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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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6 posters

    The S.S. ANNE Team


    Age : 29
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:44 pm

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    S.S. Anne [B Deck] | Night
    6 | 6

    Small black paws scuttled quickly across the deck of the ship as blues eyes looked for a good place to hide. The Metagross, whatever that was, would be here soon and he wasn't supposed even think of fighting the thing. It was hard not to though. The Umbreon stops and hops a small distance, then pauses, and does it again. He could fight! Looking to one paw he watches as his tiny claws sheath and unsheathe themselves. They were counting him out before he even had a chance! With a glance back to the others through, planning and preparing themselves, he knows its better not to think things like that. Its better this way.

    Making the widest possible ark he can Jacobi moves around the group and toward the opposite side of the ship. It should be safe over there, right? The rumbling gets louder until the steel type finally appears with them on the top deck. It was not a pretty sight with rust decaying its body and the horrid creak of its limbs as it moved piercing his ears. At one time it was probably magnificent or something, but being the Umbreons first sighting of a 'Metagross', it most certainly was not. He tried to move faster across the deck, tail down and making the slightest of sounds as it brushed the wooden surface, but stopped when his blue-grey eyes caught sight of something.

    The creamy colored figures weren't moving, making them just as vulnerable as him. Maybe I can help! Bounding over toward them his paws make only the slightest thud. If the others continued to keep the undead distracted then he could try to nudge the scruffy ones away. With each smash of an attack or cry of pain he would flinch. You might want to hide. His small teeth clenched tight in an attempt to keep calm. If I can't fight at least let me help. He pressed forward.

    His fellow Pokemon were all working together to defeat the undead. Well, almost all of them. Diana sat quite comfortably on the crates far to the side. It was like a drive-in up here. She could watch the others smash their faces in and not even lift a paw. She grinned, hardly able to keep her laughter in as the female dark type collided with the steel typed adversary. "Fuck!" Oh the look on her face was priceless. They were all battling, doing this and that, but the Flareon simply watched with delight. What a show, and to be the trump card! Her eyes near glowed with dark pleasure. They would beat the thing down then she would rise up to finish it. Hardly any work on her part yet the most rewards.

    After a few more attacks her dark yellow gaze shifted along the fighting Pokemon and a small grunt let a puff of flames come to life before her. To be a complete dick now might not be the best plan. The Metagross shrieked its horrid metallic cry. Fuck you too. The sooner that thing was gone the better. With a shrug and a roll of the eyes the Flareon got to her paws, careful to conceal the majority of her form from view. "Fuck you, demon spawn." She spat under her breath as fire built up in her muzzle, soaking into the pours of her mouth with a tantalizing heat. With a hard thrust of her head Diana shot the Flamethrower toward the enemy, completely unconcerned if that was the Metagross or her 'allies". Due to the distance though it was impossible to tell if she was hitting her mark, the legs, under the glow of the flames in the dark night.

    ((Maybe I can help you then Ciciiii, and you guys can decide if/where my attacks hit *-*))

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:46 pm

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    S.S. Anne | B Deck || Night [10]

    Half of Yolanda wanted to laugh at the sight of the Umbreon charging head-first into a wall of metal, but reality of the situation kept her firmly grounded. Instead, she watched the beast’s lumbering gait, conscious of movement around her as various flashes of furred comrades graced her periphery – she paid them no mind, her attention divided equally between the enemy and her Pumpkin. They were able battlers, a number of foolproof manoeuvres to address and today, their strategy would be no exception.

    With the onslaught of ranged attacks in the form of the dark-type’s Shadow Ball and a welcome burst of fire from the Flareon sitting pretty in the background, Ringo and Yolanda saw opportunity to move. One look exchanged between the couple and they had darted forward, abandoning fear in favour of the rush of pure adrenaline that the fight promised.

    The Lopunny darted ahead, following a strategy favoured for the larger foe, as she slid beneath the Metagross’ bulk in one fluid movement – elegant but notoriously fast. Her large ears brushing against the underside of the creature’s stomach usually proved plenty enough distraction, the behemoth taking his cue to face the rabbit emerging unscathed on the opposite side. She merely smiled, eyes flashing with mischief as Protect suddenly formed around her. As the undead tried and failed to bring a grand leg crashing down upon her, Ringo sought the spotlight.

    The electric-type had been approaching with a Focus Blast and with the beast’s current preoccupation with his partner-in-crime, Ringo’s attack was launched. It collided with the undead’s foreleg to emit a great creak of protest, sparks flying on contact. It was enough to knock the steel-type off balance yet had failed to fully dismember the limb, the metallic leg still clingy stubbornly to the heavy torso. Nevertheless, Ringo knew there was no time to admire his handiwork. He leapt to the side, keen to avoid retaliation as Yolanda, too, took a moment to retreat.

