Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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7 posters

    The MOSSDEEP Team


    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Jay Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:29 pm

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    Mossdeep City || Midnight || 1

    The wind cried deeply, howling as lighting struck down upon the ruined city, barely missing buildings and almost causing fire; which could take over the entire island very quickly, destroying all hopes of life. Though, that did mean all undead would be dead, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that the island wasn't going to burst into spontaneous flames. As the rain continued to fall, and as the thunderstorm raged on, a Pokemon quickly scurried across the damp grounds of Mossdeep, it's paws covered in mud, it's fur deeply wet. The Pokemon continued down the paths of the once thriving city, but soon stopping due lighting striking in front of it, scaring it nearly to death and causing it to jump back a few feet. The Pokemon scurried to a building, one that had a still in tact roof, and hid, shaking. It shook its pelt, revealing under the damp, now loosened fur, a Flareon. The Flareon, who had a scar planted on his leg and face, panted, it took a deep breath, and sat down belly first onto the wood floor.

    "Dear Arceus, that was a walk! But still, I didn't get any berries, I'll have to check tomorrow, yet, another day without food..." The Flareon whispered, a lisp in his present male voice. The Woodbiards cracked, and The Flareon jumped, turning his head to look around him. "W-Who's  there!?" After moments of silence, he realized no one was there, and let his guard down. The Flareon sighed, "Well, George, You've managed to freak yourself out once again!" He looked to his paws and wiggled his fingers a bit, he laughed silently. Soon, his attention came to a broken floor board, and he ended up playing with the board, pushing it down only to make it fly back up. It was his way of entertaining himself. 

    After several minutes of playing foolishly, George attempted to get up, only to find his to the floor once more. He sighed, and closed his eyes. "Maybe I should just sleep here for tonight..." 

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:44 pm

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    Mossdeep City|Midnight (1)

    The storm was coming down hard on the city. It was a wonder how anything that was living could survive out there. Zoey wondered how she wasn't down on the ground. The Swoobat was soaking wet, perched under a tree that wasn't really doing much in the way of keeping her dry. She felt really cold. Luckily, the lightning was missing her by a little bit. She felt safe to start flying.

    Zoey took off from her spot on the branch and flew around the town, hoping to find shelter of some kind. She felt her body growing weaker the longer she flew. Luckily, she was able to find a shelter with a roof. Thank god. She didn't know how much more her body could take. The Swoobat soon found out as soon as she entered the building. Zoey pretty much crashed onto the floor. Exhausted. Shivering. Wet. She just felt terrible. She shook her body dry, but she still felt cold.

    Zoey finally took notice of a Flareon in the room, its eyes were closed. Was it sleeping? Zoey walked up to him and lightly tapped him awake with her wing. Through a combination of nervousness and shivering, she asked, "Um... hi... C-Can I sleep here? J-J-Just for tonight?" The Courting Pokemon hoped that he would say yes.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:10 am

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    Mossdeep| |Midnight

    [OOC: Please do not skip me, and do not place my characters in Safehouse without asking.]

    Monisha was tired, her feathers drenched with the sky's tears as the vulture faltered in the sky. With every drop of water that hit her body she violently shook, with so little energy that even a miniature droplet could move her. Blue eyes were half-open, threatening to close and drag the bird into a world of dreams, but she knew she cannot fall asleep. Especially above a roaring sea. "Dear Lugia, if I do fall please have mercy on my soul..." whimpering, she strained her wings to stay airborne, catching sight of an island only a few ways away.

    Eyes widening she smiled. At last, land! Pace faster, she glides towards Mossdeep before she gasps, wings shutting down. Monisha began to spiral to the ground, to tired to even scream as her figure collided, she felt her wing snap before letting out a screech, writhing in pain. Her talons dug into the dragon bone she carried, eyes watering with tears as she screamed. "MY WING, MY WING!" sobbing in pure agony she screwed her eyes shut. "Someone, anyone, please... Help me!"

    The vulture quietly stopped writhing, laying limp on the muddy streets. Tears pooling on the ground as her eyes stated blank across the pavement, the silence was deafening. "It's the end... The undead will come for me... I can't go on." murmuring, she laid there. Breathing slow as Monisha waited her fate.

    [OOC: Geez, first post and already injured...]

