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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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6 posters

    The MOSSDEEP Team


    Age : 25
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:10 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge]| |Morning

    "Two items, a Yache Berry and a Wacan Berry." Monisha nods as she listened to his words, giving a short sigh. With the other survivor holding berries, using Incinerate would be a dangerous move--especially if said berries were of use to him. She narrowly dodges a wing attack by a nearby crow, the murder seeming to grow larger as more Murkrows joined the fray. The Vulture grunt as she feels a Peck collide directly with her broken wing, struggling to bit back a scream of pain. She flings her bone dangerously again, thwarting off her attackers for a moment. "Instead of calling you survivor," the male's voice made her pause. "Would you care to give me a name?"

    "My name's Monisha!" she shouts back, stumbling to the left to evade an incoming Wing Attack. "What is your's?" she yelped in surprise when she felt a Brave Bird collide with her back, flinging her off from the roof of the building and onto the cold, filthy ground. She grunts in pain, her wounded limb tingling with agony--it was almost too painful to move. She struggled onto her feet, the Vulture muttering under her breath as she quickly worked off the larger chunks of mud from her feathers. However, she was oblivious to the Honchkrow behind her, speeding straight towards her with a Brave Bird.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:31 am

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    10 | 10

    The Jolteon let out a loud canines whine as the Glaceons fangs bit down hard on her scruff from surprise. A mud slathered face was staring straight at him and had seemingly come from no where. When it cleared the mud from its blue and black face he was able to vaguely recognize it as a Riolu. "A-Are you stuck? I-I can help." It was speaking, voice nervous but clear. He nods unable to return words due to a mouth full of fur. Not that he would really speak anyway. Pachirisu whines again while trying to move her limbs but they are locked in place by mud. Some of the stuff had splattered her face, stinging her eyes and making it difficult to see if at all. "Get me out Julian!" She cries.

    Peeling his eyes away from the new Pokemon the Glaceon repositions his fangs to be more comfortable for the female and begins to pull. A loud sucking sound can be heard as the mud desperately tries to hold onto its prisoner. A new scream quickly pushes his sight back over to the side to see a Murkrow striking the kit. The bird makes a small arch around to get in another hit at the Rilou flailing aimlessly at the air. Its a choice of one or the other and reluctantly the Glaceon deems the child was in need more. Sarah will be okay for a few more moments. Releasing his fangs the faint coated ice type turns and takes several hard steps forward to meet the bird.

    Whining even more the Jolteon begins to panic. Why had he left her, was there trouble? Glalie no! Still stuck in her cold, heavy prison she struggles to free herself. The wet earth tugs at her pelt refusing to let go. One paw is freed and squirms vainly as the claws fight for a grip though nothing is nearby. Arching her neck Pachi can't quite reach the paw to clear her eyes of mud and must continue on blindly. Her ears had already been up in search of sounds but flickered simultaneously to the side at the wing beats and caws. Dont you dare hurt him! Her paws kicked even harder in the mud, churning it from the motion.

    The Murkrow was eying him down with dark intent. It beat its wings to gain speed and squawked with a ear wrenching sound. Taking a deep breathe his fangs grew long with an icy chill, sinking into the birds shoulder the same moment a dark blast sent dull agony through his own. Throwing the bird to the side Glalie stood stunned for several moments from the Night Shade, vision fuzzy. It must be a higher level then I thought.. It squalls and flutters on the ground before getting back in the air and stabbing at his pale blue fur. The Peck is more of an annoyance then anything else and helps him to recover himself. With another cold mouthed bite Glalie makes sure this time to rip through all the muscles in the birds wing before tossing it aside. Its feathers are heavily ruffled as it lay on the ground but its clear to see that it will be grounded permanently.

    Moving over to the child he gives it a quick glance for any deep wounds or threatening wounds before stepping back over to his companion. Hearing and almost feeling him next to her the Jolteon cranks her neck to press the side of her muzzle into his chest, breath filled with relief.

    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 02, 2013 5:40 pm

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    Mossdeep City - Shore || Morning
    ❆ 4 ❆

    Acario felt a sense of pride wash over him due to the number of those poor excuse of birds have lessened compared to earlier. He squinted his eyes through the Mist, finding the figure of a large bird. Was this one of them? Then again, sit was fighting other birds as well, perhaps the survivor he was talking to all along? "My name's Monisha!" The figure called out in response to Acario, confirming that this was the fair maiden that spoke with him throughout the fight, "What is your's?" However, before the Altaria could respond, he watched the poor girl get a cheap shot from the back. Feeling a surge of rage and bitterness, he spotted in the corner of his eye another Honchkrow flying straight towards Monisha with a Brave Bird. Oh no! He wouldn't let this girl get hit again! Though females of bird variety awfully reminded him a lot of that bitch of a Swablu he fought long ago, it wouldn't be fair to discriminate against Monisha who survived for two years!

    Quickly and attempting to be swift as possible, Acario gulped down his Wacan Berry. Natural Gift was a rather ill-move, considering that when the Cotton Pokemon gulps down a berry and its power just explodes inside his stomach. Electricity began crackle in his beak, growing stronger and stronger before finally he released it straight at the Honchkrow whom was literally an inch away from her. However, relief did not come as expected. The Altaria instinctively jumped in front of Monisha to shield her from the incoming corpse. He felt something was wrong with the maiden on how her silhouette moved in the mist. It was awkward and erratic, as if she had a wound that did not allow her to excel her true strength.

    As the Mist began to clear up, the Dragon/Flying duel-type pushed the corpse off of him, feeling the muck on his beautiful cotton. "Disgusting!" Acario exclaimed, cleaning his feathers. It seemed normal that his feathers would get dirty, but he just couldn't tolerate this madness! It didn't take that long for him to finish up thankfully, he looked up to see the battle was over as some flocks of Murkrow fled for escape as their leader was down. His gaze fell over to Monisha, who was revealed to be those crude vultures known as Mandibuzz. At first, he felt disgusted at the idea that the song-like voice belonged to those hideous Pokemon, but he was a gentlemen and he should not let discrimination get in the way of the proper treatment of a lady!

    "The name is Acario," he gestured as he waltzed up to Monisha, "A pleasure to meet you, mon chéri." He did a slight bow before holding onto Monisha's wing, kissing it with gentle care.

