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6 posters

    The MOSSDEEP Team

    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Thu Jan 10, 2013 1:15 am

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Steven's House]| |Morning

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    Monisha had awoken with a start, her eyes flickering open as the morning sun greeted her figure. The bird has been tremendously lucky to have survived on the island for so long, her wing still broken and aching from the wound. Stretching herself out, the vulture hummed a gentle tune as she carefully fluttered down the cedar with a single wing, awkwardly landing and off-balance as she regained her footing. Since the moment she had left the survivors, she hadn't seen them since. A bit of guilt pricked her side, slight concern for the living blossoming in her mind. They were nice Pokemon, they truly were, it just hadn't worked out very well. "Hope they're still alive... I wonder if any of them managed to get off the island."

    Awkwardly waddling away from the tree, the Mandibuzz began her daily routine. Doing a quick preen of her feathers, she hopped over to a random home, the storm had ravaged its walls and left the building barely standing, and carefully climbed in. She began to meticulously sort through the ruins, her actions precise like someone who had practiced for many years. Her talons were fast and unforgiving, swiftly flicking away items and debris that she had no use for. Using her good wing to dust, it wasn't long before she found her prize. Retrieving a small cardboard box, she opened it with her talons to reveal a delicious Oran Berry, only a few days old. The bird smiled and ate, placing the box to the side for future use. The vulture had hidden more of these boxes of fruit all around the island within its ruins and soil, using the method as a way to store and preserve the sustenance she found.

    Satisfied, she made her way out of the home only to be stopped by a shout coming from a nearby home. It was the home of someone famous, a man known for his interest in archaeology, Monisha remembers. Her owner had looked up to the man as an idol, after all. She hops to the home, looking through the window and spitting a figure... A Smeargle? The Mandibuzz faintly wonders why it's here, or more or less how it got here. It didn't seem infected... Perhaps it was friendly? "Um, hello?" she called out from outside, curious of this foreigner.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:06 am

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    Mossdeep City [Western shore] | Morning | 1

    A gentle wind whipped bright yellow fur as the Jolteon stared intently into the water. It was freezing against her paws in the morning chill but she watched the waters surface with the utmost of focus. For once in a long while she was up before her beloved partner, and she wouldn’t let a chance like this go to waste. The Jolteon had made her way to the shore in the wee hours of the morning to catch breakfast for Glalie, knowing all well that he much preferred fresh meat to the berries that grew everywhere throughout the regions. A smile crossed Pachi’s muzzle at the thought of it. Silly ol' Glalie. She couldn’t blame him though, she would take a fresh catch to berries any day.

    A dark shape passed by close in the water, alerting the Jolteon into action. Fast as can be, Pachirisu dove her muzzle into the salty liquid and snapped them shut around the scales of the fish. Thrusting her head back up she snapped it to the side and crunched harder charging her teeth with a Thunder Fang, killing the fish before it even knew what had happened. Thud a dull thud the now dead Goldeen landed on the other fish in the hunters pile of spoils.

    Pachi beamed at her catch. Two freshly caught Goldeen! Yes, this would make Glalie proud of her. He would smile and be happy today. Gathering her catch up by their frilly tails the Jolteon pranced back over and up to the mainland off the island. The sun was certainly higher then it had been when she had set off for the fish, the world around her brightening as the sunlight shone down on its cold surface. Her best friend had still been asleep back at their rest spot when she had left too. He’s probably awake by now. Her golden-yellow fur sparked with her pulsating joy as her paws picked up the pace back to the Glaceon. He better be hungry ‘cause breakfast is served!

    Mossdeep City [Inside House] | Morning |1

    Morning.. It was morning. It felt as though only moments ago the Glaceon had closed his eyes for sleep but now he was awake once more with the rise of the sun. I never sleep well anymore though. His thoughts felt heavy and hard to process from his lack of good sleep. Quietly, he yawned to himself and blinking the grogginess out of his eyes glanced to the side for his partners yellow form. The grey-brown color of the wood floor in the dim light surprised him as the Jolteon was no where in sight. ”Sarah? Sarah.” Steadying himself to a sit on blue paws Glalie touched the spot where Sarah had slept with him the night before: It was cold against his pad. She left a while ago. Normally flecks of concern would of set in on the tired Pokemon but something told him not to worry. It might of been that he had just awoken or that the pair were on an island but the Glaceon only yawned again and began to wash. She’s probably outside somewhere, He assured himself.

    Padding to the door he nudged it open with his strong shoulders. The lock and one henge had long since been broken, allowing the door to open easily even to Pokemon like himself who had no thumbs. The gentle early sunlight was blinding compared the dark interior of the house, causing Glalie to blink several times to adjust. The home he had slept in was very cold, holes in its walls and the lack of life inside made it a chilly place to sleep. Yet it was better then outside, he had assured his partner, and though the cold wouldn't bother him too much Glalie made as sure as he could that Sarah was warm enough that last night. Stretching his limbs the Ice-type allowed the sun to warm his pelt, enjoying the feeling it sent through his body after another restless sleep. He looked but his Jolteon partner was no where in sight. Still, he didn’t feel his nerves prick at the event. She wouldn't have left him, meaning she was ether in trouble or planned of returning very soon. Besides, she couldn't really go anywhere since the city was surrounded by water. She wouldn't leave me like that.

    The Glaceon set out to who knows where to stretch his stiff feeling legs properly. His pale coat wouldn’t absorb the suns warmth very fast so he would have to make his own heat to warm himself. Walking on numb paws he headed to the western cliff-face for a view of the dark water as the sun rose on the other side of the island. Movement caught the Glaceons attention. A bird coming from inside a home? and a big one at that. Glalie blinked at the sight to make sure it wasn't some sleep-deprived hallucination. Nope, the Mandibuzz was definitely real as she called out to something in the distance, "Um, hello?" The Glaceon cocked his head and peered far off for the receiver but the distance too far for him to see. Maybe she was calling to Sarah? Killing two Pidgey with one stone he padded nervously over to the bird to find who she was calling to and what she was doing.