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Jay Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:30 pm

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    Mossdeep City || Midnight || [2]
    George walked across the damp ground, it was dark, though all was calm. He could barely see - much less tell where he was. The Flareon knew he was in some kind of cave, and despite his scarce knowledge of deep caves, he continued on padding forward anyways, occasionally looking around to see if any visible items were around him - yet he never found any. George stopped walking, and sniffing the air, he turns his gaze to the right, where the smell of death loomed. He got in battle stance, and inches forwards towards this smell, though he couldn't see. Nothing so far.

    The Flareon continued until his foot bumped against something hard, and with a loud screech, he felt the thing whip forward and jump into the air. For a split second, multiple thoughts went through his head, but finally the correct one came, run! George swiftly turned around and ran, barely missing the attack of the monster. The Fire Type Pokemon quickly jolted into a faster sprint as soon as the monster came towards him, and a fireball missed his tail by an inch. George, thinking fast, stopped and turned around, firing a Fire Blast at the unknown Pokemon. A roar was heard, then silence. George thought he had driven it away, he thought too soon. The Unknown Pokemon grabbed him up, and stared into his eyes with large, red glowing eyes. The monster opened its mouth, revealing large teeth, and began pulling George in. He screamed.

    A tap on the shoulder.

    "Um... hi... C-Can I sleep here? J-J-Just for tonight?"

    George jolted awake, panting. His body quivered and his heart pounded. He turned towards the voice, and innocent Swoobat was in front of him. It seemed scared, it was asking for shelter to sleep in, sounded reasonable... The Flareon, still slightly panting, told the Swoobat, "Yeah... Sure..." He spoke in between large breaths. The Fire The Pokemon took a paw and patted the Swoobat. He then let his head fall back to the ground, and closed his eyes, frowning. "Yes, sorry about that, you can stay, haha..." He said as he regained the ability to breath properly. Sighing loudly, he closed his eyes. Hopefully no other nightmares...

    "MY WING, MY WING! Someone, anyone, please... Help me!" 

    George jolted up once more, and looked around carefully. The noise came from outside. He glanced at the Swoobat, "Come on! Someones in trouble!" He stumbled clumsily out the broken door, and ran outside, only to see a Pokemon laying on the ground near the shore, he ran towards the Pokemon. The Pokemon, a mandibuzz, was lying there, it's wing twisted in a bad angle. Quickly moving towards it, he yelled, "Are you alright? Oh my Arceus! Oh what to do what to do! Where's medical supplies when you need them!" He frantically paced back and forth in font of the Madibuzz.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:18 pm

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    Mossdeep| |Midnight

    When a orangey-red figure began darting towards her, Monisha screwed her eyes shut in fear. Please just make this death quick... Dear Arceus have mercy. The Vulture tensed, waiting for claws to rake down her back, for razor teeth to sink into her body but it never came.

    "Are you alright? Oh my Arceus! Oh what to do what to do! Where's medical supplies when you need them!" Blinking in surprise, the Mandibuzz looked up to find a Flareon, pacing back and forth in front of her. To her astonishment, it wasn't undead. At least, the sickening scent wasn't there...

    "P-Please... Help me, I've broken my wing." Monisha mumbles, pain distorting her face. "Anything... Even sticks and vines would do." murmuring, she quietly remembers those days when the Braviaries of her flock used to break their wings. Her mother used to patch them up with stick and vines, using branches to steady the wing and vines to bind them together. Soon the eagles would be healed again, but the thought of days, no, weeks without flight terrified her. The vulture didn't run very well, what will she do if she needed to flee?

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:30 am

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    Mossdeep|Midnight (2)

    (OoC: Sorry bout that, Lute.)

    The Flareon seemed to be having a bad dream, because he screamed when Zoey woke him up. Thankfully, he was alright with the Swoobat staying. "Yes, sorry about that, you can stay..." Zoey nodded and tried to find a place to sleep until they heard a cry for help.