    Last edited by Snitch on Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:31 am; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 36
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:00 am

    Post 13

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    The S.S. Anne| B Deck| Night

    It was strange how everyone dispersed. Nyiera, in all her intelligence and glory, ran headfirst into the foe, slamming against it and crumpling below. "Fuck!" she cried out, apparently finally realizing that the metagross was still made of metal. "Okay! New plan!" She ran around, firing a Shadow Ball and, seeing it did just about nothing, stood there like an idiot. Or like normal. Either or. "Well...shit," was her conclusion, her face the very definition of lost.

    "Nyiera!" Dmitri called, putting himself directly adjacent to her. "Keep running around it firing Shadow Balls. It'll keep it distracted." It wasn't really the best possible plan but... this was Nyiera, after all. At least it would give her a plan to follow instead of smashing her face into it hoping it'd break out of pity. He rushed off, firing a few Confuse Rays at the beast, hoping it would take some effect. One caught, and the beast's slow, steady progression halted all together as it stood in a daze of its own bewilderment. He then took to a foreleg, blasting it as much as he could with Foul Play.

    The attack did much better than he thought it would, crushing a leg after a few blows. Grinning, he moved onto the next, spotting the lovers. They had nearly taken out a leg of their own, and Dmitri couldn't be more grateful. "Keep going!" he called, moving to the next leg as soon as he could. The bitchy flareon was firing well-directed flames, the dumb kit was staying out of the fight and Mew was attacking from above. If all went as planned, they could ground the bastard for good within minutes. He glanced around, noticing the nearby deck's end. An idea came to him, and he glanced up to the psychic legend, hoping that his luck would continue.

    "Mew!" he called. "Once we get this thing's legs are broken, you can use your psychic powers and help us push this thing back into the ocean. It can rot down there."


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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:05 pm

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    The S.S. Anne/B deck|Night

    Her style wasn't working. It wasn't and she couldn't figure out why the hell not. It killed everything she had ever come across! Why wasn't it working? Stupid Metagross. It had to be that thing's fault, couldn't be hers. Her fighting ruled. Toppled empires, slaughtered entire clans, hell it even saved an entire city. Obviously this behemoth wasn't with the program. It was supposed to flail and scream in pain when she hit it the stupid fucker.


    The Umbreon's ears perked up at the sound of her own name and she turned to see D-man calling for her, shooting him a broad smile to let him know she heard. "Keep running around it firing Shadow Balls. It'll keep it distracted." Pouting Nyiera realized that he didn't think she could handle this thing. It wasn't her fault it was stupid! Why was he blaming her? Sighing with her shoulders slumped the dark vulpine admitted she might actually need help on this mission. But...maybe this was like him asking for her help? Yes! She would do it!

    Charging up Shadow Ball after Shadow Ball she ran around the beast, letting loose each one and sending them crashing into the Metagross's side and causing it to loose its balance. Unfortunately her running also put her straight into the path of a Flamethrower and found herself caught in the edge of it. Yelping in pain the fox was forced to drop to the ground and put out her leg which was currently on fire. And damn did it burn. Limping to her feet once more she saw the odd couple knock in a good solid couple of hits before Dmitri began to assault just one of its legs. Realizing his intent she summoned the largest Shadow Ball she had ever made before setting it loose. "D-man! MOVE!" she cried as it sailed towards her companion, knowing that he was probably the only Pokemon she knew fast enough to dodge the massive ball of energy.

    ((She put pretty much every PP she had left into that final Shadow Ball since her leg is injured with a burn. That's why it is so large. ^_^))

    Age : 29
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:28 pm

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    S.S. Anne [B Deck] | Night
    7 | 7

    The Umbreon was beginning to grow nervous from all the attacks and shrieks. Each shake of the boat sent a new wave of fear through his pelt. With his tail between his legs Jacobi gave up on his plan and quickly scurried back in his original direction to the opposite side of the ship. Running past several piles of crates and barrels he manages to find a mess of piping to slip into where he can still see the fight from. No longer does he wish to watch the beat down but he finds it impossible to tear his eyes away from the battling Pokemon. His body is hit with hiccups of fear and a pink bubble floats from his mouth. Lightly it floats in the air with no concern at all despite the fighting nearby. Jacobi smiles thinking he should be acting like that, and presses closer into the piping while it bursts.

