave him the TMs for Strength and Flamethrower on his behalf. Superpower was tutored into him for the same reason.

    Last edited by Kaze on Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:04 am; edited 5 times in total

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) Empty Re: Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:16 pm

    To the main profile computer please <3

    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) Empty Re: Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova)

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:52 pm

    So much win is in this profile

    Age : 29
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    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) Empty Re: Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:53 pm

    Of course, It's Sasuke's XD

    Thank you Taka *hugs*

    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) Empty Re: Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova)

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:56 pm


    You're welcome Kaze *hugs back*

    Posts : 3650

    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) Empty Re: Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:40 pm

    19 is an Adult. Not Adolescent.

    All moves must be labeled, even natural ones.

    Father must be listed in User Notes to verify lineage of breed moves.

    Schizophrenia is also not used correctly in your profile. When someone has schizophrenia they hear voices telling them to do things, or they act strangely because of the voices in their head. Yes they can become violent but more often than not they are a danger to themselves and not others. You describe Multiple Personalities, a personality taking over a host personality, which is not the same thing. Please do your research before trying to implement complex mental diseases.

    Please revise.


    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotSasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) UugYyDK

    Age : 29
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    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) Empty Re: Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:38 pm


    Posts : 3650

    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) Empty Re: Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Jan 26, 2013 7:21 am

    You fixed one age but not the other.

    Also, I am confused as to where the 'bi-polar' in his title comes from. As a sufferer from extreme bi-polar disorder myself I can without fail tell you nothing in his history or User Notes has anything to do with the disorder. Being bi-polar has nothing to do with multiple personality disorder. They are incredibly different.


    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotSasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) UugYyDK

    Age : 29
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    Post by Kaze Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:53 am

    Edited, Juugo was supposed to be adolescent ^^;

    Bipolar is the title the original character is referred to in story as well as being diagnosed as schizophrenic and bipolar but that must be mistranslation.

    Posts : 3650

    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) Empty Re: Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:39 pm



    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Sasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotSasuke the cold Staraptor and Juugo the multiple personality Flareon (Aspertia, Unova) UugYyDK

    Age : 29
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    Post by Kaze Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:15 pm

    Thank you Mewtwo <3 I appreciate your help.

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