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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)


    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Thu May 03, 2012 10:09 pm

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Untitl11
    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) OrochimaruPortraits_5


    Item TM38-Fire Blast
    Gender Male
    Age Unknown (but believed to be in his 60s)
    Species #635, Hydreigon, the Brutal Pokemon
    Time of InfectionFour months
    Height 1.8m
    Weight 160kg
    Pokédex Entry This brutal Pokémon travels the skies on its six wings. Anything that moves seems like a foe to it, triggering its attack-Pokemon Black
    Level68 (RP Level Up)
    Ability Levitate
    Nature Adamant
    Characteristic Highly Curious
    Moves - Dragon Pulse
    - Fire Blast (TM)
    - Surf (HM)
    - Focus Blast (TM)
    In the time when Unova was still unheard of by all except those who lived there and great dragons slept in their chains of stone, that was the time of the Great Dragon Orochimaru.

    He was born in the stony heights of victory. Far from the paths the trainers wishing to challenge the league took there was a hidden tunnel that lead to a cave where there existed a hidden village for all Pokémon, away from prying eyes.

    The leader of this place was an elderly Meinshao by the name of Sarutobi and he had three students; a carefree Tympole, a confident female Deerling and a quiet orphaned Deino.

    Their names were Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru.
    The three fought together and fought each other as friends sometimes do and after many years of battle against the trainers who would dare try to capture them they fought a strange intruder to their cavern home.

    The man was one who would later become known as Ghetis of Team Plasma and he was far stronger than the others who the three had fought. The they could not win but together drove Ghestis into a stalemate and, in respect for their battling prowess, he bestowed upon the three the title of “Sannin”, the legendary sages.

    As they grew and evolved both Jiraiya and Orochimaru took students of their own, Jiraiya three like his teacher had and Orochimaru one who showed promise.
    Tsunade, on the other hand, suffered the loss of her little brother and mate in battle years later and withdrew into her self, swearing never to fight again.

    Yet there was a deep darkness in Orochimaru. He had been born naturally intelligent and curious and as he saw more and more of the calamity that surrounded him he started to think. In the darkened caverns he started to experiment on the foolish few who wandered from the village.
    His motives were unknown, maybe it was to revive his dead parents or to punish their killer but he wanted to know all the secrets of life. His path grew darker as the Deino was driven to study life in all its forms and the breaking point of nearly every Pokémon in the region. He used this information to concoct dangerous medicines out of herbs and berries and force-feed them to captives. Many died and he consumed their bodies to stop his experiments from being disovered.

    Then the time came when Sarutobi decided to declare an heir. Although he was still strong he was old and could not protect the village as well as he used to.
    He summoned his students before him into the council chambers.

    Tsunade was still heartbroken and had taken to games of chance and drink to douse her sorrows. She could not lead.

    Jiraiya was good in heart but infirm of purpose, he too could not lead.

    Orochimaru was on the surface capable, calm and strong yet his master saw the unsheathed ambitions in his eyes and decided that he too could not lead.

    As an heir Sarutobi chose one of Jiraiya’s students, a young Emolga of great speed and strength who would later die in a climactic battle to ensure the village’s fate, but that is another story.

    Orochimaru grew bored with the Pokémon of the village and, in his arrogance, grew careless. His hideout was traced and Sarutobi stepped forth to oppose him. Yet for all the ill he had done the Meinshao could not bring himself to kill his student who had seemed only moments before to be so full of hope and promise.

    Orochimaru fled the village, unopposed until the gates were Jiraiya confronted him and tried to persuade him to stay and repent for his crimes.
    Jiraiya was defeated soundly and the zweilous openly mocked his idealistic view of the world.
    Orochimaru no longer had any need for friends, the one who would become the strongest was the one who was smartest and knew the best attack moves. Things like morality had no significance to him.
    Orochimaru left the village to seek further ways to increase his power.