    (Whoops, sorry about that guys! I was suppose to post last night, but internet bitched out on me. Also, I got permission for Acario to kiss Monisha on the wing 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。)

    Age : 29
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:37 pm

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    Mossdeep City (Outside Glalie's Refuge) }'{ Time Unknown }'{ (4)

    Wet black mud squelching in between his paws the little Riolu fights to get to his feet. Cold clinging mud coats his light blue fur as he struggles to his feet and hunches over in fear as his ruby eyes nervously look around for the bird.
    Mud flies as the Murkrow struggles to get airborne with its mutilate wing and Taph scrambles backwards away from it as it calls out harshly.
    His paw immediately goes to his shoulders, bracing himself for the sight of the strangely decayed bird as it tries to lunge for him.
    With a whimper the Riolu tries to back away from it and nearly slips in the slight mud as the rain continues to turn the ground into a mire.
    Afraid of the rotting bird, seeing in its pathetic struggles a horrible prediction of his own future Taph gnaws at his own black nails as he tries to back away. Th thick cloud of mist billows around him in a thick vision obscuring screen. Which way did safety lie? A terrible desire to flee passes over him.

    The nervous little Fighting Type looks up into the eyes of the large Ice Type. Even though he missed seeing the fight in his struggles to defend himself he heard it and guessed that the intimidating Glaceon must have been the one to take down that scary bird.
    Brushing the clinging mud off him once again the little Riolu puts a paw over his mouth to stifle his pathetic whimpers of fear. He's got to be strong, be strong or the bad guys will eat him.

    Taph sets his trembling lip as he straightens up and rushes to the Jolteon's aid.
    One good deed deserved another right and they had saved them from the Murkrow! That meant they were good pokemon.
    "Hold still. If you move too much you just get more stuck." He says with more confidence then he feels as he crouches down and starts to scoop away the gooey black mud with his bare paws.
    The rain trickles coldly down his fur, making him shiver but one of the few things he has utmost confidence in is his digging skills and swiftly he manages to scoop away some of the clinging mud around the electric type's feet.

    ((OOC: Permission to have Taph dig Pachi out given by Cinder))

    Last edited by Kaze on Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:28 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 28
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:02 am

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    | Mossdeep City // Morning|

    A navy blue form stumbled silently along the edge of the island, entering the town from the south side. The ravenous dragon inhaled a huge breath of air, smelling for blood and flesh. His nose caught a faint scent of... living. He exhaled in a large snort, transitioning into a growl as his eyes flickered to look around the ruins of the town. He spied a small, black corpse near the edge of the building. His jowls slipped back to show his blood-stained fangs. Meat.... The warmth of the burning sun on his rough skin faded as he slipped into the shade of a ruined building. His unsteady feet carried him toward the kill, his bones groaning as he bent his limbs. As he reached the dead Murkrow, a growl escaped from deep within his throat, taking a sniff at the still-warm flesh. In a swift motion, he grabbed the body, its bones crunching in his mouth like a hard candy. He grunted loudly as the beak of the creature pierced the inside of his mouth, causing him a slight bit of pain. The dragon reached his arms up, holding the bird in his mouth with the back of his bladed hands. Finishing the bird in one gulp, he felt the splintering bones slipping down his esophagus. The lizard's larynx produced a deep rumble as he looked up, scanning the area again. His ringing ears managed to pick up voices....

    "The name is Acario, A pleasure to meet you, mon chéri."

    "Hold still. If you move too much you just get more stuck."

    Wolfe's lips curled into a blood-crusted grin. Perfect.... More meat.... Delicate, tender, warm.... Hot blood.... Wolfe's mouth salivated, spit dripping off his jaw disgustingly. The blue zombie trudged towards the smell and sounds, trying to sneak quietly instead of his usual stumble. He peered around the corner of the building, spying the pokemon that were there. The pupils of his eyes dialated, focusing on the dog-looking pokemon and bird pokemon that were there. The dragon yearned to slice up those fragile muscles with his hooks and claws and blades.... He was soundless, and quick to attack. He flung himself out of his hiding place faster than the eye could blink, charging straight for the Altaria with a sharpened claw ready to slash right at it.

    (OoC: You can dodge if you want. |D


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 25
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:56 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge]| |Morning

    The Mandibuzz watched in surprised silence as the Altaria blocked the hit coming from behind her, killing the Honchkrow with a Natural Gift. After cleaning his feathers, he had turned towards her, starting to waltz forward. Monisha perked up, quickly trying to get as much filth off of her feathers to at least make herself somewhat presentable, but stopped when he held her wing. "The name is Acario. A pleasure to meet you, mon chéri." the Vulture could feel her face heat up as the gorgeous male kissed her feathers. "I-I, um, a..." she stammered, flustered by the event. "It's great t-to meet you too, Acario."

    Suddenly, she looks around for the others, the Mist now almost completely diffused and her sight much clearer than before. The skies were dark, the storm brewing reminding her of the day she had landed on this island. She could see the others in the distance, a shape that the makes out as a Riolu digging into the Earth. The Mandibuzz stiffens a little, her gaze traveling across her surroundings. Monisha felt something off, it had become quiet...too quiet. The feeling of being watched crept along her feathers, mixed with the pouring rain showering from the sky. She saw something dark behind the Altaria, something menacing.

    "Acario--!" she saw he Garchomp lunging full speed at the male, and immediately she pushed past the Altaria. It was her turn to return the favor. With excruciating pain, she outstretched the wing closest to the attacking dragon, her broken one. The limb twitched and shuddered in pain as she pushed it forward, blocking the undead's path and her eyes closed, fearful of the agony about to come.

    [[OOC: Tails, feel free to mutilate Monisha's wing. xD]]

    Age : 29
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:54 am

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    11 | 11

    The Glaceon feels heat build up in his faintly colored coat at the touch of Sarah's muzzle. It was one of those gestures that made every one of his muscles tense up for a few moments before deeply relaxing him with soothing relief. The pain of the Night Shade was hazily forgotten as a soft smile appeared in its place. Gently he cocks his head so it may rest upon the Jolties muddied yellow fur in a return gesture before moving forward. Once more Glalie grips her scruff making very sure to grab a new spot while the Riolu joins in to free the female. Its blue paws are much smaller then his own but the Glaceon trusted in its digging capabilities. You did appear from the ground, after all.