    Watching from afar Diana can still see the ringed end of his tail glowing faintly even with the distance between them. Why couldn't he get out of her sight as well? Irritated that he was still visible her body heated up as the flame within burned furiously. Stupid fucking Umbreon. Growling the Flareon sends a hot blast of fire toward an unoccupied leg of the Metagross. There is a cry definitely not from it though and she can see the female hobbling for a moment, singed. "Hah, what the fuck! You dumb shit." Who the hell doesn't look where they're going in a fight? Snickering uncontrollably she thrusts her head back to move her bangs out of her eyes. Now Nyiera, she notes the name the male used, was making one huge ass Shadow Ball. What, you trying to make up for your mistake? This was rich. It was aimed at her Allies as well as the dual typed undead. "D-man! MOVE!" D-man? The fuck was that, a name?

    Continuing to laugh while sending another burst of flames toward the monster Diana hops off the cargo boxes and slowly strolling closer to the fight. Even though that was the best seat to watch this shit fest from it was so boring for her to attack from. Acting as casual as can be she looks to each of the Pokemon on the boat, noting that the sleazy two weren't doing jack shit. Good. Fire bubbles at the edges of her teeth wanting to strike the vulpine but she holds back. Its flash fire wouldn't help her at all. Her dark yellow eyes turn to the main fight to see what that Shadow Ball had done to everyone.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1664

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:16 pm

    (( Fuck, I really don’t have time to post a decent response. I hate to hold the team up seeing as my duo aren’t doing anything but fighting the metagross so go ahead and skip me this round. I’m so sorry. Dx ))

    Posts : 1464

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Mew Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:33 am

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    S.S. Anne| Night
    Post 24

    Following her opening blow, the interior of the ship had exploded into activity. The small band of survivors were running rampant, attacks arcing through the air, slamming into the rusted body of the Metagross."Mew! Once we get this thing's legs are broken, you can use your psychic powers and help us push this thing back into the ocean. It can rot down there." The legend nodded, and even as she made th small motion, the beast swayed; one of it's legs had been broken, or was perilously close to it. Now...

    Mew darted in, her hand glowing again with an aura sphere. As she brought her paw towards the next unbroken leg of the titan, a shout rang out "D-man! MOVE!" Mew glanced over towards the voice, right away saw the overcharged attack bearing down upon her. "What the hell is th-" The shadow ball slammed into her small frame, slamming her back, onto the deck next to the beast. The edges of her vision swam with grey, then came back into perfect, terrible focus as a wet crunch echoed throughout the ship; the Metagross, in it's injured, confused state, had staggered to the side. The downside of this motion being that the legend's tail was posing as an interruption between its foot and the floor. Whatever breath she had in her was forced out in a ragged scream of hurt, her voice adding it's overtone to the sound of battle around her.

    [Sorry it took so long x: Also, I can edit if anything didn't go according to the plans of the team, I kindof... I don't know, I'm tiredposting]

    Last edited by Mew on Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
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    Age : 36
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:15 am

    Post 14

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    The S.S. Anne| B Deck| Night

    "D-man! MOVE!"

    Dmitri's head snapped toward the direction of the noise, eyes widening when he saw the monstrosity of a Shadow Ball forming in front of where Nyiera stood. The fuck was that?! I give her one simple instruction and she even manages to fuck that up... he growled in his mind, quickly dashing away to escape the Shadow Ball's path. However, it seemed that only he heeded the warning, as when the attack flew, he heard Mew exclaim, "What the hell is th-"

    Turning in time to see the collision, he flinched when a grunt escaped the psychic Legend upon getting hit; then again when Mew hit the wooden deck. Eyes flickering up to the Metagross that was supposed to be the recipient of the mega-attack, he darted forward, seeing the leg coming down. Unfortunately, he was too late.

    The scream pierced both his ears and mind, a hiss instinctively sounding as he was stunned into pausing his attack. Shaking his head free of Mew's pain, he charged forward once more, building up a powerful Faint Attack to smash into the leg holding Mew's now crippled tail. He collided against the steel almost painfully, knocking the creature off balance. "Get up!" he snapped at Mew, upset that part of his plan would have to be re-written.

    Turning once more to spot the others, he called, "Mew's hurt. We'll need to push it over ourselves!" He panted, exhaustion beginning to settle in. "Hurry-- while it's stunned!"


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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:10 pm

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    The S.S. Anne/B deck|Night

    Nyiera was struck with guilt when she saw that her attack not only got the Metagross but also the poor Mew-thingy too. Her attack blasted the little kitty to the deck where its tail was completely stomped on by the bulky metal monster. She whimpered in sympathy as her own burn flared badly and caused her to cringe in on herself, curling into a little ball as she willed the pain to fade so she could move. What was worse was that Dimitri seemed really angry at her for the whole thing. His quiet glares kept saying so.

