Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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11 posters

    The SAFFRON Team


    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:57 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Saffron City||Copy Cats House||Morning(1)

    Ayumi yawned and stretched a bit as she awoke from her sleep.Checking for infected her body crackling with a low voltage Discharge as a shield.Finding none she was ready to leave the house before noticing a small clefairy doll one of its eyes missing."What is this I wonder?" the Luxray said. Something about the small plush seemed off to her so she decided to take it with her.With one last glance inside the ruined house she stepped out into the sunlight.

    'It's been quite a while since I felt so thrilled to be outside.'Ayumi thought to herself.She could sense that there were other living beings here and plenty of infected on the routes surrounding the city. However something else tugged at her mind about the plush she held in her mouth.Instead of worrying about it she decided to look around for the other creature here that was not infected.

    Last edited by CrimsonKat on Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:58 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : failing to place correct center tags)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:11 am

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    Saffron City/Morning (18)

    Hackyrus kept floating, he started to hear voices and crashing...Something was inside. His eyes turned a deep red as his jealously started to grow. Someone was on his territory!

    "Thr-Th-Thrrrrr-eat: Part-Parrssszzzzzsrt-Par-tially Iden-IdentZZZ-ti-Tified! Im-Im-Zzz-Mmidiate An-Ani-YYYYYYEEEEH-ihilation A-Acczzzzzzz-ccepted!"

    Although he stopped for a momment and started to think...what if the "Threat" was a living? What could he do with it? His eyes turned greenish with a tint of red and several numbers ran through his eyes, once it stopped his voice ringed again.

    Obs-erva-t-t-zzzzzzz-tion: What i-f b-beep-beep-beep-bizzzzzzz-eing is l-yyyYYYYYYEEEEEEH-iving? Answ-swer: Ani-Anihil-la-late and P-Per-r-rRRRYYYYEEEEEEH-rect it immidiatly!

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:24 am

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    Silph Co. Lobby/Morning/17th post
    Thr-Th-Thrrrrr-eat: Part-Parrssszzzzzsrt-Par-tially Iden-IdentZZZ-ti-Tified! Im-Im-Zzz-Mmidiate An-Ani-YYYYYYEEEEH-ihilation A-Acczzzzzzz-ccepted!
    Obs-erva-t-t-zzzzzzz-tion: What i-f b-beep-beep-beep-bizzzzzzz-eing is l-yyyYYYYYYEEEEEEH-iving? Answ-swer: Ani-Anihil-la-late and P-Per-r-rRRRYYYYEEEEEEH-rfect it immediately!

    The voice snapped.

    The grimy lights flashed to a dim life to reveal a squad of Infected Pokemon: A Sceptile, three Grovyle, and 15 Treecko.
    The Sceptile screeched once more.

    (note: The Sceptile did not cause the semi-frozen words on the wall, that was something else. )

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:55 pm

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    Saffron City||Streets||Morning(2)

    Ayumi's mouth twisted into a slight grin although she still held the doll in her mouth.She had a feeling that the doll was important in some way, so important that lack of mobility made it worth the while to carry it around.Looking about before setting off a high voltage discharge around her as a shield against weaker attackers she set off in search of the other living.

    Bounding through the streets of Saffron, the infected amusing slightly when they attempted to force their way into her shield killing themselves.Ayumi's flashed red often as she looked through buildings looking for the living until she came to the front entrance of Silph Co.

    Her vision noted her of many infected but one living being.'I supposed I should help it out, maybe it knows where there is food.'Ayumi thought to herself.For a moment she stood and pondered before taking action, doll still in her mouth she forced her way into the building to confront the large group.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:56 am

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    Saffron City/Morning (19)

    Seeing the great ammount of grass types of the same evolutionary line, Hackyrus tilted his head in confusion...He knew that something was wrong and started to process the information into his frame thinking.

    "Obss--zzzZSSservat-t-tion: Gr-ass types al-rrrrr-ready perrr-RRRYEEEEH-fected have t-taken over S-Silph Co. Analyzis...AB-SSZZZURR-RYYYEEEEEEEHD IDEA! Possib-b-bilities of ty-ypes that could t-take over this bui-ildi-ding: Ghost; D-Dar-rk; Elect-rRYYYEEEH-ric; S-te-el; some specific no-rmal. A-nihi-lation of Per-RRRYYYYEEEEREEEH-fec-ted Gras-ZZZZZZZ Ty-pes ac-szzzsss-cepted.

    in rage for the absurd idea of grass types taking over the main headquarters of his territory made th eporygon boil with rage to the point he shot several Discharge attacks although doing little damage. He analyzed the situation and realized that his electric attack did nothing...So he took a different approach and used his newest attack...Tri Attack.