    ((I know Goldeen isn’t actually native to the area, but I didn’t want to use Magikarp >.< I can change that if its not okay.
    200th post *o*))

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:29 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Steven's House]| |Morning

    There was no reply from inside the house.

    Peeking in, she could only see overturned furniture and precious stones, which the Mandibuzz noted to herself to snag later. Numerous shards of glass littered the floor, most likely from the broken window that she was looking through now. With a sigh, Monisha shook her head. "I guess I was only imagining things..." she murmured, turning away only to jump and yelp, a Glaceon standing before her. The vulture blinked, looked around, before frowning. "Wh-who're you?" she mumbled, wincing a bit as her broken wing creaked with pain. She really needed to find a cure for the limb, it's was becoming more of a burden than she had expected.

    Freezing when she heard cawing in the distance, she turned to the ice-type. "Anyways, my name is Monisha. It's a pleasure to meet you." her vice was hushed, ears listening intently at the skies. "We should probably get away from this house--the flock will surely swarm here." the bird said, motioning to the gorgeous reflections of light cast around by the abandoned gems. "Do you have a place to stay?" she asks, already making her way away from the house. Her eyes looked skyward, narrowing as she peered into the sun. Today was a nice day, a bit unnatural to Er after living on the island through storms and rainfall.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:01 am

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Steven's House] | Morning
    2 | 2

    Blinking as he approached the Glaceon scanned the small bit of space he could see through the window. He found himself still seeking answers though as the house seemed to be empty. So the Mandibuzz was talking to herself? "I guess I was only imagining things..." Yup, that pretty much confirmed it. As he tried to come closer the normally vigilant Glaceon stepped on a stick that was lost in one of the storms. The subtle snap alerted the vulture to his presence and with a quick flutter and turn she faced him. "Wh-who're you?" she asked as her face grimaced in pain. Something that was similar to that stick breaking could be heard, was it causing her the discomfort? He continued to blink as he took her in: A bird, alone, standing on the ground, babbling to herself and in pain. Well he found a real winner here.

    The Glaceon nearly forgot that she had asked him a question as he looked at her blankly, even if said question steamed more from surprise then actual curiosity. Normally, his companion would do this part for him, speaking his part and all the explaining for them with his only input coming in subtle gestures to her. "Glalie.." He mumbled weakly. His tongue seemed to yell at him not to speak to this Pokemon he didn't even know. But, to not say anything when it was a simple question of name was too rude for him to allow. Quietly he thought to himself, that with his awkward staring and blinking maybe it was him that was the weirdo and not the bird. The Mandibuzz was distracted for a moment, and flicking her head back continued her conversation, "Anyways, my name is Monisha. It's a pleasure to meet you."

    Well, at least she was polite. That was always a good sign from new acquaintances even if his first impression of her was a bit odd.. With a gentle smile he made a sound half between a 'mhmm' and a 'hmm' through his teeth. She was amusing, even if it wasn't her intention at all. Breaking from his thoughts Glalie focused back on the bird, Monisha, who was distracted by the sky. Peering toward that direction, he couldn't see much but did catch a small noise on the wind. "We should probably get away from this house--the flock will surely swarm here. Do you have a place to stay?"

    Woah. They had just met and already he was taking the girl back to his place? This birdy didn't mess around. The Ice types couldn't resist making a small laugh before nodding with a confirming sound at his own joke. Turning tail he padded back in the direction he had first traveled to approach the bird. It held the smallest number of sticks and stickers to step on, much to the liking of his pads.

    "Glalie, who ya got there!" The cry of his companion instantly interested him as the Glaceon could see the Jolteon standing in front of his refuge. "Ohhhh we have a new friend! Looks like Im going to have to get another fish then heheh." Fish? Ohhhhh so that's where Sarah had gone to this morning. Fishing huh. In the chill of the morning as well. A warm smile crossed his muzzle at the thought of such a kind gesture. Guess he kinda messed it up by not being home when she came back. Julian made a mental note to make it up to her sometime. "Hi! Im Pachirisu and this is Glalie." The Jolteon introduced them to the Mandibuzz incase Glalie hadn't the will to do it himself already. It'd been a good while since they had been with another Pokemon that didn't head off right after meeting, maybe this birdy would be different.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:54 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Outside Steven's House]| |Morning

    "Glalie.." Glalie? Glalie the Glaceon? The Mandibuzz blinked, before smiling. 'Naming conventions have become so odd nowadays...' When the ice-type nodded in response to her question and began to lead the way, the vulture followed, waddling awkwardly in tow due to her large size and lack of balance. "Glalie, who ya got there!" Monisha perked up when she heard a new voice, peering across the landscape to see a Jolteon a few ways away. "Ohhhh we have a new friend! Looks like Im going to have to get another fish then heheh."