    It wasn't her fault, she was hurt and it was all she could think of! Why did he have to get all pissy because of an accident? It's not like Mew-thing was dead. Her fellow Umbreon knocked the crushing leg away so that it could get up so why was he annoyed? "Mew's hurt. We'll need to push it over ourselves!" His orders came loud and clear, but while Nyiera struggled to her feet her burn flared once more and with a pitiful yelp she collapsed once again back onto the deck. "Hurry-- while it's stunned!"

    "I...I...I can't!" she finally admitted, shouting to Dimitri in every hope that he was paying attention. "It hurts to move!" How was she supposed to help knock it over when she was stuck with only three legs and a searing pain?

    Age : 29
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:53 pm

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    S.S. Anne [B Deck] | Night
    8 | 8

    The Flareon stopped and backpedaled for a moment at the sickening sound that graced her ears. Even the scream above it wasn't enough to drown the crunching of bones. With a deep grunting breath she continued forward toward the dazed Metagross. "Mew's hurt. We'll need to push it over ourselves!" The male was sending out orders again. Fan-fucking-tastic. If that things a fucking legend why does one injury make it so useless? Heat boiled throughout her thick pelt from irritation, practically sizzling. "Hurry-- while it's stunned!" The male continues to demand. A nerve pounds hard in Diana's head as she struts forward with her tail flicking impatiently.

    "I...I...I can't!" Suddenly the wound on the female wasn't nearly as funny as it was moments ago. "It hurts to move!" Seriously, it was just a burn. A fucking burn! Fire burned inside her constantly and she didn't give a shit. "Deal with it and push," She spat bitterly, "Unless you want that thing to crush your fucking body too." Heat pulsated out of her fur at dangerous temperatures. Fucking Umbreons.

    Moving closer to the Metagross until she was only steps away the Flareon slammed into its foul rusted surface with her shoulder. The metal grew hot under her sweltering pelt but she ignored it. "You miserable pile of fuck." She pushed harder against it, "You can burn while it swim."

    Jacobi pressed his small body through the piping to pop into a more hidden space. By the sounds of bangs coos there was injuries going about. Injuries to his big strong companions. I'd probably be squashed by now. The male Umbreon was right- oh! Names. He hadn't picked up any names yet! The Eeveelution whines to himself, paws shuffling. Can't ask yet ether.

    The others were yelling but he could not hear the words. Jacobi pressed his face against the pipes but pulled it back quickly. "Every time I hide I just turn around again.." He had to listen and be good to gain their respect. Firmly the child planted his rump on the deck. Squeezing his eyes shut he would stay right there. Not moving. Someone would come get him or call to him when he could come out.. right?

    Age : 24
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Duma Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:41 pm

    ((OOC: :D I'm so happy to be RPing with everyone here! Don't give Amber too much of a hard time XD))
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    S.S.Anne[B Deck]~Night~1
    Amber was on edge. She had been hearing the fight, and she didn't want to interfere encase that the others turned on her. Amber crouched down, her eyes taking in the scene in front of her. A large undead Metagross, Two Umbreons that she could see, One Flareon and... Is that... Mew? It couldn't be... Could it? She thought, hoping they didn't see her. She wanted to jump in and kill the Metagross right then and there, but they might reject her for her strange coloring... Either that or... She realized then that Mew was hurt, the small legend's tail was badly injured. Amber was then torn between helping and running. She didn't know and Fire Type Moves, but she did have Solarbeam... No. I could miss and hit someone else. I don't want to kill anyone but the Metagross. But maybe I could use Hidden Power... She thought, not knowing how long the battle had been going on for. She decided to stay put, her mind taking in the battle style of the pokemon in front of her.

    Last edited by Duma on Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Correcting things)

    Posts : 1464

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Mew Sun Apr 21, 2013 4:54 pm

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    S.S. Anne| Night
    Post 25 (weeee I finally get a badge)

    The legend let out another faint gasp of pain as the weight on her tail was lifted. "Get up!" Mew nodded once, and scrambled forward, using the power of her mind to lift herself slowly off the deck as she did so. She felt a rush of swirling giddiness flow through her as she glanced back at the ruined wreckage of her tail. "Mew's hurt. We'll need to push it over ourselves! Hurry-- while it's stunned!" The small legend stared at the metal behemoth before her, at the spatter of blood... her blood staining the deck, and let out a soft peal of laughter. "I'm done... I'm done with you, I'm done with ALL OF THIS"

    The psychic's vision narrowed, blotting out all except for the beast before her. She could hear vague murmers from the left and the right, probably the rest of the group yelling commands, strategies... Does it even MATTER now? The legend burst into a fit of giggles at this thought, and a smile cracked her face even as her eyes lit up with psionic power. With a glance to her left, a chunk of Machinery was outlined with a pulsing aura, and launched itself across the space to collide with the Metagross, skidding it across the deck. The horror let out a pained sound of stripped gears, and began stomping it's way towards her. "Stay AWAY from me, dear! I told you. I'm. DONE" The legend's gaze bored into the monster, and it too was outlined in light. The beast stopped as if it had ran into a wall, and lifted a couple feet above the surface of the deck. The legend smiled, her eyes flaming, and shot the creature across the bay, denting the metal hull of the ship. She burst into brays of soft laughter as she yanked it away, and smashed it again against the steel, before repeating the process again.