    He once again found Ghestis, building a great castle many miles underground, and joined him. In the deep labs where Pokémon suffered unheard the Zweilous experimented on himself to make him stronger.

    Ghestis was impressed by the determination of his new Pokémon and allowed him to work with one of his top scientists of one of the labs and so Orochimaru continued his experiments. That was how Orochimaru came to know of the man made medicines, the potions and status healers and it only accelerated his desires. He wanted to record every technique in existence, even those of the great legendaries, every possible move loaded onto one of those smooth flat discs called Technical Machines. Yet to do that he would have to live longer. There would be no point to such a grand undertaking if he would die before it was completed.

    So Orochimaru studied the life and death of all Pokémon that were given as test subjects and, unknown to the scientist who thought himself master, developed data of his own. The knowledge he had now would not satisfy him, Orochimaru wished to become something more than a simple dragon.

    He wished to become immortal.

    Orochimaru approached Ghestis of his own will, an act that amused the organization’s leader and after a long and thoroughly painful process he became a Hydreigon far before his time by strange methods. He saw with new eyes. No longer content to stay at his tiny lab Orochimaru rebelled against the scientist he had been given to.
    It seemed no-one could tame him, now he had evolved the dragon was no longer willing to obey orders.
    As he had shed his skin he had outgrown such paltry ambitions as those of his owner.

    Ghestis took him as his own Pokémon and, although the hydreigon insisted he was his own master, their wills were the same and Orochimaru was happy to serve alongside one of the same driving ambition as he.
    Orochimaru developed many strange and useful talents. Behind the guise of a tamed pokemon he stole lab equipment, medicines, even some of the caged pokemon used as test subjects and, in the underground tunnels and abandoned buildings, he set up his own crude laboratories to continue his sordid experiments.

    Of Ghestis’s Pokémon Orochimaru was leader, all respected the great dragon type as they respected their trainer and Orochimaru found a form of contentment in their destruction of lesser trainers Pokémon and his re-use of their pitiful bodies in the laboratories.
    When the child for his masters plans “N” was born he whispered lies of the abuse of humans into the child’s ears and guarded him from those who wished to tell him the truth.
    When N claimed the legendary dragon for his own and with the discovery and with the ongoing analysis of a feathery ash found in Johto Orochimaru felt his dreams of immortality were finally within his grasp. The world belonged to Team Plasma and he would rule it at his masters side.

    Yet N and the great dragon was defeated by another child who commanded the dragons equal and opposite.

    Ghestis was forced to step forth from the shadows to oppose them.

    Orochimaru went forth to devour the stripling brat but he was defeated as were all of Team Plasma’s masters Pokémon. His lab with all its results and the ash that promised immortality were lost to the pokemon league authorities and his experiments halted and the test subjects set free.

    He escaped with his master but there was no longer any leadership in the green haired man. Ghestis’s plan had failed and with it his dreams of empire. He was forced to flee. Without his forces and resources behind him Orochimaru refused to follow him as he left the reigon. Orochimaru turned to pursue his own goals.

    That was when Orochimaru found Kabuto, abandoned by the Team Plasma agent who was his handler, and took the younger dragonair under his six fold wings. Under his command Kabuto served as a spy and passed intelligence on the hydreigon's chosen victims to him.

    Secretly Orochimaru began training some of the ex-Team Plasma Pokémon, recapturing them as they were released into the wild and pitting them against each other in a mockery of proper battle. He only chose those that showed promise in power and that they could be obedient to save, others he devoured whole as an example. He gave his servants the techniques he had stolen in the flat cold discs and taught them utter obedience to their master.
    Orochimaru was preparing for war and had been for years, although his relentless thirst for knowledge had not been slaked he also hungered for revenge.

    The hydreigon returned to the hidden village with an army.
    The battle was short but bloody.
    Those Orochimaru had selected were numerous and loyal but not as strong as those of the village and died in their hundreds for a distraction.
    Orochimaru faced his Meinshao sensei on the place where he had trained with him, many years ago.
    The battle was one well fought.
    Sarutobi swore he would kill Orochimaru to defend the pokemon of the village from his evil.