    The Mandibuzz smiled, enjoying the fun personality of the Jolteon. It wasn't long before she had waddled all the way to the electric-type, stopping in front of her and taking a breather. "Hi! Im Pachirisu and this is Glalie." Pachirisu? The vulture chuckled a bit. "Great to meet you two! I'm Monisha, pleasure to be of your acquaintance." she nods, before motioning to the sky, the caws growing in sound. "A flock of undead passes by this area of the island every morning every two days, they pick off anything they can find," she explains. "Might be a good idea to take shelter for a while and wait until they pass."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:46 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    3 | 3

    Oh this was exciting! the Jolteon was light on her tiny paws as her companion and the newcomer approached. "Great to meet you two! I'm Monisha, pleasure to be of your acquaintance." Woah, she was polite too! "Hi!" Pachi repeated, unable to hold her excitement but not yet sure of what to say next, "Ohh, thats such a pretty name, Im so glad to meet you." Static buzzed through her pelt, giving off a sound that almost resembled a purr. "A flock of undead passes by this area of the island every morning every two days, they pick off anything they can find," The Glaceon blinked, thankful for the knowledge but a but surprised that she knew it. "Oh," Guess not all birdies go and fly away, or maybe they kicked her out for being well, alive? No, that wasn't it.. "Do they? We've only been here a day so I guess we missed them by a whisker haha!" A smile crossed her muzzle, luck had been with them. First she caught fresh safe fish, then a new friend appeared with a smile, and now they had missed a brutal battle of pain? Awesome!

    "Might be a good idea to take shelter for a while and wait until they pass." The Vulture Pokemon was so wise! "We can stay in this house here," the Jolteon gestured the door with one paw, "We slept here last night. Its not too too drafty, and it should warm up now that the suns here anyway." She paused to take a quick glance and overview the house, "Nope. No way they can see us from in here." Snatching up her fish from where they had fell to the ground, the lithe electric type lead her friends inside.

    Glalie padded over to the center of the room to lay upon the wood floor where he had the night before. It wasn't the most comfortable spot in the world but he wasn't focused of the feels of his body. Something was off about this bird that struck him like a burr in his pale pelt. Pachirisu snatched up a large pillow, planting herself on it so her elbows and chest weren't on the floor. With her catch lying in front of her, she smiled to Monisha, "Would you like one? They are fresh and generously roasted." It would of been nice to have one herself after all the effort the Jolteon had put into catching them, but she wanted to be polite and offer to her guest. Manners, they go for miles! "This one is for you, JuJu." She nudged the Goldeen in front of his dark blue paws, and wouldn't stand for a refusal.

    Glalie wasn't overly paying attention however, as his mind was still focused on the bird he was staring at. She, she wasn't right. What was it? He had found her staring in some house through a window. Now she was inside a building to protect herself from birds while being an avian Pokemon herself. Avian. Birds. Wings? She had wings yet Monisha hadn't flown a single bit since they met. The pair hadn't walked too far to get over to this house but it was still a fair enough distance that she should of taken wing at least a little. Oh! Wing. One of her wings was always just a bit looser to her body then it should of been. Like it was bad to bring it closer. Like it, hurt? Maybe that was what caused the pain to come to her face earlier. Is your wing bust? Flipping over onto his belly, the Glaceon took notice of the fish before him. It was perfectly fried and smelled divine.

    Glalie sighed silently at it with a smile. He knew all too well he couldn't refuse the Jolteon, she would do anything for him and him first. With that, Pachi attempted to strike up a conversation knowing all too well that he wouldn't. "So what are you doing on a little island? If you know those birdie birds come by you've had to of been here a while." Didn't birdies like to fly around and feel the wind in their feathers? The Jolteon could almost imagine the feeling rippling through her fur..

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:18 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge]| |Morning

    "Do they? We've only been here a day so I guess we missed them by a whisker haha!" Monisha couldn't help but smile at the female's optimistic demeanor. "We can stay in this house here. We slept here last night. Its not too too drafty, and it should warm up now that the suns here anyway." The Vulture gives a grateful nod as she watches the Jolteon take a quick overview of the house. "You have my gratitude," she hums, before following the Jolteon inside.

    Making herself comfortable, she sat only about a meter away from the two eeveelutions, stretching out her good wing once before preening off the dirt. "Would you like one? They are fresh and generously roasted." Monisha smiles, but politely shakes her head. "It's alright--I had a few berries a few minutes ago so I'm fine. Thanks for the offer though!" The Vulture definitely liked this bunch better than the last, much more cheery and peppy. For a few minutes, the Mandibuzz preened her normal wing vigorously, being much more careful with her broken one.

    "So what are you doing on a little island? If you know those birdie birds come by you've had to of been here a while." Monisha looks up, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I got forced onto the island during a storm while I was flying across the region, and the winds were too harsh. I crash landed, but it wasn't long before I found out that there were other survivors here..." she paused, before continuing. "A bit of a sad bunch, and a ragtag group. Some of them got killed by the undead, and the others I haven't heard from since. The last thing I recall before leaving them were the sounds of Undead coming our way."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:49 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    4 | 4

    Monisha politely declined the fish offering both to the Jolteons relief and disappointment. Placing one paw on its tail and the other against the Goldeens horn Pachi used her strong canines to tear a chunk of flesh from her meal. Roasted and still a bit warm on the inside the flavor was savory on her tongue. Fantastic. She stared at Glalie until he gave in and started to eat his as well. Yeah you better eat it silly. He chewed slowly, staring blankly at the Mandibuzz as though distracted.

    "I got forced onto the island during a storm while I was flying across the region, and the winds were too harsh. I crash landed, but it wasn't long before I found out that there were other survivors here..." The Glaceon blinked hard. Crash, landed. Other survivors. "I don't remember seeing anyone else here. Except for you, so far at least." Her morning trek had been rather lonely she recalled, with only the occasional caw of a bird to show possible life. Now it seemed, those birds were not really 'life' at all.

    "A bit of a sad bunch, and a ragtag group. Some of them got killed by the undead, and the others I haven't heard from since. The last thing I recall before leaving them were the sounds of Undead coming our way." The Jolteon's yellow ears fell to the sides of her head. "Thats unfortunate, I hate to hear of undead claiming lives. But hey, your still here and you got new friends now!" Right. Right? At least she wouldn't have to be alone anymore, that's always good. A spark of embarrassment flushed her face. I swear Im not rating your friends!