    [Feel free to message me if there's anything you'd like changed in my post. I'll be leaving the team soon, so I really don't mind changing anything.]


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:25 am

    [[Your new picture, Mew, is absolutely terrifying.

    I love it.]]

    Post 15

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    The S.S. Anne| B Deck| Night

    Mew thankfully had the sense to skitter when she had the chance, quickly getting out from the trap of the metagross' heavy foot. However, something wasn't quite right-- a strange feeling of dread felt like an anchor in his stomach as the Legend resumed her place in mid air, a strange sound loftily dancing above the chaotic cacophony the battle was proving to be. Was... Was that laughter? But Dmitri didn't get a chance to turn and look; no-- as soon as he tried to listen to the elusive sound, Nyeira's cry for help caught him off guard, pulling him back to the battle at hand.

    "I...I...I can't!" Dmitri whirled to face her, spotting the "It hurts to move!" The flareon was nearby, helping attempt to push the metagross over, scoffing as she heard his fellow umbreon's plight. "Deal with it and push," she spat bitterly, "Unless you want that thing to crush your fucking body too." Dmitri growled, unsure whether to help her or not. Either way, there was no use for her in battle. Lame and wounded, she'd need to sit the rest of this out.

    "Nyiera, go get somewhere safe--" he called, but was soon interrupted.

    "I'm done... I'm done with you, I'm done with ALL OF THIS"

    Turning in time to spot the glowing, bleeding Legend, his eyes widened at the pure insanity gripping Mew's face and voice. Eyes flicking to an equally illuminated piece of machinery, it was only his quick reflexes that allowed him to dodge the chunk of steel hurling towards him at a speed that could have liquified him. Uttering a small curse, he watched, dazed, as Mew effectively pummled the Undead monster with the steel part, but it wasn't enough to stop the beast. With only two legs functioning, it stubbornly began to make its way closer to her, earning her disapproval. "Stay AWAY from me, dear! I told you. I'm. DONE"

    Immediately, the metagross was bathed in the strange ethereal light, its large, rusted and collapsing form lifted gently a few feet from the deck only to go hurling away... and then straight back. The collision of the steel body against the ship caused a deafening boom, as well as rocked the ship toward the port. Nearly losing his balance on the impact, Dmitri stumbled a bit back, now sure that Mew had lost her marbles. Another hit came, then another. The crazy bitch was going to destroy an entire side of the damned ship at this rate! Snarling, he turned upward, shouting at her, "Mew-- STOP! You'll wreck the whole ship!" But he knew that only words wouldn't likely stop her. When his foster mother got in a rage, it took much, much more than shouting to stop her.

    Usually, it took blood.

    Growling, he fired up a Faint Attack around his body. Hopefully, it'd propell him next to Mew and he'd be able to knock some damned sense into her before they all drowned.

    [[Feel free to have it miss, darling.]]


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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:32 am

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    The S.S. Anne/B deck|Night

    Nyiera couldn't understand the hostility of the Flareon concerning her wound. After all it had been the fire types reckless aim that caused it, so one would think she would be more sympathetic if not guilty. But she acted like she didn't care who she hurt as long as she was the center of the universe. Rude. Hobbling up onto three legs she struggled to try and summon any kind of attack that might hurt this thing but Dmitri called out to her to stop. "Nyiera, go get somewhere safe--"

    "I'm done... I'm done with you, I'm done with ALL OF THIS"

    The Mew thing snapped. She went completely postal like the Umbreon had only seen a group of rogues called hagravens go and soon was tearing apart the ship, using the Metagross as a hammer. D-man did what he could to stop her but it seemed like his words fell on deaf ears so he began to glow with a move she herself liked to use. Feint Attack. But wasn't Mew a psychic? That move would hurt the already damaged kitty cat, but it wasn't like Nyiera could think of anything better herself. She was the reason Mew got hurt in the first place.

    "I'm sorry Mew..." she whispered. Maybe D-man was right, maybe she was too reckless.