    "Come on! Someone's in trouble!" He said to Zoey. She went into the air and followed the Flareon to the source of the cry. It was a Mandibuzz with an injured wing. The Flareon was panicking, frantically pacing back and forth. Zoey wings were getting tired, so she perched herself down on the Flareon. The Mandibuzz wanted sticks and vines for the broken wing. The Swoobat remembered seeing some scattered around. Zoey exclaimed, "I know where we could find some. I'll be right back!" She took off in search of the stick and vines.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 257

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by RhysandNight Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:40 am

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    Mossdeep|Midnight (20)

    The rain fell from the sky like a curtain, drenching the wandering pokemon down to his bone, and the wind, chilling it. When a large bolt of lightning tore through the sky, it illuminated the surrounding area for a brief second, relieving that the pokemon to be a Jolteon.

    Trembling Glitch made his way over to a near tree, trying to keep dry, though the action was one in vain. With the wind blowing it seemed that the rain falling in every which direction. Realizing that he wouldn't be spared from the storm here, he began to walk again, looking for a suitable shelter. It was a mystery to him on how he had gotten here. He wasn't even really sure where 'here' was. He remembered his old team mates turning on him, saying that he had been killed by an infected. But that was just ludacris,....right? He would have remembered if he had been killed, or see scars from where he was attacked. But none of that mattered now. His old team was gone, where though, he didn't know. Just a few hours ago he had woken up to find himself soaking wet out in the rain, and alone.

    "Not that it matters much now really..." The Jolteon muttered under his breath as another lightning bolt struck just a few meters away.

    Soon he cleared the small treeline, entering what remained of a city. He was just about to continue on his way when a horrible cry filled his ears, as if someone was in agony. It sent chills down his spine, and if his fur hadn't been plastered to his body, would have bristled. Just then Glitch caught a flash orange and blue heading towards the noise in a hurry. He narrowed his eyes, wondering if they were infected. That thought alone made him uneasy.

    Silently he followed after the two pokemon, which were now just distant shadows ahead of him. If those two were infected, going after a normal injured pokemon, he would have to intervene.

    Last edited by Iceshadow27 on Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 28
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    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Catalyst Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:34 pm

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    | Mossdeep City // Midnight |

    The spherical bug rolled along the landscape of Mossdeep, his shell splattered with blood on the horns. "Damn infected pokemon." He hadn't an idea he was one himself. He just knew he felt poisonous.... He rolled along, his shell churning the rocks as his horns dug into the ground as well. The blood started to wash off the purple tinted shell, making him look less gored up. He heard the cries of a Mandibuzz as it fell from the sky.


    Michelen heard the direction of the sound, not very well able to make out what it was just by voice. The blinded pokemon rolled on, towards where, most definitely thought, he heard the bird pokemon. The voice was distant now.

    "P-Please... Help me, I've broken my wing. Anything... Even sticks and vines would do."

    Michelen blinked his blind eyes. He quietly rolled forward towards the pokemon. He was about to offer help before a small bat pokemon spoke up before him.

    "I know where we could find some. I'll be right back!"

    Michelen just kept silent. He then decided now would be a good time to show himself. He quietly rolled forward into the groups line of sight.
    "Hello...." he said quietly. He hadn't really had any interactions since he left his home in Fortree. He waited to see their responses, trying to look as harmless as he could as to not scare off the group.


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 30
    Posts : 132

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Bitterblue Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:49 pm

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    Against the dark of the midnight sky, Talon's feathers were nearly impossible to see. He used this to his advantage, flying mostly by night, safe against any threat of Undead that could not fly as well. During the daytime, he usually slept or scavenged for food, but he was pretty good at hiding even then--there was always a deep shadow or crevice he could crawl into, and if not, he would just fly to the highest thing he could find and stay there. But for a long time now, he had been flying over an enormous ocean, so he had been safe from most threats.

    Just as midnight struck, Talon himself was stricken with a great hunger; he had been flying for a while, so it wasn't too surprising to him. He looked down, the golden color of his beak glinting slightly by the light of the moon, and he noticed a city beneath him. He wasn't sure where exactly he was--Talon was not a native to this area, and as mentioned, he had been flying for quite a while.

    He could tell that much of the area was uninhabited, but was sure that there were a few living Pokemon around, and probably Undead as well. He knew that he needed to keep his guard up. He knew that the first mistake he made would be his last.

    At this, the dark-feathered Murkrow began his descent, angling his wings just right to pour the air from them as he sped down. His bandaged claws closed around a thick, white flagpole, and he started to survey the area. The air tasted of salt, which he was sure was from the surrounding seas, but there wasn't much to note in this new area--it seemed like many of the other cities he had been to: the tall, brown-roofed buildings, the squatter red and blue-roofed homes. The only thing that this city had that was unique was a tall, factory-esque building. Perhaps he could find food there, but he wasn't sure. He usually found a lot of food in the red and blue-roofed ones, but now and then he felt adventurous.