    Glalie wasn't thinking nearly the same as his companion. His bits of food were chewed even slower then before, not even paying attention to the fact he was eating. He was still thinking on 'crash landed'. Those two words were enough for him to make a proper hypothesis on the bird. Swallowing his mouthful the Glaceon took a deep breathe and asked clamly, "Your wing, is it injured?" No way she could avoid that. The Jolteon looked first to him with a cock of her head then back to Monisha in confusion. Glalie had spoken to her, and an odd question at that. "Injured?" She repeated his words quietly without realizing as she attempted to see what Glalie did in the bird.

    "Does it hurt?" The very thought of having a hurt wing made Pachi shudder, her pelt quivering in reflex. Though she had no feathers or wings, having even the slightest scratch or cut on something used to fly sounded so painful. Wind, bugs, and dust constantly buffeting it as well.. Her shoulders and paws shifted slightly against the floor, maybe it was good that she was ground bound.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:46 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge]| |Morning

    "Thats unfortunate, I hate to hear of undead claiming lives. But hey, your still here and you got new friends now!" Monisha couldn't help but grin. "Right." she chuckled, realizing now how badly she had needed such vibrant optimism. "Your wing, is it injured?" The Mandibuzz looked up at the Glaceon. "Injured?" She nods. "...Yeah." she mumbled. "It's broken. Only this one though-" she gently wiggled her bad wing. "The other one's fine. Doesn't show any sign of healing anytime soon, but definitely improved since the initial impact."

    "Does it hurt?" Monisha thought for a bit, before replying. "A bit. Only when I keep moving it or if I over exert it. Can't fly or flutter either, but I don't really mind. I got used to hopping around on the ground." she laughed a bit. "At least I'm still alive and running, eh? Hopefully it'll heal soon though. I'd like to fly around the skies again," the Mandibuzz smiled.

    [OOC: shorty post aaa]

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:22 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    5 | 5

    "...Yeah. The Jolteon leaned in a bit closer, "Oh how awful! What happened, did something get you?" The Vulture looked to her wing, "It's broken. Only this one though-" as Monisha jingled her wing, a soft sound of bones and feathers hit her ears, making them quiver. "The other one's fine. Doesn't show any sign of healing anytime soon, but definitely improved since the initial impact." It had improved yet it was still broken? "Well thats good at least." Pachi smiled softly at her, her green eyes bright.

    The Glaceon blinked his blue eyes slowly, looking at the way her wing moved as she shifted it. If it didn't hurt too too bad then she'd be okay to survive, with protection that is. Birds didn't last that long on the ground; the feathery-light taste of Taillow rose on his tongue. Yeah, birdies were all sitting ducklett's on the ground. "A bit. Only when I keep moving it or if I over exert it." She answered about the pain. Well, at least with that she should be able to run to the best of a birds ability like that. "Can't fly or flutter either, but I don't really mind. I got used to hopping around on the ground."

    That idea didn't sit well with Glalie. Birds belonged in the sky were they have agility and dexterity on their side. On the ground their talons only went so far/fast and generally were hard to fight with if ones wings don't work as well. To stand on one foot or even fall back was a break in stability and defense. Plus, for a bird as big as Monisha, walking around on them for an extended amount of time must get tiring and painful. Also many things she could normally reach with a flutter she couldn't now. You're a trooper to be dealing with a broken wing in these.. conditions.

    "At least I'm still alive and running, eh? Hopefully it'll heal soon though. I'd like to fly around the skies again." She laughed off the thought and smiled, trying to make the best of a bad situation. Yeah! That was exactly what Pachi liked to see. She hopped to her paws, standing playfully as she looked to Monisha, "Yeah! And if those bad birdies out there even think to try to getcha I'll blast with lightening!" Her voice was light like a joke though she was being honest. The Jolteon tried to think of what attacks bird Pokemon do.. usually they had like, feet or wing things? But without a wing there was no wing things and then there wasn't really a way to do feet ones if you couldn't wing. She needed body guards!

    "We got you're back." She beamed at Monisha, glad for her friendship and excited to try to help her. Finishing up her fish she looked to the nearest window, "So how long are they usually out there, like how long until its safe?" It wouldn't be much fun if they were all stuck inside this small house aaaalllllll daaaayyyy. She glanced to Glalie who seemed to still be studying Monisha's wing. What are you thinking about?

    Age : 25
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    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:59 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge]| |Morning

    "Yeah! And if those bad birdies out there even think to try to getcha I'll blast with lightening!" The vulture couldn't help but burst into a grin, laughing slightly. "Yeah, we'll show them!" she nods. "We got you're back." The Mandibuzz couldn't help but feel happy--such a nice duo of survivors! "Thank you. You have no idea how grateful I am of your assistance!" she beamed. "So how long are they usually out there, like how long until its safe?"

    The Mandibuzz thought for a bit, before replying. "Not very long. They're a fast moving flock, I think about 2 hours at maximum. If they don't see a lot to take, they'll leave pretty quick." The sounds of wings fluttering and loud caws could be heard outside, Monisha motioned to the entrance of the refuge. "They're not the smartest bunch either, sometimes if you stay still enough they'll just think you're a statue and pass by. Same goes if you cover yourself in mud, filth, or blood, they'll think you're one of them." she chuckled.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:36 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    6 | 6

    Pachirisu stared out the window, looking up at the sky and the circling enemy birds above. They looked so small up there against the sun with only a few fluffy clouds dotted with them. Many of the birds were much closer as well, teasingly nearing the ground and homes upon it. How could such a thing be dangerous? Her head cocked to the side and she turned away from the window but still sat before it. "Not very long. They're a fast moving flock, I think about 2 hours at maximum. If they don't see a lot to take, they'll leave pretty quick." Monisha answered her, thinking over the answer for a moment.