    Age : 29
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:51 pm

    [Btw Duma, you shouldn't be able to see Jacobi since he is hidden from view.]
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    The S.S. Anne [B Deck] | Night
    9 | 9

    The child sits firmly with his eyes squeezed shut. Not gonna move. Not gonna move. Nope nope nope. The rings on his body glow the faintest of light, deserving only a passing glance against the darkness. The dull color was more like a wash of starlight in the night then luminescence from a Pokemon. His furry toes flex on the ground wanting to stand up and move. Distract yourself Jacobi.. There had to be something he could easily focus on instead of the other Pokemon on the deck. Oh! Home. Instantly the kit smiles, angling his face upward as he drifts into vivid memories. Tall dark trees with thick leaves, the scent of pine needles and bark outside his den. The smell of mama's fur when I would nap.. Taking a deep breath Jacobi opens his dull blue eyes half way. It sure would be nice to go home.

    Sitting alone ignoring the sounds of the others he can almost smell his home again. Almost feel the spongy grass and gentle breeze. Hear the flying types caw in the treetops. His tail swishes lightly against the deck when laughter and sickening crashes hit his large fluffy ears. "Wha, what!" The sounds continued, frightening him until his small body was shaking uncontrollably. Take me home.. please.. He pleads in his mind. Crouching into a type ball the child puts his paws on his ears and wraps his tail around himself. The very deck he rests on shakes with each crash and the Umbreon lets out a soft whine full of fear.

    Shoving hard against the hot metal surface the Flareon grows more and more irritated. No one was fucking helping her and by the sound of it Mew was flipping shit. Its high voice rings through her ears until a nerve pounds heavy against her head. As the Metagross starts to glow in a soft violet light Diana gasps and hops away on unsure footing. "Stay AWAY from me, dear! I told you. I'm. DONE" What, had the Legend never been injured before? Yeah it hurts, you fucking deal with it. A low growl rumbles deep in the fire types throat as she sweeps slowly across the deck. With Mew smashing the shit of the Metagross at least they wouldn't have to worry about it recovering and striking out at them again.

    With each strike the boat took more and more damage. The psychic had completely lost her sense and was now a danger to the rest of them. Passing the female Umbreon Diana can hear her whisper, "I'm sorry Mew..." She was apologizing for Mew being unable to cope? What the fuck?! The smashing sound suddenly seems so much louder, closer even. As Diana turns to see where the dual type weapon is her dull gold eyes go wide. The Metagross is only a few feet away, moving too fast with psychic force to avoid as it flies across the deck. The steel type continues moving and clips the Flareon, tossing her against the cabins entrance wall. The rusted steel scraped hard at her fur and slashes at her face, riddling it with lashes of pain. "You fucking shit faced bitch!" She spits, placing a paw over her bleeding cheek.

    "Mew-- STOP! You'll wreck the whole ship!" The male growled at Mew as though it was in the mood to listen. Prepping an attack to strike the legend there is a look of seriousness to his face. Well, more serious then normal. Yes, attack a Legend, that will get you far. The fresh wound screamed and seared under her paw as blood welled down onto her main. At least you have a type advantage. Growling and spitting from the pain Diana scowls at the male Umbreon, "Take it down!" Fire builds in her mouth from more then just rage but one glance at the downed female makes her stop. Hitting an Umbreon this time wouldn't be enjoyable. Smothering the flames as fast as she can Diana winces even harder as the pain intensifies against the heat.

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 22, 2013 5:42 pm

    ((Permission from Admins to make leaving posts while in SH))

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    The S.S. Anne/B deck|Night

    Biting back the yell of pain Nyiera forced herself to her feet. D-man was right, about everything, and on top of it he told her to get somewhere safe. Poor Mew looked like hell and it was all her fault, she did that to the pretty kitty and now she had to make up for it. But there was nothing she could do while suffering from a burn that kept her from moving well. Looking to Dmitri she decided to try and use one last attempt to let him know where she would be. He was one of her own, not just species but of the same guild. They were family even if they barely spoke to one another back then.

    As she struggled to the door she shot one last glance at the elder male Umbreon and her body glowed a soft pink. Her Psychic could allow her to speak to Dmitri without having to shout and give away any guild secrets so hopefully he was ready for it. It would be his only clue on how to find her, but it should be one he knew well. ~Dmitri, tell me...What is life's greatest illusion?~

    And with that she was gone.