    A yellow orb symbolizing electricity, a red orb symbolizing fire, and a blue orb symbolizing Ice started to spin slowly around Hackyrus, the orbs linked themselves together with energy lines and he shot a powerful blast from the center of the formed Triangle of Ice, Fire and Electricity mixed together blasting away the leader.

    "WARNING: If you sur-vive-d this a-t-t-ttack. LEAVE N-N-NOW or y-you shall be DESTROYYYEEEED."

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:27 am

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    Silph Co. Lobby/Morning/18th post
    Hackyrus's Tri Attack, unexpectedly, hit stronger than expected.
    The remnants of the attack- the Sceptile, 2 Grovyle, and 7 Treecko, were not amused with the loss of their comrades. The Treecko and Grovyle fled as the Sceptile, boiling with rage, unleashed its strongest attack.
    (note: Outrage is a tutor move for Sceptile in HG/SS)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:07 pm

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    Silph Co. Lobby||Morning(3)

    Ayumi watched for a moment when the Porygon who appeared to be infected attack the grass types.It seemed to be angry at them nothing more.She noticed the Snivy as well it was living or at least it appeared to be. When Ayumi noticed the Outrage attack being unleashed she jump at the Sceptile and shoved her tail into one of its wounds and used a very powerful Thunder attack.

    The black electricity crackled and large bolts of it crackled around the wound her tail was in as the Sceptile was being electrocuted.Even as resistant as they were to electricity nothing could survive an attack when it was cooking them from within, if it wasn't dead it was at the very least very weakened.

    Ayumi leaped away from the creature and away from its group her body still giving off a powerful Discharge shield.Ayumi set the doll down for a moment her eyes flashed red indicating she was looking through it and what she saw made her amused. Tearing open the back of the toy she nosed around in the stuffing before lifting her head away a stone in her jaws.Ayumi had heard about stones like this and knew it was to good an opportunity to miss."This Wishing Stone is mine." Ayumi said with a low warning growl.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:26 pm

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    Saffron City/Morning (20)

    Hackyrus was hit by the Outrage attack flying back, but he quickly got up and his eyes started to glow as he prepared a new attack for the Sceptile.

    "Warning not taken. Target as survived and ignored. EMIDIATE ANIHILAT--"

    Before he could finish a red Luxray suddenly dashed past him and attacked the Sceptile...Hackyrus was paralyzed seeing that...He twitched remembering how they stole his kill back in Johto...Hackyrus screeched loudly as he shot the Tri Attack through the barelly living corpse of the infected Sceptile.

    His red eyes than focused on the Luxray as it started to dart of, he seemed to be panting heavily.
    "Target Aquired. Misscolored Luxray...Name: Unknown...Level: Possibility of 60 or 70...Action: Stole Kill...EMIDIATE ANIHILATION!"
    Hackyrus flew after the Luxray swearing DEATH and destruction uppon it.

    He saw the Luxray holding something...he scanned the object and ran a check on his memory, he was able to find a file about ancient artifacts, realizing that was one of the Wishing Stones from Jirachi...The Luxray stole his kill, it's only fair he shall steal the stone. Shooting a Discharge followed by a Tri-Attack at the stone Hackyrus darted towards it to grab it and steal from it.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 30, 2011 9:25 pm

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    Silph Co. Lobby/Morning/19th post
    What Yue saw next caused shock... literally. A red Luxray strutted through the doorway, watched for a while, then she saw the Sceptile explode into rage. The Luxray leaped over it rather calmly, plugged her tail into one of the Sceptile's wounds, and flared a discharge attack. The Porygon there was very territorial- She knew that from experience.
    Hackyrus took a moment to process this- then finally shot a Tri Attack at the fried Sceptile corpse. It then proceeded to use Discharge, attempting to injure the Luxray. Yue, then, became conscious of the absence of Shark's goggles. "The goggles!" She then became aware of Hackyrus's anger problems, and then proceeded to attack. Attract wouldn't have an affect, there was no way she could Glare it into paralyzation, so she had to use Razor Leaf. This was slightly different though- the leaves swirled into a beautifully green tornado, so beautiful yet deadly-sharp. The tornado collided with the Porygon, sending it sliding across the room and changing the path of the fired Tri Attack.
    "Luxray! Whatever your name is, stay away from it! It's much too territorial!"

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:58 am

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    Silph co. lobby||Morning(4)

    Ayumi smirked and in a flash the stone was gone, she swallowed it.Then she looked towards the Snivy and spoke "I'm not worried I can take care of myself but thanks." Ayumi's voice was cold and emotionless yet captivating as well.After all her high pain tolerence mixed with her skills made her a very powerful ally and foe.