    Her greens eyes looked back out to see the shadow of a bird pass by, the squabbling caws audible even in their refuge. A feather fell gently from above and to the ground. It was pretty even though blood coated its base. "Uh huh." She mumbled without really noticing as her focus was on finding the species of the avian.

    Glalie swallowed his last bite of fish, finding it oddly hard to swallow. His tongue flopped against his dry throat. I need a drink. Blues eyes softly drifted toward the window and Jolteon in front of it. Her golden-yellow fur was bright as ever in the sunlight that filtered in compared to the dim interior of the house. You really are pretty Raising to his blue-padded paws he sat beside his partner, looking outside not in the air but to the ground for any puddles from the supposed storms before. There was nothing he could see, at least from here.

    Pachirisu smiled softly to the Glaceon, thanking the legends that he was still with her after everything that had happened. "They're not the smartest bunch either, sometimes if you stay still enough they'll just think you're a statue and pass by. Same goes if you cover yourself in mud, filth, or blood, they'll think you're one of them." Her dark green eyes blinked and turned to the vulture. "Really? That sounds kinda fun! I wonder if their is anything around here.."

    He looked to Monisha, surprised that the Pokemon they were hiding from were so.. simpleminded. They probably could get away with going outside but it didn't seem like a good idea. The Jolteons tiny paws stepped about in a small circle as she looked through the room while remaining in place. It was kind of cute to watch her search but Glalie couldn't help but spit a gentle burst of ice at her ear. It coated over white and shiny. "Hey, That's cold! Her paws flailed about in attempts to remove the frost from her ear. "You can go out as a snowball." He chuckled softly.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:25 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge]| |Morning

    The vulture's gaze slowly traveled to the entrance of the refuge, the sounds of the squabble only growing louder. Monisha frowned slightly, the murder's caws near-deafening to her ears as she inched a bit away from the wilds past the door. Suddenly, the female's cry snapped the Mandibuzz out of her thoughts, the bird quickly looking towards the source. "Hey, That's cold!" she couldn't help chuckle at the sight, the Jolteon attempting to remove the frost from her ear. "You can go out as a snowball." she snorts. "That might even work, seeing as how stupid those crows are,"

    She looked away, back to the entrance. "Anyways, after the flock is gone..." Monisha hummed. "What do you two plan to do? Living on an island is pretty harsh, the resources here aren't as renewable as the mainlands." she sighs, thinking for a moment before resuming her talk. "Have you ever thought of getting off the island?"

    Age : 29
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    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:32 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    7 | 7

    Tiny yellow paws flailed at the fur of her ear to remove the chill. "Snowballs are much too cold a costume for me to sillyface." She gave her head a hard shake which tossed her ears about, successfully removing the ice on them. "That might even work, seeing as how stupid those crows are," She gave her paw a swift like and wiped it across the fur one last time, "Yeah but I'm fine for waiting. It's not that long for a wait." With the ice finally gone Pachi settled back down, catching a humor filled smile from the Glaceon.

    He couldn't help it, she looked so funny when she flailed like that. "Anyways, after the flock is gone..." His eyes turned to Monisha, the tendrils from his head shaking gently from the movement. "What do you two plan to do? Living on an island is pretty harsh, the resources here aren't as renewable as the mainlands." Living on an island was hard? He had heard many stories of humans coming to them for relaxation and vacations, not something harsh like a desert adventure. Then again, the humans were gone now. Things were different. His forepaws pressed against each other tighter as he sat. What was their plan?

    "Well, I dunno about resources but its been pretty nice here so far." Glalie couldn't help but feel worried about her, natural cheeriness blocking the situation at hand. Maybe they hadn't had any trouble yet but that flock could of easily come for both of them without Monisha. "Its been rather pleasant."

    "Have you ever thought of getting off the island?" The Jolteon was confused. What was wrong with an island? It was sunny, and calm, and it had lots of fishies! Then again she'd only been here a day, and could of easily missed any problems that Monisha seemed to know of. "Well.. uh, no?" She stammered, unsure of what to say.

    Glalie's light blue ear twitched, "How would we do that though?" If she couldn't fly, then the Vulture would have to travel the same as them. The choices were land, sea, and air.. Each possible with the proper equipment and situation. Pachi pipped up, "By going for a little swim to the mainland?" He rolled his eyes to avoid smiling. Yeah, and maybe I can freeze all the water and make a bridge while we're at it. Sure, there had to be a way off, they got on the island after all. "Or use the tides?"

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:51 am

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    Mossdeep City - Shore || Morning
    ❆ 1 ❆

    He held every right to say that this was a daring insult to him! The bird stretched his wings, only to see the monstrosity of dirt hanging from his right wing. Nature had done this for far too many times for Acario to just simply 'shake it off', far too many times indeed! The Altaria felt bitterness from his very core to up his spine as he cleaned his cotton wings, letting out an occasional tch! whenever the ocean waves met the shores and droplets of salt water would splash onto his feathers. He could not tolerate such an environment, no sir! Nonetheless, he took care of his job in no less than five minutes, Acario scanned his surroundings with a sour face. The utter dread of the thought that this place being filled with those monsters crept up his back, he only arrived here in hopes for a rest stop after flying endlessly above the ocean for hours. It was difficult getting away from Undead, but he made it out without flaw.

    It was a shame though that he lost the map to the main region of Hoenn on his way. If he still had it, he wouldn't have been this lost. The Altaria's hopes for this city to have a map was moderate, but compared to his fear for this to be infested with Undead was little. He is scared for his life and obviously the fear of getting bitten and turning into one of them, however, his pride refuses to believe that nonsense!