    Age : 36
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon May 27, 2013 11:58 am

    Post 16

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    The S.S. Anne| B Deck| Night

    His chance to save what little of the ship's integrity was still there rode soley on whether his attack hit or not. And as he flew through the air, he realized that had Mew been a mere foot lower to the ground, he would have hit him. But as the attack reached its apex, he knew there was no chance. No hope. This ship was going to go down, all because of... well, the assholes that showed up. Falling back down to the now cracking, snapping deck, his mind raced to find some sort of other plan. His thoughts were rampant, constantly stumbling over the very sharp and demanding roars from the bulkhead caving. A safe ways away from the epicenter of the drama, he closed his eyes and allowed his mind to truly think. The ship had to be sinking now-- more so than it already was. His resources were all here, on the ship, but they were replaceable. The ship was a lost cause. They needed to leave.

    Opening his eyes once more, he shot a look to the others. "Get out of here. The ship's going to sink quickly, and unless you want to go see how that metagross is doing, I'd suggest leaving. Now." Glancing around, taking a final headcount, he saw a glimpse of his fellow umbreon. Standing the furthest from him, they locked eyes for a moment before he heard her voice in his head, in possibly the most serious tone he'd ever heard from her.

    ~Dmitri, tell me...What is life's greatest illusion?~

    For a moment, his heart stuttered, his eyes wide as they helplessly watched her disappear from view. The Guild... Was it still around? In reflex, his mouth muttered the reply, the screams of the steel pokemon and hull around him going quiet for just one moment.

    "...Innocence... my brother..."

    Flicking a quick gaze to the others, making no move to try and bid them a farewell, he darted after Nyiera. If she'd taken the time and effort to tell him that, to ask that question... then she had to know. She had to know what happened or where everyone else was... or if there was some hope of finding sanctuary in their old den. His feet paid no mind to the material values he was leaving to sink and rot underwater in the filthy red ocean; no, their only goal was to find her. Her, and his guildmates. His siblings. His brethren.

    [[It guts me to do this, but this is his leaving post. It was fun while it lasted, kids... ;n; hopefully, he'll be back someday.]]


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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:24 am

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    The S.S. Anne [B Deck] | Night
    10 | 10

    The little Umbreon tries to picture his old home in his mind. The forest was dark but beams of light still managed to filter through the tall pine and oak trees bringing life to the messy needle ridden floor. Most the shrubs there were spindly but those lucky enough to be in the sun would be lush and leafy, fragrant and wonderful to his senses. A bush filled with Oran berries practically right outside his thicket den was in season and full of fruit. Their skins warm in the sunlight just begging to be eaten. He can almost taste the sweet flavor when another tremor wracks the boat. Instantly he is broken out of his memories and filled with more terror. In a fit of panic the child bursts from his shelter, feeling too cramped in the small space.

    Breathing hard the child stares with eyes as wide as moons toward Mew. Her cute face was suddenly terrifying and the sound of her laughter seemed unnatural sending chills down his spine. With a scurry of black paws he backpedals and presses up against a stack of crates. A voice forces him to take his eyes off the Legend. "Get out of here. The ship's going to sink quickly, and unless you want to go see how that metagross is doing, I'd suggest leaving. Now." Nodding takes an immense amount of effort on the childs part. Fear causes his entire body to shake, rings suddenly glowing bright in the night air. Again he looks to the older of his species for reassurance only to find that he has gone. Swallowing hard the only thing Jacobi can make himself do is yell one word loud and clear. It isn't the one he had meant to say but it might of been better. "Diana!"

    Fire burning deep within the Flareon rages threatening to erupt without control. Her body was heating up with more then just anger as she watches the male, D-man or whatever the fuck his name was, vanish after Nyiera. Immediately she knows they wont be coming back but it isnt much of a loss to her. They were Umbreons after all. While the flames bubble inside her the Flareon tries to think of the best plan of action. Fuck that. It was too late for that. Flicking her long bangs over the injured side of her face Diana forces her way back to her paws. Her back screams with pain now from slamming against the cabin but she ignores it as fury is her only thought. That damned legend was trying to kill them all. Sure it had made two of the stupid fucking Umbreons leave but that didn't make up for the shit she was throwing down.

    Fury blinding her thoughts Diana glared down Mew. Her inferno cries and pleas to be set free inside her, building up in the Flareons muzzle. Holding it for only a moment her eyes go dark with malice, "Cut it the fuck out you bitch!" With a deep breathe she sends the super heated Flamethrower straight toward her. The flames rage and hiss, brightening the dark night with orange and yellow light. If they burned her, that was good. If it killed her, that was joy.

    Posts : 1464

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Mew Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:49 pm

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    S.S. Anne| Night
    Post 26
    The legend stiffened, a wave of pure malice washing over her mind, a concentrated ray of hate and malevolence directed at her, and only her bursting through her brain. She turned her head to the side, eyes still ablaze with Psionic energy, and stared at the small Flareon who was shouting at her. "Cut it the fuck out you bitch!" The small Eeveeloution flipped her bangs out of her eyes, and opened her mouth, loosing a searing blast of hellfire and sulfur towards the Psychic. The legends eyes grew wide as the inferno bore down upon her, and shouted with her mind as well as her voice, "BE GONE FROM HERE!"