    Surprised by the childs swiftness Glalie isnt one to be out done and tugs firmly on the Jolteons scruff. She only makes a small whine for all her distress, forepaws flailing about in search of something to latch onto. "Hold still. If you move too much you just get more stuck." Reluctantly Pachirisu forces her limbs to stay still, albeit trembling with cold. "A-alright." She mumbles weakly. Slowly she can feel the suction tight grip of the mud loosening against here. As Glalie pulls, the Rilou digs, and her hindpaws scrabble about the slippery mess the Jolteon slips free of her prison with a sucking fffppt. Swaying for a second the electric type rights herself on her shrunken brown body and shakes the dark blobs off her pelt. They fly free of her naturally yellow fur, going in all directions as she coos, "Freeeedooommm, thanks guys!"

    Her pelt is still brown and plastered against her body in odd spikes even for a Jolteon. Glalie takes his own muddied paw and brushes at the flecks adorning his pale coat. Sarah's yellow fur compliments the brown but his light blue coloration only looks dirty and gross with the mud and other things on it. Half casually, half cautiously he looks to the mud slathered child before them. It had come from no where, was injured, and still helped strangers. He prodded Sarah's side lightly, disrupting her prances of joy. With a small 'huh' she looks to the Glaceon then follows his gaze down to the Riolu."Oh! Hey, whats your name?" She asks with her normal high spirited voice. "My name is Pachirisu and this is Glalie." Her head jerks and leans toward the Glaceons at the sound of his nickname.

    The rain and fog have stopped pouring in but there is still a chill to the air. The females wet, muddy fur takes all the heat from her body until she is shivering uncontrollably. Wincing for a moment Pachi tries to send sparks through her pelt but the dirt cancels out the power. Whining she whips her tongue across the dirty covering only to taste the strong earthen flavor. After only a few strokes she must stop. "Im cold.." She murmurs to herself when a flash passes across her gaze. Glalie sees it as well, turning his pelt as spiky as a Jolteons. The Garchomp was headed straight toward the bird Pokemon! As nothing more then a reaction he lets loose a cold breeze of Frost Breath in its direction though he is much, much too far away for it to reach. "Monisha!" Pachi whines, starting to vainly dash toward her. Even the speed on a Jolteon was not enough.

    Age : 29
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:50 pm

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    Mossdeep City (Outside Glalie's Refuge) }'{ Morning }'{ (5)

    As the cold rain that trickles down his back starts to stop and the cool cloud of mist begins to fade away Taph raises himself up from his digging position and wipes the mud from his face with a proud grin.
    He'd done well to help out the nice Jolteon even though he flinches back when she starts talking to him.
    "M-my name is Taph." He says softly, trying to avoid meeting "Pachirisu's" dark eyes as the electric type tries to clean the mud from her fur.
    He can see a faint spark of light play across one golden hair before stopping dead and Taph realizes with a guilty jolt that with all the mud the electric type can't bring a spark to her fur.
    "I'm sorry." He says with a whimper, realizing that if it wasn't for the hole he had dug to get out of harm's way the jolteon would have been completely fine.
    It was his fault...
    Trying not to meet the cold blue gaze of the Glaceon the little Riolu turns his head upwards as the cloud of mist completely drifts away.
    The sky is a clear bright blue lit by a bright morning sun. Taph had spent so long in his underground hollow he had completely forgotten what time it was.
    Aside from the faint clouds summoned by Rain Dance that are already thin across the horizon there is no sign of the swarm of birds that had fallen on them earlier apart from a smear of black travelling in the opposite direction.

    The cloud of mist had hidden them from view, meaning the main body of the huge flock of scary birds had passed them straight over...
    His tiny body is chill with the rainwater and mud but still he feels a chill run over his spine.
    Someone walking over your grave, was what his trainer had called this horrible feeling of apprehension.
    Some of the birds had seen them because he'd heard them in the mist which means the other ones should have come down too. Why didn't they?
    Because something scared them away.
    Taph doesn't want to know what fearsome thing creature could chase away the flock like that but it was too much to hope that it might be something friendly.
    He screamed as the dark blue shape rocketed from the building and covered his eyes in a childish hope that the creature hadn't seen him.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1234

    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:04 pm

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    | Mossdeep City (Outside Glalie's Refuge) // Morning |

    His slicing claw swung towards the ground, originally aiming for the cloudy bird but instead hit the buzzard. The bloodthirsty, rotting dragon didn't much care. The navy lizard's throbbing ears yearned and ached to hear the painful cries of creatures; his blood boiled in excitement, anticipating these symphonic screams. He felt his bladed hand unfortunately strike sideways, making the blunt side hit the creatures wing. Oh, but the sweet cracking noise of the impact made his body ache. He heard the startled cries of the others, fueling his desire for their tender, bloodied cuts of flesh in his mouth. Drool flung from his mouth as he swung his head around toward the Jolteon running over. This would not do. He needed to scare them.... Paralyze them.... He sunk his feet into the ground firmly, bending over to lower himself level. Suddenly, a loud burst of noise came from his mouth as he roared loudly in their faces, his putrid breath spewing all over the area. His bloody red eyes shone brightly, dancing in their grey sockets as his form trembled from the impressive scream of power. After finishing his terrifying bellow, he stood up tall and menacing, flinging his tail at anything approaching him from behind. He raised his slicing hand, swinging it sideways to slice at both of the delicious avian morsels. His body trembled in anticipation of the next life-threatening blow.

    (OoC: A bit of a short post, I had only a bit of material to go off of. I'm already loving this team. lol)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 25
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:30 am

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge]| |Morning

    For a moment, only seconds before the collision occurred, Monisha faintly regretted her decision. No longer could she ever feel the soft breeze on her mottled feathers. She would never be able to dive through the winds, spreading her primaries as far as she could before slimmed through the air. The Mandibuzz heard a faint voice screaming in her head--telling her to get away, that is wasn't worth it....but the Altaria had saved her life--and in turn she will sacrifice her own for him. In that instant, it felt heroic--becoming a martyr for someone she deemed too virtuous to die. "Monisha!"