    However, the once-distant caws of Murkrows grew closer and closer, Acario felt himself freeze momentarily before shaking it off. He had completely forgotten that a flock of Murkrows were after him, he shook them off not too long ago, yet the still continue to pursue him? How rude! What bothered him the most was how the flock of Murkrows were a mix of Undead and Living. It entranced him at first, but then again, the Altaria noticed how the living Murkrows were covered in absolute muck. It seemed to be no surprise that the Undead would confuse them as living. Perhaps the living Murkrows gave up and decided hunting with the Undead seemed better than running away from them? Whatever the reason, it disgusted Acario to an indescribable extent.

    The Altaria threw daggers up at the sky, squinting his eyes to see the dark figures of Murkrows in the distance. He held the choice of fighting them off or to shake them off like earlier. However, Acario feared they'll continue to pursue him, if he were to fight them, would he even survive? Another option was to hide, but it seemed far too late for that as they had most likely spotted his golden-brown color that stood out of this dead island from afar. He felt the internal debate grow as he watched the figures come at him, until finally he stomped the ground defiantly before the condensation in the air grew heavy with Mist; "Come at me you foul beasts!" He taunted before the haze shrouded his being from their sights.

    (Thank you for having me on this team! Apologies for such a late post, but I hope you guys enjoy roleplaying with Acario here who is a princely douchebag. He'll improve overtime maybe.)

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:35 pm

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    Taph’s Den }'{ Time Unknown }'{ (1)

    Red eyes glowed faintly in the underground gloom as wet clods of dark earth were scrapped free beneath the busy black furred paws. White bodies worms writhed in their holes as they were scraped loose then burrowed back into the moist ground. On all fours like a dog the little Riolu carefully smoothed out the earthen walls of the dark hollow he sheltered himself in, taking care the walls were sturdy. The feeling of the smooth earth under his paws and the dank darkness around him was soothing.
    Warned at first by the sight of black specks on the horizon then later by the harsh cries of the birds the industrious dog had made himself a comfortable shelter to wait in while he hid away from the airborne predators.
    The faint light that spilled across his blue furred shoulders was from the Riolu sized hole where he had first started to dig, the golden light so diluted by distance from his little safe hollow that he couldn’t tell from it what the time was anymore. It did little to illuminate the tunnel but it was enough to give him fresh air to breathe.
    The sound of each breath echoes around the confined space as the Riolu clutches his knees and waits.

    The darkness stunk of wet dog fur and decay, both of the dead leaves that lined the tunnel and the slowly dying canine himself.
    With a soft hiss of pain the Riolu spreads his clawed toes as far as they can go and looks at the oozing bite wound in his ankle. A crust of dried pus encrusts the ragged red edges of the wound which has scabbed over since he got it but while digging the scab has cracked and now a clear fluid is leaking from the sides. Already patches of the purple discoloration surround each individual puncture.
    Carefully he smoothes the black fur over it to hide it from sight and hugs his knees. His ears and tail are low as the harsh cries of the birds get closer.
    I believe in fairies…” He says softly.
    A loud caw from outside startles him and his red eyes dart to the roof of dirt above him, knowing it is not thick enough to protect him from attack.

    Taph’s breath catches in this throat as negative feelings bombard him and he holds his legs.
    I am a lost boy… He thinks to himself in the uncertain twilight of his tunnel. He can’t go outside now…Even if he did carry the same taint those birds would rip him apart!
    A shadow cuts off the light to his tunnel and the Riolu hears a faint voice through the dirt above him.
    The little Riolu lets his mind begin to drift.
    “She asked where he lived.
    Second to the right,' said Peter, 'and then straight on till morning.”

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:42 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge]| |Morning

    "How would we do that though?" Monisha shrugs a bit. "Make a raft, maybe? I was planning on maybe getting off if my wing ever heals..." she scowled a bit. "Which it seems rather reluctant to do." Suddenly, she froze when the caws grew louder, body growing rigid and face pale. "Shit, did they fi-" "Come at me you foul beasts!" FUCK! Immediately the Mandibuzz got to her feet, peering out the entrance only to be blinded by a heavy Mist. "Who in the world?!"

    Stepping only a foot outside the refuge, only catching a glimpse of a golden figure in the sky. "...Might as well stack up some weather effects." she snorts before spinning around, dancing as rain began to pour from the skies. "Survivor! Let me aid you!" Maybe we can finally get rid of this flock one and for all...

    [OOC: Short post aaaa, sorry, I was short on time. @x@]

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:18 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    8 | 8

    The vulpine pair were drawn away from their daydreams of drifting away from the island by two loud sounds. One was the shrill cry of the avians outside sounding threateningly closer and more dangerous then before. The other was from Monisha who rushed to the dorway to check for their safety. "Who in the world?!" She gasps at the sight. Pachi's green eyes strained to look up past the roof to the sky above them. Whatever it was she couldn't see due to a heavy layer of mist or fog that now plagued the sky. "Thats weird, it was clear a moment ago." Her muzzle pressed hard against the glass, eyes wide to watch for shapes which appeared for only moments at a time. A gold, then black and another black, the gold again and another black.

    The silhouettes flying about flashed through the mist as Monisha called for Rain. "...Might as well stack up some weather effects." Glalie pushed past the bird and out of the house, sticking close to the wall as the rain began to fall. Watching them closer he contemplated a plan of action. It was probably all birds up there, and ice attacks would be dangerous to the living ones. His Shadow Ball wouldn't be as bad but both attacks had the same problem; they were simply too far away to aim or reach. "Survivor! Let me aid you!" He looked to the vulture, she couldn't do much ether on the ground with that wing. We need to bring them down. His eyes stayed locked on the air battle, hoping that that wouldn't be too dangerous to them all.