    As he began to fly to that area, he saw a small gathering of Pokemon below. They seemed to be Living, for the most part. Talon wasn't sure if they were friendly or not, but he decided he would land anyhow. It wasn't often that the Murkrow met Living Pokemon on his journeys, and it would be nice to talk to something capable of talking back. They could swap stories or maybe food, or possibly survival tips! Talon swooped low and landed in front of a young-seeming Flareon and a Mandibuzz that seemed to be hurt.

    They seemed to be busy somehow, and Talon wasn't sure what to say, so he just cocked his head inquisitively and waited for them to address him.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:48 am

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    Mossdeep| |Midnight

    As help arrived she felt relieved. These beings were not carrying any death-scents, and were speaking. Which means they aren't undead... I'm so glad. A smile appeared on Monisha's beak as the Swoobat graciously went our to search for materials. "Hello...." craning her neck to the source of the voice, the culture spotted a Whirlipede.

    "H-hi." her reply is gentle, a bit wary of this new bug. She'd seen many back home but this one was a but... Odd. Maybe it was infected? Alarm and worry flashed up inside the Mandibuzz, body tense. A Murkrow swooped down, making the vulture worry even more. The black birds had attacked her countless times in her flight, and this round, red eyes unsettled her. Another figure was racing in from a distance... Who were they?

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:50 am

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    Mossdeep City|Midnight (3)

    Zoey flew off to find twigs and vines for the injured Mandibuzz. Luckily, she found some on the ground on the other side of the city. She got some and flew back to the bird and the Flareon. There seemed to be two others with them as well, a Whirlipede, and a Murkrow. She had seen a lot of the former in Unova, but not many of the latter.

    Zoey dropped the supplies in front of the Mandibuzz. "Here, this should hold you for now." She said as she tied something similar to a splint along the bird's wing. As she finished to the best of her ability, she took a step back towards the Flareon, perching herself back on his body. "There you go, all done! How do you feel?" she asked the Mandibuzz.

    (OoC: Crappy post at 7 AM...)

    Age : 30
    Posts : 257

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by RhysandNight Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:10 pm

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    Mossdeep|Midnight (21)

    Drawing closer to the seemingly growing circle of pokemon, Glitch hung back a few feet away, taking in the scene before him. A weird looking bat pokemon had flown off to gather supplies to make a splint. During it's absence two other pokemon appeared, a Murkrow and yet another pokemon he didn't recognize. It was some sort of weird bug pokemon. He eyed it wearily, something feeling off about it.

    The Jolteon's ears perked up when the bat returned with the items, tending to the hurt bird pokemon, the third pokemon he didn't recognize. His curiosity grew a little when the bat landed on the shoulder of one of his fellow eeveelutions, a Flareon. He silently hoped this one wasn't like the other Flareon he had met before. Not knowing what to do with himself, Glitch remained sited were he was, watching from a short distance.

    Age : 28
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    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Catalyst Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:29 am

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    | Mossdeep City // Night |


    Michelen would have smiled if he had a visible mouth. He wanted to be as friendly as possible; he was just as confused as all the others. He heard a flutter of wings land next to them, waiting for someone to acknowledge it. Michelen didn't know what kind of pokemon were here or how many there were in total, but one of them seemed to be nice to him. He heard the excited little bird creature come up, apparently helping the other avian who had said hello to him. He waited until she asked if the other was alright. He quietly started to speak.
    "I'm Michelen.... Who might I have the pleasure of meeting?"


    (OoC: OTL Not much to put down. Short crap post is short. lol)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 30
    Posts : 132

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Bitterblue Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:41 pm

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    Talon looked around the growing collection of Pokemon in the small circle, naming the species of each that he recognized in his head: Flareon, Mandibuzz... round bug Pokemon thing... Jolteon...
    A bat-like Pokemon flew into their little circle; he recognized its species immediately and added it to the list. Swoobat.

    Though he had flown all over the lands, he wasn't accustomed to Unova Pokemon; he was only familiar with those that could fly, so he didn't know exactly what the Whirlipede was.