    But then she remembered--there's no such thing as a heroic death.

    The Vulture screeched, beak pointed skywards as the painful wail erupted from her throat. She cried, not so much because it was painful, but the regret has been too much. What would this accomplish? They were all dead in the long run. She could hear the bones, cracked and crumbling under the massive force of the undead's swing. She could feel her flesh ripped apart, the already agonizing wound growing to something much more excruciating. She gagged, attempting to look away but she couldn't. She could see the feathers falling out, skin stretching slowly until it ripped. Monisha squeezed her eyes shut when she felt the limb being crudely ripped from her body. Maybe this is destiny.

    The limb came off with an uncomfortable noise, blood steadily flowing from her new wound as her wind dropped into the mud. Monisha stared at the limb, silent with half-lidded eyes. Her body swayed dangerously to he sides, legs shaking in fear as she collapsed into a messy heap of feathers and bone into the filthy soil, red liquid quickly pooling around her sobbing form. She cast a quick glance to the Altaria. I hope you're happy... She manages the faintest of smiles on her beak before closing her eyes, blacking out.

    Age : 29
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:47 am

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    12 | 12

    The Glaceon cuts off his futile attack with a sharp inward gasp. No, don't! Why would she just go toward it! That darn Joltie was dashing into death. Paying the child no mind Glalie presses hard on his paws until he is moving at the incredible speeds of a Quick Attack. When the horrid bloodcurdling cry hits his large sensitive ears though his paws stop dead in their tracks. Oh no.. It happens so fast but his eyes see it as slow. The broken feathery wing is made useless as it falls to the ground in a spray of blood. The red fluid dilutes in the rainwater, staining the ground bright crimson. The Vulture it was part of collapses moments later. There was nothing they could of done.

    Skidding to an ungracefully, muddy halt Pachi's eyes go wide with horror. "Mo.. mon.. MONISHAA!" She screams out loud, watching the limb drift to the ground tattered and ruined. It was impossible to hear the nonexistent sound but it rings clearly through her head. Thunk. With jaw quivering all the fur in her pelt that wasn't slathered with mud spiked up into a needle sharp point. Pathetically weak sparks try to gain live in the yellowness but can not keep hold with all the wet earth on her. Helpless. The horrid dragon must of noticed as it turned her way and slowly bent down to her eye level. Or its jaws level.. Red eyes that were like the pits of hell bury themselves deep within her. A canines whine escapes her muzzle but is overpowered by the deathly roar of the undead. No fucking around. The very sound turns her blood to ice and removes any possible trace of rebellion. In a scurry of trembling, flailing paws the Jolteon flees back the way she came. "Glalie, use Ice Beam!" She cries knowing all too well he does not know that attack.

    With her heart pounding wild in her chest the Jolteon runs away. Her rapid thoughts are not filled with fear of the dragon but disappointment of herself. They, she, had allowed the beast to waltz right in and decapitate her charge like some play toy. There was no attempt to stop the attack. Nothing at all. A small dash and called off attack were nothing but damned excuses. I said I would protect you.. Shame keeps her paws moving away from the monster. She made one promise and already it was broken. Completely. Forever. Oh Monisha, I am so sorry.. The Jolteon doesnt even notice that she has passed her companion. I failed you without even trying. She crumples to the cold, wet ground.

    Swapping in the Glaceon has his lips drawn back in a snarl. The Garchomp seems proud of itself, trashing its thick tail about in triumph. You bastard. His large ears can pick up the sniveling cries of his companion, forcing them closer to his head to desperately block out the sound. His girl was hurting for another Pokemons wound. Hell no. Stepping threateningly closer the Ice type slowly breathes out with a loud breath of cool air. The space around him seems to shimmer as the moist air turns to ice around him. His faint coat blends with the color of the misty crystals as translucent claws curl tightly in the soft ground. The foul dragon ignored his presence, going back after is original avian prey. The Glaceon barks a warning to the dual type before releasing a cold blast of Frosty air toward it.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:20 pm

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    Mossdeep City (Outside Glalie's Refuge) }'{ Morning }'{ (6)

    Taph feels his heart beat faster and faster with worry as he peeks out between his black-furred paws then whimpers and covers his eyes again. The harsh metallic scent of bird blood blooms in his senstive nose like a bright red flower, strong even over the scent of wet earth and rotting scales.
    The gristly ripping sound of flesh being torn makes him yelp and cover his ears, curled up pathetically to try and block out the horrors his over-active imagination scrawls across the insides of his eyelids.
    The crackle of snapping bones is loathesomly familiar to the young Riolu as he takes a deep breath and dares look at the bloodied skinned thing standing in front of them. His child's mind can't even recognize it as a Garchomp through the thick blood and purple discoloration that had stained its normally navy blue scales and bare bone blades the color of rust.
    Puddles of rainwater taint red as the brown feathered wing, unnaturally stiff and crooked, flops to the ground.
    Taph's eyes are wide with fear as the brown feathers fall into the mud and the red-eyed monster roars at them.
    His blue tail whips between his legs as Taph whimpers to himself and shoves a paw over his snout to stop the pathetic sound escaping.
    His black-furred legs shake like branches in a storm as he gulps, too terrfied to run.
    It was a monster, a real monster not like the one in his picture book. The shaking Riolu can't bring to mind any happy thoughts to help himself as the sobbing bird collapses to the ground.
    There is a gleam of white in the torn red mess where her wing had once met her body.
    Bad things...Bad things were coming.