    The Jolteon peeled away from the window and moved to the doorway, staring with a wide expression at the sky. Her long golden fur quivered delicately as it wished to stiffen into needle sharp points. "Come closer!" she called out, not thinking it through but only wishing to know what was happening above. Small sparks trailed over her body in anticipation. She had promised to protect Monisha, and protect her she would! The electric type stood close to her bird friend, refusing to allow anyone to get to her.

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:54 am

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    Mossdeep City - Shore || Morning
    ❆ 2 ❆

    Before he could continue this rather frivolous battle, a bystander -- most likely living -- summoned a rainstorm; "Survivor! Let me aid you!". Droplets of water at first, but then it grew pouring rain; aiding the mist to hide their presence from the Murkrows. However, this action was not taken lightly, Acario felt his pride drop down to the ground, but thankfully there was still enough to bring him to continue the fight. Why did this other survivor aid him? Does she not know the proper etiquette of battling? Shun on her! However he said nothing as he propelled himself into the air, performing Dragon Dance. Acario felt nimble, stronger, and more like his old self before the Epidemic.

    If the mist were to clear, Acario's dance in the rain would be mystical, perhaps intriguing to the eye. However, there were some negatives into performing this ancient move. The Altaria was in one of the Murkrow's sights not too long after the move was made, hastily swooping down to the Humming Bird Pokemon. Thankfully, he dodged it in time, but he felt weaker every time he let himself away from the dance. "Survivors!" He exclaimed to the others, "Please hold those wretched vermins off as I need some time!"

    After this dance, he would be ready to take whatever berry he had in his cotton. Performing Natural Gift was a rather troublesome task, especially since he had to pick out a specific berry if he wanted the advantage. Since the flock consisted of Flying-types, perhaps he should pick a berry that could slow them down or shock them? It was a shame he was low on berry supplies, especially since they started to die due to the lack of water and the soil not being fertile enough. Maybe he could pick out the berry he had received not-so-long-ago from that survivor...? Of course Acario barely knew the man (or female? Honestly, he couldn't tell with its cold attitude!), but something about that Pokemon made him shiver in fright.

    He shook his head, letting his mind ponder off while dancing, how ashamed he was!

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:39 pm

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    Taph’s Den }'{ Time Unknown }'{ (2)

    If you shut your eyes and are a lucky one, you may see at times a shapeless pool of lovely pale colours suspended in the darkness; then if you squeeze your eyes tighter, the pool begins to take shape, and the colours become so vivid that with another squeeze they must go on fire.” Taph recites to himself as he tries to ignore the sounds from overhead. His heart is humming in his chest like a trapped bird and the wet dirt around him seems so fragile a shelter to hide away from the world.
    He holds his furry knees tightly as he breathes deeply and tries to be brave.
    He should be standing up there fighting with the rest but he's just not brave enough.
    Even though he knows that the oozing wound on his foot is leaking poisons into his bloodstream the monsters up there would still eat him.
    A tiny tear oozes out of the corner of the canine's red eye as he hugs his legs tightly and tries to take his mind to some place more pleasant. Only in his dreams was he not so weak.
    A faint pathetic whimper leaves his jaws to echo sorrowfully in the darkness of his small cavern and Taph slams his paws over his snout as he tries not to cry.


    A wet clod of earth lands between the two blue peaks of his upright ears and irritably the Riolu wipes it away. The damp soil beneath him is getting even wetter.
    With another wet sucking sound another speck of earth falls from the tunnel roof and Taph presses his paw to the wall. Before it had merely been damp now it was fully wet and starting to crumble.
    His eyes widen as he realizes what must have happened and swiftly the little Fighting Type gets to his feet and starts to run back along the length of his tunnel.
    His paws splash in the shallow puddles already starting to form along the soft dirt floor as rainwater oozes its way in.
    A tear of terror runs down Taph's cheeks as more clods of wet black earth splatter across his shoulders. He doesn't want to be buried alive in his own hole!
    His paws enlarging the tunnel around him the little Riolu abandons his comforting make-believe and starts to dig.
    The soft dirt that is rapidly becoming mud squishes under his paws as he tunnels upwards and finally bursts into what looks like the inside of a cloud. A drop of water hits his dirt-stained cheek.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Min Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:04 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge]| |Morning

    "Survivors! Please hold those wretched vermins off as I need some time!" the vulture nods, struggling to climb the wall of a house and onto the roof for more height. "We got your back!" closing her eyes, she began to mutter darkly under her breath, a smile beginning to grow on her beak. With a thrust of her wing, a sudden Dark Pulse erupted from her body, the energy flinging the nearby Murkrows back. It wasn't the most effective move, she admits, but at least it did some damage.

    As much as the Mandibuzz wants to, she forces herself not to use her Incinerate, fearing that the survivors may be holding a berry of some kind. Instead, she produces a Dragon Bone from her skirt, the item glowing a bright blue and growing in size. A couple of Murkrows swooped down, and Monisha flung her Bone Rush around. It didn't do any damage, but with a limited movepool the vulture had to save her better moves for the deciding moment. "Survivor!" she called, stumbling away from the crows. "What items do you have?"

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2651

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:14 pm

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    Mossdeep City [Glalie's Refuge] | Morning
    9 | 9

    The birds call to each other back and forth, "Please hold those wretched vermins off as I need some time!" The Glaceon nodded with confirmation as some of the dark feathered avians swoop closer to him. Swiftly jumping to the side he refuses to let the creatures touch his faint coat. With a deep breath the Glaceon spits a cold blast of air at them, the water droplets that beaded on their feathers still from the rain and mist instantly froze into sharp chunks of ice. The frost on their bodies grew white over dark, stinging with its icy bite. The Murkrows squawked in pain and fluttered desperately hard to get away from the Frost Breathe.