    Driven by his desires for revenge against the teacher who had provided him with so much false hope Orochimaru fatally underestimated the strength of the dying fighter.
    Sarutobi was weaker now, too weak to kill the one he had failed to years ago but he fought through the flames of my lords attacks then, through his bite, he transferred his dying disease to the hydreigon just as the dragon type managed to incinerate him with a blast of fire.
    The hydreigon's arms were wounded badly, nearly crippled.
    Even with his master ash Orochimaru was too injured continue his plans to destroy the village.
    He was forced to flee into the wilderness.

    As his condition deteriorated he was forced to hide in one of his secret cave hideouts, near Dragonspiral tower. He rested on his bed of TMs and HMs as his skin grew darker in color and his eyes turned a deep red. He raged, breaking the stones with his bite and shrieking his pain and anger until all but one of his servants had fled him. Kabuto still remained and soothed his anger and stole for him potions and berries to soothe the hydreigon's wound and, when his master grew hungry, he lured in the living for his master to feed on. Then for a while, the hydreigon would seem healed and rise back to life, as powerful as before.
    But always he would weaken again and again until he was next fed.
    Every time the dragonair would tend to him and feed him but with every passing second he was deathly afraid his master would die.
    Appearance Orochimaru is skilled in appearing harmless when he chooses too, which is not that often. Most of the time he moves with the confidence of his power which is a thoroughly terrifying spectacle and when the bloodlust strikes him his prey is often paralyzed in fear. His skin is a deeper colour than other hydreigons, good camouflage at night and instead of flying he often crawls along the ground like a snake to strike where he is least expected. The scales of his belly and his flower-like hood have changed to a dark purple. He is still sick, very sick at times. His wings have shrunken from disuse (although he has demonstrated they still carry his weight for short times) and often Orochimaru is often unable to move at all. His arms are struck by weakness at these times and Kabuto must gather food for him while he hides underground. Orochimaru's gums bleed nearly constantly despite Kabuto's best efforts to heal him and he often strikes out and bites those that irritate him, causing them to become infected. His tongue often flickers over his lips to taste the air, sometimes out of appreciation of a particularly fine meal yet it also augments his fading sight.
    A dark purple mark similar to Kabuki Makeup surrounds his red eyes from the infection. His tongue is longer than that of a regular Hydreigon's and often curls over his lips as he uses taste to conteract his failing sight. He has long and sharp fangs.
    Personality Orochimaru has no use for the weak, he finds those who had never had a chance to be strong and bends them to his own will. He never bothers with those that have nothing to offer and he’ll repay loyalty with pain and danger yet none of his followers never think to betray him because he’s the only one that will trade their desires. He will give you power and praise and from a distance that looks like kindness. Yet those who die or fail to meet his expectation are left behind like a shed skin. Orochimaru cares for no one. To him others are just a tool to further his ambitions of immortality.
    He has the pride and skill of dragons from years long since past. He always heads towards his goal with utmost determination and the guile of one who knows the world.
    User Notes -Orochimaru has been infected for approximately Two Years. He is very close to dying of the disease.
    -Orochimaru sincerely believes he is immortal as long as he keeps consuming uninfected pokemon for their 'life force'
    -Orochimaru suffers long periods of weakness, alleviated slightly by consumption of others, during which Kabuto cares for him. He will violently lash out at anyone else.
    -Orochimaru hoards TM/Hms and possesses at least one of each known move. He only carries one with him and keeps the rest hidden in a lair in Dragonspiral Tower.
    Text color is now purple rose #5E2D79

    Item Wise Glasses
    Gender Male
    Age Mid teens
    Species #148, Dragonair, the dragon Pokemon
    Height 3.0m
    Weight 16.5kgs
    Pokédex Entry It is said to live in lakes and seas. Although it has no wings, it has been seen flying occasionally- Firered
    Level 47 (RP Level Up)
    Ability Shed Skin
    Nature Careful
    Characteristic Thoroughly cunning
    Moves - Dragon Tail
    - Thunder Wave
    - Wrap
    - Water Pulse (Learnt from Father)
    History Kabuto’s most valuable possession is his glasses.