    Frozen in place Taph tries to will his legs to work, to carry him away from the red-eyed thing but his fear keeps him locked in place as he watches the mud-coated Jolteon, fur spiked up and crackling weakly, skid to halt as the monster turned its red eyes on her.
    Mud squished underfoot as Pachirisu ran and Taph felt a sick feeling lodge in his throat as she slipped and fell.
    His feet became unstuck as the little canine found his legs moving, not away from the looming bony dragon but towards the nice pokemon that had helped him and not been angry when he had accidentally caused her to fall in the mud. It was that thick black mud clinging to yellow fur that was going to get her killed Taph realizes with a sick jolt as he finds himself moving forwards following Glalie's attack.
    "Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it." Taph recites under his breath to calm himself as he darts forwards in a way his parents would be proud of.
    Despite the sickly metallic taste of fear in his mouth and the frantic thumping of his heart in his chest the young child striaghtens up from his apologetic submissive crouch. Mud squelches under his paws as he leaps up and punches hard at the Garchomp's spined leg.
    "Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.
    Turning on his heel Taph twists his body around and tries to drive his knee right into the Garchomp's bright stomach.
    At the wrong moment his leg twists further than he intended and a sharp jolt of pain runs up Taph's side. He screams out as the blow goes haywire and misses the red-eyed thing entirely.
    A tear runs down Taph's cheek as he clutches at the injured limb.

    ((OOC: Permission for Taph to hit Wolfe with a Quick Attack was given by Fauxfox. Permission for Wolfe to hit Taph is given))

    Age : 28
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Catalyst Thu May 02, 2013 6:56 pm

    (OoC: I can't do it today guys, I'm sorry. We can just say that Wolfe was mildly irritated that Taph attacked him (because Wolfe's thinking "HOW DARE TAPH ATTACK ME" lol) and have the ice attack that Glalie made hit his hand fin and put ice all over it (but he used it like a shield, sorta. but his legs got hit in the blast and they're mildly frosted (it hurt him a bit)). Wolfe is gonna ignore Taph and turn to Glalie (because Wolfe's thinking "HOW DARE GLALIE ATTACK ME") and use Flamethrower towards Glalie.
    Sorry, just can't get into it and I don't want Wolfe to die. @w@)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 25
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Mon May 06, 2013 4:49 pm

    [[OOC: skip please--Monisha's blacked out. VwV]]

    Age : 29
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Kaze Thu May 09, 2013 7:59 pm

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    Mossdeep City (Outside Glalie's Refuge) }'{ Morning }'{ (7)

    Clutching tightly at his injured leg the little Riolu whimpers and struggles to rub some life back into the strained muscle. A tear runs down his dark furred muzzle. Both from fear and pain Taph is crying.
    He could never do it properly, even when everyone was counting on him to do well.
    Childish sobs leave the little fighting type as he curls his paws around him and slumps down in the mud.
    He is so scared as the big red-eyed thing takes his attack with only minor irritation crossing its scary monster face before it turns on the nice two pokemon that helped him.
    Taph clutches tightly as his injured leg and sniffs.
    He was so useless, no wonder his parents had abandoned him.
    His blue furred paws rub at the black of his skinny legs and find the still oozing bite wound. It has speckles of purple around the edges from where it was slowly killing him.
    He couldn't even kill one monster to help his friends and he was going to be a monster before he managed to do anything worth while.
    Taph wipes a tear from his face as he sniffs and struggles to stand. His leg hurt so bad because he couldn't kick properly. He was a failure as a fighter.
    The memory of his father's stern disapproval over the sharp edge of a red beak and his mother sighing and shaking her head enters his mind.
    He had been newly hatched then and he always failed whenever he tried to be strong like his father.
    They should have drowned him at birth rather than leave him to be such a burden on others. Stumbling Taph manages to get to his feet.

    Thick mud smeared across his fur in internesting spirals and causing spikes of fur to stick up other his body the wet and miserable dog limps forwards. The aching pain in his leg was bad but the horrible feeling of letting everyone down was worse and it bent his back like a bow as he tried to avoid meeting the other's gaze. He was a disappointment...
    His bright red eyes keeping their gaze on the monster's back he limbs his way over to the Mandibuzz with her feathers still caked in blood.
    His stomach churns at the sight as Taph stills his quivering lip and looks at the large flying type.
    "A-Are you o.k. miss?" He stutters pathetically, hoping beyond hope that the wound looks worse than it is.
    Tan feathers twitch faintly as the Mandibuzz's chest rises and falls. She's alive but her aura is faint to the Riolu.
    Blood is oozing rapidly from the place where wing used to be and Taph is afraid with no bandages to stop the bleeding even those little signs of life will be gone.
    "Please wake up." I can't do this by myself..

    Age : 28
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Catalyst Sun May 12, 2013 5:22 pm

    (OoC: Agh, f*ck. Skip me again please. I don't really have anything to go off of since Cinder didn't post.)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 25
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Wed May 15, 2013 5:32 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge]| |Morning

    She didn't like this kind of darkness, that was for sure.

    It may have sounded odd, coming from a partial dark-type, but for every shadow walker in the world, there were always the kinds of darkness that some enjoyed and others did not. This kind of calignosity was insatiable, the consuming kind of black. The shade that grasped at your limbs and pulled you down, far down, into a choke hold until death could brag that you walked in his shade. It was the kind of tenebrosity that Monisha despised with all of her being, a hatred so fierce that she could cut the mornings skies with. Perhaps akin to a Dark Pulse, only much, much more vicious.

    "A...u...k...miss?" a voice. An unfamiliar voice reached her ears in the darkness. "Please wake up." she wished she could. She wished she could open her eyes. Open her eyes, fly, feel the wind on her face as she glided over the horizons and past the seas and back to home, sweet home. She wondered if she would have such freedom in Arceus's palace, surely she would go to the skies in death? She pleads her god to have mercy on her, for surely a bird doesn't belong in the deep, cold earth. Her feathers had already been dirtied enough for today.

    Age : 29
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat May 18, 2013 8:37 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    13 | 13

    Glalie's blue-furred paws stand as firm as they can in the sodden earth. The Garchomp stood threateningly tall as it turned to face his attack, teeth bared and claws at the ready. The light crystals of his Frost Breathe cling to the dragons bladed arm as it thrusts it in front of itself. The layer thickens until it looks painful even to the Glaceon. The ice grows across the fin and drifts down to its exposed knees. Its skin can still be seen beneath the frostiness but its dual weakness should still be effected by the chill. Caught in its red glare Glalie doesnt move but breathes harder to get the last puffs of air out of his lungs. It looses a cry of hatred, and a flicker of movement catches his gaze as a blue shape hurdles itself at the beast. Taph!