    The legend spun in the air, skirting the edge of the fireball, and with a mental scream of exertion, launched the rusting and dented body of the Metagross (now barely sentient from the trauma brought upon it) through the center of the flames, and directly towards the originator of the hateful blast of heat. The beast Let out a short bellowing rumble of pain as its steel flesh was melted. It arced through the air towards the Flareon, who cried out an expletive and jumped to the side to avoid the slag that still twitched in a vaguely lifelike manner. The chunk of steel and iron impacted the hull of the ship with a shuddering boom, chunks of melt splashing around the enclosed space, followed by the sound of screaming water as the ocean forced it's way throuch the widening crack onto the corpse of the Metagross. Mew stared at the rapidly growing cloud of steam, and merely shook her head as she rose into the air, her form shimmering with a ghastly white light. As she rose through the hole in the deck, a golden Houndoom upon the surface of the ship opened it's jaws (To speak or attack, the Legend cared not), to which Mew responded by snapping it's neck with a quick burst of Telekinetic force. Her voice rang out behind her as the pink Dragonair took to the, away from this place that had brought her naught but anger. "I'm done. I'm done with all of you, and I'm done with this place."

    (permission was given to direct the actions of Diana to a small extent. I've also edited in, to some extent, the requested harbinger attack on Amber the Houndoom)
    [[It was a pleasure being on this team, but now I'm off to my next one]]


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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 3 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:37 pm

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    The S.S. Anne [B Deck] | Night
    11 | 11

    Jacobi scurried around the deck looking for anything that could protect him. Mother would always hide him away when bad things would attack but he had ruined his own hiding spot. Diana was attacking the threat, the hot flames illuminating the fear in his eyes. Staying close to her would be safe but what if he got in her way.. The Umbreons claws worked at the deck in frustration. What could he do! "BE GONE FROM HERE!" The harsh words wrecked his ears and mind before another would moments later.

    Diana couldn't move quite fast enough. The crushed in Metagross was too quick and managed to score her already aching back with sharp steel. "You piece of shit-" She spat, cut off by her head be dragged toward the deck. I giant crash and breaking sound mixed with heated pain in her ear shakes the boat. Letting out a loud bark of hate She trashes to get away from the expanding hole of the impact. The scent of blood, her blood, over burning metal and sea water send more anger through her body. It heated rapidly, boiling her blood and raging at the inferno within. Shaking her pain riddled head, sending a shower of crimson droplets, Diana fluffs up her mane. A hissing note was held in the air, barely audible over the rushing off water and creaking of the ship, as the Flareons body slowly cooled off along with her rage.

    Taking a deep breath to compose herself the wounded Flareon launches toward the rising shape of Mew. She had an eery glow to her which quickly changed to the shape of a Dragonair as a death cry pierced over the cacophony of noise. "I'm done. I'm done with all of you, and I'm done with this place." Holding another Flamethrower in, her body pleading to stop using the fiery attack, Diana knew the deranged Legend was too far away to hit. Better judgement slowly coming back she held her tongue. To send it off with another jibe would be asking for the same consequence as whatever died. Suddenly the pain in her body seemed greater, stealing her focus away while the Anne gave another hard shake.

    With a yelp of surprise the Flareon went toppling toward the expanding hole in the deck. Her forepaws barely managed to hold the edge, her upper body supported but lower dangling free over the water. Claws digging feebly for grip Diana's hindpaws scrabble and kicked at the air. Fuck meeee. Staring in horror Jacobi rushes to her side, limbs feeling weak and body trembling. "Diana! Diana no!" He was too small to pull her up or be of much use. Despite it the tiny Umbreon sank his teeth into her fluffy fur and pulled hard. His paws scooted the wrong way saying the Flareon was going to fall. No! A light bluish-purple aura coats the kit and Diana as he tugs. His muscles ache and entire body feels as if its under great pressure as he uses his Pyschic. Sure enough the fire type is moved forward enough to scramble on board where she dashes away.

    Reaching the corpse of some fucked up Houndoom she stops and must force herself to look back. Jacobi had stumbled backwards a fair ways and collapsed from the immense effort. It had been too much for him to take. As much as she hated to admit it, and hated the child, he might actually be useful to her after all. Leaving him on the boat would mean certain death by drowning and would be a waste of a resource. Grumbling to herself Diana quickly doubled back, gripping the kit roughly by the scruff, and bounded forward as fast as her paws would carry her.

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