    They were given to him by his mother, a Chansey who worked for the staff leader of a facility for the baby Pokémon who had been abandoned after hatching because they were the wrong personality or didn’t have coats that shone in rare colours. He had been breed for a certain move but he had the wrong personality and was abandoned. She was also the one who gave him his name, after another pokemon that was the only one to try and make friends with the nervous dratini, a kabuto that clung to him like a helmet. Although the facility was low on funds she willingly gave her glasses so that the parentless Dratini could see. She loved him like a son and he loved her like a mother.
    To raise money for the Orphanage the Pokémon there operated a rough kind of Pokémon center for trainers. The Pokémon would train by healing the wounded with their natural moves.

    That was how Orochimaru first met Kabuto, as a nervous dratini who kept on pushing up his glasses with the broken tip of his tail.
    Orochimaru was wounded while battling and came to be very interested in the hidden potential of the young dragon.

    However Team Plasma had other plans for the facility full of rare and in many cases, quite powerful, pokemon.
    The Chansey was a champion fighter from the moment she was hatched and when Ghestis heard of her he instantly wished to have her on his side.
    After attempts to get the Chansey released failed Ghestis resorted to an alternative; If he did not have the Chansey then all funding would be cut to the facility. Tearfully the nurses agreed to let her go but Ghestis was not satisfied and wanted to punish their reluctance. He demanded another pokemon now, to serve like a spy in the cities and towns and if he didn’t receive it…Well with the powerful hydreigon at his side it was easy enough to believe accidents could be arranged.

    To safe his mother Kabuto offered himself and appealed to Orochimaru that the Chansey be allowed to remain here. The offer was accepted and for a long time the two did not meet again, although Orochimaru kept track of the dratini.
    Orochimaru lied. He did that constantly. Trying to appeal from the freedom of the tiny dratini the Chansey offered herslf as a replacement.
    Both the Chansey and the Dratini were conscripted into the service of Team Plasma to guilt trainers into releasing their pokemon, never knowing true loyalty, never knowing a home.

    Years later the Chansey met Kabuto in an illegal pokemon death match ring, her “son” now a Dragonair. She did not recognize him and fought for his death yet he didn’t want to fight her but the dratini could not disobey her orders and, as rare as it was, his attack fatally wounded her.

    Kabuto fled from the battle with the Chansey wrapped in his coils and tearfully tried to heal her. Yet the meagre berries he found could not save her. She died not recognising who he was and that was what broke him.
    Kabuto did not return to his trainer but fled deep into the forest until he found a still puddle to gaze into. There he tried to recognize himself, he babbled so much as he ran, then tore the glasses from his face and watched his reflection blur.

    “W-Who am I?”

    It was then Orochimaru found Kabuto and offered him sanctuary and the truth of his life as a spy. Blinded by loss and full of hatred towards those that betrayed him Kabuto attempted to kill the Hydreigon, an attempt that soon failed as Orochimaru tossed him into a wall with a flick of one of his heads.
    Wounded and mourning Kabuto was told the truth.
    Orochimaru told him of what had happened to his mother, how she had offered herself for his safety and been provided with images of a dratini like him who graually came to be replace his image in her mind. She thought he saw him growing up.
    Then, when  the time came that the two were no longer as efficent, when people had started to become suspcious of them, they were pitted against each other in the hopes that they would kill each other.