    The child keeps at it but has obviously hurt himself in the process. Get away from it or you'll be eaten! The Glaceon makes his limbs go limber and he bounds to the right with a loud bark. Luckily the Garachomp seems to ether want him for being the bigger piece of prey or more threatening enemy. Bright warm colors bubble up and come to life in its deadly mouth as fire. Snarling loudly he shows no fear though his heart is cold with anxiety. The flames shoot toward him faster then expected, swamping his vision in orange and yellow light. Heat and pain sears over his shoulder and ear, burning the Glaceon with his natural weakness. Lopping awkwardly away from the attack Glalie forms his own. The ball of darkness grows before him and a hard thrust of his head send it toward the dragon.

    Pain shoots up his forearm each time the paw lands on the ground while searing agony radiates from the spot. The other areas that were hit, including one of his tendrils, burns harshly even in the cool air. He whines softly, forcing his eyes to stay open so he may watch the enemy for another attack. A second Shadow Ball builds up before him though much slower then the first. His attention is slowed by the agonizing wound though he tries to keep focus. Glalie's eyes dart to the side for a moment to look for Sarah but he can only see a sliver of her body on the edge of his vision. This things a ground type anyway.. The pain in his arm continues. But I still need my tag teammate. Hopefully she would recover herself in time..

    Pachirisu sobs to herself, throwing her forepaws over her snout to muffle the sound. That noise makes me sick but I deserve to hear ir. The cold mud was sinking into her already filthy pelt, chilling her further. Tears dripped from the corners of her eyes down her cheeks. You failure! Hisses and cries behind her with the distinct lack of her birdies only draw her paws in closer. "What could I do.." She whines softly to herself, "I cant use two of my attacks and the others are pretty much useless." By the sound of things Glalie was fighting hard by himself. He had the type advantage but that didnt mean he could do it on his own. I need to help him... help my partner.. Slowly the Jolteon tilts her head around only to see flames dancing in the air. Her breathe is drawn as a sharp inward gasp. Glalie!

    Paws trembling the Jolteon flips around but stays crouched. He couldn't handle fire, he was an ice specialist! Her heart pounds hard in her chest and aches like it was being stepped on. Why did it have to be fire! His whines of pain seem to echo in her ears, made louder in her mind. Shaking and breathing hard the Jolteon couldn't stand to even look his way. Closing her green eyes she darts forward, legs unsure if they can bare her weight. Gaining speed she leaps straight at the Garchomp shoulder first in her Quick Attack, crying out "Leave JuJu alone!"

    ((I can edit Faux, and feel free to smack her away if you want *w*))

    Age : 29
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Kaze Mon May 20, 2013 6:27 pm

    ((Skip for now; Taph is just trying to revive Monisha and stay out of the way. He'll join in after Wolfe has had a post.))

    Age : 25
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Fri May 24, 2013 6:18 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge]| |Morning

    She had enough of this darkness.

    It was too consuming, too greedy. She could feel it's hands grasp at her battered body with an insatiable hunger, cold teeth bared to her tingling flesh as she shuddered. Her ripped wing stung with an excruciating pain, her nerves screeching in agony in an attempt to wake her from the shadowed world. Pitiful, pitiful...Monisha you really were pathetic this time--look at you, crumpled into the mud helpless and bleeding as everyone else tries to help you. Look at all their expressions, they look so mortified! It's kinda cute, actually, how sweet of them to be concerned over your worthless being! A scowl grew on her beak, feeling the weight of her body slowly sink her into the wet earth. Woah there, slow down honey. You ain't going down to hell yet--you still got heaven to reach for!

    She cold feel breath on her skin, a warm, kindly air that engulfed her body. Was something there with her? She wasn't sure, the scent of filth and grime too strong for her faulty nose to take notice of another living. Oh, even more cute! You think someone will help you? A damsel in distress, are we? Her mind sneered. She could feel her body tingling with an odd energy, the kind of energy that never effected her. The kind only a psychic could know. A psychic thinks it can save you? A dark type? Stupidity at it's finest! Lame. She grit her beak, tired body suddenly glowing with an intense aura as she vanished with a bright flash of light. This must be destiny.

    [[OOC: Leaving post--way too busy with drama and life to manage all of these characters atm. Maybe I'll rejoin at a later date! VuV For anyone who's confused, Monisha was teleported via psychic power after a sudden Miracle Eye was used on her by a nearby figure, who'll I'll probably introduce as a dual with Monisha if I ever come back. Until then, ciao! :'D]

    Age : 29
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:52 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    14 | 14

    As the Jolteon glides through the air she feels almost peaceful. She had failed in her job. Failed to protect Monisha and caused her friend to be damaged permanently. Mutilated, unable to fly, and broken. Grounded forever and not able to do what a normal happy bird should. She might not of said the word promise, a very heavy word to the Jolteon, but it might as well of been. She had broken her trust, rendered useless by mud, and not even attempted to help a single one of her friends. I told you I would blast them with lightening.. now I cant even make a single spark to help you.. How pathetic could she get. How worthless could she act, sulking to side instead of battling like everyone else.

    Her uselessness and weakness could not be remedied. It was too late now to as Monisha had already been injured and felt pain that would last with her forever. The Jolteon was practically defenseless; unable to make any lightening and slowed by thick mud. In her current state dashing in toward the monster would be no more then suicide.
    But she already knew that.
    Tightening her lean muscles further Pachi thinks lightly to herself. She couldn't flee if she wanted to. She couldn't fight back if she needed to. She couldn't do much of anything, except play bait. Using her own body maybe she could distract the dragon long enough to give JuJu a window of opportunity. By letting it rip her apart he could escape, wounded he would need all the time he could get to flee with the others. Or it might give him long enough to finish it off with an Ice Fang to an exposed, feeding neck. With new lively prey the dragon could forget about Monisha completely, giving her birdie friend a chance to get away. A chance to know I didn't mean for this to happen.. that I did want to protect you..

    Maybe one day you can forgive me.. Her dainty yellow paws curl in close to her body, compressed and firm as they prepare for impact. With her eyes squeezed tight she can not see where the enemy monster is but knows it must be close now. With a quiet breathe out Pachirisu accepts the pain soon to come. There is a sudden jolt in her shoulder that runs down the length of her body. Its cold with the sounds of a soft shhh before something hard thuds against her face. Flashing open her green eyes she cant feel any pain other then slight discomfort in her stomach and along her side. All she can see is a greyish stone that fills her vision, no blood or pointed fangs. The Joltie had slid gently across the soggy grass and bumped into the side of the building. The Garachomp was no where in sight. But how?