    (OOC-short post be short because I have no idea what else to say.As far as I know Yue re-routed the attacks so I hope its not godmoding.)

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:52 am

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    Saffron City/Morning (21)

    A weak shot of some sort of pretty sharp leaves hit him...He turned towards the grass type pokemon and scanned it. With a blink of his eyes he tilted his head.

    "Gra-zzzz-ss t-t-type spe-ciezzz-cimen...Fe-m-male...Lev-el-l 16...At-t-tem-zzzz-pted to ssssssh-top Ma-in Pr-rrrr-ogr-rrrr-am by at-tacking."

    Hackyrus screeched loudly as if laughing and shot a discharge to attack both the Luxray and the Snivy. His attentions quickly turned back to the Luxray as he darted towards her. Time for revenge.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:45 am

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    Silph Co. Lobby/Morning/20
    Yue's attack managed to only scratch him.
    "Grr... I can't do... Hmm..."
    Yue scanned her surroundings-
    A rotting Sceptile...
    A funny looking statue...
    It was snowing outside!
    She was hit by Discharge pretty badly, but was too excited to notice. She dashed out the door to grab a pawful of snow and deliver a sound PAF noise to Hackyrus's head with some snow.
    "Yo, Porygon!" Yue was tossing a snowball in her hand.
    "Can ya take a snowball fight?"

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:21 pm

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    Silph co. lobby||early afternoon(5)

    Ayumi smirked electrical attacks barely affected her due to her being an electrical type herself."Is that really the best you've got?"Ayumi asked rather un-amused. That was until she noticed the Snivy throw a snowball. Ayumi smiled lightly at this and decided the make one as well. Only she didn't throw hers she gave it to the snivy.Ayumi then sat by the snivy watching the porygon for any signs of reaction.

    Posts : 580

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Jirachi Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:06 pm

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    Silph co. Lobby | Afternoon

    She had sensed another Wishing Stone here. Jirachi swooped down, entering the building through a broken window only to find an unusually coloured Luxray, an infected Porygon, and a Snivy. She frowned, detecting the stone from somewhere inside the Luxray.

    She carefully floated towards the Luxray, staying in the sky to make sure that if something going to harm her, she has distance. "Excuse me, do you have a wishing stone?" she asked.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:27 am

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    Saffron City/Morning (22)

    Being hit by snow didn't fazed much the virtual pokemon, he barelly flinched. His head rotated towards outside.
    Cur-rent Wea-ther: S-SZZZZ-ZZZZSnow...P-Pos-sZZZZZZsibi-biiii-bi-bil-bility: Ext-rrrryyy-remely ina-propr-iate...Furth-er a-nalysis will be pr-rrrrr-oceeded af-ffffter anihi-l-la-aaaaalat-t-tion.

    He proceeded to move closer...but something came up to his target. It was start shaped, looked barelly humanoid and had tags on it's head.
    Sub-j-ject: Jir-RYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEH-rachi the W-i-i-ish Pok-k-emon...Cons-zzzzzzzzzz-equences of it's Per-r-RYYYYYYYYEEEEE-E-E-EH-EEEH-rfection or An-ihi-hi-hi-hi-lati-on: Gr-rrrr-eat boosssshhhhhsszzzhhhshhhhh-st overrrr p-rrrrssssshhhh-ride mo-rals and res-pect. Sending Request. Req-uest Sent. Answer?: Con-sszzzz-sider Ji-rachi as a tar-g-g-get as well...

    The Porygon's eyes flashed and shot his most powerfull attack yet. Tri Attack, towards Jirachi. Followed by shooting 2 more towards the others, he would be known as the one that took down a legend...The bare thought made him nearly green...It was times like this that he wanted to show his superiors how good he was...but who were his superiors?

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:38 pm

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    Outside Silph Co./Afternoon/21
    Yue was given a snowball by the Luxray. "Thank you."
    Yue was about to fling another snowball at Hackyrus when she noticed the Jirachi.
    "Excuse me, do you have a wishing stone?" The Jirachi had asked.
    Yue just stared.
    "You're sparkly," Yue said after a pause.
    She then proceeded to dodge Hackyrus's Tri Attack and threw another snowball at it.
    "Hmmmp, you're getting easier... I thought this would be a challenge..." She muttered.