    He asked me if Orochimaru had come to finish the job and, although that was his orders the hydreigon saw Kabuto was worth more to me alive than dead.
    Instead Orochimaru made him an offer, he would take the dragonair on as a servant and convince Ghestis he was another and in return Kabuto would spy for him.
    Kabuto agreed, uncertainly and, over the following years he came to prove himself a competent battler as well as deceiving and cunning.
    He grew to respect Orochimaru and willingly follow his lead and, as Orochimaru's lieutenant, the pokemon of Team Plasma also came to respect him.

    When the time came that Orochimaru abandoned Ghestis Kabuto followed him, Cunningly he infiltrated the hidden village of Orochimaru's birth and helped co-ordinate the attack from within. When the hydreigon was injured he gathered berries and stole medicines for his revival.

    The vast bed of TMs of my horde had greatly increased due to his efforts and he has no objection to bringing others to fill his master's belly, he has even offered himself on occasions when food is short.

    Now he serves as Orochimaru's one remaining servant.
    Appearance Kabuto always appears so innocuous. He is a master at hiding his intentions behind a lift of his fins and a cheerful smile. Yet when he is around Orochimaru he does away with this deception, both to show respect and to relax around one who truly knows him. Behind his glasses he wears his expression is is often cold and calculating and often he pushes them up with the crooked tip of his tail when he talks. On ocassion he will angle his head so the twin panes of glass reflect back light and hide his expression. He smirks a lot when talking to those he considers inferior yet is always the picture of respect to his master.
    Personality A vindictive and cunning individual. Kabuto has rather lost track of what part of him is his true self, he wears a variety of masks to suit his own needs and discards them when he's finished. He no longer has any concept of right or wrong which is exceedingly useful to Orochimaru but on occasion he will spare those he feels still have use against Orochimaru's orders. He is attracted to power but whether it is in battle or in servitude depends on the individual. He pursues his goals with a single minded determination even though no-one but him knows what they are. On his death he is becoming less rational, developing a belief that he is becoming Orochimaru and will evolve into the Hydreigon once Orochimaru himself dies.
    User Notes
    -Kabuto refers to Orochimaru as Lord Orochimaru or my Lord when around him but when around other pokemon simply calls him Orochimaru.
    -Kabuto was killed by a Nidoking as has revived as undead. He now hunts for himself as well as Orochimaru and is steadily becoming less guarded in his emotions. His plans are less well thought out.
    -Kabuto's tail is broken into it’s current shape of a quaver musical note.
    -Kabuto will tolerate no disrespect to Orochimaru if there is any chance he can kill the one who said it.
    -Both enjoy the skinning and dissecting any target, Kabuto uses the fallen and weak to continue Orochimaru’s experiments
    -Kabuto can “supress” his level to appear weaker, this is an automatic response to any situation.
    -Kabuto’s true self only comes out around Orochimaru.
    -Kabuto does not believe Orochimaru is as powerful as he says or immortal but plays along anyway.
    -Kabuto is based on Yakushi Kabuto from the series Naruto.
    -Text color is now gray #BEBEBE

    Last edited by Kaze on Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:25 pm; edited 20 times in total

    Posts : 3650

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Sun May 06, 2012 5:40 pm

    As a first note, Surf is an HM dear, not a TM.

    Secondly, all of the notes that relate to Orochimaru specifically should be listed in his profile, not Kabuto's.

    If Orochimaru is infected, it needs to be listen in his title, and he needs to have his date of infection in the profile.

    While I do encourage creativity, the way you have the other Pokemon speaking for their companions profile is very confusing. I would recommend just making them third person and you can use speaking for each other in the RP itself. Profiles need to be clear and concise.

    -Orochimaru's language is the written equivalent of the language of pokemon. However he has never bothered teaching it to anyone but Kabuto, if any pokemon that knows how to read sees it they will only be able to understand numerals and the ocassional meaning of a word similar to a native English reader viewing Latin.
    This one has me puzzled, as I could not find a reference to any of them even knowing written language. Especially since neither of them possess the ability to write. That will have to be taken out or revised. Neither of them are capable of it.