    The Glaceon stares wide eyed at the spot where the dragon had been. One moment it was thinking of making a meal out of him and those nearby and the next it was gone. Just.. gone. A radiating pain echos through is tendril, ear, and any other place that he was hit with the flames making it difficult to focus. His instincts tell him to stay on guard, that the monster might be hiding and could leap out at him at any moment. Naturally he never seemed to feel at ease knowing that the threat, any threat for that matter, could still be present. We are safe.. for now. Lightly he steps on blue paws over to Sarah, her mud slathered fur matching that of the ground. Try as he might the Glaceon cant walk straight, moving with a pain-filled limp to his step. With a quick glance he knew Sarah was fine, she had hit the ground but was no worse for wear. She would be okay even without him checking on her. Shifting his eyes to the other Pokemon the Glaceon's good ear gives a twitch. How is Monisha after losing a wing.

    Letting his tail run across the Jolteon's back Glalie passes her by for the Riolu and Mandibuzz a little further off. There is a look on Taph's face that worries him, helplessness maybe, that told him time was of the essence. Opening his mouth to speak he is cut off as a sudden bright flash of light that envelops the bird and then vanishes with her. What, was that an attack? Bewildered and confused he looks to the sides but see's nothing. Glalie cant even see the other bird that had been present or any of the flock beside those dead on the ground. Eyes wide he holds a firm stare at the child below him, not necessarily accusing him but needing explanation for what just happened.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:09 pm

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    Mossdeep City (Outside Glalie's Refuge) }'{ Morning }'{ (8)

    Trying to stem the terrible flow of blood from the bird's wing tears blur Taph's vision. He had no bandages and knew no fire type attacks. Whatever could he do to save the big bird by himself?
    Scrambling in the mud the little canine wipes his tears away on the back of a bloodied paw and prays for a miracle.
    He was so useless...he had always been so useless.
    Pathetically the Riolu paws at the limp bundle of feathers.
    "You've got to wake up..." He whimpers, turning back to the dirt-covered Jolteon and Glaceon stnading up to the terrifying monster.
    A whimper of fear gets stuck in his throat. That thing...It would hurt them if they didn't have help. Maybe it would even eat them and the sounds of ghostly flesh being torn apart ring true in the Riolu's memory.
    No, they were so nice and he had to get them help somehow. If only the bird would wake up. If only she was o.k. then they could have help and...and...
    Taph starts to cry again.
    He didn't know what to do and he was so useless, he was always useless. He could never help any of them! If only he could help get the bird somewhere safe or make the monster go away! But he wasn't strong enough.

    Taph crouches over, cradling his head in his hands as he bends over and cries.
    What can he do? Already he can feel the disappointment starting, that harsh wave of negative emotions that would spread from every pore to pool over him. He was so weak...Too weak to do anything but die!
    Taph whimpers in fear as he covers his eyes with one muddied blue paw and notices through his stubby claws a suddenly flare of light.
    He moves his paw to notice that both the Garchomp and one winged bird have completely disappeare, leaving him sitting in damp puddle of blood and mud alone while the two Eeveelutions look around for their enemy.
    They were o.k both of them o.k!
    Tears brim in the tiny canine's eyes once again but they are tears of joy this time as Taph cheerfully runs towards them, slipping a little in the wet mud.
    "It's a miracle!" He says far louder than he first intended, his blue muzzle splitting wide in a childish cheerful grin.
    He has wished and wished and wished that he could make things better and things had gotten better!
    It must have been the fairies, the fairies were real and they helped make everything better!
    All he had to do was believe hard enough. The little fightning type is estatic.
    "The fairies made a miracle for us!" He wants to hug the dirt covered Jolteon with his happiness but immediately the cold look int he Glaceon's eyes tell him that would be a bad idea. Instead he just settles for a smioe.
    "Fairies took miss birdy to a safe place and made the scary monster go away." his young age is clearly reflected in his tone.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2616

    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:48 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    15 | 15

    What happened? The monster was gone.. the battle, over? There was a silent air of peace over the Pokemon, one that told them safety for the time being. Its gone Monisha. It can't hurt you anymore. A light feeling comes to Pachirisu's aching heart. The monster was gone! She might not of won the battle, had a deserved painful death, and the Garchomp may of simply vanished without warning, but for now it was good enough for her. The feeling of Glalie's tail told her he was alright too, standing and moving again. Getting to her own paws the Jolteon feels a bit shaky but confidence beams through her mind.

    "It's a miracle!" She can hear the little Riolu's voice mimicking her own thoughts. Turning to were her birdie friend lay she starts, "Monisha its gone its-" but breaks off when she realizes that the Vulture wasn't there. "M-monisha?" She asks tentatively, stepping forward closer to the spot where Taph was sitting. "The fairies made a miracle for us!" His voice is happy but it does not penetrate her. The positive feelings inside her heart have gone and again are replaced with a cold, hollow weight. Looking down blood still pooled and stained the ground red where the bird had been but there was no sign of her beside a few dirtied feathers that clung to the mud. "Monisha?!" She calls out more quickly, panic starting to croak in her voice.

    This had to be some sort of joke. The Mandibuzz was injured, she couldn't of gone far! had Taph maybe found a way to move her? Taking a step back the Jolteon feels her breath coming in short and fast. No no no! No Monisha the monster is gone its alright now. Its gone come back! She blinked. They were both gone. Just leaving like that. Had the Garchomp- panic cuts off her breath in a gasp. Turning to Glalie her eyes are wide in horror. "Glalie you don't think! That the Garchomp.." It was too horrible for her to finish and too hard to breath while speaking.
    The Glaceon looks her firm in the eyes. She hadn't seen what happened to Monisha but she did have a point. But.. no. The Garchomp left suddenly Monisha seemed like she was teleported against her will. The events couldn't be connected, right? I don't think Garchomps can learn teleport, they aren't psychic. It didn't seem to add up. The light happened a few moments after too. Though they were close together the two, technically three, Pokemon vanishing couldn't relate to one another. Shaking his head gently the Glaceon utters only a few words to her. Now wasn't the time for silence. "No, she's alright." Yet it also wasn't the time for a big speech.