    He decided that he ought to try and be as courteous and friendly as possible. Introducing himself, as none of the gathered Pokemon seemed to be taking much of an interest in him, would be a good start.
    The Murkrow spread his wings, stretching, and yawned. To anyone who cares, I don't mean any harm... he said, seeing the nervous look the Mandibuzz shot him, But the company of your ragtag group is better than no company, yes? I am Talon.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Jay Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:57 am

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    Mossdeep City || Midnight || 3

    In the midst of the crazy making, George basically stood their, thinking. The Swoobat had come back with supplies after going out, and had quickly managed to create a splint for the Mandibuzz, then perching on his back. Of course, George didn't mind this, yet he had no Idea who this pokemon was, and as the Swoobat waited for an answer from the other injured one, he asked softlty, "Um... Excuse me, but I don't believe I ever learned all your names, haha." As soon as he said this, he noticed a Murkrow near them along with a pokemon he didn't remember the name of, most likely a Unova pokemon.

    The Murkrow yawned, "To anyone who cares, I don't mean any harm... But the company of your ragtag group is better than no company, yes? I am Talon."

    George looked at the Murkrow, now known as Talon, confused. "Whats a... ragtag?" He turned his head towards the bug pokemon, and looked at him. He had said something, but George didn't quite catch it, but he nodded anyways, tilting his head and smiling. Other than the two other pokemon, he heard the noise of yet another pokemon. Turning his head, he saw nothing, and looked back at the Mandibuzz, and said, "Is the splint alright?"

    ([ooc: Alright, back on track guys! Sorry for the crappy post, but I needed to get it done quickly, they'll get better next time. : D ])

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:07 pm

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    Mossdeep| |Midnight

    "There you go, all done! How do you feel?" As the Swoobat finished with her work the Vulture nodded, grateful. "It still hurts, but knowing that it'll get better soon does make me feel better." Monisha replied. "Thank you so much for helping me. You have my eternal gratitude!"

    Following the other's introductions, the Mandibuzz made her own, struggling to obtain a seated position to look more proper. "It's a great pleasure to meet you all, I am Monisha - the Mandibuzz." Dipping her head in respect, the Vulture turned to answer George's question. "A ragtag means a mixture, which is a good way to describe us. We have two scavenger birds, two eevee evolutions, a bat, and a bug, which reminds me..." He gaze hovered to the Jolteon, whom watched from afar.

    "Why don't you come join us?"

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:34 am

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    Mossdeep|Midnight (4)

    "It still hurts, but knowing it'll get better soon does make me feel better." The Mandibuzz replied. "Thank you so much for helping me. You have my eternal gratitude." The Mandibuzz then introduced herself as Monisha. Zoey nodded, "You are welcome, Monisha. My name is Zoey." the Swoobat said. The Murkrow also introduced himself as Talon.

    Zoey then realized that it was still raining. "We should find some shelter from the rain. I'm sure nobody here wants to spend the night being wet." she said. She didn't really care if anyone listened to her, she just wanted shelter. Zoey also noticed a Jolteon. He wasn't really a part of the group. Monisha invited him to join the group. Zoey added on, "Yeah, come join us. We're not gonna hurt you." She got off the Flareon's back and was in the air, still with the group.

    Age : 30
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    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by RhysandNight Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:47 pm

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    Mossdeep|Midnight (22)

    He listened to the group of pokemon exchange names after the bird pokemon, known as a Mandibuzz, wing was taken care of. Glitch took note of each of their names, blinking in slight surprise when the Monisha called out to him, closely followed by the odd bat who called herself Zoey. After a moment of debating he stood up and walked over to the group, dipping his head a little. Since everyone seems to be giving out their name, might as well give mine. I'm Glitch, nice to meet you

    (short post short, sorry peoples -w-;)

    Age : 28
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    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:08 pm

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    | Mossdeep City // Midnight |

    "It's a great pleasure to meet you all, I am Monisha - the Mandibuzz."

    "You are welcome, Monisha. My name is Zoey."

    "Since everyone seems to be giving out their name, might as well give mine. I'm Glitch, nice to meet you."