    (XD sorry, I just HAD to make Yue say that.)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:01 am

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    Silph co. Lobby||Afternoon(6)

    "Excuse me do you have a wishing stone?"The newcomer, obviously Jirachi asked her.Ayumi smiled and nodded then taking note of the Porygon's attack she grabbed Jirachi and moved her out of the way of the attack."Yeah I have one."Ayumi answered with a smirk setting the wish pokemon down out of harms way.Ayumi then began to gag inducing vomiting since she had swallowed the stone.

    Before long Ayumi had forcefully upchucked the stone onto the floor in front of Jirachi."That was...slightly more uncomfortable than I thought it would have been."Ayumi said with a slight smirk.Wiping her face she picked up the stone off the floor and held it out to the wish pokemon.

    Posts : 580

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Jirachi Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:48 pm

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    Silph co. Lobby | Afternoon

    "You're sparkly," Jirachi blinked. Then smiled. "Um... Thanks?" she laughed. She turned to the Luxray, whom grabbed her and moved her out of the way of a Tri Attack from the infected. A bit annoyed, she lifted her hand into the air, as a blue ball of electricity formed, it suddenly vanished. She had activated a Future Sight upon the undead.

    "Yeah I have one." The Pokemon before began to gag up the stone, in which Jirachi merely held a Poker Face on as she waited patiently. It was disgusting, to say the least, as she finally finished gagging up the Wishing Stone. "That was...slightly more uncomfortable than I thought it would have been." The Wishmaker nodded numbly, using psychic powers to gently scooch the stone towards her, and clean the rock up.

    After it was clean, she picked it up, adding it to her collection of Wish Stones. She looked to Ayumi, curiously. "Do you have a wish?"
    Dearly Departed
    Dearly Departed

    Posts : 101

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Shaymin Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:03 pm

    [Sorry to everyone that I'm disrupting any roleplaying here, but I'm going to point some certain stuff out for the sake of you guys and the one person that notified me about the situation;

    1. Saffron City, it could possibly snow. However I really doubt, that the snow would fall quickly enough to have you guys be able to form Snowballs. Please disregard the snowball fight.

    2. The Porygon has been throwing attacks at you guys, yet you keep dodging; stop dodging. At least fight and not take the fight lightly. If I see ONE more dodge of an attack, I will, WILL, make another note of this and possibly get a Harbringer for Godmod.

    And I'm sorry if I sound so harsh ;; Not a good day today.
    And no, you don't have to entirely change your posts. Just change the fact you had snowballs and such.

    Enjoy your day~]


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    ~Shaymin~LegendII~RP Mod~Warning Mod Fill in~

    We still can't see the future in the shimmering heart.
    As we grow up, where are we headed?

    You are the one, by being an irreplaceable friend~


    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:55 am

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    Saffron City/Morning (23)

    The Porygon's rage started to boile as he was being ignored, he analyzed the types of the 3 pokemon...Grass, Electric, Steel and Psychic...He had to find a type that could aid him...Electric would be good agains steel and grass but the Luxray would be a problem. His eyes focused even more scanning the Pokemon for their attacks...Nothing either...He could only hope to Paralyze, Burn or Frozen them.

    Identify Weak-nessssssszzzzzzzses...Poss-ssszzzssshhhhhhh-ibil-l-li-ities... Ice...F-Fire...Ele-le-leeeec-ctr-rrrr-icity... Targ-g-get's locked...Sear-r-RRYEEH-ching. Found: One with F-Fire; O-t-Oooo-t-ther with no-ne; O-One with I-Ice and Fire...Targ-get's Lock-ed a-a-a-a-nd Load-d-ded. FIRE!!!
    He shot a Tri Attack yet again to the Luxray but attempted to shoot the Legendary with 2 Tri Attacks, his eyes were starting to glow faintly, he seemed to become tired as his floating was starting to turn to close to the ground...The constant use of Tri Attacks was making him tired.

    But that wouldn't stop his pride...The Pride of being a mere First Stage infected...Defeating a Legendary...This would be glorious!

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:02 pm

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    Silph co./Afternoon/22
    Yue sighed. "I have no buisness with you, Porygon. I don't wish to fight anymore." She threw the small, soggy snowball in her hand away.
    The Porygon fired its attacks at the Luxray and the Jirachi.
    She walked calmly up to the Sceptile corpse to see if it had something- a tool necessary to proceed. A quick search revealed a card embedded in its leg. "Aha."
    She walked up to the elevator, quickly swiped the card and waited as the elevator door shuddered open.
    "I'm going to a higher floor... Who's coming?"