    Please review and revise and then I will look at for approval.


    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotOrochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) UugYyDK

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Sun May 06, 2012 9:20 pm

    The "language" is mentioned in Orochimaru's history "He even learnt to write by holding stick of charcoal in his mouth and using it to make marks on the spare papers he stole as well..."
    The written pokemon language is no way similar to a humans written language, it is mainly rather messy scribbling as opposed to visible words.

    The profile is being revised.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 2388

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Thu May 10, 2012 10:25 pm

    This profile is now ready for viewing. Seeing as I no longer have a spot in the Iccirus Team I would like to request these two join Opelucid if approved.

    Age : 25
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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Min Thu May 10, 2012 11:43 pm

    Pssst, you might want to edit the title to reflect that. ;P

    Age : 30
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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Sat May 12, 2012 7:29 pm

    Oh! Thanks for the warning Lute *changes title*

    Posts : 3650

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Mon May 14, 2012 10:40 pm

    Please give this profile some time, as the Admins are having to vote on a couple of points.


    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotOrochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) UugYyDK

    Posts : 3650

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Thu May 17, 2012 6:13 pm

    We have discussed this profile, and we can't really see the theory in allowing Orochimaru to be able to write. It doesn't seem plausible. If you can make a case for it, you may PM it to me and I will review it, but it doesn't seem relevant to actually RP, much less physically possible.

    Also, he cannot have been infected for two years. The virus is only just now approaching the 1 year Anniversary (the virus started when EJ did) so that will have to be changed.


    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotOrochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) UugYyDK

    Age : 30
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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Thu May 17, 2012 9:01 pm

    Editted. Is it now acceptable?

    Posts : 3650

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Thu May 17, 2012 9:32 pm

    Forgive me, I seem to have overlooked the Dragonair's age. For mid-teens that would put him as a Young Adult, which I cap at level 30 unless there is a very good reason to be higher. And even then, I don't allow much higher. He would need to be an Adult to be level 45.

    (This one is completely my fault and won't be held against you if you have a save)


    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotOrochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) UugYyDK

    Age : 30
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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Fri May 18, 2012 2:50 am

    He has been spending a lot of time battling at the hands of his various trainers to gain his levels, a harsh trainer can raise a pokemon to evolution point far faster than it would naturally. Would it be acceptable if I amended his level (and moveset accordingly) to the evolution point of dratini?

    Posts : 3650

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Fri May 18, 2012 1:22 pm

    The brink of evolution? Yes that would be acceptable.


    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotOrochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) UugYyDK

    Age : 30
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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Fri May 18, 2012 4:55 pm

    Edited and ready for approval.

    Posts : 3650

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Fri May 18, 2012 8:18 pm

    If you want to keep Dragon Tail, go ahead and up him to level 33, since that is when Dragonair would learn it.


    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotOrochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) UugYyDK

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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Sat May 19, 2012 6:39 pm

    Knew I'd forgotten something *Adjusts level accordingly*

    Posts : 3650

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Sun May 20, 2012 6:22 pm


    Sorry that took so long, dear.


    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotOrochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) UugYyDK

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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Sun May 20, 2012 9:01 pm

    Thank you so much Mewtwo~! <3

    Age : 30
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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Baloo Wed May 23, 2012 4:16 pm

    Ooh that's so cool! I get where they're from

    Age : 30
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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Thu May 31, 2012 2:49 am

    Now I'm glad someone gets it <3

    Age : 30
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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:50 pm

    Requesting this profile be moved back to the Profile computer for re-approval.

    Posts : 3650

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:45 pm



    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) 3Br5nS6

    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotOrochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) UugYyDK

    Age : 30
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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

    Post by Kaze Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:36 pm

    Kabuto is now an undead.

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    Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova) Empty Re: Orochimaru the Infected Hydreigon and Kabuto the Calculating Dragonair (Opelucid, Unova)

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