    Another swooped down from behind, giving away its position with a loud caw. Not the brightest now, are we? He coos to himself before sinking bone chillingly cold fangs into its chest. The ice floods the wounds and bird flops to the ground in pain. Kicking it away so not to get pecked he looks for the next closest one, only to see Sarah staring at some point in the near distance. Then she starts moving, shouting, "The rescue brigade is coming your way!" Pachi has burst into action! Charging forward blindly, she leaps up to snatch a Murkrown by the throat with electrical fangs. Its caw stutters as the lightening courses through its system and the pair come crashing to the ground.

    Well, sort of. The mud here must of been extra soft from all the water as the Jolteon sinks a minimum of waist deep in the slippery stuff. "Ah!" The cold brown earth stains her bright fur dark, an unpleasant sight to her green eyes. Struggling and flailing to free herself from the slippery prison the Jolteon tries to make sparks but is canceled out by the mud. Helpless, she doesn't even notice the presence beside her.

    Glalie's eyes stretched wide as the ground gave way and his paws turned toward it. Must be caverns under the ground? He pushed the thought away, praying that the jolteon hadn't broke her legs. Standing above her all he saw was shock in her eyes but nothing of pain. Bending his neck the Glaceon gripped her scruff, about to pull her forward when the head of another Pokemon drew his eyes in.
    The sound of an approaching bird could be heard.

    ((Can edit, Kaze *-*))

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:18 pm

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    Mossdeep City - Shore || Morning
    ❆ 3 ❆

    Brimming with power, Acario felt a sly grin come upon his face as he felt the right to claim that the battle was rightfully his. He dodged incoming Murkrows at such speed that made it seemingly impossible to follow him and his actions, especially in the Mist. However, the Mist was not going to hold for long and could possibly clear up in another turn or two. How would the to other survivors react to Acario? He was afraid they would melt in his glorious figure, he couldn't possibly take responsibility for something he could not control! "Survivor!" The earlier feminine voice called out to Acario, interrupting his self-centered thoughts that caused a large frown upon his face; "What items do you have?"

    Acario was hesitant at first on sharing his inventory, his frown remained as he dodged another Murkrow's Wing Attack, but finally his silence broke out; "Two items, he paused, "A Yache Berry and a Wacan Berry." The Altaria remembered clearly that the Yache Berry is what the stranger had given him. He still remembered how the dark-furred Zangoose was impossible to communicate with and no matter how persistent Acario was, the Zangoose did not show any response. However, his mind that was so indulged in the stranger made him vunerable; a Murkrow was able to strike a hit at him with the move Hidden Power. Unfortunately, it was a direct hit, Acario appalled that he who was seething with power earlier was now hit. It did some good damage on him, as well as his pride, but he would not back down.

    Narrowing his eyes, the Dragon/Flying duel-type spotted the Darkness Pokemon in no less than a minute. Using Mirror Move, he reflected the Murkrow's actions and directly hitting his opponent square on the chest as well as its wings, rendering the bird useless of flight. "Instead of calling you survivor," Acario called out throughout the mist, aware that there were three survivors currently in battle; "Would you care to give me a name?" Now didn't seem the best time, but for Acario it was as the battle seemed to drag on. However, he refuses to give his identity until the whole party gave him their identity.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2388

    The MOSSDEEP Team Empty Re: The MOSSDEEP Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:56 pm

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    Mossdeep City (Outside Glalie's Refuge) }'{ Time Unknown }'{ (3)

    Chunks of dark dirt have become black mud smeared across his paws and face as Taph carefully wipes the wet black goop from his face with his black furred paws. As the rain came down it became harder and harder for him to dig until it wasn't dirt his paws scooped aside but rather damp mud he had practically been swimming through. The little Riolu was turned black all over by it. Tentatively he pokes his head into the open air and sniffs around for scents but the low-lying mist and rain make everything smell like the black mud.
    Raising his paws to his face as he crouches underground the little fighting Type wipes the thick black mud from his face, once again exposing the strip of blue fur that ran across his chin underneath the black 'mask' of black.
    It was cold under the cloud-like mist and the falling rain and Taph shivers.
    'It's cold.' He tells himself as from the thick white mist a harsh crow sounds.
    'I'm just shivering because it's cold...I'm not scared.'

    Pulling himself out of the mud the canine shakes himself, cleaning his long floppy ears clean of the worst of the muck and hears a sudden shout as from out of nowhere a sparking yellow pokemon plunges into the mud beside him.
    Taph nearly leaps out of his skin as he immediatly tries to run through the soggy mud and falls over as his feet start to sink in it.
    Turning around with the metallic taste of fear in his throat he notices that the jagged furred electric type isn't trying to eat him. It just looks stuck.
    The blue furred Ice Type that emerges from the fog to help it doesn't look scary either and Taph realizes that the two haven't come to try and hurt him, they just fell into the softer ground where his den had been.
    Taph swallows his fear and nervously steps back towards them.
    "A-Are you stuck? I-I can help." He says nervously as he begins to stutter.
    His red eyes focus on the trapped Jolteon and miss the faint darkening of the pale mist that indicates something is drawing closer.

    With a harsh cawing a Murkrow emerges from the fog and hooks its sharp talons as it dives down at the Riolu's face.
    Taph whimpers and throws himself to the side as the bird's talons rake his back, drawing a thin line of red in the blue fur. Mud once again splatters his face as a tear of pain cuts a trail through the dark mud.
    In his panic his words fail him and he barks for help from the others he can hear but not see as the black mud gets in his eyes.
    The perked up blue ears on his head pick up the sound of beating wings as he rolls over on his back, prepared to kick if the Murkrow dives again.
    The mud coats the bite-mark on his foot as he kicks out with one leg at where he thought the bird was and meets nothing but air.

    ((OOC: Let me know if I need to edit))

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