    He shot a Tri Attack yet again to the Luxray but attempted to shoot the Legendary with 2 Tri Attacks, his eyes were starting to glow faintly, he seemed to become tired as his floating was starting to turn to close to the ground...The constant use of Tri Attacks was making him tired.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:41 am

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    Silph co. Lobby||Afternoon(7)

    Ayumi hissed is anger at the Porygon.She didn't have time to deal with it nor did she wish to.Wincing slightly as the tri-attack burned at her fur she was beginning to feel faint but she refused to let that keep her.In her fury Ayumi let off a discharge before leaping to take the nearest tri-attack fired at Jirachi.Hissing again only this time in pain instead of in anger. She blindly shot off a discharge and a thunder attack hoping either would hit the porygon and at the very least paralyze it.

    Completely disregarding the Snivy, Ayumi looked at Jirachi her eyes filled with nothing but rage upon realization."My wish...You couldn't even grant my wish if you wanted to."Ayumi hissed. Then she leaped at it claws and fangs bared hoping to leave a scar that would forever remind Jirachi of how foolish it was.

    Posts : 580

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Jirachi Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:20 pm

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    Silph co. Lobby | Afternoon

    "Identify Weak-nessssssszzzzzzzses...Poss-ssszzzssshhhhhhh-ibil-l-li-ities... Ice...F-Fire...Ele-le-leeeec-ctr-rrrr-icity... Targ-g-get's locked...Sear-r-RRYEEH-ching. Found: One with F-Fire; O-t-Oooo-t-ther with no-ne; O-One with I-Ice and Fire...Targ-get's Lock-ed a-a-a-a-nd Load-d-ded. FIRE!!!" Jirachi instictively covered herself with her streamers and hands as the Tri Attack began a straight beeline for her. She awaited for the pain, but it never came. She carefully opened her eyes to find that the Luxray had taken the hits for her.

    Suddenly, the Luxray turned to her, growling. "My wish...You couldn't even grant my wish if you wanted to." Then in a flash Jirachi felt herself being slammed onto the wall with a powerful swipe. Blood oozed from the claw marks upon her third eye. She winced. Carefully she opened her eyes, staring down at herself, before replying. "Yeah. You're right. But I can at least try to grant something, try to make someone happy." she muttered darkly. Pain was coursing through her veins, but so was fury.

    "But if you want to attack, and be ungrateful for the effort I am putting in now... Then so be it." she spat. The Wishmaker was absolutely furious now, and suddenly she launched an orange sphere in the air. Immediately it exploded, forming large meteorites that fell within the building, destroying the desks, chairs, floor, etc. More meteors rained down, directly aimed at both the Luxray and Porygon. She would not harm the Snivy, the Snivy had no part in this.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:23 am

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    Saffron City/Morning (24)

    His system was starting to become weak, he was able to dodge the Discharge attack from the Luxray, but as he kept moving the Thunder electrocuted one of his feet overloading it.
    "Sys-t-tem faiiiiishhhhhhh-lure. Dam-age ca-t-tast-rrrrr-rophic on la-nd mob-il-l-e u-ni-te."

    He looked towards them and was about to yet again attack them as the Jirachi started to preform a powerful attack as an orb raised towards the ceiling and made meteors rain down hitting against him hard his pieces were flunged and thrown around across the room, his head laid on the ground unconsious.
    "Dam-age Catas-tro-phic on a-ll u-nites...Atte-mpt recha-a-ar-ge..."

    After a few minutes his eyes light up, but he was still too weak to join himself all together, his head crawled through the ground trying to reach a computer that survived the legendarie's wrath...sooner or later he would have his revenge.

    The SAFFRON Team - Page 5 Empty Re: The SAFFRON Team

    Post by Guest Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:33 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Silph Co. Lobby/Afternoon/23
    "Hmm... No one else? Just me?" Yue was in the elevator, holding the door open button.
    "Yeah. You're right. But I can at least try to grant something, try to make someone happy..."
    Ayumi had attacked the Jirachi. Who would be bold enough-and so reckless- to attack a LEGENDARY?! Yue thought.
    Jirachi mentioned a wish... Hmm...
    "But if you want to attack, and be ungrateful for the effort I am putting in now... Then so be it."
    Yue suddenly felt tremors on the ground. The Jirachi was furious now. Meteors were raining from the ceiling in a flurried rage.
    Well... I have a wish.
    Hackyrus was hit full-force by a meteor and his blocks scattered.
    I'm not sure if I should say anything. It's possible I can do it.
    "Dam-age Catas-tro-phic on a-ll u-nites...Atte-mpt recha-a-ar-ge..." Hackyrus managed to moan.
    It is a wish... And Jirachi is the Wish-maker... Something about awakening every 1000 years. I better seize my chance.
    "Excuse me, uh, Jirachi. If she won't have a wish, may I?"

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