    The Jolteon still feels anxiety pulsing through her veins but the sound of Glalie's voice is more relaxing then the words he had said. "Fairies took miss birdy to a safe place and made the scary monster go away." The little Riolu matches his optimism, completely cheerful and innocent. As long as the monster didn't have her.. I hope youre safe.. Forcing herself to calm down Pachi nods to the child with a soft smile on her muzzle. "And they'll keep her safe too." It was hard to finds someone like him with all the demons running around. So young and innocent.. Looking between him and Glalie she can't help laugh the tinniest bit. "We are all really dirty. We should probably wash this mud off." There had to be clean water somewhere on this island. The vulpine Pokemon had been lucky finding clean drinking water in bottles inside the houses, but they would need more to bathe. Sure the ocean was nearby but saltwater would leave them all sticky and thirsty.

    "I think I saw a pond near the base of that big hill over there." With one weak feeling paw she points to the distance. Her idea of a 'big hill' might seem like a small mountain to others. "It had like, a tiny waterfall. Small enough that any one of us could sit under it comfortably. I only saw it for a second yesterday but I think I remember where it is." The waterfall had been more like a stream going over a slope, gentle and small yet still definable as a waterfall. With a deep breath the Jolteon bends her neck down to grab the few feathers that still remained. Tucking them safely into her filthy white mane she turns toward the eastern side of the island and moves with unhappy, quiet steps.
    The Glaceon nodded to her. Mud clung to his faint coat making a harsh contrast between what was clean and not on him. He hated being dirty and washing sounded peaceful after all the fighting. It might even soothe his burns a bit. Water could mean berries. Maybe even Rawst. Slowly, trying not to limp, he pads forward.

    Age : 29
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Kaze Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:35 pm

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    Mossdeep City (Outside Glalie's Refuge) }'{ Morning }'{ (9)

    Taph sticks out his red tongue at the idea of taking a bath.
    Sitting briefly in one of the least muddy patches of ground he shakes himself off, larger clumps of mud flying from his fur and splattering the ground. Still sitting he raises his uninjured hind-leg and gives himself a good scratch behind the ear. Everything would be o.k. for Miss Birdy now the Fairies took her away. The fairies were good at helping people, unlike him.
    Carefully licking at the area around the bite mark Taph notes that he's missing some of the dark fur around his leg where it has fallen out and the skin underneath has turned dark purple.
    Swiftly smoothing fur back over the wound before before standing back up and hurrying after the other two Taph worries. When they washed the mud away the two nice pokemon would see that he had been bitten and then...
    Taph sniffs as he thinks of all the horrible things that they could no to him when they find out that he had been infected. They'd killed off the bad birds with some powerful attacks, would those attacks be used on him if he could no longer be trusted?
    It had been so long since he last had friends too, he didn't want them to hate him.
    Carefully the Riolu follows behind the others, keeping his back hunched over and his tail between his legs. He keeps a respectful distance between them as he looks up the big hill. He had until they got to the top at least then maybe he could run away if it looked like they were going to hurt him.
    His legs twinge with pain, not from the bite wound but from his earlier attempt at a Hi Jump Kick. His parents would have been so ashamed.
    I can try right? He says to himself as he silently walks after the two, looking at the ground rather than at the eeveelutions backs. If I am self confident and believe really hard maybe they won't mind....
    Taph squeezes his bright red eyes shut briefly.
    Oh please oh please oh please be my friends! he prays.

    Age : 29
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    The MOSSDEEP Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Jun 15, 2013 6:33 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Glalie's Refuge] | Late Morning
    16 | 16

    The vulpine pair walked with uncomfortable steps, the drying, scratchy mud and wounds becoming a real bother. Going in silence the Jolteon was a foot or two ahead of Glalie so he could not see her face. Her heart felt heavy in her chest, a great, cold weight. Monisha.. Though the Glaceon told her the bird was alright the pain of loss and failure was still raw. Unless she physically saw her friend again the mental wound would not heal properly. Frowning at the ground it might of been better if she didn't think about it, try to push it away. The next time she saw the vulture she might be.. With a shake of her head Pachi attempts to clear her mind. As she moves sparks begin to build and gather once more in the clear parts of her pelt feeling good and natural. Now only to get rid of all that mud!

    Glalie took the rising ground with a grain of salt. He couldn't tell if the pain he was feeling was simply from his natural weakness in types or that the attack had burned him. Wincing as his tendril swayed with each step he could only pray that there were Rawst berries nearby. Even if it was just pain they couldn't hurt. With a grunt his unamused face simply carries on, firmly staring forward as he looks for the so called pond. All that his blue gaze can pick up is a space where the sloping ground has been craved out into a stairway for easier ascension. Getting closer he can see that plant life has sprung up from the cracks, a sign that they had not been maintained or properly used in a long while. Not that that was surprising. "Over there," Pachirisu started, looking over her shoulder, "Up those stairs and to the left. She should pass a big white rock on the way."  

    She tried to smile softly to Taph. It had been a while since she and the Glaceon had traveled with a kid. He seemed so timid.. I won't let anyone take you away. Children needed to be protected in this day and age. They were the future if things ever got better. "How are you holding up, Taph?" She asks gently in a light voice. Turning to Glalie she can see the pain from the burn marks reflecting in his blue eyes. Licking his cheek she moves a step closer to him. "It wont be long before you can soak those." He makes a small grunt of humor which now glistens in the Glaceons eyes. Though its relieving to see he is alright it only makes pain run through the Jolties heart. I wish you would use your voice more.. Why wouldn't he talk like he used to? What had happened to cause this? No answers come to her.

    The ground was evening out again with trees dotting it every so often. Watching their leaves with interest the Glaceon looks for anything small that he can make a meal of. He had eaten not long ago but hunger was already starting to prod at his stomach. Nothing of interest shows up though and his eyes again fall to the ground. Rotating his long ears there is a faint tickling of water off in the distance. "I see the rock!" It shouldn't be long now and usually water meant life. And food.

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