    Michelen blinked. So many greetings. Well, he already gave his name. He decided to lean back for a bit, watch the others introduce themselves. He honestly didn't feel all too comfortable with others yet. He had introduced, but they didn't actually know his real name.... He didn't realize he had backed up so far, that he had probably been invisible to the group by then. He was in a shadow, not even his eyes visible. No, this place wasn't for him. He didn't like the looks of this place. He continued to back up further, going deeper into the shadows of the island....

    (OoC: Leaving post. |D I'm heading to Abandoned. B3 Been fun for the bit I've been here~ <3)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 30
    Posts : 132

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Bitterblue Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:26 pm

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    Talon hopped towards the group as they all gave their names. They all seemed to be friendly in their own way, even the Jolteon, who seemed a bit standoffish at first. Most of the group seemed to be easily manipulable, though he was sure he wouldn't have to do anything like that.

    "Yes, ragtag, a mixed up group. Thank you for that, Monisha," crowed the dark-feathered bird. She seemed nice, and pretty smart too, though her name felt weird on his tongue. It was a wonder that she had gotten hurt.

    "You might be right. The rain certainly isn't doing anything for us," he cackled to the Swoobat. As the Jolteon walked closer, Talon dipped his head towards him. "Welcome."

    Their circle was good, their bodies not quite close enough to touch but close enough to share warmth. Talon watched as the roll-y bug Pokemon rolled away, but didn't say anything.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 863

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Jay Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:43 am

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    Mossdeep || Midnight || 4
    George watched as all the newcomers introduced themselves. The Swoobat being Zoey, the Mandibuzz being Monisha, the Jolteon from afar had been named Glitch, and finally the Murkrow was named Talon. The Flareon shuffled in his place, before finally speaking up, "And my name is George, nice to meet you!" He took his time with his sentance, not exactly stretching out the words, but he did this because he was tired. He struggled to keep his eyes open.

    "Well then..." He began again, his voice shaky, "Anybody else as tired as me?" He shook his fur, attempting to get it less wet. It still would get wetter, but it only made sense to do it every so often.

    ([ooc: I'm going to start working on getting longer posts, guys. Be more descriptive 'n stuff, but with just giving names there isn't much to work with. :C)]

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:00 am

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    Mossdeep|Midnight (5)

    Zoey listened as the other introduced themselves. The Jolteon introduced himself as Glitch, the Murkrow introduced himself as Talon, and the Flareon introduced himself as George. Talon thought it was a good idea to find some shelter. "You might be right. The rain certainly isn't doing anything for us," Zoey nodded. George asked if anyone was getting tired. Zoey nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I've had a long day. Let's find some shelter and rest for the night." Even though she's been here a while, she didn't know where a good place for shelter was.

    (OoC: Sorry for the short post, but like Jay said, there isn't much to work with when everyone's just giving out their names.)

    Age : 25
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    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Jay Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:09 pm

    ([Skip please, I barely have enough time to post and my Internet could go back down any moment. Thought it might be better to do it while I know I have it.])

    Age : 30
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    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by RhysandNight Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:00 pm

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    Mossdeep|Midnight (23)

    "Rest would be good but.....George was it? Where exactly are we, and what of the infected? Is it wise to be resting when we could be attacked at any moment?" Truth be told, that's all Glitch wanted to do was curl up and fall into the blackened sheets of sleep. But with death literary breathing down the back of your neck 24/7, a good rest seemed like a distant memory. "Also, with this heavy rainfall the scent is lost, which means we wouldn't be able to detect them until they were right up on us."

    The jolteon shook himself, trying to rid the coldness that had finally begun to set, an action resulting in vain. He also noted the dull pain that started to spike through his limbs, puzzling him. 'Why does it feel like I was just in a tug-a-war between two primeapes....?

    ((mkay, I'll try to make this my last post then ^^; I'm sorry))

    Age : 30
    Posts : 132

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Bitterblue Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:02 am

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    Talon took a hop towards the Jolteon. He squinted his beady eyes and crowed, though he knew the golden creature was speaking to the Flareon, "I haven't seen anything of Infected around here, and while that's true, they also won't be able to detect us very well."

    The dark-feathered bird Pokemon flew a short ways into the air, high enough to see a short distance around, but also low enough to be able to speak to the others without drawing unwanted attention. He wasn't familiar with the area, so wasn't sure what would make good shelter, but he knew that he should help the others look.

    ((Sorry this is so short! >>))

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